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Explaining the taxonomic richness of the insects, comprising over half of all described species, is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Previously, several evolutionary novelties (key innovations) have been posited to contribute to that richness, including the insect bauplan, wings, wing folding and complete metamorphosis, but evidence over their relative importance and modes of action is sparse and equivocal. Here, a new dataset on the first and last occurrences of fossil hexapod (insects and close relatives) families is used to show that basal families of winged insects (Palaeoptera, e.g. dragonflies) show higher origination and extinction rates in the fossil record than basal wingless groups (Apterygota, e.g. silverfish). Origination and extinction rates were maintained at levels similar to Palaeoptera in the more derived Polyneoptera (e.g. cockroaches) and Paraneoptera (e.g. true bugs), but extinction rates subsequently reduced in the very rich group of insects with complete metamorphosis (Holometabola, e.g. beetles). Holometabola show evidence of a recent slow-down in their high net diversification rate, whereas other winged taxa continue to diversify at constant but low rates. These data suggest that wings and complete metamorphosis have had the most effect on family-level insect macroevolution, and point to specific mechanisms by which they have influenced insect diversity through time.  相似文献   

不同生物类群包含的物种数目常存在巨大差异,这是生态学和生物学研究中普遍观察到的现象。然而,这一现象产生的原因仍然是未解之谜。从宏观进化的角度,进化时间假说和多样化速率假说是两个比较流行的假说。进化时间假说认为类群的演化时间越长,积累的物种丰富度越高;而多样化速率假说认为类群的净多样化速率越快,则其物种丰富度越高。为验证这两个假说,该文以一棵包含1 539个物种化石定年的虎耳草目系统发育树为基础,通过宏观进化分析获取了虎耳草目内15个科的物种形成和灭绝速率,并计算了每个科的平均多样化速率。结果表明:(1)虎耳草目的物种多样化速率有着增加的趋势,并且多样化速率的增加主要出现在温带和高山类群,如茶藨子科、景天科和芍药科等。(2)采用系统发育广义最小二乘模型(PGLS)和线性回归模型(LM)结果表明,虎耳草目15个科的物种丰富度与科的分化时间和科内物种的最近共同祖先年龄都没有显著相关关系,而与净多样化速率显著正相关(R2 =0.380,P<0.05)。该研究支持了多样化速率假说,认为不同科的净多样化速率的差异是导致虎耳草目科间物种数目差异的主要原因之一。全球气候变冷...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the complex genus Lupinus are estimated from internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat. The molecular data supports Lupinus as a distinct monophyletic group within the tribe Genisteae. Different geographical lineages are revealed within Lupinus, which are each restricted to either the Old or the New World. In the New World, the ITS data support an eastern-western geographic disjunction of the lupines and the recognition of some well-supported clades. In the Old World, almost all the previously recognized taxa are taxonomically well differentiated. The homogeneous African rough-seeded lupines, Scabrispermae, are strongly supported as a monophyletic group, which is distinct from the diverse and heterogeneous circum-Mediterranean smooth-seeded ones. The latter appear to have evolved as two lineages, in which are revealed some intersectional relationships. Also ITS data allow the assessment of the phylogenetic position of the newly discovered species, L. anatolicus (in the Old World) and L. jaimehintoniana (the Mexican tree lupin). The ITS phylogeny suggests a rapid initial radiation of the lupines subsequent to their divergence from a common ancestor. Moreover, the results indicate that the annual and perennial habits have evolved many times in Lupinus and suggest a role for generation time in affecting the evolutionary history of lupines. Data on adaptive processes and character evolution are re-examined and discussed in the light of the ITS phylogeny.These studies were supported by the research unit UMR-CNRS 6553 Ecobio – University of Rennes (France), and by the NSERC of Canada (grant to R.J. Bayer, at the University of Alberta). They are greatfully acknowledged. All the persons that have contributed in different ways to this work on Lupinus, summarized in this presentation, are greatly thanked. Particularly, we would like to mention Malika Aïnouche, Roland Greinwald, André Huon, W.K. Swiecicki, Billie L. Turner and Ludger Witte for their contributions.  相似文献   

