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Ligularia dalaolingensis, a new species from Hubei and Hunan, China, is described and illustrated. It belongs to L. sect. Ligularia ser. Speciosae on the basis of its palmate leaf venation, racemose synflorescence and pappus which is slightly shorter than the tube of the tubular corolla. In the series, its closest relatives are assumed to be L. fischeri and L. stenocephala. From L. fischeri, L. dalaolingensis is readily distinguished by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence, narrower involucres and fewer phyllaries and florets; from L. stenocephala, L. dalaolingensis differs by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence as well as broader bracts. A diagnostic key to Chinese species of L. ser. Speciosae with broadly ovate, ovate or ovate‐lanceolate bracts is provided.  相似文献   

Saussurea xinjiangensis Y. S. Chen, a new species from Xinjiang, China, is described and illustrated. It was first found during a field expedition by the author in 2014. It belongs to S. subgen. Saussurea sect. Laguranthera because its root and caudex split fibrously and it has numerous capitula in a corymbiform synflorescence. The new species is similar to S. mucronulata in its habit, strongly fibrous rootstock and caudex, sessile linear leaves and capitula shortly pedunculated in a corymbiform synflorescence. However, it differs from S. mucronulata by its usually branched stems (versus usually simple or apically few-branched), lower leaf blade 8–12 cm long and 0.5–1.8 cm wide (versus 3–5 cm long and 0.2–0.5 cm wide), leaves abaxially sparsely arachnoid tomentose (versus densely arachnoid tomentose), phyllary white arachnoid tomentose and green to brown (versus glabrous and blackish purple).  相似文献   

Aristolochia bhamoensis from Myanmar is here described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii (confined to northern Vietnam) and A. cathcartii (growing in the Himalayan region) but is distinguished from the latter two species by having a cream‐white upper part of the perianth tube, with visible purple ridges, a trumpet‐shaped limb, 5.0–5.5 cm diameter, inner surface of limb lobes densely covered with dark‐purple bristles, a nearly circular mouth, 3.2–3.5 cm wide, upper half of throat being dark‐purple to blackish, without striations or dots, and lower half purple, with conspicuous white striation. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb support a placement of the new species in the subgenus Siphisia. A diagnostic key is provided to the seven Siphisia species known from Myanmar.  相似文献   

Three new species ofCrinipellis (Agaricales, Basidiomycetes) in Japan are described and illustrated:Crinipellis canescens sp. nov., forming small, canescent basidiomata, was found on a dead fallen twig in the subtropical laurelleaved forest of Iriomote Island (southwestern Japan);Crinipellis corvina sp. nov., forming fibrillose-strigose, puriplish black hairs enveloping the whole basidioma, was found on bark ofTorreya nucifera in Mt. Takao, Tokyo;Crinipellis nigricaulis sp. nov., having a reddish brown pileus with a minute, black papilla and a blackish stipe accompanied by blackish, branched rhizomorphs, was found on leaf litter in the lowland forest of Kanagawa.  相似文献   

Ligularia fischeri (Gom-chi) and Ligularia stenocephala (Gon-dal-bi) are popular edible herbs in Korea. L. fischeri is used to treat jaundice, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and scarlet fever, while L. stenocephala is used to treat anxiety, weakness, and menstrual disorders. The herbal medicinal activities of these two herbs differ, but they are very difficult to distinguish based on their morphologies, especially in their dried forms. In an effort to distinguish these two plant species, we sequenced three barcoding genes in plastids, matK, rbcL, and trnH-psbA. From the analysis of sequence variations, we detected five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between two the species. Allele specific (AS)-primers in the SNPs were employed in discrimination of the two species. Of the five AS-primer sets, one primer pair in matK gene showed reproducibly distinguishable PCR amplification between plants of L. fischeri and L. stenocephala. The method is reproducible and efficient, and is the first reported molecular method to discriminate between L. fischeri and L. stenocephala.  相似文献   

Developmental times were compared among four pure lines of wing-dimorphic Nilaparvata lugens generated by successive selections for the following designated characteristics: blackish short-winged (BS), blackish long-winged (BL), yellowish brown short-winged (YS) and yellowish brown long-winged (YL). When the nymphs were reared on rice seedlings at low density, the developmental time was in the order of BS = BL < YS = YL, while with an increase in rearing density, the time lengthened markedly in long-winged lines but only slightly in short-winged lines, rearranging the order to BS < BL = YS < YL. Among F1 progeny of BS × YL, the developmental time in short-winged phenotypes was the same as those of BS lines at any of the densities tested, but the long-winged phenotypes emerged as adults at intermediate time between BS and YL lines at high density. This method of inheritance of developmental time and the differences in the duration observed among the four pure lines suggest that the genes regulating wing form and body color expression are also involved in the regulation of developmental time.  相似文献   

