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Effects of host availability and feeding period on bed bugs, Cimex lectularius (L.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), were measured. Population growth and the potential harmful effect of bed bug populations on human hosts were modelled. Bloodmeal sizes were affected by both feeding length and frequency, with >2‐fold difference between insects fed daily or weekly. Blood consumption increased >2‐fold between bed bugs fed occasionally and often, and 1.5‐fold between occasional and daily feeding. Bed bugs fed more often than once a week, potentially every 2–4 days. Egg production was associated with nutrition, being strongly correlated with blood consumption in the previous week. Bed bug populations can grow under different feeding regimes and are hard to control with <80% mortality. Bed bugs can survive and grow even in locations with a limited blood supply, where bed bug persistence may be important for the continual spread of populations. Persistence in non‐traditional locations and a potential association with human pathogens increase the health risks of bed bugs. Potential blood loss as a result of a bed bug can have serious consequences because uncontrolled populations can reach harmful levels in 3–8 months. The reproduction potential of bed bug populations suggests serious consequences to human health and the need for efficacious control measures.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely surveillance of bed bug infestations is critical for the development of effective control strategies. Although the bed bug‐produced volatiles (E)‐2‐hexenal and (E)‐2‐octenal are considered as defensive secretions, the present study demonstrates, using ethovision® video‐tracking software (Noldus Information Technology Inc., Leesburg, Virginia), that low amounts of these commercially‐obtained aldehydes function as attractants, and high amounts function as local repellents, against the common bed bug Cimex lectularius L. In behavioural assays, both males and female C. lectularius are attracted to 0.04 µg of an aldehyde blend (1 : 1) for up to 1 h after initial treatment of filter paper disks. Males differ from females in their response to higher amounts of aldehydes, with females and males exhibiting maximum local repellency at 40 µg and 400 µg, respectively. The results suggest that these bed bug secretions may be candidates for lures and monitors.  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated water loss and respiratory activity of insect eggs, particularly insects that are known to live within indoor environments. The present study quantifies water loss and respiratory activity for the eggs of a re‐emerging indoor pest of human environments Cimex lectularius (L.). Water loss is measured gravimetrically and calculated as a function of chorion permeability. For these studies, bed bug eggs are placed at 0% relative humidity and repeatedly weighed over 48 h. Temperature effects and bed bug strain differences on the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and respiratory quotient are measured using closed system respirometry. The SMR (; mL g?1 h?1) is measured for two field strain bed bugs and compared with a laboratory strain held at one temperature (25 °C). The standard metabolic rate is measured for Harlan (laboratory) strain bed bug eggs at six different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 39 °C). Total water loss is not significantly different between all three strains. However, water loss across the chorion (chorion permeability) is significantly different between the Harlan laboratory strain and the two field collected strains. Standard metabolic rates for Harlan (laboratory) strain bed bug eggs increase with temperatures from 15 to 35 °C but decline at 39 °C. Overall, the Harlan bed bug eggs have the largest standard metabolic rates (0.18 ± 0.05 mL g?1 h?1) compared with the Epic Center strain eggs (0.14 ± 0.03 mL g?1 h?1) and Richmond strain eggs (0.16 ± 0.04 mL g?1 h?1), although this difference is not significant.  相似文献   

A total of 54 bed bug‐infested sites (hotels, public accommodations, and residential premises) in Malaysia and Singapore was surveyed between July, 2005 and December, 2008. Only one species of bed bug was found, the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Bed bug infestations were common in hotels and public accommodations when compared to residential premises. The three most common locations of infestation within an infested premise were the bedding (31.1%), the headboard (30.3%), and cracks and crevices surrounding the baseboard, wall, or floor (23.5%). We speculate that the route of movement of bed bugs in hotels and public accommodations is more direct than in residential premises.  相似文献   

Abstract The olfactory responses of Aphidius gifuensis to odors from two host plants (Nicotiana tabacum and Brassica napus ssp.) and their complexes with different infestation levels of two host aphids (Myzus persicae and Lipaphis erysimi) were respectively examined in an olfactometer. The results showed that female A. gifuensis did not respond to odors of undamaged or mechanically damaged host plants, but significantly responded to odors of aphid/plant complexes. Moreover, A. gifuensis responded significantly to odors of both M. persicae and L. erysimi/plant complexes when host plants were infested by high levels of aphids, suggesting that quantity of aphid‐induced volatiles could be important for attracting A. gifuensis. When tested between aphid/plant complexes, A. gifuensis did not show its preference for either complex. The efficiency of A. gifuensis against aphids in open fields potentially could be improved by using its olfactory response to aphid/plant complexes.  相似文献   

