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Two lines of immortal human fibroblasts were isolated following transfection of TIG-3 cells with plasmid DNA, pMT-1ODtsA, that contained SV40 early gene with a deletion in replication origin and ts mutation in coding sequence for T-antigen. These cells continued proliferation at 34 degrees C, over 565 population doubling level (PDL) which is far over the limited division potential of untransformed normal TIG-3 of 70-80 PDL. When the culture temperature was shifted to 40 degrees C after 70 PDL, they ceased proliferation immediately. One of these immortal clones, SVts8, lost its ts phenotype after retransformation with wtT-antigen gene. These results indicated that the function of intact T-antigen is required for maintenance of immortal proliferation, at least in one of the SV40 transformed immortal clones.  相似文献   

We have studied the relationship between immortalization of SV40-transformed human embryonic fibroblasts and their SV40 integration sites. From several independently transformed cell pools, we have isolated clones which do not harbor unintegrated SV40 DNA. We have analysed whole-cell DNA from these clones, using the Southern blot method. Our results suggest that no specific integration sites in the cellular genome exist which are a prerequisite for the immortalization process. Although some integration sites were found to be predominant in pre-crisis clones, they could not be detected in the post-crisis clones. This suggests that none of these predominating sites is selected for during the crisis period.  相似文献   

A karyotype study of seven SV40-transformed human fibroblast cell lines was performed using R-banding. Although large variations existed from line to line and, to a lesser degree, from cell to cell in a given line, many common features were found. The most characteristic were chromosome imbalances. Some of the chromosomes or chromosome segments present in excess were, in decreasing order of frequency, the early replicating X, 12q, 3q, 12p, 19, 1p, and 6p. Losses of other chromosomes and chromosome segments were also frequent and involved 11p, 2p, 6q, 10p, 18, 4q, 8p, 4p, 10q, and 16. These imbalances seemed to correlate with metabolic characteristics, previously described, such as low activities of catalase (11p), superoxide dismutase 2 (6q), and acid phosphatase (2p, 11p) and a high ratio of lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB, 12p) activity to LDHA (11p) activity.  相似文献   

The histocompatibility antigen profile of human fibroblasts transformed with SV40 virus has been investigated by determining their ability to specifically absorb HL-A alloantisera. Four out of four human adult skin fibroblast lines acquired, after SV40 transformation, the ability to absorb the HL-A alloantiserum VICTOR directed against the specificities HL-A5, W5. On the contrary, none of six embryonic fibroblast lines showed any qualitative or quantitative change of their HL-A antigenic profile. Similarly, murine, monkey and hamster cells could not absorb the activity of the HL-A alloantiserum VICTOR after SV40 transformation. It is suggested that the ‘new HL-A antigen’ specificity on human fibroblasts after SV40 transformation may be due to either a cross-reaction between HL-A specificities and antigenic structures present on glycoprotein(s) coded by the viral genome and expressed on the cell or to a change in the regulating mechanism of the expression of histocompatibility antigens on the cell surface, should the genetic information for all the HL-A specificities be present in the cell genome.  相似文献   

Folate polyglutamate and monoglutamate accumulation was measured in normal diploid and SV40-transformed human fibroblasts by Sephadex G-10 gel filtration chromatography. The cells were first depleted of folates and then provided with limiting amounts of [3H]-folic acid in order that the cells would accumulate only forms of folate necessary for proliferation. Both the normal and the transformed cells accumulated monoglutamate and polyglutamate forms, but by 72 hours of labeling the transformed cells contained 3-10 times more polyglutamate than the normal cells. The growth rates for the normal and transformed cells were similar at this limiting folic acid concentration. Thus, if folate polyglutamates are more important for the proliferation of SV40-transformed cells than the normal cells, then inhibition of polyglutamate formation may be an important potential target for chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Pre-crisis SV40-transformed human diploid fibroblast (HDF) cultures have a finite proliferative lifespan, but they do not enter a viable senescent state at end of lifespan. Little is known about either the mechanism for this finite lifespan in SV40-transformed HDF or its relationship to finite lifespan in normal HDF. Recently we proposed that in normal HDF the phenomena of finite lifespan and arrest in a viable senescent state depend on two separate processes: 1) an age-related decrease in the ability of the cells to recognize or respond to serum and/or other mitogens such that the cells become functionally mitogen-deprived at the end of lifespan; and 2) the ability of the cells to enter a viable, G1-arrested state whenever they experience mitogen deprivation. In this paper, data are presented that suggest that pre-crisis SV40-transformed HDF retain the first process described above, but lack the second process. It is shown that SV40-transformed HDF have a progressively decreasing ability to respond to serum as they age, but they continue to traverse the cell cycle at the end of lifespan. Concomitantly, the rate of cell death increases steadily toward the end of lifespan, thereby causing the total population to cease growing and ultimately to decline. Previous studies have shown that when SV40-transformed HDF are environmentally serum deprived, they likewise exhibit continued cell cycle traverse coupled with increased cell death. Thus, these results support the hypothesis that pre-crisis SV40-transformed HDF still undergo the same aging process as do normal HDF, but they end their lifespan in crisis rather than in the normal G1-arrested senescent state because they have lost their ability to enter a viable, G1-arrested state in response to mitogen deprivation.  相似文献   

