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Vehicles play a significant role in spreading plants, both in terms of quantity and quality (species). This study was conducted in Southeast Queensland to determine the role of utility vehicles in spreading seeds. These vehicles were found to carry up to 397 seeds per vehicle and in all four seasons of the year, with the majority of these species being alien to Australia and/or Queensland. The largest seed loads were found in autumn in this summer rainfall environment. Seeds were shown to attach to all parts of the vehicle, often in mud picked up from the ground, affixed directly to the engine or radiator, or carried into the cabin by the driver. Therefore, much of the seed load is to be found on the underside, on the back and front mudguards while smaller collections were found in the cabin, on the radiator and engine, and on the tyres. Fewer viable seeds were found on the engine, presumably as desiccation and heat contributed more to their death on this part of the vehicle. One method used to reduce weed seed spread by vehicles in Queensland is washing and vacuuming of vehicles. From the present study, these procedures would need to be applied to all parts of the vehicle and in all seasons of the year.  相似文献   

Theories to explain the success of alien species often assume that they are inherently different from native species. Although there is an increasing body of evidence showing that alien plants tend to dominate in highly human‐modified environments, the underlying reasons why widespread natives might differ in their habitat distribution have rarely been addressed. We used species distribution models to quantify the dominant environmental axes shaping the habitat of 95 widespread native and alien herbaceous species in a highly modified grassland‐dominated landscape in New Zealand. For each species, support vector machines were used to determine 1) the environmental variables that most strongly determined a species’ distribution; 2) the affinity towards a particular position along environmental axes; and 3) tolerance to environmental variation. These three measures were compared among native perennials (n = 31), alien perennials (30) and alien annuals (34). Independent of their origin, species’ distributions were defined by similar environmental variables. Nevertheless, native and alien species occupied different regions of the dominant environmental axes. Perennial natives occupied regions associated with lower human disturbance, while perennial aliens were associated with habitats that had been modified by vegetation clearance, pasture development and livestock grazing. Annual aliens differed from perennials and were associated with both semi‐natural and more intensively managed vegetation. No evidence was found that aliens had broader environmental tolerances than natives that might facilitate invasion into a wider range of environments. Thus, widespread native and alien species differ in the degree to which environmental factors shape their distribution as a result of anthropogenic perturbations to which they respond differently as well as the introduction of functional groups that are capable of exploiting novel environments.  相似文献   

To assess the likely impacts of environmental change, the responses of two well-known invasive plant species, native Pueraria lobata and alien Humulus japonicus, to differences in growth temperature were studied in South Korea. Habitat preferences, physiological responses such as photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll contents, growth rates, and nutrient contents were quantified for each species. A competition experiment was conducted to evaluate the temperature preferences of the two species. All results indicated that the alien species H. japonicus can take advantage of elevated temperatures (35 °C) to enhance its competitive advantage against the native species P. lobata. While H. japonicus took advantage of elevated temperatures and preferred high-temperature areas, P. lobata showed reduced performance and dominance in high-temperature areas. Therefore, in future, due to global warming and urbanization, there are possibilities that H. japonicus takes advantage of elevated temperature against P. lobata that could lead to increased H. japonicus coverage over time. Therefore, consistent monitoring of both species especially where P. lobata is dominated are required because both species are found in every continents in the world. Controlling P. lobata requires thorough inspection of H. japonicus presence of the habitat in advance to prevent post P. lobata management invasion of H. japonicus.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):69-78
A good way to check hypotheses explaining the invasion of ecosystems by exotic plants is to compare alien and native congeneric species. To test the hypothesis that invasive alien plants are more competitive than natives, we designed a replacement series experiment to evaluate interspecific competition between three Senecio species representing the same bushy life form: two alien species (S. inaequidens and S. pterophorus, both from South Africa) and a native species from the south-east of the Iberian Peninsula and Maghreb (S. malacitanus). While S. inaequidens is widespread throughout western Europe and is expanding towards the south of Spanish–French border, the geographical distribution of the recently introduced S. pterophorus is still limited to north-eastern Spain. Plants from each species were grown in pure and in mixed cultures with one of their congeners, and water availability was manipulated to evaluate the effects of water stress on competitive abilities. Our results show that the alien S. inaequidens is the most competitive species for all water conditions. The native S. malacitanus is more competitive that the alien S. pterophorus in water stress conditions, but this situation is reversed when water availability is not limiting.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether the species–energy and species–human relationships vary between native and both naturalized and casual alien species richness when other environmental variables had been taken into account. Location Trento Province, a region (c. 6200 km2) on the southern border of the European Alps (Italy), subdivided into 156 contiguous (c. 37.5 km2) cells and ranging in elevation from 66 to 3769 m. Methods Data were separated into three subsets, representing richness of natives, naturalized aliens and casual aliens and separately related to temperature, human population and various environmental correlates of plant species diversity. We applied ordinary least squares and simultaneous autoregressive regressions to identify potential contrasting responses of the three plant status subsets and hierarchical partitioning to evaluate the relative importance of the predictor variables. Results Variation in alien plant species richness along the region was almost entirely explained by temperature and human population density. The relationships were positive but strongly curvilinear. Native species richness was less strongly related to either factor but was positively related to the presence of calcareous bedrock. Native species richness had a decelerating positive relationship with temperature (R2= 55%), whereas naturalized and casual aliens had a positive accelerating relationship explaining 86% and 62% of the variation in richness, respectively. Native species richness had a positive decelerating relationship with population density (R2= 42%), whilst both alien subsets had a positive accelerating relationship. Main conclusions Alien species richness was higher in areas with the most rich and diverse assemblages of native species. Areas at high altitudes are not especially prone to alien invasion due to energy constraints, low propagule pressure and disturbance, even considering a potential increased in temperature. Thus, if we consider future environmental change, we should expect a stronger response of aliens than natives in the currently warm, urbanized, low‐altitude areas than in cold, high‐altitude areas where human population density is low.  相似文献   



