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Morphological features of 41 local populations of thePoa macrocalyx complex from the seasides of Hokkaido were analyzed with special reference to the following seven characters: spikelet length, number of florets per spikelet, relative length of side nerves to the entire length of the first glume, that of the second glume, length ratio of the second glume to a spikelet, ratio of length of the closed part vs. entire length of leaf sheaths, and scabrousness of panicle branches and pedicels. All of these characters varied continuously, and considerable degrees of variability within a population were observed. However, separation of populations into three groups became evident when the data were subjected to principal component analysis and also to a method of examination which was devised for identification of a population (not an individual) of this complex. The three groups that resulted from morphological studies were exactly in parallel with the grouping of populations supported by differences of chromosome numbers and geographical distribution. Evolutionary differentiation of this complex was discussed in connection with polyploidy and gametophytic apomixis. As a result of taxonomic considerations, the plants were arranged in three emended varieties of one species:Poa macrocalyx var.fallax, P. m. var.tatewakiana, P.m. var.scabriflora.  相似文献   

The variation pattern in the perennial Hordeum brachyantherum complex and in the annual H. depressum are described. The diploid form of H. brachyantherum s. lat., endemic to California in USA, previously recognized as a separate species is here treated as a subspecies ( H. brachyantherum ssp. californicum ). Despite its restricted distribution it shows a considerable variation and overlap in morphology with the tetraploid ssp. brachyantherum , and no unambiguous determination based on morphology between the two tax a is possible. The tetraploid cytotype has a large distribution area in western North America and easternmost Asia and a very wide morphological variation. It has also a small disjunct distribution area in easternmost Canada. A single hexaploid population from California is referred to ssp. brachyantherum .  相似文献   

Barneby  Rupert C. 《Brittonia》1986,38(3):222-229

Four new species ofPiptadenia are described:P. anolidurus (from Amazonian Ecuador, Peru and Brazil),P. buchtienii (from trans-Andean Bolivia),P. cuzcoënsis (from southern Peru), andP. imatacae (from Venezuelan Guayana); andP. adiantoides var.peruviana J. F. Macbr. is raised in rank toP. peruviana. In relation toP. imatacae the transfer ofP. uaupensis Benth. andP. floribunda Kleinhoonte toAdenopodia Presl is shown to be ill-advised. The affinities of each new species are discussed and critical characters are illustrated.Mimosa tessmanii Harms is newly synonymized withP. uaupensis.


The ascomycete genus Coniocessia has recently been established to accommodate the only and type species, C. nodulisporioides, with nodulisporium-like anamorph, formerly classified in Coniochaeta. Four new Coniocessia species are described here, three of which were isolated from cereal seeds and straw in Iran and one from goat dung collected in Spain, using morphological and molecular data (sequences of the ITS and D1-D2 regions of the LSU-ribosomal DNA) as well as growth–temperature relationships. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses based on the D1-D2 regions of the LSU strongly supported the placement of Coniocessia as a monophyletic clade within the new family Coniocessiaceae and Coniolariella within the Xylariaceae (Xylariales). Coniocessia maxima is differentiated from the closest species, C. nodulisporioides, by larger ascomata and asci, and more richly branched, macronematous conidiophores with very distinct, elongated conidiogenous cells. Coniocessia cruciformis has ascospores with strongly thickened longitudinal rim, appearing rather cruciform in side view; micronematous conidiophores and less distinct conidiogenous cells. Coniocessia minima possesses small ascomata maturing very slowly, with an opaque peridium and inaequilaterally flattened ascospores; conidiogenous cells are bulbose to club-shaped, conidia globose to subglobose. Coniocessia anandra, the only species lacking an anamorph, is mainly characterized by translucent ascomata with a broad ostiole.  相似文献   

Jacobsen, N, & Bothmer, R. von, 1995. Taxonomy in the Hordeum murinum complex (Poaceae). — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 449–458. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Hordeum murinum as circumscribed here comprises ssp. glaucum (2x), ssp. murinum (4x), and ssp. leporinum (4x, 6x). Previous taxonomical treatments are reviewed as well as the more recent approaches, viz. numerical and statistical analyses, investigations of isoenzymes, rDNA, cpDNA, meiotic analyses, and chromosome banding patterns. A formal nomenclatural treatment is presented.  相似文献   

