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A number of behavioral experiments have attempted to measurethe absolute taste thresholds in the rat. Certain aspects ofthe procedures and methods of data analysis used in these experimentsare reviewed with the suggestions that: (1) Although comparisonshave commonly been made between the taste threshold values reportedin different experiments, these are not valid because of theabsence of a common definition of threshold. (2) The high thresholdmodel on which these experiments are based may be inappropriate.(3) It is possible to measure taste sensitivity rather thantaste thresholds, and (4) Had these points been considered inprevious experiments different conclusions might have resultedregarding the effects of adrenalectomy on NaCl sensitivity.  相似文献   

Difference taste thresholds, expressed as jnd values or Weberratios, were determined for sucrose in water and in orange juiceat laboratories in Sweden, U.S.A., Poland and Switzerland usinga method of constant stimuli. The following total arithmeticmean values of all 172 individual jnd values were obtained:0.266 and 0.400% sucrose at 2 and 5% sucrose in water, respectively;0.977 and 1.19% sucrose at 1.5 and 3.75% sucrose in orange juice,respectively. The frequency distributions of the individualvalues were asymetrical and showed a large variation among subjects.The results of some additional experiments at 2 and 5% sucrosein orange juice, performed only by the Polish laboratory, arereported also. Significance analyses performed according to one parametricmethod (t-test), using pooled data of groups of subjects, andone non-parametric method (Mann-Whitney's U-test), using individualthreshold values, gave the same conclusion in practically allcases. The data indicated that females had slightly lower average discriminationthresholds than males. There was a significant degree of correlationbetween subjects' discriminatory ability at different concentrationsof sucrose in each of the two media. Few significant differences between the laboratories were foundfor sucrose in water, whereas for sucrose in orange juice thefollowing rank order, from lowest to highest average jnd value,among the laboratories was obtained for both concentrationstested: Poland < U.S.A. < Sweden = Switzerland. Some speculationswere advanced as partial explanation for the differences amongthe laboratories. *Formerly Johansson  相似文献   

金不换鲜三七液对哺乳动物致突变和致畸安全性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了金不换鲜三七液特殊毒理学效应的致突变性。以小鼠骨髓细胞染色体畸变试验、小鼠睾丸减数分裂染色体畸变及小鼠致畸试验为指标, 研究金不换鲜三七液的安全性。结果: (a) 小鼠骨髓细胞染色体畸变试验: 低、中、高3 个剂量组小鼠骨髓细胞染色体畸变率分别为0-7 % 、0-2% 和0-9 % , 与对照组相比无显著差异。阳性对照组染色体畸变率大大增高。(b) 小鼠睾丸减数分裂细胞染色体畸变: 在本实验条件下, 小鼠睾丸细胞染色体畸变率[ 包括性染色体单价体(X- YU) , 常染色体单价体(AU)] 在各实验组和对照组之间无显著差异。(c) 小鼠致畸试验: 小鼠口服金不换鲜三七液的累积剂量达15 g/kg 体重的1/10、1/5 和1/2 , 小鼠致畸试验也无显著差异。实验结果表明, 金不换鲜三七液安全无毒。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to observe the impact of a perceptible difference in the liking of milk on consumption of the milk in both laboratory and cafeteria settings. We produced milk with no flavor defects and milk with a light oxidized flavor. The defect-free milk scored about 1 point higher than the off-flavored milk on a 9-point hedonic scale. We placed the same two milk products in the milk dispenser in a dormitory cafeteria for a total of 32 dinner meals and measured the amount of milk consumed. A subset of subjects from the cafeteria population also consumed the milks in a laboratory consumption test. In a second laboratory consumption test a different group of subjects consumed the two milks. The liking difference had no impact on consumption in the dormitory food service setting and either no impact or a small impact on consumption in a laboratory setting.  相似文献   

One objective of this study was to compare taste test ratings with amounts consumed and postconsumption ratings made as iced teas of different strengths were repeatedly consumed. The second objective was to determine whether sensory specific satiety could be used as a rapid indicator of long term acceptability of the teas. Subjects first rated their liking of and the flavor intensity of several samples of lemon flavored iced tea. Two tea concentrations were selected from this test to represent distinctly different flavor intensities. Taste test liking ratings of the strong concentration were higher than those of the weak concentration. Subjects consumed either the strong or the weak iced tea ad lib on 20 different afternoons over a 2-month period and rated their liking of the tea after each session. We measured the amount of tea consumed each time. On repeated consumption the subjects liked the weaker tea better than the stronger tea. Subjects consumed about the same amount of each tea. A different group of 15 subjects participated in a sensory specific satiety study of the same two teas. Those subjects drank more of the weak tea than the strong tea.  相似文献   

研究了3个杂交组合的杂交稻及其亲本的光合功能。实验结果表明,杂交稻的叶绿素(Chl)和类胡萝卜素(Car)的含量高于其亲本。在2组有优杂交组合中,杂交稻的PSⅡ活性、PSⅡ原初光能转化效率和叶片潜在光合作用量子转化效率,以及光合电子传递能力和对两个光系统之间激发能分配的调节能力,均高于其各自的亲本。此外,上述各光合功能又以母本优于父本。然而,在无优组合中,上述的光合功能却是父本高于母本和它们的子一代。根据所得的实验结果,进一步证实在配置杂交组合时,选择具有优良光合功能的母本,是获得在生产上可推广应用的杂交稻的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

