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The wrinkle layer the inner prismatic layer are described in three Triassic ceratid genera: Phyllocludiscites. Megaphyllites Proarcestes. Both layers have their counterparts in the shell wall of the recent Nautilus: the wrinkle layer corresponds to the mantle-adhesive layer the inner prismatic layer to the myostracal layer in Nautilus. A detailed structural functional comparison between these layers is given. The wrinkle layer is also compared with the oblique prismatic layer in recent gastropods.  相似文献   

Here we report the discovery of an Early Carboniferous (Late Visean) 3D cephalopod beak displaying significant similarity to the lower beak of Recent coleoids. It was uncovered in a fragmentarily preserved, longiconic shell from the Moorefield Formation in Arkansas, USA. This shell comprises a fractured 29‐mm‐long body chamber having a maximum diameter of ~14 mm and showing an indistinct pro‐ostracum‐like structure. The beak‐bearing shell could easily have been mistaken for a bactritid or orthocerid if it were not for a coleoid‐type, weakly mineralized, evidently organic‐rich shell wall which shows a lamello‐columnar ultrastructure of a bulk of shell wall thickness and plate ultrastructure of thin outer layer. The specimen is assigned to an as‐yet unnamed shelled coleoid of a so far unknown high‐level taxonomic group. A partially exposed, 4.0‐mm‐long portion of the beak is the lower beak in oblique view from its left side. It exhibits fractured anthracite‐like black, apparently originally chitin material, helmet‐like general shape, broad hood with narrow shallow median groove and small notch posteriorly, pronounced pointed, non‐biomineralized upside belt rostrum, high shoulder and about a 90–100 degrees jaw angle. A broad hood and massive rostrum emphasize its similarity to the lower mandible of Recent Vampyroteuthis and signify that its unique, among living coleoids, structure has been existed for at least since Late Visean time (~333 my).  相似文献   

An examination of the shell microstructure and mineralogy of species from 30 of the 32 genera and subgenera of the gastropod family Littorinidae shows that most species have a shell consisting of layers of aragonitic crossed-lamellar structure, with minor variations in some taxa. However, Pellilitorina, Risellopsis and most species of Littorina have partly or entirely calcitic shells. In Pellilitorina the shell is made entirely of calcitic crossed-foliated structure, while in the other two genera there is only an outer calcitic layer of irregular-prismatic structure. A cladistic analysis shows that the calcitic layers have been independently evolved in at least three clades. The calcite is found only in the outermost layers of the shell and in species inhabiting cooler waters of both northern and southern hemispheres. Calcium carbonate is more soluble in cold than warm water and, of the two polymorphs, calcite is about 35% less soluble than aragonite. We suggest that calcitic shell layers are an adaptation of high latitude littorinids to resist shell dissolution.  相似文献   

Shells from eggs of five species of kinosternid turtle (Sternotherus minor, Kinosternon flavescens, K. baurii, K. Hirtipes, and K. alamosae) were examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. Except for possible differences among species in thickness of eggshells, structure of shells from all eggs was similiar. In general, kinosternid turtles lay eggs having a rigid calcareous layer composed of calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite. The calcareous layer is organized into individual shell units with needlelike crystallites radiating from a common center. Most of the thickness of the eggshell is attributable to the calcareous layer, with the fibrous shell membrane comprising only a small fraction of shell thickness. Pores are found in the calcareous layer, but they are not numereous. The outer surface of the eggshells is sculptured and may have a thick, organic layer in places. The outer surface of the shell membrane of decalcified eggshells is studded with spherical cores which presumably nucleate growth of shell units during shell formation. The shell membrane detaches from eggs incubated to hatching, carrying with it remnants of the calcareous layer. Such changes in shell structure presumably reflect withdrawal of calcium from the eggshell by developing embryos.  相似文献   

