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In this activity, teachers in one state create and share an “exchange box” of environmental and cultural items with students of another state. The Environmental Exchange Box activity enables teachers to improve students' skills in scientific inquiry and develop attitudes and values conducive to science learning such as wonder, curiosity, and respect for different social perceptions. Teachers will be able to work beyond the limits of the classroom and introduce outside resources to help increase students' global awareness and promote respect for the culture and environment of diverse populations. Specifically, this activity can help teachers fulfill national Teaching Standards B, D, and E.  相似文献   

Teachers conceptualise inquiry learning in science learning differently. This is particularly evident when teachers are introduced to inquiry pedagogy within a new context. This exploratory study draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with eight pre-service secondary biology teachers following a day visit with university tutors to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. Emerging findings were: first, pre-service biology teachers’ views of inquiry learning range in sophistication from simple notions of ‘learning from doing’ to complex multi-notions such as student generated questions, developing curiosity and encouraging authentic scientific practices. Second, similarly their views of inquiry learning opportunities in botanical gardens ranged from simply places that offered ‘memorable experiences’ to enabling autonomous learning due to the organism diversity and multiple climates. Pre-service teachers categorised as having unsophisticated views of inquiry learning had limited expectations of botanical gardens as productive learning environments. Third, the majority of pre-service teachers were concerned about managing inquiry learning. A tension was identified between how open-ended an inquiry activity could be whilst ensuring student focus. Further, participants were concerned about the practical management of inquiry learning. We discuss implications for teacher educators and botanical garden educators and the requirement for curriculum development and promotion.  相似文献   

This interdisciplinary scientific inquiry lesson specifically utilizes the 5E learning cycle to engage high school students in an investigation on size-dependent properties of matter. In particular, this inquiry lesson focuses on a biologically relevant phenomenon, namely accessibility to a pharmaceutical drug with respect to the size of the pill. In this context, students design and conduct a controlled experiment to test how the accessibility to an encapsulated drug is affected by the change in the size of the pill. Thus, through this investigation, students not only learn about the relationship between the size of a material in terms of surface area-to-volume ratio and the rate of diffusion of molecules, but also extend this knowledge to the importance of size in the context of nanoscale. Additionally, students practice the science process skills involved in undertaking a scientific inquiry.  相似文献   

Botanists benefit from a scientifically literate society and an interested and botanically literate student population, and we have opportunities to promote literacy in our classes. Unfortunately, scientific illiteracy exists, in part, because students are technologically advanced but lack intellectual curiosity and rigor. Botanical illiteracy results from several interacting factors, including a lack of interest in plants and infrequent exposure to plant science before students reach college. If scientific or botanical literacy is a goal, we must understand what literacy means and how we can help students reach that goal. A model of biological literacy recognizes four levels; students enter courses at the lowest level possessing misconceptions about concepts; however, misconceptions can be used to our advantage, especially by using concept inventories. Inquiry-based instruction is advocated for all science courses, and learning theory supports inquiry. Seven principles of learning inform recommendations about how botanists should teach, including using themes and "thinking botanically" to illustrate all biological concepts. Overall, consideration of the botanical content taught is less critical than the methods used to teach that content. If botanists emphasize thinking and process skills with an understanding of concepts, we will prepare scientifically literate students and citizens and benefit from our efforts.  相似文献   

