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Successful founders of new populations may represent a non-random sample of potential founding individuals. Using a recent Saddleback Philesturnus carunculatus translocation as a natural experiment, we related morphology, parasite load and genetic variation of translocated individuals to subsequent survivorship to assess the traits of successful founders. We also included capture location and holding time in our models to account for variables particular to translocations. Generalized linear model results suggest that, in addition to capture location, poor body condition (males) and the presence of ectoparasites (females) significantly reduced survivorship. Despite recent claims in the literature, we found no evidence that genetic variation was associated with survivorship or parasite load.  相似文献   

Many birds have ornamental traits that are expressed in both sexes. Wattles—colorful fleshy structures that hang from the lower bill—are frequent among birds, but remain poorly understood and are generally presumed to be under sexual selection. The South Island saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus) is an endangered bird endemic to New Zealand in which both males and females possess wattles. We used behavioral observations, morphological measures, and a playback experiment to investigate the role of wattles in saddlebacks during territorial encounters. Wattles were monomorphic when controlled for body mass, and became engorged with blood in both sexes during visual displays. In a playback experiment using male song, wattle engorgement was significantly associated with territorial intrusions in males but not in females. However, female wattle engorgement was significantly more likely during playback experiments in the absence of their mate, suggesting wattles are used in territorial defense by both sexes. The markedly similar use of wattles by both males and females in visual displays as a response to territorial intrusions supports the hypothesis that these elaborate structures function in part as armaments.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanisms influencing habitat selection in reintroduced bird populations is fundamental for successful translocation programmes. Plant species composition, abundance, structure and food availability are likely to influence animal movement and habitat choice, but few studies have evaluated their combined effect on habitat selection of translocated birds. Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) and South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) are two threatened New?Zealand bird species that have been reintroduced to Ulva Island (Stewart Island). We hypothesised that their initial settlement patterns were driven by habitat quality. We tested this hypothesis by comparing habitat components between occupied and unoccupied habitats as the population grew after initial tanslocation. We also modelled probabilities of site selection as a function of the composition and structure of vegetation, availability of food (invertebrate composition) and nesting resources (cavity type). Founding pairs of both species first established territories in coastal habitat in the western part of the island, which is characterised by structurally complex broadleaved vegetation. Birds also selected sites with a greater abundance and diversity of food resources. Thus in the early stages of population establishment robins and saddlebacks appear to select high quality habitat that offers enhanced cover and foraging opportunities.  相似文献   

Understanding resource selection by animals is important when considering habitat suitability at proposed release sites within threatened species recovery programmes. Multi-scale investigatory approaches are increasingly encouraged, as the patchy distribution of suitable habitats in fragmented landscapes often determines species presence and survival. Habitat models applied to a threatened New Zealand forest passerine, the South Island saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus), reintroduced to Ulva Island (Stewart Island) found that at landscape scale breeding pairs? preferences for sites near the coast were driven by micro-scale vegetation structure. We tested these results by examining models of breeding site selection by a reintroduced saddleback population on Motuara Island (Marlborough Sounds) at two scales: (1) micro-scale, for habitat characteristics that may drive breeding site selection, and (2) landscape scale, for variations in micro-scale habitat characteristics that may influence site colonisation in breeding pairs. Results indicated that birds on Motuara Island responded similarly to those on Ulva Island, i.e. birds primarily settled at the margins of coastal scrub and forest and later cohorts moved into larger stands of coastal forest where they established breeding territories. Plant species composition was also important in providing breeding saddleback pairs with adequate food supply and nesting support. However, Motuara Island birds differed in their partitioning of habitat use: preferred habitats were used for nesting while birds were foraging outside territorial boundaries or in shared sites. These differences may be explained because Motuara has a more homogeneous distribution of microscale habitats throughout the landscape and a highly bird-populated environment. These results show that resource distribution and abundance across the landscape needs to be accounted for in the modelling of density?bird?habitat relationships. In the search for future release sites, food (invertebrates and fruiting tree species) should be abundant close to available nesting sites, or evenly spread and available throughout the landscape.  相似文献   

