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Prokaryotes have been at the forefront of the genome sequencing revolution. Many genomes have been completely sequenced, revealing much about bacterial and archaeal genome content and organization. Yet, a meaningful evolutionary picture of prokaryotes still eludes us. Much of the problem lies in understanding the mode and tempo of genome evolution. Here phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase is used as an example of the complex interplay among lateral gene transfer, operon recombination, and gene recruitment in the evolution of some prokaryotic genes. Promising new approaches to genomic analyses, which could add to our understanding prokaryotic evolution and help in their classification, are discussed.  相似文献   

A previous study of prokaryotic genomes identified large reservoirs of putative mobile promoters (PMPs), that is, homologous promoter sequences associated with nonhomologous coding sequences. Here we extend this data set to identify the full complement of mobile promoters in sequenced prokaryotic genomes. The expanded search identifies nearly 40,000 PMP sequences, 90% of which occur in noncoding regions of the genome. To gain further insight from this data set, we develop a birth–death–diversification model for mobile genetic elements subject to sequence diversification; applying the model to PMPs we are able to quantify the relative importance of duplication, loss, horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and diversification to the maintenance of the PMP reservoir. The model predicts low rates of HGT relative to the duplication and loss of PMP copies, rapid dynamics of PMP families, and a pool of PMPs that exist as a single copy in a genome at any given time, despite their mobility. We report evidence of these “singletons” at high frequencies in prokaryotic genomes. We also demonstrate that including selection, either for or against PMPs, was not necessary to describe the observed data.  相似文献   

Comparative whole-genome analyses have demonstrated that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) provides a significant contribution to prokaryotic genome innovation. The evolution of specific prokaryotes is therefore tightly linked to the environment in which they live and the communal pool of genes available within that environment. Here we use the term supergenome to describe the set of all genes that a prokaryotic ‘individual’ can draw on within a particular environmental setting. Conjugative plasmids can be considered particularly successful entities within the communal pool, which have enabled HGT over large taxonomic distances. These plasmids are collections of discrete regions of genes that function as ‘backbone modules’ to undertake different aspects of overall plasmid maintenance and propagation. Conjugative plasmids often carry suites of ‘accessory elements’ that contribute adaptive traits to the hosts and, potentially, other resident prokaryotes within specific environmental niches. Insight into the evolution of plasmid modules therefore contributes to our knowledge of gene dissemination and evolution within prokaryotic communities. This communal pool provides the prokaryotes with an important mechanistic framework for obtaining adaptability and functional diversity that alleviates the need for large genomes of specialized ‘private genes’.  相似文献   

Gene order in prokaryotes is conserved to a much lesser extent than protein sequences. Only some operons, primarily those that encode physically interacting proteins, are conserved in all or most of the bacterial and archaeal genomes. Nevertheless, even the limited conservation of operon organisation that is observed provides valuable evolutionary and functional clues through multiple genome comparisons. With the rapid growth in the number and diversity of sequenced prokaryotic genomes, functional inferences for uncharacterized genes located in the same conserved gene neighborhood with well-studied genes are becoming increasingly important. In this review, we discuss various computational approaches for identification of conserved gene strings and construction of local alignments of gene orders in prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Insertion sequences (ISs) can constitute an important component of prokaryotic (bacterial and archaeal) genomes. Over 1,500 individual ISs are included at present in the ISfinder database (www-is.biotoul.fr), and these represent only a small portion of those in the available prokaryotic genome sequences and those that are being discovered in ongoing sequencing projects. In spite of this diversity, the transposition mechanisms of only a few of these ubiquitous mobile genetic elements are known, and these are all restricted to those present in bacteria. This review presents an overview of ISs within the archaeal kingdom. We first provide a general historical summary of the known properties and behaviors of archaeal ISs. We then consider how transposition might be regulated in some cases by small antisense RNAs and by termination codon readthrough. This is followed by an extensive analysis of the IS content in the sequenced archaeal genomes present in the public databases as of June 2006, which provides an overview of their distribution among the major archaeal classes and species. We show that the diversity of archaeal ISs is very great and comparable to that of bacteria. We compare archaeal ISs to known bacterial ISs and find that most are clearly members of families first described for bacteria. Several cases of lateral gene transfer between bacteria and archaea are clearly documented, notably for methanogenic archaea. However, several archaeal ISs do not have bacterial equivalents but can be grouped into Archaea-specific groups or families. In addition to ISs, we identify and list nonautonomous IS-derived elements, such as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements. Finally, we present a possible scenario for the evolutionary history of ISs in the Archaea.  相似文献   

