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Sex-differential plasticity (SDP) hypothesis suggests that since hermaphrodites gain fitness through both pollen and seed production they may have evolved a higher degree of plasticity in their reproductive strategy compared to females which achieve fitness only through seed production. SDP may explain the difference in seed production observed between sexes in gynodioecious species in response to resource (nutrients or water) availability. In harsh environments, hermaphrodites decrease seed production whereas females keep it relatively similar regardless of the environmental conditions. Light availability can be also a limiting resource and thus could theoretically affect differently female and hermaphrodite seed output even though this ecological factor has been largely overlooked. We tested whether the two sexes in the gynodioecious species Geranium sylvaticum differ in their tolerance to light limitation during seed maturation in the field. We used a fully factorial block experiment exposing female and hermaphrodite plants to two different light environments (control and shade) after their peak flowering period. Specifically, we measured fruit and seed production in response to decreased light availability and compared it between the sexes. Shading reduced the number of fruits and seeds produced, but the decrease was similar between the sexes. Furthermore, shading delayed seed production by three days in both sexes, but did not affect seed mass, seed P content, or the probability of re-flowering the following year. Our results give no evidence for reproductive SDP in response to light during seed maturation.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious plant species with nuclear‐cytoplasmic sex determination, females and hermaphrodites plants can coexist whenever female have higher seed fitness than hermaphrodites. Although the effect of self fertilization on seed fitness in hermaphrodites has been considered theoretically, this effect is far from intuitive, because it can either increase the relative seed fitness of the females (if it leads hermaphrodites to produce inbred, low quality offspring) or decrease it (if it provides reproductive assurance to hermaphrodites). Hence, empirical investigation is needed to document whether relative seed fitness varies with whether pollen is or is not limiting to seed production. In the current study, we measured fruit set and seed production in both females and hermaphrodites and the selfing rate in hermaphrodites in two experimental patches that differed in sex ratios in the gynodioecious plant Silene nutans. We found an impact of plant gender, patch, and their interaction, with females suffering from stronger pollen limitation when locally frequent. In the most pollen‐limited situation, the selfing rate of hermaphrodites increased and provided hermaphrodites with a type of reproductive assurance that is not available to females. By integrating both the beneficial (reproductive assurance) and costly effects (through inbreeding depression) of self‐pollination, we showed that whether females did or did not exhibit higher seed fitness depended on the degree of pollen limitation on seed production.  相似文献   

Dioecy, a breeding system where individual plants are exclusively male or female, has evolved repeatedly. Extensive theory describes when dioecy should arise from hermaphroditism, frequently through gynodioecy, where females and hermaphrodites coexist, and when gynodioecy should be stable. Both pollinators and herbivores often prefer the pollen‐bearing sex, with sex‐specific fitness effects that can affect breeding system evolution. Nursery pollination, where adult insects pollinate flowers but their larvae feed on plant reproductive tissues, is a model for understanding mutualism evolution but could also yield insights into plant breeding system evolution. We studied a recently established nursery pollination interaction between native Hadena ectypa moths and introduced gynodioecious Silene vulgaris plants in North America to assess whether oviposition was biased toward females or hermaphrodites, which traits were associated with oviposition, and the effect of oviposition on host plant fitness. Oviposition was hermaphrodite‐biased and associated with deeper flowers and more stems. Sexual dimorphism in flower depth, a trait also associated with oviposition on the native host plant (Silene stellata), explained the hermaphrodite bias. Egg‐receiving plants experienced more fruit predation than plants that received no eggs, but relatively few fruits were lost, and egg receipt did not significantly alter total fruit production at the plant level. Oviposition did not enhance pollination; egg‐receiving flowers usually failed to expand and produce seeds. Together, our results suggest that H. ectypa oviposition does not exert a large fitness cost on host plants, sex‐biased interactions can emerge from preferences developed on a hermaphroditic host species, and new nursery pollination interactions can arise as negative or neutral rather than as mutualistic for the plant.  相似文献   

Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of females and hermaphrodites within gynodioecious populations is expected to exert considerable selective pressure on gender fitness through pollen limitation of seed set. If pollen flow is predominantly local, seed set in individual plants may be sensitive to the proximity of pollen donors; pollen limitation of seed set may occur if hermaphrodites are locally rare. Under such circumstances, female fitness will be negatively frequency dependent and hermaphrodite fitness will be positively frequency dependent. Given local seed dispersal, a nonrandom clumped distribution of the genders is expected in gynodioecious populations due to the heritability of gender in gynodioecious species. If gender fitness is frequency dependent, such structure should favor hermaphrodites and select against females. To test this hypothesis, I quantified the distribution of the genders in terms of nearest neighbors and neighborhood sex ratio in two populations of gynodioecious Sidalcea malviflora malviflora. I then measured the effect of neighborhood sex ratio on open-pollinated seed set and pollen limitation in both manipulated and unmanipulated neighborhoods. Results indicate that the genders have a patchy distribution and that both genders are pollen limited and show an increase in seed set with an increase in neighborhood hermaphrodite frequency. The observed population sex structure favors hermaphrodites and disadvantages females. These results highlight the importance that population-level traits can have in determining individual fitness and the evolution of sex ratios in gynodioecious species.  相似文献   

I investigated whether soil moisture affects relative fitness of females and hermaphrodites and sex ratio in a gynodioecious plant with nuclear-cytoplasmic sex inheritance. I contrast these results with those from species with strictly nuclear sex inheritance. I performed a manipulative watering experiment on seed fitness of the two sexes, and field studies measuring seed fitness and sex ratio as a function of soil moisture. In the dry site, watered hermaphrodites produced approximately twice as many seeds as unwatered hermaphrodites, with little treatment effect on female seed production. Over a natural soil moisture gradient, the ratio of female to hermaphrodite seed production was higher in dry than in wet sites. These data show that the seed fitness advantage of females is a function of soil moisture. Despite this, regression of soil moisture on the sex ratio of 23 populations was not significant. These results indicate a sex-dependent effect of soil moisture on resource allocation to seeds that does not translate into a strong effect on sex ratio. This is consistent with theory based on genomic conflict in which sex ratios are predicted to be only partly determined by fitness differences of the sexes.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the co‐occurrence of females and hermaphrodites, is arguably the most common angiosperm gender polymorphism in many florae. Females’ ability to invade and persist among hermaphrodites depends, in part, on pollinators providing adequate pollination to females. We directly measured diurnal and nocturnal pollinators’ contributions to female and hermaphrodite seed production in artificial populations of gynodioecious Silene vulgaris by experimentally restricting pollinator access. We found that female relative seed production in this system depended strongly on pollination context: females produced more than twice as many seeds as hermaphrodites in the context of abundant, nectar‐collecting moths. Conversely, females showed no seed production advantage in the context of pollen‐collecting syrphid flies and bees due to acutely hermaphrodite‐biased visitation. We infer that variation in pollinator type, behaviour and abundance may be important for achieving the female relative fitness thresholds necessary for the maintenance of gynodioecy. Generally, our study illustrates how pollinator‐mediated mechanisms may influence the evolution of breeding systems and associated suites of floral traits. Segments of a pollinator community may facilitate gynodioecy by selecting for plant characteristics that increase the attractiveness of both sexes to pollinators, such as nectar rewards. Conversely, discriminating visitors in search of pollen may restrict gynodioecy in associated plant lineages by reducing male steriles’ fitness below threshold levels.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, a state where female and hermaphrodite plants coexist in populations, has been widely proposed an intermediate stage in the evolutionary pathway from hermaphroditism to dioecy. In the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway, hermaphrodites may gain most of their fitness through male function once females invade populations. To test this prediction, comprehensive studies on sex ratio variation across populations and reproductive characteristics of hermaphrodite and female phenotypes are necessary. This study examined the variation in sex ratio, sex expression, flower and fruit production and sexual dimorphism of morphological traits in a gynodioecious shrub, Daphne jezoensis, over multiple populations and years. Population sex ratio (hermaphrodite:female) was close to 1:1 or slightly hermaphrodite‐biased. Sex type of individual plants was largely fixed, but 15% of plants changed their sex during a 6‐year census. Hermaphrodite plants produced larger flowers and invested 2.5 times more resources in flower production than female plants, but they exhibited remarkably low fruit set (proportion of flowers setting fruits). Female plants produced six times more fruits than hermaphrodite plants. Low fruiting ability of hermaphrodite plants was retained even when hand‐pollination was performed. Fruit production of female plants was restricted by pollen limitation under natural conditions, irrespective of high potential fecundity, and this minimised the difference in resources allocated to reproduction between the sexes. Negative effects of previous flower and fruit production on current reproduction were not apparent in both sexes. This study suggests that gynodioecy in this species is functionally close to a dioecious mating system: smaller flower production with larger fruiting ability in female plants, and larger flower production with little fruiting ability in hermaphrodite plants.  相似文献   

