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Jason L. Kindall Lisa I. Muller Joseph D. Clark Jason L. Lupardus Jennifer L. Murrow 《The Journal of wildlife management》2011,75(8):1745-1752
We used an individual-based population model to perform a viability analysis to simulate population growth (λ) of 167 elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis; 71 male and 96 female) released in the Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee, to estimate sustainability (i.e., λ > 1.0) and identify the most appropriate options for managing elk restoration. We transported elk from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, and from Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky, and reintroduced them beginning in December 2000 and ending in February 2003. We estimated annual survival rates for 156 radio-collared elk from December 2000 until November 2004. We used data from a nearby elk herd in Great Smoky Mountains National Park to simulate pessimistic and optimistic recruitment and performed population viability analyses to evaluate sustainability over a 25-year period. Annual survival averaged 0.799 (Total SE = 0.023). The primary identifiable sources of mortality were poaching, disease from meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis), and accidents (environmental causes and unintentional harvest). Population growth given pessimistic recruitment rates averaged 0.895 over 25 years (0.955 in year 1 to 0.880 in year 25); population growth was not sustainable in 100% of the runs. With the most optimistic estimates of recruitment, mean λ increased to 0.967 (1.038 in year 1 to 0.956 in year 25) with 99.6% of the runs failing to be sustainable. We suggest that further translocation efforts to increase herd size will be ineffective unless survival rates are increased in the Cumberland Mountains. © 2011 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Terese E. McIntosh Richard C. Rosatte Josef Hamr Dennis L. Murray 《Restoration Ecology》2014,22(6):806-814
This study examined patterns of mortality and determinants of survival among elk recently restored to four sites in Ontario, Canada (1998–2005). We predicted that: (1) elk located in release sites closer to the core of their historic range would have higher survival; (2) survival would increase as an animal's time and experience on the landscape increased; and (3) survival rates would decline as animals moved farther away from the release site. During the study, 443 elk were radiocollared and released; 218 mortalities were documented. Predation by wolves was the most important proximate cause of mortality, followed by death due to injuries from translocation and/or capture myopathy, accidents, emaciation, poaching, and Parelaphostrongylus tenuis infection. Overall, annual survival of elk across Ontario ranged from 0.45 (0.37–0.53) to 0.81 (0.66–0.90), with rates being lowest in the years immediately following release and highest in the final years of the study; this pattern was due to high initial mortality from translocation injuries and/or capture myopathy and possibly lack of familiarity with novel habitat. Model‐averaged hazards further support this finding, as the most important factor influencing elk survival was the length of holding period, with elk released after limited holding being less likely to survive than those held for longer periods. Our results suggest that mortalities caused by capture myopathy and transportation‐related injuries are important sources of risk for translocated elk. The method of introduction to the novel landscape and behavior in the first year should be accommodated via soft‐release and appropriate release areas. 相似文献
JENNIFER L. MURROW JOSEPH D. CLARK E. KIM DELOZIER 《The Journal of wildlife management》2009,73(8):1261-1268
ABSTRACT We assessed the potential for reestablishing elk (Cervus elaphus) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), USA, by estimating vital rates of experimentally released animals from 2001 to 2006. Annual survival rates for calves ranged from 0.333 to 1.0 and averaged 0.592. Annual survival for subadult and adult elk (i.e., ≥ 1 yr of age) ranged from 0.690 to 0.933, depending on age and sex. We used those and other vital rates to model projected population growth and viability using a stochastic individual-based model. The annual growth rate (λ) of the modeled population over a 25-year period averaged 0.996 and declined from 1.059 the first year to 0.990 at year 25. The modeled population failed to attain a positive 25-year mean growth rate in 46.0% of the projections. Poor calf recruitment was an important determinant of low population growth. Predation by black bears (Ursus americanus) was the dominant calf mortality factor. Most of the variance of growth projections was due to demographic variation resulting from the small population size (n = 61). Management actions such as predator control may help increase calf recruitment, but our projections suggest that the GSMNP elk population may be at risk for some time because of high demographic variation. 相似文献
