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The interaction between human T lymphocytes and autologous macrophages (Mφ) in the proliferative response to soluble antigen was investigated. The presence of Mφ was a requirement for maximal lymphocyte proliferation to tetanus toxoid antigen. Brief exposure of Mφ to TT resulted in “antigen-pulsed” Mφ which could stimulate proliferation by lymphocytes in the absence of free antigen. Taking advantage of the adherent nature of Mφ, monolayers of antigen-pulsed Mφ were used to specifically adsorb antigen-reactive lymphocytes. This immunoadsorption was manifested by a specific deletion of proliferative activity in the fraction of lymphocytes failing to bind to the monolayers.  相似文献   

Monolayers of macrophages (Mphi) pulsed with antigen were used as immunosorbents for T lymphocytes from guinea pigs primed to soluble protein antigens. T lymphocytes were cultured on the Mphi monolayers for 4 hr, then aspirated and reincubated on a fresh monolayer pulsed with the same antigen for a second and a third step. T lymphocytes so treated were selectively deprived of cells responding in assay for antigen-dependent proliferation against the antigen used for pulsing the absorbing monolayer, but maintained their response to other antigens. The lymphocytes adhering to the Mphi of the absorbing monolayer were capable of giving a full response to the antigen used for pulsing the Mphi of the monolyers. The proliferative response of F1 T lymphocytes to antigen in association with Mphi of either parental strain could be absorbed leaving the response to antigen in association with Mphi of the other parental strain. The absorption of the proliferative response was not inhibited by addition of excess soluble antigen to the medium of the absorption culture. Our results indicate that specific guinea pig T lymphocytes responding by proliferation to soluble protein antigens recognize and bind specifically to a complex of Ia antigen and protein antigen at the surface of the Mphi.  相似文献   

The effects of human monocytes and mature human macrophages on lymphocyte proliferation in response to PHA and allogeneic lymphocytes were examined. Monocytes enhanced and macrophages markedly suppressed lymphocyte proliferation to both stimuli. Monocyte enhancement of lymphocyte proliferation was, in part, due to a soluble mediator. Macrophage suppression was not due to (a) media depletion, (b) soluble lymphotoxins or inhibitors of proliferation, (c) media depletion, (d) macrophage production of prostaglandins, (e) decreased lymphocyte survival, or (f) induction of suppressor lymphocytes. These data emphasize the dichotomy of human monocyte and macrophage effects on lymphocyte proliferation and suggest, by exclusion, that macrophage suppression may require cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

Guinea pig T lymphocyte proliferation induced by sodium periodate (NaIO4) or neuraminidase-galactose oxidase (NG) occurs when lymphocytes and macrophages are cultured together after treatment of either purified T lymphocytes or macrophages with these agents. Regardless of which cell initially bears the modified surface carbohydrate, lymphocyte proliferation requires the presence of viable homologous macrophages and fails to occur when they are replaced with fibroblasts, erythrocytes, L2C leukemia cells, thymocytes, PMN, line I hepatoma cells, or murine macrophages. Lymphocyte proliferation resulting from NaIO4 or NG treatment of lymphocytes is diminished when these cells are treated with proteolytic enzymes or aged in in vitro culture for 48 hr. By contrast, proteolytic enzyme treatment or in vitro aging has no effect on the ability of NaIO4 or NG-treated macrophages to induce lymphocyte proliferation. The requirement for macrophage-lymphocyte interaction in NaIO4 or NG-induced lymphocyte proliferation is indicative of a central role for the macrophage in the initiation of T lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

