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Mammalian GPx7 is a monomeric glutathione peroxidase of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), containing a Cys redox center (CysGPx). Although containing a peroxidatic Cys (CP) it lacks the resolving Cys (CR), that confers fast reactivity with thioredoxin (Trx) or related proteins to most other CysGPxs.


Reducing substrate specificity and mechanism were addressed by steady-state kinetic analysis of wild type or mutated mouse GPx7. The enzymes were heterologously expressed as a synuclein fusion to overcome limited expression. Phospholipid hydroperoxide was the oxidizing substrate. Enzyme–substrate and protein–protein interaction were analyzed by molecular docking and surface plasmon resonance analysis.


Oxidation of the CP is fast (k+ 1 > 103 M− 1 s− 1), however the rate of reduction by GSH is slow (k′+ 2 = 12.6 M− 1 s− 1) even though molecular docking indicates a strong GSH–GPx7 interaction. Instead, the oxidized CP can be reduced at a fast rate by human protein disulfide isomerase (HsPDI) (k+ 1 > 103 M− 1 s− 1), but not by Trx. By surface plasmon resonance analysis, a KD = 5.2 μM was calculated for PDI–GPx7 complex. Participation of an alternative non-canonical CR in the peroxidatic reaction was ruled out. Specific activity measurements in the presence of physiological reducing substrate concentration, suggest substrate competition in vivo.


GPx7 is an unusual CysGPx catalyzing the peroxidatic cycle by a one Cys mechanism in which GSH and PDI are alternative substrates.

General significance

In the ER, the emerging physiological role of GPx7 is oxidation of PDI, modulated by the amount of GSH.  相似文献   

Jacob J  Schirmer RH  Gromer S 《FEBS letters》2005,579(3):745-748
The catalytic activity of selenocysteine-containing thioredoxin reductases can be mimicked by cysteine-variants if the local environment at the C-terminal redox center supports thiol activation. This concept of a linear catalytic site was challenged by structural data suggesting that the invariant residue His106 functions as a base catalyst for the dithiol-disulphide exchange reaction between enzyme and substrate. As reported here, we changed His106 to asparagine, glutamine, and phenylalanine in various C-terminal mutants of Drosophila melanogaster thioredoxin reductase. The catalytic activity dropped considerably, yet pH-profiles did not reveal differences, rendering a function for His106 as a base catalyst unlikely. Interestingly, the phenylalanine-mutants, designed as negative controls were the most active mutants which suggests rather a structural role of His106.  相似文献   

Urig S  Lieske J  Fritz-Wolf K  Irmler A  Becker K 《FEBS letters》2006,580(15):3595-3600
The substrate spectrum of human thioredoxin reductase (hTrxR) is attributed to its C-terminal extension of 16 amino acids carrying a selenocysteine residue. The concept of an evolutionary link between thioredoxin reductase and glutathione reductase (GR) is presently discussed and supported by the fact that almost all residues at catalytic and substrate recognition sites are identical. Here, we addressed the question if a deletion of the C-terminal part of TrxR leads to recognition of glutathione disulfide (GSSG), the substrate of GR. We introduced mutations at the putative substrate binding site to enhance GSSG binding and turnover. However, none of these enzyme species accepted GSSG as substrate better than the full length cysteine mutant of TrxR, excluding a role of the C-terminal extension in preventing GSSG binding. Furthermore, we show that GSSG binding at the N-terminal active site of TrxR is electrostatically disfavoured.  相似文献   



Mammalian thioredoxin reductases (TrxR) are selenoproteins with important roles in antioxidant defense and redox regulation, principally linked to functions of their main substrates thioredoxins (Trx). All major forms of TrxR are intracellular while levels in serum are typically very low.


Serum TrxR levels were determined with immunoblotting using antibodies against mouse TrxR1 and total enzyme activity measurements were performed, with serum and tissue samples from mouse models of liver injury, as triggered by either thioacetamide (TAA) or carbon tetrachloride (CCl4).


TrxR levels in serum increased upon treatment and correlated closely with those of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), an often used serum biomarker for liver damage. In contrast, Trx1, glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase or selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase levels in serum displayed much lower increases than TrxR or ALT.