In 1997, a plan to restore Elk (Cervus elaphus) to Ontario was approved by the provincial government. The objective of the Ontario elk restoration program, a multipartnered collaboration, was to restore a species that had been extirpated from the province during the 1800s. During 1998–2001, 460 elk were acquired from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, for release in four areas of Ontario. As greater than 90% of the elk were radio collared, monitoring provided detailed information on the dynamics of the four populations. Comprehensive research projects using graduate students were implemented to determine the environmental impact of releasing elk in Ontario. Those studies are in progress or have been completed and include the effect of wolf predation on restored elk, white‐tailed deer and elk resource overlap, the development of genetic profiles for elk, and solutions for elk/human conflicts. Mortality of the released elk averaged 41% (190/460) during 1998–2004 with annual mortality generally declining over time in each release area. The primary causes of elk mortality included wolf predation (25% of mortalities), illegal shooting (13%), stress‐related emaciation (13%) (partially due to the stress of relocation), bacterial infections (7%), and collisions with vehicles (6%). Productivity has been high in one of the release areas with 24–65% of the cows being observed with calves during late winter surveys. However, productivity has been low in two of the northern release areas due to a variety of factors including wolf predation. In some areas, dispersion of elk appeared to be related to the length of time animals were kept in pens prior to release. The precalving population estimate for Ontario in March 2004 was 375–440 elk. A comprehensive program review was conducted in 2003/2004 that included recommendations relating to the future management of elk in Ontario. 相似文献
Bovine microsatellites were used to amplify DNA of red deer ( Cervus elaphus ). Fourteen of 27 bovine systems (52%) displayed polymorphism, while no (CA)n -repeat was detected in seven systems and six systems gave no amplificates in red deer. The allele number ranged from 2 to 7, the polymorphism information content between 0.24 and 0.76. The results demonstrate that transfer of microsatellite systems between families of the same order (artiodactyla) is possible. Molecular genetic research will help to clarify the differentiation and ecology of wild animals and will contribute to define criteria needed for the preservation of endangered species. 相似文献
JACQUELINE L. FRAIR EVELYN H. MERRILL JAMES R. ALLEN MARK S. BOYCE 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(2):541-554
ABSTRACT To maximize success, reintroduction programs generally select predator-free release areas having high habitat quality. Past studies provide little insight into recovery efforts where multiple, potentially novel, mortality hazards occur. The ability of translocated animals to cope with novel environments can be affected by both pre- and postrelease experiences with habitat and mortality risks. We experimentally released elk (Cervus elaphus) having different background experiences into an area where predators and hunters were prevalent and habitat quality varied. Using a competing risks approach, we predicted the postrelease survival of individuals and their fidelity to release areas as a function of animal source and postrelease encounters with forage resources and areas used by wolves (Canis lupus) or humans. Mortality patterns were consistent with prerelease exposure to mortality risks but not habitat differences among source areas. Wolf predation, poaching, and legal Native hunting were equivalent in magnitude and accounted for the majority of elk mortalities. Familiarity with either wolves or hunters prior to release yielded first-year survival rates 1.9-2.2 times greater than observed for animals naive to both risks. These 2 primary sources of mortality traded off temporally as well as spatially given the proximity of roads, which wolves avoided. The prevalence of forage resources in release areas increased fidelity to release sites but coincided with higher mortality risk during the critical first year, potentially setting an ecological trap for animals naïve to local risks. Translocated individuals largely mediated their respective vulnerabilities over time, showing second-year survival rates equivalent to resident elk. In addition to using source populations that are able to adjust to mortality risks in release areas, spatial and temporal variation in mortality risks might be exploited when planning releases to increase the success of translocations into risky landscapes. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 71(2):541–554; 2007) 相似文献
JAROD D. RAITHEL MATTHEW J. KAUFFMAN DANIEL H. PLETSCHER 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(3):795-803