稻属分类的现状及存在问题   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
稻属(Oryza L.是禾本科中重要的植物类群,该属含20余种,广泛分布于全球热带和亚热带地区。未来水稻育种的重大突破还将有赖于对稻属基因库中丰富种质资源,特别是野生稻资源的利用和开发。由于稻属植物在农业生产中的重要作用,引起了众多的植物分类学家、遗传学家、育种学家和分子生物学家的广泛研究。稻属自Linnaeus于1753年建立以来的200多年中,无论在物种的数量和分类系统上都产生了很大的变化。多位学者对稻属的属以下等级和种间的分类都做了详细的工作,对稻属现代分类系统的建立起到了重要的作用。Roschevicz(1931)对稻属全面深入的研究为后来的稻属系统分类奠定了基础。Sharma &; Shastry (1965) 建立的稻属分类系统在很大程度上受了 Roschevicz(1931)工作的影响,对属以下种以上的分类等级也处理得较合理,但是他们对稻属的分类定义较为广泛,包括了好几个如今已不放在稻属的物种。Vaughan(1989)对全球的稻属标本进行了较为全面的查证和研究,他建立的稻属系统不仅在属的界定上更为合理,而且对稻属中各物种的形态变异、地理分布和种间的关系,都有更清楚的描述。遗憾的是,Vaughan (1989)采用的属下等级——“复合体”(complex),不符合国际植物命名法规(ICBN)的规定。Lu(1999)在对前人大量工作的基础上,结合现代对稻属的研究成果并包括了近年来发表的一些新种,建立了稻属3组7系24种的分类系统。本文结合最新的研究成果对稻属作了进一步的修订,列出了以形态特征为基础的分种检索表,并对稻属分类中仍存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

To determine the taxonomic status and to clarify the biosystematic relationships of wild rice species, i.e.,Oryza granulata andO. meyeriana in theO. meyeriana complex (Poaceae), a series of intraspecific and interspecific hybridization experiments, genomic analyses through meiotic pairing, and morphological studies were conducted. Hybridization results demonstrate comparatively high crossability with about 34–39% of seed set, and very limited reproductive isolation betweenO. granulata andO. meyeriana. Chromosome pairing in the parental species and their F1 hybrids indicate very high genomic affinity between the two taxa. Morphological analyses of the parental accessions and their intra- and interspecific hybrids show a large variation among the samples included, but no appreciable grouping was observed. The traditionally used character, i.e., spikelet length, does not contribute significantly to the grouping of the samples included. Based on the facts that the two taxa have negligible reproductive barriers and share almost identical genomes, the authors believe thatO. granulata andO. meyeriana do not warrant separate taxonomic status, and recommend that they be combined asOryza granulata.  相似文献   

Melica (Poaceae) consist of about 92 species distributed across temperate regions of the world. Within section Dalycum, Melica ciliata sensu lato forms a taxonomic complex of several species and subspecies with clinal morphological variation causing conflicting identifications. To resolve taxonomic confusion, we used three complementary approaches, through molecular, morphological, and phytoecological analyses. The double-digest restriction-associated DNA markers significantly support the monophyly of three taxa: (i) the Mediterranean Melica magnolii, (ii) the Eurasian Melica transsilvanica subsp. transsilvanica, and (iii) the west-European M. ciliata subsp. glauca. This differentiation is corroborated by the analysis of 22 morphometric variables. Furthermore, phytoecological analysis of 221 floristic inventories revealed habitat distinctions among these taxa. Our approach of integrative taxonomy argues for a specific distinction for these three taxa, and we include a key to separate these forms. These new molecular data on the section Dalycum, subsection Ciliatae, call for further phylogenetic analyses including samples of M. ciliata subsp. ciliata and other East-Mediterranean and South African taxa.  相似文献   

Seeds of theHordeum patagonicum complex were collected from the field and grown in the greenhouse. The aim was to take a sample of members of the complex, and on the basis of the phenotypic similarities in some morphological and physiological characters, determine whether distinct groups exist. When cluster analyses, to generate hypotheses, and orthodox statistical procedures, for hypotheses obtained a priori, were applied to the reproductive morphology, germination and flowering patterns, onlyH. patagonicum subsp.magellanicum, out of the five recognized taxa, could be distinguished consistently. The remaining four taxa, which overlapped considerably, could be re-formed into three groups whose centroids were different but whose ranges of variation were not distinct from each other. We conclude that the highly cross-compatible members of theH. patagonicum complex, first defined as species and later redefined as subspecies are probably no more than biotypes.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomical data from 13 taxa of the Muhlenbergia montana complex were surveyed, and 18 critical characters were found. Results obtained from the phenetic analysis of anatomical data have given independent data to compare with the morphological, phytogeographical, and flavonoid data (previously reported) in determining the relationships of the species. An anatomical dendogram illustrates a close corroboration. Leaf anatomy clearly supports the recognition of a close relationship among the two taxa — M. virescens and M. quadridentata—as has been suggested in previous reports. Therefore, a change of level is suggested in which M. quadridentata (H.B.K.) Kunth is proposed here as M. virescens (H.B.K.) Kunth ssp. quadridentata (H.B.K.) Herrera (comb. nov.).  相似文献   

