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以东北森林两种典型的阔叶树种风力传播种子——花曲柳和色木槭种子为研究对象,通过室内15N尿素浸泡试验和温室盆栽试验,设置4个浓度(0、0.05、0.1和0.2 g·L-1)、3个浸泡时间(4、8和12 d)与4个叶期(2、4、6和8叶)处理,研究种子浸泡浓度、浸泡时间和幼苗叶期对种子和幼苗15N富集的影响.结果表明: 浸泡浓度和浸泡时间对两树种种子δ15N值均有显著的正反馈作用,高浓度和长时间(0.2 g·L-1+12 d)更有利于种子15N总量的富集,花曲柳和色木槭种子15N同位素最大富集倍数的浸泡浓度和浸泡时间组合分别为0.1 g·L-1+(4、8 d)和0.05 g·L-1+(4、8 d);δ15N值稀释率随幼苗株高的增加先急剧减少(2~6叶)后趋于稳定,幼苗从8叶开始叶片15N总量降低,表明6叶幼苗更适合追踪幼苗的来源;幼苗叶片δ15N值与种子浸泡浓度、浸泡时间和种子的δ15N值呈显著正相关.花曲柳和色木槭种子及幼苗均能成功富集到15N信号,采用0.1 g·L-1+8 d+6叶组合最适合追踪花曲柳和色木槭种子和幼苗.  相似文献   

The dispersal ability of plants is a major factor driving ecological responses to global change. In wind‐dispersed plant species, non‐random seed release in relation to wind speeds has been identified as a major determinant of dispersal distances. However, little information is available about the costs and benefits of non‐random abscission and the consequences of timing for dispersal distances. We asked: 1) to what extent is non‐random abscission able to promote long‐distance dispersal and what is the effect of potentially increased pre‐dispersal risk costs? 2) Which meteorological factors and respective timescales are important for maximizing dispersal? These questions were addressed by combining a mechanistic modelling approach and field data collection for herbaceous wind‐dispersed species. Model optimization with a dynamic dispersal approach using measured hourly wind speed showed that plants can increase long‐distance dispersal by developing a hard wind speed threshold below which no seeds are released. At the same time, increased risk costs limit the possibilities for dispersal distance gain and reduce the optimum level of the wind speed threshold, in our case (under representative Dutch meteorological conditions) to a threshold of 5–6 m s–1. The frequency and predictability (auto‐correlation in time) of pre‐dispersal seed‐loss had a major impact on optimal non‐random abscission functions and resulting dispersal distances. We observed a similar, but more gradual, bias towards higher wind speeds in six out of seven wind‐dispersed species under natural conditions. This confirmed that non‐random abscission exists in many species and that, under local Dutch meteorological conditions, abscission was biased towards winds exceeding 5–6 m s–1. We conclude that timing of seed release can vastly enhance dispersal distances in wind‐dispersed species, but increased risk costs may greatly limit the benefits of selecting wind conditions for long‐distance dispersal, leading to moderate seed abscission thresholds, depending on local meteorological conditions and disturbances.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by wind is one of the most important dispersal mechanisms in plants. The key seed trait affecting seed dispersal by wind is the effective terminal velocity (hereafter “terminal velocity”, V t ), the maximum falling speed of a seed in still air. Accurate estimates of V t are crucial for predicting intra‐ and interspecific variation in seed dispersal ability. However, existing methods produce biased estimates of V t for slow‐ or fast‐falling seeds, fragile seeds, and seeds with complex falling trajectories. We present a new video‐based method that estimates the falling trajectory and V t of wind‐dispersed seeds. The design involves a mirror that enables a camera to simultaneously record a falling seed from two perspectives. Automated image analysis then determines three‐dimensional seed trajectories at high temporal resolution. To these trajectories, we fit a physical model of free fall with air resistance to estimate V t . We validated this method by comparing the estimated V t of spheres of different diameters and materials to theoretical expectations and by comparing the estimated V t of seeds to measurements in a vertical wind tunnel. V t estimates closely match theoretical expectations for spheres and vertical wind tunnel measurements for seeds. However, our V t estimates for fast‐falling seeds are markedly higher than those in an existing trait database. This discrepancy seems to arise because previous estimates inadequately accounted for seed acceleration. The presented method yields accurate, efficient, and affordable estimates of the three‐dimensional falling trajectory and terminal velocity for a wide range of seed types. The method should thus advance the understanding and prediction of wind‐driven seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Migration of plant populations is a potential survival response to climate change that depends critically on seed dispersal. Biological and physical factors determine dispersal and migration of wind‐dispersed species. Recent field and wind tunnel studies demonstrate biological adaptations that bias seed release toward conditions of higher wind velocity, promoting longer dispersal distances and faster migration. However, another suite of international studies also recently highlighted a global decrease in near‐surface wind speeds, or ‘global stilling’. This study assessed the implications of both factors on potential plant population migration rates, using a mechanistic modeling framework. Nonrandom abscission was investigated using models of three seed release mechanisms: (i) a simple drag model; (ii) a seed deflection model; and (iii) a ‘wear and tear’ model. The models generated a single functional relationship between the frequency of seed release and statistics of the near‐surface wind environment, independent of the abscission mechanism. An Inertial‐Particle, Coupled Eulerian‐Lagrangian Closure model (IP‐CELC) was used to investigate abscission effects on seed dispersal kernels and plant population migration rates under contemporary and potential future wind conditions (based on reported global stilling trends). The results confirm that nonrandom seed abscission increased dispersal distances, particularly for light seeds. The increases were mitigated by two physical feedbacks: (i) although nonrandom abscission increased the initial acceleration of seeds from rest, the sensitivity of the seed dispersal to this initial condition declined as the wind speed increased; and (ii) while nonrandom abscission increased the mean dispersal length, it reduced the kurtosis of seasonal dispersal kernels, and thus the chance of long‐distance dispersal. Wind stilling greatly reduced the modeled migration rates under biased seed release conditions. Thus, species that require high wind velocities for seed abscission could experience threshold‐like reductions in dispersal and migration potential if near‐surface wind speeds continue to decline.  相似文献   

