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In restored peatlands, recovery of carbon assimilation by peat‐forming plants is a prerequisite for the recovery of ecosystem functioning. Restoration by rewetting may affect moss photosynthesis and respiration directly and/or through species successional turnover. To quantify the importance of the direct effects and the effects mediated by species change in boreal spruce swamp forests, we used a dual approach: (i) we measured successional changes in moss communities at 36 sites (nine undrained, nine drained, 18 rewetted) and (ii) photosynthetic properties of the dominant Sphagnum and feather mosses at nine of these sites (three undrained, three drained, three rewetted). Drainage and rewetting affected moss carbon assimilation mainly through species successional turnover. The species differed along a light‐adaptation gradient, which separated shade‐adapted feather mosses from Sphagnum mosses and Sphagnum girgensohnii from other Sphagna, and a productivity and moisture gradient, which separated Sphagnum riparium and Sphagnum girgensohnii from the less productive S. angustifolium, S. magellanicum and S. russowii. Undrained and drained sites harbored conservative, low‐production species: hummock‐Sphagna and feather mosses, respectively. Ditch creation and rewetting produced niches for species with opportunistic strategies and high carbon assimilation. The direct effects also caused higher photosynthetic productivity in ditches and in rewetted sites than in undrained and drained main sites.  相似文献   

Question: Why is bryophyte succession in eutrophicated fens faster than in natural fens? Location: Mineral‐rich fens in The Netherlands and NW Europe. Methods: Literature review on the ecology of four bryophyte species in various successional types as observed in Dutch fens. Results: Bryophyte succession in eutrophicated fens from the brown moss Calliergonella cuspidata to Sphagnum squarrosum is much faster than in natural fens with species shifts from Scorpidium scorpioides to Sphagnum subnitens. Under P‐poor conditions, the brown moss stage is stabilized as long as mineral‐rich water is supplied. This is because S. scorpioides is tolerant of rainwater, is a strong competitor and can counteract acidification to some extent while S. subnitens is intolerant to groundwater and has low growth rates and low acidification capacity. In contrast, the Sphagnum stage is stable after rapid succession from rich‐fen mosses under P‐rich conditions. Calliergonella cuspidata has suboptimal growth in rainwater, possibly due to ammonium toxicity, while the high growth rates of S. squarrosum in nutrient‐rich and highly acidic groundwater allow early establishment and rapid expansion. Conclusions: If measures to improve fen base status occur in environments of increased nutrient (P) availability, the management may not lead to the desired restoration of brown moss stages, but instead to rapid acidification by S. squarrosum.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the plant species composition, productivity and canopy structure of seven mown sites to a chronosequence of 20 abandoned calcareous fens in northeastern Switzerland. Cessation of mowing led to an 18% decline in overall plant species richness and the diversity of most functional groups. Abandonment did not lead to marked increases of above‐ground productivity, but rather selectively favoured certain functional groups. On abandoned fens biomass of grasses increased nearly threefold, at the expense of biomass of Cyperaceae and Juncaceae, which declined by 30% compared to mown fens, while forb biomass remained unaffected. Litter mass increased more than 15‐fold in fallows, while canopy height increased by 50%. The foliage in abandoned fens was oriented more horizontally and had a lower overall cover. However, these successional changes were never dependent upon the age of the fallow. Furthermore, nearly all traits differed significantly on regional and local spatial scales, suggesting that floristic and (meso‐)climatic differences obscure or override successional trajectories in these species‐rich wetlands.  相似文献   

Peatlands in Australia and New Zealand are composed mainly of Restionaceous and Cyperaceous peats, although Sphagnum peat is common in wetter climates (Mean Annual Precipitation > 1,000 mm) and at higher altitudes (>1,000 m). Experimental trials in two contrasting peatland types—fire‐damaged Sphagnum peatlands in the Australian Alps and cutover restiad bogs in lowland New Zealand—revealed similar approaches to peatland restoration. Hydrological restoration and rehydration of drying peats involved blocking drainage ditches to raise water tables or, additionally in burnt Sphagnum peatlands, peat‐trenching, and the use of sterilized straw bales to form semipermanent “dam walls” and barriers to spread and slow surface water movement. Recovery to the predisturbance vegetation community was most successful once protective microclimates had been established, either artificially or naturally. Specifically, horizontally laid shadecloth resulted in Sphagnum cristatum regeneration rates and biomass production 3–4 times that of unshaded vegetation (Australia), and early successional nurse shrubs facilitated establishment of Sporadanthus ferrugineus (New Zealand) within 2–3 years. On severely burnt or cutover sites, a patch dynamic approach using transplants of Sphagnum or creation of restiad peat “islands” markedly improved vegetation recovery. In New Zealand, this approach has been scaled up to whole mine‐site restoration, in which the newly vegetated islands provide habitat and seed sources for plants and invertebrates to spread onto surrounding areas. Although a vegetation cover can be established relatively rapidly in both peatland types, restoration of invertebrate communities, ecosystem processes, and peat hydrological function and accumulation may take many decades.  相似文献   