目的:探讨以问题为中心的教学方法(problem-based learning,PBL)在高职社区问诊教学中的效果,寻求更有效的现代医学教育方法。方法:在高职社区问诊技能学习中开展以问题为中心的教学方法(PBL),分析问诊中存在的问题,以提高知识应用与沟通能力。结果:通过对62名高职医学生进行问诊技能和见习报告评分显示,成绩优良比率为89%,满意度调查显示83.87%的高职医学生对PBL教学方法满意。PBL教学可以让高职医学生灵活的利用自已的时间,进行比较主动的学习,可以更好的发现高职医学生在问诊见习中存在的问题,有利于提高高职医学生的问诊技能及医患沟通能力,但实施中所需时间较长,占用课时多。结论:PBL教学对高职医学生的主动学习能力、问诊技能及医患沟通能力的提高有利,医学生对PBL教学方法满意度高。在医学教育中可以将PBL教学和传统教学方法结合起来,以在有效的时间里达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Annual Review     
In recent years, the science teaching community and curriculum developers have emphasised the importance of teaching inquiry and teaching science as inquiry. One way of developing learners' skills for planning and carrying out scientific research is by allowing them to perform independent research, guided by a teacher. It was recently discovered that there are considerable differences between experiments conducted by scientists and those conducted by students, with regard to the cognitive processes that the experimenters go through. Developing inquiry study activities that emphasise authentic inquiry was suggested in order to introduce students to cognitive activity that more closely resembles that of scientific professionals. This article describes the Biomind programme, intended for students of Grades 11 and 12 (ages 16 to 18 years) majoring in biology. The curriculum, developed by biology teachers, enables students to conduct independent research under teacher guidance. The curriculum emphasises the learning process, not just the outcome, and so students must reflect upon the work in progress. Moreover, the Biomind curriculum follows the principles of authentic inquiry. Biomind may improve students' scientific thinking abilities, expand the guidance aspect of teachers' work, and inspire curriculum developers to further emphasise inquiry.  相似文献   

This article highlights a core lesson that has been used in a number of Lincoln Park Zoo educational programs. The lesson teaches students to conduct an ethological, or animal behavior, study on a bird. This study can be implemented in a variety of outdoor settings, including a park, schoolyard, or zoo. Using an ethogram, students will practice inquiry skills such as making observations, collecting and analyzing data, and sharing results. This type of inquiry-based research is commonly conducted at Lincoln Park Zoo and allows students to make a connection between their work and that of our practicing researchers. Furthermore, this lesson supports the recommendations of the National Research Council by providing students with an opportunity to engage in scientific inquiry and to utilize research skills in an outdoor setting.  相似文献   

The brine shrimp activity fosters authentic scientific inquiry in addition to providing an engaging and exciting avenue for student exploration. Students in grades 5–12 can use a plethora of science process skills as they design their own investigations. The activity, designed around a 5-E Learning Cycle model, supports the recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, which emphasize that inquiry should be a critical component in the science classroom.  相似文献   

Pukkila PJ 《Genetics》2004,166(1):11-18
An appreciation of genetic principles depends upon understanding the individual curiosity that sparked particular investigations, the creativity involved in imagining alternative outcomes and designing experiments to eliminate these outcomes, and the clarity of thought necessary to convince one's scientific peers of the validity of the conclusions. At large research universities, students usually begin their study of genetics in large lecture classes. It is widely assumed that the lecture format, coupled with the pressures to be certain that students become familiar with the principal conclusions of genetics investigations, constrains most if not all departures from the formats textbooks used to explain these conclusions. Here I present several examples of mechanisms to introduce meaningful student inquiry in an introductory genetics course and to evaluate student creative effort. Most of the examples involve altered student preparation prior to class and additional in-class activities, while a few depend upon a smaller recitation section, which accompanies the course from which the examples have been drawn. I conclude that large introductory classes are suitable venues to teach students how to identify scientific claims, determine the evidence that is essential to eliminate alternative conclusions, and convince their peers of the validity of their arguments.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to design a digital game design-based STEM activity for fifth-grade students learning about endangered organisms and significance of biodiversity for living. This activity was carried out with twenty students in a public school in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey during academic year of 2018–2019 spring term. This study planned as eight-lesson time (8?×?40?minutes) and completed at this lesson time. The students were given the digital game design challenge in real-life problem context that has been created based on design-based science learning and for which they shall use their knowledge and skills in each of the STEM disciplines. During this design challenge, students worked like a scientist and an engineer. They carried out scientific research and inquiry process in the science discipline, understood the engineering design process in the engineering discipline, established mathematical relations in the mathematics discipline, learned how to make coding in the technology discipline, and used this knowledge and skills thus acquired in their suggested solutions for the design challenge. They designed a digital game by coding and presented science knowledge and skills that acquired from inquiry process.  相似文献   

