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Infection of T-lymphocytes and macrophages by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is mediated by the binding of the HIV envelope glycoprotein to the cell-surface receptor glycoprotein CD4. A soluble, recombinant CD4 molecule (rCD4), produced by expression of a truncated CD4 gene in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells [Smith et al. (1987) Science 238, 1704-1707], is in clinical trials as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In the present study, the structures of the Asn-linked oligosaccharides of soluble rCD4 have been elucidated. The rCD4 molecule has two potential sites for N-glycosylation, Asn-271 and Asn-300. Tryptic glycopeptides containing either of the sites were purified by reversed-phase HPLC, and their oligosaccharides were released enzymatically. The structures of the oligosaccharides were determined by methylation analysis, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz. Asn-271 was found to carry diantennary N-acetyllactosamine-type ("complex") oligosaccharides, of which 8% were asialo, 55% were monosialyl, and 37% were disialyl. Approximately 18% of these structures contained fucose alpha(1-->6) linked to the reducing GlcNAc residue. Two different hybrid structures were found to account for 34% of the oligosaccharides attached to Asn-300. The remainder of the oligosaccharides attached to Asn-300 were diantennary N-acetyllactosamine-type, of which 10% were asialo, 61% were monosialyl, and 29% were disialyl. Approximately 9% of the hybrid structures and 40% of the N-acetyllactosamine structures at Asn-300 were found to contain fucose alpha(1-->6) linked to the innermost GlcNAc residue.  相似文献   

HPLC analysis of sialic acids released from recombinant variants of human tissue plasminogen activator, human chimeric plasminogen activator, human erythropoietin, and human follitropin, expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, demonstrates for each glycoprotein the presence of N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycolylneuraminic acid in a ratio of 97:3. Structural analysis by 500 MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy, of the enzymatically released N-linked carbohydrate chains of chimeric plasminogen activator and of erythropoietin, showed that alpha 2-3 linked N-glycolylneuraminic acid can occur in different N-acetyllactosamine type antennary structures.  相似文献   

Purified membranes from surface-labelled phytohemagglutinin-resistant (PhaR) and wild-type chinese hamster ovary cells have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis. Gel patterns were compared for cells labelled via galactose oxidase and B3H4 or lactoperoxidase and radioactive iodide. The results suggest that PhaR cells are altered in the carbohydrate portion of a number of their membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the most popular mammalian cell factories for the production of glycosylated biopharmaceuticals. To further increase titer and productivity and ensure product quality, rational system-level engineering strategies based on constraint-based metabolic modeling, such as flux balance analysis (FBA), have gained strong interest. However, the quality of FBA predictions depends on the accuracy of the experimental input data, especially on the exchange rates of extracellular metabolites. Yet, it is not standard practice to devote sufficient attention to the accurate determination of these rates. In this work, we investigated to what degree the sampling frequency during a batch culture and the measurement errors of metabolite concentrations influence the accuracy of the calculated exchange rates and further, how this error then propagates into FBA predictions of growth rates. We determined that accurate measurements of essential amino acids with low uptake rates are crucial for the accuracy of FBA predictions, followed by a sufficient number of analyzed time points. We observed that the measured difference in growth rates of two cell lines can only be reliably predicted when both high measurement accuracy and sampling frequency are ensured.  相似文献   