A central theme connecting macroevolutionary processes to macroecological patterns is the shaping of regional biodiversity over time through speciation, extinction, migration, and range shifts. The use of phylogenies to explore the dynamics of diversification due to variation in speciation and extinction rates has been well-developed and there are established methods for inferring speciation times from phylogenies and generating its null distributions (as represented by node heights on molecular phylogenies). But inferring colonization events from phylogenies is more challenging. Unlike speciation events, represented by nodes, colonization events could occur at any point along a branch connecting species in the assemblage to the regional pool. We account for uncertainty in identification of colonization lineages and timing of colonization events by using an efficient analytical solution to inferring the distribution of colonization times from an assemblage phylogeny. Using the same solution, we efficiently derive the null distribution of colonization times, which provides us with a general approach to testing the adequacy of a model to describe colonization events into the assemblage. We illustrate this approach by demonstrating how the movement of squamate lineages into Madagascar has been uneven over time, peaking in the early Cenozoic when ocean conditions favored colonization.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists since Darwin have been fascinated by differences in the rate of trait-evolutionary change across lineages. Despite this continued interest, we still lack methods for identifying shifts in evolutionary rates on the growing tree of life while accommodating uncertainty in the evolutionary process. Here we introduce a Bayesian approach for identifying complex patterns in the evolution of continuous traits. The method (auteur) uses reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling to more fully characterize the complexity of trait evolution, considering models that range in complexity from those with a single global rate to potentially ones in which each branch in the tree has its own independent rate. This newly introduced approach performs well in recovering simulated rate shifts and simulated rates for datasets nearing the size typical for comparative phylogenetic study (i.e., ≥64 tips). Analysis of two large empirical datasets of vertebrate body size reveal overwhelming support for multiple-rate models of evolution, and we observe exceptionally high rates of body-size evolution in a group of emydid turtles relative to their evolutionary background. auteur will facilitate identification of exceptional evolutionary dynamics, essential to the study of both adaptive radiation and stasis.  相似文献   

Crassulaceae is a mid-sized family of angiosperms, most species of which are herbaceous succulents, usually with 5-merous flowers and one or two whorls of stamens. Although previous phylogenetic studies revealed seven major “clades” in Crassulaceae and greatly improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of the family, relationships among major clades are still contentious. In addition, the biogeographic origin and evolution of important morphological characters delimiting infrafamilial taxa have not been subject to formal biogeographic and character evolution analyses based on a well-supported phylogeny backbone. In this study, we used plastomic data of 52 species, representing all major clades revealed in previous studies to reconstruct a robust phylogeny of Crassulaceae, based on which we unraveled the spatiotemporal framework of diversification of the family. We found that the family may originate in southern Africa and then dispersed to the Mediterranean, from there to eastern Asia, Macaronesia, and North America. The crown age of Crassulaceae was dated at ca. 63.93 million years ago, shortly after the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary. We also traced the evolution of six important morphological characters previously used to delimit infrafamilial taxa and demonstrated widespread parallel and convergent evolution of both vegetative (life form and phyllotaxis) and floral characters (number of stamen whorls, petals free or fused, and flower merism). Our results provide a robust backbone phylogeny as a foundation for further investigations, and also some important new insights into biogeography and evolution of the family Crassulaceae.  相似文献   

With the increase of laboratory facilities, molecular phylogenies are playing a predominant role in evolutionary analyses. However, understanding the evolution of morphological traits remains essential for a comprehensive view of the evolution of a group. Here we present a new approach based on co-inertia analysis for identifying characters which variations are dependent to the phylogeny, a prerequisite for analyzing the evolution of characters. Our approach has the advantage of treating the full data set at once, including qualitative and quantitative variables. It provides a graphical output giving the contribution of each variable to the co-structure, allowing a direct discrimination among phylogenetically dependent and independent variables. We have implemented this approach in deciphering the evolution of morphological traits in a highly specialized group of Neotropical catfishes: the Loricariinae. We have first inferred a molecular phylogeny of this group based on the 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. The resulting phylogeny indicated that the subtribe Harttiini was restricted to the single genus Harttia, and within the subtribe Loricariini, two sister subtribes were distinguished, Sturisomina (new subtribe), and Loricariina. Among Loricariina, the morphological groups Loricariichthys and Loricaria+Pseudohemiodon were confirmed. The co-inertia analysis highlighted a strong relationship between the morphological and the genetic data sets, and identified three quantitative and eight qualitative variables linked to the phylogeny. The evolution of quantitative variables was assessed using the orthogram method and showed a major punctual event in the evolution of the number of caudal-fin rays, and a more gradual pattern of evolution of the number of teeth along the phylogeny. The evolution of qualitative variables was inferred using ancestral states reconstructions and highlighted parallel patterns of evolution in characters linked to the mouth, suggesting co-evolution of the traits for adapting to divergent substrates.  相似文献   

