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The metabolism of D-[U-14C]glucose and the incorporation of [methyl-3H]thymidine by aerobic and anaerobic marine sediment microbes exposed to 1 to 1,000 ppm anthracene, naphthalene, p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and pentachlorophenol were examined. Cell-specific rates of [14C]glucose metabolism averaged 1.7 X 10(-21) and 0.5 X 10(-21) mol/min per cell for aerobic and anaerobic sediment slurries, respectively; [3H]thymidine incorporation rates averaged 43 X 10(-24) and 9 X 10(-24) mol/min per cell for aerobic and anaerobic slurries, respectively. Aerobic sediments exposed to three of the organic pollutants for 2 to 7 days showed recovery of both activities. Anaerobic sediments showed little recovery after 2 days of pre-exposure to the pollutants. We conclude that (i) anaerobic sediments are more sensitive than aerobic sediments to pollutant additions; (ii) [3H]thymidine incorporation is more sensitive to pollutant additions than is [14C]glucose metabolism; and (iii) the toxicity of the pollutants increased in the following order: anthracene, p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, naphthalene, and pentachlorophenol.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial distributions of extracellular enzymatic activities and microbial incorporations of dissolved organic substrates were followed in sediments of the brackish water Kiel Bight (Baltic Sea, Federal Republic of Germany). Enzymatic hydrolysis of polymeric organic compounds was determined by means of fluorogenic substrates (4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-d-glucoside, l-leucine-4-methylcoumarinyl-7-amide hydrochloride); incorporation of dissolved organic substrates into microbial biomass was measured by using tritiated substances (acetate, leucine, and thymidine). Based on a recently developed core injection technique, substrates were injected in microliter portions into undisturbed sediment cores. Enzymatic and incorporation activities underwent strong seasonal variations related to the enrichment of organic material in the sediment surface following sedimentation events. The input of the phytoplankton bloom during autumn caused stimulation of both enzymatic hydrolysis of polymeric organic compounds and microbial incorporation of dissolved organic substrates. Following input by spring phytoplankton bloom, mainly incorporation activities were stimulated. In late spring the development of the benthic fauna obviously greatly influenced microbial activities. During summer individual periods of high microbial activities were observed which might be traced back to short-term sedimentation events. The high microbial incorporation of leucine and thymidine during winter demonstrated that the nutrient supply rather than temperature is the dominating factor determining microbial production. Stimulation of microbial activities arose from the sediment surface and spread out relatively quickly into deeper horizons. Generally, the sediments were characterized by distinct patterns of interrelationships between the individual parameters of microbial activities measured.  相似文献   

Marine microorganisms play a fundamental role in the global carbon cycle by mediating the sequestration of organic matter in ocean waters and sediments. A better understanding of how biological factors, such as microbial community composition, influence the lability and fate of organic matter is needed. Here, we explored the extent to which organic matter remineralization is influenced by species-specific metabolic capabilities. We carried out aerobic time-series incubations of Guaymas Basin sediments to quantify the dynamics of carbon utilization by two different heterotrophic marine isolates (Vibrio splendidus 1A01; Pseudoalteromonas sp. 3D05). Continuous measurement of respiratory CO2 production and its carbon isotopic compositions (13C and 14C) shows species-specific differences in the rate, quantity and type of organic matter remineralized. Each species was incubated with hydrothermally-influenced versus unimpacted sediments, resulting in a ~2-fold difference in respiratory CO2 yield across the experiments. Genomic analysis indicated that the observed carbon utilization patterns may be attributed in part to the number of gene copies encoding for extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Our results demonstrate that the lability and remineralization of organic matter in marine environments is not only a function of chemical composition and/or environmental conditions, but also a function of the microorganisms that are present and active.  相似文献   

采用正交实验法研究了温度、pH、离子强度和溶解性有机质(DOC)对沉积物吸附菲和五氯酚(PCP)能力的影响.结果表明,上覆水温度和pH对个别沉积物的吸附能力有显著影响,其他因素及交互作用对菲和PCP的吸附无显著影响.沉积物对菲的吸附能力随温度升高而降低,对PCP在中温(20℃)时最小.pH对菲的吸附无显著影响,PCP的吸附量随pH升高而降低.DOC升高微弱地降低了菲和PCP的吸附,离子强度升高使PCP的吸附有微弱升高.沉积物对有机污染物的吸附能力主要由沉积物和有机污染物性质决定,受上覆水性质影响较小.  相似文献   

