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在膜翅目中 ,未受精卵形成单倍体的雄蜂 ,而在大多数情况下受精卵将产生双倍体的雌蜂。但是 ,因互补性别决定机制 (CSD)的作用 ,受精卵有时也会产生双倍体雄蜂。这种性别决定机制包括单位点的CSD和多位点的CSD。在单位点的CSD作用下 ,唯一的一个性位点上的多个等位基因决定后代个体的性别。性位点上杂合的个体将是雌性 ,半合或同型结合的个体将分别形成单倍体或双倍体的雄性。在多位点的CSD作用下 ,两个或两个以上的性位点控制后代的性别 ,每个性位点上包含两个或两个以上的等位基因。如果一个或一个以上的性位点是杂合的 ,形成的双倍体后代都是雌性的 ,但若是所有的性位点都为同型合子 ,则将产生双倍体的雄蜂。在膜翅目中 ,目前已知 4 3种具有双倍体雄蜂 ,其中 2 2种发现存在单位点的CSD ,但是多位点的CSD还有待于确认。双倍体的雄性个体或者不能存活 ,或者不育 ,这样的个体形成将对寄生蜂种群的增长带来一定的遗传负担。在生物防治上 ,保护寄生蜂种群的性等位基因的多样性及减少其遗传多异性的损失极其重要。如果利用具有单位点CSD的种类 ,采取一定的措施将可避免由于双倍体雄性的形成所带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

In haplodiploid Hymenoptera, unfertilized eggs produce haploid males while fertilized eggs lead to diploid females under most circumstances. Diploid males can also be produced from fertilization under a system of sex determination known as complementary sex determination (CSD). Under single-locus CSD, sex is determined by multiple alleles at a single sex locus. Individuals heterozygous at the sex locus are female while hemizygous and homozygous individuals develop as haploid and diploid males, respectively. In multiple-locus CSD, two or more loci, each with two or more alleles, determine sex. Diploid individuals are female if one or more sex loci are het-erozygous, while a diploid is male only if homozygous at all sex loci. Diploid males are known to occur in 43 hym-enopteran species and single-locus CSD has been demonstrated in 22 of these species. Diploid males are either developmentally inviable or sterile, so their production constitutes a genetic load. Because diploid male production is more likely under inbreeding, CSD is a form of inbreeding depression. It is crucial to preserve the diversity of sex alleles and reduce the loss of genetic variation in biological control. In the parasitoid species with single-locus CSD, certain precautionary procedures can prevent negative effects of single-locus CSD on biological control.  相似文献   

膜翅目昆虫单双倍体性别决定机制(雄性是单倍体、雌性是二倍体)在昆虫纲的进化中有非常重要的作用。通常膜翅目昆虫的性别由单一位点的等位基因决定,杂合体发育成雌性,半合体发育成雄性。在近亲繁殖的情况下,一定数目的雄性会出现纯合二倍体,由于遗传阻隔这种二倍体的雄性通常是不育的。csd基因的发现为膜翅目昆虫性别决定机制提供了分子生物学证据。文章探讨CSD的分子生物学基础,对膜翅目昆虫sl-CSD的分布进行综述并且探讨膜翅目昆虫降低二倍体雄性消耗的策略以及可能存在的进化机制,最后提出几点建议以便从遗传学、生态学以及进化生物学角度全面的了解sl-CSD。  相似文献   

Unlike birds and mammals, in many reptiles the temperature experienced by a developing embryo determines its gonadal sex. To understand how temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) evolves, we must first determine the nature of genetic variation for sex ratio. Here, we analyze among-family variation for sex ratio in three TSD species: the American alligator (Alligator mississipiensis), the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) and the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). Significant family effects and significant temperature effects were detected in all three species. In addition, family-by-temperature interactions were evident in the alligator and the snapping turtle, but not in the painted turtle. Overall, the among-family variation detected in this study indicates potential for sex-ratio evolution in at least three reptiles with TSD. Consequently, climate change scenarios that are posited on the presumption that sex-ratio evolution in TSD reptiles is genetically constrained may require reevaluation.  相似文献   