Aim Parrots are thought to have originated on Gondwana during the Cretaceous. The initial split within crown group parrots separated the New Zealand taxa from the remaining extant species and was considered to coincide with the separation of New Zealand from Gondwana 82–85 Ma, assuming that the diversification of parrots was mainly shaped by vicariance. However, the distribution patterns of several extant parrot groups cannot be explained without invoking transoceanic dispersal, challenging this assumption. Here, we present a temporal and spatial framework for the diversification of parrots using external avian fossils as calibration points in order to evaluate the relative importance of the influences of past climate change, plate tectonics and ecological opportunity. Location Australasian, African, Indo‐Malayan and Neotropical regions. Methods Phylogenetic relationships were investigated using partial sequences of the nuclear genes c‐mos, RAG‐1 and Zenk of 75 parrot and 21 other avian taxa. Divergence dates and confidence intervals were estimated using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach. Biogeographic patterns were evaluated taking temporal connectivity between areas into account. We tested whether diversification remained constant over time and if some parrot groups were more species‐rich than expected given their age. Results Crown group diversification of parrots started only about 58 Ma, in the Palaeogene, significantly later than previously thought. The Australasian lories and possibly also the Neotropical Arini were found to be unexpectedly species‐rich. Diversification rates probably increased around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and in the middle Miocene, during two periods of major global climatic aberrations characterized by global cooling. Main conclusions The diversification of parrots was shaped by climatic and geological events as well as by key innovations. Initial vicariance events caused by continental break‐up were followed by transoceanic dispersal and local radiations. Habitat shifts caused by climate change and mountain orogenesis may have acted as a catalyst to the diversification by providing new ecological opportunities and challenges as well as by causing isolation as a result of habitat fragmentation. The lories constitute the only highly nectarivorous parrot clade, and their diet shift, associated with morphological innovation, may have acted as an evolutionary key innovation, allowing them to explore underutilized niches and promoting their diversification.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution of shell shape is a well known phenomenon in gastropods that has caused much confusion in taxonomic and systematic studies. A paradigm is the patelliform shell shape in several taxa of the order Basommatophora. Historically, most freshwater limpets were assigned to the family Ancylidae. Based on anatomical data, some taxa were subsequently moved to different families. However, there are still doubts about the monophyly of the remaining ancylids. This is also true for the African limpets and particularly for species of the genus Burnupia Walker, 1912. In the present paper, two independent molecular markers (COI, 18S rRNA) are used to (a) infer the position of Burnupia within the Basommatophora and (b) to test whether the shell shape of Burnupia evolved independently. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of 12 genera of limnic Basommatophora indicate that Burnupia not only appears to be distinct from the Ancylidae, but also from all other representatives of the superfamily Planorboidea studied here. Based on a generally well-supported phylogeny and preliminary anatomical data, it is concluded that patelliform shell shapes evolved at least three times in the taxa studied here and that the shell shape of Burnupia represents another case of convergent evolution. Previously proposed functional and evolutionary scenarios for the evolution of patelliform shell and their relevance for freshwater limpets are discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 577–586.  相似文献   

Common inflammatome gene signatures as well as disease‐specific signatures were identified by analyzing 12 expression profiling data sets derived from 9 different tissues isolated from 11 rodent inflammatory disease models. The inflammatome signature significantly overlaps with known drug targets and co‐expressed gene modules linked to metabolic disorders and cancer. A large proportion of genes in this signature are tightly connected in tissue‐specific Bayesian networks (BNs) built from multiple independent mouse and human cohorts. Both the inflammatome signature and the corresponding consensus BNs are highly enriched for immune response‐related genes supported as causal for adiposity, adipokine, diabetes, aortic lesion, bone, muscle, and cholesterol traits, suggesting the causal nature of the inflammatome for a variety of diseases. Integration of this inflammatome signature with the BNs uncovered 151 key drivers that appeared to be more biologically important than the non‐drivers in terms of their impact on disease phenotypes. The identification of this inflammatome signature, its network architecture, and key drivers not only highlights the shared etiology but also pinpoints potential targets for intervention of various common diseases.  相似文献   

