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Ultrastructural features and structure of the midgut and hindgut of Derocheilocaris remanei were studied. The large endodermal midgut is differentiated into an anterior midgut and a posterior midgut separated by a conspicuous constriction. Both circular and longitudinal striated muscle bands surround the midgut, while the hindgut only presents longitudinal muscles. The limit between the midgut and the cuticle-lined hindgut is marked by a rectal valve. In cross-section, the short hindgut is triradiate and has a distinct Y-shaped lumen. The hindgut cuticular lining appears interrupted at the tip of every branch of the Y. Three different cell types are found in the midgut epithelium: basally located undifferentiated cells that give rise to the other two specialized cell types; secretory zymogen-like cells responsible for extracellular digestion and located mainly in the anterior midgut; and vacuolated cells, distributed all along the midgut and appearing to have several functions, including absorption, intracellular digestion, and nutrient transport. A single basic cell type forms the hindgut epithelium. The suggested function for the hindgut is the transport and ejection of waste products.  相似文献   

The gut-associated cells (GA-cells) of the mystacocarid Derocheilocaris remanei were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. These cells are characterized by a dense cytoplasm, the presence of clear vesicles adjacent to the gut epithelium, glycogen, and lipid droplets. GA-cells envelop the midgut and hindgut and send blunt cytoplasmic extensions to the gut epithelium through its basal lamina. The GA-cells also extend dorsolateral projections to the body wall by means of intermediate cells. In addition to a mechanical function of suspending and stabilizing the gut, these cells may affect the flow of the hemocoelic fluid and may be implicated in the processes of transport, assimilation, and storage of nutrients.  相似文献   

Summary The crustacean class Mystacocarida is restricted to the interstitial marine sand environment. A cinemicrographic analysis of the functional morphology of locomotion in the mystacocarid D. typica was undertaken to demonstrate how this species progresses through the interstitial spaces. Locomotion is completely dependent on the presence of dorsal and ventral substrates. The biramous second antennae and mandibles are the force-generating appendages. During a locomotory cycle, the exopods of the second antennae and mandibles are directed dorsolaterally against a dorsal substrate. This creates a downward force enabling the endopods to gain purchase on the ventral substrate. The second antennae and mandibles undergo coordinated cyclic movements. Each cycle results in two power and two recovery strokes. The animals undergo approximately 4 complete cycles per second. The calculated maximum rate of locomotion is 420 m/s. The measured rate under test conditions is 250 m/s. A turning-escape reaction in response to air bubbles and other factors results in a 180° turn in a confined space within 1.5 s. These data are discussed in relation to the morphological conservatism of mystacocarids, their presumed neotenic origin and their observed migration over a tidal cycle. It is proposed that all crawling interstitial animals will have developed specific mechanisms to increase frictional forces between their locomotory appendages and the surrounding substrate.This investigation was supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant # DEB-7823395 to E. Ruppert. Contribution # 442 of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Research  相似文献   

Mystacocarids are dioecious. Their gonopores are on the medial side of the third thoracic limb. The male's paired testes lie in the thorax and abdomen. They develop from paired rows of six small follicles dorsally. In the mature animal they fill most of the abdomen. The spermatophores develop within the follicles from spermatogonia mixed with follicle cells, which support and nourish the spermatocytes and produce the seminal fluid. The short vas deferens runs along the bottom of the testes and then continues forward to the gonopore. The vas deferens has a small group of cells near the gonopore that becomes a closure mechanism. The female has reproductive cells and also support cells that provide nutrition and form the wall of the ovary and oviduct. The unpaired female ovary begins in the third thoracic segment. During maturation, the oocytes are pushed posteriorly. The enormous mature ovum extends into a caudal pocket of the ovary. Starting with its anterior end, this ovum is extruded into the short oviduct, which extends laterally and ventrally to the gonopore. During extrusion, the pocket is reabsorbed from behind. There are no accessory structures connected to the reproductive system, nor any external specializations on the third limb.  相似文献   