Vertical seed dispersal, which plays a key role in plant escape and/or expansion under climate change, was recently evaluated for the first time using negative correlation between altitudes and oxygen isotope ratio of seeds. Although this method is innovative, its applicability to other plants is unknown. To explore the applicability of the method, we regressed altitudes on δ18O of seeds of five woody species constituting three families in temperate forests in central Japan. Because climatic factors, including temperature and precipitation that influence δ18O of plant materials, demonstrate intensive seasonal fluctuation in the temperate zone, we also evaluated the effect of fruiting season of each species on δ18O of seeds using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). Negative correlation between altitudes and δ18O of seeds was found in four of five species tested. The slope of regression lines tended to be lower in late‐fruiting species. The GLMM analysis revealed that altitudes and date of fruiting peak negatively affected δ18O of seeds. These results indicate that the estimation of vertical seed dispersal using δ18O of seeds can be applicable for various species, not just confined to specific taxa, by identifying the altitudes of plants that produced seeds. The results also suggest that the regression line between altitudes and δ18O of seeds is rather species specific and that vertical seed dispersal in late‐fruiting species is estimated at a low resolution due to their small regression slopes. A future study on the identification of environmental factors and plant traits that cause a difference in δ18O of seeds, combined with an improvement of analysis, will lead to effective evaluation of vertical seed dispersal in various species and thereby promote our understanding about the mechanism and ecological functions of vertical seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract Ants generally disperse seeds while feeding on fruits or structures attached to the seed. Seed dispersal as a by‐product of seed predation (dyszoochory) was recognized in specialized harvester ants, but not in ants predating seeds opportunistically. Leafcutting ants are the main herbivores in much of the Neotropics, and they have been reported to remove fruits and seeds, but their role as seed predators and dispersers has not been acknowledged. Prosopis flexuosa D.C. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) is the most abundant tree species in the central Monte Desert, Argentina, and it is likely to depend on secondary animal dispersal. Mammalian frugivores are usually considered its main dispersers, but the opportunity for dispersal may be small since the removal of fruits and seeds by seed predators is very intense. The objective of this study was to identify which ant species interact with P. flexuosa fruits and to evaluate their relative importance as seed predators and dispersers. In a field experiment, whole and segmented pods were offered and several ant species exploiting the fruits were identified. Additionally, all pod segments remaining around nests of the three ant species able to remove them (the leafcutters Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery and Acromyrmex striatus Roger, and Pheidole bergi Mayr) were examined during and after the P. flexuosa primary dispersal season. Up to 753 pod segments and 90 sound seeds were found accumulated in a circle of 1 m radius over nests of A. lobicornis, and even more in an examined trail. Acromyrmex striatus left a smaller proportion of sound seeds and P. bergi left a smaller number of pod segments. All tendencies were similar during shorter known periods of accumulation. Leafcutting ants are acting as important seed predators, and ‘by mistake’ may be dispersing a key non‐myrmecochorous tree. This is an unexplored path in the seed dispersal cycle of P. flexuosa that challenges the tendency to predict interactions based on classifications made with other goals.  相似文献   

