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Large‐scale (circa 500 ha) restoration of species‐rich dry grasslands was conducted using a high‐diversity regional seed mixture in the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic, Central Europe. After sowing, the restored grasslands were regularly mown. Vegetation was analyzed at sites restored 1–12 years ago and compared with that of ancient, extremely species‐rich grasslands nearby. Nearly all (98%) sown target species successfully established and nearly half of unsown target species established spontaneously, partly dependent on distance to the ancient grasslands. Early mowing in the first half of June appeared to support species diversity and broad‐leaved forbs at the expense of competitive grasses. Using a regional seed mixture appeared to be an effective way of restoring dry grasslands and is especially recommended in the proximity of still existing ancient grasslands where spontaneous establishment of unsown target species may reinforce the success of restoration more easily.  相似文献   

Despite potential interactive effects of plant species and genotypic diversity (SD and GD, respectively) on consumers, studies have usually examined these effects separately. We evaluated the individual and combined effects of tree SD and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) GD on the arthropod community associated with mahogany. We conducted this study within the context of a tree diversity experiment consisting of 74 plots with 64 saplings/plot. We sampled 24 of these plots, classified as monocultures of mahogany or polycultures of four species (including mahogany). Within each plot type, mahogany was represented by either one or four maternal families. We surveyed arthropods on mahogany and estimated total arthropod abundance and species richness, as well as abundance and richness separately for herbivorous and predatory arthropods. Overall tree SD and mahogany GD had positive effects on total arthropod species richness and abundance on mahogany, and also exerted interactive effects on total species richness (but not abundance). Analyses conducted by trophic level group showed contrasting patterns; SD positively influenced herbivore species richness but not abundance, and did not affect either predator richness or abundance. GD influenced predator species richness but not abundance, and did not influence herbivore abundance or richness. There were interactive effects of GD and SD only for predator species richness. These results provide evidence that intra‐ and inter‐specific plant diversity exert interactive controls on associated consumer communities, and that the relative importance of SD and GD may vary among higher trophic levels, presumably due to differences in the underlying mechanisms or consumer traits.  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》2005,37(2):291-300
Dung beetles are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems. In tropical rain forests, dung beetle communities can be very rich in number of species and individuals, and they are known to be useful bioindicators of habitat disturbance. In contrast, very little is known about the organization of dung beetle communities in tropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the dung beetle community of a Mexican tropical dry forest and to assess the relative importance of rainfall seasonality and forest structure in affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of this community. Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps at the beginning of the rainy season, the middle of the rainy season, and the middle of the dry season, in two distinct forest types: deciduous forest (DF) and semideciduous forest (SDF) at the Estación de Biología Chamela. Both rainfall seasonality and forest structure affected the community organization of dung beetles. During both rainy periods, 14 species were captured, but only three during the dry season. Dung beetles captured during the dry season were only found in the SDF. When comparing the beginning and the middle of the rainy season, differences in abundance and guild structure were also observed between both periods and between forest types, but these differences were much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Comparative information on the composition and diversity in tree species associations in Miombo woodland is limited. This study assessed how tree species associations across forest reserves of Miombo woodland in Malawi varied in composition and diversity concerning site factors and resource use disturbances under co‐management versus government management. Eighty nested circular plots, randomly selected in ArcGIS, were sampled to record stem diameter at breast height (DBH) of tree species: 0.04 ha for stems 5–29.9 cm DBH and 0.16 ha for stems ≥30 cm DBH. The recorded 109 tree species grouped into communities and 14 sub‐communities, using stem counts by species in TWINSPAN analysis. Sub‐divisions to level 5 showed eigenvalues ≥0.3, symbolising the stability of sub‐divisions. North/South sub‐divisions related to site factors; historical/current resource use influenced differences at levels 3–5. Species importance differed, indicating few important species in each sub‐community. Brachystegia and Julbernardia species showed importance across sub‐communities while Uapaca sansibarica in government management. Disturbances stimulated high species diversity. Recommendations include the need for a policy review towards group‐felling mature stands to stimulate regeneration and selective thinning of suppressed stems in stand development stages to maintain species diversity, productive recovery, diverse resource use value, and monitoring of harvesting impacts.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics are important drivers of variation in wet tropical forest structure and diversity, but few studies have evaluated these relationships in drier forest types. Using tree and soil data from 48 and 32 1 ha plots, respectively, in a Bolivian moist and dry forest, we asked how soil conditions affect forest structure and diversity within each of the two forest types. After correcting for spatial effects, soil‐vegetation relationships differed between the dry and the moist forest, being strongest in the dry forest. Furthermore, we hypothesized that soil nutrients would play a more important role in the moist forest than in the dry forest because vegetation in the moist forest is less constrained by water availability and thus can show its full potential response to soil fertility. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that soil fertility explained a larger number of forest variables in the dry forest (50 percent) than in the moist forest (17 percent). Shannon diversity declined with soil fertility at both sites, probably because the most dominant, shade‐tolerant species strongly increased in abundance as soil fertility increased.  相似文献   

