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Institutions of Higher Education have grappled with the predicament of first-year success and epistemological access for years. Recently, a study employed Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to elucidate why students who performed relatively well in high school biology struggled with the subject in first-year. This study shed valuable light on this problem by revealing that the high school biology curriculum is at a completely different level to the university curriculum. In terms of LCT’s Semantics dimension, the high school curriculum displayed little movement from context dependent simpler meanings towards the relatively decontextualised complex meanings, frequently encountered in first-year biology. We argue that the Semantics dimension of LCT also offers a useful tool for restructuring first-year biology curricula to intentionally facilitate a more gradual transition for first-year students. Thus, by explicitly planning teaching activities to gradually increase the range between context dependent simpler meanings and relatively decontextualized complex meanings, the potential of cumulative learning can be optimised. This paper reflects on the process of revising a first-year biology curriculum to contribute to greater epistemological access and cumulative knowledge building.  相似文献   

Issues regarding understanding of evolution and resistance to evolution education in the United States are of key importance to biology educators at all levels. While research has measured student views toward evolution at single points in time, few studies have been published investigating whether views of college seniors are any different than first-year students in the same degree program. Additionally, students choosing to major in biological sciences have largely been overlooked, as if their acceptance of evolution is assumed. This study investigated the understanding of evolution and attitude toward evolution held by students majoring in biological science during their first and fourth years in a public research university. Participants included students in a first-year introductory biology course intended for biological science majors and graduating seniors earning degrees in either biology or genetics. The portion of the survey reported here consisted of quantitative measures of students’ understanding of core concepts of evolution and their attitude toward evolution. The results indicate that students’ understanding of particular evolutionary concepts is significantly higher among seniors, but their attitude toward evolution is only slightly improved compared to their first-year student peers. When comparing first-year students and seniors, students’ theistic position was not significantly different.  相似文献   


First-year undergraduate curricula and their delivery should assist students in the transition from previous learning experiences to learning in higher education. However, the so-called articulation gap or discontinuity between secondary and higher education has been identified as a key structural curriculum problem for first-year success in South Africa and abroad. Valuable insights into this problem came from a recent study that drew on Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Findings revealed an unexpectedly wide gap between the high school and the university biology curricula. The high school biology curriculum displays minimal movement between context-dependent, simpler meaning and relatively decontextualized, condensed meaning common in first-year biology. LCT Semantics was also found to be a valuable tool for restructuring curricula and pedagogy to intentionally enact semantic movement and thereby a more gradual transition for students from high school to university. This paper reports on an integrative first-year biology project aimed intentionally at taking students’ concept knowledge through a wide contextual range, and repeatedly between less and more complex meaning. I reflect on how the project design steers students towards creating semantic movement during their presentations, thereby contributing to cumulative knowledge building and a more gradual transition towards first-year epistemological access.  相似文献   

Although active learning works, promoting it in large undergraduate science classes is difficult. Here, three students (F. Naji, L. Salci, and G. Hoit) join their teacher (P. K. Rangachari) in describing one such attempt. Two cohorts in a first-year undergraduate biology course explored the molecular underpinnings of human misbehavior. Students were divided into 18 groups and randomly allotted to deal with one of the four deadly sins: sloth, gluttony, lust, and wrath. Students were expected to read primary sources to devise molecular ways to counter these sins. Group progress was monitored over the 12-wk period by the preceptor (P. K. Rangachari) at scheduled intervals. A single randomly selected student was questioned about the work done, and future directions were provided by the preceptor. At the end of the term, randomly selected students defended their group's approaches to the entire class. A final written report was graded. The following multiple target molecules were considered for each sin: gluttony (cholecystokinin, ghrelin, GABA, leptin, peptide YY, neuropeptide Y, and the melanocortin 4 receptor); sloth (dopamine, glutamate, GABA, and orexin); wrath (serotonin, GABA, glutamate, and corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2); and lust (prolactin, testosterone, oxytocin, dopamine, and estrogen). Students noted that the project provided a valuable learning experience, and the random selection approach gave students a greater sense of responsibility to their group. The project helped students hone their skills at searching, synthesizing, sharing, and presenting information, fostered group interactions, and provided a solid knowledge base for subsequent courses.  相似文献   

