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Osmotic regulation of root system architecture   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Although root system architecture is known to be highly plastic and strongly affected by environmental conditions, we have little understanding of the underlying mechanisms controlling root system development. Here we demonstrate that the formation of a lateral root from a lateral root primordium is repressed as water availability is reduced. This osmotic-responsive regulatory mechanism requires abscisic acid (ABA) and a newly identified gene, LRD2. Mutant analysis also revealed interactions of ABA and LRD2 with auxin signaling. Surprisingly, further examination revealed that both ABA and LRD2 control root system architecture even in the absence of osmotic stress. This suggests that the same molecules that mediate responses to environmental cues can also be regulators of intrinsic developmental programs in the root system.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) and their derivatives were recently defined as novel phytohormones that orchestrate shoot and root growth. Levels of SLs, which are produced mainly by plant roots, increase under low nitrogen and phosphate levels to regulate plant responses. Here, we summarize recent work on SL biology by describing their role in the regulation of root development and hormonal crosstalk during root deve-lopment. SLs promote the elongation of seminal/primary roots and adventitious roots (ARs) and they repress lateral root formation. In addition, auxin signaling acts downstream of SLs. AR formation is positively or negatively regulated by SLs depending largely on the plant species and experimental conditions. The relationship between SLs and auxin during AR formation appears to be complex. Most notably, this hormonal response is a key adaption that radically alters rice root architecture in response to nitrogen- and phosphate-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the role of ethylene in the formation of lateral and adventitious roots in tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) using mutants isolated for altered ethylene signaling and fruit ripening. Mutations that block ethylene responses and delay ripening – Nr ( Never ripe ), gr ( green ripe ), nor ( non ripening ), and rin ( ripening inhibitor ) – have enhanced lateral root formation. In contrast, the epi ( epinastic ) mutant, which has elevated ethylene and constitutive ethylene signaling in some tissues, or treatment with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC), reduces lateral root formation. Treatment with ACC inhibits the initiation and elongation of lateral roots, except in the Nr genotype. Root basipetal and acropetal indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport increase with ACC treatments or in the epi mutant, while in the Nr mutant there is less auxin transport than in the wild type and transport is insensitive to ACC. In contrast, the process of adventitious root formation shows the opposite response to ethylene, with ACC treatment and the epi mutation increasing adventitious root formation and the Nr mutation reducing the number of adventitious roots. In hypocotyls, ACC treatment negatively regulated IAA transport while the Nr mutant showed increased IAA transport in hypocotyls. Ethylene significantly reduces free IAA content in roots, but only subtly changes free IAA content in tomato hypocotyls. These results indicate a negative role for ethylene in lateral root formation and a positive role in adventitious root formation with modulation of auxin transport as a central point of ethylene–auxin crosstalk.  相似文献   

Lateral root branching is a genetically defined and environmentally regulated process. Auxin is required for lateral root formation, and mutants that are altered in auxin synthesis, transport or signaling often have lateral root defects. Crosstalk between auxin and ethylene in root elongation has been demonstrated, but interactions between these hormones in the regulation of Arabidopsis lateral root formation are not well characterized. This study utilized Arabidopsis mutants altered in ethylene signaling and synthesis to explore the role of ethylene in lateral root formation. We find that enhanced ethylene synthesis or signaling, through the eto1-1 and ctr1-1 mutations, or through the application of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), negatively impacts lateral root formation, and is reversible by treatment with the ethylene antagonist, silver nitrate. In contrast, mutations that block ethylene responses, etr1-3 and ein2-5 , enhance root formation and render it insensitive to the effect of ACC, even though these mutants have reduced root elongation at high ACC doses. ACC treatments or the eto1-1 mutation significantly enhance radiolabeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport in both the acropetal and the basipetal directions. ein2-5 and etr1-3 have less acropetal IAA transport, and transport is no longer regulated by ACC. DR5-GUS reporter expression is also altered by ACC treatment, which is consistent with transport differences. The aux1-7 mutant, which has a defect in an IAA influx protein, is insensitive to the ethylene inhibition of root formation. aux1-7 also has ACC-insensitive acropetal and basipetal IAA transport, as well as altered DR5-GUS expression, which is consistent with ethylene altering AUX1-mediated IAA uptake, and thereby blocking lateral root formation.  相似文献   