The mantle tissue is essential for understanding the diverse ecology and shell morphology of ammonoid cephalopods. Here, we report on irregular calcareous sheets in a well-preserved shell of a Late Cretaceous phylloceratid ammonoid Hypophylloceras subramosum from Hokkaido, Japan, and their significance for repairing the conch through the mantle inside the body chamber. The sheets are composed of nacreous layers arranged parallel to the irregularly distorted outer whorl surface. The nacreous sheets formed earlier are unevenly distributed and attached to the outer shell wall locally, whereas the last formed sheet covers a wide area of the outer shell wall. The absence of any interruption of ribbing around the irregular area suggests that these sheets were secreted inside the body chamber from the inner mantle. Gross morphological and X-ray computed tomography observations revealed that the spacing of septal formation was not affected by this event. The complex structure of the irregular sheets suggests a highly flexible mantle inside the body chamber.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three specimens of the small breviconic ellesmeroceratid Paradakeoceras minor Flower, 1964 from the Tremadocian of the New York area preserve the annular elevation and muscle scars in moulds of the body chamber. The annular elevation is positioned at the base of the body chamber and is wider on the convex side of the shell than on the concave side. Multiple paired muscle scars can be seen within this annular elevation. A well-preserved body chamber of the breviconic ellesmeroceratid Levisoceras cf. edwardsi Ulrich, Foerste and Miller is described. Its body chamber shows a strong anterior–posterior asymmetry, which is common within the Ellesmeroceratida. The shape of the body chamber and of the soft body attachment structures has led to a reconstruction of an ellesmeroceratid soft body that is organized like a primitive conchiferan mollusc. Based on this reconstruction, a tryblidian cephalopod ancestor is supported. An evolutionary scenario is reconstructed from an ancestral nautiloid that is stretched along the anterior–posterior axis, and has serially arranged shell muscles and a small mantle cavity, towards a modern cephalopod with a dorsal–ventral body orientation, reduced number of shell muscles and a large mantle cavity.  相似文献   

This study is the first to report a trend of predation intensity on scaphitid ammonoids from the Turonian to the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) on the basis of analysis of ventral shell breakage in large samples from the US Western Interior Province. Analysis of 835 adult specimens revealed ventral shell breakage in 50 specimens. In most of the damaged specimens, the breakage occurred in a preferred position at the rear part of the body chamber. Ventral breakage is rare in the Turonian specimens, whereas it is common in the Campanian and Maastrichtian specimens. The shell diameter of adult scaphitid ammonoids tends to increase with time. The position of the breakage and the absence of repairs indicate that the ventral breakage resulted from lethal predation. Based on the incidence of breakage and the size and shape of the breaks, possible predators include fish, reptiles and cephalopods such as Placenticeras, Eutrephoceras and coleoids. Our statistical analysis of ventral shell breakage indicates that the incidence of lethal predation increased in conjunction with an increase in adult shell size, suggesting that the body size of the prey was an important factor in predator–prey interactions. In addition, the predatory damage is more extensive in larger adults.  相似文献   

Tanabe, K., Landman, N.H. & Kruta, I. 2011: Microstructure and mineralogy of the outer calcareous layer in the lower jaws of Cretaceous Tetragonitoidea and Desmoceratoidea (Ammonoidea). Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 191–199. Based on the differences in their relative size, overall shape, structure and the degree of development of an outer calcified covering, lower jaws of the Ammonoidea have been classified into four morphotypes: normal, anaptychus, aptychus and rhynchaptychus types. However, detailed microstructural and mineralogical comparison of these morphotypes has not yet been addressed. This article documents the results of SEM and XRD observations of the lower jaws of three Late Cretaceous ammonoid species belonging to the Tetragonitoidea (Anagaudryceras limatum) and Desmoceratoidea (Pachydiscus kamishakensis and Damesites aff. sugata), based on excellent material preserved in situ within the body chamber, and retaining an aragonitic shell wall. The lower jaws of the three species are assigned to an intermediate form between anaptychus and aptychus types for the first two species and the rhynchaptychus type for the third species. Their black, presumably originally chitinous outer lamella is wholly covered with a calcareous layer. The calcareous layer is composed of aragonite in D. aff. sugata and A. limatum, and calcite in P. kamishakensis. The microstructure of the outer calcareous layer differs among the three species, i.e. granular in A. limatum, spherulitic prismatic in D. sugata, and prismatic in P. kamishakensis, all of which can be distinguished from the lamellar and spongy structure of the outer‐paired calcitic plates of the typical aptychus‐type lower jaws in some Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonitina and Ancyloceratina. Our study suggests that most Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonoids possessed an outer calcareous layer in their lower jaws, although its mineralogy, microstructure and relative thickness vary among different taxa. □Ammonoidea, Cretaceous, Desmoceratoidea, lower jaw, microstructure, Tetragonitoidea.  相似文献   

