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Direct optimization of unaligned sequence characters provides a natural framework to explore the sensitivity of phylogenetic hypotheses to variation in analytical parameters. Phenotypic data, when combined into such analyses, are typically analyzed with static homology correspondences unlike the dynamic homology sequence data. Static homology characters may be expected to constrain the direct optimization and thus, potentially increase the similarity of phylogenetic hypotheses under different cost sets. However, whether a total-evidence approach increases the phylogenetic stability or not remains empirically largely unexplored. Here, I studied the impact of static homology data on sensitivity using six empirical data sets composed of several molecular markers and phenotypic data. The inclusion of static homology phenotypic data increased the average stability of phylogenetic hypothesis in five out of the six data sets. To investigate if any static homology characters would have similar effect, the analyses were repeated with randomized phenotypic data, and with one of the molecular markers fixed as static homology characters. These analyses had, on average, almost no effect on the phylogenetic stability, although the randomized phenotypic data sometimes resulted in even higher stability than empirical phenotypic data. The impact was related to the strength of the phylogenetic signal in the phenotypic data: higher average jackknife support of the phenotypic tree correlated with stronger stabilizing effect in the total-evidence analysis. Phenotypic data with a strong signal made the total-evidence trees topologically more similar to the phenotypic trees, thus, they constrained the dynamic homology correspondences of the sequence data. Characters that increase phylogenetic stability are particularly valuable for phylogenetic inference. These results indicate an important role and additive value of phenotypic data in increasing the stability of phylogenetic hypotheses in total-evidence analyses.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Collembola were determined through the cladistic analysis of 131 morphological characters and 67 exemplar taxa representing the major families of the group, with special emphasis on Poduromorpha. The results show that the order Poduromorpha is monophyletic and the sister group to the remaining Collembola, with Entomobryomorpha monophyletic and the sister group to the clade Neelipleona + Symphypleona. In Entomobryomorpha, Actaletidae is the sister group of the remaining families. In Poduromorpha, Tullbergiinae is monophyletic as well as Onychiurinae and the group Tetrodontophorinae + Onychiurinae which is the sister group of the remaining Poduromorpha; Tetrodontophorinae is paraphyletic; Onychiuridae is polyphyletic; Isotogastruridae is not an intermediate between Poduromorpha and Entomobryomorpha, it is the sister group of Tullbergiinae; Odontellidae is monophyletic and the sister group to the clade Neanuridae + Brachystomellidae; in Neanuridae, Frieseinae and the group Pseudachorutinae + Morulinae + Neanurinae are monophyletic; Morulinae is the sister group of Neanurinae; Pseudachorutinae is paraphyletic; Hypogastruridae is polyphyletic; Podura aquatica (Poduridae) is not 'primitive', it clusters with the genera Xenylla and Paraxenylla in Hypogastruridae. On the basis of these relationships and the position of the aquatic species, the most parsimonious hypothesis is a terrestrial edaphic origin for the springtails.  相似文献   

Samples collected in “restinga” areas of two conservation units in Rio de Janeiro state revealed the presence of two new species of Neanuridae family. The first, Pseudachorutes solaris sp. nov., from Parque Estadual da Costa do Sol and from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 34–50 vesicles in the postantennal organ, and the second, Friesea jurubatiba sp. nov. from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 8 clavate chaetae in the abdominal segment VI.  相似文献   