During plant growth and development, root tip performs multifarious functions integrating diverse external and internal stimuli to regulate root elongation and architecture. It is believed that a signal originating from root tip inhibits lateral root formation (LRF). The excision of root tip induced LRF in tomato seedlings associated with accumulation of auxin in pericycle founder cells. The excision of cotyledons slightly reduced LRF, whereas severing shoot from root completely abolished LRF. Exogenous ethylene application did not alter LRF. The response was modulated by light with higher LRF in seedlings exposed to light. Our results indicate that light plays a role in LRF in seedlings by likely modulating shoot derived auxin.  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation of root branching   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
BACKGROUND: Many plant species can modify their root architecture to enable them to forage for heterogeneously distributed nutrients in the soil. The foraging response normally involves increased proliferation of lateral roots within nutrient-rich soil patches, but much remains to be understood about the signalling mechanisms that enable roots to sense variations in the external concentrations of different mineral nutrients and to modify their patterns of growth and development accordingly. SCOPE: In this review we consider different aspects of the way in which the nitrogen supply can modify root branching, focusing on Arabidopsis thaliana. Our current understanding of the mechanism of nitrate stimulation of lateral root growth and the role of the ANR1 gene are summarized. In addition, evidence supporting the possible role of auxin in regulating the systemic inhibition of early lateral root development by high rates of nitrate supply is presented. Finally, we examine recent evidence that an amino acid, L-glutamate, can act as an external signal to elicit complex changes in root growth and development. CONCLUSIONS: It is clear that plants have evolved sophisticated pathways for sensing and responding to changes in different components of the external nitrogen supply as well as their own internal nitrogen status. We speculate on the possibility that the effects elicited by external L-glutamate represent a novel form of foraging response that could potentially enhance a plant's ability to compete with its neighbours and micro-organisms for localized sources of organic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Redox regulation based on dithiol-disulphide interchange is an essential component of the control of chloroplast metabolism. In contrast to heterotrophic organisms, and non-photosynthetic plant tissues, chloroplast redox regulation relies on ferredoxin (Fd) reduced by the photosynthetic electron transport chain, thus being highly dependent on light. The finding of the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC), a chloroplast-localized NTR with a joint thioredoxin domain, showed that NADPH is also used as source of reducing power for chloroplast redox homeostasis. Recently we have found that NTRC is also in plastids of non-photosynthetic tissues. Because these non-green plastids lack photochemical reactions, their redox homeostasis depends exclusively on NADPH produced from sugars and, thus, NTRC may play an essential role maintaining the redox homeostasis in these plastids. The fact that redox regulation occurs in any type of plastids raises the possibility that the functions of chloroplasts and non-green plastids, such as amyloplasts, are integrated to harmonize the growth of the different organs of the plant. To address this question, we generated Arabidopsis plants the redox homeostasis of which is recovered exclusively in chloroplasts, by leaf-specific expression of NTRC in the ntrc mutant, or exclusively in amyloplasts, by root-specific expression of NTRC. The analysis of these plants suggests that chloroplasts exert a pivotal role on plant growth, as expected because chloroplasts constitute the major source of nutrients and energy, derived from photosynthesis, for growth of heterotrophic tissues. However, NTRC deficiency causes impairment of auxin synthesis and lateral root formation. Interestingly, recovery of redox homeostasis of chloroplasts, but not of amyloplasts, was sufficient to restore wild type levels of lateral roots, showing the important signaling function of chloroplasts for the development of heterotrophic organs.  相似文献   