Several factors have been proposed to explain female maintenance in gynodioecious populations. In this study, we propose and test a novel hypothesis: greater tolerance to herbivory through more beneficial interactions with plant fungal mutualists might also help to explain female maintenance. Herbivory limits the amount of carbon and nutrients available for the plants and has been shown to affect mycorrhizal colonization. We hypothesized that simulated herbivory would decrease reproductive output, mycorrhizal colonization intensity, and the phosphorus content relatively more in hermaphrodites, so females would achieve higher advantage over hermaphrodites when under herbivory pressure. We tested it in the field using the gynodioecious plant Geranium sylvaticum. We found that simulated herbivory had a negative effect on the reproductive output in both sexes and that there was a similar reduction in fruit set, seed set, and total seed number in both sexes. Defoliation did not affect any fungal parameter measured, but decreased phosphorus content relatively more in females. The plants had a sex-specific relationship with mycorrhizae, but this was not related to herbivory. Thus, we conclude that females do not gain any specific advantage under defoliation from its symbionts at short-term even though it seems that the plants have sex-specific relationship with their mycorrhizal symbionts.  相似文献   

Male and female plants of dioecious species often differ in their resource demands and this has been linked to secondary sexual dimorphism, including sex‐specific interactions with other organisms such as herbivores and pollinators. However, little is known about the interaction between dioecious plants and fungal root endophytes. Plants may be simultaneously colonised by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and dark septate (DS) fungi. While it is well established that AM mutualism involves reciprocal transfer of photosynthates and mineral nutrients between roots of host plants and these fungi, the role of DS fungi remains controversial. Here, we report the temporal and spatial variation in AM and DS fungi in female, male and non‐reproductive Antennaria dioica plants in three natural populations in Finland during flowering and after seed production. Females had higher colonisation by AM fungi, but lower colonisation by DS fungi than male and non‐reproductive plants. The higher AM colonisation was observed during flowering, and this difference varied among populations. Our results suggest that females and males of A. dioica interact with AM and DS fungi differently and that this relationship is dependent on soil fertility.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants exhibit a variety of reproductive systems where unisexual (females or males) morphs coexist with hermaphrodites. The maintenance of dimorphic and polymorphic reproductive systems may be problematic. For example, to coexist with hermaphrodites the females of gynodioecious species have to compensate for the lack of male function. In our study species, Geranium sylvaticum, a perennial gynodioecious herb, the relative seed fitness advantage of females varies significantly between years within populations as well as among populations. Differences in reproductive investment between females and hermaphrodites may lead to differences in future survival, growth and reproductive success, i.e. to differential costs of reproduction. Since females of this species produce more seeds, higher costs of reproduction in females than in hermaphrodites were expected. Due to the higher costs of reproduction, the yearly variation in reproductive output of females might be more pronounced than that of hermaphrodites.


Using supplemental hand-pollination of females and hermaphrodites of G. sylvaticum we examined if increased reproductive output leads to differential costs of reproduction in terms of survival, probability of flowering, and seed production in the following year.

Key Results

Experimentally increased reproductive output had differential effects on the reproduction of females and hermaphrodites. In hermaphrodites, the probability of flowering decreased significantly in the following year, whereas in females the costs were expressed in terms of decreased future seed production.


