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Summary Human fetal skin fibroblasts (TIG-3S) were found to migrate into a denuded area in a cell monolayer when cultured in both serum-depleted and serum-supplemented media, unlike adult-donor skin fibroblasts which migrated well only when cultured in serum-supplemented medium. Therefore, a series of experiments was carried out to determine whether autocrine factors are involved in their migration. The migration of TIG-3S cells in serum-depleted medium was suppressed by the addition of suramin, a factor with growth factor antagonist properties, which suggests that growth factors are important for cell migration. The suramin-induced inhibition was reversed completely by adding excess basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) to the culture medium and partially by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). Treatment with neutralizing anti-PDGF antibody did not suppress TIG-3S cell migration, whereas neutralizing anti-bFGF antibody did, which indicates that bFGF is an autocrine and PDGF a paracrine factor involved in cell migration. Next, an experiment was performed to ascertain whether the extracellular matrix is involved in TIG-3S cell migration. Monensin, an inhibitor of extracellular matrix secretion, inhibited cell migration, which was reversed by adding excess type I collagen, but not excess plasma fibronectin. In addition, further evidence for the involvement of collagen was provided by the observation that ethyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, a specific inhibitor of collagen synthesis, suppressed cell migration. These results suggest that the autonomous migration of TIG-3S human fetal skin fibroblasts is mediated by bFGF and type I collagen, which they produce and secrete.  相似文献   

Chloroquine modulates the activity of cultured human microvascular endothelial (HOME) cells in a complex fashion. At concentrations of 5-25 microM, CQ inhibits basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF-) and human serum-induced mitogenic activity in these cells, in a dose-dependent manner. The kinetics of CQ's inhibitory actions on serum-induced mitogenesis in HOME cells slowly develops with only 30% of maximum inhibition reached after 24 hours. In HOME cells grown in serum-free medium, CQ raised tissue-plasminogen activator antigen levels in cell extracts. There was also a potentiation of bFGF-induced t-PA production. The kinetics of CQ's stimulatory effect on t-PA production by HOME cells, suggest that this effect precedes its inhibitory actions on mitogenesis. This effect of CQ on t-PA generation in endothelial cells was susceptible to cycloheximide inhibition. In wound assays, HOME cell migration, induced with bFGF and HS, was potentiated by CQ.  相似文献   

It is suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) play an important role in tumor-induced angiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to estimate the correlation between VEGF and bFGF levels and tumor pathological status according to pTNM classification in patients with squamous cell oesophageal cancer. A group of 25 healthy controls and 32 consecutive patients with oesophageal cancer were included in this study. Serum VEGF and bFGF levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Quantikine R&D Systems). Serum VEGF and bFGF levels were significantly elevated in the patient groups (VEGF: 146.0 pg/ml, 79.0-386.3 pg/ml vs. 38.0 pg/ml, 6.5-135.1 pg/ml, p<0.005, and bFGF: 5.2 pg/ml, 1.2-10.6 pg/ml vs. 2.06 pg/ml, 0.07-4.0 pg/ml, p<0.02 Fisher test). The highest correlation between serum VEGF and bFGF levels were found in patients with advanced cancers, especially with: T4, N1, and M1 factors. The VEGF and bFGF levels were significantly higher in patients with pT4 (p<0.01). Patients with N1 lymph node invasion, compared with N0 factor, have higher levels of angiogenetic factors (p<0.04). Also in patients with advanced cancers with liver metastases the serum levels VEGF and bFGF were significantly higher (M1 vs. M0, VEGF p<0.001 and bFGF p<0.05). Consecutive monitoring of VEGF and bFGF serum levels may be a useful prognostic marker for patients with squamous cell oesophageal cancer.  相似文献   