With reciprocal rearing experiments, we tested the hypothesis that adaptive differences in host-use traits among soapberry bug populations have a genetic basis. These experiments were conducted with two host races from Florida, an ancestral-type one on a native host plant species and a derived one on a recently introduced plant species (colonized mainly post-1950), on whose seed crops this insect depends for growth and reproduction. Compared to the native host species, the introduced host produces larger seed crops over a much briefer annual period. Its seeds are also significantly higher in lipids and lower in nitrogen. The bug populations exhibit greater juvenile survivorship on their home hosts; that is, the derived population survives better on seeds of the introduced host than does its ancestral-type counterpart, and vice versa. Regardless of the rearing host, populations from the introduced host lay much smaller eggs, and fecundity measures show a more complex pattern than does survivorship: the ancestral-type population produces eggs at the same rate on each host, while the derived population is less fecund on the native host and exhibits enhanced fecundity on the introduced host. These results indicate that the population differences are evolved rather than host-induced. They appear to be adaptive responses to host differences in the spatial and temporal distribution of seed availability and nutritional quality, and show that increased performance on the alien host has evolved with surprising speed and magnitude, with concomitant reductions in performance on the original host.  相似文献   

Urine volatiles from different ungulates (cows, horses and sheep) were tested as bait for tabanids in southeastern France using Nzi traps during the early summer of 2011. Tabanus bromius Linnaeus, 1758 and Atylotus quadrifarius (Loew, 1874) (both: Diptera: Tabanidae) were the most captured species, respectively representing 57% and 41% of all tabanids collected (all of which were female). Horse urine significantly increased catches of T. bromius (1.6‐fold) and A. quadrifarius (3.5‐fold), and sheep urine significantly increased catches of A. quadrifarius (2.5‐fold). In parallel, an electroantennogram (EAG) study was conducted for the first time on these two species, in which EAGs were recorded using 1‐octen‐3‐ol and extracts of the same urine samples used in the field. For T. bromius, the EAG response to 1‐octen‐3‐ol increased quasi‐sigmoidally with dose, with a maximum response at ≥100 µg on filter paper. For both species of tabanid, cow and horse urine elicited larger EAGs than did sheep urine. The behavioural implications in host‐seeking and feeding habits are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of Triatoma infestans larvae to carbon dioxide and other odours of vertebrate origin were investigated in a locomotion compensator. T. infestans oriented towards airstreams enriched with carbon dioxide exhibiting a threshold response between 300 and 400 p.p.m. above the ambient CO(2) background. The accuracy of the oriented response to carbon dioxide improved with stimulus intensity. Remarkably, insects did not show any change in their sensitivity threshold to carbon dioxide with the starvation time. The attractiveness to carbon dioxide depended on the time of the day, i.e. these nocturnal bugs only oriented towards carbon dioxide-loaded airstreams during the first hours of the scotophase. L-lactic acid did not evoke oriented responses when it was presented as a single stimulus in a wide range of intensities. However, a marked synergism was evident when L-lactic acid was combined with a sub-threshold concentration of carbon dioxide. Under this condition, the threshold response to carbon dioxide decreased to 75-150 p.p.m. above ambient CO(2) background. The isomer D-lactic acid evoked no response, either alone or in combination with carbon dioxide. When insects were stimulated with 1-octen-3-ol a significant positive orientation was found. This response was not modified by the addition of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

