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In some ants, bees, and wasps, workers kill or "police" maleeggs laid by other workers in order to maintain the reproductiveprimacy of the queen. Kin selection theory predicts that multiplemating by the queen is one factor that can selectively favorworker policing. This is because when the queen is mated tomultiple males, workers are more closely related to the queen'ssons than to the sons of other workers. Earlier work has suggestedthat reproductive patterns in the German wasp Vespula germanicamay contradict this theory, because in some colonies a largefraction of the adult males were inferred to be the workers'sons, despite the effective queen mating frequency being greaterthan 2 (2.4). In the present study, we reexamine the V. germanicacase and show that it does support the theory. First, geneticanalysis confirms that the effective queen mating frequencyis high, 2.9, resulting in workers being more related to thequeen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, behavioralassays show that worker-laid eggs are effectively killed byother workers, despite worker-laid eggs having the same intrinsicviability as queen-laid ones. Finally, we estimate that approximately58.4% of the male eggs but only 0.44% of the adult males areworker derived in queenright colonies, consistent with workerreproduction being effectively policed.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that in colonies of social Hymenoptera headed by a multiple‐mated queen, workers should benefit from policing eggs laid by other workers. Foster & Ratnieks provided evidence that in the vespine wasp Dolichovespula saxonica, workers police other workers’ eggs only in colonies headed by a multiple‐mated queen, but not in those headed by a single‐mated one. This conclusion, however, was based on a relatively small sample size, and the original study did not control for possible confounding variables such as the seasonal colony progression of the nests. Our aim, therefore, was to reinvestigate whether or not facultative worker policing occurs in D. saxonica. Remarkably, our data show that in the studied Danish population, there was no correlation between worker–worker relatedness and the percentage of worker‐derived males. In addition, we show that variability in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles among the workers did not significantly correlate with relatedness and that workers therefore probably did not have sufficient information on queen mating frequency from the workers’ cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Hence, there was no evidence that workers facultatively policed other workers’ eggs in response to queen mating frequency. Nevertheless, our data do show that the seasonal progression of the nest and the location in which the males were reared both explain the patterns of worker reproduction found. Overall, our results suggest that the earlier evidence for facultative worker policing in D. saxonica may have been caused by accidental correlations with certain confounding variables, or, alternatively, that there are large interpopulation differences in the expression of worker policing.  相似文献   

在许多膜翅目中营社会性生活的昆虫群体里,亲属辨认、监督与优惠对昆虫个体和群体繁衍都非常重要。作者在国内外相关研究的基础上,对意大利蜜蜂Apismellifera蜂群中工蜂监督产生的理论依据、监督现象、监督效率、监督机理等研究进展进行综合论述,并对今后的研究趋势作扼要介绍。  相似文献   

In insect societies, eggs laid by workers are frequently killed by other workers – a behaviour known as “worker policing”. The traditional explanation of worker policing is that it is a mechanism to resolve intracolony conflict, and maintain the reproductive monopoly of the queen. Recently, Pirk et al. (2004) proposed that worker policing instead is aimed at removing unviable worker-laid eggs and is ultimately just another example of hygienic behaviour. Here we test this hypothesis for the common wasp Vespula vulgaris, a species with highly effective worker policing. We show that worker-laid eggs from queenless colonies have a lower hatch rate (68%) than queen-laid eggs (82%). Analysis of egg laying rates of queens and workers, however, shows that the difference is not big enough to explain the apparent absence of adult worker-derived males in this species. Received 30 January 2006; revised 2 May 2006; accepted 5 May 2006.  相似文献   

Insect societies are vulnerable to exploitation by workers who reproduce selfishly rather than help to rear the queen's offspring. In most species, however, only a small proportion of the workers reproduce. Here, we develop an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model to investigate factors that could explain these observed low levels of reproductive exploitation. Two key factors are identified: relatedness and policing. Relatedness affects the ESS proportion of reproductive workers because laying workers generally work less, leading to greater inclusive fitness costs when within-colony relatedness is higher. The second key factor is policing. In many species, worker-laid eggs are selectively removed or 'policed' by other workers or the queen. We show that policing not only prevents the rearing of worker-laid eggs but can also make it unprofitable for workers to lay eggs in the first place. This can explain why almost no workers reproduce in species with efficient policing, such as honeybees, Apis, and the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, despite relatively low relatedness caused by multiple mating of the mother queen. Although our analyses focus on social insects, the conclusion that both relatedness and policing can reduce the incentive for cheating applies to other biological systems as well.  相似文献   

