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陕南寒武系底部宽川铺组不仅保存了大量的小壳化石,还以磷酸盐化的方式立体保存了多种软躯体动物的胚胎和成体化石,为研究早期动物矿化模式、个体发育方式以及动物躯体构型的早期辐射过程提供了非常关键的信息。然而宽川铺生物群的研究大多聚焦于化石系统分类及亲缘关系探索,对生物群的沉积背景、埋藏过程和保存模式的分析甚少。本文以宽川铺生物群的核心产出层位——陕西省西乡县大河镇宽川铺组下部磷质碎屑灰岩为研究对象,对其中的一类管状化石圆管螺及其围岩进行了显微结构学和显微谱学综合分析,获得了化石显微结构和关键结构对应的元素、矿物成分等信息,讨论了管状化石圆管螺的埋藏过程和保存模式,并在此基础上对其生物学特征进行了初步探讨。该研究对理解宽川铺生物群的埋藏机制提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

Cao Liu 《古生物学报》1990,(2):143-145
This paper makes an analysis and study on altogether 8 palyniferous samples from the volcano-sedimentary rock series in the Half Three Point area of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica, the rock series being grey tuffaceous siltstone in lithological characters, about 5m in thickness. Only after making a number of analyses, could we find the relatively abundant sporopollen fossils from 4 samples (Nos. GWP 4—7). But the fossils are poorly preserved, and most of them can hardly be identifi...  相似文献   

烧结法是一种常规介形类分析方法,适应于坚硬岩石样品,尤其是碳酸盐岩样品的分析处理,通过试验,本文对烧结法分析介形虫的操作步骤和技术要领作了总结。  相似文献   

The chronometric dating evidence for all hominid fossils from Africa and the Near East that have previously been dated to 500-50 ka is critically assessed using the concept of chronometric hygiene, and these dates are revised using Bayesian statistical analyses where possible. Sixteen relevant hominid sites lacking chronometric evidence are briefly discussed. Chronometric evidence from 37 sites is assessed in detail. The dates for many hominid fossils are poorly constrained, with a number dated by comparisons of faunal assemblages-a method that does not have good chronological resolution for much of the last million years. For sites with stratigraphic sequences of dates, it is generally possible to refine the dating, but in some cases, the revised chronology is less precise than previous chronologies. Fossils over 200 ka in age tend to be poorly dated, but for the last 200 kyr, dating is better due to the availability of electron-spin-resonance and thermoluminescence dating. Consideration of the chronologies favored by the proponents of the out-of-Africa and multiregional hypotheses of human evolution shows their selectivity. The chronological assessment of the fossils here is compatible with either hypothesis. If evolutionary schemes that do not rely on the morphology of the hominid fossils to decide the sequence of fossils are to be built, then further dating is required, alongside full publication of existing dates.  相似文献   

Paloma Sevilla  Jean Chaline 《Geobios》2011,44(2-3):289-297
We describe the bat fossils preserved in four sites from the middle and upper Pleistocene, three of them being well-known French localities: the rock shelter of Les Valerots, the caves of l’Escale at Saint Estève Janson and “du Prince” at Grimaldi (Italy), and the filling of Combe-Grenal, all of them containing microvertebrate assemblages with yet undescribed bat fossils. All species represented in these four localities are still presently distributed in France and had been previously recorded in other Pleistocene localities of central and western Europe, including France. The four assemblages differ both in the abundance of bat fossils as in species composition. The characteristics of each assemblage are analysed under modern insights of bat taphonomy and ecology, and compared with those of other bat-bearing French localities of similar age. The relevance of these data concerning the use of the fossil bats to infer past environmental conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

天山哈密翼龙化石围岩风化机理初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈密翼龙及其3D蛋与胚胎化石的发现,具有重要的科学价值。然而,这些化石在离开原始埋藏环境之后,就会出现粉化剥落等严重自然风化现象。本文拟利用XRF等多种方法对代表性化石的赋存围岩样品进行分析检测,以探讨其风化破碎机理。分析表明,化石围岩为含泥砾的砂岩,含有蒙脱石等黏土类矿物,胶结物为钙质和盐类,且围岩中含有大量的Cl-、NO3-、Na+和Mg2+等可溶盐。因此,本文指出围岩产生风化的主要机制是当湿度发生变化时,盐胶结溶解,同时围岩中的可溶盐溶解重结晶产生的巨大结晶压力,以及蒙脱石等矿物吸水膨胀产生巨大的挤压力,促使围岩在巨大内部应力等综合作用下逐渐粉化脱落,最终导致围岩彻底破碎。基于以上认识,也给出了化石的保护建议。  相似文献   

PartlissubdividedintotWollthofaed,Whichcomrisefluvial-lacustrinandfissure-cavemlahons'Fluvial-laCUStrinetritSdopoaitalinthelowerpartoftheriverchannels,basinsorplain;fissare-cavendbotSexPondonlyinthemountaintriin,wherePartIisabout5-8mmickandharsmammalfotalsSUchasbooridaefeen'etrp.indot.),MbonasP.,lycbotessineasis,cfMthechtai,FelissP-,Archhaplandna,Cervche,andColubdee'ItmaybeconsideredtobeearlyPleistocene'Partnismorethan2OInmick'ThefadesofPartIIcomrisealluvial-laCUStrineandfise-caved…  相似文献   

