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In development, T cells first express their antigen receptors in the thymus, where they may undergo selection processes leading to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction and tolerance. A high proportion of thymocytes are thought to fail this selection in some way and to be destined for intrathymic death. These cells are categorized as the cortical type since they constitute most of the cortical cells; they express both CD4 and CD8 antigens but only very low levels of MHC class I antigens. One suggested cause of thymocyte death is a failure to produce a functional T cell receptor (Tcr) due to errors in the rearrangements of germline DNA, resulting in V regions being absent or incorrectly spliced to the other segments of the transcribed gene. We have sequenced from the C region through to the V region of 14 rat Tcr chain clones isolated from thymocyte cDNA libraries. Of the 14, 13 have complete and correct rearrangements, whereas one was expressed from an unrearranged gene. Most of these clones are likely to be derived from the cortical population, for Northern blot analysis showed that these cells and total thymocytes expressed similar amounts of chain mRNA.Furthermore, the RNA from cortical-type cells contained a very similar ratio of full-length to truncated chain mRNA as did activated thymocytes and mature T lymphocytes. The data imply that defective chain gene rearrangement is not a major cause of failure in the selection of thymocytes. The sequences of the rat Tcr and chain constant regions are also reported.  相似文献   

The TRIM5α restriction factor can protect some species of monkeys, but not humans, from HIV infection. It has also emerged that some monkeys have a cyclophilin A domain retrotransposed into the TRIM5 locus resulting in the expression of a TRIMCyp protein with anti-retroviral activity. A high degree of sequence variation in the primate TRIM5 gene has been reported that varies between populations of rhesus macaques, a widely used non-human primate model of HIV/AIDS, and recently shown to correlate with susceptibility to simian immunodeficiency viruses in this species. Cynomolgus macaques are also used widely in HIV research. A non-indigenous population on Mauritius has highly restricted genetic diversity compared with macaques from Indonesia. The relative allelic diversity of TRIM5α and TRIMCyp within these two sub-populations may impact on the susceptibility of the macaques to simian immunodeficiency virus thereby influencing the outcome of studies using these monkeys. We sought to establish the genetic diversity of these alleles in cynomolgus macaques. We identified seven TRIM5α alleles in Indonesian macaques, three of which are novel, but only three in the Mauritian-origin macaques. Strikingly, 87% of Indonesian, but none of the Mauritian macaques, possessed a retrotransposed Cyp domain. A splice acceptor site single-nucleotide polymorphism that allows formation of a TRIMCyp protein was absent for the TRIM5α alleles found in the Mauritian macaques. The level of allelic diversity reported here is greater than previously proposed for cynomolgus macaque species.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the preparation of extensively purified β-d-glucosidase (EC from the cytosol fraction of rat kidney. The specific activity of the β-glucosidase in the high speed supernatant (100 000 × g, 90 min) fraction of rat kidney homogenate is 700-fold greater than that in the same fraction from heart, skeletal muscle, lung, spleen, brain or liver. β-Glucosidase activity co-chromatographs with β-d-galactosidase, β-d-fucosidase, α-l-arabinosidase and β-d-xylosidase activities through the last four column steps of the purification and their specific activities are 0.26, 0.39, 0.028 and 0.017 relative to that of β-glucosidase, respectively. The specific activity of the apparently homogeneous β-glucosidase is 115 000 nmol of glucose released from 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-glucopyranoside per mg protein per h. All five glycosidase activities possess similar pH dependency (pH optimum, 6–7) and heat lability, and co-migrate on polyacrylamide disc gels at ph 8.9 (RF, 0.67). β-Glucosidase activity is inhibited competitively by glucono-(1 → 5)-lactone (KI, 0.61 mM) and non-competitively by a variety of sulfhydryl reagents including N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, 5,5′-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and iodoacetic acid. Although the enzyme will release glucose from p-nitrophenyl and 4-methylumbelliferyl derivatives of β-d-glucose, it will not hydrolyze xylosyl-O-serine, β-d-glucocerebroside, lactose, galactosylovalbumin or trehalose. The enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 50 000–58 000, has a sedimentation coefficient of 4.41 S and contains a relatively large number of acidic amino acids. A study of the distribution of β-glucosidase activity in various regions of the dissected rat kidney indicates that the enzyme is probably contained in cells of the proximal convulated tubule. The enzyme is also present in relatively large ammounts in the villus cells, but not crypt cells, of the intestine. the physiological subtrates and function of the enzyme are unknown.  相似文献   

