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In this paper we discuss an activity through which students learn basic concepts in genetics by taking part in a police investigation game. The activity, which we have called Recal, immerses students in a scientific-based scenario in which they play a role of a scientific assessor. Players have to develop and use scientific reasoning and evidence-based decision-making to solve the given enigmas along the game. The activity aims to improve students’ knowledge of genetics and show them how genetic evidence can be applied in forensic science. The activity (known as ‘the Recal case’) uses a problem-based learning educational methodology. It is learner-centred and students play an active collaborative role. The methodology requires students to structure their knowledge, and develop their reasoning processes and self-directed learning skills. The activity has been developed for a range of audiences, including high school students, undergraduates engaged in pre-service teaching and adults of all ages. A case study has also been carried out with a group of 120 pre-service student teachers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) to check whether the coherence in the running of the game, whether its effectiveness as a learning activity and whether its dynamics and motivational aspects are acceptable.  相似文献   


Using problems from real life contexts which is related to learners environment or their culture plays an important role in their learning that concept. In this regard, science educators especially physics educators search for real-life domain of theoretical concepts for effective science teaching and they consider analogical and physical models as an opportunity in their instruction. In the presented activity, we worked with 66 senior pre-service science teachers from our science teaching methods course. We used crowd movements as a real-life domain of our analogical models to scientifically explain a stampede case, then utilized physical model to explore continuity equation. Real life problem based scenarios could be used while taking advantage of the 3?D modeling in teaching of scientific principle. As a result, we found that pre-service teachers were able to make scientific explanation for causes of stampedes by using modeling activity. High school teachers and upper-level instructors could benefit from including the modeling activity introduced in this study to help their students understand the concepts related to continuity equation by designing a physical model based on an analogical model. Via the physical model, students are able to make predictions, observations, interpretations and explanations of a complex and abstract scientific phenomenon.  相似文献   


Biology education should be relevant to young students so that they can become interested in biology and understand biological topics in their everyday and vocational lives. We conducted interviews and collected mind maps to examine Finnish pre-service biology teachers’ (N = 16) views on the relevance of biology education. Furthermore, we analysed Finnish secondary school biology curricula, which were compared with the pre-service teachers’ answers. We classified the views on relevance into nine main categories using grounded theory as the methodological frame of reference. Pre-service teachers emphasised the relevance of biology to the student’s own life, whereas scientific practices and the nature of science were expressed in secondary school curricula more often. Novice pre-service teachers put more value on general knowledge, while more experienced pre-service teachers were more likely to mention sustainable futures and societal aspects in their reasoning. Based on the results, we identified two stages in the development of the views. This study suggests that pedagogical studies, teaching experience and teacher training have an impact on the pre-service teachers’ views about the relevance of biology education. Moreover, we could find differences between curricula and pre-service teachers’ views, especially regarding scientific practices and the role of the nature of science in biology education.  相似文献   


Fieldwork is an important part of biology as well as science and biology education. However, teachers perceive several reasons for the limited use of fieldwork in schools. Further, outdoor education is often organised as a single fieldtrip guided by outdoor educators, and little research has been done on fieldwork as a regular part of formal biology education. This case study explores three secondary-school biology teachers who untypically use outdoor education as a major part of their ecology courses for 8th grade students (median age 14). Berger and Luckmann’s theory of the process of institutionalization as a theoretical background is used to interpret the pedagogical and organizational choices of the case study teachers. Analysis of the interviews of the selected three teachers revealed pedagogical and organizational means through which outdoor teaching is institutionalized into a regular activity in biology lessons. The teachers considered regularity, assessment practices and the school curriculum as major tools to legitimate outdoor learning as a formal schoolwork and foster successful learning. However, they also emphasised students’ freedom during outdoor activities. The findings are discussed in terms of how the teachers succeeded in combining the institutional order of formal schooling with students’ freedom in nature.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to design a digital game design-based STEM activity for fifth-grade students learning about endangered organisms and significance of biodiversity for living. This activity was carried out with twenty students in a public school in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey during academic year of 2018–2019 spring term. This study planned as eight-lesson time (8?×?40?minutes) and completed at this lesson time. The students were given the digital game design challenge in real-life problem context that has been created based on design-based science learning and for which they shall use their knowledge and skills in each of the STEM disciplines. During this design challenge, students worked like a scientist and an engineer. They carried out scientific research and inquiry process in the science discipline, understood the engineering design process in the engineering discipline, established mathematical relations in the mathematics discipline, learned how to make coding in the technology discipline, and used this knowledge and skills thus acquired in their suggested solutions for the design challenge. They designed a digital game by coding and presented science knowledge and skills that acquired from inquiry process.  相似文献   