Developing a robust root system is crucial to plant survival and competition for soil resources. Here we report that the non‐specific phospholipase C5 (NPC5) and its derived lipid mediator diacylglycerol (DAG) mediate lateral root (LR) development during salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. T‐DNA knockout mutant npc5‐1 produced few to no LR under mild NaCl stress, whereas overexpression of NPC5 increased LR number. Roots of npc5‐1 contained a lower level of DAG than wild type, whereas NPC5 overexpressor exhibited an increase in DAG level. Application of DAG, but not phosphatidic acid, fully restored LR growth of npc5‐1 to that of wild type under NaCl stress. NPC5 expression was significantly induced in Arabidopsis seedlings treated with NaCl. Npc5‐1 was less responsive to auxin‐mediated root growth than the wild type. These results indicate that NPC5 mediates LR development in response to salt stress and suggest that DAG functions as a lipid mediator in the stress signalling.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-mediated protein modification plays a key role in many cellular signal transduction pathways. The Arabidopsis gene XBAT32 encodes a protein containing an ankyrin repeat domain at the N-terminal half and a RING finger motif. The XBAT32 protein is capable of ubiquitinating itself. Mutation in XBAT32 causes a number of phenotypes including severe defects in lateral root production and in the expression of the cell division marker CYCB1;1::GUS . The XBAT32 gene is expressed abundantly in the vascular system of the primary root, but not in newly formed lateral root primordia. Treatment with auxin increases the expression of XBAT32 in the primary root and partially rescues the lateral root defect in xbat32 - 1 mutant plants. Thus, XBAT32 is a novel ubiquitin ligase required for lateral root initiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Development and architecture of plant roots are regulated by phytohormones. Cytokinin (CK), synthesized in the root cap, promotes cytokinesis, vascular cambium sensitivity, vascular differentiation and root apical dominance. Auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA), produced in young shoot organs, promotes root development and induces vascular differentiation. Both IAA and CK regulate root gravitropism. The aims of this study were to analyse the hormonal mechanisms that induce the root's primary vascular system, explain how differentiating-protoxylem vessels promote lateral root initiation, propose the concept of CK-dependent root apical dominance, and visualize the CK and IAA regulation of root gravitropiosm. KEY ISSUES: The hormonal analysis and proposed mechanisms yield new insights and extend previous concepts: how the radial pattern of the root protoxylem vs. protophloem strands is induced by alternating polar streams of high IAA vs. low IAA concentrations, respectively; how differentiating-protoxylem vessel elements stimulate lateral root initiation by auxin-ethylene-auxin signalling; and how root apical dominance is regulated by the root-cap-synthesized CK, which gives priority to the primary root in competition with its own lateral roots. CONCLUSIONS: CK and IAA are key hormones that regulate root development, its vascular differentiation and root gravitropism; these two hormones, together with ethylene, regulate lateral root initiation.  相似文献   

The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a major role in regulating root growth. Most work to date has investigated the influence of root‐sourced ABA on root growth during water stress. Here, we tested whether foliage‐derived ABA could be transported to the roots, and whether this foliage‐derived ABA had an influence on root growth under well‐watered conditions. Using both application studies of deuterium‐labelled ABA and reciprocal grafting between wild‐type and ABA‐biosynthetic mutant plants, we show that both ABA levels in the roots and root growth in representative angiosperms are controlled by ABA synthesized in the leaves rather than sourced from the roots. Foliage‐derived ABA was found to promote root growth relative to shoot growth but to inhibit the development of lateral roots. Increased root auxin (IAA) levels in plants with ABA‐deficient scions suggest that foliage‐derived ABA inhibits root growth through the root growth‐inhibitor IAA. These results highlight the physiological and morphological importance, beyond the control of stomata, of foliage‐derived ABA. The use of foliar ABA as a signal for root growth has important implications for regulating root to shoot growth under normal conditions and suggests that leaf rather than root hydration is the main signal for regulating plant responses to moisture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Electric fields are an important environmental factor that can influence the development of plants organs. Such a field can either inhibit or stimulate root growth, and may also affect the direction of growth. Many developmental processes directly or indirectly depend upon the activity of the root apical meristem (RAM). The aim of this work was to examine the effects of a weak electric field on the organization of the RAM. METHODS: Roots of Zea mays seedlings, grown in liquid medium, were exposed to DC electric fields of different strengths from 0.5 to 1.5 V cm(-1), with a frequency of 50 Hz, for 3 h. The roots were sampled for anatomical observation immediately after the treatment, and after 24 and 48 h of further undisturbed growth. KEY RESULTS: DC fields of 1 and 1.5 V cm(-1) resulted in noticeable changes in the cellular pattern of the RAM. The electric field activated the quiescent centre (QC): the cells of the QC penetrated the root cap junction, disturbing the organization of the closed meristem and changing it temporarily into the open type. CONCLUSIONS: Even a weak electric field disturbs the pattern of cell divisions in plant root meristem. This in turn changes the global organization of the RAM. A field of slightly higher strength also damages root cap initials, terminating their division.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) are a group of plant hormones involved in many aspects of plant development and stress adaptation. Here, we investigated the drought response of a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant carrying a missense mutation in the gene encoding the SL-specific receptor HvD14. Our results clearly showed that hvd14.d mutant is hyper-sensitive to drought stress. This was illustrated by a lower leaf relative water content (RWC), impaired photosynthesis, disorganization of chloroplast structure, altered stomatal density and slower closure of stomata in response to drought in the mutant compared to the wild type parent cultivar Sebastian. Although the content of abscisic acid (ABA) and its derivatives remained unchanged in the mutant, significant differences in expression of genes related to ABA biosynthesis were observed. Moreover, hvd14.d was insensitive to ABA during seed germination. Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant atd14-1 also demonstrated that mutation in the SL receptor resulted in increased sensitivity to drought. Our results indicate that the drought-sensitive phenotype of barley SL mutant might be caused by a disturbed ABA metabolism and/or signalling pathways. These results together uncovered a link between SL signalling and ABA-dependent drought stress response in barley.  相似文献   