Insertion sequences (ISs) are simple transposable elements present in most bacterial and archaeal genomes and play an important role in genomic evolution. The recent expansion of sequenced genomes offers the opportunity to study ISs comprehensively, but this requires efficient and accurate tools for IS annotation. We have developed an open-source program called OASIS, or Optimized Annotation System for Insertion Sequences, which automatically annotates ISs within sequenced genomes. OASIS annotations of 1737 bacterial and archaeal genomes offered an unprecedented opportunity to examine IS evolution. At a broad scale, we found that most IS families are quite widespread; however, they are not present randomly across taxa. This may indicate differential loss, barriers to exchange and/or insufficient time to equilibrate across clades. The number of ISs increases with genome length, but there is both tremendous variation and no increase in IS density for genomes >2 Mb. At the finer scale of recently diverged genomes, the proportion of shared IS content falls sharply, suggesting loss and/or emergence of barriers to successful cross-infection occurs rapidly. Surprisingly, even after controlling for 16S rRNA sequence divergence, the same ISs were more likely to be shared between genomes labeled as the same species rather than as different species.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that there is no long range colinearity in gene order in bacterial genomes, it is thought that there are several regions that are under strong structural constraints during evolution, in which gene order is extremely conserved. One such region is the str locus, containing the S10-spc-alpha operons. These operons contain genes coding for ribosomal proteins and for a number of housekeeping genes. We compared the organisation of these gene clusters in 111 sequenced prokaryotic genomes (99 bacterial and 12 archaeal genomes). We also compared the organisation to the phylogeny based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences and the sequences of the ribosomal proteins L22, L16 and S14. Our data indicate that there is much variation in gene order and content in these gene clusters, both in bacterial as well as in archaeal genomes. Our data indicate that differential gene loss has occurred on multiple occasions during evolution. We also noted several discrepancies between phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and sequences of ribosomal proteins L16, L22 and S14, suggesting that horizontal gene transfer did play a significant role in the evolution of the S10-spc-alpha gene clusters.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) spreads genetic diversity by moving genes across species boundaries. By rapidly introducing newly evolved genes into existing genomes, HGT circumvents the slow step of ab initio gene creation and accelerates genome innovation. However, HGT can only affect organisms that readily exchange genes (exchange communities). In order to define exchange communities and understand the internal and external environmental factors that regulate HGT, we analyzed approximately 20,000 genes contained in eight free-living prokaryotic genomes. These analyses indicate that HGT occurs among organisms that share similar factors. The most significant are genome size, genome G/C composition, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), a process through which genomes acquire genetic materials from distantly related organisms, is believed to be one of the major forces in prokaryotic genome evolution.However, systematic investigation is still scarce to clarify two basic issues about HGT: (1) what types of genes are transferred; and (2) what influence HGT events over the organization and evolution of biological pathways. Genome-scale investigations of these two issues will advance the systematical understanding of HGT in the context of prokaryotic genome evolution. Having investigated 82 genomes, we constructed an HGT database across broad evolutionary timescales. We identified four function categories containing a high proportion of horizontally transferred genes: cell envelope, energy metabolism, regulatory functions, and transport/binding proteins. Such biased function distribution indicates that HGT is not completely random;instead, it is under high selective pressure, required by function restraints in organisms. Furthermore, we mapped the transferred genes onto the connectivity structure map of organism-specific pathways listed in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). Our results suggest that recruitment of transferred genes into pathways is also selectively constrained because of the tuned interaction between original pathway members. Pathway organization structures still conserve well through evolution even with the recruitment of horizontally transferred genes. Interestingly, in pathways whose organization were significantly affected by HGT events, the operon-like arrangement of transferred genes was found to be prevalent. Such results suggest that operon plays an essential and directional role in the integration of alien genes into pathways.  相似文献   

