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Double infections of related or unrelated viruses frequently occur in single plants, the viral agents being inoculated into the host plant simultaneously (co‐infection) or sequentially (super‐infection). Plants attacked by viruses activate sophisticated defence pathways which operate at different levels, often at significant fitness costs, resulting in yield reduction in crop plants. The occurrence and severity of the negative effects depend on the type of within‐host interaction between the infecting viruses. Unrelated viruses generally interact with each other in a synergistic manner, whereas interactions between related viruses are mostly antagonistic. These can incur substantial fitness costs to one or both of the competitors. A relatively well‐known antagonistic interaction is cross‐protection, also referred to as super‐infection exclusion. This type of interaction occurs when a previous infection with one virus prevents or interferes with subsequent infection by a homologous second virus. The current knowledge on why and how one virus variant excludes or restricts another is scant. Super‐infection exclusion between viruses has predominantly been attributed to the induction of RNA silencing, which is a major antiviral defence mechanism in plants. There are, however, presumptions that various mechanisms are involved in this phenomenon. This review outlines the current state of knowledge concerning the molecular mechanisms behind antagonistic interactions between plant viruses. Harmful or beneficial effects of these interactions on viral and host plant fitness are also characterized. Moreover, the review briefly outlines the past and present attempts to utilize antagonistic interactions among viruses to protect crop plants against destructive diseases.  相似文献   

Male and female plants of dioecious species often differ in their resource demands and this has been linked to secondary sexual dimorphism, including sex‐specific interactions with other organisms such as herbivores and pollinators. However, little is known about the interaction between dioecious plants and fungal root endophytes. Plants may be simultaneously colonised by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and dark septate (DS) fungi. While it is well established that AM mutualism involves reciprocal transfer of photosynthates and mineral nutrients between roots of host plants and these fungi, the role of DS fungi remains controversial. Here, we report the temporal and spatial variation in AM and DS fungi in female, male and non‐reproductive Antennaria dioica plants in three natural populations in Finland during flowering and after seed production. Females had higher colonisation by AM fungi, but lower colonisation by DS fungi than male and non‐reproductive plants. The higher AM colonisation was observed during flowering, and this difference varied among populations. Our results suggest that females and males of A. dioica interact with AM and DS fungi differently and that this relationship is dependent on soil fertility.  相似文献   

  1. Plants interact with various organisms, aboveground as well as belowground. Such interactions result in changes in plant traits with consequences for members of the plant‐associated community at different trophic levels. Research thus far focussed on interactions of plants with individual species. However, studying such interactions in a community context is needed to gain a better understanding.
  2. Members of the aboveground insect community induce defences that systemically influence plant interactions with herbivorous as well as carnivorous insects. Plant roots are associated with a community of plant‐growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). This PGPR community modulates insect‐induced defences of plants. Thus, PGPR and insects interact indirectly via plant‐mediated interactions.
  3. Such plant‐mediated interactions between belowground PGPR and aboveground insects have usually been addressed unidirectionally from belowground to aboveground. Here, we take a bidirectional approach to these cross‐compartment plant‐mediated interactions.
  4. Recent studies show that upon aboveground attack by insect herbivores, plants may recruit rhizobacteria that enhance plant defence against the attackers. This rearranging of the PGPR community in the rhizosphere has consequences for members of the aboveground insect community. This review focusses on the bidirectional nature of plant‐mediated interactions between the PGPR and insect communities associated with plants, including (a) effects of beneficial rhizobacteria via modification of plant defence traits on insects and (b) effects of plant defence against insects on the PGPR community in the rhizosphere. We discuss how such knowledge can be used in the development of sustainable crop‐protection strategies.

In late‐successional environments, low in available nutrient such as the forest understory, herbaceous plant individuals depend strongly on their mycorrhizal associates for survival. We tested whether in temperate European forests arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) woody plants might facilitate the establishment of AM herbaceous plants in agreement with the mycorrhizal mediation hypothesis. We used a dataset spanning over 400 vegetation plots in the Weser‐Elbe region (northwest Germany). Mycorrhizal status information was obtained from published resources, and Ellenberg indicator values were used to infer environmental data. We carried out tests for both relative richness and relative abundance of herbaceous plants. We found that the subset of herbaceous individuals that associated with AM profited when there was a high cover of AM woody plants. These relationships were retained when we accounted for environmental filtering effects using path analysis. Our findings build on the existing literature highlighting the prominent role of mycorrhiza as a coexistence mechanism in plant communities. From a nature conservation point of view, it may be possible to promote functional diversity in the forest understory through introducing AM woody trees in stands when absent.  相似文献   

