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We examined sexual selection by Drosophila littoralis, D. montana, and D. ezoana females on male courtship sounds to determine whether the females use absolute or relative criteria when choosing their mates. Behavior of the females was observed, when they were courted by a single male producing normal sounds, or by a single wing-manipulated male producing abnormal sounds; and when they were courted by one or both of these males in a choice situation. The females usually accepted short-winged (but not wingless) males producing abnormal sounds, if they had no alternatives. However, if they heard the sound produced by a normal male, they rejected the deficient male. Drosophila littoralis and D. ezoana females selected between two wing-manipulated males with different wing areas. Our results suggest that the females choose their mates on the basis of relative criteria if the signals emitted by the courting males are within the range of acceptable cues.  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments on social problem solving by chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. In each experiment a subordinate and a dominant individual competed for food, which was placed in various ways on the subordinate's side of two opaque barriers. In some conditions dominants had not seen the food hidden, or food they had seen hidden was moved elsewhere when they were not watching (whereas in control conditions they saw the food being hidden or moved). At the same time, subordinates always saw the entire baiting procedure and could monitor the visual access of their dominant competitor as well. If subordinates were sensitive to what dominants did or did not see during baiting, they should have preferentially approached and retrieved the food that dominants had not seen hidden or moved. This is what they did in experiment 1 when dominants were either uninformed or misinformed about the food's location. In experiment 2 subordinates recognized, and adjusted their behaviour accordingly, when the dominant individual who witnessed the hiding was replaced with another dominant individual who had not witnessed it, thus demonstrating their ability to keep track of precisely who has witnessed what. In experiment 3 subordinates did not choose consistently between two pieces of hidden food, one of which dominants had seen hidden and one of which they had not seen hidden. However, their failure in this experiment was likely to be due to the changed nature of the competition under these circumstances and not to a failure of social-cognitive skills. These findings suggest that at least in some situations (i.e. competition with conspecifics) chimpanzees know what conspecifics have and have not seen (do and do not know), and that they use this information to devise effective social-cognitive strategies. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):914-925
Normal queens in a colony of Myrmica rubra L. were not necessarily more attractive to the workers than strange ones grafted into the colony. Workers chose the best queens using those they already had as a standard. After winter dormancy, workers in colonies with queens were less tolerant for queen variety. One week at 20°C was enough to cause them to reject still-dormant queens, even those of their own colony, though they accepted alien queens. However, after 2–3 weeks culture queens were acceptable only if they belonged to the same colony as the natural ones or to the same colony as those queens that had been artificially implanted. To re-open the group, it was essential to remove all the resident queens; then after 2 days the workers took any queen offered, rather than remain queenless, but when offered a choice between one of their originals and an unfamiliar one, they still took the former. Three queenless weeks were required before they lost their preference for an ex-nestmate. Queens from a single colony, isolated in separate groups of workers, remained acceptable to the workers with them indefinitely, but when these queens were transferred to identical collateral groups of workers, they were rejected even after only 2 weeks' separation. Some groups of workers were less tolerant than others and some queens were more attractive than others, but their compatibility diminished with time if they lived in isolation. A group with an attractive queen was more likely to resist other queens.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that the scent-marking activity of female mammals is elevated when they are sexually receptive, yet urine-marking by female mice does not vary in relation to their estrous cycles. We examined the marking behavior of female mice during their reproductive cycle with attention to their postpartum period of sexual receptivity. In the first experiment, females were allowed to mark prior to mating, during gestation, on the evening of parturition, during lactation, and after weaning their pups. They were exposed to a male or female mouse or nothing at each testing period in a counter-balanced fashion. Overall, the subjects marked most frequently in the presence of a male stimulus; their marking rates did not differ when they were exposed to another female or to nothing. The females' marking remained relatively steady through gestation, declined dramatically at parturition, then gradually returned to the levels observed prior to mating. In the second experiment, multiparous females were allowed to mark while they were simultaneously lactating and pregnant. Compared to unmated females, the subjects' marking frequency was low at parturition, declined further to its lowest level about 1 week later, then regained the preceding low level prior to weaning the initial litter and delivering the next. Together these results demonstrate that urine-marking by female mice is diminished just after parturition. Thus, in contrast to some other species, the marking behavior of female mice apparently is not enhanced around the time they are sexually receptive. Because female mice generally mark most frequently when males are nearby, we postulate that a major function of this behavior is to evoke endocrine and behavioral responses in proximate males rather than to attract distant males.  相似文献   