Determining whether animals select some habitats over others provides basic information about how animals meet their requirements for survival and reproduction. Habitat selection is therefore an important component of conservation research. Studies involving the release and establishment of threatened species on island refuges can be particularly insightful because breeding pairs should be able to select habitat of the highest quality within the range available. This study uses GIS technology to investigate the spatial distribution of breeding territories in relation to overall habitat availability of two threatened passerines, South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) and Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) two years after their release onto predator-free Ulva Island. Both species established breeding territories around the periphery of the island in coastal forest fringe habitat and away from mature forest in the interior of the island. Compositional analysis suggested that both species prefer dense, fringe-type habitat with open ground cover and deep litter layers and avoid more mature forests, especially with moss cover. Thus habitat structure is likely to be more important for both species than plant-species composition. However, the possibility exists that the preference of coastal fringe habitat could represent an ‘ecological trap’, where habitat preference does not correspond to better quality habitat in terms of reproductive fitness. It will be useful to continue monitoring saddlebacks and robins to obtain data on survival and fecundity as the density of birds increases, and breeding pairs are forced to establish territories in what is presently perceived to be less preferred habitat in the interior part of the island.  相似文献   

Reduced dispersability of species living on islands relative to mainland has been documented in both plants and animals. One evolutionary scenario explains this trend by strong selection against dispersal, once the species has reached the island, to reduce dispersal out to sea. In this study, we compare the dispersal ability of three wind dispersed plant species (Cirsium arvense, Epilobium angustifolium, and E. hirsutum) from populations on mainland and three islands. Dispersal ability was estimated directly as drop time of diaspores, and indirectly using a morphological measure relating the weight of the diaspore to the size of the pappus (Cirsium) or seed hairs (Epilobium). Positive correlation between the morphological measure of dispersal ability and drop time of diaspores were found for all study species. Dispersal ability varied significantly among mainland and islands, and among species. C. arvense showed a significant reduction in dispersal ability on islands compared to mainland, whereas the reverse was found for the two Epilobium species. Overall Epilobium diaspores had a 2–4 times higher dispersability than C. arvense, indicating that degree of isolation of islands vary among study species. Significant differences in dispersability among plants within populations were detected in all species suggesting that this trait may have a genetic component.  相似文献   

For conservation purposes islands are considered safe refuges for many species, particularly in regions where introduced predators form a major threat to the native fauna, but island populations are also known to possess low levels of genetic diversity. The New Zealand archipelago provides an ideal system to compare genetic diversity of large mainland populations where introduced predators are common, to that of smaller offshore islands, which serve as predator-free refuges. We assessed microsatellite variation in South Island robins (Petroica australis australis), and compared large mainland, small mainland, natural island and translocated island populations. Large mainland populations exhibited more polymorphic loci and higher number of alleles than small mainland and natural island populations. Genetic variation did not differ between natural and translocated island populations, even though one of the translocated populations was established with five individuals. Hatching failure was recorded in a subset of the populations and found to be significantly higher in translocated populations than in a large mainland population. Significant population differentiation was largely based on heterogeneity in allele frequencies (including fixation of alleles), as few unique alleles were observed. This study shows that large mainland populations retain higher levels of genetic diversity than natural and translocated island populations. It highlights the importance of protecting these mainland populations and using them as a source for new translocations. In the future, these populations may become extremely valuable for species conservation if existing island populations become adversely affected by low levels of genetic variation and do not persist.  相似文献   

Recent studies of germination in natural habitats, of genetic variation within populations and of the relative proportion of vegetative and sexual reproduction in the clonal plant speciesAnemone nemorosa suggest that sexual recruitment by seeds from outcrossed flowers is important for the maintenance of this species' populations. Because published reports on its breeding system are controversial, pollination experiments were performed in five natural populations ofA. nemorosa. Differences in ovule number per flower were recorded among populations, but they were not related to obvious habitat differences. Seed/ovule-ratios were significantly higher after open pollination and artificial crossing than after either artificial or spontaneous selfing. Populations had no effect on seed/ovuleratios. Different breeding indices indicated thatA. nemorosa is mainly self-incompatible. Nevertheless, some seed set also occurred after selfing, and both artificial and spontaneous selfing exhibited higher variation in seed/ovule-ratios than open pollination and artificial crossing. Continuous variation in seed/ovule-ratios after selfing suggested that the expression and effectiveness of the self-incompatibility system ofA. nemorosa is influenced by both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The genetic effects of population bottlenecks have been well studied theoretically, in laboratory studies, and to some extent, in natural situations. The effects of serial population bottlenecks (SPBs), however, are less well understood. This is significant because recurrent population bottlenecks are likely to be a common feature of the life history of many species. The lack of understanding of SPBs in natural populations has certainly been hampered by a lack of good examples where it can be studied. We report the results of a study into island populations of North Island Saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater) that have undergone 13 translocations since 1964, all but one of these has been deliberate and for which detailed records are available. We have examined nine island populations of this passerine bird, from the source population, three first-order bottlenecked and five second-order bottlenecked populations. We examine variation in these nine populations using multilocus minisatellite DNA markers, together with Mendelian loci comprising six microsatellite DNA loci and a variable isozyme locus. Despite the generally low level of genetic variation in the Saddleback source population, we were able to detect a pattern of significant changes in both the mean number of minisatellite DNA bands per individual and the frequency of alleles at the Mendelian loci, with increasing population bottlenecks. This study generally shows that in a natural population, SPBs result in more pronounced genetic changes than do single population bottlenecks by themselves, thereby highlighting their importance for the conservation of rare and endangered species.  相似文献   