The striated muscles of Derocheilocaris typica consist of mononucleated cells, each containing one filament bundle. Large muscles consist of two or more cells adjacent to each other. The mitochondria line up along the filament bundle on one side. The nucleus is situated in the mitochondrial row and has a small cytoplasmic area around it filled with glycogen. The sarcomeres are between 3 and 6 μm long. The Z-line and H band are present. Six thin filaments surround one thick filament. All muscles belong to the phasic type. The tubular system emanates from the ends of the muscle cell and penetrates the whole cell. The tubules are formed as cisterns, which also open at the cell membrane at the level of the I bands. They have sarcoplasmic cisterns on both sides forming a continuous triad system. Partially transformed epidermal cells mediate muscle insertions on the cuticle. Tendons are formed with the transformed epidermal cells being supplemented by fibroblasts forming collagen fibers. Dorsal and ventral abdominal muscles are innervated from the dorso-lateral nerve arising from the nerve chain. Each muscle cell receives one axon, which forms one synapse on the mitochondrial-free side of the muscles. Axons form terminal spines, which make axo-axonal synapses.  相似文献   

An excretory antennal gland, composed of only eight cells, is found entirely in the limb in the mystacocarid Derocheilocaris typica. The end sac is composed of podocytes, valve cells and cap cells. The podocytes contain enormous residual vesicles. There are few pedicel complexes, and they arise directly from the cell surface without intermediate foot processes. The excretory duct is entirely lined with microvilli, which are separated from the lumen by a modified layer of thin cuticle.  相似文献   

The foreguts of the mysids Antarctomysis maxima, A. ohlinii, Hansenomysis antarctica, Heteromysis formosa, Mesopodopsis slabberi, Neomysis integer, Paramysis kessleri, Praunus flexuosus, and Siriella jaltensis were examined by maceration methods, histological techniques, and scanning electron microscopy. Their morphology, their connection with the midgut glands, and probable function are described and summarized. Previous stomach investigations on mysids and the results of the present study are tabulated; a list of foregut characters, common to all Mysida, is presented. The phylogenetic relevance of these characters within the Malacostraca, especially within the Peracarida, is discussed. Most features are inherited from the ground pattern of the Malacostraca or Eumalacostraca. The bulbous cardia with its dorsal fold, the armature of the lateralia, and the construction of the funnel region are apomorphies for the Mysida. The results suggest that characters of mysidan and other peracaridan foreguts might also be useful in the elucidation of the phylogeny of the Mysida and Peracarida, respectively.  相似文献   

The mystacocarid crustacean Derocheilocaris typica has two microvillar organs, one new, the other previously unappreciated in crustacean literature. The first is situated on the head-shield and consists of three pairs of cells: one with microvilli and a ballooned nucleus; one smaller and without special features; the third large and investing the other two and extending down to the foregut. We call this new organ the "cephalic microvillar organ" and discuss the value of the concept "dorsal organ", to which it might have been included. The second organ consists of about 21 cells that cover the proximal part of the dorsal surface of the labrum. The cells are alike, being characterized by an apical field of microvilli and a large residual body. This organ is here called the "labral microvillar organ". Both organs are neither sensory nor secretory and do not qualify for membership in any of the other recognized organ systems. We are unable to deduce their Dero-cheilocaris functions.  相似文献   

We present a cladistic analysis of the Anomala based on 66 ingroup species and 5 outgroup representatives. Based on a comparative analysis of the morphology of the foregut we scored 124 characters related to size, shape, and fusion of foregut ossicles and other foregut structures. Our parsimony analysis resulted in 30 equally parsimonious trees which differ mainly at the lower hierarchical level. Our study reveals two large clades within Anomala. One large clade consists of Galatheoidea and Chirostyloidea. The internal relationships show a monophyletic Porcellanidae nested within a group comprising paraphyletic Galatheidae, and Munididae as well as Munidopsidae. The other large clade contains Aegla as sister group to a monophyletic group consisting of the Hippoidea and a clade formed by Lomis and the Paguroidea. Coenobitidae are nested within paraphyletic Diogenidae and Lithodidae are nested within paraphyletic Paguridae. The results are discussed in the context of other morphological and molecular analyses. Furthermore, some aspects of carcinization are touched upon; in particular, an anomalan stem species with a, at least to some extent, ventrally folded pleon is suggested.  相似文献   