We studied the initial conceptions of 73 pre-service primary teachers regarding the concept of ecosystem and examined how their understanding evolved as a result of participation in an inquiry-based learning exercise. The inquiry process involved identifying students’ initial conceptions, making them aware of these, comparison of their ideas with scientific knowledge and knowledge building through activities in which they analysed points of agreement, discrepancies and conclusions. The activities were performed in groups and centred on the production of posters, which participants were required to compare in both the first and final sessions. This comparison, together with the qualitative analysis of the content of the posters, was carried out using a rubric designed on the basis of a literature review. The results showed that students progressed in their understanding of key aspects related to the concept of ecosystem. In particular, they became more aware of the role that humans play within such systems, although they continued to have difficulties with aspects such as identifying species in the aquatic ecosystem and discriminating between biotic and abiotic components.  相似文献   


Inquiry-based learning has generally accepted by scholars as a most effective teaching approach in biology education. The talk during inquiry-based teaching needs to be practiced. There is less evidence how student teachers talk with students during their inquiry-based biology instruction. This knowledge is needed in supporting student teachers to develop their teachership in biology education. In this qualitative case study, the dialogic talk of biology student teachers (N = 6) was studied in the context of inquiry-based lessons in lower secondary school. The student teachers’ lessons were video and audio recorded and the data was analyzed using content analysis. The student teachers used dialogic talk in their inquiry-based instruction only occasionally, mainly in the examination and the conclusion stages. During the introduction stage, dialogic talk was less used and it was mainly explaining and instructing the content. In the examination stage, student teachers also guided students and stated facts. During the conclusion stage, student teachers mainly explained and also evaluated students’ statements. The lesson’s topics and methods used in inquiry-based learning may enable the dialogic talk of student teacher to some extent. However, teacher education should focus more on scaffolding student teachers’ talk with their students in all kinds of inquiry approaches.  相似文献   


This study presents a new technique, the “Which plant am I?” game, which helps to increase pupils’ plant knowledge, while motivate them to become familiar with more plants. On the other hand pupils’ plant knowledge was tested in Serbia.

The “Which Plant Am I?“ game was tested with two groups of pupils (in average 11 years old). Pupils in the experimental group took part in outdoor classes and played the ”Which plant am I?” game. Pupils of the control group observed plants only in the classroom. This technique can deliver significant improvement in pupils’ knowledge about plants and motivate them through an active and playful learning process. This technique can be one possible solution of plant blindness.  相似文献   


Germinating a seed is presumably the first experiment made by a child in his life. So, it has an important place both in child’s scientific experience and understanding. Despite the significance of the experiment, the literature indicates that students possess various misconceptions related to the concepts of seed and seed germination. So, it is thought that this experiment should be focused on in more detail. The purpose of this paper is presenting a proper activity sheet for middle school students to perform this experiment effectively. Science teachers might follow it as an instructional tool in their courses. Thus it is expected to assist students explore the factors which are affective on bean seed germination.  相似文献   

Background: Water resources are of fundamental importance to society, and are better managed by stakeholders who understand resource issues. Gaining such knowledge is a lifelong process best begun at an early age and best supported by educational approaches integrating across science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Research scientists can bring resource education to young audiences through children’s books and curricula that emphasise and integrate across STEM principals.