Andrew Jenkins 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):385-392
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Factors affecting breeding success of Peregrine and Lonner Falcons in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (384): 385-392. Breeding success was recorded for three Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, populations in South Africa over nine years, and for Peregrine and Lanner Falcon, Ebiarmicus, populations in an area of sympatry over three years. The objectives of the study were to measure geographic and interspecific variation in reproductive performance, and determine environmental correlates of productivity. Territory occupancy, the frequency of breeding per occupied territory and clutch size did not vary significantly between the three Peregrine populations. However, Peregrine breeding success was generally lower on the Cape Peninsula (1. 11 young fledged per territorial poir), higher in the Soutpansberg (1.36) and highest on the Orange River (1.70). Overall, fledging rates of Soutpansberg Peregrines and Lanners were not significantly different, although annual productivity of the Lonner population was consistently higher. Neither species' breeding success was significantly depressed by the presence of close neighbouring pairs of the other, suggesting that they were not active competitors. Breeding performance of Peregrines on the Cape Peninsula correlated strongly with spring weather conditions: egg and hatchling survival was lower in wet years, and fledging rates were higher in warm years. Annual productivity of Orange River Peregrines correlated positively with the height of the river at the onset of breeding, and productivity of Soutpansberg Peregrines was higher in seasons following years of high rainfall. Elements of the physical structure of the nesting habitat (exposure of the nest ledge, height of the nest cliff) correlated positively with Peregrine breeding performance. Breeding success of Soutpansberg Lanners was largely unaffected by any of the environmental variables considered. Overall, it is proposed that Peregrine productivity reflected variation in the physical environment and its affect on prey availability.  相似文献   

Genetic structure among continental and island populations of gyrfalcons   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Little is known about the possible influence that past glacial events have had on the phylogeography and population structure of avian predators in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. In this study, we use microsatellite and mitochondrial control region DNA variation to investigate the population genetic structure of gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) throughout a large portion of their circumpolar distribution. In most locations sampled, the mtDNA data revealed little geographic structure; however, five out of eight mtDNA haplotypes were unique to a particular geographic area (Greenland, Iceland, or Alaska) and the Iceland population differed from others based on haplotype frequency differences (F(ST)). With the microsatellite results, significant population structure (F(ST), principal components analysis, and cluster analysis) was observed identifying Greenland and Iceland as separate populations, while Norway, Alaska and Canada were identified as a single population consistent with contemporary gene flow across Russia. Within Greenland, differing levels of gene flow between western and eastern sampling locations was indicated with apparent asymmetric dispersal in western Greenland from north to south. This dispersal bias is in agreement with the distribution of plumage colour variants with white gyrfalcons in much higher proportion in northern Greenland. Lastly, because the mtDNA control region sequence differed by only one to four nucleotides from a common haplotype among all gyrfalcons, we infer that the observed microsatellite population genetic structure has developed since the last glacial maximum. This conclusion is further supported by our finding that a closely related species, the saker falcon (Falco cherrug), has greater genetic heterogeneity, including mtDNA haplotypes differing by 1-16 nucleotide substitutions from a common gyrfalcon haplotype. This is consistent with gyrfalcons having expanded rapidly from a single glacial-age refugium to their current circumpolar distribution. Additional sampling of gyrfalcons from Fennoscandia and Russia throughout Siberia is necessary to test putative gene flow between Norway and Alaska and Canada as suggested by this study.  相似文献   



Variation in gene expression is extensive among tissues, individuals, strains, populations and species. The interactions among these sources of variation are relevant for physiological studies such as disease or toxic stress; for example, it is common for pathologies such as cancer, heart failure and metabolic disease to be associated with changes in tissue-specific gene expression or changes in metabolic gene expression. But how conserved these differences are among outbred individuals and among populations has not been well documented. To address this we examined the expression of a selected suite of 192 metabolic genes in brain, heart and liver in three populations of the teleost fish Fundulus heteroclitus using a highly replicated experimental design.