When combining the probability of flowering and seed production per plant to estimate the multiplicative change in fitness, female plants showed a 56 % and hermaphrodites showed a 39 % decrease in fitness due to experimentally increased reproduction. Therefore, in total, female plants seem to be more sensitive to the cost of reproduction in terms of seed fitness than hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Variation in sex expression, flowering pattern, and seed production was studied in the self-compatible perennial herb Geranium maculatum in Illinois and Indiana. In a survey of eight populations, female (male-sterile) plants were found in seven (frequencies ranging from 0.5% to 24.3% [median 4.2%]), and intermediate plants (with partly reduced male function) were found in all populations. Gender variation and sexual differences in reproductive characters were studied in detail in two populations. One population consisted of 5% female, 27% intermediate, and 68% hermaphrodite plants; the other consisted of 1% female, 20% intermediate, and 79% hermaphrodite plants. Females produced smaller flowers and began flowering earlier than hermaphrodites. Intermediates produced flowers of an intermediate size and began flowering as early as females. Females and hermaphrodites did not differ in flower number, vegetative size, flowering frequency, survival, or seed size. However, females produced 1.6 times more seeds than hermaphrodites. Intermediates produced 1.3–1.6 times more seeds than hermaphrodites. Some between-year variation in sex expression was observed. Hand-pollination with outcross pollen produced two to four times as many seeds as hand-pollination with self-pollen. A lower outcrossing rate in hermaphrodites than in females may at least partly explain the lower seed set in hermaphrodites. The higher seed production of females, and possibly the high fecundity of the intermediates, should contribute to the maintenance of this sexual polymorphism.  相似文献   

Resources, sex ratio, and seed production by hermaphrodites covary among natural populations of many gynodioecious plant species, such that they are functionally "more dioecious" as resources become more limiting. Strong correlations among these three factors confound our understanding of their relative roles in maintaining polymorphic sexual systems. We manipulated resource availability and sex ratio and measured their effects on relative fertility and phenotypic selection through the maternal fitness of females and hermaphrodites of Fragaria virginiana. Two results were particularly surprising. First, hermaphrodites showed little variability in fecundity across resource treatments and showed strong positive and context-dependent selection for fruit set. This suggests that variation in hermaphrodite seed production along resource gradients in nature may result from adaptation rather than plasticity. Second, although females increased their fecundity with higher resources, their fertility was unaffected by sex ratio, which is predicted to mediate pollen limitation of females in natural populations where they are common. Selection on petal size of females was also weak, indicating a minimal effect of pollinator attraction on variation in the fertility of female plants. Hence, we found no mechanistic explanation for the complete absence of high-resource high female populations in nature. Despite strong selection for increased fruit set of hermaphrodites, both the strength of selection and its contribution to the maintenance of gynodioecy are severely reduced under conditions where females have high relative fecundity (i.e., low resources and high-female sex ratios). High relative fertility plus high female frequency means that the evolution of phenotypic traits in hermaphrodites (i.e., response to selection via seed function) should be manifested through females because most hermaphrodites will have female mothers. Fruit set was never under strong selection in females; hence, selection to increase fruit set hermaphrodites will be less effective in maintaining their fruiting ability in natural populations with low resources and high female frequency. In sum, both sex ratio and resource availability influence trait evolution indirectly-through their effects on relative fertility of the sexes and patterns of selection. Sex ratio did not impose strong pollen limitation on females but did directly moderate the outcome of natural selection by biasing the maternal sex of the next generation. This direct effect of sex ratio on the manifestation of natural selection is expected to have far greater impact on the evolution of traits, such as seed-producing ability in hermaphrodites and the maintenance of sexual polymorphisms in nature, compared to indirect effects of sex ratio on relative fertility of the sexes.  相似文献   

