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The calling song of the field cricket, Teleogryllus taiwanemma, is usually considered to consist of sequences of separate chirps. However, sometimes it comprises a phrase of several chirps in a row, with one long chirp (chirp) and a few short chirps (trills). In this study, I compared the phrase containing only chirps with that containing both chirps and trills by analyzing male songs and conducting playback experiments of male songs to females. The song analyses showed significant differences between chirps and trills for all song parameters except bandwidth. To test whether female preference differed with respect to the two phrases, I performed two-speaker playback experiments. When the same numbers of phrases were presented per unit time, females preferred the song with trills to that without trills. This result may reflect female preference for songs with greater sound density. In subsequent playback experiments, I equalized the total sound duration per unit time (duty cycle) in songs with and without trills. The numbers of females that preferred songs with and without trills did not differ significantly. This suggests that trills can attract females like chirps do, even though the two sounds have different components.  相似文献   

Female crickets lacking experience with phonotaxis to conspecific calling song respond to trains of continuously repeated sound pulses (trill), whereas experienced females do not. In the present study such inexperienced crickets were tested for their responsiveness to trills of pulse repetition periods from 30 to 70 ms on a Y- shaped maze. Stimulation with a repetition period of 30 ms led to unexpectedly low phonotactic and exploratory activity. Initial stimulation with trills of 30- ms repetition period drastically reduced the responsiveness of inexperienced animals to conspecific calling song and other attractive stimuli. Effects of visual stimulation on the phonotactic behavior of female crickets are demonstrated. Threatening visual stimuli changed the behavior of experienced animals to a state that resembles that of inexperienced animals. The relevance of these observations is discussed with respect to the development of the auditory pattern recognition mechanism in crickets.  相似文献   

The phonotactic response of cricket females was investigated on a locomotion compensator to determine the temporal parameters of the male's calling song which are important for species recognition. Two sympatric species (Teleogryllus commodus, T. oceanicus) that show different syllable periods in the chirp and trill parts of their calling songs were used. By their responses T. commodus females exhibited two temporal filters for syllable periods, which were tuned to the species-specific syllable periods occurring during chirp and trill. For song recognition both filters had to be activated and for both a minimum number of three to five consecutive syllable periods was necessary. In contrast, T. oceanicus females showed only one sharply tuned filter corresponding to the chirp part of the male's calling song. This filter was sufficient for calling song recognition. Syllable periods of the trill part also influenced calling song recognition, but these played only a minor role. Carrier frequency was also important for positive phonotaxis. Calling song recognition by T. commodus females is largely based on central nervous processing, while for T. oceanicus both peripheral frequency filtering and central temporal filtering is important. Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

Summary Phonotactic responses ofTeleogryllus oceanicus were studied with two methods. Tethered crickets were stimulated with sound while they performed stationary flight, and steering responses were indicated by abdominal movements. Walking crickets tracked a sound source while their translational movements were compensated by a spherical treadmill, and their walking direction and velocity were recorded.During both flight and walking, crickets attempted to locomote towards the sound source when a song model with 5 kHz carrier frequency was broadcast (positive phonotactic response) and away from the source when a song model with 33 kHz carrier frequency was used (negative phonotactic response) (Figs. 2, 4).One-eared crickets attempted, while flying, to steer towards the side of the remaining ear when stimulated with the 5 kHz model, and away from that side in response to the 33 kHz model (Fig. 3). While walking, one-eared crickets circled towards and away from the intact side in response to the 5 kHz and 33 kHz models, respectively (Fig. 6).Positive and negative responses differed in their temporal pattern requirements. Phonotactic responses were not elicited when a non-calling song pattern (2 pulses/s) was played with a carrier frequency appropriate for positive phonotactic responses (5 kHz), but this pattern did elicit negative responses with 33 kHz carrier frequency (Figs. 7–10). When an intermediate carrier frequency, 15 kHz, was used, the response type (positive or negative) depended on the stimulus temporal pattern; the calling song pattern elicited primarily positive responses, while the non-calling song pattern elicited negative responses (Figs. 11, 12, 14, 15). A curious phenomenon was often observed in the flight steering responses; while most responses to 15 kHz song pattern were primarily positive, they often had an initial negative component which was supplanted by the positive component of the response after approximately 2–5 s (Figs. 11, 12).In recent experiments onGryllus campestris, Thorson et al. (1982) described frequency-dependent errors in phonotactic direction (anomalous phonotaxis) and showed how such errors might arise from the frequency-dependent directional properties of the cricket's auditory apparatus. Our findings, particularly the dependence of response type on temporal pattern when 15 kHz carrier frequency was used, argue that frequency-dependent directional properties alone cannot account for positive and negative phonotaxis inT. oceanicus. Rather, these represent qualitatively different attempts to locomote towards and away from the sound source, respectively.We discuss the possibility that central integration of these opposing tendencies might contribute to anomalous phonotaxis.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the effects of alterations of several temporal parameters of auditory stimuli, as well as of stimulus intensity changes, on the attractiveness of these stimuli to femaleTeleogryllus oceanicus, as measured by monitoring sound-elicited flight steering responses. AlthoughT. oceanicus has a rhythmically complex calling song, females are attracted by a simpler model consisting of regularly repeating sound pulses. We have found that the two major temporal features of this model, sound pulse duration and pulse repetition rate, are both important for eliciting phonotactic steering responses.Stimuli with altered temporal features had intensity thresholds indistinguishable from the control stimulus (Fig. 3). The majority of crickets, however, ceased to respond to the altered stimuli when the stimulus intensity was sufficiently increased (Figs. 4–7). In some cases, intensity increases resulted in a reversal of the steering response from positive to negative (Fig. 10). Effects of altered temporal parameters were also apparent at lower stimulus intensities, where the amplitudes of steering responses to stimuli with altered parameters were smaller than those in response to the control stimulus (Figs. 8, 9).We considered the possibility that the cessation of responsiveness to stimuli with altered temporal features was due to a temporal pattern-specific diminution of binaural cues for sound localization at high intensities. Experiments performed with unilaterally deafened crickets (Fig. 11) led us to conclude that this was not the case, and that our findings instead reflect the properties of the song recognition mechanism.Abbreviations UIL upper intensity limit - RAF ratio of abdominal flexion  相似文献   

