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霍颖异  徐程  吴敏  陈铭 《生物信息学》2020,18(2):127-132
针对生物信息学相关课程的实验教学需求,结合前沿科研问题和成果,设计了基于问题导向的生物信息学综合实验。实验以宏基因组中基因资源挖掘以及蛋白质结构和功能研究为主线,将生物信息学多种学科背景、多个知识点、多类分析技术交叉融合为围绕科学问题开展的综合性实验。通过该实验,激发学生学习兴趣,加深学生对专业知识的理解和掌握,提高学生生物信息学实验操作技能,培养学生科学思维和创新能力。  相似文献   

Equipment Review     
The findings of this research indicate that it is important for teachers to be aware of students' concepts in genetics before they start teaching them. It also showed that once students had resolved any difficulty with the relationship between gene and allele, their performances in genetics showed a significant improvement. This research found that the use of a chromosome model as a conceptual challenge tool was a most effective way of resolving these difficulties, especially if teachers were aware of students' concepts, and had undergone some staff development in the model's use.  相似文献   

English learners (ELs) benefit from inquiry-based science instruction that includes explicit attention to language learning goals. The purpose of this article is to share a third-grade unit on forces and motion which integrates science inquiry and writing in science notebooks with the goal of developing ELs' engagement in science, conceptual understanding, and academic language and literacy skills. We demonstrate how to engage diverse students' background knowledge and use classroom activities and discussion to create bridges between everyday and academic language. We utilize excerpts from Peter, Lucia, and Andrea's science notebooks to explore and highlight how teachers can use this resource as a means of communicating science, during instruction. Through these EL students' journals, we discuss the importance of developing language goals at the word, sentence, and discourse level while promoting and supporting ELs' use of the language of science.  相似文献   

由于留学生的特殊性导致他们对传统教学模式的不适应,医学微生物学的课程特点使留学生学习掌握相关知识较困难,有必要探索好的教学方法,提高教学质量。我国传统的LBL教学模式和国际上流行的PBL教学模式各有优缺点,我们融合PBL和LBL的优点,互补其缺点,对留学生医学微生物学课程采取PBL+LBL教学模式,既发挥PBL教学法打破学科界限,容易调动学生学习积极性,注重培养学生自主学习和团结协作能力的特点,又结合LBL教学法传授知识系统、完整,培养学生基础理论扎实等优势。教学实践证明,PBL+LBL教学法运用于留学生医学微生物学教学,能激发留学生学习兴趣,在增强留学生对医学微生物学基础理论和基本技能掌握的同时,培养留学生知识整合的能力及创新思维的医学综合能力,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

传统的医学教育主要强调学科的系统性和完整性,注重知识的广度及其深度。采用的主要方式是:教师讲、学生听。以问题为导向的教学方法 PBL(problem based learning,PBL)提倡在教学相关环节中以问题为中心展开讨论,促进师生间的互动交流,激发学生的兴趣。两种教学模式相结合,既可以将医学知识系统、完整地传授给学生,又能够调动学生们学习的主动性,提高了学生综合分析问题以及解决问题的能力。在老年医学的教学活动中,我们尝试传统教学与PBL结合的教学模式,认为采用这2种教学方式相结合的方式,可以弥补各自的不足。  相似文献   

在医学生临床实习带教过程中,神经外科实习教学由于其教学内容具有专业性强、信息量大、知识更新快的特点,与其它专业相比更具难度,教学效果往往难达到预期水平。Web-CPBL教学模式,是将传统的PBL教学理念与网络信息技术有机融合,延伸和发展出的一种新型教学模式。在神经外科实习教学中,巧妙得当的借力于网络资源平台,有助于打破临床师资缺乏、实操场地不足的局限,能更充分的发挥PBL教学的优势。此模式在培养和锻炼医学生临床思维能力的同时,也帮助他们尽早养成主动学习、善于协作、乐于共享的良好学习习惯,提高其医学人文素养。  相似文献   

In this activity, teachers in one state create and share an “exchange box” of environmental and cultural items with students of another state. The Environmental Exchange Box activity enables teachers to improve students' skills in scientific inquiry and develop attitudes and values conducive to science learning such as wonder, curiosity, and respect for different social perceptions. Teachers will be able to work beyond the limits of the classroom and introduce outside resources to help increase students' global awareness and promote respect for the culture and environment of diverse populations. Specifically, this activity can help teachers fulfill national Teaching Standards B, D, and E.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that the font size of study items significantly influences judgments of learning (JOLs) and that people’s JOLs are generally higher for larger words than for smaller words. Previous studies have suggested that font size influences JOLs in a belief-based way. However, few studies have directly examined how much people’s beliefs contribute to the font-size effect in JOLs. This study investigated the degree to which font size influenced JOLs in a belief-based way. In Experiment 1, one group of participants (learners) studied words with different font sizes and made JOLs, whereas another group of participants (observers) viewed the learners'' study phase and made JOLs for the learners. In Experiment 2, participants made both JOLs and belief-based recall predictions for large and small words. Our results suggest that metamemory beliefs play an important role in the font-size effect in JOLs.  相似文献   