Microorganisms dwelling in sediments have a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles and are expected to have a strong influence on the cycle of arsenic, a metalloid responsible for severe water pollution and presenting major health risks for human populations. We present here a metagenomic study of the sediment from two harbours on the Mediterranean French coast, l'Estaque and St Mandrier. The first site is highly polluted with arsenic and heavy metals, while the arsenic concentration in the second site is below toxicity levels. The goal of this study was to elucidate the potential impact of the microbial community on the chemical parameters observed in complementary geochemical studies performed on the same sites. The metagenomic sequences, along with those from four publicly available metagenomes used as control data sets, were analysed with the RAMMCAP workflow. The resulting functional profiles were compared to determine the over‐represented Gene Ontology categories in the metagenomes of interest. Categories related to arsenic resistance and dissimilatory sulphate reduction were over‐represented in l'Estaque. More importantly, despite very similar profiles, the identification of specific sequence markers for sulphate‐reducing bacteria and sulphur‐oxidizing bacteria showed that sulphate reduction was significantly more associated with l'Estaque than with St Mandrier. We propose that biotic sulphate reduction, arsenate reduction and fermentation may together explain the higher mobility of arsenic observed in l'Estaque in previous physico‐chemical studies of this site. This study also demonstrates that it is possible to draw sound conclusions from comparing complex and similar unassembled metagenomes at the functional level, even with very low sequence coverage.  相似文献   

One assumption made in bacterial production estimates from [3H]thymidine incorporation is that all heterotrophic bacteria can incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA. Heterotrophic marine bacterium isolates from Tampa Bay, Fla., Chesapeake Bay, Md., and a coral surface microlayer were examined for thymidine uptake (transport), thymidine incorporation, the presence of thymidine kinase genes, and thymidine kinase enzyme activity. Of the 41 isolates tested, 37 were capable of thymidine incorporation into DNA. The four organisms that could not incorporate thymidine also transported thymidine poorly and lacked thymidine kinase activity. Attempts to detect thymidine kinase genes in the marine isolates by molecular probing with gene probes made from Escherichia coli and herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase genes proved unsuccessful. To determine if the inability to incorporate thymidine was due to the lack of thymidine kinase, one organism, Vibrio sp. strain D19, was transformed with a plasmid (pGQ3) that contained an E. coli thymidine kinase gene. Although enzyme assays indicated high levels of thymidine kinase activity in transformants, these cells still failed to incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA or to transport thymidine into the cells. These results indicate that the inability of certain marine bacteria to incorporate thymidine may not be solely due to the lack of thymidine kinase activity but may also be due to the absence of thymidine transport systems.  相似文献   

A review and discussion of the chromatographic separation of marine organic pollutants is given, including sampling and clean-up procedures, fractionation and enrichment of marine pollutants, capillary gas chromatography (cGC) and high-performance liquid chromatography applying both classical and chiral stationary phases. The potential of multi-dimensional cGC for the analysis of marine organic trace pollutants is discussed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The chromatographic separation of coplanar PCBs and of the enantiomers of chiral pollutants provides a further insight into the toxic potential of these marine organic pollutants.  相似文献   

One assumption made in bacterial production estimates from [3H]thymidine incorporation is that all heterotrophic bacteria can incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA. Heterotrophic marine bacterium isolates from Tampa Bay, Fla., Chesapeake Bay, Md., and a coral surface microlayer were examined for thymidine uptake (transport), thymidine incorporation, the presence of thymidine kinase genes, and thymidine kinase enzyme activity. Of the 41 isolates tested, 37 were capable of thymidine incorporation into DNA. The four organisms that could not incorporate thymidine also transported thymidine poorly and lacked thymidine kinase activity. Attempts to detect thymidine kinase genes in the marine isolates by molecular probing with gene probes made from Escherichia coli and herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase genes proved unsuccessful. To determine if the inability to incorporate thymidine was due to the lack of thymidine kinase, one organism, Vibrio sp. strain D19, was transformed with a plasmid (pGQ3) that contained an E. coli thymidine kinase gene. Although enzyme assays indicated high levels of thymidine kinase activity in transformants, these cells still failed to incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA or to transport thymidine into the cells. These results indicate that the inability of certain marine bacteria to incorporate thymidine may not be solely due to the lack of thymidine kinase activity but may also be due to the absence of thymidine transport systems.  相似文献   

Methanol is an ubiquitous compound that plays a role in microbial processes as a carbon and energy source, intermediate in metabolic processes or as end product in fermentation. In anoxic environments, methanol can act as the sole carbon and energy source for several guilds of microorganisms: sulfate-reducing microorganisms, nitrate-reducing microorganisms, acetogens and methanogens. In marine sediments, these guilds compete for methanol as their common substrate, employing different biochemical pathways. In this review, we will give an overview of current knowledge of the various ways in which methanol reaches marine sediments, the ecology of microorganisms capable of utilizing methanol and their metabolism. Furthermore, through a metagenomic analysis, we shed light on the unknown diversity of methanol utilizers in marine sediments which is yet to be explored.  相似文献   