In the South African context, computed tomography (CT) has been used applied to individually prepared fossils and small rocks containing fossils, but has not been utilized on large breccia blocks as a means of discovering fossils, and particularly fossil hominins. Previous attempts at CT imaging of rocks from other South African sites for this purpose yielded disappointing results. For this study, 109 fossil- bearing rocks from the site of Malapa, South Africa were scanned with medical CT prior to manual preparation. The resultant images were assessed for accuracy of fossil identification and characterization against the standard of manual preparation. The accurate identification of fossils, including those of early hominins, that were not visible on the surface of individual blocks, is shown to be possible. The discovery of unexpected fossils is reduced, thus lowering the potential that fossils could be damaged through accidental encounter during routine preparation, or even entirely missed. This study should significantly change the way fossil discovery, recovery and preparation is done in the South African context and has potential for application in other palaeontological situations. Medical CT imaging is shown to be reliable, readily available, cost effective and accurate in finding fossils within matrix conglomerates. Improvements in CT equipment and in CT image quality are such that medical CT is now a viable imaging modality for this palaeontological application.  相似文献   

Abstract— Several prominent cladists have questioned the importance of fossils in phylogenctic inference, and it is becoming increasingly popular to simply fit extinct forms, if they are considered at all, to a cladogram of Recent taxa. Gardiner's (1982) and Løvtrup's (1985) study of amniote phylogeny exemplifies this differential treatment, and we focused on that group of organisms to test the proposition that fossils cannot overturn a theory of relationships based only on the Recent biota. Our parsimony analysis of amniote phylogeny, special knowledge contributed by fossils being scrupulously avoided, led to the following best fitting classification, which is similar to the novel hypothesis Gardiner published: (lepidosaurs (turtles (mammals (birds, crocodiles)))). However, adding fossils resulted in a markedly different most parsimonious cladogram of the extant taxa: (mammals (turtles (lepidosaurs (birds, crocodiles)))). That classification is like the traditional hypothesis, and it provides a better fit to the stratigraphic record. To isolate the extinct taxa responsible for the latter classification, the data were successively partitioned with each phylogenetic analysis, and we concluded that: (1) the ingroup, not the outgroup, fossils were important; (2) synapsid, not reptile, fossils were pivotal; (3) certain synapsid fossils, not the earliest or latest, were responsible. The critical nature of the synapsid fossils seemed to lie in the particular combination of primitive and derived character slates they exhibited. Classifying those fossils, along with mammals, as the sister group to the lineage consisting of birds and crocodiles resulted in a relatively poor fit to data; one involving a 2—4 fold increase in evolutionary reversals! Thus, the importance of the critical fossils, collectively or individually, seems to reside in their relative primitive-ness, and the simplest explanation for their more conservative nature is that they have had less time to evolve. While fossils may be important in phylogenetic inference only under certain conditions, there is no compelling reason to prejudge their contribution. We urge systematists to evaluate fairly all of the available evidence.  相似文献   

吴汝康 《人类学学报》1992,11(2):109-111
本文提出怎样认识人属亚种的含义,认为把蓝田猿人陈家窝子和公王岭两地点的化石,分别订为两个亚种是没有根据的和没有意义的。  相似文献   

A little-known essay on the nature of fossils in the beginning 18th century is discussed. It concerns an historically interesting attempt to reconcile the theories of an anorganic and organic origin of fossils.  相似文献   

A study of the mass, volume and density of each of the wrist and hand bones of male and female human skeletons was undertaken. It was found that the mass and volume (i.e. size) of the bones are well correlated with the relative frequencies of preservation ofAustralopithecus and earlyHomo wrist and hand bones from fossil hominid sites in Africa. In general, the larger the bone, the greater its preservation frequency. In contrast to findings on bovid bones, the density of hand and wrist bones is not well correlated with the frequency of such bones recovered from these sites. These findings may be explained in terms of the agents of deposition of the bones, the physical nature of the deposit, and the methods of extraction of the fossils from the deposit.  相似文献   

HUGHES, N. F., 1984. Cretaceous plant taxonomy and angiosperm ancestors: sources of difficulty. It is suggested that one of the primary reasons for slow progress in identifying angiosperm ancestors is restriction of investigation resulting from inappropriate and unimaginative taxonomic handling of the now much-extended available data. Because of the incomplete nature of any palynologic evidence, identification of ancestors from it can only come from a very large number of observations of fossils and from strict application of stratigraphic sequence information; quick solutions are most unlikely. The removal of any Mesozoic gymnosperm group from the list of ancestor candidates should only arise from prolonged investigation.  相似文献   