黎志东 《微生物学通报》2022,49(4):1483-1490
“医学微生物学”教学过程中,通过教材与教辅用书的合理选择和使用、理论课与实验课的优化配置提高学生对基本知识和技能的理解掌握能力。通过教学方法改革,运用类比比较法、归纳总结法、案例分析法提高学生分析思辨、融会贯通及学以致用的能力,并引导学生通过自主学习法逐渐树立生物安全意识。本文以“厌氧芽胞梭菌”的教学为例进行阐述。  相似文献   

随着信息化手段的不断丰富,新型教育理念结合线上学习平台的新信息化教学模式成为高校课堂的改革新趋势。本次教学改革利用科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、艺术(Art)和数学(Mathematics)多学科融合的超学科教育理念(简称STEAM教育)对教师教学过程进行了整体设计,同时借助“线上+线下”教学平台对学生学习过程进行了全面优化。将原本分散的验证型、操作型实验重新整合串联成以多角度“项目式”任务为主线、以Blackboard线上平台为辅线的自主研究型实验项目。新型教学模式以学生为主体,给学生提供更多自我展示和讨论互动的平台。从学生的课堂表现、知识测验、课后反馈、实验操作及实验报告4个方面对新型模式下的教学效果进行了分析和评价。结果表明,此模式不仅提高了学生在微生物学实验中的学习质量,增强了其学习主观能动性,而且有利于培养和提升学生的问题探究及实践创新能力。这一新型教学模式对其他生物学科实验课程的教学具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

“微生物学”课程是酿酒工程、生物工程、生物技术等专业的必修课程,也是一门重要的专业核心课程。基于培养具有科学探究能力的创新型人才的教学目标,我们教学团队深入改革“微生物学”课程,建设一流本科课程。通过贯彻“以学生为中心”和“科研反哺教学”的教学理念,深入挖掘课程育人价值,开展课程思政建设工作,建设慕课(massive open online course, MOOC)平台“微生物学”课程线上教学全套资源,构建“夯实基础-解构问题分析训练-研讨课”的教学模式,改进学生学习模式,改革学习过程评价体系,以及指导学生参加科创竞赛等教学改革实践,全面提高学生的科学探究能力,为社会储备具有科学探究能力的创新型人才,为工科院校建设一流课程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现代医学模式要求医务工作者必须是高素质的人才。基础医学教育阶段是医学生培养过程中的基础环节和重要阶段,与临床教学阶段相比,基础教育阶段更有利于学生综合能力培养和开展素质教育。医学生综合能力的培养在医学教育中具有重要的地位,它的实现要靠教育者在教育教学的各个环节中主动施行,积极探讨医学生综合能力培养的有效实施途径和方法。我们课题组根据多年从事医学生人才培养的教育教学经验,针对医学生早期教育阶段的心理、生理、环境、知识结构特点,围绕综合能力培养这个核心课题,强化创新性人才培养,系统有序地按学生学习时间和课程进行各种能力的逐一培养,从学习能力,思维能力,观察能力,动手能力,合作能力,分析问题和解决问题能力,判断是非能力,语言表达能力,写作能力,创新开拓能力等,探索医学生早期教育阶段综合能力培养模式。  相似文献   

专业课程是课程思政建设的基本载体,课程思政建设是课程教学改革的根本任务.医学微生物学是医学生的一门专业基础课程,教学内容涉及与人民生活息息相关的病原微生物,实用性强.紧密结合医学微生物学课程内容和人民健康需求,开展课程思政教育资源体系建设,强化学生知识学习和思想教育,达到"立德树人"的培养目标.文章介绍了围绕医学微生物...  相似文献   

“绪论”是高校所有课程的第一课,上好“绪论”第一课可第一时间在学生心中播下对该门学科的使命感、进取心和责任心的“种子”。作者通过多年的教学研究与实践,认为“绪论”教学的首要目的是激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,点燃学生的进取心和紧迫感,进而喜欢和会学这门课程。为达到上述教学目的,我们构建了“绪论”第一课授课内容、方法与目的三者相吻合的教学模式:首先,采用生动有趣和灵活多样的手段导入情景和实物,并设问;随后通过循循善诱和启迪独立思考,师生共同探究和感悟该学科属性、形成发展历史、目前研究现状及未来发展前景,以及教与学的目的、任务和方法等,从而让学生树立上进心和责任心,增强学好该课程的决心和信心。本文以普通植物病理学课程为例,展示了采用“绪论”第一课的教学模式开展的教学过程。多年的教学实践证明,“绪论”第一课教学模式导入的“绪论”内容规范、系统、全面、与教学目标相契合。并且,其内涵丰富、可操作性强、实施效果好,对提高教学质量十分奏效,适合推广应用。  相似文献   