Ch. Todt 《Zoomorphology》2006,125(3):119-134
Foregut glands in Solenogastres are not only of importance in biological processes like feeding and digestion, but multicellular foregut glands also provide valuable characters for taxonomy and systematics. Here, the fine structure of four different types of foregut glands is investigated: the Meioherpia-type ventrolateral foregut gland of Meioherpia atlantica, the Simrothiella-type ventrolateral foregut gland of Simrothiella cf. margaritacea, and the Pararrhopalia-type ventrolateral foregut gland as well as the dorsal gland of Pararrhopalia pruvoti. Thereby, special focus is set on the arrangement of glandular and supporting cells within the glands, and on the characterization of glandular cells according to the size, shape and electron-density of their secretional vesicles. It is shown that the investigated glands are complex organs composed of non-glandular supporting cells and two to five glandular cell types producing discrete secretions.  相似文献   

The clam shrimp family Lynceidae is unusual in possessing paired fields of short setae on either side of the rostral carina. We describe the position of these fields relative to the direction of water movement in live animals as well as the external and internal structure of these setae. The majority of morphological features support a presumed chemosensory role for these sensilla. These features include the lack of a setal socket and the relatively short length of each seta. The low number of enveloping cells (three or four) is uncharacteristic of chemosensory setae and is more typical of mechanoreceptors, as is the absence of any pores on the setae; these characteristics indicate that these fields may have both functions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 The ultrastructure of the sternal CaCO3 deposits of 3 species of the Diplochaeta and 15 of the Crinochaeta was investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy of fractured surfaces. In the Diplochaeta Li-gia italica and L. oceanica, the deposits consist exclusively of individual spherules with diameters between 0.2 and 1.4 μm. No material was observed within the spaces between the spherules. In Ligidium hypnorum, two structurally distinct regions exist. A proximal layer resembling the deposit of Ligia italica and L. oceanica and a distal layer in which the spherules appear to be fused with each other. In the species of the Crinochaeta, the CaCO3 deposits comprise a spherular region which resembles the deposits of Ligidium hypnorum, and a homogeneous layer located between the spherular part of the deposit and the hypodermal cell layer. In some species the diameters of the spherules may be up to 3.1 μm. In the homogeneous layer and the distal spherular layer more calcium per volume can be stored than in the proximal spherular layer in which the spaces between the spherules are devoid of CaCO3. This suggests that the multiple layered deposits are an adaptation to terrestrial life, as a consequence of the need for increased resorption of cuticular calcium. Accepted: 7 January 1997  相似文献   

The morphological and histological characteristics of the foregut of the crab Portunus sanguinolentus (Herbst) are described, with special reference to the lining and glands of the oesophagus. The oesophagus is lined throughout with an outer keratin and an inner collagen layer. Glands secreting mucopolysaccharides are to be found embedded in the connective tissue of the oesophagus. Details of the armature of the pyloric stomach are given.  相似文献   

The acrosome-less spermatozoon of Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (Crustacea, Aristeidae), which consists of a central non-membrane bound nuclear region surrounded by a thin peripheral cytoplasm, much resembles that of the previously studied aristeid Aristaeomorpha foliacea. The marked spermatozoal similarities between these two species appear to indicate a close phylogenetic proximity. A considerably different spermatozoal pattern is observed in aristeids from the genus Aristeus (A. varidens and A. antennatus), whose spermatozoa possess an anterior spherical acrosome, lacking a spike, and partially embedded in (instead of capping) the main sperm body. The two distinct sperm types found in the Aristeidae differ significantly from the spiked sperm typically found in most penaeoids (Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Sicyoniidae), thus suggesting a phylogenetic separation of the Aristeidae from the remaining Penaeoidea.  相似文献   