de Franco FF  Kuhn GC  de Sene FM  Manfrin MH 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):287-295
In this study, we have compared 34 repetition units of pBuM-2 satellite DNA of individuals from six isolated populations of Drosophila gouveai, a cactophilic member of Drosophila buzzatii cluster (repleta group). In contrast to the results of previous morphological and molecular data, which suggest differentiation among the D. gouveai populations, the sequences and the cluster analysis of pBuM-2 monomers showed that this repetitive element is highly conserved among the six D. gouveai populations (97.8% similarity), indicating a slow rate of evolution of pBuM-2 sequences at the population level. Probably, some homogenization mechanisms of tandem sequences, such as unequal crossing or gene conversion, have maintained the sequence similarity of pBuM-2 among D. gouveai populations. Alternatively, such a result may be associated with a functional role of pBuM-2 sequences, although it is not understood at present.  相似文献   

A β-galactoside-binding activity has been detected in mammalian brain extracts using a hemagglutination test and a nerve cell aggragation assay. Inhibition studies suggested the involvement of lectin-carbohydrate interactions in these processes. In an attempt to explore further the biological role of brain lectins, the β-galactoside-binding activity has been purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine and rat brain by salt extraction of the brain tissue and affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-agarose. The molecular weights determined by gel filtration, under native conditions on Ultrogel AcA-34, were 30 000 for the bovine brain lectin and 32 000 for the rat brain lectin; polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS gave molecular weights of 15 000 and 16 000, respectively, suggesting that the two brain lectins are dimers. Both lectins have an isoelectric point of 3.9. Amino acid composition data indicate that both lectins contain high proportions of glycine and acidic amino acids. The lectins are specific for β-D-galactosides and related sugars and the configuration of carbon atoms 1, 2 and 4 seems of primary importance. Moreover, the nerve cell aggregation-promoting activity of the purified lectin is 300-fold that of the crude extracts.  相似文献   

Summary The construction and molecular analysis of four recombinant clones — pTa1, pTa2, pTa7, and pTa8 — is described. The four clones contain different highly repeated sequences of genomic DNA from Triticum aestivum variety Chinese Spring. The wheat specificity has been determined by colony and dot blot hybridization in comparison with total rye DNA (Secale cereale variety Petka). The four clones with a variable degree of specificity were compared by sequence analysis after the recloning of wheat DNA inserts into M13 mp8. Within the sequencing data a tendency can be observed that those repeated sequences which show the highest degree of species specificity contain a significantly increased amount of GC residues.  相似文献   

Two intestinal bacterial strains MT4s-5 and MT42 involved in the degradation of (?)-epigallocatechin (EGC) were isolated from rat feces. Strain MT4s-5 was tentatively identified as Adlercreutzia equolifaciens. This strain converted EGC into not only 1-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl)propan-2-ol (1), but also 1-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl)propan-2-ol (2), and 4′-dehydroxylated EGC (7). Type strain (JCM 9979) of Eggerthella lenta was also found to convert EGC into 1. Strain MT42 was identified as Flavonifractor plautii and converted 1 into 4-hydroxy-5-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)valeric acid (3) and 5-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone (4) simultaneously. Strain MT42 also converted 2 into 4-hydroxy-5-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)valeric acid (5), and 5-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone (6). Furthermore, F. plautii strains ATCC 29863 and ATCC 49531 were found to catalyze the same reactions as strain MT42. Interestingly, formation of 2 from EGC by strain MT4s-5 occurred rapidly in the presence of hydrogen supplied by syntrophic bacteria. Strain JCM 9979 also formed 2 in the presence of the hydrogen or formate. Strain MT4s-5 converted 1, 3, and 4 to 2, 5, and 6, respectively, and the conversion was stimulated by hydrogen, whereas strain JCM 9979 could catalyze the conversion only in the presence of hydrogen or formate. On the basis of the above results together with previous reports, the principal metabolic pathway of EGC and EGCg by catechin-degrading bacteria in gut tract is proposed.  相似文献   

