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枯氏住肉孢子虫在黄牛与水牛之间的交叉感染研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验选用7日龄黑白花奶牛4头和4—5月龄水牛4头。用从犬获得的水牛源孢子囊人工感染2头奶牛和2头水牛,用黄牛源孢子囊人工感染1头水牛,2头奶牛和1头水牛不感染留作对照。在试验期间,1头感染奶牛和1头对照奶牛因急性肠炎死亡,2头感染水牛因急性住肉孢子虫病死亡,从感染奶牛和感染水牛的内脏器官查出裂殖体。1头感染奶牛、1头感染水牛和2头对照牛在第98—115天剖检,从感染水牛源孢子囊的1头奶牛和感染黄牛源孢子囊的1头水牛肌肉查出大量包囊,1头对照奶牛和1头对照水牛均未查出任何虫体。对奶牛和水牛肌肉包囊超薄切片的电镜观察显示,所有包囊的超微结构均与文献对枯氏住肉孢子虫的报道一致。这一试验性研究证明:水牛与黄牛同是枯氏住肉孢于虫的中间宿主。  相似文献   

通过人工感染试验在电镜下对一种住肉孢子虫在水牛体内的发育进行了研究。结果揭示在血管内皮细胞中的裂殖生殖和在肌细胞内的包囊发育过程与枯氏住肉孢子虫的一致,裂殖体、裂殖子、包囊壁和囊内母细胞、缓殖子的超微结构亦与枯氏住肉孢子虫的相同。首次通过试验感染的发育史研究证明,流行于我国湖南水牛的一种小包囊属于枯氏住肉孢子虫,水牛是黄牛枯氏住肉孢子虫的新宿主。  相似文献   

10只一月龄幼犬用于研究水牛枯氏住肉孢子虫的内生发育史,其中9只接种包囊,1只不接种作对照。感染后12~24小时,缓殖子进入小肠绒毛内形成大配子(4.73×3.82μm)和小配子(5.20×3.92μm),2—5天发育成卵囊;8—12天卵囊孢子化;18天卵囊孢子化完成。成熟卵囊内含2个孢予囊。孢子囊15.24×9.95μm,内有4个子孢子和成团或散状的残余体。整个发育过程在小肠绒毛(尤其是回肠上段)的基底膜与固有层的带虫空泡内进行。  相似文献   

采用GIS技术,结合实地考察数据和历史数据,通过对信息加工与处理,对1973-2003年间塔里木胡杨林自然保护区马鹿塔里木亚种(Cervus elaphus yarkandensis)分布区的生境动态情况进行了研究,同时对影响塔里木马鹿栖息地变化的主要因素进行了分析。结果表明,自1973-2003年在塔里木胡杨林自然保护区中各种生境类型的变化比较显著,其中(1)水资源严重缺乏,水量剧烈减少,水域面积大幅缩小(2)沙漠面积和低盖度植被面积略有减少,高盖度植被面积减少强烈,保护区内耕地面积快速增加,荒漠化趋势明显,总体上马鹿塔里木亚种分布区的各种生境类型处于变化状态,栖息地环境趋向恶化。  相似文献   

保护新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马鹿塔里木亚种分布于新疆塔里木盆地各沿河地带,强度适应荒漠生境。采用分子系统学方法研究表明,世界马鹿分为东西两大系统,马鹿塔里木亚种是我国唯一属于西部系统的亚种。在中国濒危动物红皮书中被列为濒危(E)亚种,按国际自然与自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)1993年制定的世界物种红色名录濒危定级标准,属于极危级(EN)。自20世纪50年代以来,由于自然和人为因素的影响,种群数量急骤下降,现今马鹿塔里木亚种在塔河流域被隔离为莎雅、尉犁和且末3个小种群,当前该亚种正受到栖息地减小和片断化的双重影响,而且因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖的不断增加也进一步加剧它的濒危程度。为有效保护该物种特提出可行的保护建议。  相似文献   