Abstract: The realized impact of a vital rate on population growth (λ) is determined by both the relative influence of the vital rate on λ (elasticity) and its magnitude of variability. We estimated mean survival and reproductive rates in elk (Cervus elaphus) and spatial and temporal variation in these rates from 37 sources located primarily across the Rocky Mountain region and northwestern United States. We removed sampling variance from estimates of process variance both within and across vital-rate data sets using the variance discounting method developed by White (2000). Deterministic elasticities calculated from a population matrix model parameterized with these mean vital rates ranked adult female survival (eScow = 0.869) much higher than calf survival (eScalf = 0.131). However, process variance in calf survival was >11 times greater than process variance in female survival across data sets and 10 times greater on average within studies. We conducted Life-Stage Simulation Analysis to incorporate both vital-rate elasticity patterns and empirical estimates of variability to identify those vital rates most influential in elk population dynamics. The overwhelming magnitude of variation in calf survival explained 75% of the variation in the population growth rates generated from 1,000 matrix replicates, compared to just 16% of the variation in λ explained by variation in female survival. Variation in calf survival greatly impacts elk population growth and calls into question the utility of classical elasticity analysis alone for guiding elk management. These results also suggest that the majority of interannual variability that wildlife managers document in late-winter and spring elk surveys is attributable to variation in calf survival over the previous year and less influenced by variation in the harvest of females during the preceding autumn. To meet elk population size objectives, managers should consider the inherent variation in calf survival, and its apparent sensitivity to management, in addition to female harvest. 相似文献
内蒙古大兴安岭南麓东北马鹿种群现状调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国东北地区的马鹿(Cervus elaphus)在内蒙古大兴安岭南麓的生态系统中占有重要位置,栖息地环境恶化以及人类活动干扰等因素严重影响了马鹿种群的生存状态。本文于2019至2020年采用样线法和粪堆计数法对内蒙古大兴安岭南麓野生马鹿种群恢复现状开展调查,估算其种群密度及数量。结果显示,与10年前相比,黄岗梁、白音敖包、大冷山、赛罕乌拉、乌兰坝和高格斯台的马鹿种群密度均有显著增长(P<0.05),研究区域现有马鹿总数量约为(9644.2±1378.6)头,种群密度(2.5±0.9)头/km^(2)。本次调查从种群密度、数量及增长率等方面探讨了进一步促进马鹿种群恢复的措施,为改进大兴安岭南麓马鹿保护工作提供科学指导。 相似文献
Jonathan M. Conard Mark J. Statham Philip S. Gipson Samantha M. Wisely 《Restoration Ecology》2010,18(Z1):85-93
Reintroduction of terrestrial vertebrates with the goal of ecosystem restoration typically establishes small and isolated populations that may experience reduced genetic variability due to founder effects and genetic drift. Understanding the genetic structure of these populations and maintaining adequate genetic diversity is important for long‐term restoration success. We quantified genetic variability at six microsatellite loci for a reintroduced population of Cervus elaphus (elk) restored to the tallgrass prairie ecosystem of northeastern Kansas. Allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosity were intermediate to levels reported in other North American elk populations. Current levels of genetic variability in restored North American elk populations were not well explained by founding population size, number of founding populations, or number of years since the last translocation. Simulation results suggest that the retention of genetic variability in isolated populations is strongly influenced by mating system while also being impacted by temporal variability in population size and population growth rate. Our results have implications for understanding how translocation strategies and post‐reintroduction management may influence genetic variability in restored populations. 相似文献
Relocation programs have restored elk (Cervus elaphus) to portions of its vast historical range. We examine the consequences of these relocation programs by assessing variation at 10 microsatellite loci in three elk herds, a source herd (Yellowstone National Park), a large herd reintroduced from Yellowstone (Custer State Park) and a bottlenecked herd reintroduced from both Yellowstone and Custer (the Pennsylvania herd). Observed single locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.739. Multi-locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.222 to 0.589. Although significant differences were detected among all three herds, the Yellowstone National Park and Custer State Park herds possessed similar levels of variation and heterozygosity, and the genetic distance between these two herds was small. The Pennsylvania herd, on the other hand, experienced a 61.5% decrease in heterozygosity relative to its source herds, possessed no unique and few rare alleles, and the genetic distances between the Pennsylvania herd and its sources were large. Simulations were performed to identify bottleneck scenarios in agreement with levels of variation in the Pennsylvania herd. Our data confirm that the rate of population growth post-relocation may have important genetic consequences and indicate that theoretical predictions regarding the maintenance of genetic variation during relocation events must be viewed with caution when small numbers of a polygynous species are released. 相似文献