Ontogenic development and classification of tentaculitids at high systematic levels are reevaluated in the light of new findings on shell structure and morphology of larval parts, and these features are here regarded as being of primary importance for taxonomy. Class Tentaculita Bouček, 1964 is subdivided into two subclasses, of which subclass Chionioconarida Farsan, 1994 is distinguished by a tubular larval process closed at the apex and covered with microrings. The process is differentiated into a prolarval, metalarval and epilarval part, of which the latter coincides with metamorphosis. Morphology of the larval parts suggests that metamorphosis proceeds in two different manners, giving rise to superorders within this subclass. Within superorder Trompetoconarida Farsan, 1994 a bilaterally symmetrical larval cone develops with an aperture oblique to the long axis of the conch; following metamorphosis the conch becomes radially symmetrical and the aperture perpendicular to the axis; secondary shell, septa and pseudopunctae develop in the adult phase, and the structure of the shell is lamellar. In contrast, within the second superorder, Lirioconarida Farsan, 1994 the epilarval tube develops into a larval bulb with no changes in symmetry and position of the aperture; secondary shell, septa and pseudopuncta are absent. The microstructure of the shell is lamellar in the larval part whereas in postlarval parts it is either sigmoidal or lamellar. The subclass Dacryoconarida Fisher, 1962 possesses a subspherical, tear- or drop-like embryonic chamber which may have a caudal process. The microstructure of the embryonic chamber is variable within this group, being lamellar in some taxa whereas in others, a single layer of shell is present. The postembryonic parts of the lamellar forms possess nacreous or sigmoidal structures.  相似文献   

A well-preserved portion of a body chamber of a coiled nautiloid (taxon uncertain) from the Kendrick Shale (Lower Pennsylvanian) of Floyd County, Kentucky, U.S.A., exhibits three comparatively large, nearly circular punctures and a circular indentation in the shell. These punctures are interpreted as representing an attack on the nautiloid by a cladodontid shark, most likely by the large symmoriid shark, Symmorium reniforme. We conclude that the punctures in the nautiloid body chamber were inflicted by three teeth in a single tooth file in the lower jaw of a specimen of 5. reniforme that was approximately 2.5 meters long. This nautiloid specimen is the first Paleozoic record of a chondrichthyan-cephalopod/ predator-prey relationship. We suggest, however, that this relationship was perhaps a common one and that other examples probably exist in collections of late Paleozoic ccphalopods. ?Paleozoic, Pennsylvanian, Symmorium reniforme, cephalopod. predation.  相似文献   

Common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) lay nearly spherical, flexible-shelled eggs having an outer mineral layer composed of calcium carbonate in the aragonite form. The mineral layer is arranged into loosely organized groups of nodular shell units, with numerous spaces (or pores) between adjacent shell units. Shell units are structurally complex, consisting of an inner tip that is morphologically distinct from the main body of the shell unit. Contained within an intact shell unit at the interface of the tip and the main part of the shell unit is the central plaque, an apparent modification of the shell membrane that may serve to nucleate calcification of shell units during shell formation. The tips of shell units are firmly attached to a single, multilayered shell membrane throughout much of incubation. The calcareous layer begins to detach from the shell membrane about half-way through incubation, and changes in shell morphology attending this detachment indicate that snapping turtles may use the shell as a source of calcium during embryogenesis. The arrangement of the mineral layer into groups of shell units, the large number of spaces between shell units, and little or no interlocking of crystallites of adjacent shell units apparently are factors contributing to the ability of these eggs to swell as they absorb water.  相似文献   

