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Abstract.  1. When first instar nymphs and adults of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Aphidiae) were maintained in long-term cultures (>6 months) at 20 °C and 10 °C, the LT50 decreased from −8 and −8.8 °C to −16.0 and −13.5 °C, respectively.
2. When aphids from the 20 °C culture were transferred to 10 °C, there was a progressive increase in cold tolerance through three successive generations. Transfer of newly moulted pre-reproductive adults reared at 10 °C for three generations back to 20 °C resulted in a rapid loss of cold hardiness in their nymphal offspring.
3. In all generations reared at 10 °C, first born nymphs were more cold hardy than those born later in the birth sequence. The LT50 of nymphs produced on the first day of reproduction in the first, second and third generations maintained at 10 °C were −14.8, −17.0 and −16.6 °C, respectively. Thereafter, nymphal cold hardiness decreased over the subsequent 14 days of reproduction in each generation at 10 °C with mean LT50 values of −10.3, −12.6 and −14.8 °C, respectively. By contrast, the cold tolerance of first born nymphs of aphids reared continuously at 20 °C did not differ in comparison with later born siblings. The LT50 of adult aphids was also unaffected by ageing.
4. The ecological relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the overwintering survival of aphids such as S. avenae .  相似文献   

Cold hardiness and overwintering of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  • 1 Cold hardiness as measured by supercooling ability in the active stages of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) decreased progressively with maturation.
  • 2 Aphids showed no acclimation response when maintained at low temperatures.
  • 3 Starvation did not improve supercooling ability.
  • 4 In a single exposure, surface moisture caused inoculation above the inherent supercooling point in a small proportion of a population.
  • 5 Field populations show a seasonal change in supercooling ability, which is at a maximum in summer and a minimum in late winter.
  • 6 It is concluded that the act of feeding on healthy plant tissue may confer extensive supercooling ability.

Alate virginoparae of Cinara pinea occur on Scots pine trees only during June and early July, when population numbers are at their highest. Crowding experience during nymphal life promotes the development of winged adults, but only if the tree is in the stage of active shoot growth. Later in the season when shoots are mature, alatae are suppressed, irrespective of crowding. Changing daylength and temperature do not appear to influence alate production and maternal experience of crowding has no effect on the nymphal response. The possible nature of the host plant effect is discussed in the light of this and previous work.
Résumé Les virginipares ailés de Cinara pinea apparais sent sur Pinus sylvestris L. uniquement en juin et au début juillet, quand les effectifs de la population sont au plus haut. Des expériences de surpeuplement pendant le dernier stade larvaire n'induisent le développement d'adultes ailés que si l'arbre est au stade où la croissance des pousses est active. Plus tard dans la saison, quand les pousses sont mûres, les ailés sont réprimés, quel que soit le surpeuplement. Les modifications de la longueur du jour et de la température ne semblent pas influencer la production d'ailés et le surpeuplement subi par les mères n'a pas d'effet sur la réponse des larves âgées. La nature de cet effet de la plante-hôte est envisagée à la lumière de cette étude et de travaux précédents.

Aphids are a good model to study insect reaction to habitat change. Temperature is one of the main factors that influences insects. This paper examines the influence of temperature on developmental stages, fecundity, survival rate and demographic parameters of Cinara tujafilina (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea, Lachnidae), connected with decorative plants of the Cupressaceae family. C. tujafilina was reared in a laboratory on T. orientalis at five constant temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 28°C, 70% humidity and 14L:10D. The pre-reproduction stage varied from 7 at 25°C to 19 days at 10°C. Developmental threshold was assigned at 3.5°C. The longest reproduction stage for the aphids developing was recorded at 25°C, namely 33 days, while the shortest, at the temperature of 10°C, lasted 8 days. At 25°C this species is characterised by the shortest pre-reproduction stage, the highest fecundity, the highest survival rate and the highest demographic parameters, particularly rm (0.17). The results suggest that the optimal temperature for the species is 25°C, and indicate that climatic change will favourably influence its development and increase its role as a pest of decorative plants.  相似文献   