The formation of lateral roots (LR) is a major post-embryonic developmental event in plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, LR development is inhibited by high concentrations of NO3(-). Here we present strong evidence that ABA plays an important role in mediating the effects of NO3(-) on LR formation. Firstly, the inhibitory effect of NO3(-) is significantly reduced in three ABA insensitive mutants, abi4-1, abi4-2 and abi5-1, but not in abi1-1, abi2-1 and abi3-1. Secondly, inhibition by NO3(-) is significantly reduced, but not completely abolished, in four ABA synthesis mutants, aba1-1, aba2-3, aba2-4 and aba3-2. These results indicate that there are two regulatory pathways mediating the inhibitory effects of NO3(-) in A. thaliana roots. One pathway is ABA-dependent and involves ABI4 and ABI5, whereas the second pathway is ABA-independent. In addition, ABA also plays a role in mediating the stimulation of LR elongation by local NO3(-) applications.  相似文献   

The maize (Zea mays L.) rum1‐R (rootless with undetectable meristems 1‐Reference) mutant does not initiate embryonic seminal roots and post‐embryonic lateral roots at the primary root. Map‐based cloning revealed that Rum1 encodes a 269 amino acid (aa) monocot‐specific Aux/IAA protein. The rum1‐R protein lacks 26 amino acids including the GWPPV degron sequence in domain II and part of the bipartite NLS (nuclear localization sequence). Significantly reduced lateral root density (approximately 35%) in heterozygous plants suggests that the rum1‐R is a semi‐dominant mutant. Overexpression of rum1‐R under the control of the maize MSY (Methionine SYnthase) promoter supports this notion by displaying a reduced number of lateral roots (31–37%). Functional characterization suggests that Rum1 is auxin‐inducible and encodes a protein that localizes to the nucleus. Moreover, RUM1 is unstable with a half life time of approximately 22 min while the mutant rum1‐R protein is very stable. In vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated an interaction of RUM1 with ZmARF25 and ZmARF34 (Z. mays AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 25 and 34). In summary, the presented data suggest that Rum1 encodes a canonical Aux/IAA protein that is required for the initiation of embryonic seminal and post‐embryonic lateral root initiation in primary roots of maize.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(11):2201-2212.e3
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The tomato geneRSI-1 was previously identified as a molecular marker for auxin-induced lateral root initiation. We have further characterized the expression mode of theRSI-1 gene in tomato andArabidopsis thaliana. Northern blot analyses revealed that the gene was induced specifically by auxin in tomato roots and hypocotyls. For experiments with transgenic plants, the 5′ flanking region of theRSI-1 gene was linked to a GUS reporter gene, then transformed into tomato andArabidopsis. In these transgenic tomato plants, GUS activity was detected at the sites of initiation for lateral and adventitious roots. Expression of the fusion gene was auxin-dependent and tissue-specific. This was consistent with results from the northern blot analyses. In transgenicArabidopsis, the overall expression pattern of theRSI-GUS gene, including tissue specificity and auxin inducibility, was comparable to that in transgenic tomato seedlings. These results indicate that an identical regulatory mechanism for lateral root initiation might be conserved in both plants. Thus, the expression mode of theRSI-CUS gene inArabidopsis mutants defective in lateral root development should be investigated to provide details of this process.  相似文献   

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