Serum TrxR levels are robustly elevated in mouse models of chemically induced liver injury.

General significance

The exaggerated TrxR release to serum upon liver injury may reflect more complex events than a mere passive release of hepatic enzymes to the extracellular milieu. It can also not be disregarded that enzymatically active TrxR in serum could have yet unidentified physiological functions.  相似文献   

The mammalian thioredoxin reductases (TrxR) are selenoproteins with a catalytic selenocysteine residue which in the oxidized enzyme forms a selenenylsulfide and in the reduced enzyme is present as a selenolthiol. Selenium compounds such as selenite, selenodiglutathione and selenocystine are substrates for the enzyme with low Km-values and the enzyme is implicated in reductive assimilation of selenium by generating selenide for selenoprotein synthesis. Redox cycling of reduced metabolites of these selenium compounds including selenide with oxygen via TrxR and reduced thioredoxin (Trx) will oxidize NADPH and produce reactive oxygen species inducing cell death at high concentrations explaining selenite toxicity. There is no free pool of selenocysteine since this would be toxic in an oxygen environment by redox cycling via thioredoxin systems. The importance of selenium compounds and TrxR in cancer and cardiovascular diseases both for prevention and treatment is discussed. A selenazol drug like ebselen is a direct substrate for mammalian TrxR and dithiol Trx and ebselen selenol is readily reoxidized by hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxides, acting as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory drug.  相似文献   

The antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4) is capable of reducing complex lipid hydroperoxides in addition to hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides. Mammals express three GPx4 isoforms that are targeted to nucleoli, mitochondria or cytosol via variable amino termini. To better understand the role of this important antioxidant enzyme in marine finfish, we determined the subcellular localisation of a GPx4 homologue from southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii; SBT). We created constructs for the expression of the selenocysteine-to-cysteine mutant of SBT GPx4 (GPx4C) tagged with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), including or lacking a putative amino-terminal signal peptide, and expressed the fusion proteins in a fish cell line. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the full-length GPx4C-EGFP fusion protein localised to the trans-Golgi, suggesting that tuna GPx4 may be directed to the secretory pathway. Anti-GFP immunoblotting of cell lysates and proteins from culture media showed that the secretion of SBT GPx4 into the culture medium required an amino-terminal signal peptide. According to available sequence data, the SBT GPx4 isoform studied here is representative of other piscine GPx4 isoforms, suggesting that the secretion of at least one GPx4 isoform may be common amongst teleost fish.  相似文献   

Disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum by the sulfhydryl oxidase Ero1 family is thought to be accompanied by the concomitant formation of hydrogen peroxide. Since secretory cells can make substantial amounts of proteins that contain disulfide bonds, the production of this reactive oxygen species could have potentially lethal consequences. Here, we show that two human proteins, GPx7 and GPx8, labeled as secreted glutathione peroxidases, are actually endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein disulfide isomerase peroxidases. In vitro, the addition of GPx7 or GPx8 to a folding protein along with protein disulfide isomerase and peroxide enables the efficient oxidative refolding of a reduced denatured protein. Furthermore, both GPx7 and GPx8 interact with Ero1α in vivo, and GPx7 significantly increases oxygen consumption by Ero1α in vitro. Hence, GPx7 and GPx8 may represent a novel route for the productive use of peroxide produced by Ero1α during disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   

We have determined the crystal structure of the bi-functional deaminase/reductase enzyme from Escherichia coli (EcRibD) that catalyzes two consecutive reactions during riboflavin biosynthesis. The polypeptide chain of EcRibD is folded into two domains where the 3D structure of the N-terminal domain (1-145) is similar to cytosine deaminase and the C-terminal domain (146-367) is similar to dihydrofolate reductase. We showed that EcRibD is dimeric and compared our structure to tetrameric RibG, an ortholog from Bacillus subtilis (BsRibG). We have also determined the structure of EcRibD in two binary complexes with the oxidized cofactor (NADP(+)) and with the substrate analogue ribose-5-phosphate (RP5) and superposed these two in order to mimic the ternary complex. Based on this superposition we propose that the invariant Asp200 initiates the reductive reaction by abstracting a proton from the bound substrate and that the pro-R proton from C4 of the cofactor is transferred to C1 of the substrate. A highly flexible loop is found in the reductase active site (159-173) that appears to control cofactor and substrate binding to the reductase active site and was therefore compared to the corresponding Met20 loop of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase (EcDHFR). Lys152, identified by comparing substrate analogue (RP5) coordination in the reductase active site of EcRibD with the homologous reductase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (MjaRED), is invariant among bacterial RibD enzymes and could contribute to the various pathways taken during riboflavin biosynthesis in bacteria and yeast.  相似文献   