Plant cytoplasm was thought impossible to be preserved in fossils. This stereotype is now undermined by increasing reports of plant cytoplasm in fossils. Previous simulations of high temperature preservation for plant cytoplasm were performed at short time scales, leaving the effectiveness and durability of such preservation an open question. Here we attempt to investigate the long time effect of high temperature on plant cytoplasm preservation in a root of Abies concolor that was baked in the wild at least 8 years ago. Light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicate that cytoplasm and possible organelles such as mitochondria can be preserved in the baked tissue. The high frequency of wildfire in nature suggests that the potential for plant cytoplasm preservation in fossils is greater than commonly assumed. The good preservation of plant cytoplasm in the studied material after 8 years indicates that plant cytoplasm indeed can be preserved longer than previously proven.  相似文献   

Calcified cyanobacterial microfossils are common in carbonate environments through most of the Phanerozoic, but are absent from the marine rock record over the past 65 Myr. There has been long-standing debate on the factors controlling the formation and temporal distribution of these fossils, fostered by the lack of a suitable modern analog. We describe calcified cyanobacteria filaments in a modern marine reef setting at Highborne Cay, Bahamas. Our observations and stable isotope data suggest that initial calcification occurs in living cyanobacteria and is photosynthetically induced. A single variety of cyanobacteria, Dichothrix sp., produces calcified filaments. Adjacent cyanobacterial mats form well-laminated stromatolites, rather than calcified filaments, indicating there can be a strong taxonomic control over the mechanism of microbial calcification. Petrographic analyses indicate that the calcified filaments are degraded during early diagenesis and are not present in well-lithified microbialites. The early diagenetic destruction of calcified filaments at Highborne Cay indicates that the absence of calcified cyanobacteria from periods of the Phanerozoic is likely to be caused by low preservation potential as well as inhibited formation.  相似文献   

The hominid fossil and Paleolithic archaeology records from the Korean Peninsula are extensive, but relatively little is known about the Korean human evolutionary record outside this region. The Korean paleoanthropological record is reviewed here in light of major research issues, including the hominid fossil record, relative and chronometric dating, lithic analysis, hominid subsistence, and the presence of bone tools, art and symbolism. Some of the major conclusions drawn from this review include: (1) hominid fossils have been found in nine separate sites on the Korean Peninsula; (2) possible Homo erectus fossils are present in North Korea; (3) Ryonggok Cave, in North Korea, has exposed the remains of at least five archaic Homo sapiens individuals; (4) a possible burial of an anatomically modern Homo sapiens child, discovered in Hungsu Cave in South Korea, has been tentatively dated to roughly 40,000 years ago; (5) handaxes and cleavers have been found at a number of sites near Chongokni and they appear to date to at least 100,000 years ago; and (6) taphonomic studies are necessary for addressing issues related to determining the nature of hominid-carnivore interaction over similar resources (e.g. carcasses and shelter); and the presence/absence of Early Paleolithic bone tools, art, and symbolism in Korea.  相似文献   

遗迹化石是埃迪卡拉纪存在两侧对称动物最有力的证据。但多数埃迪卡拉纪遗迹化石为简单、水平的表面爬迹或潜穴。在湖北三峡地区灯影组石板滩段含典型埃迪卡拉软躯体化石的地层中新发现一类形态特别的化石,呈蝌蚪状,一端膨大,一端细管状。通过对化石形态、同位素分析以及沉积学特征的研究,说明该化石为遗迹化石,而不是实体化石。蝌蚪状化石为一种复合迹,垂向活动形成球状的膨大端,平行藻席层活动形成近于水平的潜穴,反映了造迹生物垂向切穿藻席层并沿藻席层进行觅食的行为。该发现说明了在埃迪卡拉纪晚期已有两侧对称动物开始形成较为复杂的潜穴。  相似文献   

The amount and quality of paleontological data is rapidly increasing thanks to the new developments in geological dating, 3D visualization and morphometrics, chemical and histological analysis, and database storage. However, despite the fact that data from fossils, their assemblages, temporal successions, spatial gradients and environments are of an evolutionary-ecological nature, their contribution to current mainstream evolutionary-ecological theory and methodology is low. The use of fossils is not seldom restricted to calibration (e.g., in phylogenetics), or source for historical speculation after having analyzed modern data first (e.g., in macroecology). Yet, the scale of resolution of many paleontological time series (103–105 years) is highly apt for studying the dynamics of species, the average lifetime of which is in the order of 106–107 years. In order to fully profit from the wealth of data from the rock archive, a large-scale “stratophenomics” approach is needed. The resulting data archives will not only further contribute to an increase in the knowledge of past species, communities and environments, but will also generate more and innovative theory on the mechanisms underlying species and higher taxon dynamics. Examples of new and promising approaches towards generating paleontological data will be presented under the headings of the three major stratophenomics dimensions: time, morphology and environment. Highlighted fields include astrochronology, sclerochronology and 3D morphometrics.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the addition of bigeneric or bispecific nomina to designate fossils which are intermediate between two chronogenera or chronospecies is inadvisable, because the use of either of these categories to describe cases involving a single phyletic line, consisting of a continuous chain of time-sequential populations, misrepresents the nature of the evolutionary processes involved; and that in such cases fossils might best be referred to by specimen numbers.  相似文献   

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