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综述了UV-B辐射增强对植物光合作用的影响,植物对光破坏的响应与适应性方面的国内外研究进展,许多研究表明UV-B辐射增强对植物具有破坏作用能引起植物光抑制,光氧化和光损伤,植物依靠自身修复系统而对其破坏又具有一定的适应性。  相似文献   

Due to the role leaf phenolics in defending against ultraviolet B (UVB) under previously controlled conditions, we hypothesize that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) could be a primary factor driving the variation in leaf phenolics in plants over a large geographic scale. We measured leaf total phenolics, ultraviolet‐absorbing compounds (UVAC), and corresponding leaf N, P, and specific leaf area (SLA) in 151 common species. These species were from 84 sites across the Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolian grasslands of China with contrasting UVR (354 vs. 161 mW/cm2 on average). Overall, leaf phenolics and UVAC were all significantly higher on the Tibetan Plateau than in the Inner Mongolian grasslands, independent of phylogenetic relationships between species. Regression analyses showed that the variation in leaf phenolics was strongly affected by climatic factors, particularly UVR, and soil attributes across all sites. Structural equation modeling (SEM) identified the primary role of UVR in determining leaf phenolic concentrations, after accounting for colinearities with altitude, climatic, and edaphic factors. In addition, phenolics correlated positively with UVAC and SLA, and negatively with leaf N and N: P. These relationships were steeper in the lower‐elevation Inner Mongolian than on the Tibetan Plateau grasslands. Our data support that the variation in leaf phenolics is controlled mainly by UV radiation, implying high leaf phenolics facilitates the adaptation of plants to strong irradiation via its UV‐screening and/or antioxidation functions, particularly on the Tibetan Plateau. Importantly, our results also suggest that leaf phenolics may influence on vegetation attributes and indirectly affect ecosystem processes by covarying with leaf functional traits.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) fluxes from world rivers are still poorly constrained, with measurements restricted mainly to temperate climates. Additional river flux measurements, including spatio‐temporal studies, are important to refine extrapolations. Here we assess the spatio‐temporal variability of CH4 fluxes from the Amazon and its main tributaries, the Negro, Solimões, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu, and Pará Rivers, based on direct measurements using floating chambers. Sixteen of 34 sites were measured during low and high water seasons. Significant differences were observed within sites in the same river and among different rivers, types of rivers, and seasons. Ebullition contributed to more than 50% of total emissions for some rivers. Considering only river channels, our data indicate that large rivers in the Amazon Basin release between 0.40 and 0.58 Tg CH4 yr?1. Thus, our estimates of CH4 flux from all tropical rivers and rivers globally were, respectively, 19–51% to 31–84% higher than previous estimates, with large rivers of the Amazon accounting for 22–28% of global river CH4 emissions.  相似文献   

The flux of methane (CH4) from inland waters to the atmosphere has a profound impact on global atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) levels, and yet, strikingly little is known about the dynamics controlling sources and sinks of CH4 in the aquatic setting. Here, we examine the cycling and flux of CH4 in six large rivers in the Amazon basin, including the Amazon River. Based on stable isotopic mass balances of CH4, inputs and outputs to the water column were estimated. We determined that ecosystem methane oxidation (MOX) reduced the diffusive flux of CH4 by approximately 28–96% and varied depending on hydrologic regime and general geochemical characteristics of tributaries of the Amazon River. For example, the relative amount of MOX was maximal during high water in black and white water rivers and minimal in clear water rivers during low water. The abundance of genetic markers for methane‐oxidizing bacteria (pmoA) was positively correlated with enhanced signals of oxidation, providing independent support for the detected MOX patterns. The results indicate that MOX in large Amazonian rivers can consume from 0.45 to 2.07 Tg CH4 yr?1, representing up to 7% of the estimated global soil sink. Nevertheless, climate change and changes in hydrology, for example, due to construction of dams, can alter this balance, influencing CH4 emissions to atmosphere.  相似文献   