Five strains each ofEscherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, andStaphylococcus aureus were grown in Trypticase soy broth (TSB) with or without penicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, or cefamandole. [3H]Thymidine incorporation and the optical density of the cultures were determined at an hourly interval for the duration of incubation. All strains ofP. mirabilis showed after 2 and 3 h of incubation of 5-to 16-fold increase in the specific activity of [3H]thymidine incorporated in the presence of MIC of the antibiotics as compared to controls grown without the drugs.E. coli andS. aureus showed smaller increases in thymidine incorporation than didP. mirabilis. After 4–5 h the antibiotics produced an inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation. At the MAC, the responses were of a smaller magnitude. Regardless of whether these changes are the result of specific interference or just lack of [3H]thymidine incorporation, they are directly related to the antibiotic activity of agents known not to affect DNA synthesis. The monitoring of [3H]thymidine incorporation detects early antibiotic activity probably earlier than other current systems which are used for this purpose.  相似文献   

微生物降解持久性有机污染物的研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
持久性有机污染物(POPs)是伴随着人类工业化发展而产生的合成类污染物,具有高毒性、持久性、长迁移性和高生物富集性等特点,POPs污染物的微生物降解一直是环境科学与技术应用领域的研究热点。微生物降解技术修复POPs污染环境具有无二次污染、成本低、快速简便等优点,拥有广泛的应用前景。本文论述了各种POPs微生物分解代谢的最新研究进展,包括降解性微生物资源以及降解机制。此外,还讨论了计算生物学、合成生物学、基因组学等技术在POPs微生物降解中的潜力和应用,以期为环境中持久性有机污染物的修复提供参考。  相似文献   

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Highlights► Microorganisms play a crucial role in detoxifying environmental pollutants. ► Proving that biodegradation processes occur in the real world (in situ) is important. ► Genetics, biochemistry, and physiology advance the science of microbial metabolism. ► Such advances provide new molecular-biomarker tools for documenting biodegradation. ► Applying new tools to contaminated sites reveals new microbial processes and diversity.  相似文献   

Effects of oxygen on denitrification in marine sediments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A direct comparison of [H]thymidine incorporation with DNA synthesis was made by using an exponentially growing estuarine bacterial isolate and the naturally occurring bacterial populations in a eutrophic subtropical estuary and in oligotrophic offshore waters. Simultaneous measurements of [H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, fluorometrically determined DNA content, and direct counts were made over time. DNA synthesis estimated from thymidine incorporation values was compared with fluorometrically determined changes in DNA content. Even after isotope dilution, nonspecific macromolecular labeling, and efficiency of DNA recovery were accounted for, [H]thymidine incorporation consistently underestimated DNA synthesized by six- to eightfold. These results indicate that although the relationship of [H]thymidine incorporation to DNA synthesis appears consistent, there are significant sources of thymine bases incorporated into DNA which cannot be accounted for by standard [H]thymidine incorporation and isotope dilution assays.  相似文献   

Enantiomeric ratios of 11 chiral environmental pollutants determined in different compartments of the marine ecosystem by chiral capillary gas chromatography and chiral high-performance liquid chromatography allow discrimination between the following processes: enantioselective decomposition of both enantiomers with different velocities by marine microorganisms (α-HCH, β-PCCH, γ-PCCH); enantioselective decomposition of one enantiomer only by marine microorganisms (DCPP); enantioselective decomposition by enzymatic processes in marine biota (α-HCH, β-PCCH, trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, octachlordane MC4, octachlordane MC5, octachlordane MC7, oxychlordane, heptachlor epoxide); enantioselective active transport through the “blood–brain barrier” (α-HCH); nonenantioselective photochemical degradation (α-HCH, β-PCCH). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Metabolic and biogeochemical processes in hyporheic zones may depend on inputs of coarse particulate organic matter. Our research focused on how differing quantity and quality of organic matter affects metabolism and nutrient retention in the hyporheic zone of a first-order Appalachian stream.
2. Sixteen plots were established on a tributary of Hugh White Creek, NC, U.S.A. Sediment was extracted and treated with leaves, wood, plastic strips or remained unamended. Following treatment, sediment was returned to the stream and, approximately 3 months later, samples were removed from each plot.
3. Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism were measured as the change in O2 and CO2 in recirculating microcosms. At the same time, we monitored other possible terminal electron accepting processes and changes in nutrient concentrations. Aerobic metabolism was low in all treatments and respiratory quotients calculated for all treatments indicated that metabolism was dominated by anaerobic processes.
4. Rates of anaerobic respiration and total (combined aerobic and anaerobic) respiration were significantly greater ( P  < 0.05) in plots treated with leaf organic matter compared to controls.
5. Addition of leaves, which had a low C:N ratio, stimulated respiration in hyporheic sediments. Anaerobic processes dominated metabolism in both control and amended sediments. Enhanced metabolic rates increased retention of many solutes, indicating that energy flow and nutrient dynamics in the subsurface of streams may depend upon the quantity and quality of imported carbon.  相似文献   

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