Effects of growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), and endothelin-1 (ET-1) on endothelial cell migration and the underlying molecular mechanisms were explored using a human umbilical cord endothelial cell line, ECV304 cells, in vitro. Treatment of the cells with IGF-I or ET-1, but not GH, stimulated the cell migration. Interestingly, however, ET-1-induced, but not IGF-I-induced, migration of the cells was inhibited by GH. Both ET-1 and IGF-I caused activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in the cells, and GH eliminated the MAPK activation produced by ET-1 but not that produced by IGF-I. On the other hand, migration of the cells was stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC) agonist, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. ET-1 promoted PKC activity, and a PKC inhibitor, GF-109203X, blocked ET-1-induced cell migration. Although GH inhibited ET-1-induced cell migration and MAPK activity, it did not block ET-1-induced PKC activation. Thus ET-1 stimulation of endothelial cell migration appears to be mediated by PKC/MAPK pathway, and GH may inhibit the MAPK activation by ET-1 at the downstream of PKC.  相似文献   

Summary Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a potent in vitro mitogen for capillary endothelial cells, stimulates angiogenesis in vivo, and may participate in tissue repair. Basic FGF is found in abundance in tissues such as brain, kidney, and cartilage. This study reports the expression, purification, and renaturation of a biologically active human basic fibroblast growth factor fusion protein (hbFGF-Fl) fromEscherichia coli. A prokaryotic expression vector was engineered to produce a tripartite fusion protein consisting of a purification tag, a protease-sensitive linker and collagen binding domain, and a cDNA sequence encoding the active fragment of hbFGF. The expressed hbFGF-F1 and hbFGF-F2 (it contains the collagen binding domain), located in inclusion bodies, were solubilized with 6 M guanidine-HCl and renatured by a glutathione redox system and protracted dialysis under various experimental conditions. The purification of the recombinant proteins was achieved by binding the His-tag of the fusion protein on a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid metal chelate column. The biological activity of the recombinant growth factor was demonstrated by its ability to stimulate proliferation of human vein endothelial cells, monitored by [3H]thymidine incorporation, where commercial recombinant human bFGF (rhbFGF) served as a positive control. Purified rhbFGF-F1 and rhbFGF-F2 constructs exhibited proliferative activity comparable to commercial rhbFGF. The high-affinity binding was demonstrated by the binding of [3H]collagen to the rhbFGF-F2 protein immobilized on a Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid column. The rhbFGF-F2 fusion protein bound to collagen-coated surfaces with high affinity. Taken together, these results demonstrate that biologically active rhbFGF fusion proteins can be recovered from transformed bacteria by oxidative refolding; thus, providing a means for their high-yield production, purification, and renaturation from microorganisms. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the auxiliary collagen binding domain effectively targets the recombinant growth factor to type 1 collagen. These studies advance the technology necessary to generate large quantities of targeted bFGF fusion proteins for specific biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) can be isolated in large numbers without major contamination by other cells and maintained in culture with a limited life span for about 100 population doublings. In order to study phenotypic changes of BAEC during long-term culture, stocks of different passages of BAEC were established and their morphological, migratory, and proliferative properties analyzed. Early-passage BAEC (passages 5–15) rapidly produce dense, cobblestone-like monolayers. Their growth beyond the monolayer configuration is characterized by the formation of an irregular network of spindle-shaped, crisscrossing BAEC growing either on top or beneath the monolayer, and by the assembly of elongated BAEC into well-differentiated capillary-like tubes. In contrast, senescent BAEC (passages 35–45) form perfect cobblestone monolayers that contain several, often multinucleated giant cells and a few capillary-like tubes but not the crisscrossing networks of their early-passage counterparts. The rates of BAEC migration and proliferation gradually decline during in vitro senescence. This decline is neutralized by exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) which elevates the migratory and proliferative capacities of early-passage and senescent BAEC to uniformly high levels. Northern blot analysis shows a gradual decline in bFGF message and an increase in laminin message during in vitro BAEC senescence. The present study supports the concept of autocrine growth regulation of BAEC and associates a decreased bFGF message with decreased rates of migration and proliferation as well as loss of the crisscrossing BAEC morphotype in senescent cultures. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differentiation of endothelial cells, i.e., formation of a vessel lumen, is a prerequisite for angiogenesis. The underlying molecular mechanisms are ill defined. We have studied a brain capillary endothelial cell line (IBEC) established from H-2Kb-tsA58 transgenic mice. These cells form hollow tubes in three-dimensional type I collagen gels in response to fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). Culture of IBEC on collagen gels in the presence of FGF-2 protected cells from apoptosis and allowed tube formation (i.e., differentiation) but not growth of the cells. FGF-induced differentiation, but not cell survival, was inhibited by treatment of the cells with an anti-beta1-integrin IgG. Changes in integrin expression in the collagen-gel cultures could not be detected. Rather, cell-matrix interactions critical for endothelial cell differentiation were created during the culture, as indicated by the gradual increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase in the collagen-gel cultures. Inclusion of laminin in the collagen gels led to FGF-2-independent formation of tube structures, but cells were not protected from apoptosis. These data indicate that FGF receptor-1 signal transduction in this cell model results in cell survival. Through mechanisms dependent on cell-matrix interactions, possibly involving the alpha3beta1-integrin and laminin produced by the collagen-cultured IBE cells, FGF stimulation also leads to differentiation of the cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors interact with appropriate endothelial cell (EC) surface receptors and initiate intracellular signal cascades, which participate in modulating blood vessel growth. EC, upon exposure to basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGFs) undergo profound functional alterations, which depend on their actual sensitivity and involve gene expression and de novo protein synthesis. We investigated the effects of bFGF on signaling pathways of EA.hy926 cells in different environments. EC were cultured under normal gravity (1 g) and simulated microgravity (micro g) using a three-dimensional (3D) clinostat. Microgravity induced early and late apoptosis, extracellular matrix proteins, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and TGF-beta(1) expression. Microgravity reduced eNOS mRNA within 24 h. Moreover, a six- to eightfold higher amount of IL-6 and IL-8 was secreted within 24 h micro g. In addition, microgravity induced a duplication of NF-kappaB p50, while p65 was quadrupled. At 1 g, bFGF application (4 h) reduced ET-1, TGF-beta(1) and eNOS gene expression. After 24 h, bFGF enhanced fibronectin, VEGF, Flk-1, Flt-1, the release of IL-6, IL-8, and TGF-beta(1). Furthermore, bFGF promoted apoptosis, reduced NFkB p50, but enhanced NFkB p65. After 4 h micro g, bFGF decreased TGF-beta(1), eNOS, and ET-1 gene expression. After 24 h micro g, bFGF elevated fibronectin, Flk-1 and Flt-1 protein, and reduced IL-6 and IL-8 compared with vehicle treated micro g cultures. In micro g, bFGF enhanced NF-KappaB p50 by 50%, Bax by 25% and attenuated p65, activation of caspase-3 and annexin V-positive cells. bFGF differently changes intracellular signals in ECs depending whether it is applied under microgravity or normal gravity conditions. In microgravity, bFGF contributes to protect the EC from apoptosis.  相似文献   