Micromorphological investigation of the types, dimensions and distribution of characteristic trichomes in leaves and stems in Teucrium L. species (T. arduini L., T. chamaedrys L., T. flavum L., T. montanum L., T. polium L., and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides Schreb.) distributed in Croatia was carried out as part of the taxonomical study of the genus Teucrium. Secretory types of hairs, peltate and capitate hairs were observed on the epidermis of stems and leaves of all investigated species. Non-secretory, acicular hairs were almost completely lacking on stems of T. scordium subsp. scordioides. Flagelliform hairs were not found in T. flavum and T. polium. Cladose hairs were present only in T. polium. The largest micromorphological variability was established between wild and cultivated samples of T. arduini and T. scordium subsp. scordioides, while cultivated and wild specimens of T. polium were almost identical. Differences were primarily observed in trichome dimensions and much less in micromorphological features.  相似文献   

Two new species of Centaurea L. sect. Cynaroides Boiss. ex Walp. (Asteraceae), C. shahuensis Ranjbar and Negaresh and C. ravansarensis Ranjbar and Negaresh are described and illustrated from Kermanshah Province, west Iran. They are closely related to C. regia Boiss. subsp. regia. However, C. shahuensis differs from it by median stem leaves broadly oblanceolate or subpandurate, phyllaries densely lanate‐tomentose, appendages small, concealing a minor part of phyllaries, and also median appendage margin entire sometimes with 1–2 cilia, 1.2–3.0 mm long on each side. Centaurea ravansarensis is distinguished by upper stem leaves loosely arachnoid, phyllaries loosely floccose‐tomentose, inner appendages deep brown to blackish, and spine 4.5–6.0 mm long. Habitat, conservation status and the geographical distribution of the new species are given.  相似文献   

Microfungal flora on aerial parts of a forest floor plant, Rodgersia podophylla, were studied at the forest side of a Japanese cedar plantation. From May to October, Nigrospora spp. were dominantly isolated from leaves, whereas Acremonium spp. and Fusarium spp. were dominant on stems, suggesting that the aerial part of the plants about 1 m height can offer two different habitats for these dominant fungi. In September and October, we could easily discern different types of tissue on the withering leaves, i.e., brown (necrotic lesion), yellowish (border tissue between brown and green areas), and green (healthy tissue). Nigrospora spp. and Pestalotiopsis spp. were continuously isolated on the brown area as well as on green and yellowish areas. Pathogenicity of N. sacchari and P. neglecta on potted plant leaves was confirmed by inoculation. From these, the fungi of these two genera seemed to have changed from quiescent to pathogenic with leaf senescence. Sporulations by fungi of the two genera were recognized on overwintered stems. These fungi may overwinter in stems that are slow to decompose, and seem to go over to the leaves in the following spring. Thus, they could be candidates for parasites that may play an important role in decomposition of the plant.  相似文献   

Impatiens pterocaulis S. X. Yu et L. R. Zhang, a new species of the Balsaminaceae from Yancha, Longlin, Guangxi Region, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. wilsonii in having nearly white flowers, 4 lateral sepals and a racememos inflorescence, but differs by having winged stems, very short‐spurred lower sepal, yellowish flowers and an acuminate dorsal petal apex. Pollen characters and leaf epidermal micro‐characters of these two species were studied, and the results support that the two species should be kept separate.  相似文献   

A new species Microchirita ruthiae Rafidah (Gesneriaceae) from limestone in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia, is described and illustrated. This new species is characterized by having a branched stem, inflorescences with 1–4 flowers, the flowers with a white corolla (rarely faintly tinged with pale purple), glistening pale brown glandular hairs inside the throat, free anthers, and hairy capsules. Its conservation status following IUCN categories and criteria is assessed as ‘Endangered’ (EN).  相似文献   

