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Seed dispersers, like white‐handed gibbons (Hylobates lar), can display wide inter‐group variability in response to distribution and abundance of resources in their habitat. In different home ranges, they can modify their movement patterns along with the shape and scale of seed shadow produced. However, the effect of inter‐group variability on the destination of dispersed seeds is still poorly explained. In this study, we evaluate how seed dispersal patterns of this arboreal territorial frugivore varies between two neighboring groups, one inhabiting high quality evergreen forest and one inhabiting low quality mosaic forest. We predicted a difference in seed dispersal distance between the two groups (longer in the poor quality forest). We hypothesized that this difference would be explained by differences in home range size, daily path length, and ranging tortuosity. After 6 months of data collection, the evergreen group had a smaller home range (12.4 ha) than the mosaic group (20.9 ha), significantly longer daily path lengths (1507 m vs. 1114 m respectively) and greater tortuosity (39.1 vs. 16.1 respectively). Using gut passage times and displacement rates, we estimated the median seed dispersal distance as 163 m for the evergreen group (high quality forest) and of 116 m for the mosaic group (low quality forest). This contradiction with our initial prediction can be explained in term of social context, resource distribution, and habitat quality. Our results indicate that gibbons are dispersers of seeds between habitats and that dispersal distances provided by gibbons are influenced by a range of factors, including habitat and social context.  相似文献   

Quantifying dispersal within wild populations is an important but challenging task. Here we present a method to estimate contemporary, individual‐based dispersal distance from noninvasively collected samples using a specialized panel of 96 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). One main issue in conducting dispersal studies is the requirement for a high sampling resolution at a geographic scale appropriate for capturing the majority of dispersal events. In this study, fecal samples of brown bear (Ursus arctos) were collected by volunteer citizens, resulting in a high sampling resolution spanning over 45,000 km2 in Gävleborg and Dalarna counties in Sweden. SNP genotypes were obtained for unique individuals sampled (n = 433) and subsequently used to reconstruct pedigrees. A Mantel test for isolation by distance suggests that the sampling scale was appropriate for females but not for males, which are known to disperse long distances. Euclidean distance was estimated between mother and offspring pairs identified through the reconstructed pedigrees. The mean dispersal distance was 12.9 km (SE 3.2) and 33.8 km (SE 6.8) for females and males, respectively. These results were significantly different (Wilcoxon's rank‐sum test: P‐value = 0.02) and are in agreement with the previously identified pattern of male‐biased dispersal. Our results illustrate the potential of using a combination of noninvasively collected samples at high resolution and specialized SNPs for pedigree‐based dispersal models.  相似文献   

1. Thermoregulation abilities are likely to play a fundamental role in ectotherms' response to current environmental changes, including through their implication in interspecies and interindividual variations in life‐history strategies (e.g. dispersal syndromes). However, differences in thermoregulatory behaviours, and especially interindividual differences, are largely neglected in the literature, and there is still no global understanding of their importance in determining population and evolutionary processes, even in extensively studied taxa such as butterflies. 2. Interindividual variation in shivering in the painted lady, a migratory butterfly, was investigated. This behaviour has been very poorly studied, despite being widespread in insects in general, including butterflies. Using a warming experiment in the laboratory on 94 different individuals caught in the wild during the same migratory event, interindividual variation in shivering behaviour was investigated, and the effects of wing morphology and boldness (a behavioural axis known to be associated with mobility in butterflies) on shivering decision and efficiency were tested. 3. The study shows that individuals strongly differ in their shivering behaviour. Wing morphology affected both individuals' decision on whether or not to use shivering and heating rate while shivering. In contrast, no effect was found of individuals' age and boldness on shivering decision and efficiency. The findings also reveal that shivering strongly increased heating rate and allowed higher flight temperatures to be reached, while bolder individuals also took off at higher temperatures. 4. Overall, the results of the present study underline how variation in a neglected thermoregulatory behaviour could affect general life‐history strategies in butterflies, and stress the need to consider this behaviour when investigating butterfly life‐history syndromes.  相似文献   