以分离获得的腔前卵泡数量、正常卵泡率和72h体外培养存活率为指标,比较了酶消化法、梳刮法和剪碎法3种不同方法分离塔里木马鹿Cervus elaphus yarkandensis腔前卵泡的效果。结果表明:在卵巢数目相同的情况下,以酶消化法平均获得的腔前卵泡数最多,梳刮法次之,剪碎法最少,3种不同分离方法获得腔前卵泡数量之间存在极显著差异(P<0.01);梳刮法和剪碎法分离获得的腔前卵泡正常率均极显著高于酶消化法(P<0.01);梳刮法和剪碎法分离获得的腔前卵泡在体外培养24h、48h和72h后的存活率极显著和显著高于酶消化法(培养24h、48h后,P<0.01;培养72h后,P<0.05)。由此可见,梳刮法是塔里木马鹿腔前卵泡更有效的分离方法。  相似文献   

新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的现状与保护   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
新疆马鹿塔里木亚种高度适应荒漠生境, 自20 世纪50 年代以来, 由于自然和人为因素的影响, 种群数量急剧下降。栖息地退缩和片段化不仅导致种群遗传多样性的丧失, 而且也因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖, 不断地加剧了该亚种的濒危程度。为有效的保护该物种, 特提出可行的保护措施建议。  相似文献   

新疆塔里木马鹿粪便激素含量季节性变化的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:检测雄性塔里木马鹿的睾酮,雌鹿的雌二醇、雌三醇、孕酮等粪便激素含量,并比较不同月份之间的变化。方法:利用放射免疫分析法(RIA)在且末和尉犁县马鹿场采集塔里木马鹿粪便,检测了2004年2~12月间塔里木马鹿粪便中的激素水平。结果:粪便性激素水平有明显的季节变化(P<0.05)。雄鹿粪便睾酮水平月间差异显著(P<0.05),浓度在8月有2个高峰。雌鹿粪便雌二醇在3月和6月有2个高峰;粪便孕酮水平在3月有2个高峰,在8月有1个高峰;雌三醇差异不显著,但4月的最高值也显著高于其他各时间点(P<0.05)。结论:利用动物粪便研究激素具有对保护动物完全无伤害、材料收集容易等优点,并且有助于评估动物青春期的健康状况、判断动物排卵方式、早孕检查、产前预测等,因而是目前研究野生珍稀动物性激素的一种较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

2009年12月~2010年1月,在黄泥河自然保护区采用样带法对马鹿冬季栖息地选择进行了研究。共设置了47条样带,调查了72个马鹿利用样方和109个对照样方。结果表明,在黄泥河自然保护区冬季马鹿喜欢选择针阔混交林、食物丰富度和灌丛盖度较高、中等坡度和隐蔽级、远离人为干扰源的生境,避开选择阴坡和针叶林。逻辑斯蒂回归分析揭示坡度、隐蔽级、食物丰富度、坡向、人为干扰距离和林型是影响马鹿栖息地选择的主导因子,灌丛盖度为次要因子。回归模型为:Z=-53.391+0.194×坡度+0.352×隐蔽级+0.5×食物丰富度-0.071×灌丛盖度+1.064×坡向(1)+6.11×坡向(2)+0.004×人为干扰距离+17.305×林型(1)+7.147×林型(2),选择利用概率P(z)=ez/(1+ez),模型正确预测率为94.5%。  相似文献   

Bovine microsatellites were used to amplify DNA of red deer ( Cervus elaphus ). Fourteen of 27 bovine systems (52%) displayed polymorphism, while no (CA)n-repeat was detected in seven systems and six systems gave no amplificates in red deer. The allele number ranged from 2 to 7, the polymorphism information content between 0.24 and 0.76. The results demonstrate that transfer of microsatellite systems between families of the same order (artiodactyla) is possible. Molecular genetic research will help to clarify the differentiation and ecology of wild animals and will contribute to define criteria needed for the preservation of endangered species.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of wapiti (Cervus elaphus) were analysed for genetic diversity using 12 microsatellite loci. Samples were taken from Vancouver Island, British Columbia; Burwash and French River herds in Ontario; Ya Ha Tinda Ranch, Alberta; and Banff, Elk Island, Jasper, Kootenay, Riding Mountain, Yellowstone and Yoho National Parks. Overall, wapiti populations have on average three to four alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity that ranged from 25.75 to 52.85%. The greatest genetic distances were observed between the Vancouver population and all other populations. Using the assignment test, Roosevelt wapiti (C. e. roosevelti Merriam 1897) assigned only to the Vancouver Island population. The distance and assignment values suggest a divergence of the Roosevelt wapiti from other populations and support the subspecific status for the Vancouver Island population. No evidence was found for the existence of unique Eastern wapiti (C. e. canadensis Erxleben 1777) in the Burwash or French River herds in Ontario. The overlapping distribution of genotypes from indigenous populations from Riding Mountain, Elk Island and Yellowstone National Parks suggests that wapiti were once a continuous population before settlers decimated their numbers. The lack of differentiation between these populations raises questions about the status of Manitoban (C. e.manitobensis Millais 1915) and Rocky Mountain (C. e.nelsoni Bailey 1935) subspecies.  相似文献   