We examined phylogenetic relationships and patterns of stem structural evolution in Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa, an ecologically and economically important group of tropical to temperate-growing sedges, whose stems serve as the primary photosynthetic organs. We used maximum parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference to develop phylogenetic trees and stochastic mapping and a Markov one-rate model to develop character history reconstructions of stem architecture. A complex history of stem shape evolution characterized by a high degree of homoplasy and rapid rates of change (an average of 13 transitions per character history for about 25 species) was identified across subgenus Limnochloa. Character states transition much more frequently in some lineages than others, but tend to follow a consistent directional pattern of evolutionary change. Our data also suggest that changes in stem shape and anatomy may be associated with speciation events in the subgenus (Pagel's κ = 0.3503, P = 0.04579) and may have some adaptive significance. The potential adaptive roles of stem structural traits are unclear, but may be elucidated by further studies. This work serves as a starting point for future evolutionary studies of stem shape and structure in monocots and provides important background knowledge for further studies of ecological adaptations of Eleocharis.  相似文献   

Little information on evolutionary relationships of Neotropical organisms or on the factors that have shaped the diversity currently encountered in this region is available. However, it is clear that biotic interactions and abiotic aspects have played important roles for species diversification in the region. This study focuses on Dolichandra (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), a clade of Neotropical lianas that is distributed broadly across different habitats and with diverse pollination and dispersal systems. We used sequences from two plastid DNA markers (ndhF and rpl32‐trnL) and one nuclear gene (PepC) to infer phylogenetic relationships in Dolichandra using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We then used this phylogenetic framework as basis to study the biogeographic history, reconstruct the evolution of morphological characters and test the impact of morphology and environment on the diversification of the genus. More specifically, we: (1) time‐calibrate the phylogenetic tree of Dolichandra; (2) estimate the ancestral areas of the various lineages; (3) estimate the ancestral states of discrete and continuous morphological traits; (4) test for phylogenetic signal in environmental and phenotypic data; and (5) test whether morphological characters and/or niche evolution are correlated with cladogenesis. All Dolichandra spp. are monophyletic in the combined molecular phylogeny; relationships among species are generally well resolved, although poorly supported in some instances. The genus is inferred to have originated 36.43–26.23 Mya, possibly in eastern South America. Ancestral state reconstructions of continuous and discrete floral characters inferred a mixed morphology as the ancestral condition for the group. Phylogenetic signal differed between perianth and sexual whorls and gradual evolution was recovered for all traits except style length and anther length. Environmental variables showed no phylogenetic signal and a pattern of variation that was not correlated with branch length, suggesting that environmental transitions were concomitant with speciation. Dispersal is inferred to be the main driver of the differential distribution observed among species. In addition, climatic preferences and floral characters seem to have been important reproductive barriers in Dolichandra. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 403–420.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the field of historical biogeography has become increasingly divorced from evolutionary biology, ecology, and studies of species richness. In this paper, we explore the evolutionary causes of patterns of biogeography and species richness in Northern Hemisphere treefrogs, combining phylogenetics, ancestral area reconstruction, molecular dating methods, and ecological niche modeling. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among 58 hylid taxa using data from two mitochondrial genes (12S, ND1) and two nuclear genes (POMC, c-myc). We find that parallel patterns of species richness have developed in Europe, Asia, and in two separate clades of North American hylids, with the highest richness at midtemperate latitudes (30-35 degrees) on each continent. This pattern is surprising given that hylids overall show higher species richness in the New World tropics and given many standard ecological explanations for the latitudinal diversity gradient (e.g., energy, productivity, mid-domain effect). The replicate pattern in Holarctic hylids seems to reflect specialized tolerance for temperate climate regimes or possibly the effects of competition. The results also suggest that long-range dispersal between continental regions with similar climatic regimes may be easier than dispersal between geographically adjacent regions with different climatic regimes. Our results show the importance of ecology and evolution to large-scale biogeography and the importance of large-scale biogeography to understanding patterns of species richness.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in species richness in plant groups is determined by the interplay between historical, evolutionary, and ecological processes. However, the processes underlying the striking disparity in species richness between Asia and the Americas remain poorly understood. Here, we synthesize global phylogenetic and macroecological data on the diversification of Smilacaceae, deciphering potential drivers underlying the species diversity pattern biased toward Asia. We compiled global distributions of all Smilacaceae species, and reconstructed the biogeographic history and niche evolution using a new time-calibrated phylogeny (eight genes, 135 species). Integrating these data sets, we estimated evolutionary histories and diversification rates for each region, and tested correlations among species diversification, niche evolution, and niche divergence. Smilacaceae probably originated during the Late Cretaceous/Early Palaeocene and began to diversify in middle to low latitudes in Central America and Eurasia during the Late Eocene. Both the Old and New World clades exhibited a steady, albeit slight, increase of species diversification from the Late Eocene to Early Miocene. However, the Old World clade experienced an abrupt increase in net diversification during the Late Miocene. Our findings also revealed that species diversification rates were positively correlated with ecological niche evolution and niche divergence. Niche shifts and climatic niche evolution since the Middle Miocene played crucial roles in species diversification dynamics within Smilacaceae. The high plant richness in Asia may be explained by greater diversification in this region, potentially promoted by heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