This biology investigation on Pristipomoides filamentosus larval development, survival, and aquaculture research was developed with three educational objectives: to provide high school students with (1) a scientific background on the biology and science of fisheries as well as overfishing, its consequences, and possible mitigations; (2) exposure to field and laboratory techniques in marine science; and (3) practical skills in scientific inquiry and investigation. We teach this investigation at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, where we have access to captive broodstock of the pink snapper, P. filamentosus. During this investigation students follow several steps scientists take to study aquaculture: collecting spawn from outdoor fish pens, quantifying the number of eggs, determining the percentage of fertilisation, and estimating the time of spawning and hatching. Additionally, students perform hypothesis-driven science activities with the embryos to test the effects of water quality on their development and survival. In this paper we discuss background information of aquaculture, specifically of P. filamentosus, and thoroughly describe the several components of delivering the investigation. Lastly, we provide possible outcomes of students’ performances in the laboratory activities, and discuss how effectively the exercise met its educational objectives.  相似文献   

Sleister HM 《Genetics》2007,177(2):677-688
An upper-level genetics research course was developed to expose undergraduates to investigative science. Students are immersed in a research project with the ultimate goal of identifying proteins important for chromosome transmission in mitosis. After mutagenizing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, students implement a genetic screen that allows for visual detection of mutants with an increased loss of an ADE2-marked yeast artificial chromosome (YAC). Students then genetically characterize the mutants and begin efforts to identify the defective genes in these mutants. While engaged in this research project, students practice a variety of technical skills in both classical and molecular genetics. Furthermore, students learn to collaborate and gain experience in sharing scientific findings with others in the form of written papers, poster presentations, and oral presentations. Previous students indicated that, relative to a traditional laboratory course, this research course improved their understanding of scientific concepts and technical skills and helped them make connections between concepts. Moreover, this course allowed students to experience scientific inquiry and was influential for students as they considered future endeavors.  相似文献   

It is possible for folk inquiry to become a source for the modification of anthropological thought. This paper discusses two alternative knowledge systems: traditional divination and syncretic prophecy in Central Africa. The processes of scientific discovery, causal reasoning, and the evaluation of evidence are compared with oracular reasoning and prophetic prediction. The oracular aspects of scientific reasoning are delineated along with the problems of reformulating and presenting basic data. Part of this presentational process is the "translation" of events from the context of their occurrence into a theoretical framework. The modifications generated by data analysis affect the explanatory adequacy of the method of inquiry. A rapprochement between folk inquiry and Western scientific assumptions diminishes the forms of theoretical reductionism that inhibit the possibility for describing and analyzing contrasting belief systems within an anthropological framework . [folk inquiry, prophecy, divination, scientific reasoning, Africa]  相似文献   

This case study describes a classroom-based questionnaire that was carried out with a group of 36 high school students (17–18 years old) in Catalonia. The aim was to examine the usefulness of questionnaires focused on scientific inquiry, both to evaluate students’ inquiry abilities and for their potential as tools to improve the understanding of these processes. The questionnaire refers to procedural understanding within the field of enzyme kinetics. Rubrics for scoring the questionnaire were developed to standardise data analysis. Results showed ambiguous identification of the inquiry question and difficulties in formulating accurate hypotheses and identifying the independent variable. The greatest difficulties appeared in the control variables and the methodology design; misunderstandings related to the underlying scientific concepts were also identified. Questionnaires like the one used in this case study can be useful tools for formative assessment and allow fundamental aspects of scientific inquiry processes to be tackled in less time because they do not involve hands-on activities but instead combine scientific practices with core disciplinary ideas.  相似文献   

The Crime Lab Project takes an economical, hands-on, interdisciplinary approach to studying the career of forensics in the middle or high school classroom. The project requires a week of class time, uses common household items, can be applied to students with different levels of ability, and is considered durable. In addition, the project covers topics that address national science standards such as career development, the scientific method, lab procedures, teamwork, and scientific literary skills. Students also learn to distinguish between observations and conclusions.  相似文献   

