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目的比较研究不同单位保种的EAC瘤株生物学特性的差异.方法选择研究了北京市肿瘤研究所、山东省医学科学院药物研究所及武汉大学保种中心保存EAC细胞的大小,细胞株体外培养时对血清的依赖性,接种小鼠皮下建立肿瘤动物模型肿块生长曲线,建立的动物模型对环磷酰胺CTX治疗的敏感性等指标.结果发现三个单位保存的EAC细胞形态及大小基本一致;北京EAC体外培养容易生长,7.5%NCS即可生长良好,山东及武汉EAC体外培养生长力较弱;皮下接种BALB/c小鼠后,北京EAC最易生长肿瘤,武汉EAC次之,山东EAC最差;建立的动物模型对CTX治疗的敏感性,依次为北京EAC,武汉EAC,山东EAC,用CTX治疗的抑瘤率相应为82.9%,71.9%,50%.结果可见三个不同单位保种的EAC瘤细胞生物学特性确已存在显著差异.  相似文献   

Survivin is a multitasking protein that can inhibit cell death and that is essential for mitosis. Due to these prosurvival activities and the correlation of its expression with tumor resistance to conventional cancer treatments, survivin has received much attention as a potential oncotherapeutic target. Nevertheless, many questions regarding its exact role at the molecular level remain to be elucidated. In this study we ask whether the extreme C- and NH2 termini of survivin are required for it to carry out its cytoprotective and mitotic duties. When assayed for their ability to act as a cytoprotectant, both survivin1–120 and survivin11–142 were able to protect cells against TRAIL-mediated apoptosis, but when challenged with irradiation cells expressing survivin11–142 had no survival advantage. During mitosis, however, removing the NH2 terminal 10 amino acids (survivin11–142) had no apparent effect but truncating 22 amino acids from the C-terminus (survivin1–120) prevented survivin from transferring to the midzone microtubules during anaphase. Collectively the data herein presented suggest that the C-terminus is required for cell division, and that the NH2 terminus is dispensable for apoptosis and mitosis but required for protection from irradiation.  相似文献   

Survivin is a multitasking protein that can inhibit cell death and that is essential for mitosis. Due to these prosurvival activities and the correlation of its expression with tumor resistance to conventional cancer treatments, survivin has received much attention as a potential oncotherapeutic target. Nevertheless, many questions regarding its exact role at the molecular level remain to be elucidated. In this study we ask whether the extreme C- and NH2 termini of survivin are required for it to carry out its cytoprotective and mitotic duties. When assayed for their ability to act as a cytoprotectant, both survivin1–120 and survivin11–142 were able to protect cells against TRAIL-mediated apoptosis, but when challenged with irradiation cells expressing survivin11–142 had no survival advantage. During mitosis, however, removing the NH2 terminal 10 amino acids (survivin11–142) had no apparent effect but truncating 22 amino acids from the C-terminus (survivin1–120) prevented survivin from transferring to the midzone microtubules during anaphase. Collectively the data herein presented suggest that the C-terminus is required for cell division, and that the NH2 terminus is dispensable for apoptosis and mitosis but required for protection from irradiation.  相似文献   

目的 制备狼疮肾炎小鼠模型。方法 采用昆明小鼠同种异体脾淋巴细胞经Lectin刺激后输入小鼠腹腔皮下的方法。结果 成功地制备了系膜增生型狼疮肾炎小鼠模型 ,通过光镜、免疫荧光、电镜观察其病理形态、并检测了血清抗ds -DNA抗体、补体以及尿蛋白 ,证实了该模型的可靠性。结论 制备的系膜增生型狼疮肾炎小鼠模型有实用价值  相似文献   

HCMV感染动物生殖细胞的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨HCMV感染是否引起大鼠和家兔的睾丸、卵巢组织的损伤。方法 将人巨细胞病毒AD169毒株经静脉接种50只大鼠和30只新西兰兔,30d后以原位杂交和免疫组化方法检验病毒感染动物组织的证据,以组织病理学方法检查动物睾丸、卵巢组织的病理变化。结果 接种病毒之动物睾丸、卵巢组织内可查到病毒抗原或基因,睾丸组织多见生精细胞变性、坏死,精细胞减少甚至消失。结论 HCMV感染可以导致动物睾丸组织生精细胞损伤和生精功能下降。  相似文献   

植物细胞内钙信号的特异性   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
文章对植物细胞内钙信号特异性的形式、特异性钙信号的产生以及解读等方面的研究结果进行了评述。  相似文献   

The Cost of Maintenance Processes in Plant Cells   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The most important maintenance processes in plants are proteinturnover and active transport processes to maintain certainion concentrations in the cells. In this paper an attempt ismade to calculate the total energy cost of these processes fromwhat is known about their specific costs and what has been observedabout their rates. Because of insufficient reliable data aboutrates of individual maintenance processes, only approximatevalues can be obtained. The average turnover rate of leaf proteins may be about 100mg protein per g proteins per day at normal temperature in leavesassimilating at moderate light intensities. This process consumes28–53 mg glucose per g protein per day, which equals 7–13mg glucose per g dry weight per day in leaves. It is likelythat the rates of protein turnover and of CO2-assimilation arerelated. The cost of maintaining ion concentrations is estimatedto be about 6–10 mg glucose per g dry weight per day inleaves. The sum of these figures is lower than is indicatedby measurements of maintenance respiration. One reason for theunderestimation may be that the protein turnover rates usedin the calculations apply to plants with lower photosyntheticrates than the plants in which the maintenance respiration wasmeasured. Effects of water stress and salinity, temperatureand other environmental factors on the rate of maintenance processesare discussed. The consumption of assimilates for maintenance of plant cellsis a significant, negative factor in plant productivity. A betterunderstanding of the maintenance processes may give a clue howto manipulate plant characteristics or the environment to reducethe amount of assimilates consumed in these processes. It issuggested that reduction in protein turnover rates may be onesuch manipulation.  相似文献   