The bovine filarial worm Setaria cervi was found to have abundance of glutathione synthetase (GS; EC activity, the enzyme being involved in catalysing the final step of glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis. A RP-HPLC method involving precolumn derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde has been followed for the estimation of GS activity in crude filarial preparations. Subcellular fractionation of the enzyme was undertaken and it was confirmed to be a soluble protein residing mainly in cytosolic fraction. Attempts to determine the Km value for L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine gave a distinctly nonlinear double-reciprocal plot in which data obtained at relatively high dipeptide concentrations (>1 mM) extrapolate to a Km value of about 400 microM whereas data obtained at lower concentrations (<0.1 mM) extrapolate to a value of about 33 microM. Km was determined to be around 950 and 410 microM for ATP and glycine, respectively. The effect of various amino acids was studied on enzyme activity at 1mM concentration. L-cystine caused a significant enzyme inhibition of 11%. Preincubation with N-ethylmaleimide also resulted in significant inhibition of GS activity.  相似文献   

Malaria parasite glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are postulated to be essential for parasite survival by protecting the parasite against oxidative stress and buffering the detoxification of heme-binding compounds; therefore, GSTs are considered potential targets for drug development. In this study, we identified a Plasmodium vivax gene encoding GST (PvGST) and characterized the biochemical properties of the recombinant enzyme. The PvGST contained 618 bp that encoded 205 amino acids and shared a significant degree of sequence identity with GSTs from other Plasmodium species. The recombinant homodimeric enzyme had an approximate molecular mass of 50kDa and exhibited GSH-conjugating and GSH-peroxidase activities towards various model substrates. The optimal pH for recombinant PvGST (rPvGST) activity was pH 8.0, and the enzyme was moderately unstable at 37 degrees C. The K(m) values of rPvGST with respect to GSH and CDNB were 0.17+/-0.09 and 2.1+/-0.4mM, respectively. The significant sequence homology and similar biochemical properties of PvGST and Plasmodium falciparum GST (PfGST) indicate that they may have similar molecular structures. This information may be useful for the design of specific inhibitors for plasmodial GSTs as potential antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was reversibly oxidized by hydrogen peroxide and reduced by cellular reductants. Reduction of hPTEN was delayed in each of S. cerevisiae gsh1Δ and gsh2Δ mutants. Expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase Gsh1 in the gsh1Δ mutant rescued regeneration rate of hPTEN. Oxidized hPTEN was reduced by glutathione in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Glutathionylated PTEN was detected. Incubation of 293T cells with BSO and knockdown expression of GCLc in HeLa cells by siRNA resulted in the delay of reduction of oxidized PTEN. Also, in HeLa cells transfected with GCLc siRNA, stimulation with epidermal growth factor resulted in the increase of oxidized PTEN and phosphorylation of Akt. These results suggest that the reduction of oxidized hPTEN is mediated by glutathione.  相似文献   

Human thioredoxin reductase (hTrxR) is a homodimeric flavoprotein crucially involved in the regulation of cellular redox reactions, growth and differentiation. The enzyme contains a selenocysteine residue at its C-terminal active site that is essential for catalysis. This redox center is located on a flexible arm, solvent-exposed and reactive towards electrophilic inhibitors, thus representing a target for antitumor drug development. During catalysis reducing equivalents are transferred from the cofactor NADPH to FAD, then to the N-terminal active site cysteine residues and from there to the flexible C-terminal part of the other subunit to be finally delivered to a variety of second substrates at the molecule's surface. Here we report the first crystal structure of hTrxR1 (Sec-->Cys) in complex with FAD and NADP(+) at a resolution of 2.8 A. From the crystals three different conformations of the carboxy-terminal arm could be deduced. The predicted movement of the arm is facilitated by the concerted action of the three side-chain residues of N418, N419 and W407, which act as a guiding bar for the C-terminal sliding process. As supported by previous kinetic data, the three visualized conformations might reflect different stages in enzymatic catalysis. Comparison with other disulfide reductases including human glutathione reductase revealed specific inhibitor binding sites in the intersubunit cavity of hTrxR that can be exploited for structure-based inhibitor development.  相似文献   