How populations adapt, or not, to rapid evolution of sexual signals has important implications for population viability, but is difficult to assess due to the paucity of examples of sexual signals evolving in real time. In Hawaiian populations of the Pacific field cricket (Teleogryllus oceanicus), selection from a deadly parasitoid fly has driven the rapid loss of a male acoustic signal, calling song, that females use to locate and evaluate potential mates. In this newly quiet environment where many males are obligately silent, how do phonotactic females find mates? Previous work has shown that the acoustic rearing environment (presence or absence of male calling song) during late juvenile stages and early adulthood exposes adaptive flexibility in locomotor behaviors of males, as well as mating behaviors in both sexes that helps facilitate the spread of silent (flatwing) males. Here, we tested whether females also show acoustically induced plasticity in walking behaviors using laboratory‐reared populations of T. oceanicus from Kauai (HI; >90% flatwings), Oahu (HI; ~50% flatwings), and Mangaia (Cook Islands; no flatwings or parasitoid fly). Though we predicted that females reared without song exposure would increase walking behaviors to facilitate mate localization when song is rare, we discovered that, unlike males, female T. oceanicus showed relatively little plasticity in exploratory behaviors in response to an acoustic rearing environment. Across all three populations, exposure to male calling song during development did not affect latency to begin walking, distance walked, or general activity of female crickets. However, females reared in the absence of song walked slower and showed a marginally non‐significant tendency to walk for longer durations of time in a novel environment than those reared in the presence of song. Overall, plasticity in female walking behaviors appears unlikely to have facilitated sexual signal loss in this species.  相似文献   