Peatland restoration in North America (NA) was initiated approximately 25 years ago on peat‐extracted bogs. Recent advances in peatland restoration in NA have expanded the original concepts and methodology. Restoration efforts in NA now include restoring peatlands from many diverse types of disturbances (e.g. roads, agriculture, grazing, erosion, forestry, and petrol industry infrastructure impacts) and occur in a greater array of peatland types (e.g. fens and swamps). Because fens are groundwater and surface flow driven, techniques to restore the hydrology of fens are generally more complicated than bogs. Restoring a greater variety of peatland types on a large‐scale basis (>10 ha) commands new techniques for reestablishing a broader array of plants other than Sphagnum spp., including non‐Sphagnum mosses, sedges, nonericaceous shrubs, and trees. The rationale for restoring peatlands has expanded to include legal requirements, wetland mitigation and banking, climate mitigation, water quality, and as part of responsible ecosystem management for industry or society. In the past 25 years, peatland restoration in NA has evolved from (1) trial and error to a more empirically based scientific approach, (2) small site‐specific experiments to landscape‐scale restoration (e.g. hydrological connectivity, ecological fragmentation), and (3) individual stakeholder (academic) to multiple stakeholders across jurisdictional boundaries (private, local, and regional governmental agencies, NGOs, and so on). However, many research gaps still exist that must be addressed to enhance our ability to restore peatlands successfully.  相似文献   

To understand colonization processes, it is critical to fully assess the role of dispersal in shaping biogeographical patterns at the gene, individual, population, and community levels. We test two alternative hypotheses (H I and H II) for the colonization of disturbed sites by clonal plants, by analyzing intraspecific genetic variation in one and reproductive traits in two typical fen mosses with separate sexes and intermittent spore dispersal, comparing disturbed, early‐succession (limed) fens and late‐successional rich fens. H I suggests initial colonization of disturbed sites by diverse genotypes of which fewer remain in late‐successional fens and an initially balanced sex ratio that develops into a possibly skewed population sex ratio. H II suggests initial colonization by few genotypes and gradual accumulation of additional genotypes and an initially skewed sex ratio that alters into the species‐specific sex ratio, during succession. Under both scenarios, we expect enhanced sexual reproduction in late‐successional fens due to resource gains and decreased intermate distances when clones expand. We show that the intraspecific genetic diversity, assessed by two molecular markers, in Scorpidium cossonii was higher and the genetic variation among sites was smaller in disturbed than late‐successional rich fens. Sex ratio was balanced in Scossonii and Campylium stellatum in disturbed fens and skewed in Cstellatum in late‐successional fens, thus supporting H I. In line with our prediction, sex expression incidence was higher in, and sporophytes were confined to, late‐succession compared to disturbed rich fens. Late‐successional Scossonii sites had more within‐site patches with two or more genotypes, and both species displayed higher sex expression levels in late‐successional than in disturbed sites. We conclude that diverse genotypes and both sexes disperse efficiently to, and successfully colonize new sites, while patterns of genetic variation and sexual reproduction in late‐successional rich fens are gradually shaped by local conditions and interactions over extended time periods.  相似文献   

