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【目的】 评价不同来源的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)对果蝇延长寿命, 增强繁殖力和抗逆能力的功效。【方法】以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster为实验材料, 比较研究从家蝇Musca domestica中提取的SOD、 在毕赤酵母Pichia pastoris中重组表达的人hEC SOD、 在酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae中重组表达的中国拟青霉Paecilomyces sinensis SOD (ps-SOD)以及商品SOD对果蝇寿命、 繁殖力和抗逆能力的影响。【结果】在饲料中添加4种SOD均能显著延长果蝇的平均寿命, 雌果蝇寿命延长8.09%~12.38%, 雄果蝇寿命延长12.01%~15.86%; F1代雌性子代数量增加25.94%~30.07%, 雄性增加21.75%~39.54%。果蝇的耐高温和抗紫外辐射能力与添加的SOD浓度有关。在饲料中添加较高剂量的SOD, 使热暴露雌性果蝇的寿命延长7.45%~9.88%, 雄性果蝇延长13.46%~15.12%; 受紫外线辐射的雌性果蝇的寿命延长13.47%~20.47%, 雄性果蝇延长16.49%~23.73%。【结论】综合评价认为, 4种SOD均能延长果蝇寿命, 增强其繁殖力和抗逆能力, 但这些功效在本研究供试的4种SOD间无显著差异, 为不同来源SOD的应用提供了重要数据。  相似文献   

本实验通过研究爬沙虫提取液对果蝇繁殖力及寿命的影响,证实爬沙虫提取液具有增强果蝇的繁殖力和提高雌性果蝇寿命的作用。采用乙醚麻醉法,收集8 h内羽化的成虫,选择个体大小相近的雌雄果蝇,在不同爬沙虫浓度的培养基中培养,统计各组第一子代(first filial generation,F1)果蝇成体的数目及果蝇体重。收集各培养基中果蝇,区分雌雄,在原浓度爬沙虫培养基中培养,每日观察果蝇死亡数,直至全部死亡。结果表明:与对照组比较,各爬沙虫处理组子代果蝇雄体数目均显著增加(P<0.05),2.500%组的子代果蝇雌体数目差异显著(P<0.05)。各爬沙虫处理组刚羽化的果蝇体重极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。2.500%剂量组果蝇雌体平均寿命极显著增加(P<0.01)。本研究为更好地利用爬沙虫的药用价值提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

实验采用超声辅助水提法提取灰树花多糖,以黑腹果蝇为实验对象,探究含0.2%,0.8%和1.6%浓度的灰树花多糖的培养基对果蝇繁殖力、体内脂褐素(LF)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响。与对照组相比,各浓度组的灰树花多糖均能明显增强果蝇繁殖力,且对果蝇后代的雌雄比例产生一定影响;同时使果蝇体内LF含量明显下降,CAT活性显著升高。各浓度组间差异显著,尤以1.6%效果最佳。结果表明,灰树花多糖具有促进果蝇繁殖力和抗氧化的良好功效。  相似文献   

14种虫草多糖对果蝇成虫寿命影响的试验   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用从虫草深层发酵产物中提取的多糖进行果蝇抗衰老的试验表明,不同来源的虫草多糖对果蝇寿命均有不同程度的延长作用,从而证明虫草多糖有延缓衰老的作用;有的效果十分显著,来源于AT01的胞内、胞外多糖效果最好,延寿的效果随纯度的增大而提高。  相似文献   

厚朴类中药厚朴酚及和厚朴酚含量测定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用HPLC测定法,对几种中药厚朴及其不同地方代品中和厚朴酚、厚朴酚的含量测定分析。数据结果表明正品厚朴与地方代用品之间的和厚朴酚、厚朴酚的含量差别很大,正品厚朴也因产地不同含量存在差别。  相似文献   

银杏对果蝇寿命的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
银杏对果蝇寿命的影响赵伯涛,张卫明(内贸部南京野生植物综合利用研究所)银杏作为古老的保健珍品,其滋补强壮及抗衰老作用历来引入注目,各国对银杏的研究方兴未艾,各种银杏食品和药品纷纷推向市场。我们在开发银杏食品的同时,用银杏浆汁对果蝇进行了实验研究,以探...  相似文献   

目的:通过建立系统的HPLC快速检测方法,分析厚朴中主要药用成分厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量,确定厚朴的药用价值及开发利用价值.方法:用HPLC法对张家界、隆回及恩施地区的厚朴植株的不同部位的药材中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量进行了含量的分析.结果:结果快速、准确、重现性好、HPLC分析图谱理想.结论:本文所运用的HPLC分析条件能快速准确的鉴定厚朴酚及和厚朴酚的含量,确定厚朴药材的品质,并对混乱的药材市场有一定的监控作用.  相似文献   