Plant Stem Cells     
Molecular Biology - A brief review of current data on the molecular biology of stem cells forming meristems and differentiating into various organs of angiosperms is presented. Different primary...  相似文献   


Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have enormous potential for the treatment of inherited and acquired disorders. Recently, antigen-specific T lymphocytes derived from hiPSCs have been reported. However, T lymphocyte populations with broad T cell receptor (TCR) diversity have not been generated. We report that hiPSCs derived from skin biopsy are capable of producing T lymphocyte populations with a broad TCR repertoire. In vitro T cell differentiation follows a similar developmental program as observed in vivo, indicated by sequential expression of CD7, intracellular CD3 and surface CD3. The γδ TCR locus is rearranged first and is followed by rearrangement of the αβ locus. Both γδ and αβ T cells display a diverse TCR repertoire. Upon activation, the cells express CD25, CD69, cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2) and cytolytic proteins (Perforin and Granzyme-B). These results suggest that most, if not all, mechanisms required to generate functional T cells with a broad TCR repertoire are intact in our in vitro differentiation protocol. These data provide a foundation for production of patient-specific T cells for the treatment of acquired or inherited immune disorders and for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

植物细胞中的前纤维蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌动蛋白组成的微丝骨架是真核细胞中的重要结构,在体内处于高度动态变化之中,受多种肌动蛋白结合蛋白(actin-binding proteins)的调节。前纤维蛋白(profilin)是一种单体肌动蛋白结合蛋白,存在于所有的真核细胞中,在植物细胞中也得到较多的研究。前纤维蛋白除可以结合单体肌动蛋白之外,还可以与磷脂酰肌醇及富含多聚脯氨酸的蛋白质等多种分子结合,在细胞信号转导中行使着重要的功能。本文结合本实验室的研究结果,概述了前纤维蛋白的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

植物细胞中的膜联蛋白(annexin)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
膜联蛋白(annexin)是存在于动植物细胞中的钙依赖性磷脂结合蛋白,广泛参与受钙离子调控的生命活动,如囊泡运输、膜融合、信号转导、钙离子通道的形成、细胞分化和细胞骨架蛋白间的相互作用等。本文就植物细胞中annexin的研究进展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Permanganate Fixation of Plant Cells   总被引:20,自引:11,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
In an evaluation of procedures explored to circumvent some of the problems of osmium tetroxide-fixation and methacrylate embedding of plant materials, excised segments of root tips of Zea mays were fixed for electron microscopy in potassium permanganate in the following treatment variations: unbuffered and veronal-acetate buffered solutions of 0.6, 2.0, and 5.0 per cent KMnO4 at pH 5.0, 6.0, 6.7, and 7.5, and temperatures of 2–4°C. and 22°C. After fixation the segments were dehydrated, embedded in epoxy resin, sectioned, and observed or photographed. The cells of the central region of the rootcap are described. The fixation procedures employing unbuffered solutions containing 2.0 to 5.0 per cent KMnO4 at a temperature of 22°C. gave particularly good preservation of cell structure and all membrane systems. Similar results were obtained using a solution containing 2.0 per cent KMnO4, buffered with veronal-acetate to pH 6.0, and a fixation time of 2 hours at 22°C. The fixation procedure utilizing veronal-acetate buffered, 0.6 per cent KMnO4 at 2–4°C. and pH 6.7 also gave relatively good preservation of most cellular constituents. However, preservation of the plasma membrane was not so good, nor was the intensity of staining so great, as that with the group of fixatives containing greater concentrations of KMnO4. The other fixation procedures did not give satisfactory preservation of fine structure. A comparison is made of cell structures as fixed in KMnO4 or OsO4.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the abundance and diversity of methanogenic archaea in the dental microbiota have been analysed by the detection of specific DNA sequences by PCR-based investigations and metagenomic studies. Few data issued regarding methanogens actually living in dental plaque. We collected dental plaque specimens in 15 control individuals and 65 periodontitis patients. Dental plaque specimens were cultured in an anoxic liquid medium for methanogens in the presence of negative control tubes. Dental plaque methanogens were cultured from 1/15 (6.67%) control and 36/65 (55.38%) periodontitis patient samples (p<0.001). The cultures yielded Methanobrevibacter oralis in one control and thirty-one patients, Methanobrevibacter smithii in two patients and a potential new species named Methanobrevibacter sp. strain N13 in three patients with severe periodontitis. Our observations of living methanogens, strengthen previous observations made on DNA-based studies regarding the role of methanogens, in periodontitis.  相似文献   

Glycollic acid-1-14C, glyoxylic acid-2-14C, glycine-1-14C, andglycine-2-14C were fed to illuminated excised leaves of Pisumsativum and the distribution of 14C determined in the glycine,serine, sucrose, and insoluble polyglucan formed. Carboxyl-labelledglycollic acid and glycine gave rise to randomly labelled polyglucanand sucrose although the serine formed was predominantly carboxyllabelled. By contrast glyoxylic acid and glycine labelled inthe -carbon did not give rise to randomly labelled serine, sucrose,or polyglucan.  相似文献   

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