We have engineered two Chinese hamster ovary cell lines secreting different recombinant glycoproteins to express high levels of human beta1,4-galactosyltransferase (GT, E.C. and/or alpha2, 3-sialyltransferase (ST, E.C. N-linked oligosaccharide structures synthesized by cells overexpressing the glycosyltransferases showed greater homogeneity compared with control cell lines. When GT was overexpressed, oligosaccharides terminating with GlcNAc were significantly reduced compared with controls, whereas overexpression of ST resulted in sialylation of >/=90% of available branches. As expected, GT overexpression resulted in reduction of oligosaccharides terminating with GlcNAc, whereas overexpression of ST resulted in sialylation of >/=90% of available branches. The more highly sialylated glycoproteins had a significantly longer mean residence time in a rabbit model of pharmacokinetics. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of genetically engineering cell lines to produce therapeutics with desired glycosylation patterns.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) is a novel, early-acting hematopoietic factor. It was isolated from the medium of a rat cell line in a soluble, processed form (Zsebo et al., 1990, Cell 63, 195). The cloned human and rat genes encode the soluble form plus additional C-terminal amino acids including a hydrophobic transmembrane domain (Martin et al., 1990, Cell 63, 203). We have recombinantly expressed forms of human and rat SCF corresponding to the soluble, processed form in Escherichia coli and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. After expression in E. coli, folding and oxidation of the SCF polypeptides are required. The SCFs expressed in CHO cells are secreted into the medium in active state and, like the natural SCF, are glycosylated. Purification of the recombinant SCFs is described. Biological and biochemical characterization includes activity toward responsive human and mouse cell lines, N-terminal amino acid sequences, disulfide bond linkages, and sites of glycosylation.  相似文献   

Purified membranes from surface-labelled phytohemagglutinin-resistant (Pha(R) and wild-type chinese hamster ovary cells have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis. Gel patterns were compared for cells labelled via galactose oxidase and B-3H4 or lactoperoxidase and radioactive iodide. The results suggest that Pha-R cells are altered in the carbohydrate portion of a number of their membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

A protein that binds kainate with high affinity has been purified and cloned from frog brain (Rana pipiens) and has approximately 35% sequence homology with mammalian non-N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors, some of which have been shown to be ligand-gated ion channels. Frog brain membranes and membranes from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the cDNA coding for the frog kainate-binding protein (CHO-4 cells) bound kainate with essentially identical affinity (KD values of 1.9 and 2.1 nM, respectively). In both tissues, the affinity for kainate decreased 9-fold in the presence of 100 microM GTP gamma S (guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate). No specific kainate binding to nontransfected CHO cell membranes was observed. GTP gamma S and GDP were effective inhibitors of kainate binding, while cGMP and adenosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate had no effect in either frog brain membranes or CHO-4 membranes. Pretreatment of CHO-4 cell membranes with pertussis toxin led to a 34% decrease in kainate binding. Kainate increased the binding of [3H]5'-guanylyl imidodiphosphate by 61%, and the rate of GTP hydrolysis by up to 5-fold. These results indicate that the kainate receptor cloned from frog brain can interact functionally with a G protein present in CHO-4 cell membranes.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharide structures linked to Asn289 of a recombinant (r) variant (R561S) human plasminogen (HPg) expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, after transfection of these cells with a plasmid containing the cDNA coding for the variant HPg, have been determined. Employing high-performance anion-exchange liquid chromatography mapping of the oligosaccharide units cleaved from the protein by glycopeptidase F, compared with elution positions of standard oligosaccharides, coupled with monosaccharide compositional determinations and analyses of sequential exoglycosidase digestions and specific lectin binding, we find that considerable microheterogeneity in oligosaccharide structure exists at this sole potential N-linked glycosylation site on HPg. A variety of high-mannose structures, as well as bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex-type carbohydrate, has been found, in relative amounts of 1-25% of the total oligosaccharides. The complex-type structures contain variable amounts of sialic acid (Sia), ranging from 0 to 5 mol/mol of oligosaccharide in the different glycan structures. Neither hybrid-type molecules, N-acetylglucosamine bisecting oligosaccharides, nor N-acetyllactosaminyl-repeat structures were found to be present in the complex-type carbohydrate pool in observable amounts. Of interest, a significant portion of the Sia exists an outer arm structures in an (alpha 2,6) linkage to the penultimate galactose, a novel finding in CHO cell-directed glycosylation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neurokinins are a family of neuropeptides with widespread distribution mediating a broad spectrum of physiological actions through three distinct receptor subtypes: NK-1, NK-2, and NK-3. We investigated some of the second messenger and cellular processes under control by the recombinant bovine NK-2 receptor stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In this system the NK-2 receptor displays its expected pharmacological characteristics, and the physiological agonist neurokinin A stimulates several cellular responses. These include 1) transient inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) formation and Ca2+ mobilization, 2) increased out put of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), 3) enhanced cyclic AMP (cAMP) generation, 4) increased de novo DNA synthesis, and 5) an induction of the "immediate early" genes c-fos and c-jun. Although NK-2 receptor-mediated IP3 formation involves activation of a pertussis toxin-insensitive G-protein, increased cAMP production is largely a secondary response and can be at least partially attributed to autocrine stimulation by endogenously generated eicosanoids, particularly PGE2. This is the first demonstration that a single recombinant neurokinin receptor subtype can regulate, either directly or indirectly, multiple signal transduction pathways and suggests several potential important mediators of neurokinin actions under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A light vesicle fraction, apparently derived from the plasma membrane, was obtained following breakage of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by means of a fluid pump disrupting device. The final preparation was enriched approx. 40-fold over the homogenate in K+,Na+-stimulated ATPase and phosphodiesterase I, but only approx. 10-fold in 125I specific radioactivity after lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination. This preparation was compared with another plasma membrane fraction purified as large sheets via a two-phase centrifugation procedure. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by Coomassie blue staining indicated that both fractions were fairly similar in polypeptide composition, although a few consistent differences were evident. However, staining of glycoproteins by the periodic acid-Schiff technique or by overlaying with 125I-labeled concanavalin A showed that the vesicle fraction was highly enriched in groups of high molecular weight, acidic glycoproteins which stain only weakly with Coomassie blue. These glycoproteins also bound 125I-labeled ricin I agglutinin and wheat germ agglutinin. They appear to be the major receptors for wheat germ agglutinin on the CHO cell surface. After surface labeling of cells by the 125I-lactoperoxidase technique, the membrane sheet fraction contained a large number of iodinated polypeptides, whereas labeling in the vesicle fraction was restricted almost entirely to the high molecular weight, acidic glycoproteins. It is proposed that the vesicle fraction constitutes a specific domain of the cell surface which is coated on its exterior by this group of glycoproteins. These components probably mask underlying proteins of the plasma membrane from external labeling.  相似文献   

