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The physiology throughout centuries was considered as the basic fundamental science in medicine. Rapid development of molecular biology, genetics and of some other natural sciences in 2nd half XX demanded century not only the answer to a question on the sciences defining the base of development of medicine, but also key problems of its progress. The biomedicine is formed, its methods are discussed, is frequent in system of natural sciences, parities with physiology. The special attention is given unconditional necessity of finding-out of molecular mechanisms of functions, targets of action of physiologically active substances and obligatory correlation of data of modeling with the same processes in conditions in vivo in whole body. The role of various sciences in the decision of fundamental problems of medicine, a place and role of physiology in modern medicine is shown.  相似文献   

The medical curriculum at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences has recently been redesigned into a problem-based/traditional hybrid model that utilizes an integrated organ systems-based approach to teach basic and clinical sciences. The number of lecture hours in general has been greatly reduced, and, in particular, lecture hours in physiology have been reduced by 65%. Students learn basic science in small groups led by a faculty facilitator, and students are responsible for a great deal of their own teaching and learning. The curriculum is centered around patient cases and is called patient-centered learning (PCL). The curriculum includes traditional lectures and laboratories supporting faculty-generated learning objectives. Endocrine physiology is taught in year one, utilizing four weeks of patient cases that emphasize normal structure and function of endocrine systems. Endocrine physiology is revisited in year two, which is primarily focused on pathobiology. The PCL curriculum, with emphasis on the endocrine component, is described in detail along with key portions of an endocrine case.  相似文献   

The International Society for Chronobiology has as its aims, furthering the study of temporal changes in living matter, including biological rhythms in development and ageing in individuals and populations; studying and defining the mechanisms of temporal changes; fostering practical applications for chronobiological findings to mankind in basic and applied biology, physiology, work hygiene and the medical sciences; promoting education in and wide understanding of chronobiology; and furthering contact between scientists in the field and providing a forum for practitioners of chronobiology.  相似文献   

The International Society for Chronobiology has as its aims, furthering the study of temporal changes in living matter, including biological rhythms in development and ageing in individuals and populations; studying and defining the mechanisms of temporal changes; fostering practical applications for chronobiological findings to mankind in basic and applied biology, physiology, work hygiene and the medical sciences; promoting education in and wide understanding of chronobiology; and furthering contact between scientists in the field and providing a forum for practitioners of chronobiology.  相似文献   

The biomedical sciences are a rapidly changing discipline that have adapted to innovative technological advances. Despite these many advances, we face two major challenges: a) the number of experts in the field is vastly outnumbered by the number of students, many of whom are separated geographically or temporally and b) the teaching methods used to instruct students and learners have not changed. Today's students have adapted to technology--they use the web as a source of information and communicate via email and chat rooms. Teaching in the biomedical sciences should adopt these new information technologies (IT), but has thus far failed to capitalize on technological opportunity. Creating a "digital textbook" of the traditional learning material is not sufficient for dynamic processes such as cellular physiology. This paper describes innovative teaching techniques that incorporate familiar IT and high-quality interactive learning content with user-centric instruction design models. The Virtual Labs Project from Stanford University has created effective interactive online teaching modules in physiology (simPHYSIO) and delivered them over broadband networks to their undergraduate and medical students. Evaluation results of the modules are given as a measure of success of such innovative teaching method. This learning media strategically merges IT innovations with pedagogy to produce user-driven animations of processes and engaging interactive simulations.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional evaluation of case-based teaching (CBT), a novel physiology learning environment for medical undergraduates, revealed that second, third, and fourth year students, together with their tutors, valued CBT as an experience that met its three major aims. The initiative not only integrated physiology with related basic sciences and clinical medicine but importantly linked students' developing knowledge of theory to practice. CBT was also valued by students as their first introduction to clinical skills, with most tutors believing that it was the nonthreatening environment that helped students gain confidence for their first "real patient" encounters. The greatest support for CBT came from third year medical students, at the crossroads between their preclinical and clinical environments. Fourth year students, now encountering real patients, had moved on to developing their skills in the hospital environment.  相似文献   

