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This article is concerned with two distinct corporeal logics. In the first, corporeality is founded on joints, tendons, and mobility; in the second, the envelope and its apertures are considered primordial. The first logic is extant in very few works. Although these texts (e.g. The Iliad, Beowulf) clearly share the same, very specific, conception of the body, they belong to different histories. The corporeal logic of the 'jointed body' (corps articulaire) cannot, therefore, be appraised in terms of longue durée. The texts represent, instead, a moment of transition between the psychodynamics of orality and literacy. A problem correlated to this fact is that readers (ancient and modern) no longer think using the same logic as that pertaining to the jointed body. They tend to translate information regarding the logic of the jointed body into data meaningful in their own logic.  相似文献   

The remote and sparsely populated Kimberley region is a major centre of endemism in the Australian monsoonal tropics that is threatened by uncontrolled fire following the disruption of Aboriginal burning practices. A recent study of the ant fauna of the Mitchell Falls area of the northern Kimberley revealed that 44 % of the species are known only from the Kimberley region. The fauna appeared to be highly resilient in relation to fire. Levels of endemism in the Mitchell Falls region are likely to be particularly high because it occurs in a high rainfall zone (>1,200 mm per year) that is isolated from similar zones elsewhere in northern Australia. In contrast, the lower rainfall eastern and southern Kimberley form part of continuous climatic bands that extend right across northern Australia, and so species from these areas might be expected to be more widely distributed. Here we describe the ant fauna of Mirima National Park in the eastern Kimberley, in the context of a broader biogeographic analysis of the Kimberley ant fauna and an understanding of its response to wildfire. We specifically test two hypotheses: first, that the ant species of Mirima tend to be more widely distributed across northern Australia than those of Mitchell Falls; and, second, that Mirima ant communities are highly resilient in relation to fire, as revealed by a weak relationship with time-since-fire. Analysis of distributional ranges revealed that 24 % of Mirima ant species are known only from the Kimberley, which, as hypothesized, is substantially lower than at Mitchell Falls (44 %). Also as we hypothesized, the Mirima ant fauna shows little relationship with time since fire, with no systematic variation in ant species richness between sites with 1–4 years since fire, and no relationship between time since fire and site similarity based on overall ant species composition. Although our study indicates that levels of endemism in the ant fauna of the eastern Kimberley are lower than those in the northern Kimberley, they are still extremely high. It seems that at least a quarter of all Kimberley ant species are endemic to the region. This confirms the Kimberley as a highly significant region for ant biodiversity. We have also shown that the regional ant fauna is highly resilient in relation to the key threatening process in the region.  相似文献   

On the books, the inclusiveness of the Italian framework regulating healthcare access for migrants is indisputable. However, we might wonder how access takes shape on the front-line of the healthcare system, particularly in times of increasingly hostile institutional and discursive environments. By focusing on Italian migration and healthcare policies and the practices of health workers during their encounters with migrants in an irregular situation, this contribution analyses how health workers deal with institutional tensions in the field and how these, in turn, shape their narratives and actions. It suggests that individual positioning plays a major role in favouring the adoption of discretional practices of care or control. Nonetheless, practices are also mediated by the wider institutional and discursive landscape, which has been exponentially characterized by a tension between a medical-humanitarian logic that legitimates providing healthcare to vulnerable migrants, and a control-oriented logic targeting immigration and health expenditure.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles empirically detailing the working practices of regulators who are charged with overseeing biological research. Specifically, it considers how regulators from the Biological Agents Unit of the UK Health and Safety Executive review notifications and applications, carry out inspections of research centres, and enforce the law once breaches are uncovered. This first article focuses on the Unit's working practices before 9/11, and the second, forthcoming article focuses on the Unit's working practices after 9/11. I argue that an understanding of the implementation processes--that is, the strategies adopted by regulatory agencies and the styles employed by agency regulators in their interactions with those regulated--is critical to developing a coherent policy logic for the developing regulatory regime around biorisks.  相似文献   

