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Evolution of influenza virus genes   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
The nucleotide sequences of the eight different influenza A virus segments (genes) were compared among 14 different subtypes. These comparisons demonstrate the presence of molecular clocks in the viral genes; they accumulated both silent and amino acid-changing substitutions at approximately constant rates with respect to time during evolution. In addition, comparison of the rates of evolution among the eight viral genes, excluding the P2 gene, revealed a rapid and roughly equal rate of silent substitution for different genes. The P2 gene exception is explained as the result of recombination (reassortment) between distantly related strains. The rate of amino acid-changing substitution differs greatly from gene to gene. The rate of silent substitution was estimated to be 1.1 X 10(-2)/site/year on the average--that is, about 2 X 10(6) times higher than eukaryotic gene equivalents, which is remarkable. Strain A/USSR/90/77 was shown to evolve with a rate that is similar to those of other strains but to behave as if replication was frozen during a certain period (Nakajima et al. 1978). The frozen period was estimated to be 25 yr on the basis of the molecular clock. A similar analysis revealed another example of frozen replication--in this case, apparently for a period of about 9 yr- -in a duck strain, A/duck/Ontario/77.   相似文献   

Polymorphism and evolution of influenza A virus genes   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
The nucleotide sequences of four genes of the influenza A virus (nonstructural protein, matrix protein, and a few subtypes of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) are compiled for a large number of strains isolated from various locations and years, and the evolutionary relationship of the sequences is investigated. It is shown that all of these genes or subtypes are highly polymorphic and that the polymorphic sequences (alleles) are subject to rapid turnover in the population, their average age being much less than that of higher organisms. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that most polymorphic sequences within a subtype or a gene appeared during the last 80 years and that the divergence among the subtypes of hemagglutinin genes might have occurred during the last 300 years. The high degree of polymorphism in this RNA virus is caused by an extremely high rate of mutation, estimated to be 0.01/nucleotide site/year. Despite the high rate of mutation, most influenza virus genes are apparently subject to purifying selection, and the rate of nucleotide substitution is substantially lower than the mutation rate. There is considerable variation in the substitution rate among different genes, and the rate seems to be lower in nonhuman viral strains than in human strains. The difference might be responsible for the so-called freezing effect in some viral strains.   相似文献   

Origin and evolution of influenza virus hemagglutinin genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Influenza A, B, and C viruses are the etiological agents of influenza. Hemagglutinin (HA) is the major envelope glycoprotein of influenza A and B viruses, and hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) in influenza C viruses is a protein homologous to HA. Because influenza A virus pandemics in humans appear to occur when new subtypes of HA genes are introduced from aquatic birds that are known to be the natural reservoir of the viruses, an understanding of the origin and evolution of HA genes is of particular importance. We therefore conducted a phylogenetic analysis of HA and HE genes and showed that the influenza A and B virus HA genes diverged much earlier than the divergence between different subtypes of influenza A virus HA genes. The rate of amino acid substitution for A virus HAs from duck, a natural reservoir, was estimated to be 3.19 x 10(-4) per site per year, which was slower than that for human and swine A virus HAs but similar to that for influenza B and C virus HAs (HEs). Using this substitution rate from the duck, we estimated that the divergences between different subtypes of A virus HA genes occurred from several thousand to several hundred years ago. In particular, the earliest divergence time was estimated to be about 2,000 years ago. Also, the A virus HA gene diverged from the B virus HA gene about 4,000 years ago and from the C virus HE gene about 8,000 years ago. These time estimates are much earlier than the previous ones.  相似文献   

