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To predict structural and energetic effects of point mutations on ligand binding is of considerable interest in biochemistry and pharmacology. This is not only useful in connection with site-directed mutagenesis experiments, but could also allow interpretation and prediction of individual responses to drug treatment. For G-protein coupled receptors systematic mutagenesis has provided the major part of functional data as structural information until recently has been very limited. For the pharmacologically important A2A adenosine receptor, extensive site-directed mutagenesis data on agonist and antagonist binding is available and crystal structures of both types of complexes have been determined. Here, we employ a computational strategy, based on molecular dynamics free energy simulations, to rationalize and interpret available alanine-scanning experiments for both agonist and antagonist binding to this receptor. These computer simulations show excellent agreement with the experimental data and, most importantly, reveal the molecular details behind the observed effects which are often not immediately evident from the crystal structures. The work further provides a distinct validation of the computational strategy used to assess effects of point-mutations on ligand binding. It also highlights the importance of considering not only protein-ligand interactions but also those mediated by solvent water molecules, in ligand design projects.  相似文献   

The extracellular region of CD6 consists of three scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domains and binds activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). Residues important for the CD6-ALCAM interaction have previously been identified by mutagenesis. A total of 22 CD6 residues were classified according to their importance for anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and/or ALCAM binding. The three-dimensional structure of the SRCR domain of Mac-2 binding protein has recently been determined, providing a structural prototype for the SRCR protein superfamily. This has made a thorough three-dimensional analysis of CD6 mutagenesis and mAb binding experiments possible. Mutation of buried residues compromised both mAb and ALCAM binding, consistent with the presence of structural perturbations. However, several residues whose mutation affected both mAb and ALCAM binding or, alternatively, only ligand binding were found to map to the surface in the same region of the domain. This suggests that the CD6 ligand binding site and epitopes of tested mAbs overlap and provides an explanation for the finding that these mAbs effectively block ALCAM binding. An approximate molecular model of CD6 was used to delineate the ALCAM binding site.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s0089490050263Abbreviations ALCAM activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule - CD6D3 third (membrane-proxi-mal) extracellular domain of CD6 - IgSF immunoglobulin superfamily - mAb monoclonal antibody - M2BP Mac-2 binding protein - SRCR scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain - SRCRSF scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein superfamily  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质(bacteriorhodopsin,bR)是一种光驱受体蛋白,每个活性单元由3个单体组成,每个单体由一分子视蛋白和一分子的视黄醛发色团共价结合而成,其功能为从胞内向胞外定向传输质子,利用形成的质子浓度梯度将光能转化为化学能.光照后视黄醛发色团构型发生all-trans向13-cis转变,蛋白的构象也随之发生了一系列具有稳定中间态的变化并驱动质子的定向传递.为探讨bR视黄醛键合区保守性氨基酸色氨酸86 (Tryptop-han86,w86)对其光循环中间态和质子泵功能的影响,本研究采用定点突变技术将W86突变为侧链大小不同的F86和A86,通过原位紫外-可见光吸收光谱、闪光光解光谱、pH滴定、固体核磁共振等技术手段,探究W86F和W86A突变对bR光循环及质子泵功能影响差异性的分子机制.结果 表明,W86F和W86A突变均造成了bR暗适应状态下视黄醛顺反异构平衡向顺式构型占优的方向移动,且W86F突变可造成反式构型的完全消失.此外,无论是W86F还是W86A突变都造成了蛋白光循环中间态的减弱且衰减延长,以及质子泵功能减弱,但影响机制各有所不同,这可能与这两个突变对视黄醛多烯链上电子云的分布以及周围残基造成的扰动程度不同有关.  相似文献   

We present a full-length α1β2γ2 GABA receptor model optimized for agonists and benzodiazepine (BZD) allosteric modulators. We propose binding hypotheses for the agonists GABA, muscimol and THIP and for the allosteric modulator diazepam (DZP). The receptor model is primarily based on the glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) from C. elegans and includes additional structural information from the prokaryotic ligand-gated ion channel ELIC in a few regions. Available mutational data of the binding sites are well explained by the model and the proposed ligand binding poses. We suggest a GABA binding mode similar to the binding mode of glutamate in the GluCl X-ray structure. Key interactions are predicted with residues α1R66, β2T202, α1T129, β2E155, β2Y205 and the backbone of β2S156. Muscimol is predicted to bind similarly, however, with minor differences rationalized with quantum mechanical energy calculations. Muscimol key interactions are predicted to be α1R66, β2T202, α1T129, β2E155, β2Y205 and β2F200. Furthermore, we argue that a water molecule could mediate further interactions between muscimol and the backbone of β2S156 and β2Y157. DZP is predicted to bind with interactions comparable to those of the agonists in the orthosteric site. The carbonyl group of DZP is predicted to interact with two threonines α1T206 and γ2T142, similar to the acidic moiety of GABA. The chlorine atom of DZP is placed near the important α1H101 and the N-methyl group near α1Y159, α1T206, and α1Y209. We present a binding mode of DZP in which the pending phenyl moiety of DZP is buried in the binding pocket and thus shielded from solvent exposure. Our full length GABAA receptor is made available as Model S1.  相似文献   