A high capacity for long‐distance dispersal is a key to success for species confronted with environmental heterogeneity, habitat modification, fragmentation and loss. However, dispersal capacity is difficult to quantify and therefore poorly known in most taxa. Here, we report on a test for an association of variation in dispersal capacity with variable colouration of noctuid moths. First, using data from 12 experienced lepidopterologists, we showed that despite variation among experts in average assessments, different species are consistently classified as having non‐variable, variable or highly variable colour patterns when assessed by different experts. We then compared the incidence of non‐resident species with high inter‐individual variation in colour patterns recorded on the isolated island Utklippan (n = 47), with that in a species pool of potential long‐distance dispersers from the nearest mainland (n = 295). Species with high inter‐individual colour pattern variation were over‐represented on the island compared with species having non‐variable colouration. This finding constitutes rare evidence from the wild of long‐distance dispersal, measured on a spatial scale relevant for moths when tracking habitats in fragmented and changing landscapes or when keeping pace with environmental challenges associated with climate change. Finally, we showed that Swedish noctuid moths classified as agricultural pests (n = 28) had more variable colour patterns compared with non‐pests (n = 368). The majority of agricultural pests were also recorded on the isolated island, an outcome that is indicative of pest species having high dispersal capacity. Data on colour pattern variation may thus offer a simple and cost‐effective proxy to estimate dispersal capacity and can also help identify potential pest species. Our findings are potentially useful when modelling and predicting population and range dynamics of species in spatiotemporally heterogeneous environments, with direct implications for conservation biology and pest management.  相似文献   

Population declines among migratory Arctic‐breeding birds are a growing concern for conservationists. To inform the conservation of these declining populations, we need to understand how demographic rates such as breeding success are influenced by combinations of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In this study we examined inter‐annual variation and long‐term trends in two aspects of the breeding success of a migratory herbivore, the Bewick's swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii, which is currently undergoing a population decline: 1) the percentage of young within the wintering population and 2) mean brood size. We used an information‐theoretic approach to test how these two measures of productivity were influenced over a 26 yr period by 12 potential explanatory variables, encompassing both environmental (e.g. temperature) and intrinsic (e.g. pair‐bond duration) factors. Swan productivity exhibited sensitivity to both types of explanatory variable. Fewer young were observed on the wintering grounds in years in which the breeding period (May to September) was colder and predator (Arctic fox) abundance was higher. The percentage of young within the wintering population also showed negative density‐dependence. Inter‐annual variance in mean swan brood size was best explained by a model comprised of the negative degree days during the swan breeding period, mean pair‐bond duration of all paired swans (i.e. mean pair duration), and an interaction between these two variables. In particular, mean pair duration had a strong positive effect on mean brood size. However, we found no long‐term directional trend in either measure of breeding success, despite the recent decline in the NW European population. Our results highlight that inter‐annual variability in breeding success is sensitive to the combined effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

Individual behavioural differences in responding to the same stimuli is an integral part of division of labour in eusocial insect colonies. Amongst honey bee nectar foragers, individuals strongly differ in their sucrose responsiveness, which correlates with strong differences in behavioural decisions. In this study, we explored whether the mechanisms underlying the regulation of foraging are linked to inter‐individual differences in the waggle dance activity of honey bee foragers. We first quantified the variation in dance activity amongst groups of foragers visiting an artificial feeder filled consecutively with different sucrose concentrations. We then determined, for these foragers, the sucrose responsiveness and the brain expression levels of three genes associated with food search and foraging; the foraging gene Amfor, octopamine receptor gene AmoctαR1 and insulin receptor AmInR‐2. As expected, foragers showed large inter‐individual differences in their dance activity, irrespective of the reward offered at the feeder. The sucrose responsiveness correlated positively with the intensity of the dance activity at the higher reward condition, with the more responsive foragers having a higher intensity of dancing. Out of the three genes tested, Amfor expression significantly correlated with dance activity, with more active dancers having lower expression levels. Our results show that dance and foraging behaviour in honey bees have similar mechanistic underpinnings and supports the hypothesis that the social communication behaviour of honey bees might have evolved by co‐opting behavioural modules involved in food search and foraging in solitary insects.  相似文献   

Low oxygen conditions occur in grass sites due to high and frequent precipitation, poor soil quality, and over‐irrigation followed by slow drainage. Three warm‐season and one cool‐season grass were analyzed at metabolic level during a time‐course experiment performed in a controlled anoxic environment. Prolonged oxygen depletion proved detrimental by leading to premature death to all the species, with the exception of seashore paspalum. Moreover, the anoxia tolerance observed in these grasses has been associated with slow use of carbohydrates, rather than with their relative abundance, which was more important than their antioxidant capacity. Further physiological characterization of eight seashore paspalum genotypes to anoxia was also performed, by examining the variation in photosystem II (PSII) efficiency and gas exchange during post‐anoxia recovery. Multivariate analysis highlighted the presence of three main clusters of seashore paspalum genotypes, characterized by different ability to restore the PSII photochemistry during recovery after one day of anoxia. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the analysis of post‐anoxia recovery of fluorescence and gas exchange parameters can represent a fast and reliable indicator for selecting species and cultivars more able to acclimate their photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Models of isolation‐by‐distance formalize the effects of genetic drift and gene flow in a spatial context where gene dispersal is spatially limited. These models have been used to show that, at an appropriate spatial scale, dispersal parameters can be inferred from the regression of genetic differentiation against geographic distance between sampling locations. This approach is compelling because it is relatively simple and robust and has rather low sampling requirements. In continuous populations, dispersal can be inferred from isolation‐by‐distance patterns using either individuals or groups as sampling units. Intrigued by empirical findings where individual samples seemed to provide more power, we used simulations to compare the performances of the two methods in a range of situations with different dispersal distributions. We found that sampling individuals provide more power in a range of dispersal conditions that is narrow but fits many realistic situations. These situations were characterized not only by the general steepness of isolation‐by‐distance but also by the intrinsic shape of the dispersal kernel. The performances of the two approaches are otherwise similar, suggesting that the choice of a sampling unit is globally less important than other settings such as a study's spatial scale.  相似文献   