Half of the genes (48%) were differentially expressed among individuals within a population-tissue group and 76% were differentially expressed among tissues. Differences among tissues reflected well established tissue-specific metabolic requirements, suggesting that these measures of gene expression accurately reflect changes in proteins and their phenotypic effects. Remarkably, only a small subset (31%) of tissue-specific differences was consistent in all three populations.


These data indicate that many tissue-specific differences in gene expression are unique to one population and thus are unlikely to contribute to fundamental differences between tissue types. We suggest that those subsets of treatment-specific gene expression patterns that are conserved between taxa are most likely to be functionally related to the physiological state in question.  相似文献   



Variation in gene expression is extensive among tissues, individuals, strains, populations and species. The interactions among these sources of variation are relevant for physiological studies such as disease or toxic stress; for example, it is common for pathologies such as cancer, heart failure and metabolic disease to be associated with changes in tissue-specific gene expression or changes in metabolic gene expression. But how conserved these differences are among outbred individuals and among populations has not been well documented. To address this we examined the expression of a selected suite of 192 metabolic genes in brain, heart and liver in three populations of the teleost fish Fundulus heteroclitus using a highly replicated experimental design.  相似文献   

The conservation and management of Saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus) and other New Zealand birds, currently relies on the translocation of individuals to predator-free sites. Avian malaria has been identified as one of the diseases to be tested for prior to translocations in New Zealand, with the aim of translocating disease-free individuals. We describe avian malaria lineages and their seasonal prevalence in 2007-2008 in Saddlebacks from Mokoia Island, a source of birds for translocations, and investigate their pathogenicity. Three lineages of avian malaria were found at low prevalence (≤10.6%) and parasitemia (all but one infection were below 1/10,000 erythrocytes), typical of chronic infections. Two lineages clustered with previously identified lineages of Plasmodium relictum and one with a lineage of Plasmodium (Huffia) elongatum. Prevalence of malaria infection was higher in the spring with no significant difference in prevalence between juvenile and adult birds. We found no effect of stress on infections or any indication of pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of the monocarpic species, Crepis tectorurn (Asteraceae) in South Sweden differed in the extent to which different leaf characters changed during plant ontogeny. Multivariate analyses on sequences of leaf samples collected from greenhouse-grown plants of different ages revealed a group structure of populations that was different from that revealed by analysing variation in leaves from adult plants. Ontogenetic data suggested that populations within a weed and an alvar ecotype constituted more natural groups than combinations of populations from both eco-types that had similar leaves at adult stages, supporting the hypothesis that these ecotypes may have different migration histories in this area. Variation among the populations in leaf characteristics was partly due to differences that were present at all ontogenetic stages and partly due to variation in the rate of development of some of the leaf characters during plant ontogeny. Plants in some populations appeared to have more 'juvenile' leaves at adult stages than plants in other populations, at least in some characters.  相似文献   