The American Physiological Society (APS) and APS Council encourage the teaching of physiology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels to support the continued prominence of this area of science. One area identified by the APS Council that is of particular importance for the development of future physiologists (the "physiology pipeline") is the teaching of physiology and physiology-related topics at the undergraduate level. In this article, we describe the historical development and implementation of an undergraduate program offered through the Department of Physiology, a basic science department in the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona, culminating in a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree with a major in Physiology. Moreover, we discuss the current Physiology curriculum offered at our institution and explain how this program prepares our students for successful entry into a variety of postbaccalaureate professional programs, including medical school and numerous other programs in health professions, and in graduate study in the Masters and Doctoral programs in biomedical sciences. Finally, we cover the considerable challenges that we have faced, and continue to face, in developing and sustaining a successful physiology undergraduate major in a college of medicine. We hope that the information provided on the Physiology major offered by the Department of Physiology in the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona will be helpful for individuals at other institutions who may be contemplating the development and implementation of an undergraduate program in Physiology.  相似文献   

Students are relying on technology for learning more than ever, and educators need to adapt to facilitate student learning. High-fidelity patient simulators (HFPS) are usually reserved for the clinical years of medical education and are geared to improve clinical decision skills, teamwork, and patient safety. Finding ways to incorporate HFPS into preclinical medical education represents more of a challenge, and there is limited literature regarding its implementation. The main objective of this study was to implement a HFPS activity into a problem-based curriculum to enhance the learning of basic sciences. More specifically, the focus was to aid in student learning of cardiovascular function curves and help students develop heart failure treatment strategies based on basic cardiovascular physiology concepts. Pretests and posttests, along with student surveys, were used to determine student knowledge and perception of learning in two first-year medical school classes. There was an increase of 21% and 22% in the percentage of students achieving correct answers on a posttest compared with their pretest score. The median number of correct questions increased from pretest scores of 2 and 2.5 to posttest scores of 4 and 5 of a possible total of 6 in each respective year. Student survey data showed agreement that the activity aided in learning. This study suggests that a HFPS activity can be implemented during the preclinical years of medical education to address basic science concepts. Additionally, it suggests that student learning of cardiovascular function curves and heart failure strategies are facilitated.  相似文献   

Neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry over the past few decades have become more and more segregated in spite of their common foundation in the basic sciences of neuroanatomy, physiology, neurophysiology and neurochemistry. The reasons leading to this unhealthy dichotomy or trichotomy of these specialties dealing with disorders of the nervous system (including behavior) are discussed. Recent advances in the neurobiological sciences are reviewed from the point of view of encouraging and justifying a more healthy integration and working together of these three closely related specialties.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Macaca are the most commonly used animals in biomedical research on primates. Macaca monkeys are used most extensively (from 50% to 73% of the general file) in rapidly developing branches of medical primatology (pharmacology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, stomatology, and central nervous system pathology and physiology), i.e., in those sciences where monkeys are absolutely necessary and where they are used with great efficacy.  相似文献   

The universality of gravity (1 g ) in our daily lives makes it difficult to appreciate its importance in morphology and physiology. Bone and muscle support systems were created, cellular pumps developed, neurons organised and receptors and transducers of gravitational force to biologically relevant signals evolved under 1g gravity. Spaceflight provides the only microgravity environment where systematic experimentation can expand our basic understanding of gravitational physiology and perhaps provide new insights into normal physiology and disease processes. These include the surprising extent of our body's dependence on perceptual information, and understanding the effect and importance of forces generated within the body's weightbearing structures such as muscle and bones. Beyond this exciting prospect is the importance of this work towards opening the solar system for human exploration. Although both appear promising, we are only just beginning to taste what lies ahead.  相似文献   