We used tomato genotypes deficient in the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway to study the interaction between the production of herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that serve as information cues for herbivores as well as natural enemies of herbivores, and the production of foliar trichomes as defence barriers. We found that jasmonic acid‐insensitive1 (jai1) mutant plants with both reduced HIPVs and trichome production received higher oviposition of adult leafminers, which were more likely to be parasitized by the leafminer parasitoids than JA biosynthesis spr2 mutant plants deficient in HIPVs but not trichomes. We also showed that the preference and acceptance of leafminers and parasitoids to trichome‐removed plants from either spr2 or wild‐type (WT) genotypes over trichome‐intact genotypes can be ascribed to the reduced trichomes on treated plants, but not to altered direct and indirect defence traits such as JA, proteinase inhibitor (PI)‐II and HIPVs levels. Although the HIPVs of WT plants were more attractive to adult insects, the insects preferred trichome‐free jai1 plants for oviposition and also had greater reproductive success on these plants. Our results provide strong evidence that antagonism between HIPV emission and trichome production affects tritrophic interactions. The interactions among defence traits are discussed.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is widespread throughout the plant kingdom and important for plant nutrition and ecosystem functioning. Nonetheless, most terrestrial ecosystems also contain a considerable number of non‐mycorrhizal plants. The interaction of such non‐host plants with AM fungi (AMF) is still poorly understood. Here, in three complementary experiments, we investigated whether the non‐mycorrhizal plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the model organism for plant molecular biology and genetics, interacts with AMF. We grew A. thaliana alone or together with a mycorrhizal host species (either Trifolium pratense or Lolium multiflorum) in the presence or absence of the AMF Rhizophagus irregularis. Plants were grown in a dual‐compartment system with a hyphal mesh separating roots of A. thaliana from roots of the host species, avoiding direct root competition. The host plants in the system ensured the presence of an active AM fungal network. AM fungal networks caused growth depressions in A. thaliana of more than 50% which were not observed in the absence of host plants. Microscopy analyses revealed that R. irregularis supported by a host plant was capable of infecting A. thaliana root tissues (up to 43% of root length colonized), but no arbuscules were observed. The results reveal high susceptibility of A. thaliana to R. irregularis, suggesting that A. thaliana is a suitable model plant to study non‐host/AMF interactions and the biological basis of AM incompatibility.  相似文献   

Micro‐organisms associated with plants and animals affect host fitness, shape community structure and influence ecosystem properties. Climate change is expected to influence microbial communities, but their reactions are not well understood. Host‐associated micro‐organisms are influenced by the climate reactions of their hosts, which may undergo range shifts due to climatic niche tracking, or may be actively relocated to mitigate the effects of climate change. We used a common‐garden experiment and rDNA metabarcoding to examine the effect of host relocation and high‐latitude warming on the complex fungal endophytic microbiome associated with leaves of an ecologically dominant boreal forest tree (Populus balsamifera L.). We also considered the potential effects of poplar genetic identity in defining the reactions of the microbiome to the treatments. The relocation of hosts to the north increased the diversity of the microbiome and influenced its structure, with results indicating enemy release from plausible pathogens. High‐latitude warming decreased microbiome diversity in comparison with natural northern conditions. The warming also caused structural changes, which made the fungal communities distinct in comparison with both low‐latitude and high‐latitude natural communities, and increased the abundance of plausible pathogens. The reactions of the microbiome to relocation and warming were strongly dependent on host genetic identity. This suggests that climate change effects on host–microbiome systems may be mediated by the interaction of environmental factors and the population genetic processes of the hosts.  相似文献   

The impact of different defoliation intensities on the ability of Lotus tenuis plants to regrowth, mobilise nutrients and to associate with native AM fungi and Rhizobium in a saline‐sodic soil was investigated. After 70 days, plants were subjected to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% defoliation and shoot regrowth was assessed at the end of subsequent 35 days. Compared to non‐defoliated plants, low or moderate defoliation up to 75% did not affect shoot regrowth. However, 100% treatment affected shoot regrowth and the clipped plants were not able to compensate the growth attained by non‐defoliated plants. Root growth was more affected by defoliation than shoot growth. P and N concentrations in shoots and roots increased with increasing defoliation while Na+ concentration in shoots of non‐defoliated and moderately defoliated plants was similar. Non‐defoliated and moderately defoliated plants prevented increases of Na+ concentration in shoots through both reducing Na+ uptake and Na+ transport to shoots by accumulating Na+ in roots. At high defoliation, the salinity tolerance mechanism is altered and Na+ concentration in shoots was higher than in roots. Reduction in the photosynthetic capacity induced by defoliation neither changed the root length colonised by AM fungi nor arbuscular colonisation but decreased the vesicular colonisation. Spore density did not change, but hyphal density and Rhizobium nodules increased with defoliation. The strategy of the AM symbiont consists in investing most of the C resources to preferentially retain arbuscular colonisation as well as inoculum density in the soil.  相似文献   