Suzuki N  Shichiri M  Tateno T  Sato K  Hirata Y 《Peptides》2011,32(4):805-810
Salusin-α and salusin-β are multifunctional bioactive peptides that were initially predicted using in silico analyses. These peptides should be concomitantly biosynthesized from prosalusin in humans. However, little information is available yet on the biosynthesis and mode of presence of salusin-α and salusin-β in non-human species. In the present study, we examined whether salusin-α and salusin-β are conserved in the rat and whether salusin-α and salusin-β show distinct systemic distributions. Immunohistochemical analysis of rat tissues using a specific anti-rat salusin-α antibody detected immunoreactivity extensively in neuronal cells and fibers, and abundantly in the epithelial tissues throughout the organs. This distribution contrasts sharply with that of salusin-β, which is mainly localized to the neuroendocrine and hematopoietic systems. Western blot analysis of rat spleen extracts showed the presence of cleaved fragments corresponding to putative rat salusin-α. Reverse-phase and gel filtration high performance liquid chromatography analyses coupled with radioimmunoassay detection of rat urine extracts revealed a major immunoreactive component that co-eluted with synthetic putative rat salusin-β. These data support the processing of rat prosalusin into salusin-α and salusin-β despite absent dibasic amino acids between the two.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclei contain a 29-nucleotides-long RNA (fr 3-RNA) which is transcribed from middle repetitive DNA sequences. By Southern analysis of restriction fragments of rat albumin and α-fetoprotein genomic clones, DNA sequences complementary to this RNA were detected on a 4.6 kbp EcoRI fragment located 600 bp downstream from the termination exon of the albumin gene and on a 2 kbp EcoRI-HindIII fragment located 10 kbp downstream from the restriction fragment containing the α-fetoprotein site. No sequence complementary to this RNA was found either in the introns of exons of both genes or in the regions extending 7 kbp upstream from the first albumin exon and 10 kbp upstream of the first α-fetoprotein exon. We concluded that sequences complementary to fr 3-RNA are present at the 3′-end flanking regions of the rat albumin and α-fetoprotein gene complexes.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of purified recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF , 4–8g) in conscious rats, produced increases in colonic temperature (1.0°C) and resting oxygen consumption (VO2, 14%) which were maximal after 80–90 minutes. Pretreatment with propranolol (10mg/kg s.c) significantly inhibited the rise in VO2, and prevented the increase in body temperature. Icv injection of an antagonist to corticotropin releasing factor (-helical CRF 9-41, 25 g), which prevents the pyrogenic and thermogenic actions of interleukin-1, did not influence the effects of TNF on temperature or VO2. Injection of a fragment of TNF (113–130 amino acid sequence) did not affect body temperature or VO2. TNF injection (icv) significantly increased brown adipose tissue (BAT)in vitro mitochondrial GDP binding, and this effect was slightly inhibited, but not prevented, by surgical denervation of the tissue, and was unaffected by pretreatment with -helical CRF 9-41. These data indicate that TNF can stimulate thermogenesis by a direct central action. The effects are largely, but not totally, dependent on the sympathetic nervous system but, unlike the thermogenic actions of interleukin they do not require release of CRF.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a DNA polymerase β from the Trypanosoma cruzi Miranda clone, belonging to the TcI lineage, was cloned (Miranda Tcpolβ), using the information from eight peptides of the T. cruzi β-like DNA polymerase purified previously. The gene encodes for a protein of 403 amino acids which is very similar to the two T. cruzi CL Brener (TcIIe lineage) sequences published, but has three different residues in highly conserved segments. At the amino acid level, the identity of TcI-polβ with mitochondrial polβ and polβ-PAK from other trypanosomatids was between 68–80% and 22–30%, respectively. Miranda Tc-polβ protein has an N-terminal sequence similar to that described in the mitochondrial Crithidia fasciculata polβ, which suggests that the TcI-polβ plays a role in the organelle. Northern and Western analyses showed that this T. cruzi gene is highly expressed both in proliferative and non-proliferative developmental forms. These results suggest that, in addition to replication of kDNA in proliferative cells, this enzyme may have another function in non-proliferative cells, such as DNA repair role similar to that which has extensively been described in a vast spectrum of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

M. Steinemann 《Chromosoma》1976,54(4):339-348
The DNA of Drosophila virilis brains and imaginal discs was labeled in vitro to a specific activity of 6 X 10(-5) dpm/mug, using an organ culture medium. The DNA was fractionated on neutral and alkaline CsC1 gradients and the heavy strands of satellite I annealed in situ to denatured polytene chromosomes from squash preparations of larval salivary glands. Nuclease S1 from Aspergillus oryzae was used to digest the unpaired ssDNA, resulting in a distinct labeling of the alpha-heterochromatin in the chromocenter and a small amount of diffused labeling in the proximal beta-heterochromatic part of the X-Chromsome.  相似文献   