Question: How does restoration affect the hydrology and the understorey vegetation of managed pine fens? Location: Oligotrophic pine fens in Natura 2000 areas in Kainuu, eastern Finland. Methods: Eleven managed pine fens and eight pristine reference pine fens were chosen for the study in 2005. The managed fens, which had been drained for forestry during the 1970s and 1980s, were restored in 2007. The water table was monitored in all fens over four growing seasons during 2006 to 2009, and vegetation was surveyed from permanent sample plots in 2006 and 2009. Results: Before restoration in 2006, the water table was at a significantly lower level in the managed fens compared with the pristine fens. Immediately after restoration, the water table rose to the same level as in the pristine fens, and this change was permanent. Forest drainage had had little impact on the understorey vegetation of the managed fens in the three decades before restoration, with species typical of pristine fens still dominating the sites. Forest dwarf shrubs and feather mosses had started to increase in cover, but mire dwarf shrubs and Sphagnum mosses still dominated the managed fens. Only the typical hollow species Sphagnum majus, Sphagnum balticum and Scheuzeria palustris were missing from the managed fens. Two years after restoration, the changes in species composition were also marginal, with increased cover of mire dwarf shrubs and sedges being the only significant change. Conclusions: The success of restoration of oligotrophic pine fens seems likely, given that changes in hydrological functioning occurred rapidly, and since little change has occurred in the vegetation composition after draining. Speeding up the regeneration process in these peatland types by restoration may, therefore, be recommended, especially if the drainage effect extends to nearby pristine mires and influences their biodiversity.  相似文献   

Floating fens are species‐rich succession stages in fen areas in the Netherlands. Many of these fens are deteriorating due to acidification; Sphagnum species and Polytrichum commune build 10–25 cm thick moss carpets, and the species diversity decreases. Earlier experiments in wet ecosystems indicate that successful restoration of circum‐neutral and mesotrophic conditions requires a combination of hydrological measures and sod removal. In an acidified fen recharged by rainwater in the nature reserve Ilperveld (The Netherlands), a ditch/trench system was dug for the purpose of creating a run‐off channel for acid rainwater in wet periods and to enable circum‐neutral surface water to enter the fen in dry periods. Moreover, the sod was removed in part of the fen. Ditch/trench creation or sod cutting had no effect individually, but a combination of the two measures led to a change in the abiotic conditions (higher pH and Ca), and in turn to an increase of species‐richness and the reestablishment of a number of characteristic species. Reestablishment of rare vascular plant species and characteristic bryophytes might be a long‐term process because of incomplete recovery of site conditions and constraints in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Sphagnum growth and ecophysiology during mire succession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laine AM  Juurola E  Hájek T  Tuittila ES 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):1115-1125
Sphagnum mosses are widespread in areas where mires exist and constitute a globally important carbon sink. Their ecophysiology is known to be related to the water level, but very little is currently known about the successional trend in Sphagnum. We hypothesized that moss species follow the known vascular plant growth strategy along the successional gradient (i.e., decrease in production and maximal photosynthesis while succession proceeds). To address this hypothesis, we studied links between the growth and related ecophysiological processes of Sphagnum mosses from a time-since-initiation chronosequence of five wetlands. We quantified the rates of increase in biomass and length of different Sphagnum species in relation to their CO2 assimilation rates, their photosynthetic light reaction efficiencies, and their physiological states, as measured by the chlorophyll fluorescence method. In agreement with our hypothesis, increase in biomass and CO2 exchange rate of Sphagnum mosses decreased along the successional gradient, following the tactics of more intensely studied vascular plants. Mosses at the young and old ends of the chronosequence showed indications of downregulation, measured as a low ratio between variable and maximum fluorescence (F v/F m). Our study divided the species into three groups; pioneer species, hollow species, and ombrotrophic hummock formers. The pioneer species S. fimbriatum is a ruderal plant that occurred at the first sites along the chronosequence, which were characterized by low stress but high disturbance. Hollow species are competitive plants that occurred at sites with low stress and low disturbance (i.e., in the wet depressions in the middle and at the old end of the chronosequence). Ombrotrophic hummock species are stress-tolerant plants that occurred at sites with high stress and low disturbance (i.e., at the old end of the chronosequence). The three groups along the mire successional gradient appeared to be somewhat analogous to the three primary strategies suggested by Grime.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between testate amoebae (Arcellinida, Euglyphida), vegetation and water chemistry along environmental gradients in minerotrophic peatlands (fens) in western Poland. We hypothesized that: a) hydrochemistry significantly influences structure of testate amoeba communities, and b) testate amoeba communities are more closely correlated with the hydrochemical variables (environment) than with the vegetation data. Testate amoeba communities and vegetation from 71 sample plots were investigated together with the hydro‐chemistry and hydrology based on 16 environmental variables and vegetation composition. Testate amoeba communities revealed a distinctive poor‐rich gradient in analysed fens. Mineral‐rich habitats, which were dominated by brown mosses, were preferred by a higher number of taxa than acidic habitats, which were dominated by Sphagnum. We recorded a total of 107 testate amoebae taxa. The average species richness of testate amoebae for brown mosses was higher (20) than for Sphagnum (13). We found that testate amoebae communities were similarly correlated with vascular plants, mosses and environmental parameters. Results of direct ordination demonstrate that hydrology, pH, Mg2+ and sodium remain the most important environmental control for the entire data set. CCA showed that in case of brown mosses hydrology, sodium and oxygen affect testate amoeba communities significantly whereas in Sphagnum only sodium emerge as most significant determining testate amoeba assemblages. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the western part of the Carpathian flysch zone, aquifers host several springwater chemistry types. Four vegetation types, distinguished along the poor-rich gradient (tufa-forming and peat forming brown moss fens, moderately rich and poorSphagnum fens), have been compared with respect to the main habitat factors. Water calcium and magnesium concentrations, pH and conductivity as well as the soil organic carbon content were the properties measured that showed the strongest correlation with the main vegetation gradient (the poor-rich gradient). Further, significant differences in iron, sodium, potassium, sulphate and phosphate concentrations were also found between pairs of related vegetation types. The range of calcium concentrations is wide (2–300 mg/l). The calcium concentration in tufa-forming springs is higher than values usually reported from northern and western Europe. Tufa formation is influenced not only by high calcium concentrations, but also by the total chemical composition of springwater and both climatic and topographic conditions. There is a great excess of cations over Cl and SO 4 2− , balanced by HCO 3 and CO 3 2− in springs with the most intense tufa precipitation. Unusually high calcium concentrations combined with high iron concentrations were found in peat-forming brown moss fens. RichSphagnum-fens with calcitolerantSphagnum species are distinctively low in phosphates. The Western Carpathian poor fens dominated bySphagnum flexuosum have water and soil calcium concentrations comparable to those reported from rich fens of some other areas. The springwater of these fens are rich in iron, phosphates and sulphates. The poorest spring fens withSphagnum fallax, S. magellanicum, S. papillosum andS. auriculatum are not only poor in calcium, but also in iron, sodium and potassium.  相似文献   