We used the chloroplast gene ndhF to reconstruct the phylogeny of the moonseed family (Menispermaceae), a morphologically diverse and poorly known cosmopolitan family of dioecious, primarily climbing plants. This study includes a worldwide sample of DNA sequences for 88 species representing 49 of the 70 genera of all eight traditionally recognized tribes. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated, and the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test was used to compare the likelihood of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses and to evaluate the monophyly of tribes currently in use. The monospecific Indo-Malesian Tinomiscium is sister to the remaining members of the family, within which are two major clades. Within these two clades, well-supported clades correspond to four of the eight traditionally recognized tribes, while others, such as Menispermeae, are polyphyletic. Mapping of major morphological characters on the phylogeny indicates that the crescent-shaped seed is derived from a straight seed, the tree habit has arisen multiple times, endosperm has been lost many times, but unicarpellate flowers evolved only once. Morphological synapomorphies for Menispermaceae include the presence of a condyle, a large embryo, and druplets. The phylogeny provides for the first time a detailed molecular-based assessment of relationships in Menispermaceae and clarifies our understanding of morphological diversification within the family.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses that incorporate the most character information also provide the most explanatory power. Here I demonstrate the value of such an approach through a direct optimization sensitivity analysis of apid bee phylogeny. Whereas prior studies have relied solely on one class of data or the other, this analysis combines previously published molecular, morphological, and behavioural characters into a single supermatrix. The final dataset includes 191 ingroup and 30 outgroup taxa, and includes data from seven unaligned gene sequences (18S, 28S, wingless, EF1‐α, polII, Nak, LW rhodopsin), 209 adult and larval morphological characters, and two behavioural characters. Nine different sets of transformation cost parameters are evaluated, along with their relative degrees of character incongruence. The preferred parameter set returns a strict consensus tree somewhat similar to, but more resolved than, a previous parsimony tree based on molecules alone. I also describe the effects of including EF1‐α and LW rhodopsin intron sequences on the outcome of the direct optimization analysis. By accounting for more evidence, this study provides the most comprehensive treatment yet of apid phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Organisms Diversity & Evolution - The present study evaluates the monophyly of Spintharinae with the inclusion of all ten genera listed under subfamily (Brunepisinus; Chrosiothes; Episinus;...  相似文献   



Social wasps in the subfamily Polistinae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) have been important in studies of the evolution of sociality, kin selection, and within colony conflicts of interest. These studies have generally been conducted within species, because a resolved phylogeny among species is lacking. We used nuclear DNA microsatellite flanking sequences, mitochondrial COI sequence, and morphological characters to generate a phylogeny for the Polistinae (Hymenoptera) using 69 species.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Paragini (Diptera: Syrphidae) using morphological and molecular data. The paper presents separate parsimony analyses of both adult morphological characters and partial DNA sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and nuclear ribosomal 28S rRNA gene, as well as a combined analysis of all the data. The data set of morphological characters included some features of the male terminalia (i.e. shape of the ejaculatory apodeme; relative position of elements of the aedeagal complex; shape of surstylar apodeme; shape of the aedeagal apodeme) not previously used in the systematics of the Paragini. The trees obtained from separate parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data produced almost identical topologies. Four lineages are supported by the combined data set, and we establish two new subgenera, i.e. Serratoparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and Afroparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and redefine Pandasyopthalmus Stuckenberg, 1954 stat. rev. and Paragus Latreille, 1804, stat. rev. The monophyly of the Pandasyopthalmus clade, including the species fitting neither of the current species groups ( jozanus -group) of Paragini, is established. Diagnoses of all known species groups are presented, including a new arrangement of almost all valid species of Paragini.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 507–536.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of carrion beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae) using 2094 bp of their mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and II and tRNA leucine gene sequences. Shorter fragments of this gene region previously have been used to establish generic relationships in insects. In this study, they provided more than sufficient resolution, although the third positions of the protein-coding sequences reached saturation for the deeper divergences. This first published phylogeny for the Silphidae comprises 23 species from 13 genera sampled across the geographic range of the family. In addition, we included species from three related families as outgroups. One of these families, the Agyrtidae, was, until recently, included in the Silphidae, but its resolution here justifies its current position as a separate family. The silphid subfamilies Nicrophorinae and Silphinae are monophyletic in all analyses. All genera for which several species were sampled are supported as monophyletic groups, with the exception of the genus Silpha. European and North American representatives of two Nicrophorus species described from both continents are supported as each others' closest relatives. The lineage that colonized Gondwanaland and that most likely originated in the Palearctic is the most basal within the Silphinae.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, it has been progressively assumed that morphology has become obsolete for trypanosomatid systematics. Traditional taxonomy, based on the occurrence of specific kinds of cell morphotypes during life cycles and the morphometry of such cells, is often rejected by molecular phylogenies inferred mostly from 18S rDNA alone or combined with GAPDH. In such context, we hypothesized the affinities of 35 representatives of seven trypanosomatid genera from separated and combined cladistics analyses of morphological and 18S matrices. Morphology is shown to be more consistent and to have stronger synapomorphy retention than the 18S data. The strict consensus of cladograms from separated analyses was mostly unresolved, while combined analysis produced a meaningful and robust phylogenetic pattern, as evidenced by partition congruence index, Bremer support and frequencies of groups present/contradicted. The results (1) corroborate the separation of Angomonas and Strigomonas from Crithidia, which is now shown to be monophyletic, (2) support the revalidation of the genus Wallaceina, and (3) place the genera Herpetomonas, Leptomonas and Phytomonas within a single clade. Overall, we demonstrate the belief that morphological characters are inferior to molecular ones for trypanosomatid systematics is a consequence of neglecting their inclusion in phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Two new species, Hypogastrura analpapillata n. sp., on mushrooms from Yunnan Province, and Hypogastrura microspinata n. sp., on moss from Hunan Province, are described. Hypogastrura analpapillata n. sp. is the sixth species with highly modified mouthparts in the trybomi group. Hypogastrura microspinata n. sp. is close to H. yosii Stach 1964, but can be differentiated from the latter by body granules, tenent hair and lateral teeth on tibiotarsus. A key to Chinese species of Hypogastrura is provided and a list of Chinese Hypogastrura species and their distributional data are given.  相似文献   