Differences between plant sex morphs in pollen or resource availability may affect their relative fitness and thereby the sex ratio of dimorphic species. In gynodioecious species, in which hermaphroditic and female plants coexist, a variety of factors (e.g., hermaphrodite self-fertility or rarity or pollinator discrimination against females) might be expected to lead to stronger pollen limitation in females than in hermaphrodites. On the other hand, females have been found to be superior compared to hermaphrodites in low-nutrient conditions. The effects of supplemental hand-pollination and resource addition on the reproductive output of the self-fertile gynodioecious perennial Geranium sylvaticum (Geraniaceae) were tested for several populations that differ in their female frequency (4.4-23.0%). Both pollen and resource availability limited fruit set and the number of seeds produced per plant; however, seed set (i.e., the number of seeds produced per fruit) was limited only by resources. Because pollen limitation in females did not correlate with female frequency, our results suggest that pollen limitation in females does not depend on the frequency of the pollen-producing hermaphrodites. Furthermore, because pollen and resource availability limited reproductive output of both sex morphs, these factors may not contribute significantly to maintenance and evolution of gynodioecy in G. sylvaticum.  相似文献   

  • Plants usually interact with other plants, and the outcome of such interaction ranges from facilitation to competition depending on the identity of the plants, including their sexual expression. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to modify competitive interactions in plants. However, few studies have evaluated how AM fungi influence plant intraspecific and interspecific interactions in dioecious species.
  • The competitive abilities of female and male plants of Antennaria dioica were examined in a greenhouse experiment. Females and males were grown in the following competitive settings: (i) without competition, (ii) with intrasexual competition, (iii) with intersexual competition, and (iv) with interspecific competition by Hieracium pilosella – a plant with similar characteristics to A. dioica. Half of the pots were grown with Claroideoglomus claroideum, an AM fungus isolated from the same habitat as the plant material. We evaluated plant survival, growth, flowering phenology, and production of AM fungal structures.
  • Plant survival was unaffected by competition or AM fungi. Competition and the presence of AM fungi reduced plant biomass. However, the sexes responded differently to the interaction between fungal and competition treatments. Both intra‐ and interspecific competition results were sex‐specific, and in general, female performance was reduced by AM colonization. Plant competition or sex did not affect the intraradical structures, extraradical hyphae, or spore production of the AM fungus.
  • These findings suggest that plant sexual differences affect fundamental processes such as competitive ability and symbiotic relationships with AM fungi.

Gynodioecy, the co‐occurrence of hermaphrodite and female individuals within a species, is maintained by differential reproductive success between sexes. Recently, researchers recognized that not only pollinators but also herbivores are important agents in the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy, when herbivory is hermaphrodite biased. In this study, we investigated whether there is hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory in a gynodioecious plant, Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus, and if so, what floral traits influenced hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory. We measured flower morphology (flower diameter, calyx tube length, corolla height and petal width) and phenology of flowers of female individuals, hermaphrodites and gynomonoecious individuals in a natural population. We also investigated seed predation and predator species. At the study site, Sibinia weevils (Curculionidae; Coleoptera) and Coleophora moths (Coleophoridae; Lepidoptera) were common pre‐dispersal seed predators in this species. The weevil appeared early in the flowering season, and weevil predation correlated with flower phenology. Because female individuals did not flower early in the season, weevil predation was less frequent in female individuals. Moth predation correlated with calyx length. The calyx length of flowers of female individuals was smaller than those of hermaphrodites, but a direct comparison of moth predation rates failed to find a significant difference among sex morphs. We found that the two seed predators had different effects on floral traits in D. superbus var. longicalycinus. We suggest that weevil predation contributes to the maintenance of gynodioecy because female individuals successfully escaped weevil predation by flowering late. It remains unclear why flower phenology is different among sex morphs.  相似文献   

