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A new cytological procedure specifically suited to maize endosperms is presented. It uses 8-hydroxyquinoline with sucrose and aeration to pretreat the tissues. Glusulase is used to spread the cells. the procedure makes it possible to squash endosperms into a single cell layer and to photograph as many as 70 chromosomes in the same focal plane. It also allows identification of translocation chromsomes. with a slight modification the technique has been applied successfully to root tips and other tissues.  相似文献   

A mutation (Acc1-S2) in the structural gene for maize (Zea mays L.) acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) that significantly reduces sethoxydim inhibition of leaf ACCase activity was used to investigate the gene-enzyme relationship regulating ACCase activity during oil deposition in developing kernels. Mutant embryo and endosperm ACCase activities were more than 600-fold less sensitive to sethoxydim inhibition than ACCase in wild-type kernel tissues. Moreover, in vitro cultured mutant kernels developed normally in the presence of sethoxydim concentrations that inhibited wild-type kernel development. The results indicate that the Acc1-encoded ACCase accounts for the majority of ACCase activity in developing maize kernels, suggesting that Acc1-encoded ACCase functions not only during membrane biogenesis in leaves but is also the predominant form of ACCase involved in storage lipid biosynthesis in maize embryos.  相似文献   

Three types of whole plant experiments are presented to substantiate the concept that an important function of ethylene in abscission is to reduce the transport of auxin from the leaf to the abscission zone. (a) The inhibitory effect of ethylene on auxin transport, like ethylene-stimulated abscission, persists only as long as the gas is continuously present. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Stoneville 213) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Resistant Black Valentine) plants placed in 14 μl/l of ethylene for 24 or 48 hours showed an increase in leaf abscission and a reduced capacity to transport auxin; but when returned to air, auxin transport gradually increased and abscission ceased. (b) Ethylene-induced abscission and auxin transport inhibition show similar sensitivities to temperature. A 24-hour exposure of cotton plants to 14 μl/l of ethylene at 8 C resulted in no abscission and no significant inhibition of auxin transport. Increasing the temperature during ethylene treatment resulted in a progressively greater reduction in auxin transport with abscission occurring at [unk]27 C where auxin transport was inhibited over 70%. (c) Auxin pretreatment reduced both ethylene-induced abscission and auxin transport inhibition. No abscission occurred, and auxin transport was inhibited only 18% in cotton plants which were pretreated with 250 mg/l of naphthalene acetic acid and then placed in 14 μl/l of ethylene for 24 hours. In contrast, over 30% abscission occurred, and auxin transport was inhibited 58% in the corresponding control plants.  相似文献   

The effects of two viviparous genes, vp1 and vp5, on development of the maize (Zea mays L.) embryo and endosperm were investigated. Differences between viviparous and normal embryos first appeared at 25 to 30 days after pollination. Increases in fresh weights indicated that viviparous began to grow more rapidly than normal embryos at that time. Amino acids and ethanol-soluble carbohydrates also accumulated more rapidly in viviparous, but a reserve material (lipid) was lower in viviparous than in normal embryos.  相似文献   

We investigated whether different parts of maize root systemscould contribute to ABA synthesis, and whether a previous cycleof soil dehydration-rehydration would modify the ability ofroots to synthesize ABA. Maize (Zea mays L.) root tissues, i.e.mature primary root sections, young and unbranched primary rootsections, secondary roots and primary root tips, from both wellwatered plants and previously drought-rewatered plants, weresubjected to different degrees of dehydration and their ABAconcentration changes were assayed. All categories of rootsfrom always well watered plants, including mature tissues containingno apex, could synthesize ABA when dehydrated. Mature primaryroot sections and their previously associated secondary rootsaccumulated less ABA in response to dehydration than the youngprimary roots and primary root tips did, and their ABA accumulationwas not substantial until dehydration was below 65% of relativewater content (RWC). Previous soil dehydration-rehydration cyclessubstantially reduced ABA accumulation in these roots in responseto dehydration again. Young primary root sections and primaryroot tips accumulated ABA much more sensitively in responseto dehydration than mature root sections, although considerablevariations existed among different batches of young primaryroot sections. Results are discussed in the context of the relativecontribution of different categories of roots to ABA synthesiswhen the root system is in drying soil. We concluded that primaryroot apices should not contribute by more than 2% to the totalABA synthesis by the root system. (Received December 15, 1995; Accepted April 19, 1996)  相似文献   