What happens when a population with environmental sex determination (ESD) experiences a change to an extreme environment that causes a highly unbalanced sex ratio? Theory predicts that frequency-dependent selection would increase the proportion of the minority sex and decrease the level of ESD in subsequent generations. We empirically modeled this process by maintaining five laboratory populations of a fish with temperature-dependent sex determination (the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia) in extreme constant temperature environments that caused highly skewed sex ratios to occur initially. Increases in the minority sex consistently occurred from one generation to the next across all five populations, first establishing and then maintaining a balanced sex ratio until termination of the experiment at 8 to 10 generations. The extent to which the level of ESD changed as balanced sex ratios evolved, however, was not consistent. Two populations that experienced high temperatures each generation displayed a loss of ESD, and in one of these ESD was virtually eliminated. This suggests that temperature-insensitive, sex-determining genes were being selected. In populations maintained in low temperature environments, however, the level of ESD did not decline. Instead, the response of sex ratio to temperature was adjusted upward or downward, perhaps by selection of sex-determining genes sensitive to higher (or lower) temperatures. The two different outcomes at low versus high temperatures occurred independent of the geographic origin of the founding population. Our results demonstrate that ESD is capable of evolving in response to selection.  相似文献   

The plant genus Silene has become a model for evolutionary studies of sex chromosomes and sex‐determining mechanisms. A recent study performed in Silene colpophylla showed that dioecy and the sex chromosomes in this species evolved independently from those in Silene latifolia, the most widely studied dioecious Silene species. The results of this study show that the sex‐determining system in Silene otites, a species related to S. colpophylla, is based on female heterogamety, a sex determination system that is unique among the Silene species studied to date. Our phylogenetic data support the placing of S. otites and S. colpophylla in the subsection Otites and the analysis of ancestral states suggests that the most recent common ancestor of S. otites and S. colpophylla was most probably dioecious. These observations imply that a switch from XX/XY sex determination to a ZZ/ZW system (or vice versa) occurred in the subsection Otites. This is the first report of two different types of heterogamety within one plant genus of this mostly nondioecious plant family.  相似文献   

Allozyme analyses have suggested that Neotropical orchid bee (Euglossini) pollinators are vulnerable because of putative high frequencies of diploid males, a result of loss of sex allele diversity in small hymenopteran populations with single locus complementary sex determination. Our analysis of 1010 males from 27 species of euglossine bees sampled across the Neotropics at 2–11 polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed only five diploid males at an overall frequency of 0.005 (95% CIs 0.002–0.010); errors through genetic nondetection of diploid males were likely small. In contrast to allozyme‐based studies, we detected very weak or insignificant population genetic structure, even for a pair of populations >500 km apart, possibly accounting for low diploid male frequencies. Technical flaws in previous allozyme‐based analyses have probably led to considerable overestimation of diploid male production in orchid bees. Other factors may have a more immediate impact on population persistence than the genetic load imposed by diploid males on these important Neotropical pollinators.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper deals with the prospects for the classical biological control of major insect pests and weeds in southern China. One hundred and seventy-four species of insect pests in southern China are nominated and their broad distribution and origin or possibly origin in other countries are discussed. An attempt is made to draw together information relevant to where a search might be made for natural enemies if an arthropod pest is being considered as the target for classical biological control. The success of classical biological control of the six insect pests and five weeds elsewhere in the world has been indicated. It is recommended to take urgent measures to strengthen and expand projects in classical biological control in China.  相似文献   

中国很重视害虫生物防治,但与欧美国家相比,对更经济有效的传统生物防治重视较少。对那些源于外国、特别是最近从国外侵入的害虫来说,传统生物防治更是一本万利。本文列举了174种中国南方的有害节肢动物及它们在外国的分布和可能的发源地。还举出了分布于中国南方的6种害虫及5种杂草在外国传统生防成功的情况。  相似文献   