Abstract In gynodioecious plants, hermaphrodite and female plants co‐occur in the same population. In these systems gender typically depends on whether a maternally inherited cytoplasmic male sterility factor (CMS) is counteracted by nuclear restorer alleles. These restorer alleles are often genetically dominant. Although plants of the female morph are obligatorily outcrossing, hermaphrodites may self. This selfing increases homozygosity and may thus have two effects: (1) it may decrease fitness (i.e. result in inbreeding depression) and (ii) it may increase homozygosity of the nuclear restorer alleles and therefore increase the production of females. This, in turn, enhances outcrossing in the following generation. In order to test the latter hypothesis, experimental crosses were conducted using individuals derived from four natural populations of Silene vulgaris, a gynodioecious plant. Treatments included self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites, outcrossing of hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from the same source population as the pollen recipients, and outcrossing hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from different source populations. Offspring were scored for seed germination, survivorship to flowering and gender. The products of self‐fertilization had reduced survivorship at both life stages when compared with the offspring of outcrossed hermaphrodites or females. In one population the fitness of offspring produced by within‐population outcrossing of females was significantly less than the fitness of offspring produced by crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. Self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites produced a smaller proportion of hermaphroditic offspring than did outcrossing hermaphrodites. Outcrossing females within populations produced a smaller proportion of hermaphrodite offspring than did crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. These results are consistent with a cytonuclear system of sex determination with dominant nuclear restorers, and are discussed with regard to how the mating system and the genetics of sex determination interact to influence the evolution of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

One evolutionary pathway from plants with combined male and female functions (hermaphroditism) to those with separate sexes (dioecy) involves females coexisting with hermaphrodites (gynodioecy). The research presented here explores sex allocation in Fragaria virginiana (a gynodioecious wild strawberry), within the context of theory on the gynodioecy–dioecy transition. By growing clonally replicated plants in the greenhouse and surveying six populations in situ, I evaluated the effects of plant size, genotype, sexual identity, population of origin and female frequency on sex allocation. I found significant positive effects of plant size on most sex allocation traits studied. In addition to strong sex-specific allocation patterns, I found significant broad-sense heritabilities for all traits, suggesting that plants could respond to selection. Moreover, there was a negative genetic correlation between pollen production and fruit set per flower within hermaphrodites, lending support to a basic assumption of sex allocation theory. On the other hand, several sex allocation traits, namely pollen and ovules per flower in hermaphrodites, were positively genetically correlated, suggesting that they may act to constrain the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Populations differed in the frequency of females, and females were more prevalent on sites with lower soil moisture and where hermaphrodites were least likely to produce fruit, suggesting that females’ seed fitness relative to that of hermaphrodites may be strongly environment-dependent in this species.  相似文献   

Seed production and patterns of sex allocation were studied in female and hermaphroditic plants in two gynodioecious populations of Geranium sylvaticum (Geraniaceae). Females produced more flower buds and seeds than hermaphrodites in one of the two study populations. The other female traits measured (pistil biomass, seed number per fruit, individual seed mass) did not differ between the gender morphs. The relative seed fitness of hermaphrodites differed between the study populations, with hermaphrodites gaining less of their fitness through female function in the population with a high frequency of females. However, the amount and size of pollen produced by hermaphrodites did not differ between populations. The number of flower buds was positively correlated with seed production in females, whereas in hermaphrodites a positive correlation between number of buds and seed production was found in only one of the two study populations. These results suggest that fitness gain through female function is labile in hermaphrodites of this species, and is probably affected by environmental factors such as the sex ratio of the population.  相似文献   

In Thymus vulgaris L., sex determination involves both the nuclear and the cytoplasmic genomes: the cytoplasm is responsible for male-sterility (the female phenotype) while specific nuclear genes may restore male fertility (the hermaphrodite phenotype). Previous observations have shown high variation among hermaphrodites for pollen and seed production. In order to investigate the origin of this variation, 12 female plants, four from each of three populations, were hand-pollinated with pollen from hermaphrodites from three different paternal populations. The sex-ratio (i.e. the frequency of hermaphrodites) produced and the reproductive functions of these offspring were measured. A strong positive correlation was observed between the sex-ratio within a family and both female and male reproductive functions of its hermaphrodites. No such correlation was found for females. This result suggests that restorer genes may be directly or indirectly involved both in sex determination and in the efficiency of resource allocation to reproductive functions. As a consequence, female advantage, i.e. the relative fecundity of females to hermaphrodites, is larger in families with low sex-ratio, and this might affect the evolution of this gynodioecious breeding system.  相似文献   

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