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郭伟  李钧敏  胡正华 《生态学报》2012,32(1):151-158
研究表明克隆整合可以显著提升异质环境中克隆植物的生长,然而当克隆植物遭受均质环境压力时,整合对植物生长影响的研究相对较少。本文以典型入侵克隆植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为例,研究均质环境压力酸雨和采食模拟胁迫对空心莲子草生长的影响,以及克隆整合在空心莲子草适应不利环境过程中所起的作用。酸雨设3种浓度梯度:pH值3.5 、pH值4.5和 pH值6.5(对照);采食设3种水平:不去叶、去叶50%和去叶90%;整合水平:匍匐茎切断和连接。结果表明:无论保持或切断匍匐茎的连接,酸雨处理都不影响空心莲子草生物量。当保持匍匐茎连接时,pH值4.5酸雨处理增加了空心莲子草匍匐茎长度和分株数目,因此,低度酸雨可能对空心莲子草生长有一定的促进作用。同样,无论匍匐茎是否被切断,采食处理都显著降低了空心莲子草克隆片段生物量,而显著增加了叶片数目。当切断匍匐茎连接时,采食处理使空心莲子草分株数目显著增加。本文得出的结论是:空心莲子草能较好地适应酸雨和采食的环境压力,当空心莲子草全部克隆分株遭受均质环境胁迫时,克隆整合并不能显著改善它的生长。  相似文献   

Aims Clonal integration, i.e. resource sharing between interconnected ramets, can help clonal plants tolerate abiotic stress. However, few studies have directly examined the ecological significance of clonal integration in the ability of clonal plants to tolerate biotic stress such as herbivory.  相似文献   

Summary The costs and benefits of resource integration in Hydrocotyle bonariensis were examined by comparing severed and intact clones grown across multiple resource gradients. Basipetal movement of water, nitrogen and photosynthates was demonstrated to occur between two rhizome branch systems interconnecting hundreds of ramets within a clone. Hydrocotyle clones of this size and larger have been shown to span highly patchy and unpredictable resource conditions in coastal dune environments. The extensive movement of water and nitrogen to portions of a clone deficient in these resources, resulted in a significant net benefit to the clone in terms of fitness-related traits: total biomass, ramet proliferation and seed production. The translocation of photosynthates across light gradients allowed for sexual reproduction and clonal expansion in the shade although this incurred a net cost to the clone in terms of ramet and seed production.  相似文献   

Some clonal plants can spread their ramet populations radially, and soil heterogeneity and clonal integration may greatly affect the establishment of these types of populations. We constructed Alternanthera philoxeroides populations with a radial ramet aggregation, allowing old ramets of clonal fragments to concentrate in central pots and younger ramets to root in peripheral pots. The peripheral pots were supplemented either with three different levels (high, medium and low) of soil nutrients to simulate a heterogeneous soil environment, or only one medium level of soil nutrients to simulate a homogeneous environment. Stolon connections between the central older ramets and the peripheral younger ramets were left intact or severed to test the effect of clonal integration. The maintenance of stolon connection could induce the division of labor between different‐aged ramets, by increasing the root investment in central ramets and the above‐ground growth in peripheral ramets. The maintenance of stolon connection could improve the growth of the central and peripheral ramets, clonal fragments and even the whole population. However, the positive consequence in peripheral ramets and whole fragments was only detected in the high‐nutrient patch of heterogeneous treatment. In sum, in the population with the radial ramet aggregation, clonal integration can play a key role in the rapid recruitment of young ramets of A. philoxeroides fragments, as well as the expansion of the whole population. The magnitude of clonal integration also became more obvious in the peripheral young ramets and whole fragments that experienced high‐nutrient patches.  相似文献   

Clonal integration may be adaptive and enhance the genet performance of clonal plants. Degree of clonal integration may differ between different environments . Here, a container experiment was used to determine how clonal integration affected the performance of the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica at two sites with different altitude along the transitional zone between the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and the Sichuan basin of Southwest China. In the experiment, the stolon between partially shaded two ramets experienced severing and intact treatments.We predicted that clonal integration would increase performance of whole clonal fragments and their shaded clonal parts at both sites. In both arctic and alpine environments, clonal plants may form highly integrated plant units (group of ramets).We predicted again that the reduction due to stolon severing in performance of whole clonal fragments and their shaded clonal parts would be greater at the site with high altitude than one with low altitude. The results indicated that the benefit for the shaded clonal parts and whole clonal fragments due to clonal integration was only observed at the site with high altitude. The results suggest that the performance of Duchesnea indica tends to be more responsive to the stolon severing at the site with high altitude than one with low altitude and support the second prediction. In addition, the effects of conditions of the sites and clonal integration on local morphological traits of ramets may be adaptive, five morphological traits of ramet-level (length of petiole, mean stolon internode length, specific petiole weight, specific stolon internode weight and specific leaf area) were investigated. Altogether, the results suggest that clonal integration might help D. indica plants to successfully inhabit the high-altitude habitat of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau of Southwest China, providing new evidences for the notion that clonal integration is an adaptive trait in stressful environments.  相似文献   

