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Cotyledonary somatic embryos (SEs) of maritime pine are routinely matured for 12 weeks before being germinated and converted to plantlets. Although regeneration success is highly dependent on SEs quality, the date of harvesting is currently determined mainly on the basis of morphological features. This empirical method does not provide any accurate information about embryo quality with respect to storage compounds (proteins, carbohydrates). We first analyzed SEs matured for 10, 12 and 14 weeks by carrying out biological (dry weight, water content) and biochemical measurements (total protein and carbohydrate contents). No difference could be found between collection dates, suggesting that harvesting SEs after 12 weeks is appropriate. Cotyledonary SEs were then compared to various stages, from fresh to fully desiccated, in the development of cotyledonary zygotic embryos (ZEs). We identified profiles that were similar using hierarchical ascendant cluster analysis (HCA). Fresh and dehydrated ZEs could be distinguished, and SEs clustered with fresh ZEs. Both types of embryo exhibited similar carbohydrate and protein contents and signatures. This high level of similarity (94.5 %) was further supported by proteome profiling. Highly expressed proteins included storage, stress-related, late embryogenesis abundant and energy metabolism proteins. By comparing overexpressed proteins in developing and cotyledonary SEs or ZEs, some (23 proteins) could be identified as candidate biomarkers for the late, cotyledonary stage. This is the first report of useful generic protein markers for monitoring embryo development in maritime pine. Our results also suggest that improvements of SEs quality may be achieved if the current maturation conditions are refined.  相似文献   

The management of a genetic improvement program is based on the knowledge of the genetic parameters and their relationships to determine the genetic gains. Knowledge of the coefficient of coancestry (θ) is a requirement for efficient progeny testing scheme and for estimating additive variance components for any quantitative trait. When using open-pollinated families, most authors assume that the seedlings are related as half-sibs, but this is not always true. Our aim was to estimate a mean value of the coancestry coefficient of the families present in a maritime pine Pinus pinaster Ait. (maritime or cluster pine) progeny trial originating from seed collected in a clonal seed orchard and to study how deviations from the standard assumption of θ = 0.125 affect heritability estimations. Five highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were scored in 125 offspring from a subsample of five families from the progeny trial. The mean value of the coancestry coefficient of the families present in this progeny trial was 0.130. Differences between the unadjusted and adjusted heritability estimates were more pronounced in wood density (0.609 and 0.586, respectively) than in diameter (0.166 and 0.154, respectively). We conclude that in the trial, the associated error in heritability estimates due to the inclusion of full-sibs, when assuming a standard coefficient of relationship among open-pollinated sibs of 0.250, was low and that this result is robust with respect to the number of families sampled, given unbiased estimates of average relationship among offspring within sib families.  相似文献   

Some 1339 trees from 48 Pinus pinaster stands were characterized by five chloroplast microsatellites, detecting a total of 103 distinct haplotypes. Frequencies for the 16 most abundant haplotypes (p(k) > 0.01) were spatially interpolated over a lattice made by 430 grid points. Fitting of spatially interpolated values on raw haplotype frequencies at the same geographical location was tested by regression analysis. A range-wide 'diversity map' based on interpolated haplotype frequencies allowed the identification of one 'hotspot' of diversity in central and southeastern Spain, and two areas of low haplotypic diversity located in the western Iberian peninsula and Morocco. Principal component analysis (PCA) carried out on haplotypes frequency surfaces allowed the construction of a colour-based 'synthetic' map of the first three PC components, enabling the detection of the main range-scale genetic trends and the identification of three main 'gene pools' for the species: (i) a 'southeastern' gene pool, including southeastern France, Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Pantelleria and northern Africa; (ii) an 'Atlantic' gene pool, including all the western areas of the Iberian peninsula; and (iii) a 'central' gene pool, located in southeastern Spain. Multivariate and AMOVA analyses carried out on interpolated grid point frequency values revealed the existence of eight major clusters ('gene zones'), whose genetic relationships were related with the history of the species. In addition, demographic models showed more ancient expansions in the eastern and southern ranges of maritime pine probably associated to early postglacial recolonization. The delineation of the gene zones provides a baseline for designing conservation areas in this key Mediterranean pine.  相似文献   

通过对沙地海岸松种子萌发和育苗试验的研究,结果表明:正交试验可提高沙地海岸松种子萌发率,在实验室的最优组合分别是基质土,无菌根,1d喷水1次;在苗圃的最优组合是覆土厚度1cm,1d喷水1次,栽植密度800株/m2;生根粉及其浓度对沙地海岸松种子萌发率的影响不同,GGR生根粉在10mg/kg浓度下的发芽率最高,其次依次为GGR 40mg/kg、ABT 40mg/kg和GGR 25mg/kg.沙地海岸松的第1个生长季共分四个时期;在第1年和第2年的生长中,其高生长都出现了二次生长高峰期;从幼苗的高与地径生长来看,裸根苗均高于容器苗,浙江引种地的幼苗均高于山东的幼苗;法国种源在引种地的生长表现比西班牙种源要好;沙地海岸松耐盐性强,且在养分含量高、偏酸性土壤中生长占优势.  相似文献   