我们研究了黑蚁 (Lasiusniger)如何开发距离其巢不同距离的多种食物资源 ,以及黑蚁的照看活动是否与雪松长足大蚜 (Cinaracedri)种群的增长有关 ,以及 /或者受空间分布的影响。笔者定期调查了Cinaracedri集群的空间分布 ,以及在雪松树枝上黑蚁取食的时间变化 ,发现只有 2 5 %的蚜虫集群在研究后数周内保持在同样的位置 ,这表明蚜虫集群的高度运动性迫使黑蚁改变活动路线以获取事物资源。实际上 ,黑蚁集群能选择最近的食物资源以及蚜虫数量最多的地点  相似文献   

Autumn migrants preferred to settle on the dorsal leaf surface of peach with gynoparae being more numerous than alate males. These return migrants on peach were similar to those described by others except for a comparatively smaller processus terminalis. Among the oviparae with metatibial pseudosensoria. most (62.5%) had six antennal subdivisions; 25% possessed five antennal subdivisions and half of these were parasitised. Oviparae were bigger than those previously described on plum/damson but their processus terminalis was comparatively shorter. Ultimate instar nymphs were without pseudosensoria and had 5–seg-mented antennae, the VI segment being cleaved from the meriston during the final moult. Alate males mated with the oviparae, mating duration being 3 to 6 min. Oviparae contained, at the most, two well developed eggs at one time, and normally deposited eggs singly during November-December. Most eggs hatched within 20–28 days but those laid in December during colder weather took up to 50 days to hatch. By midJanuary most eggs had hatched. Fundatrix developmental rate was dependent on sap-flow. Overwintering occurred as the fundatrix.  相似文献   

Cupressus lusitanica seedlings from open-pollinated seeds of 18 families were inoculated with day-old first instar Cinara cupressi. Aphid survival was used to determine the genetic basis and inheritance of resistance to the insect. There was marked variation in aphid survival both between and within families. An individual-tree narrow-sense heritability of 0.76 ± 0.30 shows strong additive genetic control which could allow effective selection and breeding for resistance. Resistant parents produced resistant progeny while susceptible parents produced susceptible progeny. There were notable exceptions as some susceptible parents produced highly resistant progeny, indicating that they had acquired pollen from resistant neighbours. Recovery of aphid damaged trees is evident implying that care should be taken in selecting for resistance. The strong additive variance and potentially high heritability indicate that one cycle of selection may yield a resistant population, while intraspecific crossing may give better results. Implications of the results in a C. lusitanica breeding programme are discussed.  相似文献   

Cinara sp. nov., previously identified as Cinara cupressi (Buckton) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an important alien aphid pest of cypresses and junipers, and invaded Africa in the late 1980s. The work reported here was carried out as part of a larger programme aimed at the classical biological control of the aphid in Africa. Basic life history attributes including life table statistics of the aphid were quantified in order to facilitate the development of efficient aphid culturing methods and essential baseline information necessary for the culturing of potential parasitoid biological agents prior to selection for introduction to Africa. Developmental rates and fecundity were studied under four constant temperatures (10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, and 25 °C). The effects of several plant nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) supplied at different dose levels on life history attributes of Cinara sp. nov. were also studied.Unlike most other aphids, the apterous morph of Cinara sp. nov. developed through only three instars, and the alate four instars. The aphid is highly aggregative and exploits a wide range of feeding sites from young green branches to woody stems. The developmental period of Cinara sp. nov. ranged from 9.3 days at 25 °C to 22.3 days at 10 °C and the developmental threshold was 0.61 °C. Reproduction was delayed, because of the longer duration of development, and nymph production decreased with decreasing temperature. The intrinsic rate of increase ranged between 0.117 at 25 °C and 0.060 at 10 °C. Aphid size increased significantly as temperature was lowered. Wing formation was not induced when apterae were reared for up to three generations at each constant temperature but continuous crowding in the supply cultures held at 21 °C resulted in a high number of alates being formed. No appreciable effects of the different plant nutrients, supplied either singly or in combination, on the duration of instars or overall survival could be detected.  相似文献   