The steering responses of three species of field crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus, T. commodus, and Gryllus bimaculatus, were characterized during tethered flight using single tone-pulses (rather than model calling song) presented at carrier frequencies from 3-100 kHz. This range of frequencies encompasses the natural songs of crickets (4-20 kHz, Fig. 1) as well as the echolocation cries of insectivorous bats (12-100 kHz). The single-pulse stimulus paradigm was necessary to assess the aversive nature of high carrier frequencies without introducing complications due to the attractive properties of repeated pulse stimuli such as model calling songs. Unlike the natural calling song, single tone-pulses were not attractive and did not elicit positive phonotactic steering even when presented at the calling song carrier frequency (Figs. 2, 3, and 9). In addition to temporal pattern, phonotactic steering was sensitive to carrier frequency as well as sound intensity. Three discrete flight steering behaviors positive phonotaxis, negative phonotaxis and evasion, were elicited by appropriate combinations of frequency, temporal pattern and sound intensity (Fig. 12). Positive phonotactic steering required a model calling song temporal pattern, was tuned to 5 kHz and was restricted to frequencies below 9 kHz. Negative phonotactic steering, similar to the 'early warning' bat-avoidance behavior of moths, was produced by low intensity (55 dB SPL) tone-pulses at frequencies between 12 and 100 kHz (Figs. 2, 3, and 9). In contrast to model calling song, single tone-pulses of high intensity 5-10 kHz elicited negative phonotactic steering; low intensity ultrasound (20-100 kHz) produced only negative phonotactic steering, regardless of pulse repetition pattern. 'Evasive', side-to-side steering, similar to the 'last-chance' bat-evasion behavior of moths was produced in response to high intensity (greater than 90 dB) ultrasound (20-100 kHz). Since the demonstration of negative phonotactic steering did not require the use of a calling song temporal pattern, avoidance of ultrasound cannot be the result of systematic errors in localizing an inherently attractive stimulus when presented at high carrier frequencies. Unlike attraction to model calling song, the ultrasound-mediated steering responses were of short latency (25-35 ms) and were produced in an open loop manner (Fig. 4), both properties of escape behaviors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cicada Okanagana rimosa (Say) has an acoustic communication system with three types of loud timbal sounds: (i) A calling song lasting several seconds to about 1 min which consists of a sequence of chirps at a repetition rate of 83 chirps per second. Each chirp of about 6 ms duration contains 4-5 pulses. The sound level of the calling song is 87-90 dB SPL at a distance of 15 cm. (ii) An amplitude modulated courtship song with increasing amplitude and repetition rate of chirps and pulses. (iii) A protest squawk with irregular chirp and pulse structure. The spectra of all three types are similar and show main energy peaks at 8-10 kHz. Only males sing, and calling song production is influenced by the songs of other males, resulting in an almost continuous sound in dense populations. In such populations, the calling songs overlap and the temporal structure of individual songs is obscured within the habitat. The calling song of the broadly sympatric, closely related species O. canadensis (Provander) is similar in frequency content, but distinct in the temporal pattern (24 chirps per second, 24 ms chirp duration, eight pulses per chirp) which is likely important for species separation in sympatric populations. The hearing threshold of the auditory nerve is similar for females and males of O. rimosa and most sensitive at 4-5 kHz. Experiments in the field show that female phonotaxis of O. rimosa depends on parameters of the calling song. Most females are attracted to calling song models with a 9 kHz carrier frequency (peak frequency of the calling song), but not to models with a 5 kHz carrier frequency (minimum hearing threshold). Phonotaxis depends on temporal parameters of the conspecific song, especially chirp repetition rate. Calling song production is influenced by environmental factors, and likelihood to sing increases with temperature and brightness of the sky. Correspondingly, females perform phonotaxis most often during sunny conditions with temperatures above 22 degrees C. Non-mated and mated females are attracted by the acoustic signals, and the percentage of mated females performing phonotaxis increases during the season.  相似文献   

Mate recognition for the leafhopper Graminella nigrifrons(Forbes) occurs when a male spontaneously emits a multisectional vibrational calling song to which females respond by emitting simple pulses. Significant differences were found among males in the duration, number of chirps, and chirp rate within sections of the song and the total song. Repeatability (proportion of total variation due to differences among males) of call features ranged from very low (0.04 for total chirps in song) to high (0.67 for section 3 chirp rate). However, song modification and playback experiments revealed that the variation in the measured song features was not important in determining whether a female will respond. Rather, female response depended only on the presence of two of the three types of pulses which comprise a chirp. These essential pulses were found within chirps of all call sections that contain chirps. Manipulation of chirp rates from 0.58 to 2.70 times the normal rate did not affect female response, nor did changing the period of silence between the essential pulse types from 0.25 to 1.75 times the normal period. These results suggest that components of the male calling song function in mate recognition but are not used by females to discriminate among conspecific males.  相似文献   

The field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus has been introduced to Hawaii, where it is parasitized by an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea. Previous work showed that call parameters from parasitized populations differ from those in unparasitized populations in a direction expected if selection by flies is occurring. Here we examined songs of males collected in the field and compare calling song characters of crickets later found to harbor parasitoid larvae with those of males free of parasitoids. The two groups differ significantly in several song characteristics, particularly the trill-like long chirp given at the beginning of each song. Males with longer long chirps containing shorter interpulse intervals are more likely to be parasitized, suggesting that the flies find such males more attractive. Depending on the traits females prefer, sexual selection may oppose natural selection in altering T. oceanicus song in parasitized populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the choice of female crickets for a dynamic song parameter (chirp rate) on a walking compensator, and the underlying neuronal basis for the choice in the form of discharge differences in the pair of AN1-neurons driving the phonotactic steering behaviour. Our analysis reveals that decisions about chirp rate in a choice situation are made fast and reliably by female crickets. They steered towards the higher chirp rate after a delay of only 2.2–6 s, depending on the rate difference between the song alternatives. In this time period, the female experienced only one to two additional chirps in the song model with the higher rate. There was a strong correlation between the accumulated AN1 discharge difference and the amount of steering towards the side with the stronger response.  相似文献   