In the genetic code, the UGA codon has a dual function as it encodes selenocysteine (Sec) and serves as a stop signal. However, only the translation terminator function is used in gene annotation programs, resulting in misannotation of selenoprotein genes. Here, we applied two independent bioinformatics approaches to characterize a selenoprotein set in prokaryotic genomes. One method searched for selenoprotein genes by identifying RNA stem-loop structures, selenocysteine insertion sequence elements; the second approach identified Sec/Cys pairs in homologous sequences. These analyses identified all or almost all selenoproteins in completely sequenced bacterial and archaeal genomes and provided a view on the distribution and composition of prokaryotic selenoproteomes. In addition, lineage-specific and core selenoproteins were detected, which provided insights into the mechanisms of selenoprotein evolution. Characterization of selenoproteomes allows interpretation of other UGA codons in completed genomes of prokaryotes as terminators, addressing the UGA dual-function problem.  相似文献   



Comparative analysis of sequenced genomes reveals numerous instances of apparent horizontal gene transfer (HGT), at least in prokaryotes, and indicates that lineage-specific gene loss might have been even more common in evolution. This complicates the notion of a species tree, which needs to be re-interpreted as a prevailing evolutionary trend, rather than the full depiction of evolution, and makes reconstruction of ancestral genomes a non-trivial task.


We addressed the problem of constructing parsimonious scenarios for individual sets of orthologous genes given a species tree. The orthologous sets were taken from the database of Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins (COGs). We show that the phyletic patterns (patterns of presence-absence in completely sequenced genomes) of almost 90% of the COGs are inconsistent with the hypothetical species tree. Algorithms were developed to reconcile the phyletic patterns with the species tree by postulating gene loss, COG emergence and HGT (the latter two classes of events were collectively treated as gene gains). We prove that each of these algorithms produces a parsimonious evolutionary scenario, which can be represented as mapping of loss and gain events on the species tree. The distribution of the evolutionary events among the tree nodes substantially depends on the underlying assumptions of the reconciliation algorithm, e.g. whether or not independent gene gains (gain after loss after gain) are permitted. Biological considerations suggest that, on average, gene loss might be a more likely event than gene gain. Therefore different gain penalties were used and the resulting series of reconstructed gene sets for the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of the extant life forms were analysed. The number of genes in the reconstructed LUCA gene sets grows as the gain penalty increases. However, qualitative examination of the LUCA versions reconstructed with different gain penalties indicates that, even with a gain penalty of 1 (equal weights assigned to a gain and a loss), the set of 572 genes assigned to LUCA might be nearly sufficient to sustain a functioning organism. Under this gain penalty value, the numbers of horizontal gene transfer and gene loss events are nearly identical. This result holds true for two alternative topologies of the species tree and even under random shuffling of the tree. Therefore, the results seem to be compatible with approximately equal likelihoods of HGT and gene loss in the evolution of prokaryotes.


The notion that gene loss and HGT are major aspects of prokaryotic evolution was supported by quantitative analysis of the mapping of the phyletic patterns of COGs onto a hypothetical species tree. Algorithms were developed for constructing parsimonious evolutionary scenarios, which include gene loss and gain events, for orthologous gene sets, given a species tree. This analysis shows, contrary to expectations, that the number of predicted HGT events that occurred during the evolution of prokaryotes might be approximately the same as the number of gene losses. The approach to the reconstruction of evolutionary scenarios employed here is conservative with regard to the detection of HGT because only patterns of gene presence-absence in sequenced genomes are taken into account. In reality, horizontal transfer might have contributed to the evolution of many other genes also, which makes it a dominant force in prokaryotic evolution.