From November to May, the lipid mass in the viscera and carcass of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar that were undergoing smolt transformation prior to seaward migration ('early migrants') were significantly greater than those of their siblings that would delay migration for at least a further year. During winter (November-February), the depletion of lipid associated with the viscera was significantly greater in early migrants, whilst lipid depletion in the remaining carcass was greater in delayed migrants. Early migrants continued to deplete both lipid compartments in spring (February-May), whereas delayed migrants depleted visceral lipid but replenished carcass lipid over the same period. Fatty acid accumulation rates (a measure of storage lipid synthesis rates) were two to six times greater in visceral than in carcass lipid throughout the study, suggesting that lipid turnover is much more rapid in the viscera. There were no differences in fatty acid accumulation rates between migrant groups in November, despite the much lower food consumption rate of delayed migrants at that time, suggesting that these fish allocated a larger proportion of their nutritional resources to lipid synthesis. In the carcass lipid of early migrants, and in both the visceral and carcass lipid of delayed migrants, the fatty acid accumulation rate was negatively correlated with lipid mass. Fatty acid accumulation rates increased from November to February in both visceral and carcass lipid in the two migrant groups. The fatty acid accumulation rate in carcass lipid was significantly higher in delayed migrants than in early migrants in February, but not in May. These results support the hypothesis that life history strategies involving rapid growth will result in a relatively low allocation of resources to lipid reserves.  相似文献   

The symbiotic association between aphids (Homoptera) and Buchnera aphidicola (Gammaproteobacteria) started about 100 to 200 million years ago. As a consequence of this relationship, the bacterial genome has undergone a prominent size reduction. The downsize genome process starts when the bacterium enters the host and will probably end with its extinction and replacement by another healthier bacterium or with the establishment of metabolic complementation between two or more bacteria. Nowadays, several complete genomes of Buchnera aphidicola from four different aphid species (Acyrthosiphon pisum, Schizaphis graminum, Baizongia pistacea, and Cinara cedri) have been fully sequenced. C. cedri belongs to the subfamily Lachninae and harbors two coprimary bacteria that fulfill the metabolic needs of the whole consortium: B. aphidicola with the smallest genome reported so far and "Candidatus Serratia symbiotica." In addition, Cinara tujafilina, another member of the subfamily Lachninae, closely related to C. cedri, also harbors "Ca. Serratia symbiotica" but with a different phylogenetic status than the one from C. cedri. In this study, we present the complete genome sequence of B. aphidicola from C. tujafilina and the phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics with the other Buchnera genomes. Furthermore, the gene repertoire of the last common ancestor has been inferred, and the evolutionary history of the metabolic losses that occurred in the different lineages has been analyzed. Although stochastic gene loss plays a role in the genome reduction process, it is also clear that metabolism, as a functional constraint, is also a powerful evolutionary force in insect endosymbionts.  相似文献   

1. Pemphigus bursarius exhibits a host-alternating life-cycle, overwintering as eggs on the primary host plant (poplar) before migrating in summer to the secondary host plant (mainly annual Compositae). A proportion of the population does not produce return migrants (sexuparae) in the autumn but remains in the soil and overwinters as asexual apterae, even after the annual plants have died in early winter. Laboratory and field experiments investigated the biology and overwintering success of these asexual apterae. 2. Both temperature and photoperiod are important in morph determination. The highest number of apterae (approximately 50% of progeny) was produced in a 20 °C, LD 18 : 6 h regime. Very few apterae were produced in an alatae-inducing environment (15 °C, LD 12 : 12 h), but the proportion increased over successive generations. 3. Apterae remaining in the soil in the autumn overwintered successfully in large numbers and were able to reinfest directly the root systems of newly planted lettuce grown in the same field in the following growing season. 4. Overwintered asexual populations also produced alates in July, which were able to colonise other lettuce plants, indicating that they were not sexuparae. Hence, P. bursarius can avoid the ecological dead-end that would occur through local patch extinction. Clones can therefore persist indefinitely as both asexual apterae and alatae without the need to return to poplar and undergo the sexual phase of the life-cycle.  相似文献   