GPx1 is one of the most important enzymes involved in oxidative balance so that, we studied the phenotype and genotype relationship of GPx1 activity and rs 1800668 (C/T) site and also evaluated the changes of GPx1 kinetic parameters in the rs 1800668 homozygotes. One hundred fifty eight subjects were recruited after clinical exams. The rs 1800668 (C/T) genotype distribution was identified using RFLP-PCR method. The hemolysate GPx1 activity was spectrophotometrically measured in a reaction coupled with glutathione reductase (GR). The GPx1 enzyme was purified using gel filtration chromatography with Sephacryl S-300 column and, Km(app) was studied in the rs 1800668 TT and CC homozygotes. The results showed that the GPx1 activity is significantly associated to the rs 1800668 (C/T) genotype distribution (P<0.05) so that, the GPx1 activity was high among the CC homozygotes (P<0.03). In addition, Km(app) for TBHP substrate in the TT homozygote (8.48 μM) was higher than the CC homozygote (5.74 μM). We concluded that the C allele within rs 1800668 position is related to the GPx1 activity and may be a potential factor involved in development of inflammatory events.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pollinator specificity facilitates reproductive isolation among plants, and mechanisms that generate specificity influence species boundaries. Long-range volatile attractants, in combination with morphological co-adaptations, are generally regarded as being responsible for maintaining extreme host specificity among the fig wasps that pollinate fig trees, but increasing evidence for breakdowns in specificity is accumulating. The basis of host specificity was examined among two host-specific Ceratosolen fig wasps that pollinate two sympatric varieties of Ficus semicordata, together with the consequences for the plants when pollinators entered the alternative host variety.


The compositions of floral scents from receptive figs of the two varieties and responses of their pollinators to these volatiles were compared. The behaviour of the wasps once on the surface of the figs was also recorded, together with the reproductive success of figs entered by the two Ceratosolen species.

Key Results

The receptive-phase floral scents of the two varieties had different chemical compositions, but only one Ceratosolen species displayed a preference between them in Y-tube trials. Specificity was reinforced at a later stage, once pollinators were walking on the figs, because both species preferred to enter figs of their normal hosts. Both pollinators could enter figs of both varieties and pollinate them, but figs with extra-varietal pollen were more likely to abort and contained fewer seeds. Hybrid seeds germinated at normal rates.


Contact cues on the surface of figs have been largely ignored in previous studies of fig wasp host preferences, but together with floral scents they maintain host specificity among the pollinators of sympatric F. semicordata varieties. When pollinators enter atypical hosts, post-zygotic factors reduce but do not prevent the production of hybrid offspring, suggesting there may be gene flow between these varieties.  相似文献   

The repeating unit of outer membrane beta-barrels from Gram-negative bacteria is the beta-hairpin, and representatives of this protein family always have an even strand number between eight and 22. Two dominant structural forms have eight and 16 strands, respectively, suggesting gene duplication as a possible mechanism for their evolution. We duplicated the sequence of OmpX, an eight-stranded beta-barrel protein of known structure, and obtained a beta-barrel, designated Omp2X, which can fold in vitro and in vivo. Using single-channel conductance measurements and PEG exclusion assays, we found that Omp2X has a pore size similar to that of OmpC, a natural 16-stranded barrel. Fusions of the homologous proteins OmpX, OmpA and OmpW were able to fold in vitro in all combinations tested, revealing that the general propensity to form a beta-barrel is sufficient to evolve larger barrels by simple genetic events.  相似文献   