The effects of cytochalasin B on functional and physical macrophage-lymphocyte interaction have been examined. Cytochalasin B, an inhibitor of a variety of membrane activities blocks antigen-dependent bindings of immune lymphocytes to macrophages and antigen-triggered lymphocytes proliferation if added at the initiation of culture. Cytochalasin B becomes progressively less inhibitory if addition is delayed by increasing intervals from the onset of culture. Under these conditions neither antigen handling by macrophages nor the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA is inhibited by cytochalasin B. These data are interpreted to suggest that cytochalasin B inhibits antigen-specific macrophage-lymphocyte interaction either by inhibition of an initial antigen-independent phase of macrophage-lymphocyte interaction or by interfering with a lymphocyte membrane event necessary for the interaction of the antigen-specific lymphocyte receptor with the macrophage-bound antigenic signal.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which adherent cells, presumably of mononuclear phagocytic lineage, influence in vitro antigen-specific activation of murine T lymphocytes was examined. Two distinct functions for macrophages could be discerned. One macrophage function is dependent on a soluble factor produced by cultured adherent cells and is most easily studied with complex multideterminant antigens. This factor is neither antigen-specific nor MHC-restricted in its action in that PEC, regardless of haplotype, produce factor in the absence of antigen. A second function, antigen-specific T cell activation, is seen when antigens of more restricted heterogeneity are used, such as those under the control of Ir genes. This latter activity demands identity or partial identity between the antigen-presenting cell and the primed T cell, thus suggesting an additional specific, genetically restricted function for macrophages in in vitro antigen recognition. Whether these adherent cell functions are mediated by all or distinct subsets of cells was not established.  相似文献   

We wished to determine whether human lymphocytes, like their murine counterparts, show organ-specific interactions with high endothelial venules (HEV). Functional HEV-binding ability was measured by an in vitro assay of lymphocyte adherence to HEV in frozen sections of human lymphoid tissues which was adapted from rodent systems. It was found that human lymphocytes bind selectively to HEV and that, whereas mature T lymphocytes bind preferentially to HEV in peripheral lymph nodes and tonsils, B lymphocytes show preferential binding to HEV in GALT. Moreover, by analyzing the binding characteristics of T4+ and T8+ T cell populations, it was found that T8+ cells adhere preferentially to HEV in GALT and mesenteric lymph nodes and tonsil, and that T4+ cells bind slightly better to HEV in peripheral lymph nodes. The above findings indicate that organ--specific lymphocyte-endothelial cell recognition mechanisms exist also in humans, and suggest that these mechanisms play an important role in normal and pathologic lymphocyte traffic.  相似文献   

The principle of hapten-specific carrier-dependent immunologic tolerance was used to study the in vivo and in vitro interaction of lymphocyte membrane receptors with antigen (DNP-KLH) and tolerogen (DNP-MGG). Direct fluorescent techniques were employed to illustrate the binding of tolerogeu and antigen to the same population of lymphoid cells and the subsequent in vivo and in vitro events related to capping and regeneration of membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Mixtures of isogeneic lymph node cells (LNC) and thymocytes (TC) exhibit far greater responsiveness in the murine MLI, as measured by proliferation and development of cytotoxic effector cells, than either cell type cultured alone. Pretreatment of either lnc or TC with mitomycin-C or ultraviolet irradiation completely abolished their synergistic interaction. Administration of cortisone acetate to cell donors 20 hr before sacrifice reduced the capacity of LNC and enhanced the capacity of TC to synergize. The LNC and TC populations participating in synergy, were found to be thymus dependent. LNC were shown to be responsible for the bulk of proliferative and effector activity observed in synergizing cultures, whereas TC appeared to amplify the activation of LNC. These findings provide the basis for a three cell model of MLI responsiveness.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that human hepatitis virus delta antigen has an RNA-binding activity (Chang et al., J. Virol. 62:2403-2410, 1988). In the present study, the specificity of such an RNA-protein interaction was demonstrated by expressing various domains of the delta antigen in Escherichia coli as TrpE fusion proteins and testing their RNA-binding activities in a Northwestern protein-RNA immunoblot assay and RNA gel mobility shift assay. Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA bound specifically to the delta antigen in the presence of an excess amount of unrelated RNAs and a relatively high salt concentration. Both genome- and antigenome-sense HDV RNAs and at least two different regions of HDV genomic RNA bound to the delta antigen. Surprisingly, these two different regions of HDV genomic RNA could compete with each other for delta antigen binding, although they do not have common nucleotide sequences. In contrast, this binding could not be competed with by other viral or cellular RNA. Since both the genomic and antigenomic HDV RNAs had strong intramolecular complementary sequences, these results suggest that the binding of delta antigen is probably specific for a secondary structure unique to the HDV RNA. By expressing different subdomains of the delta antigen, we found that the middle one-third of delta antigen was responsible for binding HDV RNA. Neither the N-terminal nor the C-terminal domain bound HDV RNA. Binding between the delta antigen and HDV RNA was also demonstrated within the HDV particles isolated from the plasma of a human delta hepatitis patient. This in vivo binding resisted treatment with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate and 0.5% Nonidet P-40. In addition, we showed that the antiserum from a human patient with delta hepatitis reacted with all three subdomains of the delta antigen, indicating that all of the domains are immunogenic in vivo. These studies demonstrated the specific interaction between delta antigen and HDV RNA.  相似文献   