Abstract. To reconstruct the phylogeny of the Sericini and their systematic position among the scarabaeid beetles, cladistic analyses were performed using 107 morphological characters from the adults and larvae of forty‐nine extant scarabaeid genera. Taxa represent most ‘traditional’ subfamilies of coprophagous and phytophagous Scarabaeidae, with emphasis on the Sericini and other melolonthine lineages. Several poorly studied exoskeletal features have been examined, including the elytral base, posterior wing venation, mouth parts, endosternites, coxal articulation, and genitalia. The results of the analysis strongly support the monophyly of the ‘orphnine group’ + ‘melolonthine group’ including phytophagous scarabs such as Dynastinae, Hopliinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, and Cetoniinae. This clade was identified as the sister group to the ‘dung beetle line’ represented by Aphodius + Copris. The ‘melolonthine group’ is comprised in the strict consensus tree by two major clades and two minor lineages, with the included taxa of Euchirinae, Rutelinae, and Dynastinae nested together in one of the major clades (‘melolonthine group I’). Melolonthini, Cetoniinae, and Rutelinae are strongly supported, whereas Melolonthinae and Pachydemini appear to be paraphyletic. Sericini + Ablaberini were identified to be sister taxa nested within the second major melolonthine clade (‘melolonthine group II’). As this clade is distributed primarily in the southern continents, one could assume that Sericini + Ablaberini are derived from a southern lineage. Plausibly, ancestors of Sericini + Ablaberini and Athlia were separated by a vicariance event, such as the separation of the African plate from the rest of Gondwana, whereas Sericini and Ablaberini probably diversified during the early Tertiary, with dispersal of some basal Sericini to South America.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes in Steinernema, together with their symbiont bacteria Xenorhabdus, are obligate and lethal parasites of insects that can provide effective biological control of some important lepidopteran, dipteran, and coleopteran pests of commercial crops. Phylogenetic relationships among 21 Steinernema species were estimated using 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences and morphological characters. Sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacers were obtained to provide additional molecular characters to resolve relationships among Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema scapterisci, Steinernema siamkavai, and Steinernema monticolum. Four equally parsimonious trees resulted from combined analysis of 28S sequences and 22 morphological characters. Clades inferred from analyses of molecular sequences and combined datasets were primarily reliably supported as assessed by bootstrap resampling, whereas those inferred from morphological data alone were not. Although partially consistent with some traditional expectations and previous phylogenetic studies, the hypotheses inferred from molecular evidence, and those from combined analysis of morphological and molecular data, provide a new and comprehensive framework for evaluating character evolution of steinernematids. Interpretation of morphological character evolution on 6 trees inferred from sequence data and combined evidence suggests that many structural features of these nematodes are highly homoplastic, and that some structures previously used to hypothesize relationships represent ancestral character states.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the flycatcher genus Anairetes was previously inferred using short fragments of mitochondrial DNA and parsimony and distance-based methods. The resulting topology spurred taxonomic revision and influenced understanding of Andean biogeography. More than a decade later, we revisit the phylogeny of Anairetes tit-tyrants using more mtDNA characters, seven unlinked loci (three mitochondrial genes, six nuclear loci), more closely related outgroup taxa, partitioned Bayesian analyses, and two coalescent species-tree approaches (Bayesian estimation of species trees, BEST; Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees, (*)BEAST). Of these improvements in data and analyses, the fourfold increase in mtDNA characters was both necessary and sufficient to incur a major shift in the topology and near-complete resolution. The species-tree analyses, while theoretically preferable to concatenation or single gene approaches, yielded topologies that were compatible with mtDNA but with weaker statistical resolution at nodes. The previous results that had led to taxonomic and biogeographic reappraisal were refuted, and the current results support the resurrection of the genus Uromyias as the sister clade to Anairetes. The sister relationship between these two genera corresponds to an ecological dichotomy between a depauperate humid cloud forest clade and a diverse dry-tolerant clade that has diversified along the latitudinal axis of the Andes. The species-tree results and the concatenation results each reaffirm the primacy of mtDNA to provide phylogenetic signal for avian phylogenies at the species and subspecies level. This is due in part to the abundance of informative characters in mtDNA, and in part to its lower effective population size that causes it to more faithfully track the species tree.  相似文献   