l-Amino acid oxidase from Rhodococcus opacus (roLAAO) is classified as a member of the GR(2)-family of flavin-dependent oxidoreductases according to a highly conserved sequence motif for the cofactor binding. The monomer of the homodimeric enzyme consists of three well-defined domains: the FAD-binding domain corresponding to a general topology throughout the whole GR(2)-family; a substrate-binding domain with almost the same topology as the snake venom LAAO and a helical domain exclusively responsible for the unusual dimerisation mode of the enzyme and not found in other members of the family so far. We describe here high-resolution structures of the binary complex of protein and cofactor as well as the ternary complexes of protein, cofactor and ligands. This structures in addition to the structural knowledge of snake venom LAAO and DAAO from yeast and pig kidney permit more insight into different steps in the reaction mechanism of this class of enzymes. There is strong evidence for hydride transfer as the mechanism of dehydrogenation. This mechanism appears to be uncommon in a sense that the chemical transformation can proceed efficiently without the involvement of amino acid functional groups. Most groups present at the active site are involved in substrate recognition, binding and fixation, i.e. they direct the trajectory of the interacting orbitals. In this mode of catalysis orbital steering/interactions are the predominant factors for the chemical step(s). A mirror-symmetrical relationship between the two substrate-binding sites of d and l-amino acid oxidases is observed which facilitates enantiomeric selectivity while preserving a common arrangement of the residues in the active site. These results are of general relevance for the mechanism of flavoproteins and lead to the proposal of a common dehydrogenation step in the mechanism for l and d-amino acid oxidases.  相似文献   



The principal oxidative-stress defense in the human parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the tryparedoxin-dependent peroxide detoxification pathway, constituted by trypanothione reductase (TryR), tryparedoxin (TXN), tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx) and tryparedoxin-dependent glutathione peroxidase A (GPxA). Here, Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) was applied to quantitatively prioritize drug target(s) within the pathway by identifying its flux-controlling enzymes.


The recombinant enzymes were kinetically characterized at physiological pH/temperature. Further, the pathway was in vitro reconstituted using enzyme activity ratios and fluxes similar to those observed in the parasites; then, enzyme and substrate titrations were performed to determine their degree of control on flux. Also, kinetic characterization of the whole pathway was performed.


Analyses of the kinetic properties indicated that TXN is the less efficient pathway enzyme derived from its high Kmapp for trypanothione and low Vmax values within the cell. MCA established that the TXN–TXNPx and TXN–GPxA redox pairs controlled by 90–100% the pathway flux, whereas 10% control was attained by TryR. The Kmapp values of the complete pathway for substrates suggested that the pathway flux was determined by the peroxide availability, whereas at high peroxide concentrations, flux may be limited by NADPH.


These quantitative kinetic and metabolic analyses pointed out to TXN as a convenient drug target due to its low catalytic efficiency, high control on the flux of peroxide detoxification and role as provider of reducing equivalents to the two main peroxidases in the parasite.

General Significance

MCA studies provide rational and quantitative criteria to select enzymes for drug-target development.  相似文献   

The frequent abundance of arsenic in the environment has guided the evolution of enzymes for the reduction of arsenate. The arsenate reductases (ArsC) from different sources have unrelated sequences and structural folds, and can be divided into different classes on the basis of their structures, reduction mechanisms and the locations of catalytic cysteine residues. The thioredoxin-coupled arsenate reductase class is represented by Staphylococcus aureus pI258 ArsC and Bacillus subtilis ArsC. The ArsC from Escherichia coli plasmid R773 and the eukaryotic ACR2p reductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae represent two distinct glutaredoxin-linked ArsC classes. All are small cytoplasmic redox enzymes that reduce arsenate to arsenite by the sequential involvement of three different thiolate nucleophiles that function as a redox cascade. In contrast, the ArrAB complex is a bacterial heterodimeric periplasmic or a surface-anchored arsenate reductase that functions as a terminal electron acceptor and transfers electrons from the membrane respiratory chain to arsenate. Finally, the less well documented arsenate reductase activity of the monomeric arsenic(III) methylase, which is an S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)-dependent methyltransferase. After each oxidative methylation cycle and before the next methylation step, As(V) is reduced to As(III). Methylation by this enzyme is also considered an arsenic-resistance mechanism for bacteria, fungi and mammals.  相似文献   

Salinas, G., Fernández, V., Fernández, C., and Selkirk, M. E. 1998.Echinococcus granulosus: Cloning of a thioredoxin peroxidase.Experimental Parasitology90, 298–301.  相似文献   

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