Male field crickets (Gryllinae: Gryllidae: Orthoptera) vary in their mating strategies, particularly in whether they call from defended sites to attract phonotactic females or roam silently in search of potential mates. To better understand the economics underlying these alternative strategies, respirometry was employed to examine the energetic costs of each strategy's component behaviors for a representative species, Acheta domesticus. Advertisement calling in this species, composed of low pulse rate chirps, is an order of magnitude less energetically costly than walking per unit time. However, for gryllids that advertise call with higher pulse rate trills, calling and walking appear to be of equivalent energetic cost. Thus, if energetic costs are important in determining grylline mating strategies, trillers and chirpers should have different sensitivities to change in factors affecting the relative payoffs of each strategy. Field studies of changes in mating behavior with increased population density support this argument. This study also determined that courtship calling by A. domesticus was over twice as energetically costly as advertisement calling per unit time, suggesting its importance as a more reliable indicator of signaler, or mate, quality.  相似文献   

MM Rothbart  RM Hennig 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e43975
In Europe, several species of crickets are available commercially as pet food. Here we investigated the calling song and phonotactic selectivity for sound patterns on the short and long time scales for one such a cricket, Gryllus spec., available as "Gryllus assimilis", the Steppengrille, originally from Ecuador. The calling song consisted of short chirps (2-3 pulses, carrier frequency: 5.0 kHz) emitted with a pulse period of 30.2 ms and chirp rate of 0.43 per second. Females exhibited high selectivity on both time scales. The preference for pulse period peaked at 33 ms which was higher then the pulse period produced by males. Two consecutive pulses per chirp at the correct pulse period were already sufficient for positive phonotaxis. The preference for the chirp pattern was limited by selectivity for small chirp duty cycles and for chirp periods between 200 ms and 500 ms. The long chirp period of the songs of males was unattractive to females. On both time scales a mismatch between the song signal of the males and the preference of females was observed. The variability of song parameters as quantified by the coefficient of variation was below 50% for all temporal measures. Hence, there was not a strong indication for directional selection on song parameters by females which could account for the observed mismatch. The divergence of the chirp period and female preference may originate from a founder effect, when the Steppengrille was cultured. Alternatively the mismatch was a result of selection pressures exerted by commercial breeders on low singing activity, to satisfy customers with softly singing crickets. In the latter case the prominent divergence between male song and female preference was the result of domestication and may serve as an example of rapid evolution of song traits in acoustic communication systems.  相似文献   

Two species of closely related wood crickets, Gryllus vernalis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and G. fultoni, occur together in the eastern USA and have a similar calling‐song structure, consisting of three‐pulse chirps. Previous studies revealed that male calling song and female selectivity were divergent between sympatric and far allopatric populations of G. fultoni, consistent with the pattern expected of reproductive character displacement. We studied the reproductive isolation of G. vernalis in relation to G. fultoni by investigating the geographic variation in calling songs of G. vernalis and by examining close‐range mating behaviors. Neither field nor laboratory studies revealed differences in any of the calling‐song characters between sympatric and allopatric populations, but this could reflect the limited sampling within the relatively small region of allopatry for G. vernalis. Although close‐range mating trials revealed that females of both species discriminated against heterospecific mating partners, the strength of discrimination was especially strong in females of sympatric G. vernalis populations. Our studies of long‐range and close‐range mating behaviors suggest that selection pressures for reproductive isolation are exerted primarily on close‐range mating behaviors in G. vernalis but on long‐range mating behaviors in G. fultoni.  相似文献   