Neutral buffer-insoluble proteins extracted from newborn rat epidermis with alkaline urea have been purified by chromatography on Sephadex G-150 columns run in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Two proteins with apparent molecular weights of 60 000 and 68 000, respectively have been isolated and characterized. Spectropolarimetric studies show both of them to be α-helical in contrast to the non-helical heavier and lighter species also solubilized with alkaline urea. The amino acid composition of the two proteins, their electrophoretic behavior and their immunological characteristics are essentially identical. Both proteins appear to be major constituents of rat epidermal tonofilaments.  相似文献   

The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is useful as a nonhuman primate model of human diseases. Although the marmoset model has great potential for studying autoimmune diseases and immune responses against pathogens, little information is available regarding the genes involved in adaptive immunity. Here, we identified one TCR α constant (TRAC), 46 TRAJ (joining), and 35 TRAV (variable) segments from marmoset cDNA. Marmoset TRAC, TRAJ, and TRAV shared 80%, 68–100%, and 79–98% identity with their human counterparts at the amino acid level, respectively. The amino acid sequences were less conserved in TRAC than in TCRβ chain constant (TRBC). Comparative analysis of TRAV between marmosets and humans showed that the rates of synonymous substitutions per site (d S ) were not significantly different between the framework regions (FRs) and complementarity determining regions (CDRs), whereas the rates of nonsynonymous substitutions per site (d N ) were significantly lower in the FRs than in CDRs. Interestingly, the d N values of the CDRs were greater for TRBV than TRAV. These results suggested that after the divergence of Catarrhini from Platyrrhini, amino acid substitutions were decreased in the FRs by purifying selection and occurred more frequently in CDRβ than in CDRα by positive selection, probably depending on structural and functional constraints. This study provides not only useful information facilitating the investigation of adaptive immunity using the marmoset model but also new insight into the molecular evolution of the TCR heterodimer in primate species.  相似文献   

A full length cDNA named HongrES1 was isolated and cloned by screening rat epididymis cDNA library using a mouse EST as a probe and 5‘RACE followed. It contained 1590bp nucleotides and its predicted protein had 415 amino acid residues including a serpin (serine protease inhibitor) conserved domain. Tissue distribution pattern showed it was specifically expressed in adult rat epididymis; moreover, in situ hybridyza-tion indicated this gene was expressed in a limited region of the cauda epididymis near vas deference. Such kind of expression pattern sugested that HongrES1 had potential function in male reproduction.  相似文献   

The existence of two cryptic species within strains of the wood-decaying fungus Fomes fomentarius was revealed recently based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variability. In this study for the first time the sequences of another molecular markers, partial translation elongation factor 1-α (efa) region and partial 25S large subunit ribosomal RNA gene were obtained and used to evaluate genetic variability of F. fomentarius. Congruent phylogeny was observed for all three markers used confirming the presence of two cryptic species within F. fomentarius. Surprisingly, ITS sequence variability within F. fomentarius was significantly lower compared to the variability of efa sequences (0.023 versus 0.036 nucleotide substitutions per site) questioning the discriminatory power of ITS sequences for fungal species identification.  相似文献   

Summary 5-Nucleotidase has been purified from rat glioblastoma cells (Rugli cells). The enzyme has been solubilized from plasma membranes by using Triton X-100 and CHAPS. Two affinity chromatographies on concanavalin A and 5-AMP-Sepharose render the purified enzyme with a high specific activity (76.36 mol AMP-min–1-mg–1). The purified enzyme gives a single polypeptide band on SDS-PAGE with an apparent molecular mass of 74 kDa. Active forms with an apparent molecular mass of 135 kDa and 268 kDa are observed when the purified enzyme is analyzed by gel filtration in the presence of either 0.6% sodium deoxycholate or 0.1% Triton X-100, respectively. The purified 5-nucleotidase presents optimum activity at pH 7.8–8.1 either in the presence or in the absence of Me2+. A linear Arrhenius plot is observed in the 25–46° C temperature range and an activation energy of 33.7 KJ/mol is calculated. The enzyme is inhibited by EDTA; the activity is partially restored by different divalent cations as Zn2+, Mn2+, and Co2+. The hydrolysis of nucleosides 5-monophosphate shows Michaelis kinetic. The enzyme is inhibited by nucleosides di- and triphosphate. 5-Nucleotidase is a glycoprotein, being its activity inhibited at different extent by various lectins.  相似文献   

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