Serum-free cultures of activated macrophages generate conditioned media containing both potentiating and inhibitory activities for the lectin-induced transformation of syngeneic thymocytes, lymph node cells, or spleen cells, also cultured in serum-free medium. Exhaustive dialysis of macrophage conditioned medium (MCM) eliminates its inhibitory activity. At mitogenic doses of lectin, the dialyzable material enhances the potentiating activity exerted by macro-molecular factors at low and optimal concentration of MCM. The inhibitory effect of intermediate concentrations of nondialyzed MCM on [3H]thymidine uptake can be reversed if the cells are washed and pulsed in fresh medium, and thus is artefactual. On the other hand, high doses have a real inhibitory effect on proliferative response of transformed lymphocytes. Rat MCM is not mitogenic for any of the target lymphocytes tested. Its effect is observed both in primary cultures of lymphocytes and secondary cultures of blast cells.  相似文献   

The effect on macrophage physiology of 3-day contact with lymphokine has been studied using a variety of cytochemical techniques. Increases in respiratory and hydrolytic enzyme activity were detected. These changes and other effects on cell permeability and morphology seen in previous work have been compared to the changes that occur more rapidly after lymphokine contact. In the light of these results suggestions are made for the possible mode of action of lymphokine in vivo particularly in relation to cellular immunity to infection.  相似文献   

A goat antibody specific for an antigenic determinant shared between guinea pig antithrombin III (AT III) and thymocytes was shown to be mitogenic for lymph node T lymphocytes in the presence of macrophages. Although the antiserum was not mitogenic for purified populations of B lymphocytes, B lymphocytes were as efficient as T lymphocytes in absorbing the mitogenic activity of the serum. The shared antigenic determinant appeared to be carbohydrate in nature in that native and guanidine-treated AT III, but not periodate oxidized AT III, were capable of inhibiting the mitogenic activity of the serum when added continuously to the cultures. The possibility that the plasma protease inhibitor AT III or an antigenically related membrane protein are involved in the regulation of T cell activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Four cloned macrophage hybridoma cells prepared by fusion of splenic adherent cells with a P388D1 macrophage tumor markedly inhibited the growth of lymphocytes and tumor cells. Macrophage clones 5, 8, 63, and 64 are strong inhibitors of B-cell blastogenesis, T-cell blastogenesis, and tumor proliferation, while the P388D1, tumor line and clones 13, 59, and 67 demonstrated little inhibitory activity in all three systems. The inhibitory effect of macrophage hybridomas can be detected within 8 hr, although greater inhibition was noted following longer incubation. The correlations among these three assay systems suggest that similar mechanisms may be involved. The data indicate that the inhibition of cell proliferation was not due to cell lysis. Furthermore, the inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation in Con A-stimulated cultures was not accompanied by inhibition of lymphokine production in the same cultures. Neither prostaglandins nor hydrogen peroxide appear to be primarily responsible for growth inhibition. The inhibitory properties of these macrophage hybridoma lines represent a stable phenotype and provide a homogeneous source of cells for further analysis of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Characterization of soluble fibronectin binding to Bacille Calmette-Guérin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fibronectin (FN), a 420 kDa glycoprotein, consists of two similar subunits linked by a disulphide bond near the C-terminal end. FN is present in soluble and matrix forms in various body fluids and tissues and has been shown to bind to variety of organisms. We characterized the conditions required for 125I-FN binding to Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). The binding was dose-dependent, reached saturation within 3 min, and was essentially irreversible for at least 24 h under optimal binding conditions at pH 6.0. In contrast, the binding was reversible (greater than 90% in 24 h) when the pH was increased to 10.0. Scatchard analysis of the dose-response experiments produced a straight line, suggesting the presence of a single class of FN receptor on BCG. 125I-FN binding was trypsin-sensitive, suggesting that the BCG-binding molecule is a protein. The number of FN receptors was determined to be 8000-15,000 per bacterium. 125I-FN binding was pH dependent, with maximal binding at acidic pH. 125I-FN binding was sensitive to the presence of NaCl, with 0.08 M-NaCl inhibiting binding by 85%. These data demonstrate that soluble FN binds to a trypsin-sensitive cell-surface component of BCG in an essentially irreversible manner.  相似文献   