Magdalena Niedziałkowska Bogumiła Jędrzejewska Jan M. Wójcik Simon J. Goodman 《The Journal of wildlife management》2012,76(6):1264-1276
We studied the genetic structure of a red deer (Cervus elaphus) population in 8 woodlands of northeastern Poland and 1 in western Belarus and compared it with the documented history of the population in the region. Red deer nearly went extinct in the region in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the mid-19th century, reintroductions began and continued until the mid-1960s. Animals were translocated from various sites in Poland and other European countries. We genotyped 303 individuals using 14 microsatellite loci and sequenced 253 individuals for a fragment of the control region (mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA]). The microsatellite analyses demonstrate that 3 genetically separate subpopulations exist, but 4 according to mtDNA. All haplotypes found in northeastern Poland are closely related to haplotypes from northern and northwestern Europe. The only individuals that could have originated from autochthonous red deer populations, rather than introductions, were found in Napiwoda Forest. The present regional genetic structure of the species is consistent with the known history of red deer translocations. Current patterns of genetic diversity in these populations are determined by the interaction of past human management and contemporary natural migrations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Nussey DH Coltman DW Coulson T Kruuk LE Donald A Morris SJ Clutton-Brock TH Pemberton J 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(11):3395-3405
A growing literature now documents the presence of fine-scale genetic structure in wild vertebrate populations. Breeding population size, levels of dispersal and polygyny--all hypothesized to affect population genetic structure--are known to be influenced by ecological conditions experienced by populations. However the possibility of temporal or spatial variation in fine-scale genetic structure as a result of ecological change is rarely considered or explored. Here we investigate temporal variation in fine-scale genetic structure in a red deer population on the Isle or Rum, Scotland. We document extremely fine-scale spatial genetic structure (< 100 m) amongst females but not males across a 24-year study period during which resource competition has intensified and the population has reached habitat carrying capacity. Based on census data, adult deer were allocated to one of three subpopulations in each year of the study. Global F(ST) estimates for females generated using these subpopulations decreased over the study period, indicating a rapid decline in fine-scale genetic structure of the population. Global F(ST) estimates for males were not different from zero across the study period. Using census and genetic data, we illustrate that, as a consequence of a release from culling early in the study period, the number of breeding females has increased while levels of polygyny have decreased in this population. We found little evidence for increasing dispersal between subpopulations over time in either sex. We argue that both increasing female population size and decreasing polygyny could explain the decline in female population genetic structure. 相似文献
Joseph Yarkovich Joseph D. Clark Jennifer L. Murrow 《The Journal of wildlife management》2011,75(5):1145-1154
Previous research from 2001 to 2006 on an experimentally released elk (Cervus elaphus) population at Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP or Park) indicated that calf recruitment (i.e., calves reaching 1 yr of age per adult female elk) was low (0.306, total SE = 0.090) resulting in low or negative population growth (λ = 0.996, 95% CI = 0.945–1.047). Black bear (Ursus americanus) predation was the primary calf mortality factor. From 2006 to 2008, we trapped and relocated 49 bears (30 of which were radiocollared) from the primary calving areas in the Park and radiomonitored 67 (28 M:39 F) adult elk and 42 calves to compare vital rates and population growth with the earlier study. A model with annual calf recruitment rate correlating with the number of bears relocated each year was supported (ΔAICc = 0.000; β = 0.070, 95% CI = 0.028–0.112) and a model with annual calf recruitment differing from before to during bear relocation revealed an increase to 0.544 (total SE = 0.098; β = −1.092, 95% CI = −1.180 to −0.375). Using vital rates and estimates of process standard errors observed during our study, 25-yr simulations maintained a mean positive growth rate in 