在千岛湖片段化景观中选取20个陆桥岛屿和8个大陆样点,从2012年7月到2014年4月,按季度(春、夏、秋季)6次采用巴氏陷阱法收集地表甲虫,分析其物种多度、组成、多样性和季节动态,以及不同岛屿上的地表甲虫的物种多样性与岛屿面积和隔离度等岛屿空间特征的关系.结果表明: 共收集记录到地表甲虫26科101种3370头.大陆和大岛地表甲虫的物种丰富度有显著差异,且小岛地表甲虫密度显著高于大陆;大陆地表甲虫的物种组成变化较大,而岛屿上分布的地表甲虫的物种组成则变化较小.地表甲虫的物种丰富度与岛屿面积呈显著正相关,密度与隔离度呈显著正相关.夏季岛屿上地表甲虫物种丰富度高于春秋两季,岛屿与大陆样地的Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数均在夏季最高、秋季最低.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降或人类活动导致生态系统氮输入增加,可能会提高土壤氮含量水平,促进优势种的生长和减少环境异质性,从而使物种共存的生态位减少,群落物种多样性降低。为研究土壤氮含量的增加对森林群落乔木树种多样性的影响,本研究在西双版纳热带季节雨林随机设置了14个1 ha的样方,对各样方土壤总氮( TN)含量、乔木树种丰富度以及西双版纳热带季节雨林20 ha动态监测样地中各样方乔木树种及建群种望天树( Parashorea chinensis)生物量进行了调查。结果表明:土壤氮含量与乔木树种丰富度具有显著负相关而与群落及建群种望天树生物量具有显著正相关。我们推测其机制可能是:土壤氮含量增加促进了建群种望天树等的生长及群落生物量的积累,减少树种共存的生态位,由于竞争排斥等原因而导致群落树种丰富度降低。因此,减少生态系统人为氮输入,对于保护西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木树种多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

4种不同演替阶段森林群落物种组成和多样性的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过空间变化代替时间差异和样方法等手段,对浙江省马尾松林针叶(针叶林)、马尾松针阔叶混交林、中龄常绿阔叶林和近熟常绿阔叶林4种不同演替阶段森林群落的物种组成和多样性、群落间相似性进行了研究。结果表明,23个样地共记录维管植物53科105属170种。随着演替的进行,群落物种数、各层次的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数基本上呈现先下降后上升的趋势,并以针阔叶混交林最低,估计跟先锋物种的消失和后期物种的出现这一更替有关。随着演替的进行,各群落间的Jaccard相似性系数逐渐降低,其中针阔叶混交林和中龄常绿阔叶林之间的相似性系数最高,马尾松与近熟常绿阔叶林之间的相似性系数最低。群落主成分分析也得出相似的结果。群落之间的差异主要体现在物种组成尤其是乔木层的组成上;针阔叶混交林是物种丰富度和物种多样性较低的一个群落,但它与其它群落间的相似性较高,并已储存了常绿阔叶林中的大部分物种,对演替起着承前启后的作用。  相似文献   

Cultivation of annual crops in the initial stage of reforestation has been commonly practiced in the tropics. In recent decades, however, cultivation of such areas has been discontinued, resulting in widespread abandoned settlements. In this article we used a former forest village settlement in Kenya, which had been cleared, cultivated and then abandoned, to study how natural vegetation recovers after such disturbances. Species richness, abundance, and composition of tree seedlings, saplings, adult trees, shrubs, and herbs were recorded in different zones, from a heavily degraded zone in the center of the settlement, through less disturbed transition zones (TZs), and in the surrounding secondary forest (SF). Species richness and abundance of tree seedlings, saplings, and adult trees increased gradually from the heavily degraded zone to the SF, whereas shrub and herb richness were the same for TZs and SF and abundance was lowest in the SF. Total species richness was highest in the SF. Some pioneer tree species were highly associated with the TZs, whereas sub‐canopy tree species were associated with the SF. A group of tree species were not particularly associated with any of the four zones. Thus, these species might have good potential as restoration species. The results of our study contribute to the knowledge of natural regeneration in general, and of individual species characterizing the different stages of recovery of abandoned settlements in particular. Such information is urgently needed in designing ecologically sound management strategies for restoring abandoned forest settlements in tropical areas.  相似文献   

