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Tumour angiogenesis factor (TAF) was extracted from S-180 sarcoma grown as a solid tumour in Swiss albino mice. Its angiogenic activity was detected using the mouse intradermal and the chick chorioallantois membrane assays. Similar extracts from normal tissues failed to induce neovascularisation. An antiserum raised in rabbit, against TAF purified from mouse mammary adenocarcinoma was shown to neutralise the biological activity of TAF from S-180 sarcoma and also caused tumour regression in the mice. A possible therapeutic approach to solid tumours is indicated, as also the preparation of an immunotoxin.  相似文献   

Secondary cell-mediated responses to ectromelia virus infection were studied using an in vitro system. Lymphoid “responder” cells from mice which had recovered from intravenous primary infection at various times prior to sacrifice, were cultured with syngeneic, virus-infected macrophages or spleen cells as “stimulator” cells at 39 °C, a temperature which prevented the virus from exerting cytopathic effects against responder cells. This restrictive temperature and medium with 2-mercaptoethanol at 10?4M often gave viable cell yields of more than 100% of the original responder cells over 4 days of culture. Preliminary experiments showed that spleen cells from primed mice, cultured with syngeneic, infected spleen cells from normal mice gave the most powerful secondary cytotoxic cell responses as measured by 51Cr release from virusinfected H-2-compatible target cells. The cytotoxic cells were sensitive to anti-θ and complement treatment and lysed H-2-compatible, virus-infected target cells much more efficiently than infected, allogeneic target cells, thus indicating that they were T cells. Some activity against uninfected H-2-compatible target cells was also generated, but this was largely independent of the presence of virus-induced antigen, (i.e. infected stimulator cells were unnecessary) and therefore seemed to be a consequence of the cultural conditions. Cold target competition showed that this activity was the responsibility of a T cell subset separate from the virus-specific cytotoxic T cells. The peak of cytotoxic activity against virus-infected targets occurred at 4 days of culture and DNA synthesis was maximal on day 3. The concentration of cytotoxic T cells at the peak was eight-fold higher than at the peak of the splenic primary response in vivo, Memory T cells (precursors of secondary cytotoxic T cells) appeared in spleen within 12–14 days of primary infection in vivo, reached a plateau at 5–6 weeks and persisted for at least 16 months. Spleen cells appeared partly refractory to secondary stimulation in vitro at 8–10 days post-priming. This did not seem to be due to cellular migration from spleen to lymph nodes or peritoneal cavity, but its cause was not determined. Primary responses in vitro were not detectable under conditions optimal for secondary responses, thus suggesting a major quantitative, or qualitative difference between virgin and memory T cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from immune mice incubated in vitro with syngeneic and xenogeneic red blood cells release the factor(s) which possess the immunosuppressive activity. Release of suppressive factor(s) by spleen cells from the non-immunized mice occurs only after the contact with xenogeneic erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The colony formation in spleen of lethally irradiated syngeneic or hybrid recipients was studied after transplantation of bone marrow cells, with or without macrophages from lymph nodules or from peritoneal cavity of mice, cells of macrophage-like cell line J-774, and monocytes from peripheral blood of healthy donors. The direction of stem cell differentiations in the presence of all the types of mononuclear phagocytes was seen to change from mainly erythroid to mainly myeloid one. The ratio of erythroid to myeloid colonies became equal to 0.5-0.9 instead of 2.0, when bone marrow cells were injected with equivalent quantity of mononuclear phagocytes. This new regulatory function of mononuclear phagocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors compared the immunogenic activity for Syrian hamsters of native and irradiated syngeneic and xenogeneic tumour cells bearing on their surface common and SV40-specific transplantational antigen. The results obtained showed syngeneic tumour cells to be more immunogenic for the recipient than the xenogeneic tumour cells containing an antigen of the same specificity. Irradiation renders tumour cells, including the xenogeneic ones, more immunogenic, this possibly being associated with the capacity of nonirradiated cells to escape from immune recognition through their ability to divide.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from adult F1 mice were assayed for their capacity to induce popliteal lymph node enlargement (PLNE) when inoculated in the footpad of identical or reciprocal F1 hosts. The results obtained showed that: (i) T Lyt 1+ splenocytes from adult F1 hybrids were able to induce a significant PLNE when inoculated in reciprocal but not in identical F1 hosts. (ii) Foster-nursing of F1 hybrids on mothers from the paternal strain was able to induce permanent alterations in the ability of their T splenocytes to induce PLNE: Lyt 1+ splenocytes were able to induce significant PLNE in identical but not in reciprocal F1 hosts. Thus, the ability of T splenocytes from foster-nursed F1 hybrids to induce PLNE resembled that observed in reciprocal F1 hybrids nursed by their own mothers. (iii) PLNE was accompanied by cell proliferation involving host B and T lymphocytes. (iv) This PLNE could be detected using F1 hybrids from parental strains differing or not at H-2 antigens but involving a parental strain expressing the stimulatory Mlsa allele and a parental strain bearing the nonstimulatory Mlsb allele while it was not observed in F1 hybrids from parental strains sharing Mlsa antigens.  相似文献   