The horizontal gene transfer (HGT) being inferred within prokaryotic genomes appears to be sufficiently massive that many scientists think it may have effectively obscured much of the history of life recorded in DNA. Here, we demonstrate that the tree of life can be reconstructed even in the presence of extensive HGT, provided the processes of genome evolution are properly modeled. We show that the dynamic deletions and insertions of genes that occur during genome evolution, including those introduced by HGT, may be modeled using techniques similar to those used to model nucleotide substitutions that occur during sequence evolution. In particular, we show that appropriately designed general Markov models are reasonable tools for reconstructing genome evolution. These studies indicate that, provided genomes contain sufficiently many genes and that the Markov assumptions are met, it is possible to reconstruct the tree of life. We also consider the fusion of genomes, a process not encountered in gene sequence evolution, and derive a method for the identification and reconstruction of genome fusion events. Genomic reconstructions of a well-defined classical four-genome problem, the root of the multicellular animals, show that the method, when used in conjunction with paralinear/logdet distances, performs remarkably well and is relatively unaffected by the recently discovered big genome artifact.  相似文献   

Tailed double-stranded DNA viruses (order Caudovirales) represent the dominant morphotype among viruses infecting bacteria. Analysis and comparison of complete genome sequences of tailed bacterial viruses provided insights into their origin and evolution. Structural and genomic studies have unexpectedly revealed that tailed bacterial viruses are evolutionarily related to eukaryotic herpesviruses. Organisms from the third domain of life, Archaea, are also infected by viruses that, in their overall morphology, resemble tailed viruses of bacteria. However, high-resolution structural information is currently unavailable for any of these viruses, and only a few complete genomes have been sequenced so far. Here we identified nine proviruses that are clearly related to tailed bacterial viruses and integrated into chromosomes of species belonging to four different taxonomic orders of the Archaea. This more than doubled the number of genome sequences available for comparative studies. Our analyses indicate that highly mosaic tailed archaeal virus genomes evolve by homologous and illegitimate recombination with genomes of other viruses, by diversification, and by acquisition of cellular genes. Comparative genomics of these viruses and related proviruses revealed a set of conserved genes encoding putative proteins similar to virion assembly and maturation, as well as genome packaging proteins of tailed bacterial viruses and herpesviruses. Furthermore, fold prediction and structural modeling experiments suggest that the major capsid proteins of tailed archaeal viruses adopt the same topology as the corresponding proteins of tailed bacterial viruses and eukaryotic herpesviruses. Data presented in this study strongly support the hypothesis that tailed viruses infecting archaea share a common ancestry with tailed bacterial viruses and herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is central to prokaryotic evolution. However, little is known about the “scale” of individual HGT events. In this work, we introduce the first computational framework to help answer the following fundamental question: How often does more than one gene get horizontally transferred in a single HGT event? Our method, called HoMer, uses phylogenetic reconciliation to infer single-gene HGT events across a given set of species/strains, employs several techniques to account for inference error and uncertainty, combines that information with gene order information from extant genomes, and uses statistical analysis to identify candidate horizontal multigene transfers (HMGTs) in both extant and ancestral species/strains. HoMer is highly scalable and can be easily used to infer HMGTs across hundreds of genomes. We apply HoMer to a genome-scale data set of over 22,000 gene families from 103 Aeromonas genomes and identify a large number of plausible HMGTs of various scales at both small and large phylogenetic distances. Analysis of these HMGTs reveals interesting relationships between gene function, phylogenetic distance, and frequency of multigene transfer. Among other insights, we find that 1) the observed relative frequency of HMGT increases as divergence between genomes increases, 2) HMGTs often have conserved gene functions, and 3) rare genes are frequently acquired through HMGT. We also analyze in detail HMGTs involving the zonula occludens toxin and type III secretion systems. By enabling the systematic inference of HMGTs on a large scale, HoMer will facilitate a more accurate and more complete understanding of HGT and microbial evolution.  相似文献   