Expression of host genes in influenza virus infected cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shimizu K  Kuroda K 《Uirusu》2004,54(2):189-196
The NS1 protein of influenza virus shuts off host gene expression by inhibiting the polyadenylation-site cleavage of host pre-mRNAs, resulting in a general decline in cellular protein synthesis. On the other hand, an activation of several host genes related to host antiviral defense such as interferon- alpha/beta, MxA, 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase, and Fas occures upon infection. Therefore, balance of the shut-off and the activation of cellular genes during virus growth may be crucial in determining the outcome of infection. To obtain a comprehensive view of the global effects of influenza virus infection on human respiratory epithelial cells at the cytoplasmic mRNA level, we performed oligo DNA microarray analysis using GeneChip arrays (Affymetrix). In NCl-H292 cells infected with A/Udorn/72 virus, more than 4-fold increase of expression level was observed for 164 genes at 12 h pi. Approximately 60% of the virus-stimulated genes (VSGs) were also stimulated with interferon-beta treatment and contained the genes known to possess antiviral activity. Interestingly, majority of the VSGs were stimulated before induction of interferons, suggesting that the stimulation of the VSGs during early phase of infection is not mediated by interferons, but it is triggered from within by the virus infection.  相似文献   

We investigated the selection pressures on the haemagglutinin genes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses using fixed effects likelihood models. We found evidence of positive selection in the sequences from isolates from 1997 to 2007, except viruses from 2000. The haemagglutinin sequences of viruses from southeast Asia, Hong Kong and mainland China were the most polymorphic and had similar nonsyn-onymous profiles. Some sites were positively selected in viruses from most regions and a few of these sites displayed different amino acid patterns. Selection appeared to produce different outcomes in vi-ruses from Europe, Africa and Russia and from different host types. One position was found to be positively selected for human isolates only. Although the functions of some positively selected posi-tions are unknown, our analysis provided evidence of different temporal, spatial and host adaptations for H5N1 avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

We investigated the selection pressures on the haemagglutinin genes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses using fixed effects likelihood models. We found evidence of positive selection in the sequences from isolates from 1997 to 2007, except viruses from 2000. The haemagglutinin sequences of viruses from southeast Asia, Hong Kong and mainland China were the most polymorphic and had similar nonsynonymous profiles. Some sites were positively selected in viruses from most regions and a few of these sites displayed different amino acid patterns. Selection appeared to produce different outcomes in viruses from Europe, Africa and Russia and from different host types. One position was found to be positively selected for human isolates only. Although the functions of some positively selected positions are unknown, our analysis provided evidence of different temporal, spatial and host adaptations for H5N1 avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

The neuraminidase of influenza virus   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
G M Air  W G Laver 《Proteins》1989,6(4):341-356
It is the enzyme neuraminidase, projecting from the surface of influenza virus particles, which allows the virus to leave infected cells and spread in the body. Antibodies which inhibit the enzyme limit the infection, but antigenic variation of the neuraminidase renders it ineffective in a vaccine. This article describes the crystal structure of influenza virus neuraminidase, information about the active site which may lead to development of specific and effective inhibitors of the enzyme, and the structure of epitopes (antigenic determinants) on the neuraminidase. The 3-dimensional structure of the epitopes was obtained by X-ray diffraction methods using crystals of neuraminidase complexed with monoclonal antibody Fab fragments. Escape mutants, selected by growing virus in the presence of monoclonal antibodies to the neuraminidase, possess single amino acid sequence changes. The crystal structure of two mutants showed that the change in structure was restricted to that particular sidechain, but the change in the epitope was sufficient to abolish antibody binding even though it is known in one case that 21 other amino acids on the neuraminidase are in contact with the antibody.  相似文献   