As the proportion of sapwood (SW) transformed into heartwood(HW) is irregular both radially and longitudinally in trunksof Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), it has been suggestedthat HW formation is a developmental process, regulated internallywithin the tree. In trees where stem growth is eccentric dueto stem lean or wind action, the number of annual growth ringsof SW transformed into HW is greater on the compressed sideof the tree. To determine the contribution to bending stiffness,if any, of this prematurely formed HW, four point bending testswere carried out on fresh HW and SW samples taken from the samegrowth ring, or neighbouring growth rings, at different cross-sectionalpositions at a height of 2 m from six 52-year-old Maritime pines.The mean (±s.e.) modulus of elasticity (E) was 7.6 ±0.3 GPa (longitudinal direction) for all samples. No significantdifferences in E were found between HW and SW; thus HW doesnot play a significant mechanical role in bending stiffness.To test a second hypothesis that early HW formation on the compressedside of trees may maintain a constant, optimal volume of SWaround the tree, the Pipe Model Theory was applied to 12 52-year-oldleaning Maritime pines (angle of lean varied from 0–22°).The surface area (S) of the SW was determined at different heightsup the trunk and correlated with crown surface area (Scrown).Regressions between SSWandScrown were highly significant, therebysupporting the theory that HW formation and extension is controlledinternally in Maritime pine. HW formation in Maritime pine thenserves to maintain an optimal proportion of functional SW whichis an important criterion for survival in a species often subjectedto severe drought for long periods. Copyright 2001 Annals ofBotany Company Heartwood, sapwood, bending test, Pipe Model Theory, Pinus pinaster  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is thought to play a role in the regulation of ectomycorrhiza development, and vigorous mycorrhiza formers such as Pisolithus and Laccaria have previously been shown to accumulate large amounts of IAA in the culture medium in vitro, particularly in the presence of tryptophan. Recently, 5-fluoroindole-resistant and IAA-overproducing mutant strains of Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagnesi have been developed and described by Durand et al. (1992). We have used some of these and corresponding wild-type strains as mycobionts on seedlings of Pinus pinaster (Ait.) Sol. and P. sylvestris L. in semi-hydroponic culture in an attempt to study IAA effects independent of species-specific differences. However, no significant differences between strains were found in host growth rate, shoot carbohydrate concentration, root morphology, root IAA concentration or mycorrhizal biomass. Since previous work showed a stimulation by these and other mutants and strains on mycorrhiza formation in Petri dish and test tube cultures, we assume that a semi-hydroponic culture system prevents the build up of tryptophan of fungal origin, which is most likely a precondition for enhanced IAA production.  相似文献   

The activities of guaiacol peroxidase (GuPOD), ascorbate peroxidase (ASAp), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate/glutathione cycle (AGC) enzymes, together with ascorbate (ASC) and glutathione contents, were determined in apoplastic-fluid and cell-wall fractions of needles of Pinus pinaster Ait. and Pinus radiata D. Don. exposed for up to 6 months to SO2 (0.01 ppm or 0.30 ppm) in fumigation chambers. AGC enzyme activities (monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase) were in all cases undetectable, as was glutathione content. In needles of P. pinaster plants exposed to SO2, ascorbate content and all enzyme activities considered (except AGC enzymes) increased. The increases were most marked in response to the higher SO2 concentration. In needles of P. radiata, similar but less marked responses were observed. These findings suggest a) that enzyme activities and ascorbate contents increase in order to deal with the reactive oxygen intermediates produced during long-term contamination with SO2, and b) that P. pinaster has more effective defences against contamination of this type than P. radiata.  相似文献   

F-statistics were employed to analyse quantitative and allozyme variation among 19 native populations of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Fourteen polymorphic allozyme loci were used to provide an empirical basis for constructing a null hypothesis to test natural selection as a determinant of quantitative evolution in stem form, total height growth and survival at 30 years old. Hidden biases, that may result in a difference between quantitative (Q(ST)) and allozyme (F(ST)) differentiation which are not because of the action of natural selection, were avoided by comparing pairs of populations using linear models. All quantitative traits showed higher differentiation than allozymes. The highest divergence was found in stem form, whereas divergences in total height and survival were significantly lower. Differential adaptation to regional and local patterns of precipitation, temperature and soil type seem to be the best explanation of the different structure found in quantitative traits and allozyme loci. Possible bias in the estimation of Q(ST) due to the level of quantitative within-population diversity and the role of adaptation of maritime pine after the last glaciation to highly diverse ecological conditions are discussed with special reference to the actual geographical structure of gene diversity in the species' native range.  相似文献   