Aims: To encourage empathy for the environment in younger students, researchers at the Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research site have developed a children’s book series and methods for training teachers in water science education.

Methods: Children’s books in the My Water series are paired with curricula, hands-on learning kits, teacher development training and dissemination of materials through school districts to further water science education.

Results: Thousands of children and educators have received training through the My Water book series, and a more broadly focused, federally funded Schoolyard Children’s Book Series has grown out of these efforts towards water resource education.

Conclusions: Children’s books and curricula that integrate STEM principals can play a key role in the development of environmental empathy and lifelong learning to support resource management.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to make policy recommendations based on the authors’ experiences with, and research about, reflective, differentiated, and teacher-generated music teacher professional development (PD). By doing so, we argue for a bottom-up process that capitalizes on our music teacher and music teacher educator expertise along with the research literature in music teacher PD. We explore music teachers’ PD needs considering four career stages to explain how knowledge generated at each level informs our understanding of differentiated PD. From preservice music teachers and music teacher candidates, to in-service and veteran teachers, our discussion explores meaningful and effective ways to engage in deep, reflective thinking about the music teaching and learning process. Accordingly, we provide specific policy recommendations for music teachers at each career stage so that they might take greater ownership of their own learning, growth, and development through local, reflective, self-initiated, and differentiated PD opportunities.  相似文献   

Teachers conceptualise inquiry learning in science learning differently. This is particularly evident when teachers are introduced to inquiry pedagogy within a new context. This exploratory study draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with eight pre-service secondary biology teachers following a day visit with university tutors to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. Emerging findings were: first, pre-service biology teachers’ views of inquiry learning range in sophistication from simple notions of ‘learning from doing’ to complex multi-notions such as student generated questions, developing curiosity and encouraging authentic scientific practices. Second, similarly their views of inquiry learning opportunities in botanical gardens ranged from simply places that offered ‘memorable experiences’ to enabling autonomous learning due to the organism diversity and multiple climates. Pre-service teachers categorised as having unsophisticated views of inquiry learning had limited expectations of botanical gardens as productive learning environments. Third, the majority of pre-service teachers were concerned about managing inquiry learning. A tension was identified between how open-ended an inquiry activity could be whilst ensuring student focus. Further, participants were concerned about the practical management of inquiry learning. We discuss implications for teacher educators and botanical garden educators and the requirement for curriculum development and promotion.  相似文献   

《Science activities》2012,49(2):33-41

This article introduces a science game which can be used for innovative teaching and as an assessment tool. The Shadow Races Game is designed for first and second grade students to learn the phenomenon of shadow through inquiry-based activities and questions that require the children to apply inferences from those activities. In this amusing board game, students will discover the relationship between light, objects and shadows using familiar objects.  相似文献   

"新冠"疫情暴发凸显基因工程技术对社会经济的重大影响,基因工程离我们的生活越来越近。"新冠"疫情下,为了让学生更好地完成"基因工程"课程的居家学习,我们采用了基础知识微课自学(Small Private Online Course,SPOC)+案例应用课堂剖析(Tencent Instant Messenger,QQ)+管理拓展课后互助(QQ群)+疑难问题实时解答(QQ群)的跨学科教学模式开展在线教学,通过问题引入、真实情景剖析、跨学科拓展完成了课程基本原理和主要方法的教学,使学生掌握了基因研究的基本方法、基因表达流程、基因技术应用及安全管理相关的知识。通过思考新型冠状病毒肆虐情境下如何防控,帮助学生明晰了学习目的,提高了跨学科学习的兴趣;通过新型冠状病毒核酸检测的真实情景问题和组织实施由目标设计过程、确定方法、学习课程知识,进而掌握不同学科知识应用技能的跨学科教学活动,提高了学生将基因操作技能与专业技能融合解决实际问题的能力。教学实践证明,基础自学+案例剖析+互助拓展+实时答疑的跨学科在线教学模式,可以顺利完成课程教学任务并获得与传统课堂教学等同的效果;分析案例识别问题→设计方案解析...  相似文献   