According to ethnographic material collected since 2003, the Chol Mayan indigenous people in southern Mexico have different causal explanations for suicide. It can be attributed to witchcraft that forces victims to take their lives against their own will, to excessive drinking, or to fate determined by God. However, it can also be conceived of as a conscious decision made by a person overwhelmed by daily problems. Drawing from the theoretical framework developed by Laura M. Ahearn, inspired by practice theory, the paper contends that these different explanations operate within two different logics or understandings of human agency. The first logic attributes responsibility to supernatural causes such as witchcraft or divine destiny, and reflects Chol notions of personhood. The second logic accepts personal responsibility for suicide, and is related to processes of social change such as the introduction of wage labor, education and a market economy. The contemporary Chol resort to both logics to make sense of the human drama of suicide.  相似文献   

Michael W. Scott 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):101-125
This article offers a detailed exegesis of what I term the ethno-theology of Timothy Karu, a Solomon Islands Anglican whose understanding of the nature of his matrilineage is informed by the Pauline account of the election of Israel. The analysis suggests a non-essentialising treatment of Christianity that nevertheless demonstrates how Solomon Islanders engage simultaneously with multiple interlocking macro and micro Christian logics in ways that aspire to systematicity. The starting point for this analysis is the identification of an unacknowledged tension between the approaches of John Barker and Joel Robbins, two influential anthropologists of Christianity whose work reflects a wider divide between anti-essentialism and cultural analysis in current anthropology. The article contributes to an overall rapprochement between these two orientations within the anthropology of Christianity.  相似文献   

This is the second of two articles that empirically details the working practices of regulators charged with overseeing biological research. The first article considered how regulators from the Biological Agents Unit of the UK Health and Safety Executive went about implementing the British legislation controlling work with biological agents and genetically modified organisms prior to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and the ensuing anthrax letters in the U.S. This second article continues the investigation of the Biological Agents Unit's working practices by considering how its activities have changed and adapted to the new, post-9/11 policy and regulatory environment. The main argument put forward in the articles is that an understanding of the implementation processes--that is, the strategies adopted by regulatory agencies and the styles employed by agency regulators in their interactions with those regulated--is critical to developing a coherent policy logic for the emerging regulatory regime around biorisks.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this article looks at changing discourses and practices in the field of mental health care in Uganda. In particular, it analyzes two psychotherapeutic institutions designed to treat drug- and alcohol-addiction, and their accessibility and affordability for people from different class backgrounds. The first center is a high-class residential facility near Kampala which offers state-of-the-art addiction therapy, but is affordable only for the rich. The second center, a church-funded organization in Northern Uganda, cares mainly for people from poor, rural families who cannot afford exp/tensive treatment. Comparing the two centers provides important insights not only into the temporalities of mental illness, substance abuse and mental health care, but also into broader socio-economic dynamics and understandings of suffering in contemporary Uganda. The term ‘class-based chronicities’ refers to the way both the urgency with which people seek treatment (when has someone suffered enough?) and the length of treatment they receive (when is someone considered ‘recovered’?) are highly class-dependent. On a theoretical level, the article shows how psychotherapeutic models operate as philosophical systems which not only impact on treatment practices, but also produce different addiction entities and addiction-related subjectivities. As such, it contributes to an emerging anthropology of addiction.  相似文献   

Markus Rothhaar 《Bioethics》2020,34(2):159-165
In the debate about the moral status of human beings at the margins of life, arguments of species membership are often considered to be the least plausible ones. Against this backdrop, this article explores two possible ways to formulate feasible arguments of species membership. The first is an (in the broadest sense of the word) Aristotelian or neo-Aristotelian argument; the second is an argument from the intrinsic logic of human rights, which Robert Spaemann refers toas a ‘transcendental-pragmatic’ argument. On these grounds, the article proposes a philosophical justification for an at least moderate speciesism.  相似文献   