The potential for seed‐eating birds to spread viable seeds was investigated using captive‐feeding trials to determine seed preference, passage time through the gut, and viability of passed seeds for bronzewing pigeons (Phaps chalcoptera), peaceful doves (Geopelia striata), crested pigeons (Ocyphaps lophotes), Senegal doves (Streptopelia senegalensis), zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), black ducks (Anas superciliosa) and wood ducks (Chenonetta jubata). Test seeds were bladder clover (Trifolium spumosum), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), gorse (Ulex europaeus), canola (Brassica napus) and red panicum (Setaria italica). Their consumption was compared with that of commercial seed mixes. Although all test seeds were recognizable foods, their consumption usually decreased in the presence of other foods, except for canola, where consumption rates were maintained. Hard‐seeded bladder clover was the only species where viable seeds were passed by obligate seedeaters. In contrast, viable seeds of canola and gorse were passed by seed‐eating omnivorous/herbivorous ducks, although the germination of passed seeds (42%) was reduced significantly compared with that of untreated control seed (67%). Field validation with wild, urban bronzewings and Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) offered canola and commercial seed yielded similar outcomes, with a range of viable seeds recovered from magpie soft pellets. Mean seed passage time in captive birds ranged from 0.5 to 4.3 h for all test seeds and commercial seed mixes, suggesting that these bird species may potentially disperse seed over moderate distances. Despite the low probability of individual birds spreading viable seed, the high number of birds feeding in the wild suggests that the potential for granivorous and seed‐eating omnivorous birds to disperse viable seeds cannot be discounted, particularly if exozoochorous dispersal is also considered.  相似文献   

Metabolic labeling of plant tissues with 15N has become widely used in plant proteomics. Here, we describe a robust experimental design and data analysis workflow implementing two parallel biological replicate experiments with reciprocal labeling and series of 1:1 control mixtures. Thereby, we are able to unambiguously distinguish (i) inherent biological variation between cultures and (ii) specific responses to a biological treatment. The data analysis workflow is based on first determining the variation between cultures based on 15N/14N ratios in independent 1:1 mixtures before biological treatment is applied. In a second step, ratio‐dependent SD is used to define p‐values for significant deviation of protein ratios in the biological experiment from the distribution of protein ratios in the 1:1 mixture. This approach allows defining those proteins showing significant biological response superimposed on the biological variation before treatment. The proposed workflow was applied to a series of experiments, in which changes in composition of detergent resistant membrane domains was analyzed in response to sucrose resupply after carbon starvation. Especially in experiments involving cell culture treatment (starvation) prior to the actual biological stimulus of interest (resupply), a clear distinction between culture to culture variations and biological response is of utmost importance.  相似文献   