测试了棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂Campoletis chlorideae Uchida对58种植物挥发物和5种寄主性信息素腺体化合物的EAG反应。在100 μg的刺激剂量下,棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂对C5~C7脂肪醇的EAG反应最强,碳链延长或缩短都将导致反应的降低;对脂肪醛、酮、酸和酯都有一定的反应。棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂对萜烯的EAG反应很低,对氧化萜的反应普遍升高。3种芳香化合物均可激起棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂较强的EAG反应。剂量反应曲线表明,具有EAG活性的化合物激起的反应强度与化合物的剂量呈正相关,而2种萜烯——α-蒎烯和反式石竹烯,在测定的剂量范围内EAG活性都很低。棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂对寄主性信息素腺体化合物也有EAG反应,用100 μg和1 000 μg的寄主性信息素刺激,雄蜂的反应可比雌蜂的反应高出1倍。对植物挥发物在棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂寻找寄主中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1 Host tree terpenes can influence attraction of conifer‐infesting bark beetles to their aggregation pheromones, and both synergistic and inhibitory effects have been reported. 2 We tested a gradient of ratios of (–)‐α‐pinene, the predominant monoterpene in Norway spruce, to the pheromone of Ips typographus, a major pest of Norway spruce. 3 Attraction of I. typographus increased as the release rate of (–)‐α‐pinene increased. The two highest (–)‐α‐pinene : pheromone ratios (526 : 1 and 2595 : 1) attracted twice as many I. typographus as pheromone alone, whereas low to intermediate ratios (56 : 1, 274 : 1) did not differ from pheromone alone. 4 Our results are in agreement with a proposed model, which suggests that bark beetles display unique response profiles to host terpenes depending on the physiological condition of the host trees that they typically colonize. Ips typographus, which is an aggressive species capable of colonizing and killing healthy trees, showed an increased attraction to monoterpene : pheromone ratios, and this may be high enough to inhibit attraction of less aggressive beetle species typically colonizing dead, dying or stressed trees. 5 Attraction of associates of I. typographus was also modified by (–)‐α‐pinene. Ips duplicatus, a competitor of I. typographus, showed increased attraction to the pheromone of I. typographus across all concentrations of (–)‐α‐pinene.  相似文献   

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) have returned as a nuisance pest in the last 20 years. Different bed bug control measures in combination have not been thoroughly studied, although induction of multiple stressors may improve extermination. The effects of heat stress only, heat stress followed by exposure to insect pathogenic fungi, and heat stress followed by exposure to desiccant dust on starved and blood‐fed bed bugs were investigated. Five days at 22 °C (control), 32 °C, 34 °C, or 36 °C (heat stress) did not cause mortality in adults. However, their starved first instar nymphs produced after heat stress suffered mortalities of 33%, 56% and 100%, respectively. Exposure to insect pathogenic fungi after heat stress increased the mortality of adults and their progeny compared to exposure to fungi without heat stress. The beneficial effects of heat stress were not observed in blood‐fed bed bugs. Desiccant dust killed all nymphs within 2 days and all adults within 3 days regardless of previous heat stress, but survival time was prolonged by access to blood. This study highlights the advantage of combining different methods in pest management, and points to heat stress combined with blood deprivation as possible management elements to increase the control success.  相似文献   

A nylon net cage (260 x 40 x 40 cm) provided with unidirectional air flow was used to demonstrate the response of female sandflies, Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz & Neiva (Diptera: Psychodidae) to a host and extract of male pheromone glands over a distance of 240 cm. Females responded more rapidly and in greater numbers to the host if male pheromone was present. Results suggest that one function of the pheromone may be to attract females from some distance to a common mating site, on or near the host.  相似文献   

  • 1 The use of trap crops to reduce green vegetable bug (GVB) Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) damage to process sweet corn Zea mays (L.) was investigated in three field experiments.
  • 2 In the first season, small plots (2.7 m by 10 m) of white mustard Sinapis alba (L.) with pea Pisum sativum (L.) were sown along a crop border and compared with sweet corn alone.
  • 3 In the second season, black mustard Brassica nigra (L.) was sown at two sowing dates (14 days apart) and compared with a sweet corn control, to examine how the maturity of the trap crop affected numbers of GVB trapped.
  • 4 A field scale experiment was also conducted to determine the effectiveness of black mustard as a trap crop to protect larger areas of sweet corn from GVB.
  • 5 In all three experiments, GVB populations were much higher on the trap crops compared with the sweet corn.
  • 6 In both small plot experiments, GVB were contained largely within the trap crop for 2 weeks until the sweet corn was harvested.
  • 7 The field scale experiment demonstrated the efficacy of the trap cropping technique to protect larger areas of crop from GVB.
  • 8 Percentages of damaged sweet corn cobs in the outside row of fields protected by a trap crop were 0% and 1%, respectively, compared with 11% and 22% in control fields.
  • 9 Trap cropping is recommended as an effective strategy to manage this insect. Options for cultivating or spraying the trap crops to reduce bug survival are discussed.