When teaching and learning about alveolar ventilation with our class of 300 first-year medical students, we use four simple, inexpensive "models." The models, which encourage research-oriented learning and help our students to understand complex ideas, are distributed to the students before class. The students anticipate something new every day, and the models provide elements of surprise and physical examples and are designed to help students to understand 1) cohesive forces of the intrapleural space, 2) chest wall and lung dynamics, 3) alveolar volumes, and 4) regional differences in ventilation. Students are drawn into discussion by the power of learning that is associated with manipulating and thinking about objects. Specifically, the models encourage thinking about complex interactions, and the students appreciate manipulating objects and actually understanding how they work. Using models also allows us to show students how we think as well as what we know. Finally, students enjoy taking the models home to demonstrate to friends and family "how the body works" as well as use the models as future study aids.  相似文献   

The inclusion of ecology in first-year university biology courses presents considerable difficulties. The new course being evolved at Bath centres round three main themes—spatial distribution, the flow of energy, and the gene as an element of continuity. Practical work presents particular problems on account of the large number of students and a lack of time. The difficulty can be overcome to some extent by the use of simulation experiments which aim to reproduce in miniature within the laboratory certain restricted aspects of the real environment. Bearing in mind that, at most, only one visit to a natural habitat will be possible, it is important that full use should be made of good visual aids such as films and slides. Facilities must also be provided for students to check their own progress through problems derived from second-hand sources such as research papers.  相似文献   

A group of first-year biology students (N = 16) at a tertiary institution was instructed in techniques designed to increase their divergent thinking skills and thus their ability to generate ideas about issues in biology. A comparison was made between the performance of this group and a control group (N = 15) who had not received any training. The experimental group obtained significantly higher scores than the controls on post-test measures of divergent thinking for both general and biological topics. These differences in the biology measures were maintained in a delayed post-test. Results were interpreted as supporting the need for, and effectiveness of, simple techniques designed to improve thinking skills, specifically in biology.  相似文献   

Despite doing well in biology at high school, some students struggle with the same subject at university level. This can have implications for epistemological access - access to knowledge that allows students to remain at university. Therefore, it is important to identify factors that may be causing this problem. We propose that one such factor may be differences in the structure of knowledge between the two levels. Therefore, this paper will assess some of the differences in the structuring of knowledge that exist between a high school and a university biology curriculum. To do this, a section of a high school and a university textbook which cover the same topic will be analysed using one aspect of Legitimation Code Theory called Semantics. Our findings suggest that there is a mismatch between the semantic range students are expected to navigate at university and that demanded by high school biology, and that this may pose a stumbling block to students gaining epistemological access to first-year study at university. If this is indeed the case, then pedagogic interventions which explicitly address this may contribute to improving undergraduate student retention and throughput rates at university.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study investigating both the use and usefulness of laboratory dissections and computer-based dissections, in a tertiary, first-year human biology course. In addition student attitudes to dissection were investigated. Data were collected from enrolled students using quantitative and qualitative survey instruments. Students were questioned about their usage and perceptions of the usefulness of there sources provided, and their attitudes towards the use of dissections for learning in human biology.

The real dissection was used as a learning resource by 80% of the student cohort while only 15% used the computer-based dissection material. In addition 5% of students reported that they did not use either the realdissection material or the computer-based dissection. Of those students who did use the computer-based dissection, two thirds of them found it useful for learning both structure and function of body systems. Of those students who used the real dissection, 72% found it useful for learning structure but only 62% found that it helped in learning function. Of the entire cohort surveyed, 90% agreed that biology students should dissect ananimal to help learn about anatomy. These outcomes reinforce the need to offer a variety of learning experiences that target different styles of learning.  相似文献   



For the past 32 years, we have polled first-year biology students annually at the University of New South Wales concerning their views about evolution and creationism. The purposes of the research were to identify the level of commitment among incoming students to creationist beliefs that could interfere with their receptivity to evolutionary science and to assess in retrospect whether these creationist beliefs were changing over time.