Summary Proteins from haploid megagametophytes from 18 trees were studied by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE). A total of 222 seeds, an average of 12 per tree, were analysed individually. 150 protein spots appeared to segregate on the polyacrylamide gels in at least tree. Genetic interpretations were made to define the number of loci responsible for the presence versus absence, staining differences or position variation of the segregating spots. The complete covariation observed between some spots could be the result of either the separation of a single gene product into two or more constituents, very close linkage, or the action of a pleiotropic gene. Human genetics techniques were used to map the 84 putative loci detected. Sixty-five loci were organised in 17 linkage groups, whereas 19 remained unlinked.  相似文献   


Somatic embryogenesis from juvenile explants as an efficient way for oak clonal propagation is drastically limited by the low rate of embryo germination. A comparison of the development of immature somatic and zygotic embryos, and a study of the changes in sugar content and lignin accumulation during somatic versus zygotic embryo development were conducted in view of understanding the effect of reserve substance deficiency upon somatic embryo maturation. A morphological comparison of somatic and zygotic embryos led to the identification of 4 to 7 similar developmental stages in both types of embryos, thus indicating that the accumulation phase in both zygotic and somatic embryos occurs at the same stage, when the cotyledons became thicker and opaque. Carbohydrate analysis showed the presence of glycerol, inositol, mannitol, galactose, trehalose, xylose, arabinose, glucose, fructose and sucrose in all stages of zygotic and somatic embryo development, but in different amounts. The amount of glycerol, inositol, glucose and sucrose during the early stages is larger in zygotic embryos than in somatic ones, but the time course of their accumulation is similar in both types of embryos. Lignin content, which increased continuously during development, showed a similar behaviour in zygotic and somatic embryos. In somatic embryos which were able to germinate, lignin content was higher than in nongerminating embryos at the same stage.  相似文献   

Axillary buds of the dioecious plant Rumex acetosella L. were isolated and cultured in vitro. The callus tissue which developed at the basal parts of the explants displayed a high capacity for shoot formation. This morphogenetic pattern was predominant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2.2 mgl-1 benzylaminopurine and 0.17 mgl-1 indole-3-acetic acid. Somatic embryogenesis was induced when the osmolality of the medium was increased by adding 6% sucrose instead of 2%, or hexitols in addition to 2% sucrose. Most of the embryogenic calli were formed on the basal parts of leaf laminae and bracts. Development and maturation was strongly promoted by transferring the tissue to a solid or liquid medium lacking benzylaminopurine and indole-3-acetic acid and supplemented with 10 mgl-1 gibberellic acid. The embryos germinated and developed into normal rosette plants when transferred to vermiculite moistened with hormone-free, half-strength MS salt solution. The histology of successive embryogenic stages is presented.  相似文献   

A global DNA methylation and proteomics approach was used to investigate somatic embryo maturation in hybrid larch. Each developmental step during somatic embryogenesis was associated with a distinct and significantly different global DNA methylation level: from 45.8% mC for undifferentiated somatic embryos (1‐week proliferation) to 61.5% mC for immature somatic embryos (1‐week maturation), while maturation was associated with a decrease in DNA methylation to 53.4% for mature cotyledonary somatic embryos (8‐weeks maturation). The presence of 5‐azacytidine (hypo‐methylating agent) or hydroxyurea (hyper‐methylating agent) in the maturation medium altered the global DNA methylation status of the embryogenic cultures, and significantly reduced both their relative growth rate and embryogenic potential, suggesting an important role for DNA methylation in embryogenesis. Maturation was also assessed by examining changes in the total protein profile. Storage proteins, identified as legumin‐ and vicilin‐like, appeared at the precotyledonary stage. In the proteomic study, total soluble proteins were extracted from embryos after 1 and 8 weeks of maturation, and separated by two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis. There were 147 spots which showed significant differences between the stages of maturation; they were found to be involved mainly in primary metabolism and the stabilization of the resulting metabolites. This indicated that the somatic embryo was still metabolically active at 8 weeks of maturation. This is the first report of analyses of global DNA methylation (including the effects of hyper‐ and hypo‐treatments) and proteome during somatic embryogenesis in hybrid larch, and thus provides novel insights into maturation of conifer somatic embryos.  相似文献   

Cytological analyses show rearranged chromosomes in some highly asymmetric nuclear hybrids obtained after fusion of mesophyll protoplasts ofNicotiana plumbaginifolia (wild type) with γ-irradiated (100 krad), kanamycin-resistant mesophyll protoplasts ofPetunia hybrida. Molecular, cytogenetic andin situ hybridization analyses performed on the asymmetric somatic hybrid P1, previously identified as having a clearly metacentric chromosome besides a nearly completeNicotiana chromosome complement, are reported. Meiotic analysis andin situ hybridization experiments using ribosomal DNA as a probe showed that this metacentric chromosome represents a translocation of a chromosome fragment onto chromosome 9 ofN. plumbaginifolia. Southern hybridization with an rDNA probe showed that onlyNicotiana-specific rDNA was present.In situ hybridization experiments, using total genomic DNA ofP. hybrida as a probe, demonstrated that the translocated fragment representedPetunia DNA.  相似文献   

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