Abstract In a colony headed by a single monandrous foundress, theories predict that conflicts between a queen and her workers over both sex ratio and male production should be intense. If production of males by workers is a function of colony size, this should affect sex ratios, but few studies have examined how queens and workers resolve both conflicts simultaneously. We conducted field and laboratory studies to test whether sex-ratio variation can be explained by conflict over male production between queen and workers in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis.
Worker oviposition rate increased more rapidly with colony size than did queen oviposition. Allozyme and micro-satellite markers revealed that the mean frequency of workers' sons among male adults in queen-right colonies was 0.39 ± 0.08 SE (n = 22). Genetic relatedness among female nestmates was high (0.654–0.796), showing that colonies usually had a single, monandrous queen. The mean sex allocation ratio (male investment/male and gyne investments) of 46 queen-right colonies was 0.47 ± 0.02, and for 25 orphaned colonies was 0.86 ± 0.04. The observed sex allocation ratio was likely to be under queen control. For queen-right colonies, the larger colonies invested more in males and produced reproductives protandrously and/or simultaneously, whereas the smaller colonies invested more in females and produced reproductives protogynously. Instead of positive relationships between colony size and worker oviposition rate, the frequency of workers' sons within queen-right colonies did not increase with colony size. These results suggest that queens control colony investment, even though they allow worker oviposition in queen-right colonies. Eggs laid by workers may be policed by the queen and/or fellow workers. Worker oviposition did not influence the outcome of sex allocation ratio as a straightforward function of colony size.  相似文献   

Most animal societies are non-clonal and thus subject to conflicts. In social insects, conflict over male production can be resolved by worker policing, i.e. eating of worker-laid eggs (WLE) or aggression towards reproductive workers. All workers in a colony have an interest in policing behaviour being expressed, but there can be asymmetries among workers in performing the actual behaviour. Here, we show that workers of the ant Pachycondyla inversa specialize in policing behaviour. In two types of behavioural assays, workers developed their ovaries and laid eggs. In the first experiment, reproductive workers were introduced into queenright colonies. In the second experiment, WLE were introduced. By observing which individuals policed, we found that aggressive policing was highly skewed among workers that had opportunity to police, and that a similar tendency occurred in egg policing. None of the policing workers had active ovaries, so that policing did not incur a direct selfish benefit to the policer. This suggests that policing is subject to polyethism, just like other tasks in the colony. We discuss several hypotheses on the possible causes of this skew in policing tasks. This is the first non-primate example of specialization in policing tasks without direct selfish interests.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginala, a tropical, primitively eusocial, polistinewasp, is unusual in that the queen (the sole egg-layer) is neitherthe most behaviorally dominant nor the most active individualin the colony. The queen by herself rarely ever initiates interactionstoward her nest mates or unloads returning foragers. There arealways a few workers in the colony who are more dominant andactive than the queen. Absence of the queen from her colonydoes not affect colony maintenance activities such as foragingor brood care, but it always results in one individual becomingvery aggressive and dominant. The dominant worker becomes thenext queen if the original queen does not return. The queendoes not appear to play any significant role in colony activityregulation. Instead, colony activities appear to be regulatedby several mechanisms including dominance behavior toward foragers,feeding of larvae, and the unloading of returning foragers,all mediated by workers themselves. Regulation of colony maintenanceappears to be based on direct evaluation of the needs of thecolony by the workers themselves. The queen however has perfectreproductive control over all workers; workers never lay eggsin the presence of the queen. It appears therefore that themechanisms involved in regulation of worker activity and workerreproduction are separate in R marginata. These findings contrastwith other primitively eusocial species where the queen actsas a "central pacemaker" and controls both worker activity andworker reproduction.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies provide model systems for the examination of conflicts among parties with different genetic interests. As such, they have provided the best tests of inclusive fitness theory. However, much remains unknown about in which party's favour such conflicts are resolved, partly as a result of the only recent advent of the molecular tools needed to examine the outcome of these conflicts. Two key conflicts in social insect colonies are over control of the reproductive sex ratio and the production of male offspring. Most studies have examined only one of these conflicts but in reality they occur in tandem and may influence each other. Using microsatellite analyses, the outcome of conflict over sex ratios and male production was examined in the bumble bee, Bombus hypnorum. The genotypes were determined for mother queens, their mates and males for each of 10 colonies. In contrast to other reports of mating frequency in this species, all of the queens were singly mated. The population sex ratio was consistent with queen control, suggesting that queens are winning this conflict. In contrast, workers produced over 20% of all males in queen-right colonies, suggesting that they are more effective in competing over male-production. Combining these results with previous work, it is suggested that worker reproduction is a labile trait that may well impose only small costs on queen fitness.  相似文献   