To assess how environmental, biotic and anthropogenic factors shape native–alien plant species richness relationships across a heterogeneous landscape.


Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.


We integrated a comprehensive floristic survey of over 1200 systematically located 6 × 6 m plots, with corresponding climate, environmental and anthropogenic data. General linear models examined variation in native and alien plant species richness across the entire landscape, between native‐ and alien‐dominated plots, and within separate elevational bands.


Across all plots, there was a significant negative correlation between native and alien species richness, but this relationship differed within subsets of the data: the correlation was positive in alien‐dominated plots but negative in native‐dominated plots. Within separate elevational bands, native and alien species richness were positively correlated at lower elevations, but negatively correlated at higher elevations. Alien species richness tended to be high across the elevation gradient but peaked in warmer, mid‐ to low‐elevation sites, while native species richness increased linearly with elevation. The negative relationship between native and alien species richness in native‐dominated communities reflected a land‐use gradient with low native and high alien richness in more heavily modified native‐dominated vegetation. In contrast, native and alien richness were positively correlated in very heavily modified alien‐dominated plots, most likely due to covariation along a gradient of management intensity.

Main conclusions

Both positive and negative native–alien richness relationships can occur across the same landscape, depending on the plant community and the underlying human and environmental gradients examined. Human habitat modification, which is often confounded with environmental variation, can result in high alien and low native species richness in areas still dominated by native species. In the most heavily human modified areas, dominated by alien species, both native and alien species may be responding to similar underlying gradients.