The results have demonstrated a downward shift over time from 60% of the class in 1986 believing a god had something to do with the origin of humans, to 29% in 2017. Conversely, the percentage of students convinced that a god had nothing to do with the origin of humans rose from 25% in 1986 to 62% in 2017. The creationist belief that a god created the world de novo within the last 10,000 years declined from 10% in 1986 to 3.6% in 2017. The decline in the Australian students’ commitment to religious views about divine creation, especially creationism, considerably exceeded the corresponding beliefs among American students and their general public, where belief in creationism while slowly declining appears to have remained in the 40% range, four times that seen in our Australian survey.


The very low and declining levels of commitment to the creationist view that god created humans de novo suggests this view is unlikely to be a significant obstruction to accepting the scientific evidence for evolution. The results of the survey of UNSW students correlate with changes documented in the census of the general Australian public suggesting that our survey results of first-year biology students reflect overall changes in the Australian community as a whole.

Accepting evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Poor public perceptions and understanding of evolution are not unique to the developed and more industrialized nations of the world. International resistance to the science of evolutionary biology appears to be driven by both proponents of intelligent design and perceived incompatibilities between evolution and a diversity of religious faiths. We assessed the success of a first-year evolution course at the University of Cape Town and discovered no statistically significant change in the views of students before the evolution course and thereafter, for questions that challenged religious ideologies about creation, biodiversity, and intelligent design. Given that students only appreciably changed their views when presented with "facts," we suggest that teaching approaches that focus on providing examples of experimental evolutionary studies, and a strong emphasis on the scientific method of inquiry, are likely to achieve greater success. This study also reiterates the importance of engaging with students' prior conceptions, and makes suggestions for improving an understanding and appreciation of evolutionary biology in countries such as South Africa with an inadequate secondary science education system, and a dire lack of public engagement with issues in science.  相似文献   

The course ‘Biology of Mankind’ was introduced into the University of New South Wales for first-year students from any faculty wishing to take biology. All students, regardless of their previous background in biology or their reasons for taking the course, followed the same syllabus. Biological principles were taught in the context of the evolution of man in relation to his environment; the importance of scientific methods for the study of these interactions was emphasized. At the beginning of their university studies students were introduced to the relevance of biology for an understanding of many related disciplines. The course represented an educational innovation in both content and teaching methods. It sought to develop some independence in student learning as preparation for subsequent years. The development of the course and its evaluation over a three-year period are reviewed.  相似文献   


Integration of research into undergraduate degree programmes has been shown to have a beneficial effect on student learning, however, integrating activities which help first-year students to feel engage with research activity within their discipline has proved challenging. This study describes the use of Impact Case Studies created for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment in the UK to develop a module for first-year students allowing them to engage with research undertaken at their own institution which has achieved significant impact. Using a mixed methods approach, the module was evaluated using the validated Student Perceptions of Research Integration Questionnaire, together with additional items relating to the design and delivery of the module, and open responses. It was shown that undertaking the module improved students’ perception of research integration, and had raised their awareness of the value of research carried out at their university. They also agreed that they had developed the intended skills and recognised the value of these for both further study and future employment. The value of this approach to increasing student awareness of research, and the transferability of the use of REF Case Studies to other levels of university study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of three different instructional materials for learning how to identify fish at the species level in a blended classroom and out-of-classroom scenario. A sample of 195 first-year students of biology or geoecology at the University of Tuebingen participated in a course on identification of European freshwater fish species at a public aquarium. Prior to studying the species in the aquarium's fish tanks, students prepared themselves in a classroom nearby with one of three different learning materials: (1) preserved specimens and paper-based dichotomous identification keys; (2) digital videos; or (3) digital videos with preserved specimens and paper-based dichotomous identification keys. Students' acquisition of knowledge and their motivation were measured twice, once after preparing in the classroom and once after visiting the aquarium. Results showed that students who had prepared themselves with digital videos identified significantly more species correctly but were less motivated than those students who had learnt only with preserved specimens and dichotomous identification keys. When both instructional methods were combined students performed well in the post-tests and were motivated to learn, suggesting that the combination of both instructional approaches encourages motivation without any outcome losses.  相似文献   