1. Density‐ and trait‐mediated indirect interactions (DMIIs and TMIIs, respectively) in food chains play crucial roles in community structure and processes. However, factors affecting the relative strength of these interactions are poorly understood, including in widespread and important freshwater rice ecosystems. 2. We studied the strength of DMIIs and TMIIs in a food chain involving a predator (the Reeve’s turtle Chinemys reevesii), its herbivorous prey (the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata) and a plant (rice Oryza sativa) in outdoor containers simulating rice fields. We also evaluated consumptive and non‐consumptive effects of the predator on the snail. We removed a fixed proportion of snails every 2 days to simulate prey consumption and introduced a caged turtle that was fed daily with snails to simulate non‐consumptive effects. 3. Direct consumptive effects increased growth of the remaining snails and their per capita feeding rate. Moreover, consumptive and non‐consumptive effects, and their interaction, affected the proportion of snails buried in the soil. This interaction was presumably because increasing food availability per snail induced their self‐burying behaviour. 4. Both DMIIs and TMIIs affected the number of rice plants remaining, whereas their interaction term was not significant. 5. In summary, density dependence and interactions between consumptive and non‐consumptive effects influenced snail growth and behaviour, respectively. However, no cascading effects of these complicated interactions on rice plants were detected.  相似文献   

1. Coniferous trees deploy a combination of constitutive (pre‐existing) and induced (post‐invasion), structural and biochemical defences against invaders. Induced responses can also alter host suitability for other organisms sharing the same host, which may result in indirect, plant‐mediated interactions between different species of attacking organisms. 2. Current range and host expansion of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins; MPB) from lodgepole pine‐dominated forests to the jack pine‐dominated boreal forests provides a unique opportunity to investigate whether the colonisation of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) by MPB will be affected by induced responses of jack pine to a native herbaceous insect species: the jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman; JPBW). 3. We simulated MPB attacks with one of its fungal associates, Grosmannia clavigera Robinson‐Jeffrey & Davidson, and tested induction of either herbivory by JPBW or inoculation with the fungus followed by a challenge treatment with the other organism on jack pine seedlings and measured and compared monoterpene responses in needles. 4. There was clear evidence of an increase in jack pine resistance to G. clavigera with previous herbivory, indicated by smaller lesions in response to fungal inoculations. In contrast, although needle monoterpenes greatly increased after G. clavigera inoculation and continued to increase during the herbivory challenge, JPBW growth was not affected, but JPBW increased the feeding rate to possibly compensate for altered host quality. 5. Jack pine responses varied greatly and depended on whether seedlings were treated with single or multiple organisms, and their order of damage.  相似文献   

In mixed tree‐grass ecosystems, tree recruitment is limited by demographic bottlenecks to seedling establishment arising from inter‐ and intra‐life‐form competition, and disturbances such as fire. Enhanced nutrient availability resulting from anthropogenic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition can alter the nature of these bottlenecks by changing seedling growth and biomass allocation patterns, and lead to longer‐term shifts in tree community composition if different plant functional groups respond differently to increased nutrient availability. However, the extent to which tree functional types characteristic of savannas differ in their responses to increased N and P availability remains unclear. We quantified differences in above‐ and belowground biomass, and root carbohydrate contents in seedlings of multiple N‐fixing and non‐N‐fixing tree species characteristic of Indian savanna and dry forest ecosystems in response to experimental N and P additions. These parameters are known to influence the ability of plants to compete, as well as survive and recover from fires. N‐fixers in our study were co‐limited by N and P availability, while non‐N‐fixers were N limited. Although both functional groups increased biomass production following fertilization, non‐N‐fixers were more responsive and showed greater relative increases in biomass with fertilization than N‐fixers. N‐fixers had greater baseline investment in belowground resources and root carbohydrate stocks, and while fertilization reduced root:shoot ratios in both functional groups, root carbohydrate content only reduced with fertilization in non‐N‐fixers. Our results indicate that, even within a given system, plants belonging to different functional groups can be limited by, and respond differentially to, different nutrients, suggesting that long‐term consequences of nutrient deposition are likely to vary across savannas contingent on the relative amounts of N and P being deposited in sites.  相似文献   

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