《Science activities》2012,49(2):42-51

The purpose of the current study is to design and develop an Arduino-assisted robotic and coding activity in compliance with the 5E learning model for middle school students to construct knowledge and realize learning in science teaching. The study was conducted on 6th grade students attending a private middle school in Turkey in the second term of the 2018 and 2019 school year. Application of the designed activity was carried out in the science laboratory with the participation of 10 students who were the members of the STEM club. The activity was designed to teach the concept of pulse addressed within the subject of circulatory system in the science curriculum in line with the 5E learning model. With this activity developed, systematic contraction and relaxation movements of the heart while working were modeled through robotics and coding. In addition, through this activity, it was intended to introduce the students to coding, to improve their attitudes towards technology, to develop their information processing skills and to help them to relate the concept of pulse to daily life. In this way, the students were provided with opportunities to experience Arduino-assisted robotic and coding applications and to integrate such applications into their daily life.  相似文献   


This study involves the development and implementation of a STEM activity containing 3?D printer technology, which is commonly used in STEM education. Out of school STEM courses were organized with seven middle school students studying in the 7th grade and the activities in the course were carried out with a 3D printer. One of the activities in the course is the Balance model. The study reveals the skills students used in the Balance Model activity, which is a 3D STEM activity. The students’ engineering skills were effective through the STEM activity, and they actively used skills such as planning, designing, explaining the design process, creating a realistic product, and testing and evaluating product performance. In addition, it was concluded that the students use their academic and technical skills effectively. The study presents in detail the preparation and implementation process of this activity, which we think may help educators uncover and improve students’ engineering skills.  相似文献   


The central dogma of biology is difficult to learn because its microscopic processes cannot be visualized. This study aimed to devise two inquiry activities: ‘Button Code’ and ‘Beaded Bracelet Making,’ involving the concepts of DNA replication and protein synthesis based on the Metacognitive Learning Cycle (MLC) for students, and to explore the effectiveness of concept learning of the central dogma, how students’ metacognition may be expressed, and students’ perceptions of their inquiry performance. We developed a ‘Concept journal’ including metacognitive scaffolds, and employed the ‘Central Dogma Achievement Test’ as a tool for the above purpose. A total of 18 junior high school students participated in this inquiry course instructed by two of the authors. The results showed that students’ achievement performance was significantly improved on the whole, the students’ metacognition was expressed during the process of inquiry with scaffolding, and most students gave positive responses about their learning performance. According to the results, this inquiry course could develop students’ comprehension of the central dogma concept, and give students opportunities to practice metacognition that might lead to effective learning in inquiry activities. The implications and expandability of this course are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a practical activity focusing on two main goals: to give learners the opportunity to experience how the scientific method works and to increase their knowledge about enzymes in everyday situations. The exercise consists of determining the amylase activity of commercial detergents. The methodology is based on a qualitative assay using a colorimetric process. Quantitative results are also obtained by measuring the halo formed. This activity is suitable for and adaptable to learners at different levels of education: primary school, secondary education or even for pre-service teachers, which is the group the version described in this paper was intended for. This laboratory activity was designed to include the scientific method as a learning outcome. This was especially important in pre-service teachers, as increasing scientific literacy is one of the primary goals of science education. Through the activity, students also learn about micro-organisms and their applications in their daily lives, which is one of the tenets of Science–Technology–Society–Environment programs. A case study was conducted with a group of learners made up of 75 pre-service teachers from Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, in order to verify whether this lab activity is well designed and can be satisfactorily implemented.  相似文献   


This activity is designed to teach prekindergarten to second grade students about the concept of sink or float through an inquiry activity. Students will use familiar objects to predict and test the properties of sink and float. Background information is offered to teachers to assist them with this activity. This lesson begins with an engaging story, Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen.  相似文献   

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