Montane populations of the Australian allodapine bee, Exoneura bicolor, are characterized by high levels of cooperative nesting and strongly female-biased sex ratios. A conspecific population from heathland shows much lower levels of cooperative nesting and lower levels of female bias. In both habitats, sex-ratio bias is greatest in the smallest brood sizes and becomes successively less biased in larger broods. Parity is approached in the largest heathland colonies, but not for any brood-size category in montane areas. Adult intracolony relatedness is moderately high for colonies in both reused and newly founded nests in the montane habitat, but probably low or zero for newly founded nests in heathland. Colony efficiency, measured as the number of brood per adult, increases with colony size in both habitats, suggesting that cooperation between females increases mean female fitness. It is argued that patterns of sex allocation are consistent with nonlinear fitness-return models, in which the mean reproductive value of daughters increases with the number of daughters produced in a brood. Such increases probably arise from a number of social interactions, including cooperative brood defense, increased task efficiency, and lower per capita costs in nest construction. The term “local fitness enhancement” is introduced here to describe these effects collectively. The female-biased ratios should lower selective thresholds for sib-directed altruism, at least in the earlier stages of colony development. It is argued that local fitness enhancement facilitates eusociality in allodapine bees and could also play a role in other haplodiploid taxa, provided cooperative nesting largely involves sisters, colony efficiency increases with colony size, and optimal colony sizes are only achieved after two or more generations after founding.  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰种群年龄结构动态及对控制的指示意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰 (Eupatoriumadenophorum) 给我国西南地区的经济、社会和环境造成了严重的危害。为了阐明紫茎泽兰种群的年龄结构和未来发展趋势, 为今后的防治工作提供科学依据, 在攀枝花地区设置了 2 0个样地 (10m× 10m), 对 4种不同生境种群的年龄结构、静态生命表和时间序列预测进行了分析。这 4个种群是该地区有代表性类型中紫茎泽兰的种群 :路旁荒地、云南松 (Pinusyunnanensis) 林、阔叶林和阔叶林的林缘。种群年龄结构分析表明, 目前 (几个类型总和 ) 个体数量比重分别为 :幼年期占 92.32 %, 青年期占 6.4 0 %, 成熟期占 2.2 0 %, 衰老期占 0.18%, 个体数量主要集中于幼年期。紫茎泽兰不同种群生命表和存活曲线的分析显示, 紫茎泽兰对 4个种群的入侵过程是路旁荒地→阔叶林林缘→阔叶林→云南松林, 尽管所处的生境差异较大, 但基本属于DeeveyⅢ型, 一年生幼苗死亡率高达 97.30 %, 种群偏离典型曲线的程度与群落受干扰程度强弱有关, 一般由幼年期到青年期和由成熟期到衰老期死亡率较高 (分别为 93.0 7%和 92.0 0 % ) 。时间序列分析表明, 在未来的 3~ 5年中, 紫茎泽兰种群仍然是以青年期和成熟期个体占绝对优势。  相似文献   

稻田生境调节和捕食性天敌对稻飞虱的控制作用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
广东省四会市大沙镇1973年开展以发挥天敌作用为主的水稻害虫综合防治,20多年来稻飞虱一直没有大发生,且发生程度低于临近地区。本文试图从理论上解释这一现象。通过改善天敌的生境条件,捕食性天敌群落种库中天敌的种类和多样性增多,天敌各落重建和发展的能力增强,重建后群落的种类数量和多样性均高于临近地区,最终使得天敌群落对稻飞虱的控制作用增强,98%以上的稻田飞虱的数量常在防治指标以下。  相似文献   

The discovery in the early 1980s that meiosis occurs during germination of conchospores of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda suggested that the sexually divided fronds of Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh might similarly originate from meiotic segregation of a pair of sex-determining alleles during early sporeling development. After establishing conditions suitable for propagating P. purpurea in culture, observations on developing sporelings demonstrated that meiosis takes place during the first two divisions of the germinating conchospores. In the first division, the spore is split into an upper and lower cell. In the second, an anticlinal division in the upper cell yields two daughter cells situated one beside the other, and a periclinal division in the bottom cell gives two cells arranged one above the other. Thus, during normal development, the first four cells of the sporeling constitute a meiotic tetrad whose cells are arranged in a characteristic fashion. Stable color mutants of P. purpurea were isolated, genetically characterized, and used as genetic markers to follow the fate of individual cells of the tetrad during subsequent frond development. Nearly the entire blade of the mature thallus is derived from the two upper cells of the tetrad, with the two lower cells mostly giving rise to the rhizoidal holdfast region. Cell lineage boundaries laid down by the segregation of color alleles at meiosis corresponded perfectly with those later defined by sexual differentiation on the same fronds, strongly supporting the hypothesis that sex determination in P. purpurea is controlled by alleles at a segregating chromosomal locus.  相似文献   

成团肠杆菌的生物功能多样性及其分类最新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了成团肠杆菌的生物功能多样性及其在分类上的最新进展。在生物代谢途径方面具有脱卤素、降解三硝酸甘油及将甘油转化为 1,3 丙二醇的能力。同时 ,成团肠杆菌还具有溶磷、固氮能力、分泌植物激素及各种酶类 ,因此在植物促生方面具有潜在的应用价值。成团肠杆菌是一个比较异源的菌群 ,它的分类地位还没有最后确定 ,现已将其中部分菌群重新命名为泛菌属 ,其中模式菌株为成团泛菌  相似文献   