为探讨响应面法优化厚朴中和厚朴酚与厚朴酚的提取工艺。以溶媒比、乙醇浓度、提取时间为自变量,和厚朴酚与厚朴酚总提取百分含量作为因变量,通过对自变量各水平的多元线性回归及二项式拟合,用响应面法选取较佳工艺,并进行预测分析。确定最佳提取工艺为溶媒比60 mL·g-1、乙醇浓度为72%、提取时间78 min,和厚朴酚与厚朴酚总提取百分含量达2.29%。说明响应面法优选厚朴中和厚朴酚与厚朴酚成分提取工艺,方法简单,结果可靠。  相似文献   

枸杞子提取物对小鼠免疫功能和果蝇寿命的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
枸杞子提取物能显著提高小鼠机体的体液免疫和细胞免疫功能,使小鼠血清IgG含量、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬百分率和吞噬指数明显增加,并可延长雌性果蝇的平均寿命及半数成活期,具有一定的抗衰老和增强免疫功能作用。  相似文献   

冻干胡蜂蜂蛹对果蝇寿命和繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验通过研究胡蜂蜂蛹冻干品对果蝇寿命和繁殖力的影响,证明胡蜂蜂蛹具有延缓衰老和增强繁殖性能的作用。采用乙醚麻醉法,收集8h(小时)内羽化的成虫,选择个体大小相近的雌雄果蝇,在不同浓度的培养基中饲养,每两天观察统计一次果蝇死亡数,直到全部死亡。结果表明,雌雄果蝇在5.0%实验组与对照组的平均寿命比较均具有极显著差异性(P〈0.01),雌雄果蝇在0.2%和1.0%实验组与对照组比较平均寿命差异性显著(P〈0.05),由此可见胡蜂蜂蛹可延长果蝇平均寿命;0.2%,1.0%组的果蝇子代数显著高于对照组果蝇子代数(P〈0.05),5.0%组果蝇子代数极显著高于对照组果蝇子代数(P〈0.01),由此可见冻干胡蜂蜂蛹可增强果蝇的繁殖能力。  相似文献   

甜叶菊糖苷对果蝇生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen作试验材料,探讨甜叶菊糖苷(steviol glycosides)对果蝇生殖、寿命等的影响。方法:在果蝇培养基中添加甜叶菊糖苷,质量分数分别为0,1%,2%,5%,10%;培养温度为(25±1)℃;取1对未交配的雌雄果蝇放入培养基中,待出现子代成蝇时,统计成蝇数量,记录成蝇羽化的数目,连续培养4代,观察甜叶菊糖苷对果蝇生育能力的影响;随机选取100只雌雄成蝇放入培养基中,统计其寿命,结果:过高浓度的甜叶菊糖苷对果蝇有一定程度的伤害,致使果蝇寿命和生育能力下降。  相似文献   

We studied the fertility of D. melanogaster females heterozygous for the dominant temperature sensitive mutation l(2)M167 DTS , which exerts a recessive lethal effect at 25°C, under the conditions of stable temperature regimes 25, 28, and 29°C and changing regimes 25 → 29°C and 29 → 25°C. It was shown that inhibition of total activity of oogenesis due to a decreased number of functioning ovarioles is one of the mechanisms underlying the decreased fertility of l(2)M167 DTS /+ females. Analysis of individual fertility of each female confirmed also the role of sterility as a component of fertility of the females. Sterilization was realized due both to full depletion of functioning ovarioles and disturbed mechanism of laying the mature eggs onto a substrate as a result of violation of the feedback blocking normal ovulation, which led to the breakdown of ovarioles and filling of the abdominal cavity with mature oocytes. A significant polymorphism of heterozygous females by their fertility was observed. The intensity of sterilization and mortality of l(2)M167 DTS /+ females sharply increased at an elevated temperature (29°C), especially at the pupal stage.  相似文献   

Recombinant inbred lines derived from a natural population were used to investigate natural genetic variation for lipid abundance, protein abundance, and weight of Drosophila melanogaster. Females were heavier and contained more lipid and soluble protein than males. Lipid and protein abundance were genetically correlated with female weight, but male weight was not correlated with lipid or protein. Lipid and protein abundance were genetically correlated in males, but not in females. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for weight and protein abundance were predominantly on the X chromosome, whereas QTLs for lipid abundance were found on the second and third chromosomes. QTLs for lipid proportion (lipid abundance normalized by weight or protein abundance) were present on all chromosomes; a lipid proportion QTL on the third chromosome correlated with a QTL for starvation resistance observed in a previous study using the same set of recombinant inbred lines, suggesting that it might underlie both traits. Candidate genes are discussed in relationship to lipid abundance, lipid proportion, and starvation resistance.  相似文献   

It is well known that music can have calming effects on humans, other mammals and birds. Reducing environmental stress or enhancing the resistance to certain stressors has been shown to extend lifespan in several organisms. Evidence also suggests that mild temporary stress may also enhance stress resistance and ultimately slow the aging process. This study explored the possibility that music may influence the lifespan of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, possibly by affecting responses to stress. Flies received either background sounds (control), or background sounds supplemented with music (experimental). The experimental group had classical music playing constantly at an average of 20 dB above background sound. The median lifespan of females receiving music was 42 days compared to the median of 45 days without music, but the difference was not significant. For males median lifespans were 42 days with music exposure, and 47 days without music and the difference was significant. These results suggest that exposure to classical music decreased the lifespan of male Drosophila. Both experimental and control populations showed age-dependent increases in mortality, indicating that music affects the normal aging process rather than showing overt toxicity. These results suggest that certain auditory stimuli may be stressful and can be used as insect management.  相似文献   