Serum levels of human placental leucine aminopeptidase/oxytocinase (P-LAP) increase with gestation. cDNA cloning of P-LAP revealed that the enzyme is a type II membrane-bound protein containing the consensus HEXXH(X)18E motif found in the M1 family of zinc-metallopeptidase proteins. In this study, a recombinant soluble form of P-LAP found in maternal serum was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, purified to homogeneity and then characterized. Although N-terminal sequencing revealed a four-amino-acid deletion, the purified enzyme was active and was shown to be a zinc-containing homodimeric protein with molecular mass of 280 kDa in solution. Using artificial substrates, it was shown that the enzyme has broad specificity and is inhibited by several compounds known as aminopeptidase inhibitors. Subsequently, sequential N-terminal amino-acid liberation of several peptide hormones by the enzyme was monitored and structures of the products were determined. Among the hormones having a cysteine residue at their N-terminal end and intramolecular disulfide bonds, it was found that vasopressin and oxytocin, but not calcitonin and endothelins, were cleaved by the enzyme. Because the molecular properties of oxytocinase so far reported often conflict, our results provide an initial biochemical and enzymatic characterization of moleculary defined P-LAP/oxytocinase.  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked sugar chains of recombinant human interleukin 5 produced by Chinese hamster ovary cells were released quantitatively as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. After N-acetylation followed by NaB3H4 reduction, each oligosaccharide was isolated by paper electrophoresis and serial lectin column chromatography. Study of their structures by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis, revealed that they are bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex-type with fucosylated and non-fucosylated trimannosyl cores and high mannose type sugar chains. More than 80% of the sugar chains occur as biantennary complex-type sugar chains. Although acidic oligosaccharides amount to only 14% of the total oligosaccharides, their sialic acid residues occur exclusively as the Sia alpha 2----3Gal group. Removal of the sugar moiety from intact recombinant human interleukin 5 produced a 2.5-fold increase of its activity to induce IgM secretion.  相似文献   

Adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase (A-LAP) is a recently identified novel member of the M1 family of zinc-metallopeptidases. Transfection of the A-LAP cDNA into COS-7 cells resulted in the secretion of the enzyme. In this study, recombinant A-LAP was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, purified to homogeneity and its enzymatic properties were characterized. The purified enzyme was active towards a synthetic substrate, L-leucyl-p-nitroanilide, yielding a V(max) of 3.55 micromol/min/mg and a K(m) of 1.28 mM, and was shown to be a monomeric protein with molecular mass of 120 kDa in solution. By monitoring the sequential N-terminal amino acid liberation, it was found that the enzyme hydrolyzes a variety of bioactive peptides, including angiotensin II and kallidin. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that the enzyme is expressed in the cortex of the human kidney, where tissue kallikrein is localized. Taken together, these results indicate that A-LAP possesses a broad substrate specificity towards naturally occurring peptide hormones and suggest that it plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure through the inactivation of angiotensin II and/or the generation of bradykinin in the kidney.  相似文献   

Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with the expression vector containing rabbit brain HepG2-type glucose transporter cDNA resulted in a dramatic over-expression (approximately 10-fold) of glucose transporter as assessed by either immunoblotting with antipeptide antibody against rabbit brain glucose transporter or photoaffinity labeling with [3H]cytochalasin B. 2-Deoxyglucose uptake was also increased 4-fold in the transfected cells, while no increase in transport activity or transporter amount was observed in cells that were transfected with the expression vector alone without glucose transporter cDNA. Significantly, insulin (10(-7) M) increased 2-deoxyglucose uptake in both control and transfected cells, but the increased amount of the transported 2-deoxyglucose by insulin in the transfected cells was 4.2-fold greater than that in control cells, indicating that the expressed rabbit brain HepG2-type glucose transporter responded to insulin. In addition, we have recently demonstrated that the HepG2-type glucose transporter exists in rat adipocytes and responds to insulin in a fashion similar to a majority of other types of glucose transporters (Oka, Y., Asano, T., Shibasaki, Y., Kasuga, M., Kanazawa, Y., and Takaku, F. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 13432-13439). In contrast, insulin did not stimulate glucose transport activity in HepG2 cells or IM-9 lymphocytes that have a significant amount of the HepG2-type glucose transporter. Thus, the results in this study further support the notion that insulin regulation of glucose transport activity depends on a tissue-specific signaling mechanism.  相似文献   

Recombinant human tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA), produced by expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells, is a fibrin-specific plasminogen activator which has been approved for clinical use in the treatment of myocardial infarction. In this study, the structures of the Asn-linked oligosaccharides of Chinese hamster ovary-expressed rt-PA have been elucidated. High mannose and hybrid oligosaccharides were released from the protein by endoglycosidase H digestion, whereas N-acetyllactosamine-type ("complex") oligosaccharides were released by peptide:N-glycosidase F digestion. The oligosaccharides were fractionated by gel permeation chromatography and anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and their structures were analyzed by composition and methylation analysis, high pH anion exchange chromatography, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS), and 500-MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. High mannose oligosaccharides were found to account for 38% of the total carbohydrate content of rt-PA and consisted of Man5GlcNAc2, Man6GlcNAc2, and Man7GlcNAc2 in the ratio 1.8:1.7:1. Two hybrid oligosaccharides were identified and accounted for 3% of the carbohydrate of rt-PA. The N-acetyllactosamine-type oligosaccharides were found to comprise diantennary (34% of total carbohydrate), 2,4-branched triantennary (11%), 2,6-branched triantennary (9%), and tetraantennary (5%) structures. Sialylation of these oligosaccharides was by alpha (2----3) linkages to galactose. Most (greater than 90%) of the N-acetyllactosamine-type structures contained fucose alpha (1----6) linked to the Asn-linked N-acetylglucosamine residue. The distribution of oligosaccharide structures at individual glycosylation sites (Asn residues 117, 184, and 448) was also determined. rt-PA exists as two variants that differ by the presence (type I) or absence (type II) of carbohydrate at Asn-184. Tryptic glycopeptides were isolated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography and treated with peptide:N-glycosidase F. The oligosaccharides released from each glycosylation site were analyzed by high pH anion exchange chromatography. By this analysis, Asn-117 was demonstrated to carry exclusively high mannose oligosaccharides. When glycosylated, Asn-184 carried diantennary, 2,4-branched triantennary, 2,6-branched triantennary, and tetraantennary N- acetyllactosamine oligosaccharides in the ratio 9.0:4.5:1.4:1. Asn- 448 carried the same types of oligosaccharides, but in the ratio 7.5:1.6:2.1:1. The distributions of Asn-linked oligosaccharides at positions 117 and 448 were found not to be affected by the presence or absence of carbohydrate at position 184. The relevance of the  相似文献   