Question: Which restoration measures (reintroduction techniques, reintroduction timing and fertilization) best enable the establishment of fen species on North American cut‐away peatlands? Location: Rivière‐du‐Loup peatland, southern Québec, Canada. Methods: In total, eight treatments which tested a combination of two reintroduction techniques, two reintroduction timings and the use of phosphorus fertilization were tested in a field experiment within a completely randomized block design. Results: Sphagnum transfer, a reintroduction technique commonly used for bog restoration in North America, was effective for establishing Sphagnum and Carex species. The hay transfer method, commonly used for fen restoration in Europe, was much less successful, probably due to questionable viability of reintroduced seeds. The treatments which included light phosphorus fertilization, had a higher Carex cover after three growing seasons. The timing of the reintroductions had no impact on the success of vegetation establishment. However, vegetation reintroduction should be carried out in the spring while the ground is still frozen to minimize other ecological impacts. Conclusions: The success of the diaspore reintroduction technique on small‐scale units indicates that a large‐scale restoration of fens using this technique is feasible.  相似文献   

  • 1 Blanket mire in Northern Ireland is an ecologically threatened habitat in which land use for hand peat‐cutting, forestry and agriculture has had a major influence. A recent land use change is the introduction of tractor‐powered peat‐harvesting. In this paper, the effect of machine peat‐cutting on ombrotrophic blanket mire vegetation is assessed from a regional sample of cut and uncut plots.
  • 2 Principal components analysis identified water‐table depth and grazing intensity as major factors influencing the species composition of uncut mire. A key variable affecting the composition of machine‐cut mire across the drainage gradient was the number of times cut, with multiple annual cutting causing progressive decreases in acrotelm depth, catotelm bulk density and plant cover. Ericaceous species and Sphagnum spp. were particularly sensitive to cutting, with Eriophorum angustifolium and Campylopus introflexus characteristic of multiple‐cut sites.
  • 3 Redundancy analysis, with number of times cut partialled out, showed that recovery time accounted for a significant amount of variance in vegetation composition. Species that significantly increased in abundance with recovery time were Sphagnum spp., Odontoschisma sphagni , Erica tetralix and Drosera rotundifolia.
  • 4 Sites cut frequently, or which were grazed, recovered more slowly. Recovery from cutting was partly dependent on the post‐cutting structure of the mire surface and the species that survive cutting. The rate of recovery on sites cut once, then abandoned, is relatively rapid compared with multiple‐cut sites where species colonization is constrained by bare compacted peat.

