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优质资源的共享建设是服务学习型社会建设的重要载体。本项目通过构建学科教师、教育技术专任教师和学生三位一体的特色课程团队,借助教育技术的手段,搭建Moodle教学平台,录制微课等新型资源,通过双平台开展混合式教学改革,有利于在线学习、自主学习、碎片化学习和快速学习,提高了课程网站和教学互动平台的利用率,实现了优质资源的有效共享。本课程在考研资源库等拓展资源建设、课程团队组建上体现特色,实现了教学模式和育人机制的创新。  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are used extensively as undergraduate science lab instructors at universities, yet they often have having minimal instructional training and little is known about effective training methods. This blind randomized control trial study assessed the impact of two training regimens on GTA teaching effectiveness. GTAs teaching undergraduate biology labs (n = 52) completed five hours of training in either inquiry-based learning pedagogy or general instructional “best practices”. GTA teaching effectiveness was evaluated using: (1) a nine-factor student evaluation of educational quality; (2) a six-factor questionnaire for student learning; and (3) course grades. Ratings from both GTAs and undergraduates indicated that indicated that the inquiry-based learning pedagogy training has a positive effect on GTA teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

Student-teachers, as potential curriculum innovators, should be aware of new trends in methods of teaching and principles of educational technology. It is suggested that the implementation of these ideas can best be achieved through integration with the students' main subject work.

The form and content of such a course in ecology, taught at a college of education, is described. The production and organisation of support materials is outlined, and consideration is given to an appraisal of parts of the course.  相似文献   

生态学是一门实践性很强的学科,野外实践教学是生态学教学中的重要环节之一.论文根据生态学的研究内容、研究方法及学科的发展特点,结合现阶段高等教育人才培养的目标和我校生态学教学改革的实际需要,对生态学野外综合实习基地的选择、实习教学内容与计划的安排和实施、实习的考核评定等方面进行了探索和实践,这为促使实习内容由原有的单纯注重课堂知识验证转向实践技能与运用理论知识综合分析、解决实际问题能力这两者的并重提供借鉴,对客观地评价学生野外综合实习的水平和质量,提高学生实习的积极性和主动性等也具有积极推动意义.  相似文献   

目的:由于传统的英语教学无法满足全球化对于双语医学教育的新要求,ESP特殊用途英语如何在中国医学教育中得以实践并取得有效成果成了医学教育者的新课题。方法:为了解决这一课题,在上海交通大学医学院进行医学双语教学的试点培训,以学士,硕士和博士三种学历组成人数为3-5人的小型试点班级,目的在跟踪不同阶段的医学生在培训期间的专业素质水平与英语水平的成效,并参照语言学家Pauline Robinson的ESP方法论,归纳总结出适应我国不同阶段学生的教学方法。Pauline Robinson的ESP方法分别为:角色扮演和模仿,案例学习法,项目教学法和演讲。结果:培训教师从三组不同学生的实际情况出发,结合上述四种教学方法,经过三个学期的培训分别得出了博士生组的口语能力,硕士生组听力能力以及本科生的写作阅读能力进步比较突出的结果。结论:中国教育体制所导致的被动接受的学习习惯是中国的特殊情况,而角色扮演和模仿,案例学习法,项目教学法和演讲是紧密相扣的四环相连的教学方法,每一种教学方法都是对彼此的补充和丰富,符合我国当代学生的个性特点和医学教育的方向,从而需要更多的医学教育工作者更好地利用四种教学方法以不断提升医学英语教学的教育事业以更好地帮助医学工作者融入国际舞台。  相似文献   

The current Bullock debate has focused attention on the role of language in learning and challenges us to consider the linguistic competence of our pupils. This article describes how students' knowledge and interest in their own subject was used to start them thinking through ideas about language. For a group of biology graduates taking a postgraduate education course, biology became the vehicle for integrating more widely ranging educational issues.

After a preliminary introduction to the topic, opportunities were created for the students to gather school experience, and then in the light of this to extend their appreciation of available theory. The value of such an approach is discussed, and also the problems inherent in it, for example the division of tutorial responsibilities within the university department.  相似文献   