Inferences about the role of epigenetics in plant ecology and evolution are mostly based on studies of cultivated or model plants conducted in artificial environments. Insights from natural populations, however, are essential to evaluate the possible consequences of epigenetic processes in biologically realistic scenarios with genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous populations. Here, we explore associations across individuals between DNA methylation transmissibility (proportion of methylation‐sensitive loci whose methylation status persists unchanged after male gametogenesis), genetic characteristics (assessed with AFLP markers), seed size variability (within‐plant seed mass variance), and realized maternal fecundity (number of recently recruited seedlings), in three populations of the perennial herb Helleborus foetidus along a natural ecological gradient in southeastern Spain. Plants (sporophytes) differed in the fidelity with which DNA methylation was transmitted to descendant pollen (gametophytes). This variation in methylation transmissibility was associated with genetic differences. Four AFLP loci were significantly associated with transmissibility and accounted collectively for ~40% of its sample‐wide variance. Within‐plant variance in seed mass was inversely related to individual transmissibility. The number of seedlings recruited by individual plants was significantly associated with transmissibility. The sign of the relationship varied between populations, which points to environment‐specific, divergent phenotypic selection on epigenetic transmissibility. Results support the view that epigenetic transmissibility is itself a phenotypic trait whose evolution may be driven by natural selection, and suggest that in natural populations epigenetic and genetic variation are two intertwined, rather than independent, evolutionary factors.  相似文献   

In biological control programs, the insect natural enemy’s ability to suppress the plant invader may be affected by abiotic factors, such as resource availability, that can influence plant growth and reproduction. Understanding plant tolerance to herbivory under different environmental conditions will help to improve biocontrol efficacy. The invasive alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) has been successfully controlled by natural enemies in many aquatic habitats but not in terrestrial environments worldwide. This study examined the effects of different levels of simulated leaf herbivory on the growth of alligator weed at two levels of fertilization and three levels of soil moisture (aquatic, semi-aquatic, and terrestrial habitats). Increasing levels of simulated (manual) defoliation generally caused decreases in total biomass in all habitats. However, the plant appeared to respond differently to high levels of herbivory in the three habitats. Terrestrial plants showed the highest below–above ground mass ratio (R/S), indicating the plant is more tolerant to herbivory in terrestrial habitats than in aquatic habitats. The unfertilized treatment exhibited greater tolerance than the fertilized treatment in the terrestrial habitat at the first stage of this experiment (day 15), but fertilizer appears not to have influenced tolerance at the middle and last stages of the experiment. No such difference was found in semi-aquatic and aquatic habitats. These findings suggest that plant tolerance is affected by habitats and soil nutrients and this relationship could influence the biological control outcome. Plant compensatory response to herbivory under different environmental conditions should, therefore, be carefully considered when planning to use biological control in management programs against invasive plants.  相似文献   

Perennial, polycarpic herbs can respond to herbivory either by (1) regrowth in the same season in order to compensate for lost reproductive structures or by (2) postponing reproduction until the following growing season. We tested these response patterns with the perennial umbellifer Pimpinella saxifraga by simulating flower herbivory and shoot grazing both in the field and in a common garden experiment. In the field, both simulated flower herbivory and grazing effectively suppressed current reproduction, whereas no statistically significant effects of previous-year treatments on growth or reproduction were found in the following year. In the common garden, in the first year the species fully compensated for simulated flower herbivory in vegetative parameters but seed set was reduced by 26%. After 2 years of flower removal, the plants overcompensated in shoot and root biomass by 47 and 46%, respectively, and compensated fully in reproductive performance. Simulated grazing resulted in 21% lower shoot biomass in the first season, but the root biomass was not affected. In the second season the root biomass increased by 43% as compared to the control plants. However, regrowth following simulated grazing resulted in a significant delay in flowering with the consequence that the seed yield of fertile plants was reduced by 55% as compared to the control plants. These results suggest that in resource-rich garden conditions P. saxifraga may immediately repair injuries caused by flower herbivory, but repairs more extensive shoot injury less successfully. Delayed phenology decreases the benefits of immediate repair. In resource-poor conditions, the benefits of regrowth can be negligible. Accordingly, in our field population, the plants postponed their reproduction until the following year in response to simulated grazing and frequently in response to flower removal. When the plants gain very little from regrowth, the costs of reproduction would select for postponed reproduction in response to injury.  相似文献   