Isotope labeling has a long history in chemistry as a tool for probing structure, offering enhanced sensitivity, or enabling site selection with a wide range of spectroscopic tools. Chirality sensitive methods such as electronic circular dichroism are global structural tools and have intrinsically low resolution. Consequently, they are generally insensitive to modifications to enhance site selectivity. The use of isotope labeling to modify vibrational spectra with unique resolvable frequency shifts can provide useful site‐specific sensitivity, and these methods have been recently more widely expanded in biopolymer studies. While the spectral shifts resulting from changes in isotopic mass can provide resolution of modes from specific parts of the molecule and can allow detection of local change in structure with perturbation, these shifts alone do not directly indicate structure or chirality. With vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), the shifted bands and their resultant sign patterns can be used to indicate local conformations in labeled biopolymers, particularly if multiple labels are used and if their coupling is theoretically modeled. This mini‐review discusses selected examples of the use of labeling specific amides in peptides to develop local structural insight with VCD spectra.  相似文献   

Fire‐related heat and endozoochory by elephants have independently been found to be important for savanna plant seed germination, yet there is little information on how heat affects germination of elephant‐dispersed seeds. We measured the germination behavior (time to germination and proportion of seeds germinating) of 11 species of seeds extracted from African savanna elephant dung and subjected them to various intensities of heat as a proxy for fire exposure. The effects of heat were inconsistent and varied significantly by species, with some species having increased time to germination in response to heat and others having reduced time to germination. More studies are needed to expand the number of seed species examined and tease apart the interaction between elephant‐mediated endozoochory and fire.  相似文献   

N‐succinimidyloxycarbonylmethyl tris(2,4,6‐trimethoxyphenyl) phosphonium bromide (TMPP‐Ac‐OSu) reacts rapidly, mildly, and specifically with the N‐terminals of proteins and peptides. Thus, it can be developed as an ideal isotope‐coded tag to be used in quantitative proteomics. Here, we present a strategy for light and heavy TMPP‐based quantitative proteomic analysis, in which peptides in a mixture can be quantified using an on‐tip TMPP derivatization approach. To demonstrate the accuracy of this strategy, light and heavy TMPP‐labeled peptides were combined at different ratios and subsequently analyzed by LC‐MS/MS. The MS spectra and scatter plots show that peptide and protein ratios were both consistent with the mixed ratios. We observed a linear correlation between protein ratios and the predicted ratios. In comparison with SILAC method, the TMPP labeling method produced similarly accurate quantitative results with low CVs. In conclusion, our results suggest that this isotope‐coded TMPP method achieved accurate quantification and compatibility with IEF‐based separation. With the inherent advantages of TMPP derivatization, we believe that it holds great promise for future applications in quantitative proteomics analysis.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical factor determining the spatial scale of speciation, which is constrained by the ecological characteristics and distribution of a species’ habitat and the intrinsic traits of species. Endogean taxa are strongly affected by the unique qualities of the below‐ground environment and its effect on dispersal, and contrasting reports indicate either high dispersal capabilities favoured by small body size and mediated by passive mechanisms, or low dispersal due to restricted movement and confinement inside the soil. We studied a species‐rich endogean ground beetle lineage, Typhlocharina, including three genera and more than 60 species, as a model for the evolutionary biology of dispersal and speciation in the deep soil . A time‐calibrated molecular phylogeny generated from >400 individuals was used to delimit candidate species, to study the accumulation of lineages through space and time by species–area–age relationships and to determine the geographical structure of the diversification using the relationship between phylogenetic and geographic distances across the phylogeny. Our results indicated a small spatial scale of speciation in Typhlocharina and low dispersal capacity combined with sporadic long distance, presumably passive dispersal events that fuelled the speciation process. Analysis of lineage growth within Typhlocharina revealed a richness plateau correlated with the range of distribution of lineages, suggesting a long‐term species richness equilibrium mediated by density dependence through limits of habitat availability. The interplay of area‐ and age‐dependent processes ruling the lineage diversification in Typhlocharina may serve as a general model for the evolution of high species diversity in endogean mesofauna.  相似文献   