Abstract Male Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva) pheromone extracted from tergal glands combined with heat, carbon dioxide gas and hamster urine was found to be attractive to virgin female sandflies. The host factors if offered in the absence of pheromone or a heat source were, however, unattractive to female flies. Pheromone stored for 6 days and then combined with the same host components remained attractive to female flies but storage failed to enhance its attractiveness. The effects of carbon dioxide gas, hamster urine, chicken uropygial gland extract and octenol plus acetone on the responses of females were inconsistent. A ceramic battery powered heat source was tested with pheromone and host attractants and showed potential for field application in developing a pheromone trap.  相似文献   

Mating has profound effects on animal physiology and behaviour, not only in females but also in males, which we show here for olfactory responses. In cotton leafworm moths, Spodoptera littoralis, odour-mediated attraction to sex pheromone and plant volatiles are modulated after mating, producing a behavioural response that matches the physiological condition of the male insect. Unmated males are attracted by upwind flight to sex pheromone released by calling females, as well as to volatiles of lilac flowers and green leaves of the host plant cotton, signalling adult food and mating sites, respectively. Mating temporarily abolishes male attraction to females and host plant odour, but does not diminish attraction to flowers. This behavioural modulation is correlated with a response modulation in the olfactory system, as shown by electro-physiological recordings from antennae and by functional imaging of the antennal lobe, using natural odours and synthetic compounds. An effect of mating on the olfactory responses to pheromone and cotton plant volatiles but not to lilac flowers indicates the presence of functionally independent neural circuits within the olfactory system. Our results indicate that these circuits interconnect and weigh perception of social and habitat odour signals to generate appropriate behavioural responses according to mating state.  相似文献   

This study of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius, examines tolerance of adult females to extremes in temperature and loss of body water. Although the supercooling point (SCP) of the bed bugs was approximately −20°C, all were killed by a direct 1 h exposure to −16°C. Thus, this species cannot tolerate freezing and is killed at temperatures well above its SCP. Neither cold acclimation at 4°C for 2 weeks nor dehydration (15% loss of water content) enhanced cold tolerance. However, bed bugs have the capacity for rapid cold hardening, i.e. a 1‐h exposure to 0°C improved their subsequent tolerance of −14 and −16°C. In response to heat stress, fewer than 20% of the bugs survived a 1‐h exposure to 46°C, and nearly all were killed at 48°C. Dehydration, heat acclimation at 30°C for 2 weeks and rapid heat hardening at 37°C for 1 h all failed to improve heat tolerance. Expression of the mRNAs encoding two heat shock proteins (Hsps), Hsp70 and Hsp90, was elevated in response to heat stress, cold stress and during dehydration and rehydration. The response of Hsp90 was more pronounced than that of Hsp70 during dehydration and rehydration. Our results define the tolerance limits for bed bugs to these commonly encountered stresses of temperature and low humidity and indicate a role for Hsps in responding to these stresses.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of the parasitoid Psyllaephagus pistaciae, the major biocontrol agent of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae, to volatiles emanating from its host plant and host honeydew, were examined using a four‐arm airflow olfactometer. In addition, the arrestment behavior of this parasitoid on clean and honeydew‐treated leaves of the pistachio, Pistacia vera, was monitored. The infested pistachio leaves were the most favored source of the volatile attracting the parasitoids. The parasitoid clearly distinguished and responded to infochemicals emitted by psyllid honeydew but at a lower level than to the volatiles from infested host plants. However, the searching time, locomotory behavior, antennal drumming and ovipositor probing were all affected when they encountered honeydew‐contaminated zones on pistachio leaves. These findings suggest that the psyllid honeydew releases kairomones that stimulate the parasitoids to greater searching activity, as well as providing a directional cue. The intensive searching activities in the presence of the volatiles tested were very similar to responses by the parasitoid females when encountering patches treated with psyllid honeydew. Such behavior could retain the parasitoid in a favorable area, thereby increasing the probability of additional host encounters.  相似文献   

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