100% of the stochastic trials with λ averaging 1.118 (95% CI = 1.096–1.140), an increase compared with rates before bear relocation. A life table response experiment revealed that increases in population growth were mostly (67.1%) due to changes in calf recruitment. We speculate that behavioral adaptation of the elk since release also contributed to the observed increases in recruitment and population growth. Our results suggest that managers interested in elk reintroduction within bear range should consider bear relocation as a temporary means of increasing calf recruitment. © 2011 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Polygyny is expected to erode genetic variability by reducing the diversity of genetic contribution of males to the next generation, although empirical evidence shows that genetic variability in polygynous populations is not lost as rapidly as expected. We used microsatellite markers to study the genetic variability transmitted by mothers and fathers to offspring during a reproductive season in wild populations of a polygynous mammal, the red deer. Contrary to expectations, we found that males contributed more genetic diversity than females. Also, we compared study populations with different degrees of polygyny to find that polygyny was not related to a decrease in genetic diversity contributed by males. On the contrary, when population genetic diversity was relatively low, polygyny associated with higher genetic diversity of paternal lineage. Our results show that sexual selection, by favouring heterozygote individuals, may compensate the potential reduction of effective population size caused by polygyny, thus contributing to explain why genetic diversity is not depleted in polygynous systems. 相似文献
Female–female competition over mates is often considered of minor importance, particularly in polygynous species. In red deer (Cervus elaphus), female–female aggression within harems during the breeding season has not been studied to date. Herein, we examined if oestrous female red deer in harems show elevated aggression rates, compared to when they are in harems but not in oestrous, and also when they are in foraging groups outside of the breeding season. Any increased levels of aggression involving oestrous females, could indicate the potential for female–female competition for mates in this species. We found that aggressive interactions among female red deer were clearly evident. The most common forms of aggression were displacements, nose threats and kicking. Biting and ear threats occurred less frequently, and chases were rare. There were no differences in the proportion of the different aggression types in the three social contexts. More importantly, we found that the highest overall rates of aggression were for oestrous females in harems, and for females in foraging groups. The lowest rates of aggression were found in harems (when the focal female was not in oestrous). If high rates of aggression also occur when several females are simultaneously in oestrous within single harems, then it is possible that this aggression could affect either mate choice or mating order. These results suggest that female–female competition over mates could play a role in the mating behaviour of red deer. 相似文献
Jonas Jourdan Martin Plath Jonathan D. Tonkin Maria Ceylan Arlena C. Dumeier Georg Gellert Wolfram Graf Charles P. Hawkins Ellen Kiel Armin W. Lorenz Christoph D. Matthaei Piet F. M. Verdonschot Ralf C. M. Verdonschot Peter Haase 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2019,94(2):368-387
Species reintroductions – the translocation of individuals to areas in which a species has been extirpated with the aim of re‐establishing a self‐sustaining population – have become a widespread practice in conservation biology. Reintroduction projects have tended to focus on terrestrial vertebrates and, to a lesser extent, fishes. Much less effort has been devoted to the reintroduction of invertebrates into restored freshwater habitats. Yet, reintroductions may improve restoration outcomes in regions where impoverished regional species pools limit the self‐recolonisation of restored freshwaters. We review the available literature on macroinvertebrate reintroductions, focusing on identifying the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that determine their success or failure. Our study reveals that freshwater macroinvertebrate reintroductions remain rare, are often published in the grey literature and, of the attempts made, approximately one‐third fail. We identify life‐cycle complexity and remaining stressors as the two factors most likely to affect reintroduction success, illustrating the unique challenges of freshwater macroinvertebrate reintroductions. Consideration of these factors by managers during the planning process and proper documentation – even if a project fails – may increase the likelihood of successful outcomes in future reintroduction attempts of freshwater macroinvertebrates. 相似文献