The molecular details linking integrin engagement to downstream cortactin (Ctn) tyrosine phosphorylation are largely unknown. In this report, we show for the first time that Fer and Ctn are potently tyrosine phosphorylated in response to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a variety of cell types. Working with catalytically inactive fer and src/yes/fyn-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts (ferDR/DR and syf MEF, respectively), we observed that H2O2-induced Ctn tyrosine phosphorylation is primarily dependent on Fer but not Src family kinase (SFK) activity. We also demonstrated for the first time that Fer is activated by fibronectin engagement and, in concert with SFKs, mediates Ctn tyrosine phosphorylation in integrin signaling pathways. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenylene iodonium, attenuated integrin-induced Fer and Ctn tyrosine phosphorylation. Taken together, these findings provide novel genetic evidence that a ROS-Fer signaling arm contributes to SFK-mediated Ctn tyrosine phosphorylation in integrin signaling. Lastly, a migration defect in ferDR/DR MEF suggests that integrin signaling through the ROS-Fer-Ctn signaling arm may be linked to mechanisms governing cell motility. These data demonstrate for the first time an oxidative link between integrin adhesion and an actin-binding protein involved in actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells synthesize growth factors which markedly differ in the regulation of their storage and secretion. Endothelial cell lysates, but not conditioned medium, contain a growth factor activity that appears to be basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) by the following criteria: (1) it elutes from heparin-Sepharose at 1.4-1.6 M NaCl; (2) it is mitogenic for bovine aortic and capillary endothelial cells; (3) it is heat sensitive but stable to dithiothreitol; (4) it has a molecular weight of about 18,000 daltons; and (5) it cross-reacts with antiserum directed against basic FGF. In contrast, endothelial cell conditioned medium, but not lysates, contains a growth factor activity that (1) elutes from heparin-Sepharose at 0.4-0.5 M NaCl; (2) is mitogenic for fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells but not for capillary endothelial cells; (3) is heat stable and dithiothreitol sensitive; and (4) competes with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) for binding to fibroblasts. From these criteria, it appears that endothelial cells secrete into the medium growth factors some of which are PDGF-like, but secrete little if any basic FGF. It is suggested that endothelial cell-associated basic FGF acts in an autocrine fashion to stimulate endothelial cell proliferation in response to endothelial cell perturbation or injury. On the other hand, the endothelial cell-secreted growth factors which are smooth muscle cell but not endothelial cell mitogens might exert a paracrine function on neighboring cells of the vessel wall.  相似文献   