The impact of small scale disturbances on the early seedling performance components of Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) was studied through a transplant experiment. The aims of this study were: (i) to determine if the herbivory pattern depends on microsite disturbance, by the analysis of two of its components, seedling encounter (the probability of at least one seedling being harmed) and seedling exploitation (the proportion of seedling tissue removed once encountered); (ii) to test if seedlings of H. foetidus in disturbed microsites will survive in a greater proportion than seedlings in undisturbed microsites; (iii) to investigate if seedling survival is correlated with the degree of herbivory. Microsite disturbances had a large effect on the herbivory pattern. Seedlings growing in undisturbed vegetation had a 2-fold higher likelihood of being grazed and suffered 1.38-fold higher damage than those growing in disturbed plots. At the end of this experiment, after fourteen months, only 10.4% of the seedlings transplanted were still alive due to seedling desiccation, but no differences on seedling survival were found between disturbed and undisturbed plots. The effect of herbivory and the interactive effect of herbivory and disturbance on seedling survival only reached statistical significance dependent upon site. We concluded that although small scale disturbances had a large impact on herbivory patterns; they had only a minor role in the early seedling survival of H. foetidus. Only locally, small scale disturbances showed an effect on seedling survival through herbivory. Abiotic factors like summer drought and spatial variations determined the early survival of H. foetidus seedlings to a major extent.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the degree to which populations and communities are limited by both bottom‐up and top‐down effects is still a major challenge for ecologists, and manipulation of plant quality, for example, can alter herbivory rates in plants. In addition, biotic defence by ants can directly influence the populations of herbivores, as demonstrated by increased rates of herbivory or increased herbivore density after ant exclusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate bottom‐up and top‐down effects on herbivory rates in a mutualistic ant‐plant. 2. In this study, the role of Azteca alfari ants as biotic defence in individuals of Cecropia pachystachya was investigated experimentally with a simultaneous manipulation of both bottom‐up (fertilisation) and top‐down (ant exclusion) factors. Four treatments were used in a fully factorial design, with 15 replicates for each treatment: (i) control plants, without manipulation; (ii) fertilised plants, ants not manipulated; (iii) unfertilised plants and excluded ants and (iv) fertilised plants and ants excluded. 3. Fertilisation increased the availability of foliar nitrogen in C. pachystachya, and herbivory rates by chewing insects were significantly higher in fertilised plants with ants excluded. 4. Herbivory, however, was more influenced by bottom‐up effects – such as the quality of the host plant – than by top‐down effects caused by ants as biotic defences, reinforcing the crucial role of leaf nutritional quality for herbivory levels experienced by plants. Conditionality in ant defence under increased nutritional quality of leaves through fertilisation might explain increased levels of herbivory in plants with higher leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

很多入侵植物具有克隆性,克隆整合对入侵克隆植物生长和繁殖具有重要的贡献。自然界中,植物生长和繁殖所需的各种资源如光照、水分和矿质养分等在空间上分布通常是异质的,但关于异质环境下克隆整合对入侵植物和本土同属植物种间关系影响的研究相对缺乏。通过温室控制实验,将入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)和同属本土植物蟛蜞菊(W.chinensis)的分株对单独种植或者混合种植在异质性光照条件下,同时通过保持或者切断分株之间的连接来控制克隆整合效应的有无,研究异质光照环境下克隆整合对南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊种间关系的影响。克隆整合对南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊的生长和繁殖都有促进作用,且南美蟛蜞菊比蟛蜞菊从克隆整合中获益更多。与单独种植相比,两者混种对南美蟛蜞菊的叶生物量有显著影响,而对本地种蟛蜞菊的根生物量有显著影响。克隆整合和种间关系对南美蟛蜞菊的总生物量和叶生物量产生了显著的交互作用,而对蟛蜞菊各指标无显著影响。克隆整合状态显著影响了南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊的种间关系。这些结果表明,异质环境下克隆整合可以改变入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊和本土植物蟛蜞菊的生长性状及种间关系。  相似文献   