Summary Calling song with a carrier frequency of 5 kHz evokes positive phonotaxis in female crickets,Gryllus bimaculatus, when presented at an azimuth. In contrast, a continuous tone of 4.7 kHz in the same position when paired with calling song from above leads to negative phonotaxis. Under open-loop conditions, when a tethered animal runs on a paired tread wheel, characteristic curves are produced with the stable equilibrium point towards or away from the stimulus, respectively (Fig. 3).In order to understand this sign reversal at the neuronal level, directional characteristics of the ascending acoustic inter neurons AN1 and AN2 were measured using extracellular recordings from the cervical connectives.Taking the mean spike rate of the interneurons as a measure for their excitation, the function relating response magnitude to stimulus direction for calling song corresponds well to the behavioural characteristic curve (Fig. 5). The response function obtained using a continuous tone with simultaneous presentation of calling song from above is similar (Fig. 5) and hence does not correspond to the inverse behavioural characteristic curve.However, consideration of the extent to which the temporal parameters of the calling song (syllables and chirps) are reflected in the neuronal response (amplitudes of the Fourier components) leads to characteristic curves for AN1 and AN2 which are in good agreement with the behaviour for stimulation with calling song as well as for the continuous tone experiment (Fig. 8). In addition, the neural response curves correspond to the behaviour in showing smaller amplitudes when a continuous tone rather than the calling song is presented on the horizon (Fig. 8).From these data we conclude that the activity in interneurons AN1 and AN2 does not directly guide orientation in mating behaviour but first is filtered by a mechanism tuned to the frequency of syllables and/or chirps. According to this hypothesis recognition of conspecific song and localization proceed sequentially inGryllus.  相似文献   

Pair formation in the bushcricket Gampsocleis gratiosa is achieved through acoustic signalling by the male and phonotactic approaches of the female towards the calling song. On a walking belt in the free sound field, females tracked the position of the speaker broadcasting the male calling song with a remarkable precision, deviating by no more than 10 cm in either direction from the ideal course. Starting with stimulus angles of 6–10° the females significantly turned to the correct side, and with stimulus angles greater than 25° no incorrect turns were made. Using neurophysiological data on the directionality of the ear we calculated that with such stimulus angles the available binaural intensity difference is in the order of 1–2 dB. We developed a dichotic ear stimulation device for freely moving females with a cross-talk barrier of about 50 dB, which allowed to precisely apply small binaural intensity differences. In such a dichotic stimulation paradigm, females on average turned to the tronger stimulated side starting with a 1 dB difference between both ears. The significance of such a reliable lateralization behaviour with small interaural intensity differences for phonotactic behaviour under natural conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the bushcricket Mecopoda elongata synchronise or alternate their chirps with their neighbours in an aggregation. Since synchrony is imperfect, leader and follower chirps are established in song interactions; females prefer leader chirps in phonotactic trials. Using playback experiments and simulations of song oscillator interactions, we investigate the mechanisms that result in synchrony and alternation, and the probability for the leader role in synchrony. A major predictor for the leader role of a male is its intrinsic chirp period, which varies in a population from 1.6 to 2.3 s. Faster singing males establish the leader role more often than males with longer chirp periods. The phase-response curve (PRC) of the song oscillators differs to other rhythmically calling or flashing insects, in that only the disturbed cycle is influenced in duration by a stimulus. This results in sustained leader or follower chirps of one male, when the intrinsic chirp periods of two males differ by 150 ms or more. By contrast, the individual shape of the males PRC has only little influence on the outcome of chirp interactions. The consequences of these findings for the evolution of synchrony in this species are discussed.  相似文献   

螽斯(Deracantha onos)的趋声性与定位精度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究雌硕螽(Deracantha onos)对正在鸣叫的同种雄螽斯的趋声运动的特征,并依据其行走路径测算出定位精度。只有同种雄螽斯的叫声才能诱发雌螽斯作趋声反应。雌螽斯趋声运动的速度约比非趋声行走高十倍。趋声路径呈“之”字形。用极性方位图表示螽斯趋声运动的方向性。有叫声时,相对于声源为零度的方向上的权最大,介于0.34与0.69之间。极性方位图的质心的方位角代表声定位的精度,小于3°。趋声路径的平均方位角为0.4°,标准离差10°左右。  相似文献   

王月婷  车菲  那杰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(1):121-125
为了探究蟋蟀种内个体间的声音通讯原理,本研究通过回放利用Cool-edit2000声音采集软件采集的双斑蟋Gryllus bimachlatus召唤声,分别对雌、雄蟋蟀识别召唤声的趋声性定位行为进行了观测研究。实验结果表明:雌、雄双斑蟋对回放的召唤声均有较强的识别反应,但雌蟋蟀的趋声定位性较强,能在较短的时间内积极寻找到声源,路径成"s"型;雄蟋蟀反应相对较弱,路径较长,找到声源时间比雌蟋蟀长。本研究结果揭示召唤声在蟋蟀种内通讯中不仅对个体间的联系有作用,对异性求偶也有重要作用。  相似文献   

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