The shells of most anomalodesmatan bivalves are composed of an outer aragonitic layer of either granular or columnar prismatic microstructure, and an inner layer of nacre. The Thraciidae is one of the few anomalodesmatan families whose members lack nacreous layers. In particular, shells of members of the genus Thracia are exceptional in their possession of a very distinctive but previously unreported microstructure, which we term herein “dendritic prisms.” Dendritic prisms consist of slender fibers of aragonite which radiate perpendicular to, and which stack along, the axis of the prism. Here we used scanning and transmission electron microscopical investigation of the periostracum, mantle, and shells of three species of Thracia to reconstruct the mode of shell calcification and to unravel the crystallography of the dendritic units. The periostracum is composed of an outer dark layer and an inner translucent layer. During the free periostracum phase the dark layer grows at the expense of the translucent layer, but at the position of the shell edge, the translucent layer mineralizes with the units typical of the dendritic prismatic layer. Within each unit, the c‐axis is oriented along the prismatic axis, whereas the a‐axis of aragonite runs parallel to the long axis of the fibers. The six‐rayed alignment of the latter implies that prisms are formed by {110} polycyclically twinned crystals. We conclude that, despite its distinctive appearance, the dendritic prismatic layer of the shell of Thracia spp. is homologous to the outer granular prismatic or prismatic layer of other anomalodesmatans, while the nacreous layer present in most anomalodesmatans has been suppressed.  相似文献   

Representatives of the genus Melanopsis have an extraconch, a shell structure unusual for gastropods, which envelops several whorls, including the last whorl and up to two preceding whorls. Microstructural features of the shell are studied for the first time, using M. impressa Krauss as an example. It is shown that the extraconch is formed by the outer crossed-lamellar layer.  相似文献   

Growth performance of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica was examined both by shell microstructural observation and by applying a fluorescent substance, tetracycline, as a shell growth marker. The shell was composed of two calcareous layers: the thick outer layer was homogeneous or granular in structure and the thin inner layer was nacreous. The architecture of Antarctic L. elliptica was different from that of temperate L. marilina, and the ratio of thickness between the outer and inner layers appeared to be different. The growth rate of the nacreous layer was analyzed to be very low. High correlations were found between the major axis of chondrophore and both shell length and shell dry weight, respectively. It is suggested that the chondrophore is an appropriate growth indicator, and combining the information of growth increments with the fluorescent method may be useful in estimating the bivalve growth performance in the Antarctic sea.  相似文献   

We report a unique shell margin that differed from the usual shell structure of Pinctada fucata. We observed empty organic envelopes in the prismatic layer and the formation of the nacreous layer in the shell margin. All the characteristics of the growing margin indicated that the shell was growing rapidly. To explain this anomaly, we propose the concept of “jumping development”. During jumping development, the center of growth in the bivalve shell jumps forward over a short time interval when the position of the mantle changes. Jumping development explains the unusual structure of the anomalous shell and the development of annual growth lines in typical shells. Annual growth lines are the result of a discontinuity in the shell microstructure induced by jumping development.  相似文献   

Field and flume experiments with modern Nautilus pompilius establish two prerequisites to recognize in situ preservation of fossil cephalopod shells (soft parts were within body chamber in situ at the time of fossilization): occurrence of the upper jaw within the body chamber and the position of jaws within the body chamber. Morphology of shells and jaws in modern and fossil nautiloids is so similar that these prerequisites can be applied for fossil nautiloids and provide implications for ammonoids. The upper jaws of Nautilus start to move at a water velocity of > 0.2 m/s, when the shells are reoriented with the aperture downstream; jaws are therefore unlikely to be secondarily deposited near the shell aperture by bottom currents. The lower jaws, moved at the velocity of > 0.1 m/s, can be deposited around the shell aperture by weak current (0.1–0.2 m/s in velocity), but never enter the inside of body chamber. Neither jaw is likely to be separately and selectively displaced from the inside of the body chamber through scavenging of the soft parts by burrowing infaunal animals. An upper jaw preserved inside the body chamber, together with a lower jaw, is thus a reliable indicator of in situ preservation; a sole lower jaw preserved around the shell aperture is likely to be secondarily deposited. Sedimentary structures inferring rapid burial events and jaw size are useful as additional evidence. Smaller jaws were more likely to be displaced from the body chamber by scavenging by infaunal animals after in situ burial, so that smaller jaws preserved within the body chamber suggest less scavenging. These findings are crucial to interpreting the taphonomic history and palaeo-ecology of fossil cephalopods.  相似文献   