Ecosystem restoration frequently involves the reintroduction of plant material in the degraded ecosystem. When there are no plant nurseries or seeds available on the market, the plant material has to be harvested in the wild, in a “donor ecosystem.” A comprehensive assessment of donor ecosystem recovery is lacking, especially for Sphagnum‐dominated donor peatlands, where all top vegetation is harvested mechanically with different practices. We aimed to evaluate (1) the regeneration of vegetation, especially of Sphagnum mosses, to determine which harvesting practices are best to enhance recovery and (2) the influence of the site hydrological conditions and meteorological variables of the first complete growing season postharvesting on peat moss regeneration. Twenty‐five donor sites covering a 17‐year chronosequence (harvested 1–17 years ago) were inventoried along with 15 associated natural reference sites located in Quebec, New Brunswick, and Alberta, Canada. All donor sites aged 10 years or more were dominated by Sphagnum mosses, though plant composition varied between donor and their associated reference sites because of the wetter conditions at harvested donor sites. Harvesting practices strongly influenced donor site recovery, showing that the skills of the practitioner are an essential ingredient. Harvesting practices minimizing donor site disturbances are recommended, such as the choice of the adequate donor site (localization, hydrologic conditions, vegetation), the use of less disruptive methods, and harvesting when the soil is deeply frozen. This study demonstrated that harvesting surface plant material for peatland restoration is not detrimental towards the recovery of near‐natural peatland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Question: What is the nature and relative importance of compositional gradients within‐ and between fens? Location: Iowa, USA. Methods: 506 0.5 m × 0.5 m quadrats were sampled from 31 fens across a 550 km extent. Presence/absence of all vascular plant taxa, plus the non‐vascular genera Sphagnum and Chara, and values for 24 environmental variables were noted. Global Non‐Metric Multidimensional Scaling and Monte Carlo tests were used to describe compositional variation and identify significant environmental co‐variables. Model‐based cluster analysis was used to identify the optimal number of groups supported by the data, while k‐means clustering was used to assign each quadrat to a group. The number of occurrences (and frequency) of each species within each group was calculated. Two‐dimensional 95% Gaussian confidence intervals, ANOVA, correlation coefficient homogeneity tests, log‐linear modelling, and Fisher's exact tests were used to document patterns of compositional change. Results: Two stable axes of variation were identified: the first being most closely correlated with soil pH, Mg, Ca, P, S, vegetation height, surface and ?10 cm soil temperature, site area, perimeter, perimeter/area ratio, growing season, and air temperature, with the second being most correlated to soil moisture, N, disturbance level, % organic matter, hummock height, N‐S coordinate, and precipitation. Individual sites harboured between 20–47% of total compositional variation, with 28% of Axis 1 and 55% of Axis 2 scores being contained within‐sites. Five compositional regions were identified that differed in the proportion of calciphile and hydrophile species. Compositional groups differed significantly between geologic types. Conclusions: While the principal axis of variation (corresponding to the rich‐poor fen gradient) is present largely between sites, the second axis (corresponding to water level) is largely repeated within sites. Documentation and protection of vegetation patterns and species diversity within Iowa fens will thus require consideration of multiple sites across the landscape.  相似文献   

Seeds of Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides), a native bunchgrass common to sandy soils on arid western rangelands, are naturally dispersed by seed‐caching rodent species, particularly Dipodomys spp. (kangaroo rats). These animals cache large quantities of seeds when mature seeds are available on or beneath plants and recover most of their caches for consumption during the remainder of the year. Unrecovered seeds in caches account for the vast majority of Indian ricegrass seedling recruitment. We applied three different densities of white millet (Panicum miliaceum) seeds as “diversionary foods” to plots at three Great Basin study sites in an attempt to reduce rodents' over‐winter cache recovery so that more Indian ricegrass seeds would remain in soil seedbanks and potentially establish new seedlings. One year after diversionary seed application, a moderate level of Indian ricegrass seedling recruitment occurred at two of our study sites in western Nevada, although there was no recruitment at the third site in eastern California. At both Nevada sites, the number of Indian ricegrass seedlings sampled along transects was significantly greater on all plots treated with diversionary seeds than on non‐seeded control plots. However, the density of diversionary seeds applied to plots had a marginally non‐significant effect on seedling recruitment, and it was not correlated with recruitment patterns among plots. Results suggest that application of a diversionary seed type that is preferred by seed‐caching rodents provides a promising passive restoration strategy for target plant species that are dispersed by these rodents.  相似文献   