Site-directed PEGylation of human basic fibroblast growth factor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Through site-directed mutagenesis, three cysteines of human basic fibroblast growth factor (hbFGF) were replaced with serine residues, resulting in a hbFGF mutant named hbFGFSer25,69,92. The mutant with only one cysteine residue at the 87th position, whose mitogenic activity was comparable to that of wild-type hbFGF, was further coupled to polyethylene glycol with a molecular size of 5 kDa (PEG5K) via the cysteine residue to obtain another hbFGF derivative, PEG5K-hbFGFSer25,69,92. The optimal modification reaction was conducted at 4 degrees C for 4 h at a molar ratio of PEG5K to hbFGFSer25,69,92 of 20:1. The result of SDS-PAGE showed that the modification extent was up to 80%. The modified product was purified by ion exchange chromatography. Compared to the hbFGF mutant, the purified PEG5K-hbFGFSer25,69,92 still retained about 60% of the mitogenic activity of the former, which provided a good basis for further studying the bioactivity of the PEGylated protein in vivo.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a potent endothelial cell mitogen whose actions are mediated by binding to specific cell surface receptors on a variety of cell types. However, the amino acid sequence of bFGF does not contain a classical signal peptide sequence and the extent to which cellular stores of this mitogen are released is still a matter of some controversy. In the present study we examined the release of immunoreactive bFGF into serum-free conditioned medium of bovine corneal endothelial cells (BCE) and a human astrocytoma cell line, U87-MG. Western blotting analysis of BCE conditioned medium using N-terminal specific anti-bFGF serum revealed a single immunoreactive band of 32 kilodaltons, which was reduced to 18 kilodaltons in the presence of 8 M urea. Using a sensitive two-site immunoradiometric assay we were able to quantify the release of immunoreactive bFGF into the culture medium by BCE cells and by the human astrocytoma cell line U87-MG. In each case the release of bFGF was cell density dependent, but under all conditions the level of bFGF released was significantly greater in the transformed astrocytoma line, ranging from 15- to 50-fold higher than in the BCE cultures under various conditions. At 30% confluence the concentration of immunoreactive bFGF in the medium was maintained at a constant level for up to 24 h. However, the level of immunoreactive bFGF declined rapidly in confluent cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Migration of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) is critical for skin wound healing. The mechanism remains unclear. We report here that platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) is the major promotility factor in human serum for HDF motility on type I collagen. PDGF-BB recapitulates the full promotility activity of human serum and anti-PDGF neutralizing antibodies completely block it. Although collagen matrix initiates HDF migration without growth factors, PDGF-BB-stimulated migration depends upon attachment of the cells to a collagen matrix. The PDGF-BB's role is to provide directionality and further enhancement for the collagen-initiated HDF motility. To study the collagen and PDGF-BB "dual signaling" in primary HDF, we establish "gene cassettes" plus lentiviral gene delivery approach, in which groups of genes are studied individually or in combination for their roles in HDF migration. Focal adhesion kinase, p21(Rac,CDC42)-activated kinase and Akt are grouped into an upstream kinase gene cassette, and the four major mitogen-activated protein kinases (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, p38, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5) are grouped into a downstream kinase gene cassette. The experiments demonstrate 1) the genes' individual roles and specificities, 2) their combined effects and sufficiency, and 3) the mechanisms of their intermolecular connections in HDF migration driven by collagen and PDGF-BB.  相似文献   