Determining the influence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on phylogenomic analyses and the retrieval of a tree of life is relevant for our understanding of microbial genome evolution. It is particularly difficult to differentiate between phylogenetic incongruence due to noise and that resulting from HGT. We have performed a large-scale, detailed evolutionary analysis of the different phylogenetic signals present in the genomes of Xanthomonadales, a group of Proteobacteria. We show that the presence of phylogenetic noise is not an obstacle to infer past and present HGTs during their evolution. The scenario derived from this analysis and other recently published reports reflect the confounding effects on bacterial phylogenomics of past and present HGT. Although transfers between closely related species are difficult to detect in genome-scale phylogenetic analyses, past transfers to the ancestor of extant groups appear as conflicting signals that occasionally might make impossible to determine the evolutionary origin of the whole genome.  相似文献   

Currently there is no successful computational approach for identification of genes encoding novel functional RNAs (fRNAs) in genomic sequences. We have developed a machine learning approach using neural networks and support vector machines to extract common features among known RNAs for prediction of new RNA genes in the unannotated regions of prokaryotic and archaeal genomes. The Escherichia coli genome was used for development, but we have applied this method to several other bacterial and archaeal genomes. Networks based on nucleotide composition were 80–90% accurate in jackknife testing experiments for bacteria and 90–99% for hyperthermophilic archaea. We also achieved a significant improvement in accuracy by combining these predictions with those obtained using a second set of parameters consisting of known RNA sequence motifs and the calculated free energy of folding. Several known fRNAs not included in the training datasets were identified as well as several hundred predicted novel RNAs. These studies indicate that there are many unidentified RNAs in simple genomes that can be predicted computationally as a precursor to experimental study. Public access to our RNA gene predictions and an interface for user predictions is available via the web.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), a process through which genomes acquire sequences from distantly related organisms, is believed to be a major source of genetic diversity in bacteria. A central question concerning the impact of HGT on bacterial genome evolution is the proportion of horizontally transferred sequences within genomes. This issue, however, remains unresolved because the various methods developed to detect potential HGT events identify different sets of genes. The present-day consensus is that phylogenetic analysis of individual genes is still the most objective and accurate approach for determining the occurrence and directionality of HGT. Here we present a genome-scale phylogenetic analysis of protein-encoding genes from five closely related Chlamydia, identifying a reliable set of sequences that have arisen via HGT since the divergence of the Chlamydia lineage. According to our knowledge, this is the first systematic phylogenetic inference-based attempt to establish a reliable set of acquired genes in a bacterial genome. Although Chlamydia are obligate intracellular parasites of higher eukaryotes, and thus suspected to be isolated from HGT more than the free-living species, our results show that their diversification has involved the introduction of foreign sequences into their genome. Furthermore, we also identified a complete set of genes that have undergone deletion, duplication, or rearrangement during this evolutionary period leading to the radiation of Chlamydia species. Our analysis may provide a deeper insight into how these medically important pathogens emerged and evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Genome organization can be studied through analysis of chromosome position-dependent patterns in sequence-derived parameters. A comprehensive analysis of such patterns in prokaryotic sequences and genome-scale functional data has yet to be performed. We detected spatial patterns in sequence-derived parameters for 163 chromosomes occurring in 135 bacterial and 16 archaeal organisms using wavelet analysis. Pattern strength was found to correlate with organism-specific features such as genome size, overall GC content, and the occurrence of known motility and chromosomal binding proteins. Given additional functional data for Escherichia coli, we found significant correlations among chromosome position dependent patterns in numerous properties, some of which are consistent with previously experimentally identified chromosome macrodomains. These results demonstrate that the large-scale organization of most sequenced genomes is significantly nonrandom, and, moreover, that this organization is likely linked to genome size, nucleotide composition, and information transfer processes. Constraints on genome evolution and design are thus not solely dependent upon information content, but also upon an intricate multi-parameter, multi-length-scale organization of the chromosome.  相似文献   

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