As a controversial strategy to mitigate global warming, biochar application into soil highlights the need for life cycle assessment before large‐scale practice. This study focused on the effect of biochar on carbon footprint of rice production. A field experiment was performed with three treatments: no residue amendment (Control), 6 t ha?1 yr?1 corn straw (CS) amendment, and 2.4 t ha?1 yr?1 corn straw‐derived biochar amendment (CBC). Carbon footprint was calculated by considering carbon source processes (pyrolysis energy cost, fertilizer and pesticide input, farmwork, and soil greenhouse gas emissions) and carbon sink processes (soil carbon increment and energy offset from pyrolytic gas). On average over three consecutive rice‐growing cycles from year 2011 to 2013, the CS treatment had a much higher carbon intensity of rice (0.68 kg CO2‐C equivalent (CO2‐Ce) kg?1 grain) than that of Control (0.24 kg CO2‐Ckg?1 grain), resulting from large soil CH4 emissions. Biochar amendment significantly increased soil carbon pool and showed no significant effect on soil total N2O and CH4 emissions relative to Control; however, due to a variation in net electric energy input of biochar production based on different pyrolysis settings, carbon intensity of rice under CBC treatment ranged from 0.04 to 0.44 kg CO2‐Ckg?1 grain. The results indicated that biochar strategy had the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of crop production, but the energy‐efficient pyrolysis technique does matter.  相似文献   

The localization of metabolites on plant surfaces has been problematic because of the limitations of current methodologies. Attempts to localize glucosinolates, the sulfur‐rich defense compounds of the order Brassicales, on leaf surfaces have given many contradictory results depending on the method employed. Here we developed a matrix‐assisted laser desorption–ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry protocol to detect surface glucosinolates on Arabidopsis thaliana leaves by applying the MALDI matrix through sublimation. Quantification was accomplished by spotting glucosinolate standards directly on the leaf surface. The A. thaliana leaf surface was found to contain approximately 15 nmol of total glucosinolate per leaf with about 50 pmol mm?2 on abaxial (bottom) surfaces and 15–30 times less on adaxial (top) surfaces. Of the major compounds detected, 4‐methylsulfinylbutylglucosinolate, indol‐3‐ylmethylglucosinolate, and 8‐methylsulfinyloctylglucosinolate were also major components of the leaf interior, but the second most abundant glucosinolate on the surface, 4‐methylthiobutylglucosinolate, was only a trace component of the interior. Distribution on the surface was relatively uniform in contrast to the interior, where glucosinolates were distributed more abundantly in the midrib and periphery than the rest of the leaf. These results were confirmed by two other mass spectrometry‐based techniques, laser ablation electrospray ionization and liquid extraction surface analysis. The concentrations of glucosinolates on A. thaliana leaf surfaces were found to be sufficient to attract the specialist feeding lepidopterans Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae for oviposition. The methods employed here should be easily applied to other plant species and metabolites.  相似文献   

Waterbodies in the arctic permafrost zone are considered a major source of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) in addition to CH4 emissions from arctic wetlands. However, the spatio‐temporal variability of CH4 fluxes from waterbodies complicates spatial extrapolation of CH4 measurements from single waterbodies. Therefore, their contribution to the CH4 budget of the arctic permafrost zone is not yet well understood. Using the example of two study areas of 1,000 km² each in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada, we approach this issue (i) by analyzing correlations on the landscape scale between numerous waterbodies and CH4 fluxes and (ii) by analyzing the influence of the spatial resolution of CH4 flux data on the detected relationships. A CH4 flux map with a resolution of 100 m was derived from two aircraft eddy‐covariance campaigns in the summers of 2012 and 2013. We combined the CH4 flux map with high spatial resolution (2.5 m) waterbody maps from the Permafrost Region Pond and Lake Database and classified the waterbody depth based on Sentinel‐1 SAR backscatter data. Subsequently, we reduced the resolution of the CH4 flux map to analyze if different spatial resolutions of CH4 flux data affected the detectability of relationships between waterbody coverage, number, depth, or size and the CH4 flux. We did not find consistent correlations between waterbody characteristics and the CH4 flux in the two study areas across the different resolutions. Our results indicate that waterbodies in permafrost landscapes, even if they seem to be emission hot spots on an individual basis or contain zones of above average emissions, do currently not necessarily translate into significant CH4 emission hot spots on a regional scale, but their role might change in a warmer climate.  相似文献   