The role of cell density in modulating basic fibroblast growth factor binding and activity was investigated. A primary corneal stromal fibroblast cell culture system was used, since these cells do not constitutively express heparan sulfate proteoglycans in vivo except after injury. A 3-5-fold reduction in bFGF binding per cell was observed as cell density increased from 1000 to 35,000 cells/cm2. The cell density-dependent change in bFGF binding was not the result of altered FGFR expression as determined by equilibrium binding experiments and by immunoblot analysis. However, bFGF-cell surface receptor binding affinities were measured to be 10-20-fold higher at low cell densities than at intermediate and high cell density. bFGF-induced cell proliferation was also cell density-dependent, with maximal stimulation of proliferation 190-280% greater at intermediate densities (15,000 cells/cm2) than at other cell densities. This effect was specific to bFGF as serum, epidermal growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta did not exhibit the same density-dependent profile. Further, heparan sulfate proteoglycans and, specifically, syndecan-4 were implicated as the modulator of bFGF binding and activity. Pretreatment of cell cultures with heparinase resulted in reduced bFGF binding to the cells and abrogated bFGF induced proliferation. These data suggest a mechanism by which cell density regulates heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression and modulates the cellular response to bFGF. Modulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression might be an important aspect of the regulation of stromal cell migration and proliferation during wound healing.  相似文献   

Two kidney-derived mitogens have been isolated by ion exchange, heparin-Sepharose and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on the basis of their capacity to stimulate the proliferation of bovine vascular endothelial cells in vitro. Gas phase sequence analysis identified the amino terminal sequences His-Phe-Lys-Asp-Pro-Lys-Arg-Leu-Tyr-X-Lys-Asn-Gly-Gly-Phe-Phe-Leu and His-Phe-Lys-Asp-Pro-Lys-Arg-Leu, respectively. The sequences are identical to residues 16-32 and 16-23 of bovine basic pituitary Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). The possibility that these kidney-derived mitogens are related, if not identical, to pituitary basic FGF is supported by the observations that they have similar molecular weights (15-16 kDa), similar retention behavior on all steps of chromatography and similar amino acid compositions, and they share at least some structural homology. Moreover, the kidney-derived growth factors, like basic FGF, are potent stimulators of capillary endothelial cells, granulosa cells, adrenocortical cells and vascular smooth-muscle cells (ED50 = 50 pg). The results demonstrate the existence of a kidney-derived FGF and suggest that at least some of the mitogenic, angiogenic and neovascularising activities described to be present in the kidney are due to the presence of an FGF-like molecule in this tissue.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), which is highly expressed in developing tissues and malignant cells, regulates cell growth, differentiation, and migration. Its expression is essential for the progression and metastasis of HCC. This study aims to investigate the effects of bFGF on the expression of angiogenin, another growth factor, which plays an important role in tumor angiogenesis, and on cell proliferation in H7402 human hepatoma cells. The bFGF sense cDNA or antisense cDNA was stably transfected into H7402 cells. Genomic DNA PCR analysis demonstrated that human bFGF sense cDNA or antisense cDNA was inserted into the genome. Furthermore, the expression of bFGF and angiogenin was examined by RT-PCR and Western blot assays. MTT and colony formation assays were employed to determine cell proliferation. Stable bFGF over-expressing and under-expressing transfectants were successfully established. Expression of angiogenin was decreased in the over-expressing bFGF cells (sense transfectants) and was increased in the under-expressing bFGF cells (antisense transfectants). Cell proliferation increased in the bFGF sense transfectants and decreased in the bFGF antisense transfectants. These results demonstrated that the endogenous bFGF may not only negatively regulate the angiogenin expression but also contribute to the overall cell proliferation in H7402 human hepatoma cells. This study may be helpful in finding a potential therapeutic approach to HCC.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in seven clones of cultured bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells were assayed, and their relation to cell morphology, bFGF receptor number, cell migration, amniotic membrane invasivity, and proteinase levels were studied. Immunoblotting experiments with anti-bFGF IgG demonstrated that cells from these clones contained different amounts of bFGF. The cells containing high levels of bFGF had a spindle or elongated appearance at confluence and a low number of high affinity receptors for bFGF. The cells containing low levels of bFGF had a cobblestone-like appearance and a higher number of high affinity receptors. When exposed to 10 ng/ml bFGF, cells containing a low level of bFGF took on an elongated appearance with a crisscross pattern similar to that seen with the high producer bFGF cells. The endogenous bFGF levels of the BCE cell clones correlated with the extent of cell migration after wounding of a monolayer and the degree of invasion of the human amniotic membrane. Cells from the clone with the highest endogenous bFGF level migrated well, invaded the amnion membrane without the addition of exogenous bFGF, and were relatively unaffected by the addition of bFGF. Cells from the clone containing the lowest level of bFGF did not migrate or invade under normal conditions. However, the addition of bFGF to the culture medium strongly enhanced both of these processes. The inclusion of anti-bFGF IgG in the media suppressed cell migration and invasion. The plasminogen activator (PA) activities of cell lysates of the clones, assayed by the 125I-fibrin plate technique, indicated that the PA levels did not correlate with the bFGF levels. Metalloproteinase activities in the conditioned medium, assayed by gelatin zymography, correlated with the endogenous bFGF levels, suggesting that the degree of expression of metalloproteinases might be critical for cell migration and invasion. These data suggest that endogenous bFGF may have an important role for migration and invasion of BCE cells during neovascularization via the induction and/or activation of specific metalloproteinases.  相似文献   