Summary A mouse mammary tumor cell line, desingated JC, has been established from a spontaneously developed primary adenocarcinoma of an aged virgin female BALB/c mouse. Isoenzyme analyses including glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and peptidase proved that this cell line is of murine origin and devoid of contamination from other species. Karyotyping revealed that the number of chromosome ranged from 26 to 100, with a modal number of 40. Electron microscopic examination detected the presence of tonofilament and desmosomes confirming its epithelial nature. In addition, no type B or C virus particle was detected, although intracysternal A particle was observed occasionally. Tumorigenicity in immunocompetent syngeneic hosts was easily established by s.c., i.p., and i.v. injection of viable JC tumor cells. A very weak immunogenicity of the JC tumor was demonstrated through its immunization-challenging on syngeneic immunocompetent hosts. Although no rejection of JC tumor was noted, a significant prolongation for the incubation period before an obvious and palpable tumor growth was detected between the experimental and the control animals. Development of a concomitant immunity was also detected. The JC tumor represents a valuable murine mammary tumor model which is different from other available models because of its unique origin, absence of virus particles, very weak immunogenicity, and high tumorigenicity in syngeneic hosts. The cell line has been maintained for more than 5 yr and has been used for experimental immunotherapy in our laboratory. This work was supported by a research grant IM-416, awarded by the American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia.  相似文献   

盐酸洛拉曲克在体内、外对S-180细胞株的抗增殖作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究合合成新型胸苷合成酶抑制剂盐酸洛拉曲克在体内、外对S-180细胞株及正常人胚肾HEK293细胞的抗增殖作用;使用MTT法测定抑制率,以提高荷腹水瘤小鼠存活时间及荷实体瘤瘤重减轻情况为指标考察盐酸洛拉曲克对S-180所致肿瘤的治疗作用。结果表明:在体外盐酸洛拉曲克对S-180肿瘤细胞株有较强的细胞毒作用,对正常细胞HEK293抑制作用较弱(P<0.05);体内实验显示盐酸洛拉曲克可明显提高荷腹水瘤小鼠的存活时间,减轻荷实体瘤小鼠的瘤重,疗效与氟尿嘧啶(10mg/kg)相当(P>0.05)或更好(P<0.05)。可见,盐酸洛拉曲克在体内、外对S-180肿瘤细胞有显著的抗增殖作用,在体外对肿瘤细胞 具有选择性的抗增殖作用。  相似文献   

It is an accepted hypothesis that the nerve growth factor protein (NGF) plays an important role in the development of vertebrate sympathetic and sensory ganglia and has effects on some central neurons. The best known NGF species is that isolated from the mouse submaxillary gland, MSG-NGF. MSG-NGF can be isolated as a subunit containing protein, 7S-NGF, made up of three dissimilar subunits called alpha-, beta-, and gamma-NGF. Beta-NGF is the biologically active subunit and its synthesis in vivo and in vitro has been demonstrated. Less is known about the synthesis of the alpha- and gamma-NGF or the assembly of the subunits into the 7S complex. In order to develop a clonal model system for the study of NGF synthesis, processing and secretion, affinity chromatography techniques were applied to cell extracts of S180 mouse sarcoma, a cell line known to synthesize NGF. After incubating S180 cells in35S-Methionine, cell extracts were exposed to antibody directed against alpha-NGF, gamma-NGF or beta-NGF covalently bound to Sepharose beads in order to elute and characterize the desired NGF subunits. Parallel experiments using immunoabsorbed [35S]Methionine-beta-NGF were carried out in the presence or absence of excess NGF, in order to demonstrate the specificity of this procedure. Affinity chromatography with a substrate analogue to arginine ester bound to Sepharose beads was also used to isolate de novo synthesized gamma-NGF. We were able to show that the S180 line synthesized alpha-, beta-, and gamma-NGF indistiguishable from alpha-, beta-, and gamma-NGF isolated from mouse submaxillary gland in terms of antigenic and physicochemical properties, and biological and enzymatic activities. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that NGF is synthesized, assembled and secreted by a single cell type.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. E. M. Shooter and Dr. S. Varon.  相似文献   