In many bees, wasps, and ants, workers police each other in order to prevent individual workers from selfishly producing their own male offspring. Although several factors can selectively favor worker policing, genetic relatedness is considered to be of special importance. In particular, kin selection theory predicts that worker policing should be more common in species where workers are more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Here we provide strong novel support for this theory based on a comparative analysis of policing and male parentage in 109 species of ants, bees, and wasps. First, an analysis of behavioral data confirms that worker policing occurs more frequently in species where workers are more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, an analysis of male parentage shows that a significantly higher percentage of the males are workers' sons in species where the workers are more related to other workers' sons. Both conclusions also hold if data are analyzed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Although our analysis provides strong overall support for the theory that relatedness affects kin conflict over male parentage, there is also significant residual variation. Several factors that may explain this variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Many social species show variation in their social structure in response to different environmental conditions. For example, colonies of the yellowjacket wasp Vespula squamosa are typically headed by a single reproductive queen and survive for only a single season. However, in warmer climates, V. squamosa colonies sometimes persist for multiple years and can grow to extremely large size. We used genetic markers to understand patterns of reproduction and recruitment within these perennial colonies. We genotyped V. squamosa workers, pre‐reproductive queens, and males from perennial colonies in the southeastern United States at 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA locus. We found that V. squamosa from perennial nests were produced by multiple reproductives, in contrast to typical annual colonies. Relatedness of nestmates from perennial colonies was significantly lower than relatedness of nestmates from annual colonies. Our analyses of mitochondrial DNA indicated that most V. squamosa perennial colonies represented semiclosed systems whereby all individuals belonged to a single matriline despite the presence of multiple reproductive females. However, new queens recruited into perennial colonies apparently mated with non‐nestmate males. Notably, perennial and annual colonies did not show significant genetic differences, supporting the hypothesis that perennial colony formation represents an instance of social plasticity. Overall, our results indicate that perennial V. squamosa colonies show substantial changes to their social biology compared to typical annual colonies and demonstrate variation in social behaviors in highly social species.  相似文献   

The conflicts over sex allocation and male production in insect societies have long served as an important test bed for Hamilton''s theory of inclusive fitness, but have for the most part been considered separately. Here, we develop new coevolutionary models to examine the interaction between these two conflicts and demonstrate that sex ratio and colony productivity costs of worker reproduction can lead to vastly different outcomes even in species that show no variation in their relatedness structure. Empirical data on worker-produced males in eight species of Melipona bees support the predictions from a model that takes into account the demographic details of colony growth and reproduction. Overall, these models contribute significantly to explaining behavioural variation that previous theories could not account for.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of eusocial halictines suggest that workers have many reproductive options, including sterile altruism in the maternal nest, combined helping and personal reproduction, and diapause and spring nest founding. How and when workers exercise these various options influences the strength of colony social organization. Halictus sexcinctus exhibits highly polymorphic social behaviour, with solitary colonies in central Europe and both eusocial and communal colonies in southern Greece. Indirect evidence suggests that some worker-brood females are actually gynes. A distinctly bimodal size distribution among foundresses in 1998, the lower size peak being close to the modal body size of workers from 1997, suggests that large worker-brood females overwinter and return to the aggregation as eusocial foundresses. Other first-brood females remain in the maternal nest as workers, although few can be classified as classical, sterile altruists. Only 17% of older, healthy workers are sterile (i.e. had ovarian development scores 0.1), whereas about 83% are reproductive, exhibiting at least one 1/4-developed oocyte. About 57% of older workers have at least one fully or 3/4 developed oocyte, signifying that they are ready or almost ready to lay. Sterile workers exhibit greater total wear (combined mandibular and wing wear) scores than reproductive workers, suggesting that they are older, have higher activity rates, or both.  相似文献   