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the world's most important crop plants, which is of large economic value for fruit and wine production. There is much interest in identifying genomic variations and their functional effects on inter‐varietal, phenotypic differences. Using an approach developed for the analysis of human and mammalian genomes, which combines high‐throughput sequencing, array comparative genomic hybridization, fluorescent in situ hybridization and quantitative PCR, we created an inter‐varietal atlas of structural variations and single nucleotide variants (SNVs) for the grapevine genome analyzing four economically and genetically relevant table grapevine varieties. We found 4.8 million SNVs and detected 8% of the grapevine genome to be affected by genomic variations. We identified more than 700 copy number variation (CNV) regions and more than 2000 genes subjected to CNV as potential candidates for phenotypic differences between varieties.  相似文献   

Animal personalities are an important factor that affects the dispersal of animals. In the context of aquatic species, dispersal modeling needs to consider that most freshwater ecosystems are highly fragmented by barriers reducing longitudinal connectivity. Previous research has incorporated such barriers into dispersal models under the neutral assumption that all migrating animals attempt to ascend at all times. Modeling dispersal of animals that do not perform trophic or reproductive migrations will be more realistic if it includes assumptions of which individuals attempt to overcome a barrier. We aimed to introduce personality into predictive modeling of whether a nonmigratory invasive freshwater fish (the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus) will disperse across an in‐stream barrier. To that end, we experimentally assayed the personalities of 259 individuals from invasion fronts and established round goby populations. Based on the population differences in boldness, asociability, and activity, we defined a priori thresholds with bolder, more asocial, and more active individuals having a higher likelihood of ascent. We then combined the personality thresholds with swimming speed data from the literature and in situ measurements of flow velocities in the barrier. The resulting binary logistic regression model revealed probabilities of crossing a barrier which depended not only on water flow and fish swimming speed but also on animal personalities. We conclude that risk assessment through predictive dispersal modeling across fragmented landscapes can be advanced by including personality traits as parameters. The inclusion of behavior into modeling the spread of invasive species can help to improve the accuracy of risk assessments.  相似文献   

The water flea Daphnia has the capacity to respond rapidly to environmental stressors, to disperse over large geographical scales, and to preserve its genetic material by forming egg banks in the sediment. Spatial and temporal distributions of D. magna have been extensively studied over the last decades using behavioral or genetic tools, although the correlation between the two has rarely been the focus. In the present study, we therefore investigated the population genetic structure and behavioral response to a lethal threat, ultraviolet radiation (UVR), among individuals from two different water bodies. Our results show two genetic populations with moderate gene flow, highly correlated with geographical location and with inheritable traits through generations. However, despite the strong genetic differences between populations, we show homogeneous refuge demand between populations when exposed to the lethal threat solar UVR.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses to predation risk are critical for survival but as antipredator behavior is costly, prey animals should flexibly modulate their optimum defensive responses by considering both costs and benefits, which are partly influenced by the individual characteristics of the prey. Turtles have the shell as a morphological structure that may provide partial protection against predators, but hiding into the shell may entail some high costs, and turtles should decide when to switch to an active escape strategy to safe refuges. Here, we examined how gender, body size, and sexual coloration influence inter‐individual variability of antipredatory hiding behavior into the shell of Spanish terrapins (Mauremys leprosa). We simulated predatory attacks under different conditions and measured the time that the turtles spent hidden entirely inside the shell (i.e., appearance times) and from then until the turtle started to flee actively (i.e., waiting times). Our results showed that when risk increased, appearance times increased but waiting times decreased. When turtles were in a prone position, their hiding behavior was related with their body weight with heavier turtles having longer appearance times. Also, the conspicuousness of limb coloration was important for the appearance times of males, but not for females. Thus, males with brighter coloration of the limb stripes had longer appearance times than duller ones. In addition, when turtles were overturned, males appeared out of the shell earlier than females and heavier turtles started to right sooner, but only when risk was low. However, when turtles were overturned and risk was high, they should assume that they have already been detected, making inter‐individual differences in size and coloration apparently unimportant for deciding hiding behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Population estimates of Hydrotaea irritans were made by a mark and recapture technique at one site from 1976 to 1978.
2. Population densities of five to 200 thousand ha-1 were found with large-scale immigration and emigration occurring from the site.
3. The dispersal of marked adults from a point of release was rapid and marked flies were captured up to 3 km from the release point.
4. The distribution of flies along a woodland strip was not homogeneous; certain areas appeared to be more attractive and held more flies over a period of time.
5. The importance of the increasing area within which flies may be found as they move outwards from the release point is discussed.  相似文献   