With the aid of molecular modelling both adenosine and adenosine A, receptor antagonists belonging to various chemical classes were compared. A model for the antagonist binding site was developed. As a consequence 1H-imidazo[4, 5-c]-quinolin-4-amines were synthesized, constituting a novel class of potent non-xanthine adenosine receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

RDL receptors are GABA-activated inhibitory Cys-loop receptors found throughout the insect CNS. They are a key target for insecticides. Here, we characterize the GABA binding site in RDL receptors using computational and electrophysiological techniques. A homology model of the extracellular domain of RDL was generated and GABA docked into the binding site. Molecular dynamics simulations predicted critical GABA binding interactions with aromatic residues F206, Y254, and Y109 and hydrophilic residues E204, S176, R111, R166, S176, and T251. These residues were mutated, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and their functions assessed using electrophysiology. The data support the binding mechanism provided by the simulations, which predict that GABA forms many interactions with binding site residues, the most significant of which are cation-π interactions with F206 and Y254, H-bonds with E204, S205, R111, S176, T251, and ionic interactions with R111 and E204. These findings clarify the roles of a range of residues in binding GABA in the RDL receptor, and also show that molecular dynamics simulations are a useful tool to identify specific interactions in Cys-loop receptors.Abbreviations used: nACh, nicotinic acetylcholine; AChBP, acetylcholine binding protein; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; MD, molecular dynamics; RDL, resistant to dieldrin; RMSD, root mean-square displacement; RMSF, root mean-square fluctuation  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(8):1604-1618
Debilitating heart conditions, notably dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies (CMs), are associated with point mutations in metavinculin, a larger isoform of the essential cytoskeletal protein vinculin. Metavinculin is co-expressed with vinculin at sub-stoichiometric ratios in cardiac tissues. CM mutations in the metavinculin tail domain (MVt) occur within the extra 68-residue insert that differentiates it from the vinculin tail domain (Vt). Vt binds actin filaments (F-actin) and promotes vinculin dimerization to bundle F-actin into thick fibers. While MVt binds to F-actin in a similar manner to Vt, MVt is incapable of F-actin bundling and inhibits Vt-mediated F-actin bundling. We performed F-actin co-sedimentation and negative-stain EM experiments to dissect the coordinated roles of metavinculin and vinculin in actin fiber assembly and the effects of three known metavinculin CM mutations. These CM mutants were found to weakly induce the formation of disordered F-actin assemblies. Notably, they fail to inhibit Vt-mediated F-actin bundling and instead promote formation of large assemblies embedded with linear bundles. Computational models of MVt bound to F-actin suggest that MVt undergoes a conformational change licensing the formation of a protruding sub-domain incorporating the insert, which sterically prevents dimerization and bundling of F-actin by Vt. Sub-domain formation is destabilized by CM mutations, disrupting this inhibitory mechanism. These findings provide new mechanistic insights into the ability of metavinculin to tune actin organization by vinculin and suggest that dysregulation of this process by CM mutants could underlie their malfunction in disease.  相似文献   


Computer graphic analyses on a broad spectrum of adenosine receptor ligands has shown that both the A1 and A2 adenosine receptors have three binding sites. The spatial relationship of these three binding sites has been defined. Adenosine orientation at A1 and A2 is different.  相似文献   

CTLA4Ig has been successfully used in the clinic for suppression of T cell activation. However, patients treated with CTLA4Ig experienced reduced incidence of tumors than predicted, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. In this paper, we showed that brief administration of CTLA4Ig significantly reduced tumor metastasis and prolonged the survival of host mice bearing B16 melanoma. Depletion of NK cells prior to CTLA4Ig administration eliminated the CTLA4Ig-mediated anti-tumor activity. CTLA4Ig enhanced NK cell cytotoxicity to tumor cells via up-regulation of NK cell effecter molecules CD107a and perforin in vivo. In addition, we demonstrated that, upon activation, NK cells could significantly increase the expression of CD86 both in vitro and in vivo, and ligation of CD86 with CTLA4Ig significantly increased the ability of NK cells to kill tumor cells. Furthermore, a human NK cell line that expressed high level of CD86 was directly activated by CTLA4Ig so that killing of tumor targets was enhanced; this enhanced killing could be inhibited by blocking CD86. Our findings uncover a novel function of CTLA4Ig in tumor immunity and suggest that CD86 on NK cells is an activating receptor and closely involved in the CTLA4Ig-mediated anti-tumor response.  相似文献   

The hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay is the primary measurement used for identifying antigenically novel influenza virus strains. HAI assays measure the amount of reference sera required to prevent virus binding to red blood cells. Receptor binding avidities of viral strains are not usually taken into account when interpreting these assays. Here, we created antigenic maps of human H3N2 viruses that computationally account for variation in viral receptor binding avidities. These new antigenic maps differ qualitatively from conventional antigenic maps based on HAI measurements alone. We experimentally focused on an antigenic cluster associated with a single N145K hemagglutinin (HA) substitution that occurred between 1992 and 1995. Reverse-genetics experiments demonstrated that the N145K HA mutation increases viral receptor binding avidity. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) revealed that the N145K HA mutation does not prevent antibody binding; rather, viruses possessing this mutation escape antisera in HAI assays simply by attaching to cells more efficiently. Unexpectedly, we found an asymmetric antigenic effect of the N145K HA mutation. Once H3N2 viruses acquired K145, an epitope involving amino acid 145 became antigenically dominant. Antisera raised against an H3N2 strain possessing K145 had reduced reactivity to H3N2 strains possessing N145. Thus, individual mutations in HA can influence antigenic groupings of strains by altering receptor binding avidity and by changing the dominance of antibody responses. Our results indicate that it will be important to account for variation in viral receptor binding avidity when performing antigenic analyses in order to identify genuine antigenic differences among influenza virus variants.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human bestrophin 1 (hBest1) chloride channel cause Best vitelliform macular dystrophy. Although mutations in its transmembrane domains were found to alter biophysical properties of the channel, the mechanism for disease-causing mutations in its N and C termini remains elusive. We hypothesized that these mutations lead to channel dysfunction through disruption of an N-C-terminal interaction. Here, we present data demonstrating that hBest1 N and C termini indeed interact both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, using a spectrum-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer method, we showed that functional hBest1 channels in the plasma membrane were multimers. Disease-causing mutations in the N terminus (R19C, R25C, and K30C) and the C terminus (G299E, D301N, and D312N) caused channel dysfunction and disruption of the N-C interaction. Consistent with the functional and biochemical results, mutants D301N and D312N clearly reduced fluorescence resonance energy transfer signal, indicating that the N-C interaction was indeed perturbed. These results suggest that hBest1 functions as a multimer in the plasma membrane, and disruption of the N-C interaction by mutations leads to hBest1 channel dysfunction.Extensive evidence has shown that bestrophins are anion channels when expressed heterologously in cell lines (19) and represent a type of endogenous calcium-activated chlorine channel in several cell types (1012). Mutations disrupting hBest1 channel function lead to Best vitelliform macular dystrophy (Best disease) (13). Bestrophin 1 channels have been reported to exist as oligomers (2, 14). Results from immunoprecipitation experiments suggested that hBest1 exists as tetramers or pentamers when expressed heterologously (2), whereas a hydrodynamic study based on the calculations of the molecular mass of the Best1-detergent complex concluded that native porcine Best1 channels are dimers (14). Besides the uncertainty about the subunit stoichiometry, it is still unclear how bestrophin subunits assemble and interact in functional channels.Understanding how disease-causing mutations might adversely affect the assembly and interaction of bestrophin subunits is important for elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying the Best disease. The hBest1 protein contains six transmembrane domains (TMD1–6) with intracellularly located N and C termini. There are three “hot spots” of disease-causing mutations in hBest1: the N-terminal region, TMD2, and the C terminus proximal to TMD6 (13, 15). Multiple lines of evidence support that mutations in TMD2 alter the biophysical properties of the channel (3, 4, 7). How mutations distributed around the N- and C-terminal regions cause Best disease is less clear, although strong evidence recently suggested that certain mutations in the C terminus disrupt hBest1 channel gating by Ca2+ (16). N-C-terminal interaction of multimeric channels has been demonstrated to be involved in the activation of many channel types including inward rectifier K+ channels (17) and cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (1820). In the present study we tested the hypothesis that an interaction between the N and C termini plays an important role in normal hBest1 channel function, and weakening or disruption of this interaction by mutations leads to channel dysfunction.To test our hypothesis, we introduced disease-causing mutations into the N- or C-terminal regions of hBest1 expressed in HEK293 cells and tested the effects of mutations on subunit interaction and channel function with a combination of electrophysiological, biochemical, and optical methods. We found that these mutations not only disrupted channel function but also caused N- and C-terminal dissociation both in vitro and in vivo. The findings suggest a novel molecular mechanism for the mutations in hBest1 to cause human Best disease.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) - rat Y1 (rY1) receptor complex and of the NPY 13-36 - rY1 receptor complex was constructed by molecular modeling based on the electron density projection map of rhodopsin and on site-directed mutagenesis studies of neuropeptide receptors. In order to further guide the modeling, the nucleotide sequences encoding Trp287, Cys295 and His297 in the third extracellular loop of the rY1 receptor, were altered by site-directed mutagenesis experiments. Single-point mutated receptors were expressed in COS-7 cells, and tested for their ability to bind radio labelled NPY (3H-NPY). Mutations of Trp287 and His297 completely abolished binding of 3H-NPY. The Cys295Ser mutation only slightly decreased the binding of 3H-NPY, suggesting that the involvement of Cys295 in a disulphide bond is not essential for maintaining the correct three-dimensional structure of the binding site for NPY. Molecular dynamics simulations of NPY-rY1 receptor interactions suggested that Asp199, Asp103 and Asp286 in the receptor interact, respectively, with Lys4, Arg33 and Arg35 of NPY. The simulations also suggested that His297 acts as a hydrogen acceptor from Arg35 in NPY, and that Tyr1 of NPY interacts with a binding pocket on the receptor formed by Asn115, Asp286, Trp287 and His297. Tyr36 in NPY interacted both with Thr41 and Tyr99 via hydrogen bonds, and also with Asn296, His297 and Phe301. The present study suggests that amino acid residues at the extracellular end of the transmembrane helices and in the extracellular loops are strongly involved in binding to NPY and NPY13-36.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the aminoacyl-tRNA binding site (A-site), and its surroundings in the Escherichia coli 30S ribosomal subunit, are of great relevance in designing antibacterial agents. The 30S subunit A-site is near ribosomal protein S12, which neighbors helices h27 and H69; this latter helix, of the 50S subunit, is a functionally important component of an intersubunit bridge. Experimental work has shown that specific point mutations in S12 (K42A, R53A) yield hyper-accurate ribosomes, which in turn confers resistance to the antibiotic ‘paromomycin’ (even when this aminoglycoside is bound to the A-site). Suspecting that these effects can be elucidated in terms of the local atomic interactions and detailed dynamics of this region of the bacterial ribosome, we have used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the motion of a fragment of the E. coli ribosome, including the A-site. We found that the ribosomal regions surrounding the A-site modify the conformational space of the flexible A-site adenines 1492/93. Specifically, we found that A-site mobility is affected by stacking interactions between adenines A1493 and A1913, and by contacts between A1492 and a flexible side-chain (K43) from the S12 protein. In addition, our simulations reveal possible indirect pathways by which the R53A and K42A mutations in S12 are coupled to the dynamical properties of the A-site. Our work extends what is known about the atomistic dynamics of the A-site, and suggests possible links between the biological effects of hyper-accurate mutations in the S12 protein and conformational properties of the ribosome; the implications for S12 dynamics help elucidate how the miscoding effects of paromomycin may be evaded in antibiotic-resistant mutants of the bacterial ribosome.  相似文献   