This study brings a survey of the exocrine glands in the legs of Vespula vulgaris wasps. We studied workers, males, virgin queens as well as mated queens. A variety of 17 glands is found in the different leg segments. Among these, five glands are novel exocrine structures for social insects (trochanter-femur gland, ventrodistal tibial gland, distal tibial sac gland, ventral tibial gland, and ventral tarsomere gland). Most leg glands are present in the three leg pairs of all castes. This may indicate a mechanical function. This is likely for the numerous glands that occur near the articulation between the various leg segments, where lubricant production may be expected. Other possible functions include antenna cleaning, acting as a hydraulic system, or pheromonal. Further research including leg-related behavioural observations and chemical analyses may help to clarify the functions of these glandular structures in the legs.  相似文献   

Anarchistic behaviour is a very rare phenotype of honeybee colonies. In an anarchistic colony, many workers' sons are reared in the presence of the queen. Anarchy has previously been described in only two Australian colonies. Here we report on a first detailed genetic analysis of a British anarchistic colony. Male pupae were present in great abundance above the queen excluder, which was clearly indicative of extensive worker reproduction and is the hallmark of anarchy. Seventeen microsatellite loci were used to analyse these male pupae, allowing us to address whether all the males were indeed workers' sons, and how many worker patrilines and individual workers produced them. In the sample, 95 of 96 of the males were definitely workers' sons. Given that approximately 1% of workers' sons were genetically indistinguishable from queen's sons, this suggests that workers do not move any queen-laid eggs between the part of the colony where the queen is present to the area above the queen excluder which the queen cannot enter. The colony had 16 patrilines, with an effective number of patrilines of 9.85. The 75 males that could be assigned with certainty to a patriline came from 7 patrilines, with an effective number of 4.21. They were the offspring of at least 19 workers. This is in contrast to the two previously studied Australian naturally occurring anarchist colonies, in which most of the workers' sons were offspring of one patriline. The high number of patrilines producing males leads to a low mean relatedness between laying workers and males of the colony. We discuss the importance of studying such colonies in the understanding of worker policing and its evolution.  相似文献   

Lasioglossum malachurum, a bee species common across much of Europe, is obligately eusocial across its range but exhibits clear geographic variation in demography and social behaviour. This variation suggests that social interactions between queens and workers, opportunities for worker oviposition, and patterns of relatedness among nest mates may vary considerably, both within and among regions. In this study, we used three microsatellite loci with 12-18 alleles each to examine the sociogenetic structure of colonies from a population at Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias in southern Greece. These analyses reveal that the majority of colonies exhibit classical eusocial colony structure in which a single queen mated to a single male monopolizes oviposition. Nevertheless, we also detect low rates of multiqueen nest founding, occasional caste switching by worker-destined females, and worker oviposition of both gyne and male-producing eggs in the final brood. Previous evidence that the majority of workers show some ovarian development and a minority (17%) have at least one large oocyte contrasts with the observation that only 2-3% of gynes and males (the so-called reproductive brood) are produced by workers. An evaluation of the parameters of Hamilton's Rule suggests that queens benefit greatly from the help provided by workers but that workers achieve greater fitness by provisioning and laying their own eggs rather than by tending to the queen's eggs. This conflict of interest between the queen and her workers suggests that the discrepancy between potential and achieved worker oviposition is due to queen interference. Comparison of relatedness and maternity patterns in the Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias population with those from a northern population near Tübingen, Germany, points to a north-south cline of increasingly effective queen control of worker behaviour.  相似文献   