In the present work, I investigated the origin of the misconception that glucose is the sole metabolic fuel previously described among Brazilian high school students. The results of a multiple-choice test composed of 24 questions about a broad range of biology subjects were analyzed. The test was part of a contest and was answered by a sample composed of undergraduate students as well as biologists and practicing biology teachers. The majority of the responders had difficulties in recognizing the existence of gluconeogenesis and the possibility of ATP production using other fuels other than carbohydrates. Biology teachers and biologists seemed to either lack the knowledge or present the misconception regarding energy-yielding metabolism found among students. I argue that in both cases, biology teachers are likely to teach metabolism-related subjects in a manner that may contribute to the appearance of the misconception among high school students.  相似文献   

The word association test is one of the commonest and oldest educational tools for investigating the cognitive structure of learners. In this present study, a word association test was used to map the cognitive structure of areas of elementary genetics in first-year biology students. In order to map the structures, relatedness coefficient values and response frequencies were used. The results showed that the students generated many ideas related to given key words. However, they did not appear to see the overall picture as a network of related ideas. Implications for using the word association test in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

针对“分子生物学”教学中出现的问题,通过分析“分子生物学”中哲学思想及其认知特点,文章进行了基于哲学思维的“分子生物学”教学方法改革初步探讨。期望通过引入哲学思维,培养学生的哲学思想,开拓学生的创新思维,提升他们的认知水平,增强自然科学学生的人文素养,进一步提升“分子生物学”的教学效果。  相似文献   

Transitioning from high school to university can prove to be a for midable challenge for many first-year students, with many experiencing home sickness. Given that students who experience homesickness are more likely than their non-homesick cohorts to drop out of university, universities have a vested interest in supporting students during their first-year transition. Programs that provide opportunities for human–animal interactions on campus are gaining popularity as one way of increasing students’ wellbeing. The current study examined the effects of an 8-week animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program on first-year university students’ wellbeing. An initial feasibility study (n = 86) was conducted that provided opportunities for students to interact, in small groups, with trained therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers. Results indicated that this program reduced participants’ levels of homesickness and increased their satisfaction with life. An experimental study was then conducted utilizing a similar 8-week group AAT program. Participants (n = 44) were assigned to either a treatment condition (i.e., the AAT program) or to a no-treatment condition (akin to a wait-list control). At the end of the eight weeks, participants in the AAT program reported greater reductions in homesickness and greater increases in satisfaction with life than did those in the no-treatment condition. From beginning to end of the program, participants in the treatment group evidenced reductions in homesickness and increases in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus, while participants in the no-treatment condition evidenced an increase in homesickness and no changes in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus. Results of both the feasibility study and the experimental study support the use of AAT programs to increase the wellbeing of first-year university students experiencing homesickness.  相似文献   

The first-year zoology course at University College Cardiff is based on a self-instructional system using printed texts, audiovisual programmes, and integrated practical work. Each course ‘Unit’ has in addition a ‘General Session’ in the lecture theatre and structured tutorial work; some Units have associated fieldwork. The students work in a specially designed teaching laboratory and proceed at their own preferred time and pace. Each aspect of the course and its organization is described, with emphasis on the modifications to the original scheme which have been introduced during its first three years of existence in the light of experience.  相似文献   

Students in a large introductory biology course at Flinders University, South Australia, were quizzed on misconceptions relating to evolution and their acceptance of evolutionary theory before and after completing the course. By providing students with a course featuring a multifaceted approach to learning about evolution, students improved their understanding and decreased their overall misconceptions. A variety of instructional methods and assessment tools were utilized in the course, and it employed an active and historically rich pedagogical approach. Although student learning and understanding of evolutionary theory improved throughout the course, it did not alter the beliefs of students who commented both before and after the course that religious theories provided adequate explanation for the diversity of life. Interestingly, students who maintained this belief scored more poorly on the final examination than students who considered evolution as the best explanation for the diversity of life.  相似文献   

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