Because cell biology has rapidly increased in breadth and depth, instructors are challenged not only to provide undergraduate science students with a strong, up-to-date foundation of knowledge, but also to engage them in the scientific process. To these ends, revision of the Cell Biology Lab course at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse was undertaken to allow student involvement in experimental design, emphasize data collection and analysis, make connections to the "big picture," and increase student interest in the field. Multiweek laboratory modules were developed as a method to establish an inquiry-based learning environment. Each module utilizes relevant techniques to investigate one or more questions within the context of a fictional story, and there is a progression during the semester from more instructor-guided to more open-ended student investigation. An assessment tool was developed to evaluate student attitudes regarding their lab experience. Analysis of five semesters of data strongly supports the module format as a successful model for inquiry education by increasing student interest and improving attitude toward learning. In addition, student performance on inquiry-based assignments improved over the course of each semester, suggesting an improvement in inquiry-related skills.  相似文献   

People are increasingly trying to multitask while walking. Text messaging while walking is a significant area for concern. The number of text messages sent is expected to be more than 8 trillion in 2012. Texting is becoming so commonplace that people use this technology while engaged in other activities. The dangers of multitasking have hit the streets as people are becoming involved in more accidents while walking as they text on mobile phones. This simulation activity measures a student's ability to multitask by texting and walking. The activity simulates walking in the real world and is best suited for middle school students. Additional activities, after completing the simulation, will challenge middle school students to learn more about multitasking globally through scientific inquiry researched on the Internet. The students will use language arts skills to generate a report or presentation to share with classmates. Their findings will give the entire class a cultural perspective on accident statistical comparisons between different countries.  相似文献   

R Shapira  T Levy  S Shaked  E Fridman  L David 《Heredity》2014,113(4):316-326
Heterosis, also known as hybrid vigor, is the superior performance of a heterozygous hybrid relative to its homozygous parents. Despite the scientific curiosity of this phenotypic phenomenon and its significance for food production in agriculture, its genetic basis is insufficiently understood. Studying heterosis in yeast can potentially yield insights into its genetic basis, can allow one to test the different hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the phenomenon and allows better understanding of how to take advantage of this phenomenon to enhance food production. We therefore crossed 16 parental yeast strains to form 120 yeast hybrids, and measured their growth rates under five environmental conditions. A considerable amount of dominant genetic variation was found in growth performance, and heterosis was measured in 35% of the hybrid–condition combinations. Despite previous reports of correlations between heterosis and measures of sequence divergence between parents, we detected no such relationship. We used several analyses to examine which genetic model might explain heterosis. We found that dominance complementation of recessive alleles, overdominant interactions within loci and epistatic interactions among loci each contribute to heterosis. We concluded that in yeast heterosis is a complex phenotype created by the combined contribution of different genetic interactions.  相似文献   

Science education is progressively more focused on employing inquiry-based learning methods in the classroom and increasing scientific literacy among students. However, due to time and resource constraints, many classroom science activities and laboratory experiments focus on simple inquiry, with a step-by-step approach to reach predetermined outcomes. The science classroom inquiry (SCI) simulations were designed to give students real life, authentic science experiences within the confines of a typical classroom. The SCI simulations allow students to engage with a science problem in a meaningful, inquiry-based manner. Three discrete SCI simulations were created as website applications for use with middle school and high school students. For each simulation, students were tasked with solving a scientific problem through investigation and hypothesis testing. After completion of the simulation, 67% of students reported a change in how they perceived authentic science practices, specifically related to the complex and dynamic nature of scientific research and how scientists approach problems. Moreover, 80% of the students who did not report a change in how they viewed the practice of science indicated that the simulation confirmed or strengthened their prior understanding. Additionally, we found a statistically significant positive correlation between students’ self-reported changes in understanding of authentic science practices and the degree to which each simulation benefitted learning. Since SCI simulations were effective in promoting both student learning and student understanding of authentic science practices with both middle and high school students, we propose that SCI simulations are a valuable and versatile technology that can be used to educate and inspire a wide range of science students on the real-world complexities inherent in scientific study.  相似文献   

It is both an honor and pleasure to be given this opportunity to remember Professor TP FENG and his many contributions.He made many important scientific discoveries,labored mightily to establish firmly Physiology and Neuroscience in China,and was a major force in setting a high standard for scientific inquiry.  相似文献   

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