侧枝匐灯藓是角倍蚜的优良冬寄主,其生长状况直接关系到角倍蚜越冬蚜的成活率,进而影响五倍子的产量,但目前关于侧枝匐灯藓培植方法的研究较少。本研究采用直接移栽、撕碎繁殖、切碎繁殖3种繁殖方式,结合垄床、塑料毡、泡沫箱3种不同载体进行试验处理,结果表明,采用1∶1比例直接移栽垄床植藓处理,藓的总鲜重、盖度、藓块厚度等指标值均最大,能够在较短的时间内提供释放秋迁蚜的冬寄主藓;采用比例为1∶1撕碎繁殖方式以垄床或泡沫箱载体植藓均能获得最大的藓新枝数和藓茎高度,可以作为角倍蚜种虫生产中冬寄主藓的主要繁殖方式;采用1∶4或1∶8比例进行切碎繁殖藓萌发的新枝最多,可以作为优良冬寄主藓的种藓繁殖的主要方式。通过主成分分析法进行分析,结果表明,3个主成分累积贡献率为86.573%,可以较好地反映出24个处理10个测试指标的综合信息。综合评价结果以A1B1C1、A1B1C2、A2B4C1、A2B5C1、A2B3C2、A2B5C2、A2B4C3处理的综合性状最佳。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物与棉蚜酯酶活性的关系   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
通过测定不同越冬寄主植物棉蚜Aphis gossypii种群α-乙酸萘酯(α-NA)酯酶的活力,结果表明:山东高密棉田棉蚜种群酯酶活力是北京花椒棉蚜酯酶活力的2.4倍,石榴、木槿上棉蚜酯酶活力是花椒棉蚜酯酶活力的1.3-1.5倍,不同寄主植物棉蚜α-NA酯酶和β-NA酯酶的频率分布表明:鼠李、花椒棉蚜的α-NA酯酶频率分布范围较集中,酯酶活力(每0.033头蚜虫的OD值)小于0.10时的频率分别为70%和62%,其个体累积率达50%时的酯酶活性(EF50)分别为0.08和0.085(每0.033头蚜虫的OD值);石榴、木槿和棉苗上α-NA酯酶频率分别为25%、31%和45%,其EF50分别的0.154、0.1368和0.1138,酯酶活力明显比鼠李和花椒棉蚜高;高密棉蚜为4%,EF50为0.2113,频率分布范围较宽。β-NA酯酶的频率分布,鼠李、花椒、木槿和棉苗上棉蚜酯酶活力(每0.033头蚜虫的OD值)小于0.10时为52%-62%的个体,EF50分别为0.098、0.084、0.102和0.091,寄主之间差异不大,而石榴和高密棉蚜分别为23%和3%,EF50分别为0.135和0.2136,与其它4个寄主有明显差异。  相似文献   