Heterogeneous disturbance patterns are fundamental to rangeland conservation and management because heterogeneity creates patchy vegetation, broadens niche availability, increases compositional dissimilarity, and enhances temporal stability of aboveground biomass production. Pyrodiversity is a popular concept for how variability in fire as an ecological disturbance can enhance heterogeneity, but mechanistic understanding of factors that drive heterogeneity is lacking. Mesic grasslands are examples of ecosystems in which pyrodiversity is linked strongly to broad ecological processes such as trophic interactions because grazers are attracted to recently burned areas, creating a unique ecological disturbance referred to as the fire–grazing interaction, or pyric herbivory. But several questions about the application of pyric herbivory remain: What proportion of a grazed landscape must burn, or how many patches are required, to create sufficient spatial heterogeneity and reduce temporal variability? How frequently should patches burn? Does season of fire matter? To bring theory into applied practice, we studied a gradient of grazed tallgrass prairie landscapes created by different sizes, seasons, and frequencies of fire, and used analyses sensitive to nonlinear trends. The greatest spatial heterogeneity and lowest temporal variability in aboveground plant biomass, and greatest plant functional group beta diversity, occurred in landscapes with three to four patches (25%–33% of area burned) and three‐ to four‐year fire return intervals. Beta diversity had a positive association with spatial heterogeneity and negative relationship with temporal variability. Rather than prescribing that these results constitute best management practices, we emphasize the flexibility offered by interactions between patch number and fire frequency for matching rangeland productivity and offtake to specific management goals. As we observed no differences across season of fire, we recommend future research focus on fire frequency within a moderate proportion of the landscape burned, and consider a wider seasonal burn window.  相似文献   

The apparent influence of elephants on the structure of savannahs in Africa may be enhanced by management activities, fire and other herbivores. We separated the effect elephants have on grasses, woody seedlings (<0.5 m) and saplings (0.5–2 m) from the effect of tree canopies (canopy effect), and herbivory (park effect). We defined the canopy effect as the differences between plant abundances and diversity indices under tree canopies and 20 m away from these. Our testing of the park effect relied on the differences in the sub-canopy plant indices inside and outside a protected area that supported a range of herbivores. We based our assessment of the elephant effect on sub-canopy vegetation indices associated with elephant induced reductions in tree canopies. The park and canopy effects were more pronounced than the elephant effect. The park effect suppressed the development of woody seedlings into saplings. Conditions associated with tree canopies benefited woody plants, but not the grasses, as their indices were lower under trees. Elephants reducing canopies facilitated grass species tolerant of direct solar radiation. We concluded that management should consider other agents operating in the system when deciding on reducing the impact that elephants may have on vegetation.  相似文献   