Annual Review     
In recent years, the science teaching community and curriculum developers have emphasised the importance of teaching inquiry and teaching science as inquiry. One way of developing learners' skills for planning and carrying out scientific research is by allowing them to perform independent research, guided by a teacher. It was recently discovered that there are considerable differences between experiments conducted by scientists and those conducted by students, with regard to the cognitive processes that the experimenters go through. Developing inquiry study activities that emphasise authentic inquiry was suggested in order to introduce students to cognitive activity that more closely resembles that of scientific professionals. This article describes the Biomind programme, intended for students of Grades 11 and 12 (ages 16 to 18 years) majoring in biology. The curriculum, developed by biology teachers, enables students to conduct independent research under teacher guidance. The curriculum emphasises the learning process, not just the outcome, and so students must reflect upon the work in progress. Moreover, the Biomind curriculum follows the principles of authentic inquiry. Biomind may improve students' scientific thinking abilities, expand the guidance aspect of teachers' work, and inspire curriculum developers to further emphasise inquiry.  相似文献   

目的:探索新的人体解剖学实验教学模式和促进解剖学实验室标本建设,在提高解剖学实验教学质量同时,使实验室具有数量可观、质量上乘,能立体、全面反映人体形态构造的标本,实现解剖学教学质量和实验室建设的共同发展。方法:组建具备良好的职业道德、崇高的敬业精神和扎实的解剖学理论知识,又能激励和启迪学生的教学团队,遴选具有强烈的事业心,高度的责任感和吃苦耐劳精神学生,师生互动,学生自主动手解剖尸体,制作标本,进行师生共建实验室模式的探索。结果:学生观察能力、动手能力、学生综合素质和知识结构得到提高和强化,教师业务水平得到提高,实验室教学标本得到大量有效补充。结论:师生共建实验室活动取得了良好效果。在推广过程中,加大对学生的人文关怀,使教师不仅是"课程的组织者、情感的支持者、学习的参与者、信息的咨询者"更是学生"生活的关怀者",将使本探索将更具推广意义。  相似文献   

The activity uses drawings typically found in textbooks, engaging students in physical and mental activities such as drawing, painting and figure completion — as well as finding missing words and answering guiding questions. The activity deals with three topics: the structure of DNA, DNA replication and protein synthesis. In this study we investigated students' understanding of genetics in two different groups: one used the drawingbased activity integrated in the traditional learning (experimental group) and the other, the control group, received only traditional learning. Achievements of the experimental group were compared to the achievements of the control group, using a written questionnaire. Analysis of the post-test showed that the mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than the mean score of the control group, suggesting that engaging students in physical and mental activities promote students' learning. This positive trend was also reflected in students' responses in personal interviews. Most of the students reported they felt that the activity helped them to organise and better understand the subject matter, especially the translation process.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present an activity called ‘Annapurna Expedition’ through which students should apply basic concepts of genetics to solve a worldwide pandemic disease. Players take the role of scientists, involved in a research to find out which pathogen causes this pandemic and which could be the best way to solve it. Students have the opportunity to use BLAST software as a scientific bioinformatic tool to discover the main game’ enigmas. The activity uses game-based science learning methodology. This methodology incorporates multiple tools and resources, rely on learning by doing, guiding learners through a path of events and into a way of thinking. It provides students to take information from many sources and make decisions, to deduce a game’s obstacles, to understand complex systems and to collaborate with other classmates.

The activity has been developed for a range of audiences, including high school students and pre-service teachers. A case study has been carried out with a group of 80 primary pre-service teachers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in Tarragona (Spain) in order to verify whether this activity was well designed, engage students and it is satisfactorily implemented.  相似文献   

课程思政在高校实现“三全育人”体系中发挥着重要的作用,是当前高校教学改革研究的热点之一。本文以环境工程专业“环境工程微生物学”课程为例,首先从课程思政元素发掘、提升教师课程思政能力、培养学生学习兴趣和重要保障等四方面对该课程思政开展具体实践;其次从提升学生课程思政理念、提高学生课程成绩及对全校课程思政的引领等方面展现课程思政的实践成效;最后结合教学实践对课程思政进行了讨论和展望。通过上述研究,以期为环境工程专业课程思政改革提供实践路径,为发挥专业课的育人机制提供参考。  相似文献   

杨希  高强  梁鹏  何慧 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3910-3922
微生物学属于生命科学的重要分支,是生物、食品科学、临床医学等大学专业一门重要的基础课。该课程综合性强、知识涉及面广,所以如何有效调动学生的学习兴趣将直接影响课堂效果。为达到良好的教学效果,教师可在微生物学教学过程中综合运用多种方式提高学生学习兴趣与学习质量。因此,我们采用“趣味教学法”进行教学设计,并针对连续3个不同年级的相同专业班级做出教学改革,通过学生期末闭卷成绩、过程考核(签到率、课堂参与度、注意力集中程度等)成绩与学生反馈评语对教学成果进行验证。结果表明,采用“趣味教学法”进行教学改革的班级学生期末闭卷成绩中不及格率低于未改革的班级,“良好”与“优秀”学生比例均高于未改革的班级,过程考核成绩远高于未改革的班级,说明“趣味教学法”教学改革有效调动了学生的学习兴趣。我们认为,在大学微生物学课堂上,教师可在教学设计中适当引入趣味教学内容并适时展开,有助于改善教学气氛,调动学生学习积极性与主动性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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