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Herbivory is thought to be an inefficient diet, but it independently evolved from carnivorous ancestors in many metazoan groups, suggesting that plant‐eating is adaptive in some circumstances. In this study, we tested two hypotheses to explain the adaptive evolution of herbivory: (i) the Heterotroph Facilitation hypothesis (herbivory is adaptive because herbivores supplement their diets with heterotrophic microbes); and (ii) the Lipid Allocation hypothesis (herbivory is adaptive because algae, which have high lipid concentrations, are nutritionally similar to carnivory). We tested these hypotheses using enclosure cages placed in the Everglades and stocked with Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna), a native herbivore. Using shading and phosphorus addition (P), we manipulated the heterotrophic microbe and lipid composition of colonizing epiphyton and examined the effects of varying food quality on Sailfin Molly life history. Epiphyton grown in “shade only” conditions had a 55% increase in bacterial fatty acids and 34% lower ratios of saturated + monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids relative to the other treatments. Ratio of autotroph to heterotroph biovolume varied throughout the experiment, with a 697% increase at 3 weeks and 98% decrease at 6 weeks compared to the other treatments. Gut contents revealed that fish fed selectively on epiphyton to compensate for apparent deficiencies in the available food. Fish raised in “shade only” cages experienced the highest survival, which was best explained by autotrophic biovolume and algal‐ and bacterial‐derived fatty acids at 3 weeks (2–6× more likely than alternative models with ?AICc > 2.00), and by percentage of bacterial fatty acids in the diet at 6 weeks (3–8× more likely than alternative models with ?AICc > 2.00). There were no differences in fish growth among treatments. Autotrophic lipids play a role in early fish life history, but we did not find these to be the best predictors of life history later in the juvenile period. Instead, heterotrophic lipids facilitated the herbivorous diet and enhanced survival of juvenile fish in our experiment. Bacterial fatty acid content of the diet promoted herbivore survival, consistent with the Heterotroph Facilitation hypothesis. This is the first study to explicitly contrast Heterotrophic Facilitation and Lipid Allocation hypotheses for the adaptive evolution of herbivory in an aquatic system.  相似文献   

The term “cladist” has distinct meanings in distinct contexts. Communication between philosophers, historians, and biologists has been hindered by different understandings of the term in various contexts. In this paper I trace historical and conceptual connections between several broadly distinct senses of the term “cladist”. I propose seven specific definitions that capture distinct contemporary uses. This serves to disambiguate some cases where the meaning is unclear, and will help resolve apparent disagreements that in fact result from conflicting understandings of the term.  相似文献   

It is time to drop the glyoxysome name. Recent functional genomics analysis together with cell biology studies emphasize the unifying features of peroxisomes rather than their differences. Plant peroxisomes contain 300 or more proteins, the functions of which are dominated by activities related to fatty acid oxidation (>70 enzymes). By comparison, relatively few proteins are committed to metabolism of reactive oxygen species ( approximately 20) and to photorespiration ( approximately 10). Analysis of triglyceride metabolism in Arabidopsis seedlings now indicates that only two enzymes (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) potentially distinguish glyoxysomes from other peroxisomes. Future research is best served by focusing on the common features of peroxisomes to establish how these dynamic organelles contribute to energy metabolism, development and responses to environmental challenges.  相似文献   

When is a herbivore not a herbivore?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T. C. R. White 《Oecologia》1985,67(4):596-597
Summary Young herbivores are not herbivores. With the apparent exception of some chewing insects they cannot survive and growth without eating animal or microbial protein. Further reinforcing how short available nitrogen is in plant food, adult herbivores must feed selectively and depend on intestinal microorganisms to obtain sufficient nitrogen for maintenance and breeding.  相似文献   

W. J. Bond  J. Midgley  J. Vlok 《Oecologia》1988,77(4):515-521
Summary According to the equilibrium theory of island biogeography, insularisation will lead to species loss from habitat remnants. Extinctions will continue untill species number equilibrates at a level appropriate for the size and isolation of the island remnants. We tested whether insularisation leads to species loss by comparing plant species numbers on islands of fynbos shrublands surrounded by Afrotemperate evergreen forest with extensive mainland tracts of fynbos. Species area curves for islands and subsamples of mainland had significantly different slopes (z island=0.43, z mainland=0.16). Small islands had the fewest species (less than one fifth) relative to mainland samples of similar size. The species area curves intersect at 590 ha so that reserve sizes of this order of magnitude are needed to avoid species losses relative to extensive areas of fynbos.We compared traits of species on islands and mainlands to determine processes most affected by insularisation. Island floras did not differ from the mainland in the mix of dispersal types, pollinator syndromes or proportion of dioecious species. Islands did have significantly fewer species of low stature and significantly more species that survive fire only as seed and not by resprouting. We infer that the main cause of species loss is change in disturbance frequency. Islands have fewer fires and lose species dependent on frequent fires. We predict that island effects could be reduced by judicious fire management of small reserves.  相似文献   

Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is regarded as the most important water-soluble antioxidant in human plasma and mammalian cells which have mechanisms to recycle and accumulate it against a concentration gradient, suggesting that the vitamin might also have important intracellular functions. In this review we summarize evidence from human trials that have attempted an association between vitamin C supplementation and an effect on biomarkers of oxidative DNA damage. Most studies reviewed herein showed either a vitamin C-mediated reduction in oxidative DNA damage or a null effect, whereas only a few studies showed an increase in specific base lesions. We also address the possible beneficial effects of vitamin C supplementation for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Finally, we discuss the contribution of cell culture studies to our understanding of the mode of action of vitamin C and we review recent evidence that vitamin C is able to modulate gene expression and cellular function, with a particular interest in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Understanding mechanisms to predict changes in plant and animal communities is a key challenge in ecology. The need to transfer knowledge gained from single species to a more generalized approach has led to the development of categorization systems where species’ similarities in life strategies and traits are classified into ecological groups (EGs) like functional groups/types or guilds. While approaches in plant ecology undergo a steady improvement and refinement of methodologies, progression in animal ecology is lagging behind. With this review, we aim to initiate a further development of functional classification systems in animal ecology, comparable to recent developments in plant ecology. We here (i) give an overview of terms and definitions of EGs in animal ecology, (ii) discuss existing classification systems, methods and application areas of EGs (focusing on terrestrial vertebrates), and (iii) provide a “roadmap towards an animal functional type approach” for improving the application of EGs and classifications in animal ecology. We found that an animal functional type approach requires: (i) the identification of core traits describing species’ dependency on their habitat and life history traits, (ii) an optimization of trait selection by clustering traits into hierarchies, (iii) the assessment ofsoft traits” as substitute for hardly measurable traits, e.g. body size for dispersal ability, and (iv) testing of delineated groups for validation including experiments.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic networks generalise phylogenetic (evolutionary) trees by allowing for the representation of reticulation (non-treelike) events. The structure of such networks is often viewed by the phylogenetic trees they embed. In this paper, we determine when a phylogenetic network \({\mathcal {N}}\) has two phylogenetic tree embeddings which collectively contain all of the edges of \({\mathcal {N}}\). This determination leads to a polynomial-time algorithm for recognising such networks and an unexpected characterisation of the class of reticulation-visible networks.  相似文献   

We show via a Liapunov function that in every model ecosystem governed by generalized Lotka-Volterra equations, a feasible steady state is globally asymptotically stable if the number of interaction branches equals n-1, where n is the number of species. This means that the representative graph for which the theorem holds is a 'tree' and not only an alimentary chain. Our result is valid also in the case of non-homogeneous systems, which model situations in which input fluxes are present.  相似文献   

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