贵州化石丰富,素有古生物王国之称,其中早期特异埋藏后生生物十分发育,由老至新有埃迪卡拉系的瓮安生物群、江口庙河生物群、寒武系第1统的小壳动物群、第2统下部的牛蹄塘生物群及中上部的杷榔动物群、第3统底部的凯里生物群。这些特异埋藏生物群与云南寒武系的澄江动物群、关山生物群及陕南埃迪卡拉系高家山生物群构成了我国早期后生生物的演化链,反映了从动物起源(瓮安生物群)、可疑多门类动物出现(江口庙河生物群)、动物骨骼化(高家山生物群)、生物矿化质和量的变化或骨骼动物爆发性辐射(小壳动物群)及海绵动物辐射(牛蹄塘生物群)再到动物主要门类出现的寒武纪大爆发(澄江动物群)、海洋生物多样化及生态复杂化(凯里生物群)的演化过程。  相似文献   

Aproblem central to sensory difference testing is response bias. There are two experimental strategies for dealing with this problem. The first is to use forced choice procedures, like the common duo-trio or triangle tests, while the second is to use signal detection measures like d′, P(A) and the R-index. These strategies are explained and discussed. The relationship between the R-index and the other signal detection measures is explained. The relationship between R-index values obtained by rating and ranking is explored, as are the alternative computations of the R-index by ranking: Rjb and Rmat.  相似文献   

几组杂交组合的杂交稻及其亲本光合特性的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了3组杂交组合的杂交稻及其亲本的光合特性。结果表明,杂交稻叶片单位鲜重的光合色素含量明显高于它们的亲本。它们的PSⅡ活性、PSⅡ原始光能转化效率和叶片的潜在光合作用量子转化效率,以及光合电子传递率和对两个光系统之间激发分配的调节能均高于各自的亲本。此外,上述各光合功能又以母本优于父本。根据所得的实验结果,认为在配置杂交组合时,选择具有优良光合功能的母本,是获得在生产上可推广应用的杂交稻的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

Juice vesicles of Valencia orange were grown on agar bases containing different concentrations of kinetin plus mineral and organic constituents, or in comparable liquid solution (shake cultures), maintained at approximately 26 C. Shake cultures enlarge most rapidly, but both maintain similar patterns of anatomical development. Typically, marginal parenchymatous cells of the sac become meristematic and develop, largely by periclinal division, generalized cambial meristems that enlarge the callus by the addition of linear rows of cells. Chloroplasts and wound tracheids with bordered pits mature within 30 days, but to date no further differentiation has been noted. Surface cells frequently enlarge, detach, and grow into branched hyphal aggregations of cells. Media containing 1.0 mg/liter kinetin causes greater enlargement of callus than media with 0.02 mg/liter kinetin.  相似文献   

革胡子鲇触须味蕾及其味觉反应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
革胡子鲇(Clariasgariepinus)上颌须有体表味蕾存在,约为12个/mm ̄2,由通过眼眶后下缘的面神经分枝联系。用电生理学方法记录传入神经冲动,测定上颌须味蕾对多种动物组织浸提液和氨基酸的味觉敏感性。除甘氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-色氨酸和L-酪氨酸外,多数刺激物能引起有效的昧觉反应。氨基酸中,L-精氨酸刺激最有效,阈值低达10 ̄(-7)mol/L左右。氨基酸引起的味觉反应与浸提液的反应特性相似:快适应;位相性反应;高浓度刺激下出现饱和。各种刺激物的味觉反应的阈值、反应速率和相对反应强度有不同,由电生理记录得到的敏感性结果可在行为学实验中得到验证,并发现体表昧蕾的味觉反应与鱼类的摄饵行为有关。饵料中的游离氨基酸可能是这种行为的引诱剂。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The growth rates of eleven representative thermoduric bacteria, comprising 3 aerobic spore formers, 3 streptococci, 1 Corynebacterium lacticum and 4 micrococci, have been determined in glucose broth and sterile pasteurized milk at 37·5°, 26° and 15°. The spore formers and streptococci were generally not affected by the presence of inhibitory factors in pasteurized milk. When multiplication of micrococci and C. lacticum occurred in milk this was only after a lag period. One micrococcus showed an unusual series of growth phases in glucose broth at 37·5°, possibly due to the appearance of mutants or to adaptation of the organism to growth at that temperature. This was not observed in pasteurized milk. C. lacticum died off when incubated in glucose broth at 37·5°.
None of the keeping quality tests was more effective than any other in detecting these organisms in milk. The micrococci and C. lacticum had little effect on the keeping quality of pasteurized milk within the period of 'commercial life'. Some of the spore formers and streptococci showed marked differences in the end-points with the clot-on-boiling and the alcohol precipitation tests.  相似文献   

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