Caatinga vegetation continues to be converted into mosaics of secondary forest stands, but the affect of this process on biodiversity has not yet been examined. We used 35 regenerating and old‐growth stands of Caatinga to examine the recovery of plant assemblages subsequent to slash‐and‐burn agriculture and cattle ranching/pasture in northeastern Brazil. Plant assemblages were contrasted in terms of community structure (stem density/basal area/species richness/diversity), functional (leaf habit/reproductive traits) and taxonomic composition. Soil attributes were also examined to infer potential drivers for cross‐habitat differences. As expected, plant assemblages clearly differed across a large set of community‐level attributes, including all trait categories relative to leaf habit and reproduction (pollination syndrome/floral color, size, type). Overall, old‐growth forest stands supported distinct and more diverse assemblages at the plot and habitat level; e.g., long‐lived tree species were almost exclusively found in old‐growth forest stands. For most attributes, plant assemblages subsequent to pasture exhibited intermediate values between those exhibited by old‐growth forest and those of agriculture‐related stands. Surprisingly, soils exhibited similar fertility‐related scores across habitats. Our results indicate that: (1) sprouting/resprouting represents an important mechanism of forest regeneration; (2) assemblage‐level attributes suggest recovery at distinct rates; (3) forest regeneration implies community‐level changes in both vegetative and reproductive functional attributes, including directional changes; (4) Caatinga is not able to completely recover in a period of 15‐yr following land abandonment; and (5) historical land use affects recovery rates and successional pathways/taxonomic trajectories. Seasonally dry tropical forests may intrinsically cover a wide range of patterns relative to successional model, recovery rates and successional pathways.  相似文献   

We examined effects of abandonment on species diversity and species composition by comparing 21 calcareous fen meadows in the pre-alpine zone of central and northeastern Switzerland. Meadows were divided into three classes of successional stages (mown: annually mown in late summer, young fallow: 4–15 years, and old fallow: >15 years of abandonment). In each fen, we measured litter mass in four 20 cm×20 cm plots, as well as (aboveground) biomass and species density (number of species per unit area) of bryophytes and vascular plants. Bryophyte biomass was reduced in abandoned fens, whereas litter mass and aboveground biomass of vascular plants increased. Species density of both taxonomic groups was lower in abandoned than in mown fens. Young and old successional stages were not different except for bryophytes, for which old successional stages had higher species density than young stages. We used litter mass and aboveground biomass of vascular plants as covariables in analyses of variance to reveal their effects on species density of both taxonomic groups. For bryophytes, litter mass was more important than vascular plant biomass in explaining variance of species density. This indicates severe effects of burying by litter on bryophyte species density. For species density of vascular plants, both vascular plant biomass and litter mass were of similar importance in explaining the decreased species density. Canonical correspondence analyses showed that abandonment also had an effect on species composition of both bryophytes and vascular plants. However, young and old successional stages were not different indicating fast initial changes after abandonment, but slow secondary succession afterwards. Furthermore, indicator species analysis showed that there was no establishment of new species after abandonment that might dramatically alter fen communities. Re-introduction of mowing as a nature conservation strategy may thus be very promising – even for old fallows.  相似文献   

Young coastal fens are rare ecosystems in the first stages of peatland succession. Their drainage compromises their successional development toward future carbon (C) reservoirs. We present the first study on the success of hydrological restoration of young fens. We carried out vegetation surveys at six young fens that represent undrained, drained, and restored management categories in the Finnish land uplift coast before and after restoration. We measured plant level carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) from 17 most common plant species present at the sites. Within 5 years of restoration, the vegetation composition of restored sites had started to move toward the undrained baseline. The cover of sedges increased the most in response to restoration, while the cover of deciduous shrubs decreased the most. The rapid response indicates high resilience and low resistance of young fen ecosystems toward changes in hydrology. Forbs had higher photosynthetic and respiration rates than sedges, deciduous shrubs, and grasses, whereas rates were lowest for evergreen shrubs and mosses. The impact of management category on CO2 assimilation was an indirect consequence that occurred through changes in plant species composition: Increase in sedge cover following restoration also increased the potential photosynthetic capacity of the ecosystem. Synthesis and applications. Restoration of forestry drained young fens is a promising method for safeguarding them and bringing back their function as C reservoirs. However, their low resistance to water table draw down introduces a risk that regeneration may be partially hindered by the heavy drainage in the surrounding landscape. Therefore, restoration success is best safeguarded by managing the whole catchments instead of carrying out small‐scale projects.  相似文献   

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