Developing kernels of the maize (Zea mays) hybrid W64A x W182E germinated precociously following fluridone treatment. Likewise, following premature drying, the kernels germinated upon subsequent rehydration. Tolerance of the aleurone layer to premature desiccation considerably preceded that of the embryo. The increase in α-amylase activity following premature drying was substantial and was equal to, or exceeded, the increase which occurred following normal maturation drying. In contrast, there was only a small increase in enzyme activity, regardless of the concentration of the supplied gibberellic acid, following fluridone treatment. Both fluridone and drying cause a decrease in abscisic acid content within the developing kernels. While this decline in growth regulator may permit kernels to germinate, alone this is not sufficient to permit an increase in α-amylase activity. Thus drying is necessary to sensitize the aleurone layer to gibberellin, and thereby elicit enzyme synthesis. For this tissue to achieve its full potential to produce α-amylase, it must not only be free of the inhibitory effects of abscisic acid, but it must also be competent to respond to gibberellin.  相似文献   

胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1),具有调节组织细胞增殖、分化、有丝分裂等功能。研究表明IGF1不仅参与众多疾病的发生,还参与了不同组织和器官的发育过程。对IGF1信号通路及其在机体发育中的作用进行了综述。  相似文献   

The development of amylase activity in extracts from de-embryonated and GA3-treated de-embryonated maize kernels (Zea mays L.) was determined during a 10-day incubation period. The increase in activity was compared with activity extracted from endosperms dissected from germinating whole kernels. Chromatographic analysis of reaction products as well as physicochemical characterization demonstrated that the activities from GA3-treated and nontreated tissue were comparable and that part of the activity was attributable to α-amylase.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin contamination of major food crops is a serious problem in Senegal. Maize and sesame samples were collected during a survey in five districts located in two agro‐ecological zones in Senegal to determine levels of aflatoxin contamination and the distribution and toxigenicity potential of members of Aspergillus section Flavi. Maize samples from the Guinea Savannah zone (SG) exhibited lower aflatoxin content and colony‐forming units (cfu) than those collected from the Sudan Savannah (SS) zone. In maize, aflatoxin concentration and cfu of A. flavus varied with cultivars, shelling practices and storage methods. The maize variety ‘Jaune de Bambey’ had high aflatoxin levels in both agro‐ecological zones. Aflatoxin content in machine‐shelled maize (120 ng/g) was more than 10‐fold higher than that in manually shelled (8 ng/g) or unshelled maize. Aflatoxin content (between 0.1 and 1.2 ng/g) and cfu values (between 13 and 42 000 cfu/g) of sesame were low, suggesting a low susceptibility to A. flavus. In both agro‐ecological zones, and in all storage systems, aflatoxin contamination was lower in sesame than in maize. In this study, only three species of Aspergillus section Flavi (A. flavus, A. tamarii and the unnamed taxon SBG) were observed with the frequency of toxigenic strains remaining below 50% in maize from the SG zone compared with 51% of isolates from samples collected in Sedhiou district in SS zone. The proportion of toxigenic strains isolated from sesame was variable. For both crops, L‐strains were the most prevalent in the two agro‐ecological zones. Some of the atoxigenic strains collected could be valuable microbial resources for the biological control of aflatoxin in Senegal.  相似文献   

Both acid and alkaline invertases were present in immature juice sacs of satsuma mandarin (Citrus‘Unshu Marcovitch”) fruit, in which sugar content was low. Maturing and mature juice sacs, in which sugar content increased steadily with time, were characterized by the presence of alkaline invertase and the absence of acid invertase. When the immature juice sacs were homogenized with 0.2 M sodium phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 8.0), almost all of the acid invertase activity was found in the solubilized fraction, whereas almost all of the alkaline invertase activity was present in the insoluble fraction. The distribution of alkaline invertase between the solubilized and insoluble fractions changed with the development of fruit. The acid invertase had a molecular weight of 69,000, optimum pH of 4.8–5.3, and Km value for sucrose of 7.3 mM. The alkaline invertase had a molecular weight of 200,000, pH optimum of 7.2–7.7, and Km value of 35.7 mM. The hydrolysing activities of both enzymes for raffinose were considerably less than those for sucrose. The alkaline invertase had lower activity for raffinose than the acid invertase.  相似文献   