 1.为了阐明血红蛋白A_2现象的发生机制,研究了红细胞外Hb A_2与HbA有无相互作用。结果表明,这些血红蛋白在离开红细胞后仍能发生相互作用。 2.我们是用交叉电泳来验证这个问题,主要实验结果如下: (1)单向交叉电泳结果表明,溶血液HbA穿过另一溶血液的Hb A_2时,出现明显的交叉电泳图象。 (2)双向交叉电泳实验使上述结果更加明确。 (3)用提纯的Hb A做实验,证实了Hb A与Hb A_2间的相互作用。 (4)血浆白蛋白穿过Hb A_2、Hb A及CA时,没有看到交叉电泳图象。说明Hb A与Hb A_2之间的作用是特异的。 4.初步结论,不仅在缸细胞中Hb A_2是与Hb A结合存在,就是在离开红细胞的条件下,这两种血红蛋白之间仍能发生相互作用。我们认为,这就是血红蛋白A_2现象的发生机制,很可能如此。  相似文献   

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) was one of 19 herbaceous weedy species used by Beal in his buried viable seed experiment started in 1879. No seeds germinated during the first 35 years of the experiment when germination tests were performed in late spring, summer or early autumn. Germination did occur in seeds buried for 40 years when seeds were exhumed and tested for germination in early spring. Data obtained in more recent research provide the probable explanation for these results. Seeds of common ragweed that do not germinate in spring enter secondary dormancy by mid to late spring and will not germinate until dormancy is broken the following late autumn and winter. Thus, during the first 35 years of the experiment seeds were dormant when tested for germination, whereas seeds buried for 40 years were nondormant. Seeds buried 50 years or longer did not germinate when tested in spring, probably because they had lost viability and/or seeds germinated during burial and seedlings died.  相似文献   

Ioannidis estimated that most published research findings are false, but he did not indicate when, if at all, potentially false research results may be considered as acceptable to society. We combined our two previously published models to calculate the probability above which research findings may become acceptable. A new model indicates that the probability above which research results should be accepted depends on the expected payback from the research (the benefits) and the inadvertent consequences (the harms). This probability may dramatically change depending on our willingness to tolerate error in accepting false research findings. Our acceptance of research findings changes as a function of what we call "acceptable regret," i.e., our tolerance of making a wrong decision in accepting the research hypothesis. We illustrate our findings by providing a new framework for early stopping rules in clinical research (i.e., when should we accept early findings from a clinical trial indicating the benefits as true?). Obtaining absolute "truth" in research is impossible, and so society has to decide when less-than-perfect results may become acceptable.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of budesonide, a new non-halogenated glucocorticoid administered by nasal inhaler, was evaluated in a double blind comparison with placebo in patients presenting with hay fever. Patients were supplied with antihistamine tablets and eye drops for use when they considered that their symptoms were inadequately controlled by their inhaler. Patients recorded the severity of their symptoms in a daily diary card and visited their general practitioner for assessment weekly for four weeks. All nasal symptoms of hay fever were appreciably reduced in the group taking budesonide and, although their eye symptoms were more severe than in the group taking placebo, they did not use appreciably more eye drops than the latter. The placebo group used appreciably more antihistamine tablets than those in the budesonide group. No patients were withdrawn from the budesonide group because of treatment failure or unacceptable side effects. The results suggest that budesonide is an acceptable and effective treatment for the nasal symptoms of hay fever.  相似文献   