在陆地生态系统中,沿海沙丘特别容易受到外来植物的入侵。许多研究将沙丘生境的入侵归因于人为因素,但对土壤性质和植物性状在植物 入侵中的作用却知之甚少。本研究考察了沙丘系统土壤特征与外来植物入侵的关系,重点研究了土壤养分、土壤盐分和植物功能特征之间的相互作 用。研究地点是马拉诺和格拉多泻湖(北亚得里亚海)的沙质堰洲岛。根据沙丘系统生态梯度上的主要生境(前沙丘、后沙丘和盐沼),在10 个区域内选择100个地块(4 m × 4 m)。在每个地块中记录所有植物物种的发生和丰度,并收集一个土壤核。对每个土壤样品进行土壤质地、电导率(代表土壤盐 分)、有机碳和氮含量分析,并与本地和外来植物的种类数和覆盖度相关联。分析外来和本地物种主要的生殖功能和营养功能性状在生境中的变化。研究结果表明,土壤性质对外来物种库和本地物种库的影响不同,与植物整体多样性密切相关。在后沙丘(最易入侵)的生境中,高的土壤导电性限制了外来物种的数量,但土壤有机碳含量随着外来植物丰度的增加而增加,这也表明植物入侵与土壤之间存在潜在的反馈过程。只有在后沙丘生境中,随着环境条件的改善和植物竞争的加剧,本地植物和外来植物的功能性状谱有显著的趋同。本研究结果表明,在恶劣条件下,只有本地特有植物才能茁壮成长,而在中等条件下,土壤特性梯度与植物特性协同作用,抑制/促进外来植物丰富度。  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plant invasions have been attracting increasing attention from ecologists because of their worldwide environmental impacts and huge economic costs. Research on the characteristics of the recipient regions is essential for understanding the process of plant invasion. However, few previous studies on invasibility of habitats include social factors, although human activities are critical in the process of plant invasion. China is a vast country with high plant species diversity and a long history of introduction of exotic plant species and is particularly vulnerable to invasive plant species. Alien plant species are widespread in the country. Therefore, the study of invasive plants in China is urgent in practice and theoretically important for developing invasion ecology. For the present study, 126 species were selected to represent the major invasive plant species in China. We then collected data on their species richness in 31 provincial administrative units of China and performed Spearman rank correlations between species richness and possible natural and socio‐economic factors. We found that socio‐economic factors, such as human density and GDP, correlated positively with the species richness of invasive plants in China. In conjunction with the natural and socio‐economic correlations in the study of regional distribution pattern of the major invasive plants, we discussed the factors influencing the regional distribution pattern of the major invasive plants in China. We suggest that native plant species richness was mainly determined by the natural conditions of the regions, while invasive species richness was influenced by natural conditions and human disturbance together.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Flowering phenology is a potentially important component of success of alien species, since elevated fecundity may enhance invasiveness. The flowering patterns of invasive alien plant species and related natives were studied in three regions with Mediterranean-type climate: California, Spain and South Africa''s Cape region.


A total of 227 invasive–native pairs were compared for seven character types across the regions, with each pair selected on the basis that they shared the same habitat type within a region, had a common growth form and pollination type, and belonged to the same family or genus.

Key Results

Invasive alien plant species have different patterns of flowering phenology from native species in the three regions. Whether the alien species flower earlier, later or at the same time as natives depends on the climatic regime in the native range of the aliens and the proportion of species in the invasive floras originating from different regions. Species invading at least two of the regions displayed the same flowering pattern, showing that flowering phenology is a conservative trait. Invasive species with native ranges in temperate climates flower earlier than natives, those from Mediterranean-type climates at the same time, and species from tropical climates flower later. In California, where the proportion of invaders from the Mediterranean Basin is high, the flowering pattern did not differ between invasive and native species, whereas in Spain the high proportion of tropical species results in a later flowering than natives, and in the Cape region early flowering than natives was the result of a high proportion of temperate invaders.


Observed patterns are due to the human-induced sympatry of species with different evolutionary histories whose flowering phenology evolved under different climatic regimes. The severity of the main abiotic filters imposed by the invaded regions (e.g. summer drought) has not been strong enough (yet) to shift the flowering pattern of invasive species to correspond with that of native relatives. It does, however, determine the length of the flowering season and the type of habitat invaded by summer-flowering aliens. Results suggest different implications for impacts at evolutionary time scales among the three regions.Key words: Biological invasions, flowering phenology, genetic inertia, Cape Floristic Region, California, Spain, Mediterranean-type ecosystems, water availability, climatic origin  相似文献   