The two goals of Nonlinear Biomedical Physics are: firstly to show how nonlinear methods can shed new light on biological phenomena and medical applications and secondly to bridge the technical, mathematical, and cultural divides between the physical disciplines where these methods are being developed and the audience for their use in the biological and medical sciences.  相似文献   

留学生教育是我国高等教育的一个不可缺少的组成部分.在留学生医学教育中,作为桥梁课程连接基础与临床医学的生理学是一门非常重要的基础学科.本文结合近年来对留学生生理教学的实践和研究,从国际留学生特点及生理学教学特点出发,通过制定合适的培养目标和课程教学计划,加强教师自身素质培养,提高英语授课质量,运用多种教学方式激发留学生的学习兴趣及能力,加强授课教师与留学生的交流与沟通方面来探索创新生理学国际化的教学.  相似文献   

The period of transition from socialism to communism is characterized by great successes in scientific development. The fields of physiology of higher nervous activity and psychology are developing successfully as well. The phenomena studied by these sciences are directly related to the dialectical-materialist solution of basic philosophical problems and to the Marxist-Leninist theory of cognition. The entire complex of the biological disciplines of physiology and psychology presents a united front of science proceeding from the position that "the conditions of life are decisive in the development of the organic world" (Program of the CPSU).  相似文献   

J.-M. Beauregard 《CMAJ》1967,96(14):1031-1035
The new Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sherbrooke accepted its first 32 students in September 1966. The four major objectives of the school are: (1) medical education with emphasis on learning rather than teaching; (2) research in three major fields of endeavour: basic, clinical and medico-social sciences; (3) optimum patient care; and (4) service to society. A new Health Sciences Centre houses the Medical School, 1 420-bed hospital and multidisciplinary laboratories, and eventually will contain the paramedical schools, including a School of Nursing Sciences. The three major divisions of the Faculty are basic, clinical and medico-social sciences. The curriculum of the first two years is correlated and integrated within the “block” system, with participation from all three divisions.  相似文献   

I developed an inquiry-based laboratory model that uses a central theme throughout the semester to develop in undergraduate biology majors the skills required for conducting science while introducing them to modern and classical physiological techniques. The physiology laboratory uses a goal-oriented approach, with students working cooperatively in small groups to answer basic biological questions. The student teams work to develop skills associated with experimental design, data analysis, written and oral communication, science literacy, and critical thinking. The laboratory curriculum is a research-based model that offers the advantage of students asking open-ended questions by use of a variety of techniques. For the students and instructor alike, this presents an exciting and challenging approach for learning physiology and basic biological principles. Another advantage of this laboratory model is that it is flexible and adaptable; the central theme can be any that the instructor chooses, and the goals and techniques developed are based on student and instructor needs and interests. Students who have completed this model at Loyola College in Maryland have become equipped with the skills essential for any area of the biological sciences and, most importantly, showed elevated excitement and commitment to learning.  相似文献   

Endre Hógyes, one of the most prominent and internationally-renown leaders in the field of medical research, especially the treatment of rabies, was born one hundred and fifty years ago in Hungary. E. Hógyes had started his medical and research carrier in 1870. In 1889 he had become vice-president of the Royal Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences and was elected as a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and that member of the National Council of Public Health. Scientific carrier of E. Hógyes has always been closely linked to physiological sciences. E Hógyes made a significant contribution to different areas of physiological sciences; his most important scientific publications in this field deal with renal physiology, respitary mechanics, cerebellar function, and associated eye movement. Endre Hógyes was the first to organize Hungarian physiologists into a community. The "Special Physiological Conferences" were initiated within the Hungarian Royal Society of Natural Sciences in 1891. As a token of appretiation, Hungarian physiologists and other medical professionals have announced the year of 1997 as a memorial year of Dr. Endre Hógyes.  相似文献   

In this review, the authors emphasize the pivotal role of the pathology in the setting of a revolution which progressively transforms medical sciences into basic sciences. Several key aspects of this specialty will be discussed together with the main perspectives in the fields of oncologic disorders.  相似文献   

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