Many hypotheses have been put forth to account for differences in the amount of time that animals engage self-grooming when exposed to conspecifics or their odors, but most ignore the possibility that self-grooming may be associated with olfactory communication between groomers and conspecifics. As yet, we do not know the function of self-grooming and why animals do so when they encounter the odors of conspecifics. The present experiment tests the hypothesis that the amount of time that a meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus, self-grooms is affected by the reproductive state of the odor donor and its own reproductive state. The findings support the hypothesis. Male voles spent more time self-grooming when they were exposed to bedding scented by female voles in postpartum estrus (PPE) compared to that of female voles in other reproductive states and female mice. PPE female voles spent more time self-grooming when they were exposed to bedding scented by testosterone-treated male voles than either to that of gonadectomized male voles and male mice. PPE female voles spent more time than OVX+E and more time than OVX females self-grooming when they were exposed to bedding scented by testosterone-treated male voles. GX+T male voles spent more time than GX male voles self-grooming when they were exposed to bedding scented by PPE female voles. The results suggest that individuals self-groom more in the presence of an odor of a highly receptive potential mate than that of a less receptive mate.  相似文献   

In a laboratory population of unstriped Nile grass rats, Arvicanthis niloticus, individuals with two distinctly different patterns of wheel-running exist. One is diurnal and the other is relatively nocturnal. In the first experiment, the authors found that these patterns are strongly influenced by parentage and by sex. Specifically, offspring of two nocturnal parents were significantly more likely to express a nocturnal pattern of wheel-running than were offspring of diurnal parents, and more females than males were nocturnal. In the second experiment, the authors found that diurnal and nocturnal wheel-runners were indistinguishable with respect to the timing of postpartum mating, which always occurred in the hours before lights-on. Here they also found that both juvenile and adult A. niloticus exhibited diurnal patterns of general activity when housed without a wheel, even if they exhibited nocturnal activity when housed with a wheel. In the third experiment, the authors discovered that adult female A. niloticus with nocturnal patterns of wheel-running were also nocturnal with respect to general activity and core body temperature when a running wheel was available, but they were diurnal when the running wheel was removed. Finally, a field study revealed that all A. niloticus were almost exclusively diurnal in their natural habitat. Together these results suggest that individuals of this species are fundamentally diurnal but that access to a running wheel shifts some individuals to a nocturnal pattern.  相似文献   

Laboratory natural selection and environmental manipulations were used to investigate the importance of male-derived nutrients to female Drosophila melanogaster. No evidence for the importance of such nutrients was found. Females from the same wild type base stock exposed as adults to low quality food did not show elevated fecundity or survival when they remated more frequently, and on high quality food the females showed a ‘cost of mating’ in reduced survival. Laboratory evolution on low quality food did not lead to elevated rates of remating by females; females from each selection regimen remated more frequently than one another when kept on the food type to which they had been exposed for the previous 5 years, on which they also showed higher fecundity than one another. Even under conditions of extreme nutritional stress, when females were exposed to short term (4-day) cycle of exposure to very low and high quality food, they remated more frequently immediately after exposure to high quality food. The results of this last experiment suggested that, under these circumstances, current nutrition, fecundity or rate of sperm usage was more important than number of sperm in store or cumulative fecundity in determining the probability that a female would remate.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1988,17(3):229-238
Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of non-contingent intertrial interval (ITI) reinforcers on rats' discrimination of duration. In the first experiment, rats' discrimination of a 2 vs. 8 s of light was significantly disrupted when reinforcers were presented in the ITI. Disruption was not different on short (2 s) and long (8 s) trials. The second experiment showed that this disruptive effect was not specific to trials preceded by ITI reinforcers; responding on empty ITI trials run in the same session as ITI-reinforcer trials was also disrupted. This disruption however was not as great as on the ITI-reinforcer trials. The results of these experiments show that ITI reinforcers affect timing discriminations in much the same way they affect classical conditioning and delayed matching to sample. However, detailed examination of the results suggests that the deleterious effects of ITI reinforcers in these different paradigms might be produced by different rather than the same mechanism. The results also support the conclusion that pre-trial reinforcement “priming” produces disruption rather than facilitation in complex tasks.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize other individuals' mental states-their knowledge and beliefs, for example-is a fundamental part of human cognition and may be unique to our species. Tests of a "theory of mind" in animals have yielded conflicting results. Some nonhuman primates can read others' intentions and know what others see, but they may not understand that, in others, perception can lead to knowledge. Using an alarm-call-based field experiment, we show that chimpanzees were more likely to alarm call in response to a snake in the presence of unaware group members than in the presence of aware group members, suggesting that they recognize knowledge and ignorance in others. We monitored the behavior of 33 individuals to a model viper placed on their projected travel path. Alarm calls were significantly more common if the caller was with group members who had either not seen the snake or had not been present when alarm calls were emitted. Other factors, such as own arousal, perceived risk, or risk to receivers, did not significantly explain the likelihood of calling, although they did affect the call rates. Our results suggest that chimpanzees monitor the information available to other chimpanzees and control vocal production to selectively inform them.  相似文献   