The large number of abandoned quarries in many countries presents challenges for restoration of these extremely degraded habitats. To understand soil and plant development in these extreme habitats at a most critical stage of restoration, we evaluated the edaphic conditions and natural vegetation of three large quarries in southern China 3, 5, and 7 years following abandonment. Although soil fertility (organic matter, and N, P, K concentrations) did not differ significantly over a few years, it was much higher than would be expected from newly weathered soil and was comparable to that of the adjacent garden soil on level ground with no slope. This suggests that soil formation on the steep slopes of quarry cliffs is a secondary migration process rather than a primary weathering process. Vegetation cover increased from 10.6 to 18.6 and 23.4%, and species abundance increased from 8 to 11 and 12 species, and from 3 to 6 and 7 families. Plant species composition changed from predominantly annual and perennial herbaceous species to a more diverse community with drought-tolerant and heliophilous shrubs. The vegetation cover was highly positively correlated with soil depth and soil volume ( p < 0.001), and also significantly correlated with soil organic matter, total N, and available N and P concentrations ( p < 0.05). This suggests that vegetation succession is more limited by available soil volume than by soil fertility during the early stages of quarry restoration.  相似文献   

以吉林省长白山金沟岭林场云冷杉天然林为研究对象,定量分析不同择伐强度(对照0%、弱度择伐20.6%、中度择伐29.9%和重度择伐41.6%)下其乔木层树种组成及物种多样性的动态变化规律。结果显示:采伐后经10年恢复,择伐对原有林分结构影响不大,其中弱度和中度择伐仍能保持择伐前以冷杉占优势、红松和云杉占亚优势的物种结构,重度择伐使林分结构略有改变,但不明显;相比择伐前,择伐后经10年恢复的样地α多样性指数均有所增加,优势度指数均有不同程度的降低,其中弱度择伐样地的物种丰富度指数、多样性指数及均匀度指数的增加量和优势度指数的减少量均最大,说明弱度择伐有利于改善林分物种多样性状况,使林分物种更为丰富。本研究结果表明采取弱度择伐的方式更有利于维持林分物种结构及物种多样性,有利于云冷杉天然林的可持续经营和发展。  相似文献   

Riparian forest restoration generally involves introduction of later‐successional tree species, but poor species suitability to severely altered or degraded site conditions results in high mortality and poor community development. Additionally, while microtopographic heterogeneity plays a crucial role in the development of natural riparian forests, little is known regarding effects of restored or created microtopography on the development of introduced plant communities. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of created microtopography and soil treatments on early development of introduced pioneer and later‐successional plant communities in riparian forest restoration. Ridges, flats, and a mound‐and‐pool complex were created, and pioneer and later‐successional tree assemblages were planted within plots in each of these three microtopographic positions. Straw‐based erosion control mats were placed on half the plots as a source of mulch. After two growing seasons, growth and survival of the pioneer assemblage were equal among microtopographic positions, but survival of the later‐successional assemblage was significantly higher on ridges (59%) than on mounds and pools (22%) and flats (26%). A suitability index indicated that performance of the later‐successional assemblage on ridges was higher than that of the pioneer assemblage for all microtopographic positions. Flood duration explained much of the variation in plant assemblage survival, and erosion control mats had little influence on seedling survival. Restoring microtopographic features has the potential to enhance species survival and promote community development. Microtopographic restoration may be as important in riparian forest restoration as proper species selection and hydrologic reestablishment, especially at severely disturbed sites.  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷灌丛土壤种子库及其自然更新潜力评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被土壤种子库的特征及预测灌丛植被自然更新的潜力,利用土壤种子库"萌发法"(每个地段15个2m×2m样方内分土表层、0-5cm土层和5-10cm土层采集土样)及野外植被调查方法(每个地段15个1m×1m的调查样方),研究了岷江干旱河谷3个地段(河谷下游边缘汶川地段、核心茂县地段以及上游边缘松潘地段)阳坡灌丛植被土壤种子库及其与地上植物群落的关系。发现:土壤种子库发芽试验共观察到4274株幼苗,分属于113个物种。土壤种子库密度在102—103ind./m2,物种数在12—23种/0.06m2,边缘地段的土壤种子库平均种子密度(ind./m2)和平均物种数(种/0.06m2)均比中心地段(茂县)高。3个地段土壤种子库和地上植被的组成物种均多为多年生植物,地上灌丛与其土壤种子库的密度及物种数均呈不显著相关性;物种组成的Sorensen相似性指数较低,不足30%,但土壤种子库均比地上植被具有更高的物种丰富度。综合分析表明,岷江干旱河谷灌丛具有依靠土壤种子库实现自然更新的潜力,但由于物种组成相似性较低,现存灌丛植被一旦遭到破坏后,单依靠土壤种子库自然恢复到现存植被是困难的,需要在自然恢复潜力评估基础上积极充分采取人工促进自然恢复的策略,同时也应充分考虑干旱河谷植被及其自然更新潜力的空间异质性。探明岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被的土壤种子库特征,是认识灌丛植被自然更新潜力的基础,是合理制订该区植被恢复与管理措施的重要依据。  相似文献   