The broad limits of mature colony size in social insect species are likely to be set by ecological factors. However, any change in colony size has a number of important social consequences. The most fundamental is a change in the expected reproductive potential of workers. If colony size rises, workers experience a fall in their chances of becoming replacement reproductives and, it is shown, increasing selection for mutual inhibition of one another's reproduction (worker policing). As workers’ reproductive potential falls, the degree of dimorphism between reproductive and worker castes (morphological skew) can rise. This helps explain why small societies have low morphological skew and tend to be simple in organization, whereas large societies have high morphological skew and tend to be complex. The social consequences of change in colony size may also alter colony size itself in a process of positive feedback. For these reasons, small societies should be characterized by intense, direct conflict over reproduction and caste determination. By contrast, conflict in large societies should predominantly be over brood composition, and members of these societies should be relatively compliant to manipulation of their caste. Colony size therefore deserves fuller recognition as a key determinant, along with kin structure, of social complexity, the reproductive potential of helpers, the degree of caste differentiation, and the nature of within-group conflict.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Biological invasions are usually thought to have a negative impact on native communities. However, data supporting this idea are often based on comparative studies between invaded and non‐invaded areas, and are spatially and temporally limited. 2. The present study experimentally assessed the impact of an exotic wasp, Vespula germanica, on the native arthropod community of north‐west Patagonia during 3 years in an area of 80 ha. Vespula germanica is an exotic social vespid that invaded north‐west Patagonia 20 years ago. It has been suggested that its populations affect native arthropods because of its broad diet and also because Patagonia lacks natural enemies and potential competitors for these wasps. 3. Using wasp‐specific toxic baits, V. germanica abundance was reduced in five sites of native woodlands during 3 consecutive years. The abundance, species richness, and composition of arthropods between non‐poisoned (control) and poisoned sites was then compared, both before and after the wasps were poisoned. 4. Wasp abundance represented 6% of the total arthropod catches in non‐poisoned sites and was reduced, on average, by 50% in the treated areas. The abundance, species richness, and composition of the arthropod community (305 species, 24 600 individuals) did not differ between control areas and areas where the abundance of V. germanica was reduced. Significant differences in response variables were found only before wasp poisoning had begun and were related to variations among sites. 5. These results suggest that V. germanica is not affecting the local arthropod assemblages, contradicting past work in other regions. The low relative abundance of wasps in Patagonia, when compared with other invaded regions, might explain the findings. 6. The present study provides further evidence for the importance of large‐scale experimental work with before/after comparisons to fully understand the impact of invaders on natural communities.  相似文献   

Hamilton's kin selection theory predicts conflicts of interestamong relatives, even within highly cooperative social insectsocieties. Because workers are the most numerous caste, collectiveworker interests may be an important force in determining theoutcome of conflicts. In this study, we used genotypes fromtwo DNA microsatellite loci to show that two kinds of collectiveworker interests are satisfied in Brachygastra mellifica, amember of the multiqueen epiponine wasps. First, from the highrelatedness of queens (0.66) and the fact that queens are singlymated (shown by genotyping their stored sperm), we calculatedthat new queens are reared in colonies with a harmonic meanof 1.2 old queens, whereas males are reared in colonies withmuch higher queen numbers. This split sex ratio result is predictedunder worker control. It matches other studies of epiponines,but B. mellifica has much larger mature colonies (averaging7951 adults) with many more queens (averaging 398), showingthe pattern holds for large-colony species. Second, we reportthe first genetic data on parentage of males in epiponines andshow that these are also consistent with collective worker interests.Workers are on average significantly more related to queensthan to other workers (r = .37 versus .23) and should thereforesuppress each other and allow the queens to lay haploid (male)eggs. Though many workers have developed ovaries and could layeggs, the genetic analyses showed that most or all males comefrom queens.  相似文献   

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