Eggs of the turtle Trionyx spiniferus are rigid, calcareous spheres averaging 2.5 cm in diameter. The eggshell is morphologically very similar to avian eggshells. The outer crystalline layer is composed of roughly columnar aggregates, or shell units, of calcium carbonate in the aragonite form. Each shell unit tapers to a somewhat conical tip at its base. Interior to the crystalline layer are two tertiary egg membranes: the outer shell membrane and the inner shell membrane. The outer shell membrane is firmly attached to the inner surface of the shell, and the two membranes are in contact except at the air cell, where the inner shell membrane separates from the outer shell membrane. Both membranes are multi-layered, with the inner shell membrane exhibiting a more fibrous structure than the outer shell membrane. Numerous pores are found in the eggshell, and these generally occur at the intersection of four or more shell units.  相似文献   

Observations by scanning and transmission electron microscopy provide information about shells of Difflugia lobostoma which suggests a complex activity in shell construction. As observed by scanning microscopy, the shell consists of a single layer of sand grains which are organized into rosettes. The sand grains of the rosettes are different in size from those of flat areas between rosettes suggesting that the organism sorts these stones and places them according to size. Hydrofluoric acid treatment dissolves the sand but leaves a web of cement material intact. Examination of such acid treated specimens by transmission microscopy shows structure in the cement material of the shell, and granules of similar structure in the cell body. The rosette pattern observed differs from shell patterns in other species of Difflugia, and this suggests that shell structure may be species specific.  相似文献   

本文主要对贵州松桃寒武系清虚洞组灰岩中酸泡获得的管状化石Mongolitubulus squamifer壳体显微及亚显微结构进行研究。研究结果显示, M. squamifer不仅内层广泛发育纵向纤维结构,具鳞片的外层外壁也发育有微弱的纵向纤维结构,可能解释了管体外壁广泛发育的纵向开裂现象。在一枚保存有圆卵形鳞片以下部位的标本中发现,鳞片排列形式是由基部密集的小瘤点状颗粒然后过渡为不规则的圆卵形鳞片,到管体中上部逐渐形成规则排列的三角形鳞片。通过测量部分已报道的M.squamifer管体宽度与鳞片宽度发现正常发育的棘刺,鳞片大小与管体宽度有一定相关性。贵州松桃的M.squamifer壳层原始结构为2层,包括致密的具鳞片的外层和具明显纵向纤维结构的内层,管体内外层之间发育空隙导致管体容易破损。一些标本近基部断口处的层间空隙容易被次生矿物充填,导致内层增厚致密纤维结构消失或产生中间填充层。该研究揭示了M.squamifer的鳞片排列特征和壳体微观结构,为解释其亲缘关系提供新的形态学证据。  相似文献   

Molluscs such as ammonoids record their growth in their accretionary shells, making them ideal for the study of evolutionary changes in ontogeny through time. Standard methods usually focus on two‐dimensional data and do not quantify empirical changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny, which can possibly be important to disentangle phylogeny, interspecific variation and palaeobiology of these extinct cephalopods. Tomographic and computational methods offer the opportunity to empirically study volumetric changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny of major ammonoid sub‐clades in three dimensions (3‐D). Here, we document (1) the growth of chamber and septal volumes through ontogeny and (2) differences in ontogenetic changes between species from each of three major sub‐clades of Palaeozoic ammonoids throughout their early phylogeny. The data used are three‐dimensional reconstructions of specimens that have been subjected to grinding tomography. The following species were studied: the agoniatitid Fidelites clariondi and anarcestid Diallagites lenticulifer (Middle Devonian) and the Early Carboniferous goniatitid Goniatites multiliratus. Chamber and septum volumes were plotted against the septum number and the shell diameter (proxies for growth) in the three species; although differences are small, the trajectories are more similar among the most derived Diallagites and Goniatites compared with the more widely umbilicate Fidelites. Our comparisons show a good correlation between the 3‐D and the 2‐D measurements. In all three species, both volumes follow exponential trends with deviations in very early ontogeny (resolution artefacts) and near maturity (mature modifications in shell growth). Additionally, we analyse the intraspecific differences in the volume data between two specimens of Normannites (Middle Jurassic).  相似文献   

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