L. F. Randolph 《Brittonia》1970,22(4):305-337
Seven species of the genusTripsacum, one with a well marked subspecies, are indigenous to Mexico and Guatemala. Two diploids,T. zopilotense andT. maizar, are restricted to western and southwestern Mexico. The typical diploid form of a third species,T. latifolium, occurs in south central and eastern Guatemala; atypical tetraploid forms of this species are found in western Mexico. Four tetraploids,T. dactyloides, T. dactyloides ssp.hispidum, T. lanceolatum, andT. pilosum, have ranges extending from northwestern Mexico southeastward into Guatemala. The seventh species is the highly sterile tetraploid,T. laxum, of doubtful occurrence in the wild. It is readily propagated vegetatively and has been widely distributed in Latin America and the West Indies as a forage plant. Field studies of the range of variation in 80 Mexican and Guatemalan populations included an evaluation of 16 definitive morphological characteristics from an average of approximately six individuals of each population. Seventy-three of the 80 populations were allopatric, and of these, 50 were classed as typical, 13 as atypical, and ten as intermediates. Thirty-nine of the 50 populations classed as typical were tetraploid, and 11 were diploid. Of the 23 atypical and intermediate populations, 17 were tetraploid and six were diploid. Fifty-eight tetraploid populations, which included typical, atypical, and intermediate forms ofT. dactyloides, T. dactyloides ssp.hispidum, T. lanceolatum, T. pilosum, andT. latifolium, comprised an inclusive intergrading series having different combinations of characteristics distinguishing the two very dissimilar diploids,T. mizar andT. zopilotense. This series was interpreted as support for the hypothesis of Randolph & Hernández (1950), that the tetraploid populations originated as alloploid derivatives of these or closely related diploid species. The occurrence in some of the tetraploid populations of characteristics not seen in either of the putative parental species was noted, and the possibility that other taxa also might have been involved in their origin is under investigation. In addition to the 73 allopatric populations included in this survey there were seven sympatric and mixed associations of diploid and tetraploid taxa. Among these were hybrids with various combinations of the characteristics differentiating taxa of the associated populations. These hybrids effectively obscured differences between taxa, thus creating a syngameon complex from which genetic recombinants were observed to have spread into recently disturbed habitats of neighboring areas. From such direct evidence, and the existing interrelationships among allopatric and sympatric populations, it was concluded that the origin of the Mexican and Guatemalan tetraploidTripsacum species and various atypical and intermediate variants, has involved, and is continuing to involve, alloploid recombinants of diploid species and syngameon complexes, of which those encountered in this survey are examples.  相似文献   

Reintroductions of threatened species are increasingly common in conservation. The translocation of a small subset of individuals from a genetically diverse source population could potentially lead to substantial inbreeding depression due to the high genetic load of the parent population. We analysed 12 years of data from the reintroduced population of North Island robins Petroica longipes on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand, to determine the frequency of inbreeding and magnitude of inbreeding depression. The initial breeding population consisted of 12 females and 21 males, which came from a large mainland population of robins. The frequency of mating between relatives ( f >0; 39%, n =82 pairs) and close relatives ( f =0.25; 6.1%) and the average level of inbreeding ( f =0.027) were within the range reported for other small island populations of birds. The average level of inbreeding fluctuated from year to year depending on the frequency of close inbreeding (e.g. sib–sib pairs). We found evidence for inbreeding depression in juvenile survival, with survival probability estimated to decline from 31% among non-inbred birds ( f =0) to 11% in highly inbred juveniles ( f =0.25). The estimated number of lethal equivalents based on this relationship (4.14) was moderate compared with values reported for other island populations of passerines. Given that significant loss of fitness was only evident in highly inbred individuals, and such individuals were relatively rare once the population expanded above 30 pairs, we conclude that inbreeding depression should have little influence on this robin population. Although the future fitness consequences of any loss of genetic variation due to inbreeding are uncertain, the immediate impact of inbreeding depression is likely to be low in any reintroduced population that expands relatively quickly after establishment.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems face a variety of threats induced by environmental changes and anthropogenic activities. Seabirds are predators often used as indicator species to monitor the status and health of their communities and the environment. Here, we present the results from a 35-year monitoring time series of Brown Skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) and South Polar Skuas (C. maccormicki) breeding sympatrically in the Maritime Antarctic on Fildes Peninsula and Potter Peninsula, King George Island. Our results reveal high annual variability in the number and proportions of breeding pairs across the entire study period. Apart from that, the breeding pair numbers of Brown Skuas were relatively stable. By contrast, the breeding pair number of mixed species and South Polar Skua pairs increased substantially until 2003/2004 and 2010/2011, respectively. Both pair types experienced a decline in the breeding pair numbers within recent years. Despite the strong fluctuations in the number of breeding pairs, the sum of occupied territories has been stable during the last 9 years. The breeding success of all pair types declined significantly, and within recent years, both South Polar Skuas and mixed species pairs completely failed to produce offspring. The ultimate causes driving the breeding success decline remain unclear. The overall increase in the number of skuas might have raised density-dependent factors and resulted in a higher predation rate between conspecifics. The more recent total breeding failures, however, indicate a drastic shortage in local food availability.  相似文献   

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