Inquiring into concerns surrounding death and the afterlife in an underclass enclave in Japan, this article proposes that the politics of survival involves engaging with the enduring relationship between the living and the dead, referred to as ‘necrosociality’. Based on fieldwork carried out in Yokohama, it explores how ‘isolated death’ (kodokushi) and ‘disconnected spirits’ (muenbotoke) have become major concerns in homeless activism and support, giving rise to various necrosocial innovations and practices. The emergent necrosociality in Yokohama conjures up an alternative logic of care that connects people based on the general premise of inevitable decay and decline rather than familial ties and intimate memories. This article suggests that the concept of necrosociality provides a useful framework for analysing how social relations are negotiated, reaffirmed, or negated through bodily remains and graves, effectively shaping the modes of being and care among the living.  相似文献   

The Public Health Nutrition (PHN) community categorizes dietary-related chronic illnesses as "noncommunicable," fixing these afflictions within individual bodies where they are best managed by individual choices. Yet within clinical encounters in Guatemala, nutritionists and patients treat eating and dieting as relational, transmissible practices. Patients actively seek nutritionists' care, asserting their self-care attempts have failed and they need support from others; nutritionists meanwhile develop treatment plans that situate "personal choice" as lying outside the control of a solitary individual. This article moves between international policy-pedagogy and patient-nutritionist interactions to examine forms of personhood, responsibility, and rationalities of choice present in body weight-management practices in Guatemala. Although nutrition discourses might appear to exemplify how institutional (bio)power manifests through internalized self-monitoring and preoccupation for one's own self, I argue that within the lived experiences of "nutrition-in-action," the self-body of the patient becomes broadly conceived to include the nutritionist, the family, and the broader community.  相似文献   

House dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) are widespread in the furniture and mattresses of homes throughout Eurasia. Because human occupation induces wide diurnal fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity, the most favourable locations for mites change constantly and they must migrate repeatedly. Here, we triggered and studied mites migration movements to a new area. Mites migrated from a starting arena to a second arena through a diamond‐shaped corridor offering a choice between two branches of equal length. In this article, we show that local air dryness and a distant water source were both necessary to trigger collective migration. Males and nymphs had a higher probability of migration than larvae and females. When migrating, although both branches initially appeared to be chosen equally, most mites eventually ended up choosing one particular branch. When about 50 or more mites had passed, there was an obvious choice of branch. We used a modelling approach to show that these data support the hypothesis that mites lay an attractive trail that is reinforced by followers. Consequently, the consistency of the collective choice is higher as the number of migrants grows. This article is the first to observe dust mite migration as a collective phenomenon.  相似文献   

In her 2016 article Sherry Ortner discusses what she calls the rise of ‘dark anthropology’: that is, ethnographic work that analyses situations of domination, dispossession, and violence. She, like Joel Robbins ( 2013 ), posits as a counterpoint the emergence of ‘anthropologies of the good,’ which emphasise care and ethics. In this paper I put these two anthropological projects into generative tension through an analysis of HIV‐positive women's lives in Papua New Guinea. In the first part of the paper I demonstrate the ways in which resource extraction has created vulnerabilities to HIV—in part through the coerced marriages of women to powerful landowners. In the second, I discuss ways in which the antiretroviral era has made possible unexpected forms of kindness towards HIV‐positive women. I end the paper with a discussion of what HIV‐positive women mean when they claim that they are happier now than in their pre‐diagnosis lives.  相似文献   

This article examines dog–owner relations and dog ownership in Omsk, Russia. We describe typical dog-keeping practices and reveal how diverse urban environments can influence these practices. A two-stage survey was conducted in 2014 to determine the numbers and management of dogs owned. In total, some 1,583 households at the first stage of the research and 323 households at the second stage were interviewed face-to-face. About 23% of all households in Omsk owned dogs, but this proportion varied markedly for different parts of the city. In the city's single-story area, 71.5% of households had dogs, while in the multi-story area this was only 10.8%. Dog-keeping practices were different in these areas. Significant differences in these practices were shown for almost all aspects: the selection criteria, dog feeding, veterinary treatment, dog walking, the roles of dogs, and owners’ attitudes toward them. Owners living in the single-story area demonstrated a utilitarian or functional approach to their dogs—influencing the sex, size, and the breed of the animal. Dogs often lived outside the house; they were vaccinated and taken to the veterinarian less often than dogs from the multi-story area. The owners in the multi-story area described more affectionate feelings toward their dogs. This is reflected in both the choice and treatment of the animals. We observed a larger proportion of pedigree dogs, a larger proportion of female animals, more vaccinations, and the owners making a variety of purchases for their dogs.  相似文献   