It has been reported that mouse pups bearing a newly identified mutation, eyelids open at birth (eob), as a homozygous condition often die within 7 days after birth although they have no external malformations other than open eyelids. We sought to determine what factors influence the viability of eob pups by performing a cross-fostering experiment using NC and NC-eob mice which are co-isogenic with each other. Viability indices of NC pups during days 0 to 7 of lactation were approximately 95% or more when they were fostered by either NC or eob mothers. However, the viability indices of eob pups were reduced to 87.3% and 36.7% when they were fostered by NC and eob mothers, respectively. Body weight gains of both NC and eob pups were slightly inhibited during the entire lactation period when they were fostered by eob mothers. In a second experiment, eob mothers were examined for milk-yielding capability and the fetuses examined for the presence of congenital visceral and skeletal malformations. Neither decreased amounts of suckled milk nor malformations were observed. Based on these results, we concluded that a remarkably high mortality of eob pups would be caused only when weak lethal factors in eob pups were combined with the slightly depressed pup-rearing capability in eob mothers.  相似文献   

Previous work with wild radish has shown that pollen donors sire different numbers of seeds and that the condition of the maternal tissue affects seed paternity, suggesting that both pollen donor characteristics and maternal tissue affect mating. However, because these results are from the greenhouse, it is difficult to know whether they would hold true in the field. Here, we performed hundreds of crosses on several maternal plants to simulate changes during the flowering season of field plants. During the experiment, maternal resource availability changed due to the costs of producing fruits, and we determined the pollination history of a plant by performing crosses in specific orders. Examination of seed paternity showed that there were small differences in pollen donor success at the beginning of the experiment when maternal resources were abundant. Differential pollen donor success was greatest slightly later in the flowering period, but declined toward the end of the experiment. Thus, maternal plants may distinguish most among pollen donors when they have both abundant resources and experience with the differences in quality of available pollen donors. In contrast, there were few significant effects of the recent pollination history of plants on pollen donor success. Finally, despite the changes in mating performance over time, there were strong overall differences in pollen donor success, suggesting that seasonal changes in the field will not eliminate the potential for nonrandom mating.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of three important variables on signal use, theoretically and experimentally. We present a simple model and a corresponding experiment that investigates the combined effects of uncertainty about action, signal reliability and signal cost. Our experiment uses techniques drawn from the psychology laboratory to test the behavior of captive blue jays Cyanocitta cristata solving a simple feeding problem. In the experiment, individual jays must choose which of two keys to peck; one key leads to food, but the other does not. In addition, the jays can choose to see a signal that provides information about which key provides a food reward. We find that these three variables interact to determine signal use crudely as our model predicts. Specifically, we find maximal signal use when uncertainty is high, signals are reliable and signal cost is low, but the effects of these variables on signal use do not combine additively. A change in any single variable can abolish signal use. While our results agree qualitatively with our simple model, we also find – in agreement with previous studies – that subjects show a bias against signal use. Specifically, they tend to ignore signals and rely on prior information about the correct action in ‘intermediate’ conditions. These results are important for two reasons. First, they replicate earlier results from our laboratory using a different preparation. Second, they highlight the central interaction between uncertainty and reliability that determines the value of signals for receivers. This is significant because game theoretical models of signaling emphasize the problem of ‘reliability,’ but they pay little attention to the fundamental interaction between reliability and uncertainty.  相似文献   