TGF beta is a potent (ED50 approximately 10(-11) M) inhibitor of the proliferative activities of both acidic and basic FGF on vascular and capillary endothelial cells in vitro. The inhibition of cell growth is dose-dependent and characteristic of a non-competitive interaction. The results demonstrate that TGF beta and FGF can interact at the cellular level to modulate growth and suggest that many of the biological activities of FGF observed in vitro and in vivo (ie angiogenesis, cell growth, cell differentiation) may be regulated by the presence of TGF beta and related proteins (ie inhibin) in the local cellular milieu. The possible identity of TGF beta with the inhibitors of endothelial cell growth detected in in vitro assays of crude extracts is discussed.  相似文献   

Migration of endothelial cells is requisite to wound repair and angiogenesis. Since the glycoprotein SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) is associated with remodeling, cellular migration, and angiogenesis in vitro, we questioned whether SPARC might influence the motility of endothelial cells. In this study we show that, in the absence of serum, exogenous SPARC inhibits the migration of bovine aortic endothelial cells induced by bFGF. Similar results were obtained from two different assays, in which cell migration was measured in a Boyden chamber and in monolayer culture after an experimental wound. Without bFGF, the migration of endothelial cells was unaffected by SPARC. The inhibitory effect of SPARC on cell motility was dose-dependent, required the presence of Ca2+, was mimicked by synthetic peptides from the N- and C-terminal Ca(2+)-binding domains of the protein, and was not seen in the presence of serum. Modulation of the activities of secreted and cell-associated proteases, including plasminogen activators and metalloproteinases, appeared not to be responsible for the effects that we observed on the motility of endothelial cells. Moreover, a molecular interaction between SPARC and bFGF was not detected, and SPARC did not interfere with the binding of bFGF to high-affinity receptors on endothelial cells. Finally, in culture medium that contained serum, SPARC inhibited the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into newly synthesized DNA, both in the absence and presence of bFGF. However, DNA synthesis was not affected by SPARC when the cells were plated on gelatin or fibronectin in serum-free medium. We propose that the combined action of a serum factor and SPARC regulates both endothelial cell proliferation and migration and coordinates these events during morphogenetic processes such as wound repair and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

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