There is increasing momentum surrounding the hypothesis that rates of molecular evolution between individuals within contemporary populations are high, and that these rates decrease as a function of time, perhaps over several millions of years, before reaching stationarity. The implications of this are powerful, potentially reshaping our view of how climate history impacts upon both species distribution patterns and the geographic structuring of genetic variation within species. However, our assessment of the hypothesis reveals a lack of theoretical support and empirical evidence for hypothesized magnitudes of time‐dependent rates of molecular evolution, with much of the apparent rate changes coming from artefacts and biases inherent in the methods of rate estimation. Our assessment also reveals a problem with how serial sampling is implemented for mutation rate estimation using ancient DNA samples, rendering published estimates unreliable.  相似文献   

The Bryaceae are a large cosmopolitan moss family including genera of significant morphological and taxonomic complexity. Phylogenetic relationships within the Bryaceae were reconstructed based on DNA sequence data from all three genomic compartments. In addition, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference were employed to reconstruct ancestral character states of 38 morphological plus four habitat characters and eight insertion/deletion events. The recovered phylogenetic patterns are generally in accord with previous phylogenies based on chloroplast DNA sequence data and three major clades are identified. The first clade comprises Bryum bornholmense, B. rubens, B. caespiticium, and Plagiobryum. This corroborates the hypothesis suggested by previous studies that several Bryum species are more closely related to Plagiobryum than to the core Bryum species. The second clade includes Acidodontium, Anomobryum, and Haplodontium, while the third clade contains the core Bryum species plus Imbribryum. Within the latter clade, B. subapiculatum and B. tenuisetum form the sister clade to Imbribryum. Reconstructions of ancestral character states under maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference suggest fourteen morphological synapomorphies for the ingroup and synapomorphies are detected for most clades within the ingroup. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian reconstructions of ancestral character states are mostly congruent although Bayesian inference shows that the posterior probability of ancestral character states may decrease dramatically when node support is taken into account. Bayesian inference also indicates that reconstructions may be ambiguous at internal nodes for highly polymorphic characters.  相似文献   

An important challenge in evolutionary biology is to understand how major changes in body form arise. The dramatic transition from a lizard-like to snake-like body form in squamate reptiles offers an exciting system for such research because this change is replicated dozens of times. Here, we use morphometric data for 258 species and a time-calibrated phylogeny to explore rates and patterns of body-form evolution across squamates. We also demonstrate how time-calibrated phylogenies may be used to make inferences about the time frame over which major morphological transitions occur. Using the morphometric data, we find that the transition from lizard-like to snake-like body form involves concerted evolution of limb reduction, digit loss, and body elongation. These correlations are similar across squamate clades, despite very different ecologies and >180 million years (My) of divergence. Using the time-calibrated phylogeny and ancestral reconstructions, we find that the dramatic transition between these body forms can occur in 20 My or less, but that seemingly intermediate morphologies can also persist for tens of millions of years. Finally, although loss of digits is common, we find statistically significant support for at least six examples of the re-evolution of lost digits in the forelimb and hind limb.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic approaches to inferring ancestral character states are becoming increasingly sophisticated; however, the potential remains for available methods to yield strongly supported but inaccurate ancestral state estimates. The consistency of ancestral states inferred for two or more characters affords a useful criterion for evaluating ancestral trait reconstructions. Ancestral state estimates for multiple characters that entail plausible phenotypes when considered together may reasonably be assumed to be reliable. However, the accuracy of inferred ancestral states for one or more characters may be questionable where combined reconstructions imply implausible phenotypes for a proportion of internal nodes. This criterion for assessing reconstructed ancestral states is applied here in evaluating inferences of ancestral limb morphology in the scincid lizard clade Lerista. Ancestral numbers of digits for the manus and pes inferred assuming the models that best fit the data entail ancestral digit configurations for many nodes that differ fundamentally from configurations observed among known species. However, when an alternative model is assumed for the pes, inferred ancestral digit configurations are invariably represented among observed phenotypes. This indicates that a suboptimal model for the pes (and not the model providing the best fit to the data) yields accurate ancestral state estimates.  相似文献   

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