The fusion of normal human fibroblasts with SV40-transformed human fibroblasts resulted in hybrid clones, 85% of which exhibited a finite in vitro life-span. Foci of rapidly dividing cells appeared in 15% of the hybrid clones. The cells within these foci repopulated the culture and could then be subcultured through more than 100 population doublings. One or two foci of dividing cells occurred per culture of 10(5) or more cells. The change to an indefinite life-span was, therefore, a rare event. All hybrid clones, including those that exhibited a finite in vitro life-span, expressed viral T antigen. Thus, even though viral DNA was present and being expressed in all hybrid clones, the senescent phenotype was dominant in these hybrids.  相似文献   

Although many lines of malignant and transformed cells are unable to grow in folate- and cobalamin-supplemented medium in which methionine is replaced by homocysteine its immediate metabolic precursor, rare cells from these lines regained the normal ability to grow under these conditions. Six revertant lines, one from Walker-256 rat breast carcinoma cells and five from SV40-transformed human fibroblasts, have been characterized with regard to growth and three measures of methionine biosynthetic capacity: methionine synthetase and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase activities in cell extracts, and uptake of label from [5-14C]methyltetrahydrofolate by intact cells. When all three measures of methionine biosynthetic capacity were considered, two revertants isolated from SV40-transformed cells had regained the ability to grow like normal cells in homocysteine medium without substantial changes in these measures. Increased methionine biosynthesis thus is not a prerequisite to reversion of the methionine auxotrophy present in the transformed parental lines.  相似文献   

4 repair-deficient (Mer-) and 2 repair-proficient (Mer+) lines of SV40-transformed human fibroblasts were assayed for colony-forming ability after treatment with MNNG, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU), and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-nitrosourea (HECNU). The sensitivities to MMS, BCNU and HECNU of these SV40-transformed lines were similar to those of comparably treated human tumor cells observed previously. However, unlike human tumor lines, whose post-MNNG survival is strongly dependent upon Mer phenotype, SV40-transformed lines showed a lack of dependence of post-MNNG colony-forming ability on Mer phenotype. No differences in glutathione levels that might explain these differences were detected. The amounts of SV40-specific DNA and RNA among the lines were found to vary widely, but no correlation with Mer phenotype was found.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts in culture have a limited lifespan, ending in replicative senescence. Introduction of SV40 sequences encoding large T antigen and small t antigen into pre-senescent cells results in an extension of lifespan for an additional 20-30 population doublings. Rare clones of SV40-transformed cells are capable of indefinite growth and are described as immortal; however, the great majority of SV40-transformed cells terminate this extended lifespan in cell death, termed "crisis." We have examined the properties of cells in crisis to obtain further insights into mechanism of cell death and immortalization. Populations at the terminal cell passage show a balance between cell replication and cell death over a period of several weeks, with a progressive increase in cells undergoing cell death. During this period, there is less than a 3-fold increase in attached cell number, with two stages being identifiable on the basis of the focal pattern of cell survival. We also demonstrate that cells in crisis are undergoing apoptosis based on TUNEL assay, subG1 DNA content, annexin V reactivity, and activation of caspases 3 and 8. We suggest a model whereby SV40-transformed cells acquire increased sensitivity to apoptosis based on changes in properties which activate caspase 8 in addition to changes previously described involving shortening of telomeric sequences. While only telomere stabilization could be clearly shown to be essential for survival of cells through crisis, the extended period of cell replication and altered gene expression observed in SV40-transformed cells during crisis are compatible with other genetic alterations in immortal cells.  相似文献   