Five cereals and two related grasses were tested for adventitious shoot production from tissue cultures using methods concordant with those reported to be successful for cereals. The five cereals I wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oats (Avena sativa L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) Pioneer hybrid 3369A, the Bolivian race Pororo and the Equadorian race Chococenõl were all found to proliferate in culture through an aberrant root-like mechanism of growth which had the external appearance of callus. Two related species, teosinte (Zea mexicana Reeves and Mangelsdorf) and tripsacum (Tripsacum dactyloides L.), were less successful in culture, but grew in the same way. Oats, and probably Pororo and Chococeño, initiated presumptive shoot meristems directly from root vascular tissues within this root-like growth. Hybrid maize and wheat initiated no shoot meristems and produced only roots. The occasional shoot production observed in wheat was discounted as simple carryover of existing shoot apices from the primary embryo cultures. This study suggests that the incidence of shoot regeneration in cultures of these cereals may be related more directly to adventitious bud formation on roots than to any controlled de novo organogenesis from undifferentiated callus.  相似文献   

Here we have used siRNAs and time-lapse epifluorescence microscopy to examine the roles of various candidate mitotic cyclins in chromatin condensation in HeLa cells. Knocking down cyclin A2 resulted in a substantial (∼7 h) delay in chromatin condensation and histone H3 phosphorylation, and expressing an siRNA-resistant form of cyclin A2 partially rescued chromatin condensation. There was no detectable delay in DNA replication in the cyclin A2 knockdowns, arguing that the delay in chromatin condensation is not secondary to a delay in S-phase completion. Cyclin A2 is required for the activation and nuclear accumulation of cyclin B1-Cdk1, raising the possibility that cyclin B1-Cdk1 mediates the effects of cyclin A2. Consistent with this possibility, we found that chromatin condensation was tightly associated temporally with the redistribution of cyclin B1 to the nucleus. Moreover, a constitutively nuclear cyclin B1 rescued chromatin condensation in cyclin A2 knockdown cells. On the other hand, knocking down cyclin B1 delayed chromatin condensation by only about one hour. Our working hypothesis is that active, nuclear cyclin B1-Cdk1 normally cooperates with cyclin A2 to bring about early mitotic events. Because cyclin A2 is present only during the early stages of mitosis, we asked whether cyclin B knockdown might have more dramatic defects on late mitotic events. Consistent with this possibility, we found that cyclin B1- and cyclin B1/B2-knockdown cells had difficulty in maintaining a mitotic arrest in the presence of nocodazole. Taken together, these data suggest that cyclin A2 helps initiate mitosis, in part through its effects on cyclin B1, and that cyclins B1 and B2 are particularly critical for the maintenance of the mitotic state.  相似文献   

The With No lysine (K) family of serine/threonine kinase (WNK) defines a small family of kinases with significant roles in ion homeostasis. WNK1 has been shown to have different isoforms due to what seems to be largely tissue specific splicing. Here, we used two distinct in situ hybridization riboprobes on developing and adult mouse tissues to make a comparative analysis of Wnk1 and its sensory associated splice isoform, Wnk1/Hsn2. The hybridization signals in developing mouse tissues, which were prepared at embryonic day e10.5 and e12.5, revealed a homogenous expression profile with both probes. At e15.5 and in the newborn mouse, the two probes revealed different expression profiles with prominent signals in nervous system tissues and also other tissues such as kidney, thymus and testis. In adult mouse tissues, the two expression profiles appeared even more restricted to the nervous tissues, kidney, thymus and testis, with no detectable signal in the other tissues. Throughout the nervous system, sensory tissues, as well as in Cornu Ammonis 1 (CA1), CA2 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus, were strongly labeled with both probes. Hybridization signals were also strongly detected in Schwann and supporting satellite cells. Our results show that the expression profiles of Wnk1 isoforms change during the development, and that the expression of the Wnk1 splice variant containing the Hsn2 exon is prominent during developing and in adult mouse tissues, suggesting its important role in the development and maintenance of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The stability and respiratory and permeability properties ofprotoplasts isolated from maize and tobacco tissues have beeninvestigated. Oxygen uptake rates of maize leaf protoplastsshowed the expected response to a variety of metabolic inhibitors.Studies of leakage from preloaded tissues during protoplastisolation and of phosphate and potassium uptake byprotoplastsindicated that isolation produced a marked increase in membranepermeability. Ageing of protoplasts for 24 h produced a markedchange in the ability of maize leaf protoplasts to absorb potassium.  相似文献   