Question: Which factors determine diversity of native and alien vascular plant species in semi‐natural dry grasslands? Location: Northern limestone Alps to the southern rim of the Bohemian massif in northern Austria. Methods: In 70 randomly chosen dry grassland patches (0.008 ha ‐ 7 ha) we sampled a complete inventory of vascular plant species at each site. We analysed the correlation between species diversity of natives, archaeophytes (pre‐1500 aliens) and neophytes (post‐1500 aliens). We used GLM to study the relationship of species number (natives, neophytes, archaeophytes) to five explanatory variables (altitude, within habitat diversity, habitat diversity of adjacent areas, within land‐use diversity and land‐use in adjacent areas). Orthogonal components of these variables were derived with a PCA and used in the models. We also tested the influence of minimum residence time (MRT) and the covariables origin, mode of introduction and life form on the number of grassland sites with neophytes with analogous GLMs. Results: Native species diversity species was positively correlated with the species diversity of new, but not old invaders. GLM explains 70% of the variance in the number of native species. Patch size explained the largest part of the variation in the number of native species. PCA axes 1 and 3 were significantly related to the number of native species. Axis 1was related to on‐site habitat and land‐use diversity. The GLM of the archaeophyte diversity explains 18% of the variance. Altitude and presence of fields and grassland in the neighbourhood mainly explained archaeophyte species diversity. The GLM of neophyte diversity explains 12% of the variance. The number of neophytes was positively related to that of archaeophytes. Only PCA axis 3, which is mainly influenced by adjacent land‐use types, showed a relationship with neophytes. MRT, mode of introduction and region of origin (but not life form) were significantly related to the number of grassland sites invaded by neophytes, explaining 35% of the variance. Conclusion: Most factors governing native species diversity are not significantly related to alien species diversity. Additional determinants of the local scale diversity of alien species exist such as region of origin and historical factors (MRT, mode of introduction).  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对生物多样性的影响及本地生物的进化响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
越来越多的证据表明,入侵植物能通过杂交和基冈渐渗等对本地种造成遗传侵蚀,甚至产生新的"基因型"来影响本地种的遗传多样性;通过生境片断化,改变本地种种群内和种群间的基因交流,造成近亲繁殖和遗传漂变,间接影响本地种的遗传多样性.另一方面,本地种能对入侵植物做出适应性进化响应,以减小或消除入侵植物的危害.本地种在与入侵植物的互作过程中产生了一系列的适应进化、物种形成以及灭绝事件,且这些事件不仅局限于地上生态系统,土壤牛物多样性同样受到影响,甚至也能发生进化响应.为更全面地了解外来植物入侵的生态后果和本地生物的适应潜力,本文综述了外来植物入侵对本地(地上和地下)生物(遗传)多样性的影响以及本地生物的进化响应.讨论了外来植物入侵导致的遗传和进化变化与其入侵性的关系,并提出了一些值得研究的课题.如土著种与外来种的协同进化、植物一土壤反馈调节途径和全球变化其他组分与生物入侵的关系等.  相似文献   

Roadsides may homogenize the distribution of native species and act as corridors for the spread of alien taxa. We examined the variation in native and alien plant species richness and composition at two spatial scales defined by altitude and habitat type (edges and fill slopes), as well as the relationship between native and exotic species richness in roadside plant communities in mountains from central Argentina. Following a gradient from 1100 to 2200 m a.s.l. along a mountain road, plant species cover was recorded within sample plots of 30 m × 10 m systematically located at 100‐m altitude intervals on both roadside habitats. Although native species richness decreased with altitude and composition changed accordingly, the number of alien species peaked at both extremes of the elevation gradient and did not reflect an altitudinal replacement of chorological groups. The number of both native and alien species was higher in roadside edges, but a negative association between the richness of native and alien species occurred only on fill slopes, suggesting that roadside habitats differ in their susceptibility to plant species colonization and in the mechanisms driving native and alien species richness. Our results highlight the importance of altitude and roadside habitat as factors controlling plant species richness and composition along roadside communities in central Argentina. Although altitude acts as a filter for native plants, it apparently did not constrain the establishment of alien species along the studied roadsides, indicating that the influence of this road as a plant species corridor may increase with time, promoting the opportunities for aliens to expand their current distribution.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is crucial for the success and spread of alien plants. Herbivores often establish a dual relationship with plants: antagonist, through herbivory, and mutualist, through seed dispersal. By consuming plants, herbivores may disperse large amounts of seeds, and can facilitate the spread of alien plants. However, seed dispersal of alien plants by herbivores has been largely uninvestigated. I studied factors associated with dispersal of alien and native seeds by the three most important vertebrate herbivores in SW Australia: emus (Dromaius novaehollandia), western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) and European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Overall frequencies of alien and native seeds dispersed by these herbivores were determined by differences among them in (1) the plant groups they predominantly disperse, that differed in frequencies of aliens versus natives, and (2) the predominant dispersal of aliens or natives within those plant groups. Emus and kangaroos (natives) tended to disperse predominantly alien seeds within plant groups (defined by life forms, dispersal syndromes, and diaspore size), whereas rabbits (alien) tended to disperse predominantly natives. This agrees with the hypothesis that herbivores will use predominantly plants that have evolved in different areas, because of less effective defences against new enemies. Overall frequencies were consistent with this pattern in kangaroos and rabbits, but not in emus. Kangaroos dispersed mostly plant groups that were mainly aliens (herbaceous species and small and medium sized dispersal units and seeds), which together with their predominant use of aliens over natives within groups resulted in the highest overall frequency of alien seeds (73%). Rabbits were similar to kangaroos in the type of plants dispersed, but their predominant use of natives over aliens within groups contributed to an overall predominance of native seeds in their pellets (88%). Emus dispersed mostly plant groups that were mainly natives (e.g. woody species with big diaspores), resulting in low overall frequency of alien seeds (11%), despite their predominant use of aliens over natives within plant groups. Thus, the within-groups trend pointed to a facilitative role of native herbivores of plant invasions through seed dispersal, but was obscured by the different use by herbivores of plant groups with different frequency of aliens.  相似文献   