Abstract The homolid spermatozoon, as exemplified by Homolasp., Paromolasp. and Paromola petterdi, differs markedly from spermatozoa of crabs of the Heterotremata–Thoracotremata assemblage but agrees with the sperm of dromiids, in the strongly anteroposteriorly depressed acrosome (apomorphy?) and the capitate form of the perforatorium (a major synapomorphy seen nowhere else in the Crustacea). These similarities support inclusion of the Dromiidae and Homolidae in a single grouping, the Podotremata. The homolid perforatorium differs from that of dromiids in the autapomorphic spiked–wheel form of the anterior expansion. Homolid spermatozoa show nuclear arms symplesiomorphic of all investigated crabs (small or questionably sometimes absent in Dromiidae), and corresponding loss of purely microtubular arms seen in other reptants. Homolid sperm agree with those of dromiids (synapomorphy?), raninids, higher heterotremes and thoracotremes (homoplasies?) but differ from lower heterotremes, in lacking microtubules in the nuclear arms. A posterior median process of the nucleus in homolids, not seen in dromiids, is shared with anomurans and lower heterotremes. No features in the ultrastructure of homolid or dromiid sperm have been detected which associate them exclusively with either the Raninidae or the heterotreme and thoracotreme Brachyura.  相似文献   

In podocopid ostracods, the “hingement”, with teeth/sockets or crenulations, is developed along the attached dorsal margin of the carapace. Dual calcified lamellae, called “duplicatures” are also developed along the free margin. However, the terminology of these marginal areas is often confused by many ostracodologists because of their differing interpretations and viewpoints. In this study, the marginal areas of the carapace were observed in detail, using the transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopes. Consequently, the terminology of the marginal areas has been revised. The homology between attached and free margins and the structural differences of duplicatures, for some taxa are also discussed.  相似文献   

用透射电镜和扫描电镜观察隆线精子的发生过程及成熟精子的超微结构。隆线精子发生经历精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞和成熟精子四个时期。精原细胞核染色质凝集成团,细胞质内有线粒体、粗面内质网分布。精母细胞核染色质分散,不均匀地分布于核中,细胞质内粗面内质网聚集。在精子细胞分化形成精子的早期,细胞纵向拉伸,核物质开始浓缩;中期精子细胞呈明显的长条形,精子细胞逐渐移入精巢管腔中央,外围包裹一厚层精子鞘;后期精子细胞已进入管腔中,核物质呈高度浓缩状,细胞质层较少,精子细胞间通过外围精子鞘相互粘连成片。成熟精子分散在精巢管腔中央,外形呈棒状,一端稍钝,一端稍尖,无鞭毛、棘突等附属物;核内染色质解聚,均匀分布在核中,具双层核膜,细胞质层很少,精子鞘为单层,无法确认顶体端。隆线雄性生殖细胞的结构及其发生过程均较高等甲壳动物简单和原始,但在功能上表现出相对的适应性,使以隆线为代表的枝角类能适应复杂多变的生活环境  相似文献   

The Brachyura, within the decapod crustaceans, is one of the most species-rich taxa with up to 10 000 species. However, its phylogenetic history, evolution and fossil record remain subjects of controversy. In our study, we examined the phylogenetic relationships of the Brachyura based on morphological characters of the foregut. The cladistic analysis supports a monophyletic Brachyura including the Dromiidae and Raninidae. A clade comprising Dromiidae and Dynomenidae forms the most basal assemblage within the Brachyura, followed by the Homolidae and Latreilliidae. As a result, neither Podotremata nor Archaeobrachyura form a clade. In contrast, foregut data suggest that the classical taxon Oxystomata, comprising Calappidae, Parthenopidae, Dorippidae, Leucosiidae, Cymonomidae and Raninidae, is monophyletic. This makes the Heterotremata paraphyletic or polyphyletic. A newly established taxon, Neobrachyura, embraces some representatives of the Heterotremata and the monophyletic Thoracotremata.  相似文献   

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