The genus Stephanus Jurine (in Panzer) is newly recorded from Japan and is represented by a new species. S. anijimensis sp. nov. from Anijima Island of the Ogasawara Islands. This species resembles S. tridentatus van Achterberg & Yang from the Oriental part of China, but can be distinguished by the combination of following characters: pronotum with a cavity under pronotal fold (cavity absent in S. tridentatus); hind femur comparatively slender, 4.8–5.1 times as long as maximum width (about 4.1 times in S. tridentatus); apical 0.5 of hind femur black or blackish‐brown (more or less yellowish in S. tridentatus). This new species was not found from other islands of the Ogasawara Islands, in which fauna is being severely endangered mainly due to predation by the introduced green anoles. Recently, it was introduced into Anijima Island in March 2013 and thus the extinction risk of this species is very high on this island.  相似文献   

Synopsis A method has been developed for the dual staining of neutral complex carbohydrates in light microscopy. It combines a concanavalin A-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (Con A-PO-DAB) method with a period acid-m-aminophenol-Fast Black salt K (PA-AP-FBK) sequence. With the combined method it is possible to stain -D-glycosyl and -D-mannosyl residues brown and 1,2-glycol groups of neutral complex carbohydrates blackish purple. The validity of the method has been confirmed with appropriate histochemical controls and enzyme digestions on test tissues.  相似文献   

Spiradiclis quanzhouensis, a new species of Rubiaceae from northeastern Guangxi, China is described and illustrated. It is similar to S. umbelliformis, but can be distinguished by its rosulate habit, subglabrous stems, leaf blades that are pubescent on both surfaces, lanceolate purple‐pubescent stipules that are undivided or sometimes bifid in apical 1/3, an inflorescence with 2–4 flowers, lanceolate 4–5 mm long calyx lobes that are purple‐pubescent outside, a salveriform corolla that is light purple‐pubescent outside, a semi‐inferior ovary, and capsules that are light purple‐pubescent with persistent calyx lobes 5–6 mm, in fruit 2 × as long as capsule.  相似文献   

Hedyotis austrosinica L. Wu & L.H. Yang is described as a new species from southern China. It is similar to H. pulcherrima, but can be separated by its herbaceous weak to ascending habit with dense pubescence on the surface of most organs, 4‐angled to subterete stems, longer petioles, and longer stipules with 5–9 apical linear lobes. The new species is distributed in Guangdong and Guangxi in southern China.  相似文献   

Two samples with morphologies intermediate between Ligularia tongolensis and L. cymbulifera were collected in Desha, Sichuan Province, and one, in Pachahai, Yunnan Province, P. R. China. The DNA sequencing confirmed that the samples were hybrids of the two species. Tetradymol ( 1 ), the major compound of L. cymbulifera not found in L. tongolensis, was isolated from the hybrid samples collected at both locations, while furanoeremophilan‐15‐oic acid derivative 4 , a compound characteristic to L. tongolensis, was found in the Pachahai hybrid but not in the Desha hybrids. Thus, the chemical consequence of hybridization can be variable. In addition, analysis of L. tongolensis samples at Pachahai indicated that introgression has been a mechanism of generating chemical diversity in the plant. Eleven compounds including three new ones were isolated.  相似文献   

Physalis viscosa var. cinerascens is a self-incompatible, herbaceous perennial which occurs in disturbed or open habitats in the south-central United States and eastern Mexico. The plants are low-growing and the pendant blossoms are often obscured by the foliage. In Oklahoma the species blooms from April through October. The flowers are yellow with dark purple or brown maculations in the center and a mat of white hairs in the throat. Nectar is produced in small quantities at the base of the ovary and pollen is present in copious amounts. The pollinators are solitary bees which visit the flowers for nectar and pollen. Perdita halictoides is the primary pollinator and is oligolectic on Physalis.  相似文献   

The new genus Nanooravia Kiran Raj & Sivad. (Poaceae–Andropogoneae–Dimeriinae) from the southwestern Ghats in India is described and illustrated, and the new combination N. santapaui (M. R. Almeida) Kiran Raj & Sivad. is made. The genus is characterized by its usually unequal and intertwined racemes, triquetrous rachis, extremely oblique and glabrous pedicel tip, distantly arranged spikelets, long trigonous callus with oblique tip and densely covered with golden–yellow or yellowish–brown hairs along one angle, keel‐less glumes with a dorsally echinate apex and apically auricled margins, and an upper lemma with a stout awn having a long column. The new genus is distinct from Dimeria R. Br. in which the species was originally described, but is similar to the monotypic Indian genus Pogonachne Bor currently placed in the subtribe Ischaeminae. It occurs in Peninsular India, a region considered as the centre of diversity of the subtribe with more than 50% of the known Dimeria species, including numerous endemics.  相似文献   

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