Abstract. Phylogenetic relationships among species groups of Trichadenotecnum were inferred based on morphology and the partial sequences of five gene regions (mitochondrial 12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, cytochrome oxidase I, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and nuclear 18S rDNA). All analyses supported the monophyly of Trichadenotecnum and all previously proposed species groups, except that T. circularoides was excluded from the spiniserrulum group. To examine the phylogenetic usefulness of morphological data, the morphological characters used in the construction of an earlier taxonomic system for Trichadenotecnum were mapped parsimoniously on the molecular tree. As a result: (1) commonly used forewing marking features (sparsely or extensively spotted) are considered to be very homoplastic and less informative of higher‐level phylogenetic relationships; (2) a broadly expanded epiproct lobe is considered to be independently evolved at least two or three times, and a detailed morphological re‐examination allows recognition of these convergent structures; (3) the short ventral valve of gonapophyses independently evolved at least three or four times, although this character was used initially to diagnose the spiniserrulum group.  相似文献   

The genus Phrynosoma includes 13 species of North American lizards characterized by unique and highly derived morphologies and ecologies. Understanding interspecific relationships within this genus is essential for testing hypotheses about character evolution in this group. We analyzed mitochondrial ND4 and cytochrome b gene sequence data from all species of Phrynosoma in conjunction with a previously published dataset including 12S and 16S rRNA gene sequences and morphological characters. We used multiple phylogenetic methods and diagnostic tests for data combinability and taxonomic congruence to investigate the data in separate and combined analyses. Separate data partitions resulted in several well-supported lineages, but taxonomic congruence was lacking between topologies from separate and combined analyses. Partitioned Bremer support analyses also reveals conflict between data partitions in certain tree regions. When taxa associated with well-supported clades were removed from analyses, phylogenetic signal was lost. Combined, our results initially suggest conflict between data partitions, but further tests show the data are only appropriate for phylogenetic reconstruction of those parts of the topology that were well resolved. Nonetheless, our data analyses reveal five well-supported clades: (1) Phrynosoma ditmarsi and Phrynosoma hernandesi, (2) P. ditmarsi, P. hernandesi, and Phrynosoma douglasii, (3) P. ditmarsi, P. hernandesi, P. douglasii, and Phrynosoma orbiculare, (4) Phrynosoma mcallii and Phrynosoma platyrhinos, and (5) Phrynosoma braconnieri and Phrynosoma taurus.  相似文献   

Klopfstein, S., Quicke, D. L. J., Kropf, C. & Frick, H. (2011) Molecular and morphological phylogeny of Diplazontinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 379–402. Parasitoid wasps are among the most species rich and at the same time most understudied of all metazoan taxa. To understand their diversification and test hypotheses about their evolution, we need robust phylogenetic hypotheses. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the subfamily Diplazontinae using four genes and 66 morphological characters both in separate analyses and in a total evidence approach. The resulting phylogeny is highly resolved, with most clades supported by multiple independent data partitions. It contains three highly supported genus groups, for which we suggest morphological and behavioural synapomorphies. The placement of some of the genera, especially Xestopelta Dasch, is unexpected, but also supported by morphology. Most of the genera are retrieved as monophyletic, with the exception of the morphologically diverse genus Syrphoctonus Förster. We split this genus into three genera, including Fossatyloides gen. n., to restore the phylogeny–classification link. Conflict between the morphological and the molecular topology was mostly resolved in favour of the molecular partition in the total evidence approach. We discuss reasons for this finding, and suggest strategies for future taxon and character sampling in Diplazontinae.  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

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