We used a device called a Phototron to measure the effects of UV radiation on the cosmopolitan algae, Cryptomonas erosa, grown in continuous cultures. In the Phototron, we investigated changes in photosynthetic parameters (Pmax – specific production rate at optimal light intensity; – initial slope of the linear portion of the Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve; and – the convexity or rate of bending) and carbon allocation as a function of irradiance at three different environmentally-realistic doses of UV radiation in unconditioned (no prior UV exposure) and conditioned algae (15 d previous UV exposure). For unconditioned control algae, Pmax-Total was lower, although not significantly, than the two highest UV treatments. For conditioned control algae, Pmax-Total was higher, although not significantly, than all UV treatments. Our data suggest that short term (4 h) exposure to low levels of UV (8.09 W m–2 unweighted) does not affect Pmax-Total in C. erosa, but does change the proportion of carbon allocated to lipids and proteins. Also, comparisons of lipids, polysaccharides and proteins as a percent of total carbon uptake between unconditioned and conditioned algae indicate that exposure history to UV radiation can have a negative impact on carbon allocation to lipids and proteins, in a wetland alga species that is crucial to the efficient transfer of energy through freshwater food webs.  相似文献   

西安市常见绿化植物叶片润湿性能及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用接触角测定仪测定了西安市21种常见绿化植物叶片表面的接触角,探讨了叶片表面特性如蜡质、绒毛、气孔对接触角的影响。结果表明,植物叶片正背面、物种间的接触角差异均显著,叶片正面和背面接触角大小在40°~140°。接触角大小与变异系数呈负相关,可能由于接触角小的润湿叶片在不同的生境和位置下,受到环境条件的影响较大而出现大的变异;接触角较大的非润湿性叶片,环境物质持留时间较短,对叶片形态和组成影响较小,因而出现小的变异。植物叶片表面的接触角随蜡质含量的升高而增大。表皮蜡质去除后大部分叶片接触角明显降低,尤其是疏水性较强的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、月季(Ro-sa chinensis)和紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii)。女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)正背面、加杨(Popu-lus canadensis)背面等亲水型的叶片蜡质去除后接触角反而增大。叶片绒毛的多少及其形态、分布方式对接触角具有重要的影响,不同的作用方式表现出润湿和不润湿的特征,人为将其去除可以增加叶片的润湿性。背面气孔密度与气孔长度、保卫细胞长度呈负相关;接触角则与气孔密度呈负相关,与气孔长度呈正相关。  相似文献   

Wetland‐adapted trees are known to transport soil‐produced methane (CH4), an important greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, yet seasonal variations and controls on the magnitude of tree‐mediated CH4 emissions remain unknown for mature forests. We examined the spatial and temporal variability in stem CH4 emissions in situ and their controls in two wetland‐adapted tree species (Alnus glutinosa and Betula pubescens) located in a temperate forested wetland. Soil and herbaceous plant‐mediated CH4 emissions from hollows and hummocks also were measured, thus enabling an estimate of contributions from each pathway to total ecosystem flux. Stem CH4 emissions varied significantly between the two tree species, with Alnus glutinosa displaying minimal seasonal variations, while substantial seasonal variations were observed in Betula pubescens. Trees from each species emitted similar quantities of CH4 from their stems regardless of whether they were situated in hollows or hummocks. Soil temperature and pore‐water CH4 concentrations best explained annual variability in stem emissions, while wood‐specific density and pore‐water CH4 concentrations best accounted for between‐species variations in stem CH4 emission. Our study demonstrates that tree‐mediated CH4 emissions contribute up to 27% of seasonal ecosystem CH4 flux in temperate forested wetland, with the largest relative contributions occurring in spring and winter. Tree‐mediated CH4 emissions currently are not included in trace gas budgets of forested wetland. Further work is required to quantify and integrate this transport pathway into CH4 inventories and process‐based models.  相似文献   