Background: Highly modified landscapes offer the opportunity to assess how environmental factors influence the integration of alien plant species into native vegetation communities and determine the vulnerability of different communities to invasion.

Aims: To examine the importance of biotic and abiotic drivers in determining whether alien plant species segregate spatially from native plant communities or become integrated and lead to biotic homogenisation.

Methods: Ordination and classification of a floristic survey of over 1200 systematically located 6 m × 6 m plots were used to examine how plant community segregation, nestedness and homogenisation varied in relation to climate, environmental and human-related factors across Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.

Results: The analyses of community structure indicated that native and alien plant communities were spatially and ecologically segregated due to different responses primarily to an anthropogenic impact gradient and secondly to environmental factors along an elevation gradient. Human-land use appeared most strongly linked to the distribution of alien species and was associated with increased vegetation homogenisation. However, despite spatial segregation of alien and native plant communities, biotic homogenisation not only occurred in highly managed grasslands but also in relatively less managed shrublands and forest.

Conclusions: The role played by anthropogenic factors in shaping alien and native plant species community structure should not be ignored and, even along a marked environmental gradient, if the recipient sites have a long history of human-related disturbance, biotic homogenisation is often strong.  相似文献   

Aim The proportion of alien plant species in floras is increasingly being used to indicate the threat of invasions to native species and/or the homogenization of biodiversity. However, this indicator is only valuable if it is independent of the spatial extent and grain of observation. This study tested the equivalence of native and alien species–area relationships (SARs) in order to assess the support for scale invariance in the proportion of alien species in floras. Location England, UK. Methods Nested SARs were generated by assessing the richness of native and alien plant species drawn from the New atlas of the British and Irish flora for six areas comprising 100, 400, 900, 1600, 2500 and 3600 km2 with each larger area containing all smaller areas. Five replicate sets of nested areas encompassing northern, southern, eastern, western and central regions were chosen. For each set of nested areas, the log‐transformed species richness was regressed on log‐transformed area to fit a power function to the SAR. Results Native and alien plant SARs reveal consistent differences in slope, highlighting that the proportion of alien species is a function of spatial grain. Aliens are more rare than natives and have higher spatial turnover leading to faster accumulation of species as area increases. However, equivalent samples drawn from a larger spatial extent reveal similar alien and native SARs. Main conclusions The significant differential scale dependence in native and alien species richness observed in this study reflects dissimilar influences of regional drivers such as habitat, but potentially also propagule pressure and introduction history, that leads to the relative rarity and high spatial turnover of alien species. Maps of invasion hotspots that identify areas where the proportion of the alien flora is particularly high should therefore be treated with considerable caution since patterns across most grains used for species monitoring will be scale dependent.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal will be essential for plants to track future climate space, but dispersal capacity is rarely measured or incorporated into species distribution models. Using the entire alpine flora of the Snowy Mountains, south-eastern Australia, as a case study, we modelled the dispersal capacity of 198 species (93.4% of the flora) using the plant traits dispersal syndrome, seed mass, seed release height and growth form. The modelled maximum dispersal distances were mostly affected by dispersal syndrome of each species. The models reveal that 75% of species disperse up to 10 m, whilst 20% may disperse >100 m. Most species in this flora do not have any specific dispersal strategy, hence their inability to disperse >10 m. However, those species with longer modelled distances were dispersed by animals or wind (>600 and >140 m, respectively). This alpine flora has a low capacity for long-distance seed dispersal and is likely to suffer from migration lag as the local climate undergoes rapid changes.  相似文献   