黑腹果蝇的性别控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王慧超  朱勇  夏庆友 《遗传》2003,25(1):97-101
性别的形成包括两个过程,即性别决定和性别分化。果蝇的性别控制研究包括性别决定、性别分化、性别鉴定、性别诱导和性别控制5个方面。性别决定是在两种不同发育途径之间的选择,它提供了一个研究基因调控的模式系统。果蝇的性别决定问题已经研究得相当详细[1]。性别分化是使胚胎向着雌性或雄性发育的过程,决定了性别表型。果蝇的性别分化也取得了不少研究成果。近年来,许多重要的性别调控基因已被克隆和鉴定。随着果蝇基因组全序列测定的完成,果蝇的性别控制研究将会更为深入而完善。本文对与黑腹果蝇性别决定和性别分化相关的一些问题进行综述。  相似文献   

Maintenance and deployment of the immune system are costly and are hence predicted to trade‐off with other resource‐demanding traits, such as reproduction. We subjected this longstanding idea to test using laboratory experimental evolution approach. In the present study, replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster were subjected to three selection regimes—I (Infection with Pseudomonas entomophila), S (Sham‐infection with MgSO4), and U (Unhandled Control). After 30 generations of selection flies from the I regime had evolved better survivorship upon infection with P. entomophila compared to flies from U and S regimes. However, contrary to expectations and previous reports, we did not find any evidence of trade‐offs between immunity and other life history related traits, such as longevity, fecundity, egg hatchability, or development time. After 45 generations of selection, the selection was relaxed for a set of populations. Even after 15 generations, the postinfection survivorship of populations under relaxed selection regime did not decline. We speculate that either there is a negligible cost to the evolved immune response or that trade‐offs occur on traits such as reproductive behavior or other immune mechanisms that we have not investigated in this study. Our research suggests that at least under certain conditions, life‐history trade‐offs might play little role in maintaining variation in immunity.  相似文献   

紫外线对黑尾果蝇的生物学效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张建民 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):242-244
野生型黑尾果蝇经紫外线连续处理3代,随着照射时间延长,每代均表现显著的生物学效应。这些生物学效应主要是子代数量减少,羽化延续时间缩短,体重减轻,而且有致略效应和间接的诱变效应。但处理后的子代性别比例变化不大。  相似文献   

The evolution of immune function depends not only on variation in genes contributing directly to the immune response, but also on genetic variation in other traits indirectly affecting immunocompetence. In particular, sexual selection is predicted to trade-off with immunocompetence because the extra investment of resources needed to increase sexual competitiveness reduces investment in immune function. Additional possible immunological consequences of intensifying sexual selection include an exaggeration of immunological sexual dimorphism, and the reduction of condition-dependent immunological costs due to selection of 'good genes' (the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis, ICHH). We tested for these evolutionary possibilities by increasing sexual selection in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster for 58 generations by reestablishing a male-biased sex ratio at the start of each generation. Sexually selected flies were larger, took longer to develop, and the males were more sexually competitive than males from control (equal sex ratio) lines. We found support for the trade-off hypothesis: sexually selected males were found to have reduced immune function compared to control males. However, we found no evidence that sexual selection promoted immunological sexual dimorphism because females showed a similar reduction in immune function. We found no evidence of evolutionary changes in the condition-dependent expression of immunocompetence contrary to the expectations of the ICHH. Lastly, we compared males from the unselected base population that were either successful (IS) or unsuccessful (IU) in a competitive mating experiment. IS males showed reduced immune function relative to IU males, suggesting that patterns of phenotypic correlation largely mirror patterns of genetic correlation revealed by the selection experiment. Our results suggest increased disease susceptibility could be an important cost limiting increases in sexual competitiveness in populations experiencing intense sexual selection. Such costs may be particularly important given the high intersex correlation, because this represents an apparent genetic conflict, preventing males from reaching their sexually selected optimum.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of body size along latitudinal clines is found globally in Drosophila melanogaster, with larger individuals encountered at higher latitudes. Temperature has been implicated as a selective agent for these clines, because the body size of laboratory populations allowed to evolve in culture at lower temperatures is larger. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that larger size is favoured at lower temperature through natural selection on adult males. We measured life‐span and age‐specific fertility of males from lines of flies artificially selected for body size at two different experimental temperatures. There was an interaction between experimental temperature and body size selection for male fitness; large‐line males were fitter than controls at both temperatures, but the difference in fitness was greater at the lower experimental temperature. Smaller males did not perform significantly differently from control males at either experimental temperature. The results imply that thermal selection for larger adult males is at least in part responsible for the evolution of larger body size at lower temperatures in this species. The responsible mechanisms require further investigation.  相似文献   

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