Aspects of teaching and learning at senior house officer level in South East Thames region were investigated by analysis of the responses of consultants, senior registrars, registrars, and senior house officers to a postal questionnaire. Responses to sections about who teaches senior house officers, how senior house officers learn, and the relation between the service and training elements of these posts varied significantly, according to the status of the respondents; certain grades commonly overestimated their own contribution when compared with the estimates of the other grades. Although the replies of senior house officers showed that they were taught by various grades, 47% of this group did not regard the consultant as their main teacher. Senior registrars and registrars rather than consultants were regarded by senior house officers as best at teaching (63% v 48% respectively). Consultants and registrars were considered to require more commitment to training, personal educational training, and to be more approachable. Inquiry about teaching methods used most by senior house officers showed absence of a systematic approach to training. Only about half of senior house officers cited ward rounds with consultants. Views on the relation between training and service were significantly different among grades, but there was general dissatisfaction. Overall, the findings disclosed the ineffectiveness of senior house officer training posts. This arises from lack of a clear distinction between training and service elements, of educational training for teachers, of a clear contractual obligation to teach im the consultant grade, and of allotted time for training and study for the teachers and senior house officers respectively. Reversal of these current trends is needed for senior house officer posts to fulfil their main training function.  相似文献   

This review describes the current challenges associated with creating a successful surgical clerkship and the ways in which teacher-focused and curriculum-focused initiatives can address these challenges. The challenges are both systemic (reflected by changes in our health care system and training programs) and institutional (reflected by factors that affect curriculum design and faculty advancement). Particular attention is paid to residents as teachers, faculty as mentors, the educational impact of the operating room, and the role of simulation. Strategies for engaging students, residents, and faculty are explored. The premise and impact of a comprehensive simulation course on the clinical education of medical students is detailed. Emphasis is placed on the educational validity of accountability and engagement of both the teachers and the learners.  相似文献   

模拟医学是一门将成为未来医学实践教学主流的教育学科。我国模拟医学学科建设还处于起步阶段,与国外发达国家相比明显滞后。从模拟医学专业课程、专科医师培训、理论研究、相关学术组织和学术交流等方面对国外模拟医学学科发展现状进行了分析,并对比我国模拟医学学科发展现状,提出要积极借鉴国外先进经验,勇于创新,进一步完善我国模拟医学学科体系建设,搭建更多学术交流平台,扩大模拟医学理论体系的内涵和外延,以构建具有中国特色的模拟医学学科体系。  相似文献   

The 1988 CMA report on anesthesia training for general practitioners/family physicians outlined recommendations about the provision of anesthesia services, the educational process for the family practitioner anesthetist, including educational objectives, as well as comments on continuing medical education and maintenance of competence.  相似文献   

Overfitting is one of the critical problems in developing models by machine learning. With machine learning becoming an essential technology in computational biology, we must include training about overfitting in all courses that introduce this technology to students and practitioners. We here propose a hands-on training for overfitting that is suitable for introductory level courses and can be carried out on its own or embedded within any data science course. We use workflow-based design of machine learning pipelines, experimentation-based teaching, and hands-on approach that focuses on concepts rather than underlying mathematics. We here detail the data analysis workflows we use in training and motivate them from the viewpoint of teaching goals. Our proposed approach relies on Orange, an open-source data science toolbox that combines data visualization and machine learning, and that is tailored for education in machine learning and explorative data analysis.  相似文献   

Evolution is a complex subject that requires knowledge of basic biological concepts and the ability to connect them across multiple scales of time, space, and biological organization. Avida-ED is a digital evolution educational software environment designed for teaching and learning about evolution and the nature of science in undergraduate biology courses. This study describes our backward design approach to developing an instructional activity using Avida-ED for teaching and learning about evolution in a large-enrollment introductory biology course. Using multiple assessment instruments, we measured student knowledge and understanding of key principles of natural selection before and after instruction on evolution (including the Avida-ED activity). Assessment analysis revealed significant post-instruction learning gains, although certain evolutionary principles (most notably those including genetics concepts, such as the genetic origin of variation) remained particularly difficult for students, even after instruction. Students, however, demonstrated a good grasp of the genetic component of the evolutionary process in the context of a problem on Avida-ED. We propose that: (a) deep understanding of evolution requires complex systems thinking skills, such as connecting concepts across multiple levels of biological organization, and (b) well designed use of Avida-ED holds the potential to help learners build a meaningful and transferable understanding of the evolutionary process. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An important part of training the next generation of physicians is ensuring that they are exposed to the integral role that research plays in improving medical treatment. However, medical students often do not have sufficient time to be trained to carry out any projects in biomedical and clinical research. Many medical students also fail to understand and grasp translational research as an important concept today. In addition, since medical training is often an international affair whereby a medical student/resident/fellow will likely train in many different countries during his/her early training years, it is important to provide a learning environment whereby a young medical student experiences the unique challenges and value of an international educational experience. This article describes a program that bridges the gap between the basic and clinical research concepts in a unique international educational experience. After completing two semester curricula at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, six medical students undertook a summer program at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. The program lasted for 2 mo and addressed advanced training in basic science research topics in medicine such as cell isolation, functional assessment, and molecular techniques of analysis and manipulation as well as sessions on the conduct of clinical research trials, ethics, and intellectual property management. Programs such as these are essential to provide a base from which medical students can decide if research is an attractive career choice for them during their clinical practice in subsequent years. An innovative international summer research course for medical students is necessary to cater to the needs of the medical students in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The problem-oriented medical record is the widespread, standardized format for presenting and recording information about patients, which is taught to future physicians early in their medical training. Based on our participant observation of medical training, we analyze the ways in which the patient presentation operates in medical training as a disciplinary technology that manages uncertainty in the clinical decision-making process. We uncover various mechanisms at work including the construction of a coherent narrative structure in which chaotic experiences are re-organized and re-interpreted to fit neatly in a linear plot with a predictable ending, the atomization of the patient as a whole into separable “problems,” the attempt to solve these “problems” as though they are independent of one another, and the mystification of translations in scale, which give rise to much of the uncertainty in medicine. Operating at the boundary of the chaotic and often ungraspable world of the suffering experience of the patient and the highly structured realm of the medical record, a patient presentation is one medium through which both a disciplined record of experience and disciplined medical practitioners are produced. This process functions to transform the human subject patient into a recognizable, generic clinical case, and the medical student into an identifiable, professional future physician.  相似文献   