Geographic variation in theDicanthelium aciculare complex was studied by principal components analysis. Few of the attributes analyzed show high correlations with one another, but pubescence patterns are of value in the discrimination of taxa. Sharp differences between phenetic clusters are restricted to one or two geographical regions. When viewed as a whole the complex forms a mosaic of variation patterns and the boundaries between phenetic clusters fade. The complex is reduced to two species,Dichanthelium aciculare (Desv. ex Poir.) Gould & Clark andD. consanguineum (Kunth) Gould & Clark.  相似文献   

Luziola is a small genus from aquatic environments of the New World. The most widespread species in the genus isL. peruviana. Morphological variation has been documented for this species throughout its entire range of distribution, however this variation has been difficult to characterize. A population aggregation analysis was performed in order to determine how many species can be identified when analyzing characters from the individuals of this taxon as well as with individuals from closely related taxa such asL. divergens, L. doelliana, andL. pittieri. Multivariate analysis, ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses were also performed to detect if quantitative morphological variation is related to altitude and latitude. Results indicate that within this complex only one species should be recognized, referable toL. peruviana, and that plants near the equator are larger, and have larger lemmas and paleas in both female and male flowers. An identification key for the nine species now recognized inLuziola is included.  相似文献   

Eighteen Glyceria species grow in the United States and Canada, with 16 being native to the region. We used data from morphology and three chloroplast DNA intergenic regions to address taxonomic questions concerning Glyceria in North America, particularly the status of G. declinata, G. occidentalis, G. fluitans, G. striata, and G. elata in western North America. The chloroplast data confirmed the presence of two European species, G. declinata and G. fluitans, in western North America. Glyceria occidentalis was exceptional among the taxa studied in having chloroplast genotypes that fell into two different clades, one of which contained G. fluitans and the other the North American species G. leptostachya. The morphological data showed G. occidentalis to be intermediate between G. fluitans and G. leptostachya with respect to their distinguishing characters. Based on these results, we hypothesize that G. occidentalis consists of hybrids between G. fluitans and G. leptostachya. Glyceria elata and G. striata, which have sometimes been treated as a single species, had different chloroplast genotypes, supporting their recognition as distinct taxa. DNA data from all three intergenic regions would be needed for unequivocal identification of the non-hybrid species examined.  相似文献   

Two distinct morphotypes ofChydorus sphaericus are recognised in Ireland. A reference collection of scanning electron micrographs of male and femaleC. sphaericus sens. str. has been compiled. This collection is used to compare the varying morphological features of Danish and Irish material to determine their taxonomic significance. However, no taxonomic decisions can be made about the Irish morphotypes until mature males and ephippial females become available. Comparison of population structures and stages of reproduction are accomplished by size-frequency distribution. This study illustrates the ever increasing value of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in chydorid taxonomy, where characters such as shell-reticulation features may easily be misinterpreted using only light microscopy.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of three taxa from thePhleum alpinum group of sect.Phleum (P. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum, 2n = 14,P. commutatum, 2n = 28, and informally namedP. commutatum, 2n = 14) were investigated by Giemsa C-banding. The overall similarity of diploid genomes suggests thatP. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum andP. commutatum are closely related — their karyotypes vary only with respect to their average amounts of telomeric heterochromatin. TheP. commutatum genome contains less telomeric heterochromatin than the genome ofP. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum, but in theP. alpinum group as a whole almost fluent transition between low (1.5%) and high (25.5%) amounts of telomeric heterochromatin was observed among populations. In the karyotype of tetraploidP. commutatum, seven distinguishable chromosome types were observed. Each of them is represented at somatic metaphase by four chromosomes. C-band structure of karyotype and average amount of telomeric heterochromatin suggest that this taxon has originated from hybridization between two related diploid forms of theP. commutatum — P. alpinum complex.  相似文献   

The distribution of serological characteristics (determinants) of seed proteins within Primulaceae was investigated. The results obtained are in accordance with the proposed subdivisions of the family made on morpho- logical grounds. The genus Androsace seems to be more derived and should be clearly separated from the other genera of the subfamily of Primuleae.  相似文献   

Based on a simple multivariate analysis of the morphology of theAgropyron pubiflorum complex—A. patagonicum, A. antarcticum, A. fuegianum, andA. magellanicum—the variation pattern is shown to be clinal, and all taxa are included in a single, variable species. Currently the majority of species ofAgropyron is included inElymus and the correct name of this species isE. glaucescens.  相似文献   

The biosystematic relationships of the apomictic complexEragrostis curvula s. lato, is investigated by disc electrophoresis of seed extracts to obtain esterase patterns of 23 accessions representing the morphological variants of this complex: curvula, conferta, robusta, chloromelas and lehmanniana. The zymograms thus obtained were classified into four groups on the basis of the presence of certain bands taken as characteristic and constant markers. Within each group variations were found in strict accordance with the morphological and cytogenetic data available on the complex. Cluster analysis showed similarity levels between the strains studied, representing different genomic groups. The esterase pattern proved useful as an additional criterion for identifying the individual taxa making up the complex and for evaluating their reciprocal relationships.  相似文献   

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