A model is proposed describing multiple binding of multivalent antigen to specific receptors of immunocompetent cells. The rate at which these multiple bonds can dissociate and the effective valence of the antigen appear to be of the greatest importance in determining the degree of receptor occupancy at equilibrium. In particular, as antigen concentration decreases, only antigens with high number of determinants per molecule maintain the ability to form multiple bonds even if the dissociation rate is relatively high. Assuming that multiple binding is directly linked to lymphocyte activation, this may result in an inverse relation between antigen valence and ability to induce selection of clones with higher affinities.  相似文献   

Adherent peritoneal cells (90 to 95% macrophages) from mice injected with Mycobacterium bovis, strain BCG, or certain noninfectious agents such as pyran copolymer or phytohemagglutinin showed increased chemotactic and tumoricidal capacity in vitro. These activated macrophages elaborated 2 to 5 times more lymphocyte-activating factor (LAF) in vitro than equal numbers of adherent cells from untreated mice. In contrast, adherent PC from mice treated with thioglycollate or mineral oil were not cytotoxic and did not produce more LAF than PC from untreated mice. Adherent PC from untreated nude mice, which have increased chemotactic and tumoricidal capacity in vitro, also exhibited enhanced LAF production compared to adherent PC from their normal littermates. Increased production of LAF was also evident with adherent PC and the macrophage-like tumor cell line P388D1 after incubation in vitro with bacterial endotoxins or with antigen-induced lymphokines. These data indicate that adherent PC can be activated either in vivo or in vitro to elaborate more LAF. Thus, activated macrophages are more effective than normal macrophages in amplification of the afferent limb of immune responses as well as in their effector functions.  相似文献   

Selective proliferation of T cells in the mixed lymphocyte interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contribution of avian thymus-derived (T) and bursa-derived (B2) cells to the proliferating cell population in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) was evaluated. When spleen cells of chickens containing chromosomally marked T and B2 cells were stimulated in a one-way MLC by mitomycin C blocked allogeneic spleen cells, only T cells proliferated during a 4–9 day culture period. No evidence for significant recruitment of B2 cells, expressed as proliferation of B2 cells, was found. The initial viability and proliferative potential of B2 cells was shown by a substantial and selective B2 cell response to anti-immunoglobulin serum.  相似文献   

Ion binding constants for phosphatidylserine membranes have been derived from the variation of the surface potential of phosphatidylserine monolayers with divalent cation concentrations in the presence of various monovalent salts in the aqueous subphase. The observed surface potential data for the monolayers, analyzed by use of the Gouy-Chapman diffuse potential theory, together with a simple binding reaction formula, yield, for Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and (Me)4N+ binding constant values of 30 M?1, 10 M?1, 0.6 M?1 and 0.05 M?1, respectively. The effect of pH on surface potential of phosphatidylserine monolayers was found to be dependent upon ionic species other than H+ in the subphase solution. The distinction between apparent and intrinsic dissociation constants of H+ for biomolecules was made in terms of ion binding due to other ions at the same site as for H+ in biomolecules.  相似文献   

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