Senescent cells play important roles in both physiological and pathological processes, including cancer and aging. In all cases, however, senescent cells comprise only a small fraction of tissues. Senescent phenotypes have been studied largely in relatively homogeneous populations of cultured cells. In vivo, senescent cells are generally identified by a small number of markers, but whether and how these markers vary among individual cells is unknown. We therefore utilized a combination of single‐cell isolation and a nanofluidic PCR platform to determine the contributions of individual cells to the overall gene expression profile of senescent human fibroblast populations. Individual senescent cells were surprisingly heterogeneous in their gene expression signatures. This cell‐to‐cell variability resulted in a loss of correlation among the expression of several senescence‐associated genes. Many genes encoding senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factors, a major contributor to the effects of senescent cells in vivo, showed marked variability with a subset of highly induced genes accounting for the increases observed at the population level. Inflammatory genes in clustered genomic loci showed a greater correlation with senescence compared to nonclustered loci, suggesting that these genes are coregulated by genomic location. Together, these data offer new insights into how genes are regulated in senescent cells and suggest that single markers are inadequate to identify senescent cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Biological diversity is threatened by exploitation, fragmentation of natural habitats, pollution, climate change, and anthropogenic spread of species. The question of how among‐individual variation influences the performance of populations and species is a poorly explored but currently growing field of research. Here, we review 31 experimental and 14 comparative studies and first investigate whether there is empirical support for the propositions that higher levels of among‐individual phenotypic and genetic variation promote the ecological and evolutionary success of populations and species in the face of environmental change. Next, we examine whether and how the effect of diversity depends on environmental conditions. Finally, we explore whether the relationship linking population fitness to diversity is typically linear, asymptotic, or whether the benefits peak at intermediate diversity. The reviewed studies provide strong, almost invariable, evidence that more variable populations are less vulnerable to environmental changes, show decreased fluctuations in population size, have superior establishment success, larger distribution ranges, and are less extinction prone, compared with less variable populations or species. Given the overwhelming evidence that variation promotes population performance, it is important to identify conditions when increased variation does not have the theoretically expected effect, a question of considerable importance in biodiversity management, where there are many other practical constraints. We find that experimental outcomes generally support the notion that genetic and phenotypic variation is of greater importance under more stressful than under benign conditions. Finally, population performance increased linearly with increasing diversity in the majority (10 of 12) of manipulation studies that included four or more diversity levels; only two experiments detected curvilinear relationships.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests are systems that provide ecosystem services and rely on floating propagules of which the dispersal trajectories are determined by ocean currents and winds. Quantitating connectivity of mangrove patches is an important conservation concern. Current estimates of connectivity, however, fail to integrate the link between ocean currents at different spatial scales and dispersal trajectories. Here, we use high‐resolution estimates of ocean currents and surface winds from meteorological and oceanographic analyses, in conjunction with experimental data on propagule traits (e.g., density, size, and shape) and dispersal vector properties (e.g., strength and direction of water and wind currents). We incorporate these data in a dispersal model to illustrate the potential effect of wind on dispersal trajectories of hydrochorous propagules from different mangrove species. We focus on the Western Indian Ocean, including the Mozambique Channel, which has received much attention because of its reported oceanic complexity, to illustrate the effect of oceanic features such as eddy currents and tides. In spite of the complex pattern of ocean surface currents and winds, some propagules are able to cross the Mozambique Channel. Eddy currents and tides may delay arrival at a suitable site. Experimentally demonstrated differences in wind sensitivity among propagule types were shown to affect the probability of departure and the shape of dispersal trajectories. The model could be used to reconstruct current fluxes of mangrove propagules that may help explain past and current distributions of mangrove forests and assess the potential for natural expansion of these forests.  相似文献   

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