In 1997, a plan to restore Elk (Cervus elaphus) to Ontario was approved by the provincial government. The objective of the Ontario elk restoration program, a multipartnered collaboration, was to restore a species that had been extirpated from the province during the 1800s. During 1998–2001, 460 elk were acquired from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, for release in four areas of Ontario. As greater than 90% of the elk were radio collared, monitoring provided detailed information on the dynamics of the four populations. Comprehensive research projects using graduate students were implemented to determine the environmental impact of releasing elk in Ontario. Those studies are in progress or have been completed and include the effect of wolf predation on restored elk, white‐tailed deer and elk resource overlap, the development of genetic profiles for elk, and solutions for elk/human conflicts. Mortality of the released elk averaged 41% (190/460) during 1998–2004 with annual mortality generally declining over time in each release area. The primary causes of elk mortality included wolf predation (25% of mortalities), illegal shooting (13%), stress‐related emaciation (13%) (partially due to the stress of relocation), bacterial infections (7%), and collisions with vehicles (6%). Productivity has been high in one of the release areas with 24–65% of the cows being observed with calves during late winter surveys. However, productivity has been low in two of the northern release areas due to a variety of factors including wolf predation. In some areas, dispersion of elk appeared to be related to the length of time animals were kept in pens prior to release. The precalving population estimate for Ontario in March 2004 was 375–440 elk. A comprehensive program review was conducted in 2003/2004 that included recommendations relating to the future management of elk in Ontario.  相似文献   

Eleven polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci have been developed for forensic use in the protection of California elk. Based on a reference sample of elk taken from three races throughout California, the loci consist of 4–9 alleles (average 6.125). Probabilities of identity ( Paetkau et al. 1995 ) range from 0.079 to 0.288, with an overall probability of identity of 1.3 × 10?9 (one in 7.8 × 108).  相似文献   

Instances of hybridization between endemic and alien species pose a threat to species integrity but also provide us with an opportunity to study the dynamics of gene flow between two species as they first meet. Here, we used variation at 22 highly differentiated microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker in a sample of 735 individuals, to investigate the genetic consequences of an introduction of Japanese sika deer ( Cervus nippon ) for native red deer ( C. elaphus ) on the Kintyre Peninsula in Scotland. We investigated population structure, estimated null-allele frequency and assigned individual hybrid scores using a Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in structure 2.2. The dataset clearly divided into two clusters and generally, introgression into red and sika was low. However at one site, West Loch Awe, 43% of individuals were hybrids. MtDNA introgression indicated that hybridization was occurring between red-deer hinds and sika-deer stags. We argue that the pattern of differential introgression across the study area is primarily due to the rarity of hybridization events between the two species and the limited time the two species have been in contact (< 120 years). This contrasts with the causes of classic mosaic hybrid zones (selection induced by habitat variability). Currently, it seems possible that, in time, the level of hybridization found at West Loch Awe could also be found across the whole of the peninsula.  相似文献   

木瓜蛋白酶水解马鹿茸血制备免疫活性肽的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用木瓜蛋白酶对天山马鹿茸血进行水解制备免疫活性肽,确定了最佳水解工艺条件,并测定了三种不同水解度水解物的抗氧化活性和免疫活性。水解度(DH)为6.65%时的水解物具有最高DPPH.清除率,DH12.2%时的水解物具有最高OH.清除率。免疫活性体外检测实验显示,DH12.2%时的水解物促进细胞增值率随着浓度的增大而增大,呈现出良好的线性关系(P<0.05)。结果还显示,OH.清除率与免疫活性之间存在相关性,r=0.87(P<0.05).  相似文献   

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