Thomas Wagner 《Biotropica》2000,32(3):502-514
Beetles were collected on 64 trees of four species (Cynometra alexandri C. H. Wright, Rinorea beniemis (Welwitsch ex Olivier) Kuntze, Teclea nobilis Delile, and Trichilia rubescens Olivier) in Budongo Forest, Uganda, using an insecticidal fogging technique. Selected tree species were abundant, taxonomically not closely related, and different in the shape of leaves, growth form, and size, with heights between 7 and 35 m. Trees were fogged in an old primary forest stand, in an area of secondary forest where selective logging was performed, and in a swamp forest. Eight conspecific trees per forest type were fogged. A total of 29,736 beetles were collected from all trees that could be assigned to 1433 (morpho)‐species; 41.6 percent were singletons and 89.6 percent of species were found with less than ten individuals. Abundant beetle taxa included Latridiidae (N= 4093), Chrysomelidae (3952), Staphylinidae (2931), Apioninae (2621), and Curculionidae (2457). Most species‐rich groups were Staphylinidae (N= 196 spp.), Curculionidae (189), and Chrysomelidae (148). Abundance increased in the order: primary < secondary < swamp forest. Due to the relatively high dominance of some species in the secondary forest, species richness increased in the order: secondary < primary < swamp forest. Beta diversity measures and factor analysis showed distinct differences among forest types but higher similarity of beetle communities on different tree species within one forest type. The taxonomic distribution of beetles in the secondary forest was more heterogeneous than in the primary forest. Analyses of the data revealed low host specificity even for phytophagous beetles, underlining the importance of habitat structure and chance effects on the spatial distribution of beetles in the canopy of Budongo Forest.  相似文献   

以中国北亚热带退化灌木林改造而来的木荷-青冈栎混交林和杜英纯林为对象,研究树种组成对常绿阔叶人工林生态系统碳储量的影响。结果表明:(1)退化灌木林改造成两种人工林生长11年后,生态系统植被、土壤碳储量均显著增加;植被碳储量的增加主要来自乔木层。(2)两种人工林碳积累能力有差异。杜英林植被碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高99.4%,其中杜英林的乔木层碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高27.75t·hm-2,是后者的2倍;杜英林土壤有机碳储量(0~50cm)显著高于木荷-青冈栎林10.17t·hm-2,其中在0~10、20~30cm土层杜英林均显著高于木荷-青冈栎林。研究表明,退化灌木林人工改造成常绿阔叶林后生态系统碳储量显著增加,杜英纯林碳蓄积能力明显高于木荷-青冈栎混交林,说明在以增加碳储量为目的的退化生态系统改造过程中,树种选择非常重要。  相似文献   

Soil seed banks are the ecological memory of plant communities and might represent their regeneration potential. This study examines the soil seed bank in hardwood floodplain forests of the biosphere reserve “Valle del Ticino” (Northern Italy) to find out whether the natural forest vegetation can potentially be restored by the soil seed bank. We compared near natural forests of the phytosociological association Polygonato multiflori–Quercetum roboris with stands dominated by the nonnative tree species Robinia pseudoacacia and Prunus serotina in order to investigate whether the composition of the soil seed bank is significantly influenced by the composition of the main canopy tree species and soil properties. Soil seed bank samples were taken from 20 randomly selected plots in stands that were differentiated into four groups related to the dominant forest canopy species. The germinated plants were counted and their species determined. A total of 2,427 plants belonging to 84 species were recorded. The composition of the dominant tree species and soil parameters significantly influence the composition of the seed bank. The similarity with the standing vegetation was very low. Only 13% of the species in the soil seed bank represent the target vegetation. The low percentage of target species and the high percentage of nonnative species imply that the regeneration of near‐natural forest vegetation from the soil seed bank is not feasible. Consequently, disturbances that may activate the soil seed bank should be minimized. Thus, we recommend stopping the mechanical removal of the nonnative tree species in the Ticino Park .  相似文献   

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