Human adenovirus E1A makes extensive connections with the cellular protein interaction network. By doing so, E1A can manipulate many cellular programs, including cell cycle progression. Through these reprogramming events, E1A functions as a growth-promoting oncogene and has been used extensively to investigate mechanisms contributing to oncogenesis. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how the C-terminal region of E1A contributes to oncogenic transformation. Although this region is required for transformation in cooperation with E1B, it paradoxically suppresses transformation in cooperation with activated Ras. Previous analysis has suggested that the interaction of E1A with CtBP plays a pivotal role in both activities. However, some C-terminal mutants of E1A retain CtBP binding and yet exhibit defects in transformation, suggesting that other targets of this region are also necessary. To explore the roles of these additional factors, we performed an extensive mutational analysis of the C terminus of E1A. We identified key residues that are specifically required for binding all known targets of the C terminus of E1A. We further tested each mutant for the ability to both localize to the nucleus and transform primary rat cells in cooperation with E1B-55K or Ras. Interaction of E1A with importin α3/Qip1, dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), HAN11, and CtBP influenced transformation with E1B-55K. Interestingly, the interaction of E1A with DYRK1A and HAN11 appeared to play a role in suppression of transformation by activated Ras whereas interaction with CtBP was not necessary. This unexpected result suggests a need for revision of current models and provides new insight into transformation by the C terminus of E1A.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) kernel pedicels, including vascular tissues, pedicel parenchyma, placento-chalazal tissue, and the surrounding pericarp, contained two forms of glutamine synthetase (EC, separable by anion exchange chromatography under mildly acidic conditions. The earlier-eluting activity (GSp1), but not the later-eluting activity (GSp2), was chromatographically distinct from the maize leaf and root glutamine synthetases. The level of GSp1 activity changed in a developmentally dependent manner while GSp2 activity was constitutive. GSp1 and GSp2 exhibited distinct ratios of transferase to hydroxylamine-dependent synthetase activities (5 and 23, respectively), which did not change with kernel age. Purified pedicel glutamine synthetases had native relative molecular masses of 340,000, while the subunit relative molecular masses differed slightly at 38,900 and 40,500 for GSp1 and GSp2, respectively. Both GS forms required free Mg2+ with apparent Kms = 2.0 and 0.19 millimolar for GSp1 and GSp2, respectively. GSp1 had an apparent Km for glutamate of 35 millimolar and exhibited substrate inhibition at glutamate concentrations greater than 90 millimolar. In contrast, GSp2 exhibited simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics for glutamate with a Km value of 3.4 millimolar. Both isozymes exhibited positive cooperativity for ammonia, with S0.5 values of 100 and 45 micromolar, respectively. GSp1 appears to be a unique, kernel-specific form of plant glutamine synthetase. Possible functions for the pedicel GS isozymes in kernel nitrogen metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydroperoxide lyase (HPLS) activity in soybean (Glycine max) seed/seedlings, leaves, and chloroplasts of leaves required detergent solubilization for maximum in vitro activity. On a per milligram of protein basis, more HPLS activity was found in leaves, especially chloroplasts, than in seeds or seedlings. The total yield of hexanal from 13(S)-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid (13S-HPOD) from leaf or chloroplast preparations was 58 and 66 to 85%, respectively. Because of significant competing hydroperoxide-metabolizing activities from other enzymes in seed/seedling preparations, the hexanal yields from this source were lower (36-56%). Some of the products identified from the seed or seedling preparations indicated that the competing activity was mainly due to both a hydroperoxide peroxygenase and reactions catalyzed by lipoxygenase. Different HPLS isozyme compositions in the seed/seedling versus the leaf/chloroplast preparations were indicated by differences in the activity as a function of pH, the Km values, relative Vmax with 13S-HPOD and 13(S)-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11,cis-15-octadecatrienoic acid (13S-HPOT), and the specificity with different substrates. With regard to the latter, both seed/seedling and chloroplast HPLS utilized the 13S-HPOD and 13S-HPOT substrates, but only seeds/seedlings were capable of metabolizing 9(S)-hydroperoxy-trans-10,cis-12-octadecadienoic acid into 9-oxononanoic acid, isomeric nonenals, and 4-hydroxynonenal. From 13S-HPOD and 13S-HPOT, the products were identified as 12-oxo-cis-9-dodecenoic acid, as well as hexanal from 13S-HPOD and cis-3-hexenal from 13S-HPOT. In seed preparations, there was partial isomerization of the cis-3 or cis-9 into trans-2 or trans-10 double bonds, respectively.  相似文献   

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