Aim We estimated the patterns of seed deposition provided by the eyed lizard, Timon lepidus, and evaluated whether these patterns can be generalized across plant species with different traits (fruit and seed size) and spatial distributions. Location Monteagudo Island, Atlantic Islands National Park (north‐western Spain). Methods We radio‐tracked seven lizards for 14 days and estimated their home ranges using fixed kernels. We also geo‐referenced all fruit‐bearing individuals of four plant species dispersed by eyed lizards in the study area (Corema album, Osyris alba, Rubus ulmifolius and Tamus communis), measured the passage time of their seeds through the lizard gut, and estimated seed predation in four habitats (bare sand, grassland, shrub and gorse). Seed dispersal kernels were estimated using a combination of these data and were combined with seed predation probability maps to incorporate post‐dispersal seed fate (‘seed survival kernels’). Results Median seed gut‐passage times were around 52–98 h, with maximum values up to 250 h. Lizards achieved maximum displacement in their home ranges within 24–48 h. Seed predation was high (80–100% of seeds in 2 months), particularly under Corema shrub and gorse. Seed dispersal kernels showed a common pattern, with two areas of preferential seed deposition, but the importance of these varied among plant species. Interspecific differences among dispersal kernels were strongly reduced by post‐dispersal seed predation; hence, seed survival kernels of the different plant species showed high auto‐ and pairwise‐correlations at small distances (< 50 m). As a result, survival to post‐dispersal seed predation increased with dispersal distance for O. alba and T. communis, but not for C. album. Main conclusions Seed dispersal by lizards was determined primarily by the interaction between the dispersers’ home ranges and the position of the fruit‐bearing plants. As a result, seed rain shared a common template, but showed considerable variation among species, determined by their specific spatial context. Seed predation increased the spatial coherence of the seed rain of the different species, but also resulted in contrasting relationships between seed survival and dispersal distance, which may be of importance for the demographic and evolutionary processes of the plants.  相似文献   

Background and AimsNon-native plant species are not restricted to lowlands, but increasingly are invading high elevations. While for both native and non-native species we expected variability of plant functional traits due to the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients, we additionally assumed that non-native species are characterized by a more acquisitive growth strategy, as traits reflecting such a strategy have been found to correlate with invasion success. Furthermore, the typical lowland introduction of non-native species coming from multiple origins should lead to higher trait variability within populations of non-native species specifically at low elevations, and they might therefore occupy a larger total trait space.MethodsAlong an elevational gradient ranging from 55 to 1925 m a.s.l. on Tenerife, we collected leaves from eight replicate individuals in eight evenly distributed populations of five native and six non-native forb species. In each population, we measured ten eco-morphological and leaf biochemical traits and calculated trait variability within each population and the total trait space occupied by native and non-native species.Key ResultsWe found both positive (e.g. leaf dry matter content) and negative (e.g. leaf N) correlations with elevation for native species, but only few responses for non-native species. For non-native species, within-population variability of leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area decreased with elevation, but increased for native species. The total trait space occupied by all non-native species was smaller than and a subset of that of native species.ConclusionsWe found little evidence that intraspecific trait variability is associated with the success of non-native species to spread towards higher elevations. Instead, for non-native species, our results indicate that intermediate trait values that meet the requirements of various conditions are favourable across the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients. As a consequence, this might prevent non-native species from overcoming abruptly changing environmental conditions, such as when crossing the treeline.  相似文献   

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