【目的】角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis是五倍子蚜的主要生产种,深入了解角倍蚜越冬若蚜的生物学习性,揭示田间无土植藓条件下越冬若蚜的种群动态,可以为进一步降低若蚜越冬的死亡率,提高五倍子产量提供依据。【方法】在田间以无纺布为基质种植侧枝匐灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii培育越冬若蚜,定期采集带不同龄期角倍蚜的藓块带回实验室,利用数码显微系统连续观测和记录越冬期间若蚜的行为习性、形态特征、种群动态和龄期分布等,并连续测量越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的藓层厚度和覆盖率。【结果】角倍蚜秋迁蚜以卵胎生方式产生若蚜,若蚜在侧枝匐灯藓的拟叶基部分泌蜡丝包裹自身并形成蜡球,在蜡球内取食和越冬。每个蜡球内通常有1头若蚜。越冬若蚜从1-4龄,体色由淡黄色逐渐加深至深褐色,体长和体宽随龄期的增加而增加,分别从1龄若蚜552.92±16.95和94.70±11.52μm增加到4龄若蚜的1 205.25±10.75和593.15±7.66 μm。越冬期间若蚜的平均种群密度从10月中旬的13.10×104头/m2降至翌年3月的1.05×104头/m2,总死亡率高达91.98%。越冬若蚜个体间的发育进度很不整齐,并与当地的气温变化密切相关。若蚜越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的厚度和覆盖率逐步增加。【结论】越冬若蚜体长和体宽可作为角倍蚜龄期鉴别的主要指标。田间越冬期间角倍蚜若蚜的总死亡率很高,其中越冬初期和中期若蚜转移寄生期的死亡率较其他阶段高。  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola BCc has lost its symbiotic role as the tryptophan supplier to the aphid Cinara cedri. We report the presence of a plasmid in this endosymbiont that contains the trpEG genes. The remaining genes for the pathway (trpDCBA) are located on the chromosome of the secondary endosymbiont “Candidatus Serratia symbiotica.” Thus, we propose that a symbiotic consortium is necessary to provide tryptophan.  相似文献   

Aphidius ervi and Aphidius eadyi, two parasitoids of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, were attracted to components of the aphid sex pheromone in laboratory bioassays. Pre-test experience with host aphids in the presence of aphid sex pheromone did not affect the response of A. ervi to pheromone in a 4-way olfactometer, compared with that of naive parasitoids. Aphidius ervi females exposed only to the pheromone prior to testing did not respond in the olfactometer, suggesting habituation to the foraging cue by the parasitoid. In a wind tunnel, aphid sex pheromone increased the attraction of A. ervi to the plant-host complex (Vicia faba/A. pisum), suggesting an additive effect when two different foraging cues are present simultaneously.  相似文献   

Han B Y  Zhou C S 《农业工程》2007,27(9):3637-3643
The rhythm of honeydew excretion by the tea aphid Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer) and its attraction to following 9 species (or subspecies) of beneficial insects, Aphidius sp., Chrysopa sinica Tjeder, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael, Sphaerophoria menthastri L., Coccinella septempunctata L., Leis axyridis (Pallas) ab. bimaculata Hemmelmann, L. axyridis (Pallas) ab. conspicua Faldermaenn, L. axyridis (Pallas) var. spectabilis Faldermaenn and L. axyridis (Pallas) var. novemdecimpunctata Faldermaenn, were investigated. Forty-five wingless virginoparae nymphs, reproduced by the same wingless virginogenia adult within 1 h, were introduced onto tea seedlings with one aphid per seedling. The honeydews excreted from different instars of nymphs and adults were collected under 21°C, 85% RH, 3500 lx and 12 L:12 D photoperiod. It took 32.4 d ±5.8 d for the tested tea aphids to complete the development of their nymph and adult stages, during which 325.6±35.8 droplets (ca. 41.98 μl ±6.14 μl and 45.34 mg ± 8.76 mg) of honeydews were secreted. During the 1st and 4th instars, there was a logistic regression relationship between the amount of honeydews excreted and the time (days). The honeydew secretion during the first two instars was less than that from the later instars. Adult aphids survived for 22.0 d ± 0.0 d, and excreted 176.31 ± 22.38 droplets (ca. 30.38 μl ± 5.32 μl) of honeydews in a rate of 1 drop per ca. 30–50 min for 5–8 h with a pause for 2–5 h before next secretion series. A batch of forty-five virginoparae female adults, reproduced by the same virginoparae female adult within 1 h, were introduced onto the tea seedlings (one aphid/seedling) under 13–21°, 85% RH, 3500 lx and 12 L:12 D photoperiod. Temperature showed a significant effect on the amounts of honeydews excreted within the range of 13–21°. Honeydews excreted by the aphids significantly increased the searching and retention time of the tested 9 species of natural enemies in a positive dose-response fashion. The searching times of Aphidius sp. and S. menthastri were the longest and the shortest, respectively, among all the 9 species, while the searching and retention time of L. axyridis (Pallas) var. spectabilis was the longest among the four varieties of L. axyridis. Tea aphid oneydew is considered as an important contact kairomone for the tested natural enemies.  相似文献   