网络技术的发展,带动了医用教学领域中的网络课程的产生。作为一种新兴的教学模式,医学网络课程从设计制作技术到教学理念和实现方法都与传统医学教育模式有着很大的区别,此文从医学网络课程的特点出发,着重论述了其设计原则,并制定了评价标准,为我们今后从事医学网络教学设计提供指导并预测了医学网络课程的发展方向。  相似文献   

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and thus represents a priority for national public health programs. Prevention has been assumed as the best strategy to reduce cancer burden, however most cancer prevention programs are implemented by healthcare professionals, which constrain range and educational impacts.We developed an innovative approach for cancer prevention education focused on high-school biology teachers, considered privileged mediators in the socialization processes. A training program, “Cancer, Educate to Prevent” was applied, so that the teachers were able to independently develop and implement prevention campaigns focused on students and school-related communities. The program encompassed different educational modules, ranging from cancer biology to prevention campaigns design. Fifty-four teachers were empowered to develop and implement their own cancer prevention campaigns in a population up to five thousands students.The success of the training program was assessed through quantitative evaluation – questionnaires focused on teachers'' cancer knowledge and perceptions, before the intervention (pre-test) and immediately after (post-test). The projects developed and implemented by teachers were also evaluated regarding the intervention design, educational contents and impact on the students'' knowledge about cancer. This study presents and discusses the results concerning the training program “Cancer, Educate to Prevent” and clearly shows a significant increase in teacher''s cancer literacy (knowledge and perceptions) and teachers'' acquired proficiency to develop and deliver cancer prevention campaigns with direct impact on students'' knowledge about cancer.This pilot study reinforces the potential of high-school teachers and schools as cancer prevention promoters and opens a new perspective for the development and validation of cancer prevention education strategies, based upon focused interventions in restricted targets (students) through non-health professionals (teachers).  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the development of a system of program-oriented postgraduate education of radiologists based methodologically on acquiring professional knowledge and skills. Educational goals were adapted for each subject area. Matrix analysis and plotting of a logical structure graph were used for a choice of the final goals of education. The subject matter is in full accord with the educational goals, based upon the qualification characteristics of radiologists. The developed and published methodological materials make it possible to control the students' activities during extracurricular training and practical work in x-ray units and at seminars. Directed text control is used for the estimation of efficacy and correction of education.  相似文献   

2015年,我国将在全国范围内全面启动住院医师规范化培训,针对规范化培训的教学改革引起了学者的广泛关注。随着现代信息技术的不断发展,"微课"这一新的教学模式在现代教学活动中的发挥的作用越来越突出,其短时有效的教学内容能快捷、方便、反复的获取,提高了学生学习效率和学习质量。依托规范化培训基地,将"微课"融入住院医师规范化培训,通过微视频、动漫、3D模型等方式,直观形象向住院医师讲解疾病及诊疗操作相关内容,并让住院医师参与"微课"设计、制作、学习的整个过程,能够提高住院医师规范化培训的效果、缓解医患矛盾、丰富医学大数据。本文就"微课"在住院医师规范化培训中的几点想法与同行共享。  相似文献   

Reaction time, number of correct evaluations of time microintervals, and P300 wave were studied in healthy adult subjects. The role is shown of feedback stimuli in training of a subject to discriminate short intervals and in changes of interhemispheric functional relations. These relations change in the course of training as a result of lateralized activation of the left hemisphere. Training with informative feedback is more efficient in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere in lesser extent than the left one is subject to correcting influence of the feedback. In this sense the former is more autonomous.  相似文献   

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