鲫耳石重量与年龄的关系及其在年龄鉴定中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
耳石重量在年龄组间重叠较少,大小相近的个体,年龄大的,即生长慢的耳石重量比年龄小的,即生长快的大,不同龄组之间耳石重量有显著差异(P<0.05),按年龄组在耳石重量与相应的体长作图,可初步判断观测年龄的可靠性,分析耳石重量频率分布能分离出体长相近,年龄不同的个体,其结构与耳石年轮观测的基本一致,耳石重量与年龄呈显著线性正相关(P<0.05),用耳石重量与年龄关系估算的年龄从耳石上直接读取的年龄无显著差异(P>0.05),文中对耳石重量直接用于确定鱼类年龄的可能性作了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract Sex pheromone titer in Ostrinia furnacalis was significantly decreased to a very low level by decapitation, but it could be restored by injection of head extract prepared from both male and female moths or synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropepide (PBAN). This fact indicates that pheromone production is under the control of a PBAN-like factor. The sex pheromone biosynthetic pathway of O. furnacalis originates with the biosynthesis of palmitic acid and followed by A14 desaturation, chain shortening, reduction and acetylation to form the pheromone components, (Z) and (E)-12-tetradecenyl acetate. In order to determine which step in the pathway is controlled by PBAN, the incorporation of different labeled precursors into the pheromone and its intermediate were studied. Our results suggest that PBAN controls pheromone biosynthesis in O. furnacalis by mainly regulating an early step from acetate to palmitic acid.  相似文献   

Most of the therapeutic antibodies approved for clinical use are full-size IgG1 molecules. The interaction of the IgG1 Fc with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays a critical role in maintaining their long half-life. We have hypothesized that isolated Fc domains could be engineered to functionally mimic full-size IgG1 (nanoantibodies) but with decreased (10-fold) size. Here, we report for the first time the successful generation of a soluble, monomeric CH3 domain (mCH3). In contrast to the wild-type dimeric CH3, the mCH3 exhibited pH-dependent binding to FcRn similar to that of Fc. The binding free energy of mCH3 to FcRn was higher than that of isolated CH2 but lower than that of Fc. Therefore, CH3 may contribute a larger portion of the free energy of binding to FcRn than CH2. A fusion protein of mCH3 with an engineered antibody domain (m36.4) also bound to FcRn in a pH-dependent fashion and exhibited significantly higher neutralizing activity against HIV-1 than m36.4-Fc fusion proteins. The m36.4-mCH3 fusion protein was monomeric, stable, soluble, and expressed at a high level in Escherichia coli. We also found that engineering an additional disulfide bond in mCH3 remarkably increased its thermal stability, whereas the FcRn binding was not affected. These data suggest that mCH3 could not only help in the exploration of the dual mechanisms of the CH3 contribution to Fc functions (dimerization and FcRn interactions) but could also be used for the development of candidate therapeutics with optimized half-life, enhanced tissue penetration, access to sterically restricted binding sites, and increased therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

雌雄蚕蛹近红外反射光谱的差异及其模式识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘沈元  陶鸣 《昆虫学报》1996,39(4):360-365
采用6250型近红外光谱分析仪,从波长6印到1 235nm分别对日系蚕蛹217颗、中系蚕蛹174颗、杂交种蚕蛹330颗做了扫描测试,结果表明:雌雄蚕蛹的近红外光谱有极显著的差异。从日系217颗蚕蛹中随机选取雌雄各50颗作为学习样本,采用逐步判别方法从其二阶导数光谱中抽取5个特征波长作为观测向量,利用二次型判别函数对其余621颗蚕蛹的性别进行识别,其准确率达98.7%。该方法明显优于以蚕蛹重量或大小识别蚕蛹雌雄的方法。  相似文献   

We examined whether Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), a quasi‐gregarious egg parasitoid of Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), produces precise sex ratios under a field setting. Under laboratory conditions, previous studies have shown that G. ashmeadi exhibits strongly female‐biased sex ratios with low variance in the number of males produced per host. Field‐collected G. ashmeadi tend to produce much less female‐biased sex ratios with high variance in male numbers. We found significant positive effects of proportion parasitism and host density on sex ratio. Proportion parasitism also had a positive effect on sex ratio variance. The findings of this study are discussed in the context of theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

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