We have purified recombinant murine interleukin 5 (rmIL-5) from the supernatant of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Each peptide fragment of the purified rmIL-5 generated by Achromobacter protease I digestion was characterized and glycosylation sites were determined. Although rmIL-5 contains three potential sites of N-linked glycosylation (Asn-26, Asn-55 and Asn-69), Asn-69 is not glycosylated. The oligosaccharides released from the protein by hydrazinolysis were fractionated by paper electrophoresis, lectin column chromatography and gel permeation chromatography, and their structures were analysed by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. The results indicated that they are a mixture of bi-, tri- and tetraantennary complex-type sugar chains with and without a fucose at the C-6 position of the proximal N-acetylglucosamine residue and high-mannose-type sugar chains. Although > 80% of the sugar chains are neutral oligosaccharides similar to recombinant human IL-5 (rhIL-5; Kodama, S., Endo, T., Tsuroka, N., Tsujimoto, M. and Kobata, A. (1991) J. Biochem., 110, 693-701), rmIL-5 has more tetraantennary oligosaccharides than rhIL-5. A site differential study revealed that Asn-55 has more tetraantennary oligosaccharides than Asn-26.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin 5 (rhIL-5) expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells was purified and characterized. Molecular heterogeneity was observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two major components of Mr around 40,000 were detected under non-reducing conditions. However, under reducing conditions, the Mr of rhIL-5 was determined to be 22,000 and 20,000. After treatment with endoglycosidase F, a band with an apparent Mr of 18,000 was observed. Treatment of rhIL-5 with 2-mercaptoethanol followed by N-ethylmaleimide resulted in its dissociation into a monomeric form. This alkylated rhIL-5 was biologically less active than intact rhIL-5. These results suggest that rhIL-5 exists as a dimer, and that the heterogeneity of rhIL-5 is mainly due to the difference in the content of carbohydrate. Moreover, the formation of disulfide bond(s) might be important for the biological activity of rhIL-5.  相似文献   

The CD4 cell surface antigen is of interest as a marker of T lymphocytes that recognize foreign antigens in the context of MHC Class II antigen, as a receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and as a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) with four Ig-like domains present in the extracellular domain. In order to produce large amounts of soluble CD4 for x-ray crystallography and other molecular studies, a recently developed expression system based on selection via glutamine synthetase was used. Expression was attempted for rat CD4 corresponding to the full extracellular sequence (sCD4; domains 1-4), the NH2-terminal half (domains 1 and 2) and the first domain alone. Stable transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were obtained that expressed sCD4 and sCD4 (half) at typical maximal levels in spent tissue culture supernatant of greater than 80 and 25 mg/liter, respectively. Domain 1 alone was not expressed and introduction of a N-linked glycosylation site did not facilitate expression. The role of glycosylation in the expression of sCD4 was investigated by mutagenesis of the constructs to remove each of the two N-linked glycosylation sites in turn and both together. All three forms were expressed at 60-120 mg/liter. The sCD4 (half) was not expressed after deletion of its N-linked site. The disulfide bonds of sCD4 were determined to be within domains 1, 2, and 4 and isolation of glycopeptides showed that both N-linked sites were glycosylated. Analysis of the hydrodynamic properties of sCD4 suggested that the molecule adopted an extended conformation in solution rather than folding to form a compact structure like an Fab. The possibility of dimerisation of CD4 was investigated but sCD4 dimers were not seen at an affinity cut-off of about 4 x 10(5) M-1.  相似文献   

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