以果胶酶产生菌黑曲霉EIM6为出发菌株,初始果胶酶活为14 539 U/mL,经紫外诱变反复处理,摇瓶复筛和遗传稳定性试验,最终获得一株果胶酶高产菌株EIMU2。EIMU2菌株的形态特征发生了明显的改变,相较于原出发菌株EIM6,孢子色泽更黑,孢子团也较出发菌株大,菌丝与孢子上凝结有更多的液珠。复筛后EIMU2酶活为32 161 U/mL,较原出发菌株提高了1.212倍。进一步通过响应面法对EIMU2菌株的液体发酵培养条件进行优化。优化后的培养条件为甜菜渣1.83%,花生饼粉1.69%,(NH_4)_2SO_4 0.5%,K_2HPO_4 0.3%,CaCO_3 0.2%,MgSO_4 0.15%(w/v),接种量6%(v/v),装液量21.36 mL。优化的突变菌株产酶活性进一步提高至98 794.3 U/mL,提高了2.07倍。  相似文献   

Drained peatlands are hotspots for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which could be mitigated by rewetting and land use change. We performed an ecological/economic analysis of rewetting drained fertile peatlands in a hemiboreal climate using different land use strategies over 80 years. Vegetation, soil processes, and total GHG emissions were modeled using the CoupModel for four scenarios: (1) business as usual—Norway spruce with average soil water table of ?40 cm; (2) willow with groundwater at ?20 cm; (3) reed canary grass with groundwater at ?10 cm; and (4) a fully rewetted peatland. The predictions were based on previous model calibrations with several high‐resolution datasets consisting of water, heat, carbon, and nitrogen cycling. Spruce growth was calibrated by tree‐ring data that extended the time period covered. The GHG balance of four scenarios, including vegetation and soil, were 4.7, 7.1, 9.1, and 6.2 Mg CO2eq ha?1 year?1, respectively. The total soil emissions (including litter and peat respiration CO2 + N2O + CH4) were 33.1, 19.3, 15.3, and 11.0 Mg CO2eq ha?1 year?1, respectively, of which the peat loss contributed 35%, 24%, and 7% of the soil emissions for the three drained scenarios, respectively. No peat was lost for the wet peatland. It was also found that draining increases vegetation growth, but not as drastically as peat respiration does. The cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is sensitive to time frame, discount rate, and carbon price. Our results indicate that the net benefit was greater with a somewhat higher soil water table and when the peatland was vegetated with willow and reed canary grass (Scenarios 2 and 3). We conclude that saving peat and avoiding methane release using fairly wet conditions can significantly reduce GHG emissions, and that this strategy should be considered for land use planning and policy‐making.  相似文献   

  • The ability of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to enhance Lathyrus sativus tolerance to lead (Pb) stress was investigated.
  • Ten consortia formed by mixing four efficient and Pb‐resistant PGPR strains were assessed for their beneficial effect in improving Pb (0.5 mM) uptake and in inducing the host defence system of L. sativus under hydroponic conditions based on various physiological and biochemical parameters.
  • Lead stress significantly decreased shoot (SDW) and root (RDW) dry weight, but PGPR inoculation improved both dry weights, with highest increases in SDW and RDW of plants inoculated with I5 (R. leguminosarum (M5) + P. fluorescens (K23) + Luteibacter sp. + Variovorax sp.) and I9 (R. leguminosarum (M5) + Variovorax sp. + Luteibacter sp. + S. meliloti) by 151% and 94%, respectively. Additionally, inoculation significantly enhanced both chlorophyll and soluble sugar content, mainly in I5 inoculated leaves by 238% and 71%, respectively, despite the fact that Pb decreased these parameters. We also found that PGPR inoculation helps to reduce oxidative damage and enhances antioxidant enzyme activity, phenolic compound biosynthesis, carotenoids and proline content. PGPR inoculation increased Pb uptake in L. sativus, with highest increase in shoots of plants inoculated with I5 and I7, and in roots and nodules of plants inoculated with I1. Moreover, PGPR inoculation enhanced mineral homeostasis for Ca, Cu and Zn under Pb stress, mainly in plants inoculated with I1, I5, I7 and I9.
  • Results of our study suggest the potential of efficient and Pb‐resistant PGPR in alleviating harmful effects of metal stress via activation of various defence mechanisms and enhancing Pb uptake that promotes tolerance of L. sativus to Pb stress.

Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) is one of the most economically important latent viruses infecting apple in China. This is the first report of the almost complete nucleotide sequence and the characterization of the genome of a Chinese isolate (ACLSV‐MS, GenBank Accession Number KC847061 ) from apple. Based on the genome nucleotide sequence, ACLSV‐MS showed the highest identity (99.4%) to isolate ACLSV‐B6 (GenBank Accession Number AB326224 ) from apple in Japan and the least identity (69.5%) with isolate TaTao5 (GenBank Accession Number: EU223295 ) from peach in the USA. The occurrence and distribution of ACLSV in China were also recorded. Three hundred and twenty‐seven apple samples (40 different cultivars) collected from 56 sites in 13 provinces of China were tested by RT‐PCR. The virus was detected in all regions surveyed (the provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Hebei, Beijing, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Sichuan and Yunnan), with an average incidence of 69.7%. The positive samples in Heilongjiang province were highest with an incidence of 100% followed by Henan province with an incidence of 86.7%. The positive samples in Liaoning and Shanxi were the lowest with an incidence of 50%. The occurrence of virus in five common cultivars was determined. The percentage of ACLSV was highest in cv. Gala with an incidence of 33.3%, while lowest in cv. Starking with an incidence of 18.2%. It was also found in younger (≤20 years) apple orchards the occurrence of ACLSV decreased with the increase of tree age, but when trees were more than 20 years old, the occurrence of ACLSV increased. This is the first extensive survey in the last decade in China for monitoring ACLSV, which provides important information for ACLSV control in China.  相似文献   

The evolution of threespine sticklebacks in freshwater lakes constitutes a well‐studied example of a phenotypic radiation that has produced numerous instances of parallel evolution, but the exact selective agents that drive these changes are not yet fully understood. We present a comparative study across 74 freshwater populations of threespine stickleback in Norway to test whether evolutionary changes in stickleback morphology are consistent with adaptations to physical parameters such as lake depth, lake area, lake perimeter and shoreline complexity, variables thought to reflect different habitats and feeding niches. Only weak indications of adaptation were found. Instead, populations seem to have diversified in phenotypic directions consistent with allometric scaling relationships. This indicates that evolutionary constraints may have played a role in structuring phenotypic variation across freshwater populations of stickleback. We also tested whether the number of lateral plates evolved in response to lake calcium levels, but found no evidence for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

  • Abiotic stress, notably high ultraviolet‐B (eUV‐B), limit growth and productivity of many crop plants, but information on response of forage grasses to eUV‐B radiation is rather limited.
  • The present study was therefore conducted to increase our understanding of differential age‐related responses on growth, metabolism and fodder quality of Cenchrus ciliaris‐3108 (Buffel grass) to elevated UV‐B (eUV‐B: 7.2 kJ·m?2·day?1).
  • Plant growth at both growth stages was notably reduced in response to eUV‐B, except for the number of nodes and tillers at vegetative and reproductive stages. At anthesis, tillering increased due to the perennial habit of this plant, but leaf senescence reduced the number of leaves per tiller. Unlike ambient UV‐B, eUV‐B at the vegetative stage resulted in diversion of photosynthate for the formation of secondary metabolites (tannins and phenolics), providing dual protection from photooxidative damage and from herbivory.
  • The forage biomass as well as quality showed a marked decline under eUV‐B and relative nutritive value was reduced at both growth stages.

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