The genome of influenza B viruses was shown by electrophoresis to consist of eight RNA segments. The fifth largest segment coded for hemagglutinin and the sixth coded for neuraminidase.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus causes seasonal epidemics and periodic pandemics threatening the health of millions of people each year. Vaccination is an effective strategy for reducing morbidity and mortality, and in the absence of drug resistance, the efficacy of chemoprophylaxis is comparable to that of vaccines. However, the rapid emergence of drug resistance has emphasized the need for new drug targets. Knowledge of the host cell components required for influenza replication has been an area targeted for disease intervention. In this study, the human protease genes required for influenza virus replication were determined and validated using RNA interference approaches. The genes validated as critical for influenza virus replication were ADAMTS7, CPE, DPP3, MST1, and PRSS12, and pathway analysis showed these genes were in global host cell pathways governing inflammation (NF-κB), cAMP/calcium signaling (CRE/CREB), and apoptosis. Analyses of host microRNAs predicted to govern expression of these genes showed that eight miRNAs regulated gene expression during virus replication. These findings identify unique host genes and microRNAs important for influenza replication providing potential new targets for disease intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Twu KY  Kuo RL  Marklund J  Krug RM 《Journal of virology》2007,81(15):8112-8121
The NS1A proteins of human influenza A viruses bind CPSF30, a cellular factor required for the processing of cellular pre-mRNAs, thereby inhibiting the production of all cellular mRNAs, including beta interferon mRNA. Here we show that the NS1A protein of the pathogenic H5N1 influenza A/Hong Kong/483/97 (HK97) virus isolated from humans has an intrinsic defect in CPSF30 binding. It does not bind CPSF30 in vitro and causes high beta interferon mRNA production and reduced virus replication in MDCK cells when expressed in a recombinant virus in which the other viral proteins are encoded by influenza A/Udorn/72. We traced this defect to the identities of amino acids 103 and 106 in the HK97 NS1A protein, which differ from the consensus amino acids, F and M, respectively, found in the NS1A proteins of almost all human influenza A virus strains. X-ray crystallography has shown that F103 and M106, which are not part of the CPSF30 binding pocket of the NS1A protein, stabilize the NS1A-CPSF30 complex. In contrast to the HK97 NS1A protein, the NS1A proteins of H5N1 viruses isolated from humans after 1998 contain F103 and M106 and hence bind CPSF30 in vitro and do not attenuate virus replication. The HK97 NS1A protein is less attenuating when expressed in a virus that also encodes the other internal HK97 proteins and under these conditions binds to CPSF30 to a substantial extent in vivo. Consequently, these internal HK97 proteins largely compensate for the absence of F103 and M106, presumably by stabilizing the NS1A-CPSF30 complex.  相似文献   