S Boast  G La Mantia  L Lania    F Blasi 《The EMBO journal》1983,2(12):2327-2331
Human fibroblasts (HF) were transformed in vitro with origin-defective SV40 DNA (ori-) using the calcium phosphate co-precipitation technique. The SV40 ori- transformed human cells (HSF) were able to replicate efficiently a recombinant DNA molecule containing the ori sequence of SV40 DNA. Transfection of HFS with pTBC1, a recombinant pi vx plasmid containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene and the ori SV40 sequences, results in high levels of TK mRNA of correct size. The pTBC1 plasmid does not appear to contain 'poison' sequences and can be efficiently re-established in Escherichia coli after replication in human cells. This host vector system may be of great usefulness in studying the expression of human genes in human cells.  相似文献   

J G Williams  R Hoffman  S Penman 《Cell》1977,11(4):901-907
The poly(A)-containing messenger RNA of normal diploid fibroblast and SV40-transformed progeny cells are compared by cross-hybridizing cDNA. We find a high degree of homology between the mRNA from normal and transformed cells. Despite imperfections in the procedure, the technique permits the conclusion that, at most, 3% of the mRNA in the transformed cell has sequences not present in the normal parental cell. Furthermore, much of the difference appears to occur in low and intermediate complexity classes of mRNA molecules. Extension homology in the mRNA sequences of disparate cell lines may be a general phenomenon, and even HeLa cell mRNA is nearly identical to that of diploid human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Lowering of extracellular Ca2+ levels will reversibly arrest the growth of human fibroblasts (WI38). Simian virus40(SV40)-transformed WI38 cells do not exhibit this Ca2+-dependent arrest. One possibility for this difference in Ca2+ requirement is that extracellular or surface membrane-bound Ca2+ may be required for growth factor receptor-mediated endocytosis and this Ca2+ requirement may differ in normal versus transformed cells. In this study we have evaluated the role of Ca2+ in the binding, internalization, and degradation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the WI38 and SV40 WI38 cell. The binding of [125I]EGF to the cell surface is not significantly altered by lowering of Ca2+ to 10?5-M levels in either the normal or transformed cell. At this Ca2+ level, growth of the normal cell is inhibited. The subsequent internalization of EGF is reduced nearly threefold in the normal cell but not in the transformed cell following Ca2+ deprivation. Degradation of the EGF-receptor complex is also sensitive to Ca2+. A twofold reduction in the rate of release of acid-soluble 125I occurs in the normal but not the transformed cell under conditions of lowered medium Ca2+. In contrast, 2-chloro-10-3-aminopropyl phenothiazine (CP), an inhibitor of the Ca2+-dependent regulator protein calmodulin, causes an inhibition of [125I]EGF internalization and degradation in both the normal and transformed WI38 cell, and a marked inhibition of [125I]EGF binding to the cell surface receptor of the transformed cell but not the normal cell.  相似文献   

The high level and intranuclear location of the cellular phosphoprotein p53 are usually regarded as invariant features of SV40-transformed fibroblast lines. During the development of improved methods for immunocytochemical detection of p53 using SVA31 E7 mouse fibroblasts, we have observed unexpected and marked variations in its distribution. Cells grown on plastic coverslips were fixed in acetone and the content and distribution of p53 and SV40 large T-antigen analysed by an indirect immunoperoxidase procedure using monoclonal antibodies PAb122 and PAb 248 for p53, and PAb416 for large T. First, we observed in all cultures an apparent reversal of intracellular compartmentalization, with strong cytoplasmic and absent nuclear/chromatin positivity in mitotic cells and young daughter cells. More importantly, for a short period, between 18-24 h after trypsinization and cell passage, we observed a marked overall reduction in detectable nuclear p53 content in all cells with both PAb122 and PAb248 antibodies. The first observation also held for SV40 large T-antigen, the second only for p53. These variations have important practical implications for the immunocytochemical analysis of cellular content and intracellular compartmentalization of p53. The biological implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mutants of SV40-transformed mouse fibroblasts have been isolated that have greatly increased cell-substratum adherence. The adherent phenotype (COL-) is recessive, and all mutants analyzed belong to one complementation group. No consistent qualitative differences between wild-type and mutant cells were found with respect to the protein content of the substrate-attached material (SAM), a cell surface fraction left after removal of cells from the substrate with a gentle Ca2+-chelating agent. However, the mutants yielded 2.5-10-fold more SAM than the parental cell line, and the SAM deposited by mutants was able to mediate attachment of transformed cells to a much greater degree than was the SAM from the parental cell line. The mutation, which appears to control the generation of footpads, was shown to cosegregate with resistance to the drug 6-thioguanine, which suggests X-linkage.  相似文献   

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