Mackenzie Graham 《Bioethics》2020,34(6):612-619
Prognosis after severe brain injury is highly uncertain, and decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment are often made prematurely. These decisions are often driven by a desire to avoid a situation where the patient becomes ‘trapped’ in a condition they would find unacceptable. However, this means that a proportion of patients who would have gone on to make a good recovery, are allowed to die. I propose a shift in practice towards the routine provision of aggressive care, even in cases where the probability of survival and acceptable recovery is thought to be low. In conjunction with this shift, I argue in favour of a presumption towards withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, including artificial nutrition and hydration, when it becomes clear that a patient will not recover to a level that would be acceptable to them. I then respond to three potential objections to this proposal.  相似文献   

The prisoner's dilemma is much studied in social psychology and decision-making because it models many real-world conflicts. In everyday terms, the choice to 'cooperate' (maximize reward for the group) or 'defect' (maximize reward for the individual) is often attributed to altruistic or selfish motives. Alternatively, behavior during a dilemma may be understood as a function of reinforcement and punishment. Human participants played a prisoner's-dilemma-type game (for points exchangeable for money) with a computer that employed either a teaching strategy (a probabilistic version of tit-for-tat), in which the computer reinforced or punished participants' cooperation or defection, or a learning strategy (a probabilistic version of Pavlov), in which the computer's responses were reinforced and punished by participants' cooperation and defection. Participants learned to cooperate against both computer strategies. However, in a second experiment which varied the context of the game, they learned to cooperate only against one or other strategy; participants did not learn to cooperate against tit-for-tat when they believed that they were playing against another person; participants did not learn to cooperate against Pavlov when the computer's cooperation probability was signaled by a spinner. The results are consistent with the notion that people are biased not only to cooperate or defect on individual social choices, but also to employ one or other strategy of interaction in a pattern across social choices.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1525-1532
Two experiments were conducted on eastern woodrats to determine whether the preference for food items gathered for their caches and the sequence of use of items in the cache varied with perishability. In the first experiment, woodrats were given either 2 kg each of two non-perishable items, laboratory chow and bur oak acorns (which they used more than chow), or 2 kg each of preferred, but perishable, grapes and the non-perishable chow. As hypothesized, the woodrats both ate and stored acorns when they were paired with chow (there would be no advantage to either eating or storing the less-used chow). In contrast, when given grapes and chow, the woodrats continued to eat grapes but stored primarily chow. That is, the utility of the items appeared to change depending on whether they were to be eaten or stored. In the second experiment, woodrats were given excess amounts of chow or grapes that were 2, 4, 6 and 8 days old. They ingested chow in the proportions available, as the chow did not spoil with age. However, the consumed grapes in proportions significantly different from those available. It was anticipated that they would eat the oldes grapes first and store the freshest grapes, but neither this pattern nor any other was obvious in ralation to the age of the grapes. The results suggest that woodrats discriminate between food items based on their perishability, and vary their decisions about what to ingest and store accordingly.  相似文献   

Three inferential morphometric methods, Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA), Bookstein's edge-matching method (EMM), and the Procrustes method, were applied to facial landmark data. A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted with three sample sizes, ranging from n = 10 to 50, to assess type I error rates and the power of the tests to detect group differences for two- and three-dimensional representations of forms. Type I error rates for EMM were at or below nominal levels in both two and three dimensions. Procrustes in 2D and EDMA in 2D and 3D produced inflated type I error rates in all conditions, but approached acceptable levels with moderate cell sizes. Procrustes maintained error rates below the nominal levels in 2D. The power of EMM was high compared with the other methods in both 2D and 3D, but, conflicting EMM decisions were provided depending on which pair (2D) or triad (3D) of landmarks were selected as reference points. EDMA and Procrustes were more powerful in 2D data than for 3D data. Interpretation of these results must take into account that the data used in this simulation were selected because they represent real data that might have been collected during a study or experiment. These data had characteristics which violated assumptions central to the methods here with unequal variances about landmarks, correlated errors, and correlated landmark locations; therefore these results may not generalize to all conditions, such as cases with no violations of assumptions. This simulation demonstrates, however, limitations of each procedure that should be considered when making inferences about shape comparisons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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