The Neuromutagenesis Facility at the Jackson Laboratory generated a mouse model of retinal vasculopathy, nmf223, which is characterized clinically by vitreal fibroplasia and vessel tortuosity. nmf223 homozygotes also have reduced electroretinogram responses, which are coupled histologically with a thinning of the inner nuclear layer. The nmf223 locus was mapped to chromosome 17, and a missense mutation was identified in Lama1 that leads to the substitution of cysteine for a tyrosine at amino acid 265 of laminin α1, a basement membrane protein. Despite normal localization of laminin α1 and other components of the inner limiting membrane, a reduced integrity of this structure was suggested by ectopic cells and blood vessels within the vitreous. Immunohistochemical characterization of nmf223 homozygous retinas demonstrated the abnormal migration of retinal astrocytes into the vitreous along with the persistence of hyaloid vasculature. The Y265C mutation significantly reduced laminin N-terminal domain (LN) interactions in a bacterial two-hybrid system. Therefore, this mutation could affect interactions between laminin α1 and other laminin chains. To expand upon these findings, a Lama1 null mutant, Lama1tm1.1Olf, was generated that exhibits a similar but more severe retinal phenotype than that seen in nmf223 homozygotes. The increased severity of the Lama1 null mutant phenotype is probably due to the complete loss of the inner limiting membrane in these mice. This first report of viable Lama1 mouse mutants emphasizes the importance of this gene in retinal development. The data presented herein suggest that hypomorphic mutations in human LAMA1 could lead to retinal disease.  相似文献   

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