In this short response to Loïc Wacquant's ‘Marginality, Ethnicity and Penality in the Neo-liberal City’, I outline two intellectual conversations that emerge from the author's work. The first develops out of the connections that the author draws between systems of criminal justice and welfare. The second grows out of the disassociation he urges us to see between the logics and trajectories of crime, on the one hand, and criminal justice on the other. I then briefly describe how my own work has been influenced by and contributes to these two ongoing streams of research.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the practices and conceptions of prevention in home care that were prevalent among Quebec families during the first half of the 20th century. The analysis is based on an examination of 585 recipes in which prevention was an objective. The analysis finds that there are three prevention purposes in home care: strengthening, which includes caregiving acts that maintain good health and fortify the whole or particular parts of the body; cleansing and purifying, which include any care aimed at eliminating accumulated substances from the body; and finally, warding off illness. The discussion insists on the holistic nature of these practices and on their relationship to women's work. [prevention, home care, ethnomedicine, self-care, women]  相似文献   

Tom McDonald 《Ethnos》2016,81(2):189-213
Recent calls for a revitalisation of the study of hospitality as central to anthropological theory have focussed on the material, affective, moral and cosmological aspects of hospitality. This paper argues that any such theory of hospitality should also afford consideration of how hosting practices can also be a form of medicinal experience, showing how in a Chinese hair salon these experiences ricochet into ideas of well-being by drawing on discourses and practices that are grounded in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This paper argues for an understanding of the dispersed and diffused nature of Chinese medicinal practices and concepts throughout society, while still taking into account the specificities and logics of the Chinese medical tradition. The concept of ‘medicinal hospitality’ helps to understand the social nature of these ostensibly medical treatments, and how they use the creation of distinct sensory experiences which are shared between groups of customers to generate social relations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess changes in the organisation and performance of cervical cytology programmes in the practices of members of the Vale of Trent faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners. DESIGN--Retrospective audits completed in 1985 and 1988 by general practitioners on a sequential sample of 100 records of women aged 35-64 in their practice. SETTING--General practices in which one or more partners were members or associates of the Vale of Trent faculty of the college, of which 76 participated in the first audit and 55 (82% of 67 eligible practices) in the second. SUBJECTS--Sequential samples of 100 women born between 1 January 1920 and 31 December 1949 (first audit) and between 1 January 1923 and 31 December 1952 (second audit) whose surnames began with P or B respectively. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Percentage of women in each practice with a record of cervical cytology performed in the previous five years and percentage with no recorded smear. RESULTS--Of the 76 practices completing the audit in 1985, 55 (82% of those eligible) repeated the exercise in 1988. Performance was not significantly different in practices that did and did not respond. The median percentage of women who had had a smear in the previous five years was 49% and 69% in 1985 and 1988 respectively (p less than 0.001) and that of women with no record of a cervical smear was 28% and 16% respectively (p less than 0.001). All but six practices showed improvement in both outcome measures. In both audits an active call system was associated with a significantly increased performance (p less than 0.05). In nine practices (16%) 80% or more of the samples of women had had a smear in the previous five years. CONCLUSION--Organisation and performance of practices audited improved between 1985 and 1988. Although this might result from participation in the first audit, it probably represents a more general trend within primary care. ACTION--Between the two audits more practices (87% v 67%) had developed a policy on screening, and this was more likely to include the aim of performing regular smears on all sexually active women (98% v 80%).  相似文献   

This article describes the most important aspects of these guidelines. The guidelines are composed of two complementary lines of care. The first line focusses on the basic nutritional care in nursing homes and the second specifically on the patient with nutritional problems. The purpose is to help nursing homes in formulating a sensible and patient-centred nutritional policy; and to realize alertness on nutritional problems in patients, so that necessary interventions can be undertaken in time. Attention is also paid to the importance of an adequate implementation of the guidelines.  相似文献   

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