流感病毒基因的密码子偏好性及聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐利娟  钟金城  陈智华  穆松 《生物信息学》2010,8(2):175-179,186
流行性感冒病毒是一种造成人类及动物患流行性感冒的RNA病毒,它造成急性上呼吸道感染,并由空气迅速传播,在世界各地常有周期性的大流行。根据该病毒的基因组CDS序列,探讨了基因组序列密码子的使用模式和特性,并进行了病毒间的聚类分析。结果表明:流感病毒的G+C含量均低于A+U含量,偏向使用以A、U结尾的密码子的程度比使用以G、C结尾的较高,CUG、UCA、AGU、AGC、AGA、AGG、GUG、CCA、ACA、GGA、GCA、AUU、UGA、CAU、CAA、AAU、AAA、GAA等18个密码子为流感病毒共有的偏好性密码子,且以A结尾的居多,尤其偏爱AGA、GGA。聚类结果表明首先亚洲流感病毒H2N2和香港流感病毒H2N2聚为一类,亚洲流感病毒H1N1和俄罗斯流感病毒H1N1聚为一类,1997年和2003年~2004年发生的人禽流感聚为一类,说明它们的密码子使用的偏好性相似;而2009年爆发的甲型H1N1流感和任何一个流感的距离都比较远,说明甲型H1N1流感病毒是一种新型的病毒,不同于以往任何一种流感病毒。  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the NS genes from three human influenza viruses, A/FM/1/47 (H1N1), A/FW/1/50 (H1N1), and A/USSR/90/77 (H1N1), were determined. Only five single-base differences were found within the sequences of the A/FW/1/50 and A/USSR/90/77 NS genes, thus confirming earlier data suggesting that the 1977 H1N1 viruses are closely related to virus strains that were circulating around 1950. Comparison of all three sequences with those from A/PR/8/34 and A/Udorn/72 viruses illustrates that these genes (with the exception of that of the A/USSR/90/77 strain) evolve through cumulative base changes along a single common lineage. A nucleotide sequence variation of approximately 2.2 to 3.4% per 10 years was determined for the NS gene segments. Extensive size variation was also observed among the NS1 proteins of the various human viruses. The A/FM/1/47 NS1 protein, which consists of 202 amino acids, is 15% shorter than the A/Udorn/72 NS1 protein, which consists of 237 amino acids.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 20 influenza A virus PB2 genes showed that PB2 genes have evolved into the following four major lineages: (i) equine/Prague/56 (EQPR56); (ii and iii) two distinct avian PB2 lineages, one containing FPV/34 and H13 gull virus strains and the other containing North American avian and recent equine strains; and (iv) human virus strains joined with classic swine virus strains (i.e., H1N1 swine virus strains related to swine/Iowa/15/30). The human virus lineage showed the greatest divergence from its root relative to other lineages. The estimated nucleotide evolutionary rate for the human PB2 lineage was 1.82 x 10(-3) changes per nucleotide per year, which is within the range of published estimates for NP and NS genes of human influenza A viruses. At the amino acid level, PB2s of human viruses have accumulated 34 amino acid changes over the past 55 years. In contrast, the avian PB2 lineages showed much less evolution, e.g., recent avian PB2s showed as few as three amino acid changes relative to the avian root. The completion of evolutionary analyses of the PB1, PB2, PA and NP genes of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex permits comparison of evolutionary pathways. Different patterns of evolution among the RNP genes indicate that the genes of the complex are not coevolving as a unit. Evolution of the PB1 and PB2 genes is less correlated with host-specific factors, and their proteins appear to be evolving more slowly than NP and PA. This suggests that protein functional constraints are limiting the evolutionary divergence of PB1 and PB2 genes. The parallel host-specific evolutionary pathways of the NP and PA genes suggest that these proteins are coevolving in response to host-specific factors. PB2s of human influenza A viruses share a common ancestor with classic swine virus PB2s, and the pattern of evolution suggests that the ancestor was an avian virus PB2. This same pattern of evolution appears in the other genes of the RNP complex. Antigenic studies of HA and NA proteins and sequence comparisons of NS and M genes also suggest a close ancestry for these genes in human and classic swine viruses. From our review of the evolutionary patterns of influenza A virus genes, we propose the following hypothesis: the common ancestor to current strains of human and classic swine influenza viruses predated the 1918 human pandemic virus and was recently derived from the avian host reservoir.  相似文献   

Seven complementation-recombination groups of temperature-sensitive (ts) influenza WSN virus mutants have been previously isolated. Recently two of these groups (IV and VI) were shown to possess defects in the neuraminidase and the hemagglutinin gene, respectively, and two groups (I and III) were reported to have defects in the P3 and P1 proteins which are required for complementary RNA synthesis. In this communication we report on the defects in the remaining three mutant groups. Wild-type (ts+) recombinants derived from ts mutants and different non-ts influenza viruses were analyzed on RNA polyacrylamide gels. This technique permitted the identification of the P2 protein, the nucleoprotein, and the M protein as the defective gene products in mutant groups II, V, and VII, respectively. Based on the physiological behavior of mutants in groups II and V, it appears that P2 protein and nucleoprotein are required for virion RNA synthesis during influenza virus replication.  相似文献   

The genesis of a pandemic influenza virus   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Russell CJ  Webster RG 《Cell》2005,123(3):368-371
Pandemic influenza viruses pose a significant threat to public health worldwide. In a recent Nature paper, Taubenberger et al. (2005) now report remarkable similarities between the polymerase genes of the influenza virus that caused the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic and those of avian influenza viruses. Meanwhile, Tumpey et al. (2005) reporting in Science show that the reconstructed 1918 Spanish influenza virus kills mice faster than any other influenza virus so far tested.  相似文献   

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