The large pine aphid, Cinara pinea lives exclusively on Pinus species, where it feeds on the foliated shoots of the current and previous year. The paper describes the development of a computer model designed to simulate the aphid's population dynamics on saplings in the controlled environment of the laboratory, i.e. in the absence of natural enemies. The model was able to account for about 80% of the variation in aphid numbers within and between trees over a three month period. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the number of pine aphids is limited primarily by nymphal emigration, the operation of which is sensitive both to density and to plant quality as reflected in aphid growth rates. Of secondary importance are changes in reproduction acting through increased reproductive delay, again a result of altered growth rates and adult size. Development, too, has an important secondary influence. Contrary to expectation and conventional belief, however, alate production proved to be of negligible importance, either in limiting or regulating population numbers. Alatae are produced in too few numbers and for too short a period to significantly alter the pattern of population change.  相似文献   

韩宝瑜  周成松 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3637-3643
为研究茶蚜蜜露的分泌节律及对蚜茧蜂、中华草蛉、大草蛉、门氏食蚜蝇、七星瓢虫、异色瓢虫二斑变型、显现变种、显明变种和十九斑变种的引诱效应,在21℃、85%RH、3500lx光照和12L∶12D光周期下,把1头无翅胎生雌成蚜在1h内产出的45头无翅胎生雌若蚜分别引至小茶苗上,观测发育,收集蜜露。发现若蚜和成蚜历期为32.4d±5.8d,分泌蜜露325.6滴±35.8滴,体积为41.98μl±6.14μl,质量为45.34mg±8.76mg。1~4龄期间的蜜露量与天数呈Logistic关系。其中1~2龄期分泌的蜜露量较小。成蚜历期22.0d±0.0d,分泌蜜露176.31滴±22.38滴,体积30.38μl±5.32μl,连续分泌5~8h之后间歇2~5h。另取一头雌成蚜在1h内产出的、已发育为成蚜的45头雌成蚜,在13~21℃、85%RH、3500lx光照和12L∶12D光周期下观测,发现室温的升降明显影响蜜露分泌量。蜜露显著延长9种(亚种)天敌昆虫搜寻时间;随着蜜露剂量的增大,搜寻时间显著地延长。蚜茧蜂搜寻时间最长,门氏食蚜蝇最短,异色瓢虫4变种(型)中,显明变种搜寻时间最长。茶蚜蜜露是重要的引诱多种天敌的接触性利它素。  相似文献   

通过从棉田和玉米田采回的第 4代老熟幼虫的化蛹率和羽化率观察 ,发现棉田和玉米田的老熟幼虫化蛹率分别为 65%~ 83 0 5%和 55%~ 80 % ,其化蛹后的羽化率分别为 1 0 %~ 87%和 1 3 %~77% ,而且 2种寄主作物间无显著差异。由此进一步分析了棉田和玉米田老熟幼虫的有效越冬虫率和有效越冬虫量 ,作者认为 8月 3 1日至 9月 1 0日是棉铃虫老熟幼虫有效越冬虫量的主要来源期 ,且棉田显著高于玉米田 ,构成了第 2年棉铃虫种群发生基础。  相似文献   

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