In vitro lymphoproliferative responses to foreign histocompatibility antigens are phylogenetically restricted. Responses occur most readily to allogeneic or closely related xenogeneic leucocytes, but not to unrelated xenogeneic cells. Specific cytotoxic T cell responses to foreign histocompatibility antigens show the same phylogenetic restriction. This lack of xenoreactivity is not due to a lack of precursor cells for the xenoantigens; guinea-pig lymphocytes, although normally unresponsive to mouse antigens, have a similar precursor frequency for these antigens as do lymphocytes of allogeneic mouse strains. Specific cytotoxic responses of guinea-pig lymphocytes to mouse antigens can be generated if a factor released from con A stimulated guinea-pig spleen cells is added to the culture medium. The factor produced by con A-activated spleen cells (CS) is also phylogenetically restricted in its action; CS must be obtained from animals homologous with the donor of the responding lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Peritoneal exudate cells from immunized and nonimmunized animals were separated into subpopulations by centrifugation on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradients. Cells in the several subpopulations were then tested for their cytostatic or cytotoxic activity against syngeneic and xenogeneic tumor cells. Nonimmune macrophages isolated at the 8 to 11% BSA interface were highly inhibitory to the growth of syngeneic and xenogeneic tumor cells during coculture for 24 to 48 hr. A second macrophage subpopulation of heavier density was not as effective in preventing tumor growth and frequently augmented it. Cytotoxic activity against (C58NT) D tumor cells could not be detected with macrophages or subpopulations of macrophages from immune as well as nonimmune animals, as determined by a 4-hr chromium release assay. The cytotoxic activity of the immune peritoneal exudate cells observed by this assay could be accounted for by the small percentage of lymphocytes present.  相似文献   

We studied the loss and stabilization of dihydrofolate reductase genes in clones of a methotrexate-resistant murine S-180 cell line. These cells contained multiple copies of the dihydrofolate reductase gene which were associated with double minute chromosomes. The growth rate of these cells in the absence of methotrexate was inversely related to the degree of gene amplification (number of double minute chromosomes). Cells could both gain and lose genes as a result of an unequal distribution of double minute chromosomes into daughter cells at mitosis. The loss of amplified dihydrofolate reductase genes during growth in the absence of methotrexate resulted from the continual generation of cells containing lower numbers of double minute chromosomes. Because of the growth advantage of these cells, they became dominant in the population. We also studied an unstably resistant S-180 cell line (clone) that, after 3 years of continuous growth in methotrexate, generated cells containing stably amplified dihydrofolate reductase genes. These genes were present on one or more chromosomes, and they were retained in a stable state.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated rat hepatocytes were transplanted into the interscapular and both anterior lateral fat pads of hepatectomized syngeneic rats. At various time points following transplantation, the fat pads were removed, fixed and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were stained for glutamine synthetase (GS) and carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) using specific antisera and the PAP technique. The initially low fraction of GS+-heptatocytes remained low up to the fourth day, then increased strikingly up to almost 100% and declined gradually after the 14th day. In contrast, the number of CPS+-cells declined continuously to about 30% after 28 days. If the animals were exposed to CCl4 prior to the isolation of the hepatocytes in order to reduce the number of GS+-cells in the initial cell suspension similar results were obtained and no difference in the probability of the colony formation was noted between this and the normal hepatocyte suspensions indicating that the appearance of the GS+-phenotype was not due to a selective survival of these cells. Analysis of the staining intensity of the transplanted hepatocytes revealed the appearance of two populations of GS+-hepatocytes, one with a strong and one with a weak staining, during the course of formation of larger nodules, while only a single weakly stained population could be discerned with respect to the staining for CPS. These results demonstrate that all hepatocytes or at least their descendents can be induced to express GS by the environmental conditions of the fat pads, and that GS and CPS can be co-expressed with an apparently reciprocal relationship.  相似文献   

Summary An aromatic retinoic acid analogue (Ro 10-9359) previously shown to be capable of inhibiting the growth and metastasis of immunogenic sarcomas and carcinomas (see accompanying paper) was tested for its anti-tumour effects in various categories of immune-deprived mice. Non-specific immunosuppression evoked by sub-lethal whole-body X-irradiation abolished the inhibition of tumour growth induced by Ro 10-9359 in immunocompetent syngeneic hosts. Also, retinoid treatment of three categories of T-lymphocyte-deprived mice (nu/nu; thymectomized-irradiated; and cyclosporin A-treated) was ineffective in reducing the local growth rate or inhibiting spontaneous metastasis of their tumours; in fact, regardless of retinoid treatment the tumours grew faster and metastasized more widely in immunosuppressed animals than in controls. Silica and carrageenan (which are toxic to monouclear phagocytes) did not interfere with the inhibitory effects of Ro 10-9359 on tumour growth, and did not themselves potentiate metastasis; however, both agents prevented the abolition of DM6 carcinoma metastasis by retinoids. APD, which inhibits the accessory cell function of macrophages did not reduce the effectiveness of Ro 10-9359 against local tumours. However, in contrast to silica and carrageenan this agent did increase the incidence of metastasis of DM6 carcinoma from 40% to 60%, but in the presence of retinoids only 20% of mice succumbed to secondary disease. These results suggest an essential role for T lymphocytes in retinoid-induced local tumour growth inhibition, and a further contribution of mononuclear phagocytes to the prevention of metastatic disease.  相似文献   

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