Site‐specific labeling of synthetic peptides carrying N‐methoxyglycine (MeOGly) by isothiocyanate is demonstrated. A nonapeptide having MeOGly at its N‐terminus was synthesized by the solid‐phase method and reacted with phenylisothiocyanate under various conditions. In acidic solution, the reaction specifically gave a peptide having phenylthiourea structure at its N‐terminus, leaving side chain amino group intact. The synthetic human β‐defensin‐2 carrying MeOGly at its N‐terminus or the side chain amino group of Lys10 reacted with phenylisothiocyanate or fluorescein isothiocyanate also at the N‐methoxyamino group under the same conditions, demonstrating that this method is generally useful for the site‐specific labeling of linear synthetic peptides as well as disulfide‐containing peptides. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aims Mycorrhizas (fungal roots) play vital roles in plant nutrient acquisition, performance and productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and ectomycorrhizas (EM) are mostly important since soil nutrients, including NH4+, NO3? and phosphorus, are translocated from mycorrhizal fungi to plants. Individual species, genera and even families of plants could be interconnected by mycorrhizal mycelia to form common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs). The function of CMNs is to provide pathways for movement or transfer of nutrients from one plant to another. In the past four decades, both 15N external labeling or enrichment (usually expressed as atom%) and 15N naturally occurring abundance (δ15N, ‰) techniques have been employed to trace the direction and magnitude of N transfer between plants, with their own advantages and limitations.  相似文献   

Quantitative glycomics represents an actively expanding research field ranging from the discovery of disease‐associated glycan alterations to the quantitative characterization of N‐glycans on therapeutic proteins. Commonly used analytical platforms for comparative relative quantitation of complex glycan samples include MALDI‐TOF‐MS or chromatographic glycan profiling with subsequent data alignment and statistical evaluation. Limitations of such approaches include run‐to‐run technical variation and the potential introduction of subjectivity during data processing. Here, we introduce an offline 2D LC‐MSE workflow for the fractionation and relative quantitation of twoplex isotopically labeled N‐linked oligosaccharides using neutral 12C6 and 13C6 aniline (Δmass = 6 Da). Additional linkage‐specific derivatization of sialic acids using 4‐(4,6‐dimethoxy‐1,3,5‐trizain‐2‐yl)‐4‐methylmorpholinium chloride offered simultaneous and advanced in‐depth structural characterization. The potential of the method was demonstrated for the differential analysis of structurally defined N‐glycans released from serum proteins of patients diagnosed with various stages of colorectal cancer. The described twoplex 12C6/13C6 aniline 2D LC‐MS platform is ideally suited for differential glycomic analysis of structurally complex N‐glycan pools due to combination and analysis of samples in a single LC‐MS injection and the associated minimization in technical variation.  相似文献   

Plant disjunctions have provided some of the most intriguing distribution patterns historically addressed by biogeographers. We evaluated the three hypotheses that have been postulated to explain these patterns [vicariance, stepping‐stone dispersal and long‐distance dispersal (LDD)] using Munroa, an American genus of grasses with six species and a disjunct distribution between the desert regions of North and South America. The ages of clades, cytology, ancestral characters and areas of distribution were investigated in order to establish relationships among species, to determine the time of divergence of the genus and its main lineages, and to understand further the biogeographical and evolutionary history of this genus. Bayesian inference recovered the North American M. pulchella as sister species to the rest. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses suggest that Munroa originated in North America in the late Miocene–Pliocene (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya). Based on these results, we postulate that two dispersal events modelled the current distribution patterns of Munroa: the first from North to South America (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya) and the second (1.8 Mya; 2–0.8 Mya) from South to North America. Arid conditions of the late Miocene–Pliocene in the Neogene and Quaternary climatic oscillations in North America and South America were probably advantageous for the establishment of populations of Munroa. We did not find any relationship between ploidy and dispersal events, and our ancestral character analyses suggest that shifts associated with dispersal and seedling establishment, such as habit, reproductive system, disarticulation of rachilla, and shape and texture of the glume, have been important in these species reaching new areas. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 110–125.  相似文献   

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