Among many stabilizing factors for community dynamics, spatial and temporal heterogeneities have been widely considered in recent years as two of the most important properties. However, the difference between the two types of heterogeneities have not been studied, except for Clark and Yoshimura (1993). We evaluated experimentally the effect of temporal and spatial heterogeneities on the persistence of a biological community. The experimental communities consisted of one parasitic wasp species, one bean weevil species, and two kinds of bean. Temporal and spatial heterogeneities of experimental communities were generated by kinds and timing of bean supply. Of all the experimental communities, the most persistent community was a temporally and spatially homogeneous community with Red Kidney bean as primary resource. Compared to spatially heterogeneous communities, temporally heterogeneous communities were more persistent. These results were easily explained by considering the attack rate of parasitic wasps and the difference between arithmetic and geometric means. In order to discuss the relative importance of environmental heterogeneity and the mode of biological interaction on community persistence, we have to measure the degree of environmental heterogeneity as the rate of change of the strength of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Light availability is an important modulator of seedling growth and plant–herbivore dynamics. Logging increases light levels in forests, potentially altering herbivore–plant interactions that drive seedling establishment. We conducted a transplant experiment to evaluate how logging and herbivory affect seedling growth and survival in three shade‐tolerant tree species, at paired canopy gap and understory sites in logged forest and an adjacent unlogged area in central Amazonia (Brazil). Seedlings were either left exposed to naturally occurring insect herbivores or protected from insects by a fine netting structure. We measured the herbivore damage and growth rate of seedlings after 18 mo. In general, logged areas received more light than unlogged sites. Growth and herbivory rates were positively influenced by light, and herbivory was also influenced positively by logging. In gaps, increased growth mitigated foliar damage. Logging resulted in a loss of foliar tissue due to increased herbivory. Herbivory rates were higher in the understory of logged sites than in that of unlogged understory sites, but growth was similar in these areas. Thus, the understory of logged areas provided the least favorable sites for shade‐tolerant tree regeneration, due to higher herbivory rates. The effect of logging on biotic interactions can extend beyond the gaps it creates into untouched understory sites. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a pattern has been observed, highlighting the importance of evaluating the impact of logging on biotic interactions.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of light, nutrients, and simulated herbivory on the structure and functioning of a subtropical turtlegrass bed were analyzed monthly from May to October 2001 in Perdido Bay, FL. For each of the three factors, two levels were evaluated in a factorial design with four replicates per treatment. The variables included: light, at ambient and 40% reduction; nutrients, at ambient and 2× ambient concentrations; and herbivory, with no herbivory and simulated effects of a density of 15 sea urchins/m2. In practice, light levels turned out to be 40% of surface PAR for ambient conditions, and 16% for shaded plots. Biomass removed as herbivory represented, on average, slightly less than 20% of the above-ground biomass. Separate three-way ANOVAs found no significant three-way interactions for any of the response variables, and few two-way interactions. There were no significant nutrient effects on turtlegrass above-ground biomass, although nutrient additions produced significant decreases in epibiont biomass, and net above-ground primary production (NAPP); significant increases in below-ground biomass during the peak of the growing season. Shoot density and average number of leaves per shoot increased significantly, while the C/N ratio of the oldest leaf in the enriched plots decreased significantly. Light reduction significantly negatively affected all response variables, except below-ground biomass, shoot density and leaf length. Herbivory had isolated and inconsistent significant effects on below-ground biomass, shoot density, average number of leaves per shoot, and leaf length and width. Overall, our results indicate that nutrients are not limiting in Perdido Bay, and that nutrient additions had mostly detrimental effects. Light appeared to be the most important variable limiting seagrasses growth and abundance, and as with terrestrial plants, seagrasses seemed to respond more to light and nutrients than to herbivory. However, it is essential that additional tests of the single and interactive effects of the three key factors of light, nutrients and herbivory be done to evaluate the generality of our work, since our study is the first of its kind in seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of plants to herbivores can be strongly influenced by the identity, morphology and palatability of neighboring plants. While the defensive traits of neighbors often determine the mechanism and strength of associational resistance and susceptibility, the effect of neighbors on plant defense phenotype remains poorly understood. We used field surveys and a prickle‐removal experiment in a semi‐arid Kenyan savanna to evaluate the efficacy of physical defenses against large mammalian herbivores in a common understory plant, Solanum campylacanthum. We then quantified the respective effects of spinescent Acacia trees and short‐statured grasses on browsing damage and prickle density in S. campylacanthum. We paired measurements of prickle density beneath and outside tree canopies with long‐term herbivore‐exclusion experiments to evaluate whether associational resistance reduced defense investment by decreasing browsing damage. Likewise, we compared defense phenotype within and outside pre‐existing and experimentally created clearings to determine whether grass neighbors increased defense investment via associational susceptibility. Removing prickles increased the frequency of browsing by ~25%, and surveys of herbivory damage on defended leaves suggested that herbivores tended to avoid prickles. As predicted, associational resistance and susceptibility had opposing effects on plant phenotype: individuals growing beneath Acacia canopies (or, analogously, within large‐herbivore exclosures) had a significantly lower proportion of their leaves browsed and produced ~ 70–80% fewer prickles than those outside refuges, whereas plants in grass‐dominated clearings were more heavily browsed and produced nearly twice as many prickles as plants outside clearings. Our results demonstrate that associational resistance and susceptibility have strong, but opposing, effects on plant defense phenotype, and that variable herbivore damage is a major source of intraspecific variation in defense phenotype in this system.  相似文献   

In a previous study, a model of landscape heterogeneity was developed and applied to a spatially structured wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) population. That study showed clearly the influence of resource heterogeneity on connectivity levels. The simulation study was based on female movements and used population genetic validation data appropriate for a female study. Most models assume that males and females will exhibit similar patterns, although this has rarely been tested. In the current study we extend the analysis to consider differences between female and male connectivity in the same spatially structured pest system. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were screened on the same samples used previously for mtDNA analysis. The mtDNA data were used to validate female results, and AFLP data were used to validate combined male and female results. Connectivity patterns from the two simulations (female, and combined male and female) connectivity patterns showed no association. However, each was concordant with appropriate validation data, showing highly significant associations between pairwise population connectivity and the genetic data. A relative connectivity metric for the combined simulation was regressed against the mean of pairwise ΦST values, with almost 70% of the variation explained by a linear model. Demonstrating differential effects of habitat heterogeneity on male and female connectivity provides further evidence that spatial resource heterogeneity impacts on connectivity. Understanding differences in population connectivity will allow improved predictions of disease spread, local extinctions and recolonizations. Furthermore, modelling such differences in pest systems will allow management plans to be better targeted, for example by strategically introducing diseases for control purposes into populations which exhibit high male connectivity to aid spread, but low female connectivity to inhibit recolonization potential after control.  相似文献   

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